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Don’t count what you lost, cherish what you have & plan what to gain

because past never returns but future may fulfill the loss...

A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often,
dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have

All things in life change, it happens with valid reason so if you doubt why it
happens to you, stick to this: we can never learn to be brave and patient if
there’s only joy in the world

I never built these walls to keep people out. I built them to see who cares
enough to take the time to knock them down.

Sometimes you forgive people just for the simple fact that you still want
them to be in your life.

Sometimes you have to walk away from what you want to find what you
Sometimes things that come into our lives are not meant to stay… but to
teach us thing about ourselves.

sometimes you will break down and sometimes you will cry but just
remember that it's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign that you've been
strong for too long

Don't make people in your life as a priority if they only make you as an

All things in life change, it happens with valid reason so if you doubt why it
happens to you, stick to this: we can never learn to be brave and patient if
there’s only joy in the world

Чего-то так хочется... то ли замуж... то ли семечек...)))

Только русский человек, перебегая дорогу на красный цвет, может быть

сбит бегущим навстречу пешеходом...

Everyday is a new beginning or ending, make sure you are the one who writes the

Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it

Before you judge, Act. Before you speak, Listen. Before you hate, Love. Before you
write, Think. Before you pray, Forgive. Before you quit, Try.

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