Steger Ch. 1-2 Microtheme

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Blake E.


Prof. Arnold

Hon. Global Connections

18 January 2011

Steger Chapters 1 & 2 Microtheme

When reading the first two chapters from Steger’s Globalization: A Very

Short Introduction, I was most struck by the contents of the second chapter

pertaining to the history of the components of globalization. I was also astonished

that there are some scholars who try to put a finite timeline on the progression of

globalization. For, it seems clear to me that globalization is, to put it simply, the

increasing awareness of the few degrees, if any, of separation that connect us to all

parts of our world.

As Steger explained how our ancestors were able to create more “permanent

villages” and increase their population with the domestication of plants and animals

I asked myself, “How is this even disputable?” It appeared obvious to me that these

were the very rough beginnings of globalization. Every movement needs a base

structure to build upon.

Sure enough, after those villages were erected Steger covered how two new

classes emerged. Those classes being the “craft specialists” and the “bureaucrats

and soldiers.” Thanks to the crafts department the wheel was shortly invented

which we all know advantaged everything from farming to transportation. Those

progresses, in turn, advantaging the ensuing steps of globalization until we come to

present day where it is still progressing. So, it seems to me that globalization has
been occurring forever. The fact that it only started to pick up speed and notoriety

after the 1970s does not mean that’s when it began.

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