Questionnaire Results

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Questionnaire Results

Which gender are you?

Male -10 What attracts you to a magazine?
Female -8 Colours used-1
Images -9
Featured guests-10
How old are you?
Under 14-1 Name of magazine-2
15-17-14 Price-1
18-20-2 Special offers -2
21+-1 Taglines-0
What is your favourite type of music?
How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
Pop-3 Under £2-2
Rnb-2 £3-£4-12
Hip Hop-2 £5+-3

After receiving my questionnaire feedback which was a total of 18 people. It was a mixture of both sexes
mainly being interested in Indie music for a magazine. I also learnt from my results that featured artists and
images are important when buying a magazine. Which my magazine I will be creating it to these results.

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