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Interview Release Form

Subject: Communication for IT Professionals

Dear Interviewee,

Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed by our undergraduate IT and Business/IT students for
the subject Communication for IT Professionals. The purpose of the assignment is for students
to learn about possible careers in IT and at the same time to improve their communication skills.

Students are required to make an audio or video recording of the interview. They will use some
or all of the recording to:
1. Present to their tutorial as part of a live presentation about the IT career.
2. Create a vodcast (video podcast) or audio slideshow able to be accessed by other
students enrolled in the subject via a password protected eLearning system. These
vodcasts and slideshows will share information amongst all the students about a wide
range of IT careers.

We may also consider using good quality podcasts on the UTS Careers Service website.
However, if we do this for the recording of your interview, we will contact you again for your
signed permission prior to its use.

Thanks again for your time. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Dr Laurel Evelyn Dyson

Subject Co-ordinator
Tel: 9514 4493 Email:

I understand the conditions of the audio/video recording of the student interview. I agree to the
recordings being used in a tutorial presentation by the students. Furthermore, I agree to the
recording being used to make a vodcast or audio slideshow for viewing by students enrolled in
the subject Communication for IT Professionals. I understand that, if the vodcast or slideshow
is used on the UTS Careers Service website, the University will gain my further signed
permission prior to this happening.

Name: …………………………………………………

Signature: ……………………………………........... Date: ………………...

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