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1608 N Oak ST
Rolla MO 65401-2342
Schedule of Services MAY 2011
9:15 & 10:45 a.m.

Spotlight on . . .
Sunday Morning Worship
Contemporary - 9:15 am

The Gibbs Family

Traditional - 10:45 am
Sunday Evening Service - 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening - 7:00 pm
Adult Service
Royal Rangers
Girls Ministries Kyle and Amy Gibbs moved to Kyle works at Mark Twain Ele-
The Forge Youth church
the Rolla area in 2000. Kyle is originally mentary as a third grade teacher. He
Nursery provided for
Sunday am & Wednesday pm services
from the Davisville, MO area and Amy is appreciates the opportunity to positively
from Newark, IL. They met while attend- influence kids. He enjoys the outdoors,
ing Evangel University in Springfield, home improvement projects, and spend-
MO and were married in May of 1999. ing time with his family. He is also an
After graduating avid runner. He
from Evangel the recently started
couple found ultra running on
teaching jobs in off rode hiking
the Rolla area trails and has
Weekly Prayer Meetings and have re- completed three
Sundays: 9-9:15 am Weekly Bible Studies mained living in 100-mile races.
Monday-Friday 7-8:30 am
Tuesdays: 12-1 pm
Saturdays: 6 pm
Men’s Bible Study - Tuesdays, 6:30 am
Ladies’ Bible Study - Thursdays, 9:30 am
May 2011 the area for most
of the past 11
years. While liv-
His running verse
is “Let us run with
endurance the
more calendar events at
ing in the area race that is set
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Kyle and Amy before us.”
On Call This Weekend:
attended Rolla Amy works
1 Missions Sunday 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pastor Chuck 341-8086 First Assembly at Wyman Ele-
Stewardship Sunday National Day of Prayer
for 2 years before spending 8 years as mentary as a kindergarten teacher. She
The Forge 7 pm All Nations Christian Fellowship
active members at St. James First As- delights in the opportunity to take kids
On Call This Weekend: sembly. They have welcomed four chil- who are new to the school setting and
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pastor Ray 578-7609
Mother’s Day Board meeting 6:30 am Jubilee Group
dren to their family, and last summer felt prepare them for a life of learning. She
All-Night Prayer
Car Care
that it was time to transition their family enjoys keeping up with her busy family,
No PM service The Forge 7 pm All Nations Christian Fellowship 8 pm - 3 am
into a local church. They are happy to collecting Vera Bradley, and trying to fit
15 Building Fund 16 17 18 19 20 21 On Call This Weekend:
Pastor Dalton 202-4208
be back at Rolla First Assembly and some time in for her own fitness. She is
Men’s breakfast 6:30am have felt welcomed with open arms.
Family Feast 5:30 pm at Penelope’s continued on next page
Father/son campout & float trip
Home Fellowship 6 pm The Forge 7 pm All Nations Christian Fellowship

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 On Call This Weekend:

Pastor Brian 426-6235
Inside: This month: Coming Up:
 Vacation Bible School  National Day of Prayer  Movies in the Park
Leadership meeting 6 pm
The Forge 7 pm
All Nations Christian Fellowship  Stewardship Sunday  Car Care  Kids and Youth Camps
29 30 Memorial Day—office 31  Cross Pointe update  Jubilee Group Yard Sale  VBS
No Royal Rangers or
Girls’ Ministry trip
May 28-June10 Youth missions trip June, July, August  Father/Son Campout
Calling kids of
all ages! Thirty people from Rolla First Assembly joined Won-
We are preparing to people from three other churches the last week in derful testimo-
have lots of fun and ex-
citement with Vacation May 14 9:00-11:30 March at Cross Pointe Retreat Center in Rocky
Mount Missouri for a construction missions trip.
nies, heartfelt
worship, and
Bible School. This sum- While there, the crew tore down the old ceil- delicious
mer’s VBS will be ing in the tabernacle, bagging and disposing of a meals rounded
held from July 11 large amount of insulation. The Dorm 5 restrooms out a week’s
through the 15th, from 9am until noon each day. received new lights, exhaust fans, and ceiling tiles, worth of missions work. We were told when leaving
Our theme this year is "Upside Down, Inside
Out On Main Street". We will be signing up work- Men, we need your help! while the dorm itself had new drywall hung on the
ceilings. A new metal ceiling was installed in Dorm
that our work had put them about three years ahead
of schedule in repairs and maintenance.
ers beginning Sunday, May 8th. We are also pre-
paring to register kids on Sunday, May 15th so Breakfast 8:00 a.m. 4. A small house had been recently purchased, and
our work team pulled the ceiling down in it, removed
mark it on your calendars! Whether you are Single mothers & widows call for all carpet staples, and tore out the kitchen before
young, or just young at heart, please come join us wiring, insulating, and hanging drywall. A new la-
for what is sure to be a wonderful experience in an appointment.
dies’ room at the tabernacle was built, insulated,
the hearts and lives of our kids here in Rolla. Free hair cuts for children by appointment. wired, plumbed, and drywalled.

National Day of Prayer ~ Thursday, May 5 Stewardship Sunday Men....come on out for a great night of camping

Our annual Steward Sunday is a day we down close to the Current River at Akers Ferry on
olla Mayor's Prayer apitol Day of Prayer will olla Community Prayer set aside to ask our church family to give sacrifi- Friday night, May 20th, and then a beautiful float on
Breakfast will be 6:30 be at the Missouri State Service will be at cially to help retire the indebtedness on the church Saturday on the Current river. We will leave Friday
a.m. to 7:45 a.m. at the Capitol. Prayer walking Greentree Christian remodeling, which was done nearly six years ago. night at 5:30 and get down there around 6:30 for
Havener Center on the and worship is from 10:00 Church (on the corner We originally borrowed $600,000.00 and have supper. You need to bring your camping gear for Fri-
Missouri S&T campus. The guest until 2:00 and a service at noon to of 10th & Greentree in Rolla). This paid extra on the principle, so that what we owe is day night and what you want to eat and drink on the
speaker is speaker and author Bill end our 40 days of fasting and special evening will begin with a down to approximately $338,000.00. This year our river Saturday. The canoe, campsite, Friday night
Federer ( prayer for our legislators. We free patriotic concert by the 399th Stewardship Sunday will be May 1st. So many supper and breakfast will be included; cost per per-
about.php). Tickets can be pur- want to give thanks for all the Lord Army Band at 6:30 p.m. with the have given extra on this Sunday, or monthly son is $25. You can bring your son or nephew or just
chased for $12 in advance at the has done to help our lawmakers service beginning at 7 p.m. There through the entire year, and I want to thank you come along and drink coffee around the campfire.
Rolla City Hall or at the door the balance the budget. You won’t will be a prayer and learning time for that. Others are not able to give any extra, and The Current does have some fast moving water.
morning of the breakfast. want to miss this exciting time of for elementary students and I certainly understand that, as well. May the Lord Please sign up in the foyer or email the church if you
Gibbs continued from page 1 prayer and babysitting available for pre-school bless you as we continue to work together for His would like to go ( If
praise to God for children. For more information kingdom. the river is high, it is raining or too cold the trip will
Kyle’s biggest supporter along the running trail and our state and about the band, see http:// have to be postponed. So start making plans and be
has learned how to “crew” him to successful finishes leaders. Sincerely, a part of a great weekend. We will return around
of his runs.
Pastor Chuck and Annette dark thirty on the Saturday.
Kyleigh is 9 years old and is a 3rd grader at
Wyman. She enjoys reading, drawing, singing, and
horseback riding. Karissa is 6 and is an active kin- MEN’S BREAKFAST Jubilee Group 50+
dergartener at Wyman. She has a personality that May 14 to St. Louis yard sales
lights up a room. She enjoys swimming, playing, — leave church at 5:30 am —
and visiting her grandparents. Keaton is 4 years old Thursday, May 19 It’s that time of year! Youth Camp
and attends preschool at FUMC. He has a huge vo- is coming up! Sunday June 19th-
cabulary and will tell you amazing stories. He loves 6:30—7:30 am Wed June 22nd for grades 7-12.
Cost is $115 and forms must be in
farming with his grandpa and can provide quite an
Penelope’s Restaurant by May 16th. Partial scholarships
education about all farm animals if one is willing to are available (info attached to
listen. Karson is 9 months old and is a true joy for (across from McDonald’s) registration) Pick up forms in the
the family. He smiles and laughs the majority of the office, youth church or youth
time. He is becoming more active all the time and Sunday school. Email or call
badly wants to take off across the room to get in the Pastor D at 573-202-4208 if you
middle of whatever his siblings are doing. BRING A FRIEND! need more information.
call 364-1266 or email
office if you plan to go

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