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Lesson Plan*

Substitute Plan

Hello! Thank you for coming in today. The main lesson is about meeting and greeting other students. The students will

make a directory or guía with their classmates information.

1. Present the example that is in the desk drawer

2. Students will speak to about 5 other students in Spanish and write down the answers in the guía

3. The assignment can be decorated with markers, colored pencils in classroom- found in the long cabinets

4. After about 45 minutes Students are to present the information they collected

5. Please Encourage students to use Spanish

*Copy & paste an activity “block” to expand this template as needed.

Lesson Plan*

Substitute Plan for general day

Hello! Thank you for coming in today.

1. Students will do some vocabulary and grammar practice. Nothing new will be taught, but reviewed.

2. The first activity is quizzing each other on the chapter’s vocabulary. 10 minutes

3. Students will play the fly swatter vocab game. The supplies are in the cabinet. If you don’t see them ask a student.

20 minutes

4. Grammar activity: Use worksheet that is provided in teacher manual.

*Copy & paste an activity “block” to expand this template as needed.

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