Question Bank For Fluid Mechanics Ii - 030410041152 - 1

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Sixth Semester B.E. (Civil Engg.)

Q1. Derive an equation showing that in laminar flow through circular pipes, velocity
of flow varies parabolically.

Q2. An oil having viscosity of 1.42 poise and specific gravity 0.9 flows through a pipe
25 mm diameter and 300 m long at Reynolds number of 1800. Find the flow
through the pipe and the power required to maintain the flow.

Q3. Derive an expression for the velocity distribution for viscous flow through a
circular pipe. Also sketch the velocity distribution and shear stress distribution
across a section of the pipe.

Q4. Calculate the diameter of a parachute to be used for dropping an object weighing
1000 N so that the maximum terminal velocity of dropping is 5 m/sec. The drag
coefficient for the parachute which may be treated as hemispherical is 1-3 and
mass density of air is 1-216 kg/m .

Q5. What are the causes which result in separation of boundary layer ?

Q6. A streamlined train is 310m long with a typical cross-section having a perimeter
of 8.5 m above the wheels. Evaluate the approximate surface drag (friction drag)
of the train running at 90 km/hr. The kinematic viscosity of air at the prevailing
temperature is 1.49 x 10-5 m2/sec and its specific weight 12.25 N/m3.

Q7. Derive the expression for velocity variation for a laminar incompressible flow in a
circular pipe.

Q8. Glycerine of viscosity 0.88 N/m2 and specific gravity 1.26 is pumped through a
horizontal pipe of diameter 30 mm at a flow rate of 50 lit/min. Determine whether
the flow is laminar or turbulent. Find also the pressure loss due to the frictional
resistance in a length of 10 m and the power required.

Q9. Derive the expression for shear stress distribution and velocity distribution for
laminar flow in a circular pipe.

Q10. Oil of viscosity 0.2 Pa-S and Sp. gr. of 0.8 flows through a 150 mm diameter
pipe. If the head loss in 2000 m length pipe is 25 m, estimate
(i) Shear stress along the pipe,
(ii) Shear stress at a radial distance of 50 mm from the axis of the pipe,
(iii) Velocity at radial distance of 25 mm from the axis of the pipe,
(iv) Discharge through the pipe,
(v) Check weather the flow in laminar.
Q11. Explain various energy losses in pipes

Q12. A pipe line, 16 km long, supplies 40 million litres of water per day to city. The
first 5 km length of the pipe is of 1 m diameter and the remaining part is 80 cm.
diameter pipe. If the water to the city is to be supplied as a residual head of 15 m
of water calculate the supply head at the inlet end. Neglect minor losses and
assume f = 0.03 for the entire pipeline. Sketch the hydraulic gradient for the pipe

Q13. A factory is supplied power from a hydraulic power station by a pipe of 0-2 m
diameter, 5 km long. The pressure at the power station is 6 MN/ m2. If the
frictional factor for the pipe is 0-02, find the maximum power in kW transmitted
to the factory.

What would be percent reduction in power transmission if efficiency of

transmission changes to 80% ?

Q14. A steel penstock 60 cm in diameter has a shell thickness of 1 -2 cm. The modulus
of elasticity of the shell material is 2.1 x 105 MPa and bulk modulus of water is
2.1 x 103 MPa. The pipe is designed to discharge water at a mean velocity of 2-1
m/sec. Determine the water hammer pressure rise created by the sudden closure of
a valve at the downstream end.

Q15. Three pipes with following details are connected in parallel between two points :
Pipe Length(m) Diameter(cm) f
1 1000 20 .02
2 1200 30 .015
3 800 15 .02

When a total discharge of 0.30 m3/sec flows through the system, calculate the
distribution of discharge and the head loss between the junctions.

Q16. A water main of concrete pipe 3200 m long and 30 cm diameter discharges into a
reservoir at the rate 10 x 106 litres/day. If the water line is gradually closed by
operating a valve at the reservoir end in 16 seconds, comment on the possibility of
pipe burst. The safe pressure of concrete pipe is 0.25 N/mm2.

Q17. Explain with a neat .sketch the phenomenon of boundary layer separation on a
stationary flat plate.

Q18. A pipe 250 mm in diameter. 1 500 meters lone is laid at a slope of 1 in 200 for the
first half length and at a slope of 1 in 150 for the remaining length. The pressures
at the upper and lower ends of the pipe are 100 kPa and 50 kPa respectively. Find
the discharge through the pipe. Take value of Darcy's frictional factor f = 0.028.
Q19. What do you understand by hydrodynamically smooth and rough

Q20. Two reservoirs are connected by a pipe line which rises above the level of the
highest reservoir. What will be the highest point of the syphon above the level if
the length of the pipe leading upto this point from entrance in 500 m, the dia. of
the pipe is 0.35 m. The. difference in level of two reservoirs in 12 m and the total
length of the pipe is 900 m. The syphon must run full. Calculate the rate of flow
through this siphonpipe. Assume Hsep-2-4 m of water abdute and f = 0.04. Allow
for all tosses.

Q21. A water main of concrete pipe 3200 m long and 30 cm diameter discharges into a
reservoir at the rate 10 x 106 liters per day. If the water line is gradually closed by
operating a valve at the reservoir end in 16 seconds, comment on the possibility of
pipe burst. The safe pressure of concrete pipe is 0.25 N/mm2.

Q22. For a pipe network, shown in the figure 3, determine the flow in each pipe. Take
n = 2. Use Hardy cross method and head loss formula hf = rQn.

Q23. Three reservoirs A, B and C with water surface elevations 40.0 m, 15.0 m and
10.0 m respectively are connected by three pipes by a common junction J. The
pipe details are :—

Pipe Dia. (mm) Length (m) Value of T

AJ 600 900 0.021
BJ 450 500 0.022
CJ 400 1200 0.020

Estimate the discharge in each pipe and the value of H.G.L. at junction J.

Q24. Explain stepwise procedure of solving pipe network problems by Hardy Cross
method and derive the expression for calculating the correction AQ for the given

Q25. Three reservoirs are connected by pipes 1, 2 & 3. The free surface level in
reservoirs A, B, and C are 126.00 m, 109.00 m and 100.00 in respectively.
Calculate the rate of flow in each pipe assuming f=0.02.

Pipe Diameter Length Connectivity

(mts) (mts)
1 .15 350 AD
2 .10 200 BD
3 .10 250 CD
Q26. A piping system consists of three pipes arranged in series, the lengths of the pipes
are 1200 m, 750 m. and 500 m and diameters 700 mm, 500 mm and 300 mm
(i) Transform the system to an equivalent 500 mm diameter pipe.
(ii) For 2000 m long pipe, determine the equivalent diameter of the pipe.

Assume value of f = 0-024 for all the pipes.

Q27. Describe in brief the Hardy-Cross method of solving pipe networks.

Q28. Distinguish between laminar boundary layer and turbulent boundary layer.

Q29. Three pipes having lengths 1000 m, 1200 m, 800 m, dia. 250 mm, 300 mm and
200 mm, friction factors 0.02, 0.015 and 0.025 respectively are connected in
parallel between two points. A and B. When total discharge of 0.3 m3/s flows
through the system, calculate the discharge in each pipe and head loss between A
and B. 9

Q30. If y1 and y2 are alternate depths in a rectangular channel, show that,

2y 2.y 2
yc3 = 1 3
(y1 +y2 )

Q31. A trapazoidal channel 5.0 m wide and having a side slope of 1.5 (H) : 1 (v) is laid
on a slope of 0.00035. The roughness coefficient n = 0.015. Find normal depth
and critical depth for a discharge of 20 m3/s through this channel. Also comment
on the type of flow.

Q32. Show that for a most efficient triangular channel section, the hydraulic radius :

Y γ
R= 1/2 =
[2(2) ] 2 2

Q33. An open channel is to be constructed of trapezoidal section and with side slopes 1
vertical to1.5 horizontal. Find the proportions between bottom width and depth of
flow for minimum excavation.
If the flow is to be 2.7 m3/sec, calculate the bottom width and depth of flow
assuming C = 44.5 and the bed slope as 1 in 4000.

Q34. A triangular channel with its vertex downwards has sides sloping at 1.5 H to 1 V
and is laid on a longitudinal bed slope of 1 in 2000.

Assuming Manning's n = .015 estimate the normal depth corresponding to

discharge of 0.4 m3/sec.
Q35. A channel of trapezoidal section has sides sloping at 60° with the horizontal and a
bed slope of 1 in 800 conveys a discharge of 12 m 3/sec. Find the bottom width
and depth of flow for most economical section. Take Chezy's constant C = 70.

Q36. A syphon pipe 800 m long connects two reservoirs whose water surface levels
differ by 9 in. The diameter of the pipe is 300 mm. Taking Darcy's frictional
factor f = 0-024, find the discharge.

If the summit of the syphon pipe is 6 m above surface level of the upper reservoir,
calculate the maximum length of the inlet leg for the pipe to run full. Neglect
minor losses. Take atmospheric pressure = 10.3 m of water and separation
pressure head between upper reservoir and the summit = 2.3 m of water. 6

Q37. What is most economical channel section ? Derive the condition for the
rectangular channel of best section.

Q38. A pipe network consists of two loops formed by five pipes AB, BC, CD, DA and
BD. Pipe BD is common to both the loops. The inflow at A is 1 m3/s and the
outflows at B, C, and D are 0.3 m3/s, 0.4 m3/s and 0.3 m3/s respectively. The
values of K for pipe AB is 50 BC is 30, CD is 30, DA is 20 and BD is 15.
Determine the flow in each pipe and the elevation of hydraulic grade line at C, if
the elevation of hydraulic grade line at A is 100 m.

Q39. A rectangular channel 3.6 m wide had badly damaged surfaces with Manning's n
= 0.030. As a first phase of repair, its bed was lined with concrete with n = 0.015.
If the depth of the flow remains same at 1.2 m before and after the repair, what is
the increase of discharge obtained as a result of repair?

Q40. Distinguish between specific force and specific energy in detail.

Q41. A rectangular open channel has the following details : —

(1) Discharge — 16m3/sec.
(2) Bed width = 10 m
(3) Depth of water = 1.0 m.

Find :
(i) Specific Energy
(ii) Critical depth
(iii) Critical velocity
(iv) Minimum specific energy required for this discharge.

Q42. What is specific energy ? Draw and explain specific energy vs. depth of flow
graph at a constant discharge in a rectangular channel.
Q43. Calculate the critical depth corresponding to a discharge of 10.2 m 3/sec for the
following cases :
(i) Rectangular channel of width 4 m
(ii) Trapezoidal channel of bottom width 3 m and side slope 1 vertical to 1.25

Q44. A rectangular open channel has the following details :

(1) Discharge = 1 6 m3/sec
(2) Bed width = 10 m
(3) Depth of water = 1.0 mts.
(i) Specific energy -
(ii) Critical depth
(iii) Critical velocity and
(iv) Minimum specific energy required for this discharge

Q45. Explain the terms

(i) Specific Energy Diagram,
(ii) Critical depth and Normal depth.
(iii) Chezy's and Manning's formula for uniform flow.

Q46. Calculate the critical depth corresponding to a discharge of 10.2 m3/sec for the
following cases :—
(i) Rectangular channel of width 4 m
(ii) Trapezoidal channel of bottom width 3 m and side slope 1 vertical to 1.25

Q47. What do you understand by a most economical section of a channel ? Derive the
condition of most economical section for a trapezoidal channel.

Q48. A trapezoidal channel carries a discharge of 2.5 m3/s. If the bed slope is 1 in 5000
and sides of the channel slope at 1 H to 0.5 V design the most economical section
for this channel. Assume Manning's n = 0.02.

Q49. The width of a rectangular channel is reduced from 3.2 m to 2.5 m and the floor is
raised by 0.25 m in elevation at a given section. If the depth of flow upstream of
the construction is 2.0 m and the drop in the water surface elevation is 0.20 m,
calculate the discharge in the channel if the energy loss is 1/10 of the upstream
velocity head.

Q50. Explain in detail various gradually varied flow profiles in mild and steep
Q51. State and discuss the assumptions made in the derivation of dynamic equation for
gradually varies flow. Starting from first principle, derive the equation for the
slope of the water surface in G.V.F. with respect to bed.

Q52. A rectangular channel 10 m wide carries a discharge of 30 m3/sec at a normal

depth of 2.97 m. It is laid at a slope of 0.0001. If at a section in this channel the
depth is 1.6 m, how far upstream or downstream from this section will the depth
be 2.0 m ? Take Manning's n = 0.015. Classify the surface profile.

Q53. A rectangular channel conveying a discharge of 30 m3/sec is 12 m wide with a

bed slope of 1 in 6000 and N = .025. The depth of flow at a section is 1.50. Find
how far upstream or downstream of this section, the depth of flow will be 2.0 mts.
Use step method. [Take only 2 steps]

Q54. State the assumption made in the derivation of dynamic equation for G.V.F. and
derive the gradually varied flow equation in the following form :

dy So - Sf
dx 1- Fr 2

Q55. A 9 m wide rectangular channel conveys 20 m3/s of water at a depth of 1.5 m.

Calculate :
(i) Specific energy of the flowing water.
(ii) Critical depth, critical velocity and minimum specific energy.
(iii) State whether the flow is subcritical or supercritical.

Q56. Explain with a neat sketch M1, M2 and M3 profile for a gradually varied flow.

Q57. Differentiate between alternate depths and sequent depths.

Q58. A rectangular channel 2.5 m wide carries a uniform .flow rate of 7.3 m 3/s at a
depth of 1.6 m. If a smooth hump of height 0.13 m is constructed at a certain
location on the channel bed, determine the change in water surface elevation. Also
compute the maximum permissible hump height if the upstream depth is not be

Q59. For hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel derive equation relating sequent
depths with initial Froude number.

Q60. Water from a low dam is released through a sluice gate on a horizontal
rectangular channel. The depth of water upstream of the sluice gate is 16.0 m
above the channel bed and the gate opening is 1.5 m. The sluice gate can be
assumed to be a sharp edged (Cc = 0.6). If a free hydraulic jump is formed just
downstream of the gate, find the sequent depths and the percentage of the initial
energy lost in the jump.
Q61. Derive the expression for the loss of energy in the formation of a hydraulic jump
in a rectangular channel.

Q62. A rectangular channel 5 m wide carries a discharge of 15 m3/sec. at a velocity of

10 m/sec. If a hydraulic jump occurs, find :
(i) Depth of flow after the jump
(ii) Energy loss in the jump
(iii) Height of jump.

Q63. Define hydraulic jump and derive the expression for energy loss in hydraulic
jump in terms of sequent depths.

Q64. In a horizontal rectangular channel 1.5 m wide, if the observed depths before and
after the jump are 0.2 m and 1.0 m respectively, determine the discharge flowing
through the channel.

Q65. In a rectangular channel of 0.5 m width, a hydraulic jump occurs at a point where
depth of water flow is 0.15 m and Froude number is 2.5. Determine :
(i) The specific energy at inlet section.
(ii) The sequent depth
(iii) Loss of head.

Q66. What is 'Hydraulic jump' in an open channel ? Write its applications.

Q67. Derive the expression for energy loss in hydraulic jump in terms of sequent

Q68. A rectangular channel 5 m wide carries a discharge of 15 m 3/s at a velocity of 10

m/s. If hydraulic jump occurs, find
(i) Depth of flow after the jump,
(ii) Energy loss in the jump and
(iii) Height of the jump.

Q69. Derive the expression for specific speed (Ns) of a turbine.

Q70. Explain Heads and Efficiencies of hydraulic turbines.

Q71. Why priming is required in centrifugal pumps ? Why can the suction lift of a
pump not exceed a certain limit ?

Q72. At the design speed of 1000 rpm at centrifugal pump is to deliver water against a
head of +5.0 m. The vanes are curved backwards to an angle of 30° with the
periphery. The impeller diameter is 30 cm, the outlet width is 5 cm.

What will be the discharge if the hydraulic efficiency of the pump is 94% ?
Q73. Explain the parts and working of a Pelton wheel turbine.

Q74. A turbine is to operate under a head of 25 m at 200 rpm. The discharge is 9

m3/sec. If the efficiency is 90%, determine:
(i) Specific speed of the machine
(ii) Power generated
(iii) Type of turbine
(iv) Performance under a head of 20 mts.

Q75. State and explain Froude's model Law.

Q76. Derive the expression for specific speed of turbine.

Q77. 1000 kW of power is being developed by a hydraulic turbine under a head of 20

m and gives 85% efficiency. Calculate the specific speed of the turbine.

Q78. Define critical slope of channel and draw possible water surface profiles when the
flow over mild slope is followed by a steep slope.

Q79. A rectangular channel 8 m wide carries a discharged 25 m3/s. Bed slope is 0.0001.
If at a section in this channel the depth is 1.7 m, how far upstream or downstream
from this section the depth would be 1.9 m ? Taken = 0.015.

Q80. A single acting reciprocating pump runs at 60 r.p.m. The diameter of the plunger
is, 1,5 cm and crank radius is 15 cm. The suction pipe is 10 cm in diameter and 5
m long. Calculate maximum permissible value of suction lift Hs if separation
takes place at 2.6 m of water absolute.

Q81. A centrifugal pump lifts water against a static head of 40 m, of which 4 m is

suction lift. The suction and delivery pipes are both 15 cm diameter; the head loss
in a suction pipe is 2.3 m and in the delivery pipe is 7.4 m. The impeller is 42 cm
diameter and 2.5 cm wide al the mouth, it revolves at 1200 r.p.m. and its effective
vane angle it exist is 35°. If η mano = 82% and η 0 = 72% determine the discharge
delivered by the pump and power required to drive the pump.

Q82. Define the different efficiencies of a turbine and give the appropriate expression
for each one of them.

Q83. Explain Froude's law of similarity and derive the model scales for :
(i) Velocity
(ii) Time.

Q84. A hydraulic turbine develops 880 kW under a head of 20 m and gives an

efficiency of 90%. Calculate the specific speed of the turbine. Calculate the power
generated if the head is reduced to 15 m. Assume N = 400 rpm.
Q85. A centrifugal pump is discharged .118 m3/sec at a speed of 1450 rpm against a
head of 25 m. The impeller diameter is 25 cm, its width at outlet is 5 cms and the
manometric efficiency is 0.75. Determine the Vane angle at the outer periphery of
the impeller.

Q86. Explain working of a centrifugal pump with neat sketch,

Q87. Differentiate between :

(i) Gross head and net head of a turbine,
(ii) Impulse turbine and Reaction turbine.

Q88. A power house is to develop a total of 70 MW of electrical energy. It is proposed

to use four Pelton wheel turbines, each to work under the following
specifications :—
(i) Head = 400 r.p.m.
(ii) Speed = 250 r.p.m.
(iii) Overall efficiency = 0.9
(iv) Coefficient of velocity = 0-98
(v) Speed ratio = 0.45.

Find the discharge and least jet diameter.

Q89. Derive the expression for specific speed of a turbine.

Q90. A reaction turbine working under a head of 100 m and at a speed of 700 rpm has
an overall efficiency of 80%. If the specific speed is 175, calculate the discharge,
what would be required if the head is reduced to 80 m ?

Q91. Write short notes on any three of the following :-

(a) Centrifugal pump troubles and remedies,
(b) Double acting reciprocating pump,
(c) Selection of turbines.
(d) Classification of hydraulic jumps.
(e) Froude's model law.

Q92. Explain the working of a single acting reciprocating pump with a neat sketch.

Q93. Explain the function of air vessels fitted to a reciprocating pump.

Q94. A single acting reciprocating pump has a plunger of diameter 50 cm and a stroke
of 80 cm. If the speed of the pump is 60 rpm and coefficient of discharge is 0.97,
determine the actual discharge and the percentage slip of the pump.

Q95. Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of a single acting
reciprocating pump.
Q96. A single acting single cylinder reciprocating pump has the following
characteristics :
(i) Diameter of the cylinder = 20 cm
(ii) Stroke length = 45 cm
(iii) Actual discharge = 6.5 Ips
(iv) Suction head = 5.0 mts
(v) Delivery head = 20.0 mts
(vi) Speed = 40 rpm

Find the coefficient of discharge, percent slip and power required to drive the

Q97. Write a short note on Multistage Centrifugal Pump.

Q98. Explain the principles of working of single acting and double acting reciprocating

Q99. A centrifugal pump is running at 1200 r.p.m. The outlet vane angle of the impeller
is 30° and velocity of flow at outlet is 4 m/s. The pump is working against a total
head of 30 m and the discharge through the pump is 0.3 m3/s. If the manometric
efficiency of the pump is 70%, determine
(i) the diameter of the impeller and
(ii) the width of the impeller at outlet. 8

Q100. Write a short note on Multistage centrifugal pump.

Q101. For a Single acting reciprocating pump, Pistons diameter is 150 mm, stoke length
is 300 mm, rotational speed is 50 rpm. The pump rises the water through 18 m.
Determine the theoretical discharge, if the actual discharge is 4 liters per second.
Also determine the volumetric efficiency, slip and actual power required to lift the
water. Take mechanical efficiency of the pump is 80%.

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