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Voyages of Exploration Activity

In this activity, you will research a famous voyage of discovery and use it to create a variety of “primary
documents” about it. The goal of this activity is to use your map making/ reading skills, your critical
thinking skills, and your creativity.

The information you use in your report should be as historically accurate as possible! You should
research the specific event; read stories about life on these voyages, look at maps, drawings, anything
that will help you understand the events better. You will be writing from the viewpoint of someone who
went on this voyage. The letters should be from you to someone at home, describing what you see,
hear, feel, & believe. The newspaper article should be written in the present tense, as if the voyage was
the latest news.

This project will count as a test grade and will be due on Monday May 2nd.

Include the following information:

2 letters written to someone at home- each should be at least 2 paragraphs long and give at least 5
facts about your voyage (places, events, crew members, ships, weather events, etc)

1 map of your expedition- include the year, the starting & ending point, at least 2 other points along the
journey, label the land & water, include a compass, and color the map

1 news article describing the voyage and its importance- article should have a title, facts about the
voyage, and at least 1 quote

1 timeline of the expedition, listing important events and dates

At least 2 hand drawn, colored illustrations related to the trip

Grading Rubric:

Letters- 20 points (10 points each)- should be hand written!

News Article- 20 points- should be typed

Map- 20 points- hand drawn & colored

Timeline-20 points

Illustrations- 10 points (5 points each)

Presentation/Mechanics- 10 points

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