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Date: 16/MAY/2011
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Bldg 40
The information being passed at this brief is very im-
portant and will help to ensure a better deployment for
all. There will be time allowed for questions to be asked
and answered. Below is a list of some of the information
that will be addressed during the brief, but much more will
be covered.

Pay Changes and Issues

Legal Preparedness
Postal regulations and addresses
Marine Corps Family Team
Resources available to you

Building 40 is located on Brewster Blvd. As you come in the front gate you
take the first right, and building 40 will be the first building on the left.
Please park around in the back. We will be in the auditorium at the center
of the building.


The Brewster CDC will support this event. Child care will begin at
1830 and end at 2130. The parents must call 450-8467 to make
their reservations as soon as possible but at least 72 hours in ad-
vance. If there are no reservations made, they will not have staff
Point of Contact present for child care. All children must be registered with Chil-
Mary Mathews dren, Youth, and Teen Programs (have a white card). Registration
CLB-6 Family Readiness may be completed at the Resource & Referral Office, Bldg. LCH
Officer 4021 Butler Drive Midway Park (next to the Midway Park Chapel),
910-450-8400 office (910) 449-9552 or 449-9563 Mon-Fri, 0800-1700. Please bring
910-381-7754 cell child's shot records to register and a copy of the most recent medi-
cal physical, if available.

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