Sanatan Dharma

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Sanatan Dharma

(eternal nature of the living being)

(Believes in Nastika
authority of Vedas) ( Rejects the
authority of Vedas)

[Rig Veda Sama Veda Yajur Veda Atharva Veda]

90% 10%
Karma Kanda Jnana Kanda
(Rituals) (Knowledge)
(Believes in the authority if the Vedas)

4 Vedas with Summary Statement

1. Rig Veda – Prajanam Brahma: Consciousness is Brahman
2. Sama Veda – Tat Tvam Asi: That thou art
3. Yajur Veda – Ahambrahmasmi: I am Brahman
4. Atharva Veda – Ayamatma Brahma-This Self is Brahman

90% 10%
Karma Kanda Jnana Kanda
(Rituals) (Knowledge)

1. Samhitas
(Praise of Istadeva)

2. Brahmanas
(Worldly duties- Law of Karma)

3. Aranyakas

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