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Alarm Fork

As a piece of cutlery or
kitchenware, a fork is a tool consisting of a handle with several narrow tines on one end. The
fork, as an eating utensil, has been a feature primarily of the West, whereas in East Asia
chopsticks have been more prevalent. Today, forks are increasingly available throughout East
Asia. The utensil (usually metal) is used to lift food to the mouth or to hold food in place while
cooking or cutting it. Food can be lifted either by spearing it on the tines, or by holding it on top
of the tines, which are often curved slightly. For this latter function, in the American style of fork
etiquette, the fork is held with tines curving up; however, in continental style, the fork is held
with the tines curving down. A fork is also shaped in the form of a trident but curved at the joint
of the handle to the points.
How to use this fork: you can only eat when your fork gives you the green light.  That's
right, once you’ve shoveled some food into your mouth, the fork sensors cue the fork to emit a
red light.  And you know what that means, STOP!  Now wait, tick, tick, tick, tick… ding!  Green
light, take a bite.  
Our product helps our costumers to change their eating habits by optimizing the
quantity of food that people eat in a period of time.
This product protects you from eating more than you need. The product is useful for
everyone, but especially for those that eat more than they need (overweight people).

Our market goals

Taking in consideration, that nowadays, people have weight problems, not only because
they eat fast-foods, but also because they eat irregular and with a lot of stress, we thought to
come up with an innovating product to help people resolve their eating disorders. Our product is
addressed to people older than 18 years, that are concerned with their figure, who want to have a
constant weight, and also for overweight people who want to slim down. We expect that girls
will be more interested in buying our product than boys.
After this general presentation of our product we will provide you the basic elements
of the marketing mix.


The product that we launch is

called Alarm Fork. The product is different
from the other forks because it offers a
new utility, that is the alarm that tells the
consumer when is the best time to take
another bite. The best thing about this fork
is that helps you have a healthy eating


Our dispensers are the large trade centers, such

as: Kauffland, Carrefour, Metro, and also the stores that have a special department for household
utilities. We decided to use this specific places because most of the people are going shopping in
the large centers, but we also sell our product in the smaller stores because it’s a better way for
people to acknowledge this type of product.

The main way of promoting our product is the

teleshopping channel. It’s the most efficient way where the potential clients are informed with all
the characteristics of the product, how to use it and all the necessary information regarding price,
placement and the firm’s details.
Also, we also use the publicity channels of our dispensers, such as the free materials
they offer to their clients when they buy something from their stores, free mail-advertising and


The price is the most flexible element from the marketing mix. Our product has an
accessible price for everybody who wants to buy it, but also the price is reported to the level of
complexity of the product. For example, the price of a fork with rechargeable batteries is
different from a fork with replaceable batteries.

In conclusion we think that the level of technology that exists today has a big
impact on the consumers which are eager to try new and innovating things. This has determined
us to launch the “Alarm Fork” product on the market.
We think that this will catch the eyes of the potential consumers, especially the
overweight persons and the girls who are obsessed with their weight.

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