Kyo 32

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KYO 4 M – KYO 8 M – KYO 32 M – KYO 4 P – KYO 8 P – KYO 32 P

KYO 8G P-SW1 – KYO 8G P-SW2 – KYO 32G P-SW1 – KYO 32G P-SW2

Hereby, Bentel Security, declares that the above mentioned Control Panels are in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
The complete R&TTE Declaration of Conformity for each Panel can be found at

These Control Panels comply with CEI 79-2 2a ed. 1993.

Installation of these systems must be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions
described in this manual, and in compliance with the local laws and bylaws in force.
The above mentioned Control panels have been designed and made
to the highest standards of quality and performance.
The manufacturer recommends that the installed system should be completely tested at least once a month.
BENTEL SECURITY Srl shall not assume the responsibility
for damage arising from improper application or use.
The above mentioned Control panels have no user-friendly components, therefore,
should be serviced by authorized personnel only.

IMPORTANT: The following information is for disassembled Control Panels ONLY.

Ensure that the Manual you are using corresponds to that requested on the “RELEASE
ISSUES” label (see below) inside the package. Upgrades of the required KYO Unit Soft-
ware Release are also suitable.

OK32 1.00 EN Firmware Release
Installation Manual 1.1
User Manual 1.1
Keypad Prog. Man. 1.1 Manual Release
Main Unit Manual 1.1
Kyo Unit Software 5.10 Software Release

If the Manual/Kyo Unit Software release does not correspond, DO NOT attempt to assem-
ble and install the Control Panel until you have the required release.
The Manual Release Number of each Manual is shown at the bottom of the last page,
between the Code and Date, ad indicated in the figure below.

ISTPTBLEUNKYO 1.1 190303 P70

Code Date

BENTEL SECURITY srl reserves the right to modify the technical specifications of this product without prior notice.

Programming from the Keypad .................................... 4
Introduction ......................................................................................... 4
Code Limitations ..................................................................... 4
Accepted Keypads ................................................................... 5
Enrolling an LCD Keypad at address 8 .................................. 6
Adjusting Contrast, Brightness and Volume (MIA-S/MIA-D) ......... 6
The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) ........................................... 7
Customizing the System .................................................................... 8
Programming ...................................................................................... 9
Exiting Programming ............................................................... 9
Actions ...................................................................................... 9
Zones ...................................................................................... 10
Outputs ................................................................................... 12
Times ...................................................................................... 13
Installer Code ......................................................................... 14
Keys ........................................................................................ 14
Key/Card option ............................................................ 14
Wireless option .............................................................. 15
Codes ..................................................................................... 16
Readers ................................................................................. 17
Keypads ................................................................................. 18
Program option ............................................................. 18
Language option ........................................................... 18
Date/Time ............................................................................... 19
Timers .................................................................................... 19
Telephone .............................................................................. 20
Teleservice ............................................................................. 21
Test Ev. ................................................................................... 21
Events ..................................................................................... 22
Options ................................................................................... 23
Strings .................................................................................... 24
Default .................................................................................... 25
Input Expanders (only for Series 32 Models) ....................... 26
Output Expanders (only for Series 32 Models) ..................... 26
Notes .............................................................................. 27

4 Multifunction Control Panel


You can program the system using the ‘KyoUnit’ Software Application and a
computer (refer to the “INSTALLATION MANUAL”), or using the LCD

This manual contains instructions regarding system programming via Keypad.

For information regarding the system parameters, refer to ‘PROGRAMMING

Code Limitations
The INSTALLER Code can set up and program the system, but cannot
program the PINS of the 24 User Codes.
MAIN USER Codes can program the PINs of User Codes (not Main User
Codes) that operate on their Partitions.
In the Table below, Code 1 is a Main User Code, and is assigned to Partitions 1,
3 and 4. Therefore, it can program its own PIN (Code 1) and the PINs of: User

Table 1 - An example of Code programming

Code Number Code Type Assigned Partitions
Code 1 Main User 1-3-4
Code 2 Main User 2-3
Code 3 User 1-3
Code 4 User 4
Code 5 User 3-4
Code 6 Patrol 2
Code 7 Duress 3
Code 8 User 2-3

Code 3 (assigned to Partitions 1 and 3), User Code 4 (assigned to Partition 4),
User Code 5 (assigned to Partitions 3 and 4) and User Code 7 (assigned to
Partition 3).
Code 2 is a Main User Code assigned to Partitions 2 and 3. Therefore, it can
program its own PIN, and the PINs of: Code 6 (assigned to Partition 2), User
Code 7 (assigned to Partition 3), User Code 8 (assigned to Partitions 2 and 3).

Programming from the Keypad 5

Accepted Keypads
You can program the system using OMNIA/TAST-R, MIA-S and MIA-D
Keypads. The function keys on these Keypads differ slightly, Table 2 shows
the Key Equivalence on the various Keypads.
Read this section carefully so you know how to operate your system from the Keypad.
NOTE: The ‘Superkeys’ (function keys) must be programmed, otherwise, they
will NOT work.
The following Table shows the ‘Superkeys’ (function keys) on the various Keypads.
The functions provided by holding down keys 1, 2 and 3 for approximately
3 seconds on the OMNIA/TAST-R, are provided by pressing contemporarily
keys ÌÍ, Pp or ÀÁ on the MIA-S and MIA-D.
The scroll function (cursor) provided by keys 9 and 0 on OMNIA/TAST-R,
is provided by keys C and D on MIA-S and MIA-D Keypads.

Table 2 - OMNIA/TAST-R and MIA keypads

Keys Superkeys Cursors
1 or
1 1
2 or
2 2
3 or
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 or
9 9
0 or
0 0
e e
o o

6 Multifunction Control Panel

Enrolling an LCD Keypad at Address 08

To enroll an LCD Keypad at Address 08 from a LED Keypad, enter:

for KYO 32 Series: <Installer Code> + E + 0

for KYO 4 - 8 Series: <Installer Code> + E

A short beep will indicate that the LCD Keypad has been enrolled.

NOTE - Before connecting the LCD Keypad — using the DIP switches [51],
enroll it at Address 8 (refer to Table 2.1 or 2.2 in the INSTALLATION

This procedure will allow you to change the Control panel parameters when:
! You DO NOT have the Programming Software, or the system was
previously programmed using an LCD Keypad that has since been removed.
! The system is equipped with LED Keypads only (this type of keypad
cannot be used to program the Control panel).

Before ending the Programming session, DISABLE the Keypad at Address 8 or,
re-enable the LED Keypad—if previously Disabled (refer to the “Keypads”
paragraph in this section).

Adjusting Contrast, Brightness and Volume (MIA-S/MIA-D)

You can change the Display Contrast and Brightness, and the Buzzer Volume.
Changes can be made during Standby status only.
" Brightness Press and hold A to increase Brightness
Press and hold B to decrease Brightness
" Contrast Press and hold C to increase Contrast
Press and hold D to decrease Contrast
" Volume You can select 3 volume levels: High, Medium and Mute.
Press e until you find the required Volume level.
! Long high Beep = High Volume
! Long low Beep = Average Volume
! Short low Beep = Mute

Programming from the Keypad 7

The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

During Standby status the display will show:
1st line: Date and Time
2nd line: Partition status (4 or 8 Partitions depending on the system). This line
will also show:
" Trouble and Tamper — û will be shown above the relative icon;
" Special Functions — * will be shown above the relative icon ( t or r);
" Telephone Line status — ÿ will be shown above the i icon.
In the example in Figure 1, Partition 3 is armed, the 24h Tamper line is in
Alarm status, Teleservice is enabled and the Telephone line is busy.

Date Time
Partitions Status Troubles, Tampers, Controls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 1 - An example of the Display during Standby status


8 Multifunction Control Panel

Customizing the System

Installer Menu Options The Installer’s Code will allow you to access the INSTALLER MENU and
program the following options:
! Actions (Event Logger, Zones Status, Test Siren, Clear Call Queue)
! Zones
! Outputs
! Times (Entry/Exit Times)
! Inst.Cod (Installer Code)
! Keys (Key/Card and Wireless)
! Codes (User Codes)
! Readers (Key/Card Readers)
! Keypads (Keypads and Language)
! Date/T. (Date and Time)
! Timers (Scheduler)
! Teleph. (Telephone numbers)
! Teleser. (Teleservice)
! Test Ev. (Test Call)
! Events
! Options
! Strings (Descriptions)
! Default (Restore Factory Default)
! Exp. IN (Expander IN)—this option is available ONLY on Series 32 Models
! Exp. OUT (Expander OUT)—this option is available ONLY on Series 32 Models

Before starting the Programming session Disarm all Partitions.

Accessing the If the system operates with LED Keypads only — before starting the
Installer Menu Programming session, enroll an LCD Keypad as described in the “Enrolling
an LCD Keypad at address 8”.
To access programming proceed as follows:
1. From Standby status, enter the Installer code Input
(0025 at Default), then press E . Code *-----
2. Select the required option from the PROGRAMMING
PROGRAMMING Menu. Actions âá
When you access PROGRAMMING, the Control panel will:
a) lock all Keypads, other than the one in use;
The locked Keypads will show the message PROGRAMMING
“PROGRAMMING”, and all the indicators (I, a
and G) will turn OFF.
b) clear the alarm memory;
c) force all the outputs (Alarm and Open Collector) to standby status;
d) stop the event evaluation;
e) if necessary — interrupt the ongoing call, and put the Call queue on hold;
f) activate the P light (slow blink) on LED Keypads.

Programming from the Keypad 9

Wrong Code If you enter a Wrong Code the display will show an WRONG CODE
error message, and go back to Standby status.

Exiting Programming
To exit Programming:
1. Press e (as many times as necessary) to step back on the menu;
2. Press E when the ‘Sure?’ message is shown. PROGRAMMING
If, at this point, you do not wish to exit the menu, Sure ?
press e to continue.
When you exit the PROGRAMMING Menu the Control panel will:
a) unlock all Keypads;
b) clear the Zone-cycle counter (refer to the ‘Zones’ paragraph);
c) clear BPI, Tamper and False Key/Card Alarms;
d) if the Panel is open — ignore the ‘Open Panel’ signal until it is closed again.
e) if necessary — restart the Call queue, starting from the interrupted call
(this does not apply to Teleservice calls).

NOTE: The examples in this section refer to the Kyo32 display (8 Partition
Control panel). Therefore, if you are not using a Kyo32 system, the display
messages may be slightly different.

e and E Use the e key to step back at any point on the Installer Menu,
Use the E key to confirm entered data.

This option provides a further 4 sub-options:
a) Test Siren — this option will allow you to Test the Alarm Output relay.
b) Zones Status — this option will allow you to Bypass / Unbypass zones
c) Event Logger — this option will allow you to view the events in the Logger.
d) Clear Call Queue — this option will allow you to interrupt ongoing calls,
and stop the call queue.
You can find a full description of this options in the ‘Operating from a
Keypad’ section in the ‘USER MAUAL’.

10 Multifunction Control Panel

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Zones option, then press E. Zones âá
Selecting the Zone 2. Using 9 or 0, select the Zone, then press E. Zones
Zone 2 âá

Type 3. Using 9 or 0 , select the Type, then press E. Zone 2

Path âá

Attribute 4. Using 9 or 0, select the required Attribute. Zone 2

Reserved OFF âá
Press O to Enable, or o to Disable the selected
Attribute, then press E to continue.
Wireless If you select the Wireless attribute (available Zone 2
ONLY on Series 32 Models), work carefully Wireless ON âá
through steps 5a, 5b and 5c, otherwise, go to
step 6.
5a. Using the number keys, enter the ESN of the Zone 2
Wireless device. 000000
! Use A or B to move along the row.
! Use O or o to enter letters A through F.

NOTE - To change a Wireless zone back to a Hardwired zone, first zero

the ESN of the zone device (000000) before reprogramming it as a
Hardwired zone.

Press E to go to the next step.

Supervisory 5b. Enable or Disable the Supervisory attribute. Zone 2
Press E to continue. Superv. OFF

Placement Test 5c. Perform the Placement Test to verify that the Zone 2
wireless device is in range of the VectorRX Test
Receiver. To perform the Placement test create a tamper condition (refer to
the Wireless Device instructions sheet).
One of the following values will be shown on the display:
! Bad!
Zone 2
! Fair! Good!
! Good!

Values Fair! and Good! are positive values, whereas Bad! is a negative value.The
Placement can be considered suitable after 3 consecutive positive values.
To repeat the Placement Test, press e and repeat steps 5b and 5c.

G No wireless device should be mounted without first performing a

Placement Test.

Press E to go to step 6.

Programming from the Keypad 11

Balance 6. Using 9 or 0 , select the Balance type, Zone 2

thepress E . NO âá
‘Vibration’ or ‘Roller NOTE: If you assign the ‘Vibration’ or ‘Roller Blind’ attribute to the
Blind’ Zone Balance Zone, you must select one of the following Balance types:
! BAL - Balanced 1k5 (Balanced using 1.5 Kohm resistor)
! NC - Normally Closed
Alarm Cycles 7. Using 9 or 0 , select the number of Alarm Zone 2
Cycles: 0 through 14. Cycles 3 âá
If you want a continuous cycle, select ‘RP’ Zone 2
(Repetitive), then press E to continue. Cycles RP âá

Assigning Partitions 8. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), assign Zone 2

the Zone to the Partitions: ûûûû---- Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
û = the Zone assigned
- = the Zone is not assigned
Press E to go the next step.
Sensitivity (Vibration 9. Using 9 or 0 , select the required Sensitivity Zone 2
or Roller Blind) (1 through 20). This parameter is for Sensit. 2 âá
‘Vibration’ and ‘Roller Blind’ Zones only. If
you program this parameter for other Zone Types, it will have no effect.
To program the other parameters of Zones with the ‘Roller Blind’
attribute, refer to the various combinations shown in Table 3.
Table 3 - PULSE/TIME for the 'Roller Blind' attribute
Sensitivity PULSE TIME
1 ... 5 1 ... 5 30 seconds
6 ... 10 1 ... 5 2 minutes
11 ... 15 1 ... 5 4 minutes
16 ... 20 1 ... 5 Repetitive

Example: for 3 PULSES and 4 MINUTES, you must set a value of 13.
Cycle (Vibration) 10. For Zones with the ‘Vibration’ attribute — Zone 2
using 9 or 0 , select the value of the Low Cycles 7 âá
Shock Sensitivity or Cycles (0 through 7).
Press E to confirm, and go back to step 2.

12 Multifunction Control Panel

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Outputs option, then press E. Outputs âá
2. Using 9 or 0, select the Output, then press E. Outputs
Output 2 âá

3. Using 9 or 0, select the Signals option. Output 2

Armed OFF âá
Press O to Enable, or o to Disable the selected
Signal, as required. Press E to go to continue.

Refer to the ‘Outputs Page’ section in the ‘INSTALLATION MANUAL’ for

the Signals list.

4. When all the Signals have been programmed, press E to exit.

5. Using 9 or 0, select the Attribute (NO or NC), Output 2
then press E. NC âá

6. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), assign Output 2

the Output to the Partitions. ûû------ Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
û = the Output is assigned
- = the Output is not assigned
Press E to confirm the programming, and go back to step 1.

In the example, Output 2 is Normally Closed (NC), and is assigned to Partitions

1 and 2.

Programming from the Keypad 13

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Times option, then press E. Times âá

2. Using 9 or 0, select the required option, then Times

press E . Patrol âá
If you select Patrol, Listen, Alarm or Superv., go to step 3a.
If you select Inactiv. or Neglig., go to step 3b.
If you select Partitions, go to step 3c.

NOTE - The Superv. Option is provided by KYO Series 32 Control panels


Programming times: 3a. Enter the selected Time, then press E to confirm Patrol
Patrol and go back to step 2. 30
Listen. ! The Patrol, Listen, Alarm times are in MINUTES Listen.
Alarm 05
! The Supervisory Time is in steps of 15 minutes
Superv. (8 through 96: e.g. 8 = 120 minutes) Alarm
Programming times: 3b. Enter the Time, then press E. Inactiv.
Inactiv. ! The Inactivity Time is in HOURS (0 through 99) 05
Neglig. Neglig.
! The Negligence Time is in DAYS (0 through 99)
4b. Using toggle keys 1 through 8 , assign the Inactiv.
Inactiv. and/or Neglig. option to the Partitions. ûû--ûû-- Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
û = the Option is assigned Neglig.
- = the Option is not assigned ûû--ûû-- Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5b. Press E to confirm and go back to step 2.

Programming the 3c. Using 9 or 0, select the Partition then press E. Partit.
Partition Times: Partition 01 âá
Exit T.
Entry T. 4c. Using 9 and 0 , select Exit T., Entry T. or Partition 01
Arm T. Out Arm T., as required, then press E. To go back to Exit T. âá
step 2., press e.
5c. Enter the Time, then press E to confirm and and Partition 01
go back to step 4c. 30
! The Exit Time and Entry Time are in SECONDS (0 through 99)
! The Auto-Arm Timeout is in MINUTES (0 through 99)

14 Multifunction Control Panel

Installer Code
1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Inst. Cod option, then press E. Inst.Cod âá
2. Enter the New Installer Code (4 to 6 digits) then Inst.Cod
press E to confirm and go back to step 1. ------
NOTE: The New Installer Code will become operative after exiting the menu.

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Keys option, then press E. Keys âá
2. Using 9 or 0, select either the ‘Keys/Cards’ or Keys
‘Wireless’ option, then press E and follow the Key/Card âá
relevant instructions. Keys
NOTE - ‘Wireless’ option is available only on Wireless âá
Series 32 models.

! Key/Card option (if selected at step 2.)

New Key/Card 3. To enroll a New Key or Card, select New key/card (Go to step 4a),
to Modify a Key or Card, select Modify (Go to step 4b),
to Delete a New Key or Card, select Delete (Go to step 4c)
then press E.
4a. Using 9 or 0 select the Reader where you New key
intend enrolling the Key/Card, then press E. Reader 01 âá
5a. Using 9 or 0 , select the Service or ClrCallQ New key
attribute. Enable ( O ) or disable ( o ) the Service ON âá
attribute, as required, then press E. New key
ClrCallQ OFF âá
For further details, refer to the ‘Keys Page’
6a. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), assign New key
the New Key/Card to the Partitions. û--ûû--û Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
û = the Key/Card is assigned
- = the Key/Card is not assigned
7a. After assigning the Key/Card to the Partitions, New key
press E , the display will show the ‘PRO- PROGRAMMING
GRAMMING’ message (see right).
8a. Insert the Key into the ECLIPSE Reader (program- New key 009
med at step 4a.), or hold the Card near the sensitive PROGRAMMING
field of the PROXI Reader (programmed at step
4a.). Key/Card Enrollment will be confirmed by:
a) a long beep
b) by the acceptance message (see right) that indicates the identifier

Programming from the Keypad 15

number (e.g. 009)

c) by fast blinking on all 3 Reader LEDs
9a. Press e 4 times to go back to step 3.

If the system does not Enroll the Key/Card (due to malfunction or because the system
has reached its limit of 128 keys) the Keypad will emit an audible error signal (Bop).

Modify Key/Card 4b. Enter the Key/Card Identifier Number (e.g. 003) ßà Modify 003
or, using A or B , select the required Key/Card Key/Card 3
Identifier Number, then press E.
5b. Using 9 or 0, select the Service or ClrCallQ Modify
attribute. Enable ( O ) or Disable ( o ) the Service ON âá
attribute, as required, then press E. Modify
ClrCallQ OFF âá
For further details, refer to the ‘Keys Page’
6b. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), assign Modify
the Key/Card to the Partitions. û--ûû--û Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
û = the Key/Card is assigned
- = the Key/Card is not assigned
7b. Press E to confirm, and go back to step 4b.

Delete Key/Card 4c. Enter the Key/Card Identifier Number (e.g. 005) ßà Delete 005
or, using A or B , select the required Key/Card Key/Card 5
Identifier Number, then press E.
5c. When the ‘Sure?’ message is shown (see right), Delete
you can either press E, to confirm deletion and Sure ?
go back to step 4c, or press e, to go back to step
4c, without deleting the Key/Card.
The keypad will emit an audible signal (long beep) to indicate that the
Key/Card has been deleted.

! Wireless option (if selected at step 2.)

Wireless Key 3. Using 9 or 0, select the Wireless key then Wireless
press E . 1 000000 âá
4. Enter the ESN then press E. Wireless
! Use O or o to enter the letters. 000000
! Use A or B to move along the row.

5. Using 9 or 0, select either User Code 23 or Wireless

24 for the Wireless key then press E to go User Code 23 âá
back to step 3.

16 Multifunction Control Panel

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Codes option, then press E. Codes âá

2. Using 9 or 0 , select the Code Number (1 Codes

through 24), then press E. User Code 5 âá

Code Type: 3. Using 9 or 0, select the Code Type (Inactive, User Code 5
Inactive Main User, User, Duress, Patrol or DTMF), User âá
Main User then press E.
4. Using 9 or 0, select the Arming Mode (Global, User Code 5
Patrol A Mode and B Mode), then press E. Global âá
DTMF NOTE: If you select Global, go to step 5.
If you select A or B Mode, go to step 5a.
5. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), assign Global
the Code to the Partitions. xx-x---- Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
û = the Code is assigned
- = the Code is not assigned
6. Press E to confirm and go back to step 4.

In the example, Code 5 is programmed as a User Code, enabled for Global

Arming on Partitions 1, 2 and 4.

Programming the 5a. Using keys 1 through 8, program the Arming User Code 5
Arming configurations: configuration for the Code, then press E to A Mode âá
A and B Mode confirm and go back to step 2.
Each time you press the Partition number key A Mode
(1 through 8) the display will show a letter DANINNNN Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(D, A, S, I or N) that represents an Arming option.
Arming options: D = Disarm (the Control panel will monitor only the 24h zones of the
D, A, S, I, N Partition)
A = Away Mode (the Control panel will monitor all the zones of the
S = Stay Mode (the Control panel will not monitor the Partition zones
with the Stay attribute)
I = Instant (the Control panel will not monitor the Partition zones with the
Stay attribute, and will remove the Partition entry delay)
N = No Change (the Control panel will not change the Partition status).
NOTE: If no Partitions have been assigned to the User Code, this
programming field will be inactive (refer to step 5).

In the example, the A Mode Arming Configuration for User Code 5 is as

follows: Partition 1 = Disarm, Partition 2 = Away Mode, Partition 4 =
Instant (Stay Mode 0 Delay), Partitions 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 = No change.

Programming from the Keypad 17

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Readers option, then press E. Readers âá
Selecting the Reader 2. Using 9 or 0 select the Reader (1 through 16), Readers
then press E. Reader 05 âá

Enabling the Reader 3. Using 9 or 0 Enable (ON) or Disable (OFF) Reader 05

the Reader, then press E. ON âá
Arming Mode: 4. Using 9 or 0, select Arming Mode (Global, A Reader 05
Global, A or B Mode Mode or B Mode), then press E. Global âá
NOTE: If you select Global, go to step 5.
If you select A Mode or B Mode, go to step 5a.
Assigning the Reader 5. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), assign Global
to Partitions the Reader to the Partitions. --ûû---- Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
û = the Reader is assigned
- = the Reader is not assigned
6. Press E to confirm and go back to step 4.

In the example, Reader 05 is programmed to Arm the system in Global

Mode, and is assigned to Partitions 3 and 4.

Programming the 5a. Using keys 1 through 8, program the Arming Reader 05
Arming configurations: configuration, then press E to confirm and go B Mode âá
A or B Mode back to step 2.
Each time you press the Partition number key B Mode
(1 through 8) the display will show a letter --AD---- Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(D, A, S, I or N) that represents the Arming option.
Arming option: D = Disarm (the Control panel will monitor only the 24h zones of the
D, A, S, I, N Partition)
A = Away Mode (the Control panel will monitor all the zones of the
S = Stay Mode (the Control panel will not monitor the Partition zones
with the Stay attribute)
I = Instant (the Control panel will not monitor the Partition zones with the
Stay attribute, and will remove the Partition entry delay)
N = No Change (the Control panel will not change the Partition status).
NOTE: If no Partitions have been assigned to the Reader, this programming
field will be inactive (refer to step 5).

In the example, the B Mode Arming configuration for Reader 05 is as follows:

Partitions 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 = Not Enabled, Partition 3 = Away Mode,
Partition 4 = Disarm.

18 Multifunction Control Panel

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Keypads option, then press E. Keypads âá
2. Using 9 or 0 , select the required option Keypads
(‘Program’ or ‘Language’), then press E and Program
work carefully through the relevant instructions. Keypads
! Program option
Select the Keypad 3a. Using 9 or 0, select the Keypad (1 through 8), Program
then press E. Keypad 03 âá
4a. Using 9 or 0, select the Keypad Type (select Keypad 03
‘None’ for NO KEYPAD), then press E. LCD Keyp. âá
5a. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), assign Keypad 03
the Keypad to the Partitions. û---û---
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
û = the Keypad is assigned
- = the Keypad is not assigned
6a. Press E to confirm and go back to step 3a.

In the example, Keypad 03 (LCD Keypad) is assigned to Partitions 1 and 5.

Only on Series è ! Language option

Select the Language 3b. Press the key that corresponds to the required 1: ITA <2: ENG>
language (in brackets e.g. <ENG>). 3: ESP 4: FRA
4b. Press E or e to confirm. The selected language
will be operative immediately. The system will go back to step 2.

Programming from the Keypad 19

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Date/T. option, then press E. Date/T. âá

2. Using A or B , select the Day, Month, Year, Date/Time ßàáâ

Hour or Minutes field. 01/11/2002 12:55
Use 9 or 0 change the values as required.
3. Press E to confirm and go back to step 1.

G Remember to put the Clock forward or back an hour for the Summer Time

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Timers option, then press E. Timers âá

2. Using 9 or 0, select the Partition, then press E. Timers

Partition 02 âá

3. Using 9 or 0, select the Day. Using O or o, Partition 2

Enable or Disable the Partition (All Days are OFF WED ON âá
at Default), then press E.
4. Using A or B , select the Hour or Minutes. Partition 2
Using 9 or 0, select the value (max 23:59), then WED 10:35
press E to confirm and go to step 2.

In the example, Partition 2 will Arm every Wednesday at 10:35.

NOTE: The ‘En/Dis. Auto-Arm’ must be enabled, otherwise, Auto-Arming

will have no effect.

20 Multifunction Control Panel

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Teleph. option, then press E. Teleph. âá

2. Using 9 or 0 , select the Telephone Number Teleph.

Identifier (1 through 8), then press E. Number 3 âá

Type: 3. Using 9 or 0, select the Telephone Number Number 3

Voice Type (Voice, Teleserv, None or Centr.ST), then Voice âá
Teleserv press E .
4. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), assign the Number 3
Telephone Number to the Partitions, then press E. ûûûûûûûû Part.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

û = the Telephone Number is assigned

- = the Telephone Number is not assigned
NOTE - The Telephone Numbers must be assigned to the Partitions,
otherwise, the User will be unable to program Voice Telephone Numbers
(refer to the USER MANUAL).

5. Enter the corresponding Telephone number. Number 3

Use A or B , to move along the Telephone
Number row.
Use O and o for the following punctuation marks and pauses (to be
entered in the space indicated by the cursor):
a) “,” — use the comma to insert 2 second dialling pauses;
b) “_” — use the dash to clear telephone number digits;
c) * and #.
6. When the Telephone number is complete, press E to confirm and go back
to step 2.
Type: Centr.St If you select ‘Centr.St’ at step 3., you must work through the following steps.

7. Using 9 or 0 select the Protocol, then press Number 3

E. Cont. ID âá
8. Enter the Customer Code (minimum 4 digits for Number 3
all reporting formats except CESA, that requires _____ Customer
5 digits), then press E.
Use A or B to move along the row.
Use O or o to enter letters A through F.
9. Using 9 or 0, select either the Listen. or 2-way Number 3
option. Using O or o, Enable or Disable these Listen. OFF âá
options, as required. Number 3
2-way ON âá
10. Press E to confirm and go back to step 2.

Programming from the Keypad 21

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Teleser. option, then press E. Teleser. âá

2. Using 9 or 0 , select the Rings option, then Teleser.

press E . Rings âá

3. Using 9 or 0 , select the number of rings (0 Rings

through 19), then press E. 4 âá
4. Using 9 or 0, select the Number option, then Teleser.
press E . Number âá

5. Using 9 or 0, select the Telephone number (1 Number

through 8) for Teleservice. Number 7
6. Press E to confirm and go back to step 4.

In the example, Telephone number 7 is assigned to the Teleservice call, that will be
answered after 4 rings.

Test Ev.
1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Test Ev., then press E. Test Ev. âá

2. Using 9 or 0, select the Day, Month,Year and Date/Time ßàáâ

Time values. Use A or B to move along the row. 25/09/2002 10:30
3. When the programming field is complete, press E.
4. Enter the Interval (in hours) between Test events. Interval
Use A or B to move along the row. 0720
5. Press E to confirm and go back to step 1.

In the example, the first Test will be carried out on the 25/09/2002 at 10:30.
Successive Tests will be carried out every 30 days (Interval = 720 hours).

If you wish to disable the Test event, enter 0000.


22 Multifunction Control Panel

1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
the Events option, then press E. Events âá
2. Using A or B select the Event, then press E. ßà Events *000
This programming field will allow you to enter the Partit.Alarm 001
Event number directly. If there is an asterisk (*)
next to the Event number (see right), it means that the Event has been
Priority Event programmed as a Priority Event (refer to ‘Events Page’ in the

For the complete list of Events, refer to the ‘Events Page’ section in the

3. Enter the Event Code, then press E. Code

Use O or o to enter letters A through F. 21

4. Using 9 or 0 , select the Identifier number Mess. áâ

(1 through 8) of the Voice message that will be 4 áâ
associated with the Event, then press E.
5. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), assign Tel.Numb
the Telephone number to the Events. --ûû---û
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
û = the Telephone number is assigned
- = the Telephone number is not assigned
6. Press E to confirm and go back to step 2., the display will show the next
Event on the list.

In the example, Event Code 21 has been assigned to Event 000 (Alarm Partition
01). Message number 4 will be sent to Telephone numbers 3, 4 and 8 when the
Event occurs.

Programming from the Keypad 23

1. From the Installer menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
Options, then press E. Options

2. Using 9 or 0 , select the required Option Options

number: using O or o respectively, Enable or 0 OFF
Disable selected Option.

For the complete list of Options, refer to the ‘Options Page’ in the

3. When all the Options have been programmed, press E .

4. Using keys 1 through 8 (toggle keys), Enable/ Autores.
Disable the Auto Reset Memory option on the û------û Part.
Partitions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

û = Auto-Reset Memory enabled,

- = Auto-Reset Memory disabled
5. Press E to confirm and go back to step 1.

In the example, the Auto-Reset Memory option is enabled on Partitions 1 and 8.

Enable VectorRX After enabling the VectorRX Wireless Receiver (option number 3), you must
Receiver exit then re-access the Installer Menu. This will allow the Control panel to
enable and set up the VectorRX Receiver properly. If this procedure is not
followed, it will be impossible to program the Wireless Zones, Wireless Keys
and other Wireless Receiver options.

24 Multifunction Control Panel

This option will allow you to customize the descriptions of the system
peripherals, etc.
1. From the Installer Menu, select the Strings PROGRAMMING
option, then press E. Strings âá
2. Using 9 or 0, select the String (refer to Table Strings
4), then press E. Zone 2 âá
3. Enter a description of up to 16 letters. Zone 2
Main Door
! Use 9 or 0 to enter the letters.
! Use A or B to move along the row.
In the example, the ‘Zone 2’ string has been programmed as ‘Main Door’.

Table 4 - Programmable Strings

Factory Default Type Note
Up to 4 Zones for KYO4
Zone 1 ... Zone 32 Zones Up to 8 Zones for KYO8 and KYO8G
Up to 32 Zones for KYO32 and KYO32G
Up to 4 Partitions for KYO4, KYO8 and KYO8G
Partition 01... Partition 08 Partitions
Up to 8 Partitions for KYO32 and KYO32G
Keypad 01... Keypad 08 Keypads —
Reader 01... Reader 16 Readers —
Exp In 1... Exp In 4 Input Expanders Only for KYO32 and KYO32G
Exp Out 1... Exp Out 2 Output Expanders Only for KYO32 and KYO32G
Code 1... Code 24 Codes —
Key 1... Key 16 Key/Card —
Up to 3 Outputs for KYO4 and KYO8
Up to 5 Outputs for KYO8G
Output 1... Output 16 Outputs
Up to 14 Outputs for KYO32
Up to 16 Outputs for KYO32G
Number 1 ... Number 8 Telephone numbers —

Programming from the Keypad 25

G - The default option will allow you to reset the Control panel to Factory
Default, and delete the Events List.

1. From the Installer Menu, select the Default PROGRAMMING

option, then press E. Default âá

2. Using 9 or 0, select the data to be deleted:

"All # Restores the Control panel to Factory Default
Default, and deletes the Events List. All âá

NOTE - The strings will not be restored

" Ev.Cod. # Restores all the Event Codes to Default

ContactID. If a ContactID Telephone number Ev.Cod. âá
exists, all the Events will be assigned to it
" Ev.Cod=0 # Restores all the Event Codes, Default
therefore, the Events will be unable to generate Ev.Cod=0 âá
Telemonitoring calls.
" Receiver # Restores all the VectorRX Receiver Default
values to Factory Default. This operation will Receiver
delete all the ESNs and Wireless keys (This option
is available only on Series 32 Models).
3. Press E, to restore Factory Default, or e to quit Default
without changing the current data. Sure ?

G Factory Default restoral takes several seconds, during which time the
Control panel will be locked.

After All, Ev.Cod. or Ev.Cod=0 Factory Default restoral, the Control panel
will exit the programming phase automatically.
After Receiver Factory Default restoral, the Control panel will go back to
step 1.

26 Multifunction Control Panel

Input Expanders (only for Series 32 Models)

This option is available on Serie 32 Models, and will allow you to program the
Input Expanders.
1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
‘Esp. IN’ then press E. Exp. IN âá

2. Using 9 or 0 , select the required Input Exp. IN

Expander then press E. Expander In 1 âá

Up to 4 Input Expanders can be enabled (6 zones per Expander).

3. Using 9 or 0 , enable or disable the Input Expander In 1

Expander as required. OFF
4. Press E to go back to step 2 to program another Input Expander.

Output Expanders (only for Series 32 Models)

This option is available on Serie 32 Models, and will allow you to program the
Output Expanders.
1. From the Installer Menu, using 9 or 0, select PROGRAMMING
‘Esp. OUT’ then press E. Exp. OUT âá

2. Using 9 or 0 , select the required Output Exp. OUT

Expander then press E. Expander Out 1âá

1 or 2 Output Expanders can be enabled (6 outputs per Expander).

3. Using 9 or 0 , enable or disable the Output Expander Out 1

Expander as required. OFF
4. Press E to go back to step 2 to program another Output Expander.



BENTEL SECURITY S.r.l. - C.da Ravigliano, Z.I. S. Scolastica - 64013 CORROPOLI - TE - ITALY
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