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220F Forever Wild: The Cultural and Natural Histories of the Adirondack Park.

221S Global Warming: Is The Day After Tomorrow Sooner than We Think?.
255S Gender and Environment. (WI)
255F Organic Chemistry II.
265S Inorganic Chemistry and Materials.
270S Biological Chemistry.
298F,S Chemistry Research.
320S Biophysical Chemistry.
321F Physical Chemistry I.
322S Physical Chemistry II.
371F,S Research Methods in Chemistry.
[380F] Chemical Immunology and Immunopharmacology.
393F Advanced Organic Chemistry I.
412S Advanced Organic Chemistry II.
[423S] Advanced Inorganic Chemistry.
430S Solid State Chemistry.
113F Cultural Anthropology.
[361S] US Discourses II: Science, Technology and Gender.
126F Children of Empire P. O’Neill (WI)
134S Heroic Narratives.(WI)
314F Seminar: Feminist Perspectives of Class in the United States.
328S Gender, Race and Immigration in a Global World.
111F Ancient Jewish Wisdom: Introduction to the Bible. Ravven
223F Cursing and Taboo Language.

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