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AP US Homework: Read page 902 – 910

Below are some questions to consider as you read

The Revival of Feminism

1. What demographic changes in the 1960s helped fuel the reemergence of the feminist
2. What was found in the Presidential Commission on he Status of Women (1963) and why
was it important?
3. What effect did the publication of the Feminine Mystic have on the Feminist movement?
4. How did women’s treatment by the male leaders of the New Left spur further feminist
action? What were some of these actions and how successful were they?
5. What was the ERA and what was the fate of this amendment?
6. Who was Phyllis Schlafly and how did she help put an end to the ERA?
7. What gains did the gay movement make in the 1970s?

Enforcing Civil Rights

8. In What ways was Affirmative Action successful?

9. What was decided in Bakke v. University of California?
10. What was decided in Milliken v. Bradley (1974)? How did the public react to this
11. What was decided in Griswold v. Connecticut and in Roe v. Wade?

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