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1. Each assignment choice asks you to bring together 2 stories for analysis.

What can you

and readers of your paper learn by your writing about both stories together, rather than
one or the other alone? In other words, what's to be gained by analyzing the stories side
by side? How does understanding one illuminate the other?

People have the natural ability to find relationships between different feelings. That is
how we're able, as a class, to discuss how one text made all of us get the same "feel" from
it: sadness, joy, etc. I think it goes the same for writing, we can see links between texts
because there are relationships, common uses of language that portray a particular
feeling. We can get a better idea of exactly what those particular methods are when we
compare two texts that convey a similar feeling.

2. Sum up the feedback you got from your peers. Tell, specifically, how this feedback
iinfluenced your revisions.

It was helpful, which is the cliche answer, but it also made me look at my paper again,
from a different way. I always enjoy feedback, and the kind I got was purely constructive,
not rude or harsh. It helped me reword some sentences that made sense to me but not
necessarily the other readers, and add sentences to certain places to make my paper better
make sense as a whole.

3. If you had 24 more hours to work on your essay, what more do you know you need to
work on to make it better?

I'd probably reorganize it a little more. I still think there are some areas that I could clear
up a little, clarify my exact meaning and group together my main points in paragraphs a
little bit more.

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