Memo Example

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To : All section heads

From : General Manager of Comfort Home Appliances Ltd, Kolkata Mr Siggh

Date : Wastage of Stationary Issue

It has come to my attention that there is wastage of stationary in almost all sections of the

It is such as waste of the money because we couldn’t use the stationary wisely.

Please identify the reasons behind such wastage and advise the employees working under you
to restrain from such wastage.

Thank you for your attention.



To : Mrs Ratna, Purchase Officer

From : Mr Hamid, Office Manager

CC : Ms. Maria, Finance Manager

Subject : Furniture Replacement in Marketing and HR Development Division

Our company has decided to replace the furniture in Marketing and Humand Resource Divion
due to its dilapidated condition.

Thus, we need to identify the furniture to be replaced and the suppliers.

Please submit the memo about the details of the furniture and suppliers for administrative


To : All the Divisional Heads

From : Managing director

Date : 22 November 2011

Subject: Internet Surfing Facilities to All Employee

According to the meeting that held on 20 November 2011, the employees asked for internet
surfing facility. Because of the internet is essential for communication efficiency among
employees, our company has decided to provide the facility.

Now we are planning to provide the internet facilities. I attach the information about the details
of the location, number of computer that we need, timing as well as the procedure for
complains if any.


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