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Remedies Flow Chart

What did P seek to gain from the contract/performance? value? Intangible benefits to
argue for specific relief? Difficult to calculate like Epstein’s research assistant hypo?

Limiting $ damages:
Avoidable loss?
Avoided costs? Remedies Argue efficient breach for ct to provide
substit remedy rather than specific relief?
Unforeseeable loss?
Uncertain loss? UCC Equitable – when remedy
at law is inadequate** §360

Remember, theme is to
compensate P for its loss, not
punish D, not reward P

Injunction 357(2)
Is there a liquidated Damages Walgreen: usually
Clause in the contract? §356 needs to show Specific Performance 357(1)
injunction but if
temporary, just show
Yes was inadequate

awarded ONLY if:
Are liquidated damages fair estimate  Contract is clear (can k away?!)
of expectation damages? Cf. O’brian;  Seek intangible benefits
Reasonable? Under UCC2-718 Leerjet  Difficult to find substitutes §360(b)
 Difficult to calculate damages
No Yes with reas. Certainty §360(a)
 Uniqueness makes it imposs to
assess damages §2-716(1)
Look to Expectation Damages which are (land lease Van wagner says its not
benefit of bargain, intended to put victim Court will uniqueness but uncertainty in
where would be if k had been performed §345: enforce calculating damages/finding substitute)
Are they either: damages
 $0 or negative in amount;
 Uncertain (i.e., new venture) Hollywood; or Shouldn't be too high vs. freedom to contract
 Excessive given circumstances?
Yes Reliance damages awarded to put victim he would
be had the contract never been made. 349/2-715(1)
If jx treats PE as 17(2) contract, may award expec
Expectation Damages awarded to put victim where he
damages. But In jx that doesn’t treat PE as K law,
would be had contract was performed.
may only give reliance instead of expec damages.
(general expec, incidental=natural/direct costs,
These can include:
consequential [not always. Cf. RoC 351 Hadley – needs
to have been communicated. /UCC 2-715(2) Heim x-ray  Cost of preparation/performance minus
case – Consequential damages not recoverable if breaching party’s showing w/ reasonable
reasonably can prevented by cover, but doctor ok b/c certainty that non-breaching party would have
relied on seller’s promises to fix. Don’t say “foreseeable incurred had K performed (avoided costs)
consequential cost” for UCC, but ok in RoC case]**)  Difference between market $ and value as is

Cf. Panorama (defective roof, P showed new would

be cheaper than repair, so cost of replacement)
- reasonable $ of completing performance
- remedying defects (O.W.Grun color roof, fixing NOTE:
wouldn’t solve issue so new roof cost)  Can’t be disproportionate to probable loss in value of
- could ask repair $, new roof, new roof $ property (PeevyHouse)
Cf. Hawkins’s diminution in value (promised- now).  No punitive damages
Peevy: where breach incidental and full performance
work would give disproportionate econ benefit to P, Peevy’s Economic benefit test: If construction
/bdg contract, if defect can be repaired without
damage is diminution in $ instead of $ of completion) undue expense, cost of performance is proper
measure of damages, but if defect can’t be
remedied without cost disproportionate to the
end to be attained, diminution in value rule

Contracts Page 1

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