Baystate V Bentley (Gorton, Software, Copyright, Data Structures)

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3) to enjoin Bentley from using any

information or knowledge it obtained as a

United States District Court,D. result of having the CADKEY source code.
Plaintiff, A hearing was held on October 11, 1996, at
v. which the parties agreed to an expedited trial
BENTLEY SYSTEMS, INC., Defendant. schedule to address all issues of liability and
Civil Action No. 96-40196-NMG. equitable relief but not the issue of damages.
The bi-furcated trial was heard without jury
Dec. 6, 1996. from October 22 through October 28, 1996.


GORTON, District Judge. Plaintiff, Baystate, is a Massachusetts

Plaintiff, Baystate Technologies, Inc. corporation with a principal place of
(“Baystate”), filed a six count complaint business in Marborough, Massachusetts.
against Bentley Systems, Inc. (“Bentley”) Defendant, Bentley, is a Pennsylvania
alleging (1) misappropriation of trade corporation with a principal place of
secrets in violation of M.G.L. c. 42, (2) business in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
copyright infringement in violation of 17 Both Baystate and Bentley are, at least in
U.S.C. § 106, (3) violations of the Lanham part, manufacturers of mechanical computer
Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a), (4) conversion, (5) aided design (“CAD”) products. In general,
tortious interference with advantageous CAD software products enable architects,
business relations, and (6) unfair and engineers and other design professionals to
deceptive trade practices in violation of design and alter designs of buildings,
M.G.L. c. 93A § § 2, 11. After hearing and mechanical devices and electronic
evaluating the evidence proffered by the equipment using computers as drafting
parties during a three-day bench trial, this devices. They can then produce blue prints
Court finds for the Defendant on all counts. and other design drawings through their

I. Procedural History: Baystate acquired its CAD software, called

CADKEY, along with the CADKEY
On September 20, 1996, Baystate moved, copyrights and trade secrets, from Cadkey,
pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 65, for a preliminary Inc., a Connecticut software company, in
injunction June, 1996. Baystate also produces a
1) to enjoin Bentley from selling, software program that works with CADKEY
distributing, advertising for sale, or known as DRAFT-PAK. Bentley
publicizing in any way a CADKEY-to- manufactures the CAD product
Microstation translator product; Microstation. CADKEY and Microstation
2) to order Bentley to retrieve all copies or are computer programs which perform
versions of the CADKEY source code and similar functions and thus are competitive
either return them or hold them in escrow; products.
engaged in the business of providing
The issues made in this case relate to a data software services and products as well as
translator which is currently being third-party software development. By early
developed for Bentley. It will, if successful, 1994, Infotech had developed a software
translate between the CADKEY system and product called Management of Drawings
the Microstation system. In general, data and Engineering Systems (“MODES”).
translators are common in the CAD market
because users of CAD products commonly
employ more than one CAD system to C. Chronology of Events, 1994
perform their necessary tasks and, as a
result, often transfer information between In early 1994, Infotech sought to enhance
various CAD systems. This need has MODES so that it would have the ability to
created a demand for translators of all kinds “read” CADKEY data files. Mr. Reddy,
in the CAD market and many companies, who had previously met Livingston Davies
including Bentley and, to a limited extent, in India, approached him at a trade show in
Baystate, manufacture data translators, often Annapolis, Maryland, in or about late March
by what is known as “reverse engineering.” of that year. Mr. Reddy told Livingston
Davies about Infotech's purpose and
requested any materials Mr. Davies could
A. Cadkey provide to assist in the project.

Cadkey, Inc. (“Cadkey”) was founded by At that time, Livingston Davies was no
Livingston Davies in the early 1980's. longer president of or employed by Cadkey
Livingston Davies was employed as but was president of a company called
president of Cadkey until late 1992 when he Cutting Edge Technologies, which marketed
hired Malcolm Davies (no relation) to CAM products developed by Cadkey. He
replace him as president and George Krucik agreed to help Mr. Reddy and, on April 27,
to be vice-president. Livingston Davies 1994, transmitted by electronic mail (“e-
remained an employee during the transition mail”) a copy of what he thought was
and until about late 1993. He was at all Version 5.0 of the CADKEY Part File Tool
material times and remains today Chairman Kit. Although the e-mail message that
of the Board of Directors of Cadkey.FN1 accompanied the program material
contained no mention of confidentiality or
copyright protection, the Part File Tool Kit
FN1. After Baystate's acquisition of itself was labeled “confidential-company
the CADKEY system in June, 1996, material.”
however, the company changed its
name to Micro Control Systems, Inc. A Part File Tool Kit typically consists of
(“MCS”). definitions or header files, a library of
executable files, and a document that
B. Infotech describes the organization of the file data
structure and descriptions of the access
Infotech Enterprises, Ltd. (“Infotech”), functions that are included in the library of
located in Hyderabad, India, was founded in executable files. Specifically, in this case,
1992 by Mohan Reddy, who has been its the CADKEY Part File Tool Kit (“the Tool
Managing Director since that time. Today, Kit”) is a subset of the CADKEY code
it has over 270 employees in India and is which allows a user or third party developer
to read and write the data files into a non- received at that meeting was the Tool
CADKEY program using the information in Kit documentation. In fact, Mr.
the Tool Kit. There are two components to Reddy was sure he received no
the CADKEY Tool Kit: 1) source code, source code with the documentation
which comes on a floppy disk, and 2) of either version 4.0 or version 5.0,
documentation, which explains the even though it is clear from the
CADKEY data structures and how the exhibits that the former included
CADKEY file format is organized. demonstration programs and the
Baystate has a registered copyright in each latter did not (Exhs. 41, 44). In any
component. event, the version 4.0 documentation
was not used by Infotech.
Mr. Reddy received Livingston Davies' e-
mail of April 27, 1994 (Exhs. 40 and 41) and The Tool Kit documentation delivered to Mr.
forwarded it to his employees who soon Reddy, unlike other copies of that
discovered that the Tool Kit was not version documentation in evidence, bore no cover
5.0, but actually an earlier, superseded sheet containing copyright notice to users,
version 4.0. Version 4.0 was not helpful to but it was stamped “confidential” on all
Infotech and thus was not used. pages. Mr. Reddy and Infotech therefore
had notice of the confidential nature of the
On June 2, 1994 and again on June 9, 1994, documentation even if originally Exh. 44
Mr. Reddy wrote directly to Osman Rashid included no copyright notice. Mr. Reddy
at Cadkey explaining that the materials he was also aware of the probability that the
had received from Livingston Davies were documentation was copyrighted because the
of no use and requesting additional version 4.0 included a copyright notice.
information. Mr. Reddy received no
response from Mr. Rashid, but on June 14, No express written or oral agreement existed
1994, Livingston Davies sent an e-mail to between Mr. Reddy and Livingston Davies
George Krucik at Cadkey and requested that regarding the use of the documentation
Mr. Krucik provide Mr. Reddy with the delivered in June, 1994. Mr. Reddy
updated material. Again Mr. Reddy admitted however, that if he had received
received no response from Cadkey. A week source code from any company, he would
or so later, however, Livingston Davies met have understood that such material was
Mr. Reddy at a CAD industry trade show in confidential and was not to be used on a
the United States and provided Mr. Reddy competitor's product. In this particular
with a copy of the Tool Kit documentation case, however, Mr. Reddy did not treat the
for version 5.0 (Exh. 44).FN2 Tool Kit documentation as confidential
because it did not contain source code.

FN2. Although Livingston Davies Sometime prior to the summer of 1994,

testified that he provided Mr. Reddy George Krucik, vice-president of Cadkey,
with a “hard copy” of the same changed Cadkey's policy with respect to the
information he provided in April, dissemination of its Tool Kit documentation
1994 along with some “user notes” and made it distributable, without
about CADKEY, Mr. Reddy testified restriction, to any third party developer who
(and Exh. 44 indicates) that all he requested it. The evidence was not clear,
however, as to how or if that policy was E. Bentley
implemented or whether it was intended to
apply to the whole Tool Kit or just to the Peter Brooks began his employment at
Tool Kit documentation. Bentley in 1994. His responsibilities
included development and marketing of
After Mr. Reddy returned to India with the Bentley's Microstation product in the
Tool Kit documentation, Infotech used it as mechanical CAD market. As such, Mr.
a reference to develop the “read” capability Brooks became interested in developing a
of CADKEY files into MODES. By CADKEY-to-Microstation translator (“the
September 1, 1994, Infotech had completed Translator”). In late 1995, Mr. Brooks
the development of that CADKEY “read” contacted Baystate to inquire about their
capability. interest, if any, in developing such a
translator and/or entering into a partnership
to acquire the CADKEY product line.
D. The Contract between Cadkey and Initially, Robert Bean, president of Baystate,
Infotech expressed some interest but, after
discovering the confidentiality agreement
In November, 1994, Cadkey entered into a between Baystate and Cadkey which
contract with Infotech whereby Infotech was restricted Baystate's use of the CADKEY
retained to assist Cadkey in the development Tool Kit, someone at Baystate informed Mr.
of its CAD software products. That Brooks that Baystate could not develop the
contract gave Infotech access to Cadkey's Translator without Cadkey's permission.
trade secrets and copyrighted material,
including CADKEY proprietary information In late 1995 or early 1996, Mr. Brooks
and confidential source code. Cadkey approached Livingston Davies, who had
required Infotech to sign a non-disclosure resumed his position as president of Cadkey,
agreement with respect to confidential and offered Cadkey $100,000 for permission
information disclosed from the date of the to use the CADKEY Tool Kit to develop the
contract through January, 1998. By its Translator. Livingston Davies responded
terms, that agreement did not apply to that, although under certain circumstances
confidential information already in the he would be willing to grant such
possession of or developed independently by permission, the offer was inadequate and
Infotech (Exh. 5). was thus declined.

Infotech continued to work on its CADKEY

project until early September, 1996. F. Bentley's relationship with Infotech
Although that work proceeded until after
Baystate acquired the CADKEY line, no In or about March, 1996, Mr. Reddy
written agreement between Baystate and introduced himself to Mr. Brooks at a trade
Infotech was ever executed. In early show in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr.
September, 1996, Baystate terminated its Reddy described Infotech and its experience
relationship with Infotech for reasons in the CAD industry and solicited software
discussed below and has withheld payment development work from Bentley. Mr.
for services rendered prior to that Brooks was non-committal at the time, but
termination. in June, 1996, decided to consider Infotech
as a possible developer of the Translator. At
trial, Mr. Brooks testified credibly that the
business reasons for his decision to hire apparently did some minimal work on the
Infotech included: CADKEY project. Although this Court
1) Infotech's expertise in CAD products and finds that there was no impropriety on the
reverse engineering, part of Infotech, it also finds that the
2) Infotech's good reputation, CADKEY project and the Bentley Translator
3) Bentley's desire to reduce costs by out- project were not kept completely separate.
sourcing the work,
4) his personal interest in managing an
offshore development project, and G. Baystate
5) His belief that the Translator would be an
appropriate starting point for a business Baystate began its business relationship with
relationship between Bentley and Infotech. Cadkey in June, 1993. At that time
Baystate entered into a confidential
agreement with Cadkey wherein Baystate
On June 7, 1996, Mr. Brooks sent an e-mail was afforded access to proprietary
to Infotech requesting a proposal for the information and trade secrets of Cadkey in
development of the Translator. He was connection with the development of
aware at that time that Infotech did DRAFT-PAK and its use with CADKEY.
development work for Cadkey and assumed In late 1995, Baystate began negotiations
that Infotech had access to proprietary with Cadkey to purchase the CADKEY
information belonging to Cadkey. He product line. That purchase was
informed Infotech that it could not use any consummated in June, 1996, and, as a result,
proprietary, third-party information and that Baystate obtained all of the trade secrets and
no programmers who worked on any copyrights associated with the CADKEY
Cadkey development could work on the product line previously owned by Cadkey.
Translator project. Infotech agreed to Baystate also assumed the rights and
Bentley's conditions and, on or about July obligations of Cadkey with respect to the
17, 1996, signed a letter agreement which CADKEY development project undertaken
incorporated those conditions and by Infotech.
indemnified Bentley against any violation
thereof. Infotech began work on the
Translator at about that time. Mr. Reddy H. The Errant E-mail
testified credibly that Infotech has not
misused CADKEY proprietary information On August 21, 1996, Infotech sent an e-mail
at any time. transmission to Bentley and mistakenly
copied it to Baystate. That e-mail contained
Mr. Reddy also testified that Infotech did portions of the source code for the
not employ programmers on the Translator Translator. Baystate analyzed the
who had performed substantive work on the unsolicited transmission and came to the
CADKEY project, i.e. that a so-called conclusion that source code from the
“Chinese Wall,” existed between the two CADKEY “header files,” including the data
projects. Notwithstanding that claim, a “Dr. structures contained within those files, had
Rao” supervised both projects and a “Subba been copied by Infotech into the Translator
Rao” worked as a computer programmer for project. Prior to a complete analysis of the
the Bentley Translator project and e-mail, Baystate representatives discussed
their allegations with Mr. Reddy of Infotech Other than the similarity in the data
and were assured by him that no CADKEY structures, neither expert testified with
proprietary information had been used in respect to any similarity between the object
developing the Translator. code or the source code of the CADKEY
program and the proposed Bentley
Infotech apologized to both Bentley and Translator program.
Baystate for the errant e-mail and, in an
effort to maintain its business relationship
with Baystate, offered to terminate the III. Conclusions of Law
Translator project with Bentley. Infotech
explained that the Translator was only about For the purpose of its complaint, Baystate
20% complete. Baystate refused Infotech's claims proprietary interests in three different
offer to continue business relations and products: the CADKEY source code, the
demanded that Infotech return to it all Part File Tool Kit source code and the Part
CADKEY proprietary information. File Tool Kit documentation. Baystate's
Infotech complied with the demand. legal interests in those products with respect
Baystate then offered to forgo any legal to each claim will be addressed seriatim.
action against Infotech in exchange for a
waiver of its obligation to pay for prior
services (then amounting to about $70,000 A. Copyright Claim
U.S.) (Exh. 31). Infotech declined
Baystate's offer. A computer program such as CADKEY is
protectable under the Copyright Laws. 17
In September, 1996, Bentley began an U.S.C. § 101; Apple Computer, Inc. v. Franklin
advertising campaign which included, as one Computer Corp., 714 F.2d 1240, 1247 (3rd Cir.1983),
component, a promise of the future cert. dismissed,464 U.S. 1033, 104 S.Ct. 690, 79
availability of a CADKEY-to-Microstation L.Ed.2d 158 (1984). For copyright purposes, a
Translator. That campaign was scheduled “computer program” is defined as “a set of
to continue until December 31, 1996 and did statements or instructions to be used directly
not mention when the Translator would or indirectly in a computer in order to bring
become available. Baystate inferred from about a certain result.” 17 U.S.C. § 101
such advertisements that the development of Accordingly, the computer program
the Translator was much closer to comprising CADKEY is copyright protected
completion than anticipated, and, upon (if the appropriate procedures are followed)
further analysis of the errant e-mail, but because the data structures at issue in
concluded that its rights had been violated. this case do not bring about any result on
Soon thereafter, Baystate filed this civil their own, they are copyright protected, if at
action. all, only as a part of the whole computer

J. Experts General Findings The owner of a copyright has the exclusive

right to copy, make derivative works and
Both parties offered the testimony of expert distribute the copyrighted material. 17 U.S.C.
witnesses. The experts agreed that the data § 106. If anyone violates any of those
structures at issue were, at least to some exclusive rights, he “is an infringer of the
extent, similar, although defendant's expert copyright.” 17 U.S.C. § 501(a). To prove its
opined that such similarity was necessary. claim of copyright infringement, a plaintiff
must show that: (1) it owns a valid current CADKEY version are owned
copyright in the disputed item and (2) the by Infotech. This defense is
alleged infringer copied the protected work. irrelevant to the discussion at hand in
Concrete Machinery Co. v. Classic Lawn Ornaments, that the CADKEY version at issue
843 F.2d 600, 605 (1st Cir.1988). In the case of was that which was in existence
computer programs, the alleged infringer when the CADKEY “read”
must be shown to have copied “constituent, capability was added to MODES, i.e.
original elements” of the program. Data before September, 1994. This Court
General Corp. v. Grumman Systems Support, 36 F.3d declines to address the issue of
1147, 1160, n. 19 (1st Cir.1994) (“Grumman II ”). copyrights related to parts of the
program worked on by Infotech.
1. Validity of Baystate's Copyright
2. Copying of the Work
[1]With regard to the first element of proof,
With regard to the second element of proof
the copyright in a work “vests initially in the
of a copyright claim, a party must first prove
author or authors of the work.” 17 U.S.C. §
copying by the alleged infringer either
201(a). The ownership of a copyright may
through direct evidence or through
be transferred “by any means of conveyance
circumstantial evidence. Lotus Development
or by operation of law.” 17 U.S.C. § 201(d). Corp. v. Borland International, Inc., 49 F.3d 807, 813
Further, a certificate of registration (1st Cir.1995), aff'd516 U.S. 233, 116 S.Ct. 804, 133
constitutes prima facie evidence of the L.Ed.2d 610 (1996). Because it is often
validity of the copyright and the facts stated difficult to prove copying directly, most
in the certificate. 17 U.S.C. § 410(c). Thus, parties offer circumstantial evidence of
because Baystate has entered into evidence copying by showing that the defendant had
copyright registrations for the CADKEY access to the copyright-protected work and
program, the Part File Tool Kit and the Part that there is a probative similarity between
File Tool Kit documentation (Exhs. 1 and the protected work and the alleged
57), there exists a rebuttable presumption of infringing work, i.e. the two works must be
validity and ownership of those copyrights similar enough for the finder of fact to infer
by Baystate. The burden, therefore, shifts factual copying. Id. If factual copying is
to Bentley to prove plaintiff does not own a shown, the plaintiff must then prove the
valid copyright in the CADKEY programs copying was extensive enough to render the
and documentation. This Court concludes two works substantially similar. Id.
that defendant has not met that burden.FN3
Therefore, plaintiff has proven it owns a
valid copyright in its CADKEY computer a. Factual Copying
program source code in existence in 1994,
the Part File Tool Kit source code and the i. Access
Part File Tool Kit documentation.

At the time of the alleged copying, Infotech

FN3. Defendant argues that because had access to the CADKEY source code,
plaintiff did not have a written work- the Part File Tool Kit Source Code and the
made-for-hire agreement with Part File Tool Kit documentation, as a result
Infotech, certain aspects of the of either its confidential relationship with
Cadkey that began in November, 1994 or its Having found factual copying, this Court
access to documentation received from turns to a consideration of substantial
Livingston Davies in June, 1994. The similarity. If the data structures are
plaintiff has, therefore, shown access. This copyright protected and are constituent
Court has already found that the “Chinese elements of the CADKEY computer
Wall” at Infotech allegedly built to separate program, then plaintiff has proven copyright
the CADKEY project from the Bentley infringement by Infotech.FN5 The Court
Translator project crumbled to the point of concludes, however, that the plaintiff lacks
being incapable of rebutting a finding of proof of either element, i.e. the data
access. structures at issue are not protected under
the copyright laws, nor (even if they were so
protected) are they constituent, original
ii. Probative Similarity elements of the program. See infra.

[2]This Court concludes that there exists a

probative similarity between the names and FN5. In order to prove liability on the
organization of the data structures of the part of Bentley, plaintiff must also
Part File Tool Kit source code and prove that a relationship between
documentation, on the one hand, and the Bentley and Infotech existed which
Translator as transmitted in the e-mail of imputes to Bentley legal
August 21, 1996, on the other hand. responsibility for actions taken by
Furthermore, Infotech has admitted that 1) it Infotech in developing the
“referred” to the Tool Kit documentation Translator. Although there is
when producing the CADKEY “read” credible evidence that such a
capability for MODES and 2) that portion of relationship existed, this Court
MODES was used in developing part of the declines to address that issue because
Translator. There was, however, no it finds in favor of the defendant on
evidence of probative similarity between separate grounds as discussed infra.
any other aspect of the two computer
programs. Hence, plaintiff has shown In this case the copied components are the
probative similarity only with respect to the data structure names and the organization of
names of the so-called data structures as that the files within the data structures. To
term is used by the parties in Exhs. 23, 26, determine the legal consequences of such
53, and 54, and the organization of the files copying, this Court must consider:
within the data structures.FN4 1) whether the copied components are
protected parts of a copyrighted work under
the copyright laws; and
FN4. Additionally when referring to 2) whether Infotech's use of the data
the names of the data structures, this structures amounts to the copying of
Court intends to include both the constituent elements of a copyrighted work.
names of the data structures and the
names of the files in the data In deciding the issue, this Court adopts and
structures. applies the “abstraction-filtration-
comparison” test applied in Gates Rubber Co.
b. Substantial Similarity of the Computer v. Bando Chemical Industries, Ltd., 9 F.3d 823 (10th
Program Cir.1993) and acknowledged in dicta by the
First Circuit Court of Appeals in Lotus, 49 F.3d
at 814. Translator. See also Exh. 54
(similar table prepared by
defendant's expert).
i. The Data Structures Are Not Copyright
Protected Although Baystate's expert, Professor Craig
Wills, testified that the CADKEY data
[3] Liability for copyright infringement is structure names were independently created
incurred only when protected elements of a and were original expression, this Court
copyrighted work are copied. Gates Rubber, 9 concludes that his opinion is not decisive of
F.3d at 833 (citing Baker v. Selden, 101 U.S. 99, the issue of whether they are copyright
101-03, 25 L.Ed. 841 (1879)); Lotus, 49 F.3d at 815. protected. In Lotus, the First Circuit held
A fundamental principle of copyright law is that the words used in Lotus 1-2-3's menu
that “protection extends only to the author's command hierarchy were not protectable
original and creative expression and not to because they were the means by which
the ideas embodied in that expression.” functions were performed and thus,
Gates Rubber, 9 F.3d at 836; Lotus, 49 F.3d at 815. constituted a “method of operation”
The Copyright Act codifies that principle by excluded from copyright protection. In so
denying protection to “any idea, procedure, holding, the First Circuit Court of Appeals
process, system, method of operation, concluded that even though the authors of
concept, principle, or discovery....” 17 U.S.C. Lotus 1-2-3
§ 102(b); Id. Courts give effect to those made some expressive choices in choosing
copyright principles by drawing on two and arranging the Lotus command terms, we
established copyright doctrines: the doctrine nonetheless hold that the expression is not
of merger and the doctrine of scenes a faire. copyrightable.... [T]he ‘expressive’ choices
Gates Rubber, 9 F.3d at 838; Harbor Software, Inc. of what to name the command terms and
v. Applied Systems, Inc., 925 F.Supp. 1042, 1048
how to arrange them do not magically
change the uncopyrightable menu command
hierarchy into copyrightable subject matter.
Part of the copying that took place in this
case relates to data structure names or, more
Lotus, 49 F.3d at 816.
specifically, the words and abbreviations
used to describe the files contained within
Under the merger doctrine, protection is
the data structures and the data structures
denied to expression that is inseparable from
themselves. The evidence demonstrated
the ideas, processes or facts underlying the
that some of the words and abbreviations or
expression. Gates Rubber, 9 F.3d at 837. When
names used in the defendant's program,
there are only a few means of expressing an
although not identical in the layman's sense,
idea, process or fact, copyright protection is,
were very similar to those of the plaintiff's
therefore, denied to those means of
copyrighted program.FN6
expression. Id. Mohan Reddy testified that
the name of a file is typically related to its
FN6. Plaintiff's expert created a chalk function. A file that controls or creates
comparison of the words and color has a name in which some form of the
abbreviations used in the “Fldimnot” word “color” appears. In that case, the
file of the CADKEY source code and name of a file, “color”, merges with the idea
the “tagPRTDDimNote” file in the or function of the file, “to create a color”,
and is not protected by copyright laws. MODES product had to be similar to the
data structures in the Part File Tool Kit
With respect to copyright protection documentation because the computer
afforded to the organization of the data programmer needed to refer to the
structures, a second doctrine applies. Under documentation in the process of creating and
the scenes a faire doctrine, protection is manipulating the CADKEY “read”
denied to those elements of a program that capability of MODES. Furthermore, the
have been dictated by external factors. Gates Part File Tool Kit documentation stresses the
Rubber, 9 F.3d at 838. For computer programs, necessity of following the CADKEY
those external factors include, among other structures closely:
things, compatibility requirements and It is up to the programmer to comply with
industry-wide programming practices. Id. the CADKEY entity structures and to codify
and enforce an internal structure for any user
In this case, the court concludes that the defined entities or else chaos will ensue!
selection and organization of the elements in
the data files is dictated mainly by external Exh. 44, p. 3.
factors. The product being developed is a
data translator that is designed to “read” the With regard to industry-wide standards,
data files of CADKEY. The process of Scott Taylor, an apparently objective and
“reading” the CADKEY data files requires neutral witness, shed at least some light.
that the elements contained within the data Mr. Taylor developed many translators,
structures of the Translator be organized in including one which could read CADKEY.
the same manner as the elements in the data It was his practice to use, at least to some
structures of CADKEY. Without such extent, both the target product's data
compatibility, the Translator would not structure names and its organization of the
function because it would “misread” the data structures. Hence, when he created a
CADKEY data files. data translator which could “read”
CADKEY files, he used the CADKEY file
Additionally, the organization of names is, at names and the organization of data
least partly, a function of efficiency. Walter structures as they were described in the Part
Anderson, defendant's expert witness, File Tool Kit documentation. Walter
testified that the names and the arrangement Anderson testified that he used the same
of those names serve a functional and method in creating a translator to read
necessary purpose in the code of a data AutoCAD files. On the basis of relatively
translator. They permit a computer limited evidence of the CAD industry
programmer who produces a data translator standards, and after applying all of the
to refer back to the documentation of the relevant copyright principles, this Court
“target product” (the program the data concludes, therefore, that the data structure
translator seeks to read) as he creates the names and the organization of those names
code for the translator. are not protected expression under the
copyright laws.
Significant differences between the names
and organization of the names used in the
“target product” and the translator would be ii. Application of Abstraction-Filtration-
inefficient for the programmer. For that Comparison Test
reason, the data structure names in Infotech's
[4] Even if the data structures at issue were
protected under the copyright laws, those (v) source code, and (vi) object code.
parts of the computer program constitute
neither a substantial portion nor a significant Gates Rubber, 9 F.3d at 835. In applying
aspect of the whole copyrighted work. See copyright principles to the different levels of
Gates Rubber, 9 F.3d at 838-39. In this case the a computer program, the main purpose of
copyrighted work is the CADKEY program the program will almost always be an
as manifested through the CADKEY source unprotectable idea, as will be the basic
code, the Part File Tool Kit Source Code and purpose of each module of the program. At
the Part File Tool Kit documentation. The the other end of the spectrum, source and
burden was on Baystate to demonstrate the object code will almost always be found to
significance of the copied data structures, be protectable expression. However, the
and, in this Court's opinion, Baystate did not intermediate levels of abstraction are less
meet that burden. prone to generalizations. Id. The data
structures at issue in this case fall within an
The abstraction-filtration-comparison test intermediate level.
consists of three prongs whereby the Court
is directed: Second, this Court has already decided,
1) to divide the computer program at issue supra, that the data structures are not
into its structural parts according to varying protected elements. For purposes of
levels of generality or abstraction; applying the abstraction-filtration-
2) to examine each of those structural parts comparison test, however, this Court will
and filter out those which are not copyright assume arguendo that the data structures are
protectable; and protected. By virtue of that assumption,
3) to compare the remaining protectable this Court is impelled to consider the third
parts of the plaintiff's program to the and final prong of the test.
defendant's work to determine whether the
defendant has misappropriated substantial The expert testimony showed that, although
elements thereof. data structures are generally a necessary
component of a computer program for
Id. at 834; Computer Assocs. Int'l, Inc. v. Altai, organizational and efficiency purposes, the
Inc., 982 F.2d 693, 706 (2nd Cir.1992). During original naming of data structures takes very
the trial, there was virtually no evidence little of the total time or creative genius
(and only minimal argument) that anything necessary to develop a program.
other than the data structures were copied in Furthermore, data structures are not, by
this case. This Court therefore considers themselves, executable, i.e. a computer
only the copied data structures when cannot read data structures and perform any
applying the abstraction-filtration- function. Although the importance of a
comparison test. program component is not strictly a function
of quantity, the evidence in this case
First, as taught by the Gates Rubber demonstrates that the subject data structures
decision, a computer program represent only a small portion of the total
can often be parsed into at least six levels of CADKEY program.
generally declining abstraction: (i) the main
purpose, (ii) the program structure, (iii) As stated previously, if the CADKEY data
modules, (iv) algorithms and data structures, structures are copyright protectable, they are
so only as part of the computer program in or use. With respect to the documentation
which they are embedded. Baystate has itself, therefore, this Court concludes that
failed to prove, by a preponderance of the there does not exist the substantial similarity
evidence, that the relative significance of between it and the Translator necessary to
these data structures are substantial to the prove copying by Infotech.
overall program and its operation. This
Court concludes, therefore, that the The Supreme Court's holding in Baker v.
defendant's work is not substantially similar Selden, 101 U.S. 99, 25 L.Ed. 841 (1879) is also
to plaintiff's work and hence the defendant instructive. In that case, the Supreme Court
has not infringed plaintiff's copyright. held that Selden's copyright in a book, in
which he explained his new system of book-
keeping, did not grant him an exclusive right
c. Substantial Similarity of the to the use of that system. Baker, 101 U.S. at
Documentation 106, cited with approval in Lotus, 49 F.3d at
813-14. Here, Baystate's copyright of the
[5][6]One more Copyright issue needs to be Part File Tool Kit documentation does not
addressed: whether Baystate's copyright in grant it an exclusive right to use the
the Part File Tool Kit documentation was information conveyed in that documentation
infringed. Because the documentation is and thus, Infotech's use thereof does not
not a computer program as such, this Court infringe that copyright.
does not necessarily examine it as it did the
CADKEY computer program, supra.
3. Summary Of Copyright Claim
The documentation contained the data
structures which were the subject of the This Court concludes that the plaintiff has
experts' comparisons. Infotech admitted not met its burden of proving 1) that the data
that its programmers referred to the Part File structures are copyright-protected, 2) that
Tool Kit documentation before and during the data structures (even if copyright
their creation of the CADKEY “read” protectable) are constituent and essential
capability component of MODES. elements of the CADKEY computer
Although Mr. Reddy of Infotech program, and 3) that there exists a
acknowledged that such documentation was substantial similarity between the Part File
confidential and he had reason to know of its Tool Kit documentation and the Bentley
copyright, he denied that Infotech's use of Translator.
the documentation as a reference violated
any confidence or copyright. Also,
although Infotech admitted referring to the B. Trade Secret Misappropriation Claim
documentation, the minimal evidence of
copying that was offered by plaintiff was [7] Trade Secret protection is afforded to
unpersuasive. computer software as long as the matter
sought to be protected is not generally
It is clear that part of the Translator source known in the industry. Trade secrets are,
code contained in the August 21 e-mail is however, protected only against
similar to parts of the written Part File Tool misappropriation through deceptive or
Kit documentation. That documentation is fraudulent means, i.e. not including
not, however, at all similar to the Translator discovery by innocent means, such as
in an overall comparison of content, purpose reverse engineering. M.G.L. c. 93, § 42.
testified that Infotech did not receive either
To demonstrate misappropriation of trade source code until November, 1994, which
secrets under Massachusetts law, Baystate was after it had developed CADKEY “read”
must prove: (1) the information in question capability for MODES. He also indicated
is a trade secret, (2) Baystate took that Infotech did not use or refer in any
reasonable steps to preserve the secrecy of manner to either source code in the
that information, and (3) Bentley “used development of the Translator. That
improper means, in breach of a confidential testimony was credible and plaintiff did not
relationship, to acquire and use the trade adequately rebut it. With respect to any
secret.” Grumman II, 36 F.3d at 1165; J.T. Healy trade secret misappropriation claim related
& Son, Inc. v. James A. Murphy & Son, Inc., 357 to the CADKEY source code or the Part File
Mass. 728, 737-39, 260 N.E.2d 723 (1970). Tool Kit source code, this Court, therefore,
rules in favor of defendant.
[8]The case at bar includes a twist on the
typical misappropriation of a trade secret
case in that a third party, not the defendant, 2. Trade Secret Misappropriation of
was entrusted with the trade secret at issue. Information in the Documentation
Even so, if Bentley knowingly benefitted
from a trade secret which Infotech obtained [10] Infotech admits referring to the Part File
by way of its confidential relationship with Tool Kit documentation in its development
Baystate, Bentley is liable to Baystate for of the CADKEY “read” capability in
any misappropriation thereof. Data General MODES which, in turn, was used in the
Corp. v. Grumman Systems Support Corp., 795 development of the Translator. Plaintiff
F.Supp. 501, 507 (D.Mass.1992), aff'd36 F.3d 1147. maintains, primarily on the basis of the
testimony of Livingston Davies, that
Baystate asserted at trial that the CADKEY Infotech's use of such documentation was
source code, the Part File Tool Kit source authorized by an agreement whereby
code and the Part File Tool Kit Infotech acknowledged the confidential
documentation are, in fact, trade secrets and nature thereof and accepted the restriction of
that both Baystate and Cadkey took its use to the development of MODES. If
reasonable steps to protect those secrets. such an agreement was entered into, then the
Baystate claimed that Cadkey, and later use of MODES in the Translator would
Baystate itself, required that anyone who constitute a misappropriation of Baystate's
was granted access to the CADKEY source trade secrets. This Court concludes,
code sign a non-disclosure agreement. however, that 1) there was no such
agreement, 2) Cadkey's policies, as they
related to the Part File Tool Kit
1. Trade Secret Misappropriation of Source documentation, failed to preserve its trade
Code secret nature and, therefore, 3) plaintiff's
claim of trade secret misappropriation of
[9] Based upon all the evidence offered at such documentation fails.
trial, this Court concludes that plaintiff has
not met its burden of proving that the
CADKEY source code and the Part File a. Factors to Consider When Determining
Tool Kit Source Code were misappropriated Reasonableness of Steps Taken to Preserve
by either Infotech or Bentley. Mr. Reddy
b. No Agreement between Cadkey and
This Court notes that the subject Infotech
documentation contained the kind of
information generally considered to be a With respect to the USM Corp. “factors”,
trade secret if secrecy is maintained. It thus this Court has already found that no express
considers the reasonableness of the steps written or oral agreement existed between
taken by Cadkey, and later by Baystate, to Mr. Reddy and Livingston Davies as to the
preserve the secrecy of the information at trade secret nature of the documentation
issue. Whether reasonable steps have been which Livingston Davies delivered to Mr.
taken depends upon the facts of each case. Reddy in June, 1994. No written agreement
However, was offered at trial and Mr. Reddy denied
one who claims that he has a trade secret that there were any discussions regarding an
must exercise eternal vigilance. This calls oral agreement. That testimony was
for constant warnings to all persons to credible, but if there existed an implied duty,
whom the trade secret has become known reasonably inferred from surrounding
and obtaining from each an agreement, circumstances, to maintain the secrecy of the
preferably in writing, acknowledging its documentation, that nonetheless, would be
secrecy and promising to respect it. sufficient.

J.T. Healy, 357 Mass. at 738, 260 N.E.2d 723. The documentation Mr. Reddy received was
stamped “confidential” on all pages. He
To determine whether Cadkey's actions and knew, therefore, that the documentation was
policies concerning the treatment of the confidential, but no evidence was presented
documentation were sufficient to protect its that anyone at Infotech knew such
claimed secrecy, this Court considers four documentation represented Cadkey trade
factors as suggested by the Massachusetts secret information or that Infotech agreed to
Supreme Judicial Court in USM Corp. v. maintain the confidentiality of such
Marson Fastener Corp., 379 Mass. 90, 393 N.E.2d information. Moreover, there was no
895 (1979): evidence that Infotech ever disclosed to
(1) the existence or absence of an express anyone else the Part File Tool Kit
agreement restricting disclosure; documentation. What it disclosed to
(2) the nature and extent of security Bentley through the Translator source code
precautions taken by the possessor to was the MODES computer program which
prevent acquisition of the information by was created by reference to such
unauthorized third parties; documentation.
(3) the circumstance under which the
information was disclosed ... to the extent Although Mr. Reddy admitted that he knew
they give rise to a reasonable inference that any source code he received was
further disclosure, without the consent of the confidential, he did not consider Infotech's
possessor, is prohibited; and use of the documentation to be use of source
(4) the degree to which the information has code. This Court concludes that there was
been placed in the public domain or insufficient evidence to find any express or
rendered “readily ascertainable”. implied agreement by Infotech not to
disclose programming that was created by
USM Corp., 379 Mass. at 98, 393 N.E.2d 895. reference to the confidential documentation.
If that had been Cadkey's intention, Cadkey
should have put it in writing. Kit and are in evidence, none says
specifically that further disclosure of the
information in the documentation is
c. Cadkey's Policies Failed to Preserve prohibited by the agreement. Furthermore,
Secrecy one such agreement states specifically that
the confidentiality agreement between the
Whether or not Cadkey took reasonable parties (Cadkey and Amdahl Corporation)
steps to protect its trade secrets in its was to expire on August 1, 1995. Exh. 17.
dealings with Infotech in 1994, this Court At a very minimum, therefore, the Part File
concludes that Cadkey did not maintain the Tool Kit documentation is “readily
trade secret nature of the Part File Tool Kit ascertainable” from Amdahl Corporation
documentation in its dealings with others. which could presumably disseminate such
Although Livingston Davies denied that, as information without restriction. USM Corp.,
Chairman of the Board, he ever approved 379 Mass. at 98, 393 N.E.2d 895.
such a policy, George Krucik, vice president
of Cadkey in 1994, testified via deposition Considering all of the USM Corp. factors,
that he implemented a policy whereby the this Court concludes that Cadkey did not
Tool Kit documentation (and even the Tool take reasonable steps to preserve the trade
Kit source code) was distributed without secrecy of the Part File Tool Kit
restriction to requesting third party documentation. Because Baystate acquired
developers. No evidence was offered at only what Cadkey had to sell, Baystate has
trial that such a policy was ever acted upon, no trade secret protection in the
but Ronald Brumbarger, a credible and documentation. The defendant therefore
objective witness, testified that while his prevails on plaintiff's claim of trade secret
company was handling the implementation misappropriation.
of one part of the CADKEY program, he
and his employees understood they were
free to disseminate the Part File Tool Kit C. The Lanham Act Claim
without restriction to those who asked for it.
[11] Under the Lanham Act, a party who, in
Evidence was also presented that Scott connection with any goods, uses any false or
Taylor received the Part File Tool Kit misleading representation of fact in
documentation from Cadkey. He indicated commercial advertising which misrepresents
that, on a handshake, he agreed that the the nature, characteristics or qualities of the
documentation was confidential and that he goods, is liable in a civil action to anyone
would not disclose it to anyone else. He who is injured by such conduct. 15 U.S.C. §
testified that *1093 he has not, in fact, 1125(a). The purpose of the Act is to protect
disclosed it to anyone else, but has referred against the “use of a mark in interstate
to it (seemingly in much the same way commerce which is likely to cause confusion
Infotech admitted referring to it) in the or to deceive purchasers concerning the
production of several data translators which source of goods” or, in the alternative, the
were sold by his company. false description or representation of goods
in commerce. Quincy Cablesystems, Inc. v. Sully's
Finally, with respect to the confidentiality Bar, Inc., 650 F.Supp. 838, 845 (D.Mass.1986).
agreements that refer to the Part File Tool
The Court finds that there is nothing and unjustified. Backman v. Guiliano, 331 Mass.
deceptive or misleading about Bentley's 231, 232, 118 N.E.2d 78 (1954). This Court
advertisement for the Translator. What little determines that, even if Bentley had
evidence was offered with respect to the interfered with Baystate's relationship with
Lanham Act claim showed that the Infotech, it was unintentional. Bentley
development and marketing of translators is made a reasonable effort to ensure that
common in the CAD industry and that CAD Infotech developed the Translator without
users are familiar with translators and would the use of proprietary information of any
not therefore be confused about the source third party. Moreover, Baystate voluntarily
thereof. terminated its relationship with Infotech
despite Infotech's assurances that it had done
Baystate apparently also claims that Bentley nothing wrong and its expressed desire to
has misrepresented that it has a right to sell continue the relationship. This Court
the Translator.FN7 Because Bentley's concludes that no tortious interference with
development and sale of the Translator has an advantageous business relationship has,
herein been found to be lawful, this Court therefore, *1094 occurred and rules in favor
concludes that no misrepresentation of defendant on that claim.

F. Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices

FN7. Although some circuits have
extended the Lanham Act to protect To sustain its claim under M.G.L. c. 93A,
against that kind of Baystate must show that Bentley knowingly
misrepresentation, it is not clear that and willfully engaged in an unfair and
the First Circuit is among them. See deceptive trade practice. Because plaintiff
Id. at 846. has failed to meet its burden of proof on any
of the previously discussed claims, it has
D. Conversion Claim also failed to meet its burden on this claim.

[12]Conversion is the wrongful exercise of

an act of ownership or control over another's CONCLUSION
personal property. Third Nat. Bank of Hampden
County v. Continental Ins. Co., 388 Mass. 240, 244, For the foregoing reasons, this Court
446 N.E.2d 380 (1983); Spooner v. Manchester, 133 concludes that defendant, Bentley, did not
Mass. 270, 274 (1882). The evidence shows infringe Baystate's copyright, did not
and this Court concludes that the defendant misappropriate Baystate's trade secrets, did
has not exercised any act of ownership or not violate the Lanham Act with respect to
control over any personal property of its advertisements for a CADKEY-to-
Baystate. Microstation translator, did not unlawfully
convert any of Baystate's property, did not
tortiously interfere with an advantageous
E. Claim for Tortious Interference with business relationship between Baystate and
Advantageous Business Relations Infotech and did not engage in unfair or
deceptive trade practices with respect to the
[13][14] Liability for tortious interference issues presented at trial. Judgment will,
with an advantageous business relationship therefore, be entered in favor of the
requires that such interference be intentional defendants, plaintiff is not entitled to the
injunctive relief requested and plaintiff's
claims are dismissed.


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