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According to Effects of Pollution by Scott Forseman, pollution is defined as the

addition of any substance or form of energy to the environment at a rate faster than
the environment can accommodate it by dispersion, decomposition, recycling, or
storage in some harmless form. In my course of research, I uncovered many forms
pollution. However, the ones I included were the forms of pollution that may interfere
with our present and future existence. In this paper, air, water, and land pollutions
have been identified and explained, as well as the consequences of these pollutants,
also some possible solutions for these types of problems.

Air pollution is a problem that everyone should be concerned about. With the
growing number of automobiles, and the greenhouse effect problem becoming more
and more of a threat, air pollution is something to be concerned with. “Air pollution
involves the release of gases, finely dissolved solids, or liquid aerosols into the
atmosphere at rates that exceed the capacity of the atmosphere to dissipate them or
to dispose of them through incorporation into solid or liquid layers of the biosphere
(Newton 43).” Dust storms in deserts and smoke from forest and grass fires
contribute to air po

The materials released by industries and urban communities usually exceed the
biological capacity of aquatic systems, causing water to become polluted. “When
organic materials surpass the capacity of those microorganisms in water that break it
down and recycle it, the excess of nutrients blooms to algae (Zipko 12).” When the
alga dies, the remains of the dead algae add to the organic wastes already in the
water. Eventually the water ends up lacking oxygen.

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