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Curriculum Harmonization Team:
1. Hagos Woldeghebriel (PhD),

Assistant Professor of Physics, Mekele University, Chairman
2. Sintayehu Tesfa, (PhD),
Assistant Professor of Physics, Dilla University, Secretary

3. Tilahun Tesfaye, (PhD),
Assistant Professor of Physics, Addis Ababa University, Member
4. Alem Mebratu, (PhD),

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Assistant Professor of Physics, Mekele University, Member

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August 2009

Addis Ababa


1 Introduction 1

2 Rationale of the Curriculum 2

3 Objectives 3

4 Graduate Profile 4

5 Grading System 5

6 Program Requirements 5
6.1 Admission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6.2 Graduation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6.3 Degree Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

7 Teaching-Learning Methods 6

8 Course Selection & Sequencing 6

8.1 Course Coding/Numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
8.2 Course Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8.2.1 Compulsory Courses: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8.2.2 Elective Courses: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8.2.3 Service Courses: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8.2.4 Supportive Courses: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8.2.5 General Education Courses: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8.2.6 Summary of Course Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
8.3 Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
8.3.1 Course Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

9 Course Details 10
9.1 P HYSICS C OMPULSORY C OURSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Mechanics (Phys 201 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Electromagnetism (Phys 202 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Wave and Optics (Phys 203) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Experimental Physics I (Phys 211 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Experimental Physics II (Phys 212 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Modern Physics (Phys 242 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Mathematical Methods of Physics I (Phys 301) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Mathematical Methods of Physics II (Phys 302) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

Experimental Physics III (Phys 312 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Statistical Physics I (Phys 321) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Classical Mechanics I (Phys 331) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Quantum Mechanics I (Phys 342 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Electronics I (Phys 353) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Modern Optics (Phys 371 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Electrodynamics I (Phys 376) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Nuclear Physics I (Phys 382) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Introduction to Computational Physics (Phys 402) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Experimental Physics IV (Phys 411 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Statistical Physics II (Phys 422) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Classical Mechanics II (Phys 431) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Quantum Mechanics II (Phys 441 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Solid State Physics I (Phys 451 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Sustainable Sources of Energy (Phys 461) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Electrodynamics II (Phys 476) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Research Methods and Senior Project (Phys 492) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
9.2 P HYSICS E LECTIVE C OURSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Metrology I (Phys 316) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Environmental Physics (Phys 367) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
General Geophysics (Phys 368) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Introduction to Medical Physics (Phys 384) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Astronomy I (Phys 437) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Astronomy II (Phys 438) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Physics Teaching (Phys 409 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Metrology II (Phys 415) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Metrology III (Phys 416) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Stellar Physics I (Phys 434) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Stellar Physics II (Phys 435) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Introduction to Plasma Physics (Phys 436) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Space Physics (Phys 439 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Solid State Physics II (Phys 452) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Introduction to Atmospheric Physics (Phys 463) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Physics of Electronic Devices (Phys 456 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Electronics II (Phys 454 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Exploration Geophysics (Phys 468) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Introduction to Laser Physics (Phys 471) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

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Nuclear Physics II (Phys 482) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Radiation Physics (Phys 484) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
9.3 P HYSICS S ERVICE C OURSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Mechanics and Heat for Chemists (Phys 205) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Electricity and Magnetism (Phys 206) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Mechanics and Heat (Phys 207) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
9.4 Supportive Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Introduction to Computer Applications (Comp 201 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Introduction to Programming (Comp 271 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Calculus I (Math 261) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Calculus II (Math 262 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Linear Algebra (Math 325 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
9.5 General Education Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Communicative Skill English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Writing Skills English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Civics and Ethical Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

10 Quality Assurance 175

Appendix: Course Equivalence 176

1 Introduction

Physics, as one of the fundamental sciences, is concerned with the observation, un-
derstanding and prediction of natural phenomena and the behavior of man-made
systems. It deals with profound questions about the nature of the universe and with
some of the most important practical, environmental and technological issues of our
time. The scope of Physics is broad and encompasses mathematical and theoretical
investigation, experimental observation, computing technique, technological applica-
tion, material manipulation and information processing. Physics seeks simple expla-
nations of physical phenomena based on universal principles stated in concise and
powerful language of mathematics. The principles form a coherent unity, applicable
to objects as diverse as DNA molecules, neutron stars, super-fluids, and liquid crys-
tals. Findings in Physics have implications in all walks of life ranging from the way
we perceive reality to gadgets of everyday use.
Physicists constantly test the basic laws of nature by probing the unknown, the mys-
terious and the complex. They also search for new laws at the frontiers of knowledge,
systematically seek novel properties of matter. They are alert to the possibility of
applying physical idea and processes to new situations, and often the realization of
these possibilities has had revolutionary consequences. It is with the intention of
producing such physicists for the country that this curriculum has been developed
and is currently under a harmonization process.
The Physics departments throughout the country have different backgrounds with the
Physics Department at AAU being the pioneer. Most of the others are opened during
the last two decades. Some of these Universities have been offering BSc, others BEd
while the rest both. Currently there are 22 Physics Departments offering a BSc degree
program in the country. It was evident that the previous curriculum, where ever it
has been applied in the country, had a number of limitations. In order to find out the
limitations of the previous curriculum and develop a better and new curriculum based
on the new 70:30 enrolment and program mix policy, all Universities were requested,
by the Ministry of Education, to carry out needs assessment.
Based on the findings of the needs assessment, most of the universities have con-
ducted a consultative meeting at cluster levels, and then a national conference has
been conducted where representatives from almost all Ethiopian Universities offering
a degree program in Physics have actively participated. The conference has clearly
indicated that the previous curriculum has significant limitations, and hence, in or-
der to alleviate these shortcomings, a new and dynamic approach was required. It is
indicated that the new curriculum should be prepared taking into account that the
limitations of the previous curriculum should be critically addressed. It should aim for
a comprehensive curriculum that contributes significantly towards the development
of our country in a way that this important field plays a vital role for the advancement
of science and technology. In light of these recommendations, all universities came
together for the second time to finalize and harmonize a common curriculum. In that
conference, a national three years curriculum has been developed which was later
endorsed by the National Advisory Committee and consequently by the Ministry of
A consensus has been reached by the Universities that at present our country is
lacking the necessary expertise in Physics. It has become very evident to start a
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

Bachelor of Science (BSc) Degree Program in Physics for the following main reasons:

• there is a growing need, from the learners’ side, to maximize the stability of their
skills in the ever increasing competition in the job market;
• as the result of the graduate expansion program, new study areas that absorb
Physics graduates in their post graduate programmes are emerging in various
faculties/colleges of different universities throughout the country
• the need for educated manpower in the country itself is increasing in diversity.
Professions like teaching, medicine, radiation protection, meteorology, quality
and standards control, geoPhysics among others absorb graduates of Physics.

A Physics student should nurture strong analytical, experimental and computing

skills as well as mathematical abilities.Students should also be able to work with
mechanical, optical and electronic equipments, to design projects and synthesize and
summarize data that compliment theoretical and experimental skills to enhance ca-
reer opportunity. Taking this into account the Ethiopian Higher Education Strategic
Center (HESC), has initiated an idea of further harmonizing the national curricu-
lum taking the experience of the last one year in implementing the new curriculum.
On Hamle 12, 2001 EC, HESC has formed group of consultants from the existing
universities in the respective fields. The Physics curriculum harmonizing team is es-
tablished accordingly. The team has consulted many curriculum documents relevant
for its work. Particularly, it has critically evaluated the newly implemented Physics
curricula of almost all the Ethiopian universities. It has also looked at the Physics
curricula from the European Union which are developed on the so called Bologna Pro-
cess. In addition, the team has consulted the Ethiopian Physics curriculum for the
preparatory schools. It is based on these accounts that the team has come up with
the current harmonized curriculum for BSc Degree program in Physics. The team
has found out that there is a smooth coherence between the preparatory curricula
and the harmonized Physics Curricula for the Ethiopian Universities.

2 Rationale of the Curriculum

There is a high demand in the country for graduates with a good background in
Physics. It is evident that earlier efforts to improve the national curriculum were not
successful enough. It is hence found essential to harmonize and improve the BSc
Physics curriculum in the country so as to meet the required demand of the country.
Particularly, on the basis that the graduates of earlier curricula are content defi-
cient and lacked depth to understand their environment, there has been an attempt
of designing a curriculum aimed at producing graduates who are capable of solving
the problems of the society. Despite such efforts, the curricula designed by respective
universities are found to be virtually different and dealing with concepts which are not
coherent enough. The current harmonization effort has also taken an easy transfer of
students from university to university into account, and it has given due emphasis to
maintain the graduate profile fairly uniform. The issue of quality controlling mecha-
nism at national level has got also the necessary attention. In addition to this, taking
experience from foreign Universities especially from Bologna process is considered as
an essential component in enriching the course objectives (out puts) content and the
method of presentation and evaluation. Besides, the BSc curriculum:

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

• aims to cultivate physicists who combine a high level of numeracy with the ability
to apply their skills and experience.
• is designed to develop students awareness of the role of Physics in contempo-
rary applications, together with the skills of logical thought and a flexibility of
mind that will help them continue their personal development throughout their
subsequent career.
• lays emphasis on the fundamentals of Physics, whilst offering students a wide
range of final year options that are intended to stimulate the versatility, knowl-
edge and skills that employers look for in a Physics graduate.

3 Objectives

The BSc Physics curriculum has the following general objectives:

• to provide a broad knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of Physics

and the ability to apply that knowledge and understanding to solve physical
• to enable students express their ideas clearly and cogently in both written and
verbal form;
• to insure high quality education in Physics within a stimulating and support-
ive environment committed to excellence in Physics (theoretical, experimental,
computational, research and community services);
• to educate students the core of Physics areas at the necessary depth, while they
are encouraged to be critically receptive to new ideas and to attain their full
academic potential;
• to equip students with a sound base of knowledge and understanding in Physics;
• to expose students to the applications of physical principles in various branches
of Physics;
• to support students develop the ability to carry out experimental or/and other
investigations, analyze their results critically, draw valid conclusions, and com-
municate their findings both verbally and in writing;
• to lay the foundations and transferable skills essential for further training and
for the development of skills and knowledge;
• to render public consultations in areas closely related to Physics;
• to create an environment that gives students opportunities to develop personal
confidence, self-reliance and career aspirations.
• to train students with a basic courses in Physics that will enable them to be
academically and professionally qualified to solve physical problems;
• to develop the students ability to work independently and in groups or coopera-
• to equip students with necessary confidence, understanding and skills that
he/she needs to take up his/her civic responsibilities;
• to enhance the capability of the students to work as professional physicists in
industries, research and other institutions/organizations;

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

• to have enhanced skills in mathematics; problem solving; experimental tech-

niques; scientific report writing; collecting, analyzing and presenting informa-
tion; use of information technology and self-education;

4 Graduate Profile

The Physics graduates are expected to acquire problem solving and abstract thinking
skills. This makes Physics graduates very desirable employees in a wide variety of
areas like Education, Research, Medicine, Consulting, Defense, Industry, and Jour-
nalism and other governmental and non governmental organizations. These funda-
mental skills as well as training in practical subjects such as optics, lasers, computer
interfacing, image processing, geophysical and space exploration, weather forecast-
ing and electronics also make them very desirable employees in high tech companies,
industries and research centers.
Having completed a BSc curriculum in Physics, students should be able to:

• have a solid knowledge and understanding of modern and classical Physics;

along with the associated mathematics and experimental techniques to become
instructors at educational institutions;
• have preparedness to undertake a postgraduate program in Physics and other
related multidisciplinary postgraduate programs that require BSc in Physics;
• have the capability to work as professional physicists in scientific research;
Physics-related careers in industry, public service or the media;
• be prepared to enter a wide range of professional careers that require and values
the analytical, mathematical and computational skills of a well-trained Physics
• have acquired an insight into, and have practice in basic methods of independent
• have developed the following discipline-specific skills:

– investigative skills, to design, carry out, analyze and evaluate experiments;

– experimental skills, to use equipment safely; carry out measurements with
desired degree of accuracy in laboratories;
– mathematical skills appropriate to the subject;
– readiness to be trained in specific professions like Physics teaching, Physics
curriculum design and implementation
• have developed the following transferable skills:

– information retrieval skills, to gather and extract relevant information from

books, journals and other data sources;
– information technology skills, to collect, order, analyze and present data
using computers and other electronic systems;
– interpersonal skills, to communicate effectively with others, both in writing
and orally, and to work as part of a team;
– the ability to work independently and organize work to meet desired require-
– in developing local technologies and adapting technologies for local needs;

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

• have capacity for logical, critical, and objective thinking;

• develop interest to work in group, make reliable decisions, have personal confi-
dence, have sense of responsibility and have the commitment to serve the com-
• have personal confidence and prepared for life.

5 Grading System

One of the issue that need attention in harmonizing curricula is to have a similar
grading system. Since maximum effort should be done to achieve the stated objectives
of the curriculum, there is a need for a fixed scale grading system. In addition, in
order to insure fair grading, a letter grading system needs to be adjusted and should
be made uniform across Universities, subject to approval by respective Senates, as
shown below:

Range of Marks Letter Grade Value Interpretation

≥ 75 A 4.00
[70 − 75) A− 3.67 Excellent
[65 − 70) B+ 3.33
[60 − 65) B 3.00 Very Good
[55 − 60) B− 2.67
[50 − 55) C+ 2.33
[40 − 50) C 2.00 Satisfactory
[35 − 40) C− 1.67 Fair
[30 − 35) D+ 1.33
[20 − 30) D 1.00 Unsatisfactory
< 20) F 0.00 Failure

6 Program Requirements

6.1 Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the BSc program in Physics, a candidate should satisfy the general
admission requirements of the Universities and must have at least a pass grade in
Physics and mathematics in the College Entrance Examination.

6.2 Graduation Requirements

i) A student is required to take a minimum of 107 credit hours:

Compulsory 71 Cr. Hrs

Elective 9 Cr. Hrs
Supportive 18 Cr. Hrs
General Education 9 Cr. Hrs
Total 107 Cr. Hrs

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

ii) The Maximum total credit hours taken by a student shall not exceed 113.

iii) The Minimum Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA) at the end should meet
the value as specified below:

Physics Cumulative Grade Point Average 2.00

Overall Cumulative Grade Point Average 2.00
No F in any of the courses

6.3 Degree Nomenclature

Amharic: yúYNS ÆClR Ä!G¶ bðz!KS

English: Bachelor of Science in Physics

7 Teaching-Learning Methods

Method of Teaching:
Presentation of courses is through lectures, tutorials, self-study (project works),
problem solving, class and group discussions, assignments, laboratory demon-
strations and hands-on exercises as well as quizzes and tests to insure continu-
ous assessment and student/learner centered approach.

Attendance Policy:
Regular, punctual class attendance is essential for the satisfactory completion of
a course. Each student is expected to attend all sessions, complete all assigned
work, and take all examinations.

Assignments, report, end-of-semester examinations, dissertations, projects, etc.
with their percentage contribution to the final assessment will be provided by
the instructor with a course outline (which will be available to students before
the course begins).

8 Course Selection & Sequencing

8.1 Course Coding/Numbering

All Physics courses are coded “Phys” followed by three digits:

The first digit indicate the level of the course: , i.e.,

2 for first year courses
3 for second year courses
4 for third year courses.
The middle digits indicate the various streams of Physics Courses, i.e.,

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

0 General Physics
1 Laboratory/Technical Courses
2 Statistical Physics
3 Classical Mechanics, Astronomy, Astro, Space, Plasma & Stelar Physics
4 Modern Physics, Quantum Mechanics
5 Solid State Physics, Electronics, Semiconductor Devices
6 Atmospheric, Environmental, Sustainable Source of Energy, GeoPhysics
7 Electrodynamics, Modern Optics, Laser Physics
8 Nuclear, Medical & Radiation Physics
9 Senior Project
The last digits stand for semester in which the course is offered i.e.
ODD last digit courses are offered during the first semester.
EVEN last digit courses are offered during the second semester

8.2 Course Selection

8.2.1 Compulsory Courses:

Course Title Course Code Credits

Mechanics Phys 201 4
Electromagnetism Phys 202 4
Wave and Optics Phys 203 2
Experimental Physics I Phys 211 2
Experimental Physics II Phys 212 2
Modern Physics Phys 242 3
Mathematical Methods of Physics I Phys 301 3
Mathematical Methods of Physics II Phys 302 3
Experimental Physics III Phys 312 2
Statistical Physics I Phys 321 3
Classical Mechanics I Phys 331 3
Quantum Mechanics I Phys 342 3
Electronics I Phys 353 3
Modern Optics Phys 371 3
Electrodynamics I Phys 376 3
Nuclear Physics I Phys 382 3
Introduction to Computational Physics Phys 402 3
Experimental Physics IV Phys 411 2
Statistical Physics II Phys 422 3
Classical Mechanics II Phys 432 3
Quantum Mechanics II Phys 441 3
Solid State Physics I Phys 451 3
Sustainable Sources of Energy Phys 461 2
Electrodynamics II Phys 476 3
Research Methods and Senior Project Phys 492 3
Total 71

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

8.2.2 Elective Courses:

Course Title Course Code Credits

Metrology I Phys 316 3
Environmental Physics Phys 367 3
General Geophysics Phys 369 3
Introduction to Medical Physics Phys 384 3
Physics Teaching Phys 409 3
Metrology II Phys 415 3
Metrology III Phys 416 3
Stelar Physics I Phys 434 3
Stelar Physics II Phys 435 3
Introduction to Plasma Physics Phys 436 3
Astronomy I Phys 437 3
Astronomy II Phys 438 3
Space Physics Phys 439 3
Solid State Physics II Phys 452 3
Electronics II Phys 454 3
Physics of Electronic Devices Phys 456 3
Atmospheric Physics Phys 463 3
Exploration Geophysics Phys 468 3
Introduction to Laser Physics Phys 471 3
Nuclear Physics II Phys 482 3
Radiation Physics Phys 484 3
A minimum of 9 Crhrs from a total of 63
8.2.3 Service Courses:

Course Title Course Code Credits

Mechanics and Heat for Chemists/Geologists Phys 205 3
Electricity and Magnetism Phys 206 3
Mechanics and Heat Phys 207 4
8.2.4 Supportive Courses:

Course Title Course Code Credits

Calculus I Math 261 4
Calculus II Math 262 4
Linear Algebra Math 325 3
Introduction to Computer Applications Comp 201 3
Introduction to Programming Comp 271 4
Total Credit Hours 18
8.2.5 General Education Courses:

Course Title Course Code Credits

Communicative Skill English EnLa 201 3
Writing Skill EnLa 202 3
Civics and Ethical Studies CvEt 202 3
Total Credit Hours 9

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

8.2.6 Summary of Course Requirements

Min. Cr.hrs. Max. Cr.hrs.

Compulsory Physics Courses 71 71
Elective Physics Courses 9 15
Supportive Courses 18 18
General Education Courses 9 9
Total 107 113

8.3 Sequencing

8.3.1 Course Schedule

Semester I Semester II

Course Code Course Code

Phys 201 4 Phys 202 4
Year I Phys 211 2 Phys 212 2
Math 261 4 Phys 242 3
EnLa 201 3 CvEt 202 3
Phys 203 2 Math 262 4
Comp 201 3 EnLa 202 3
Total 18 Total 19

Semester I Semester II

Course Code Course Code

Phys 321 3 Phys 382 3
Year II Phys 331 3 Physics Elective I 3
Phys 371 3 Phys 342 3
Phys 353 3 Phys 312 2
Math 325 3 Phys 376 3
Phys 301 3 Phys 302 3
Total 18 Total 17

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics

Semester I Semester II

Course Code Course Code

Phys 411 2 Phys 492 3
Year III Phys 451 3 Phys 402 3
Comp 271 4 Phys Elective III 3
Phys 461 2 Phys 476 3
Phys Elective II 3 Phys 432 3
Phys 441 3 Phys 422 3
Total 17 Total 18

9 Course Details

All Compulsory courses offered in the program are described and detailed outline is
given with approximate allotted time. The various entries for a given course descrip-
tion are as follows:

Title: The descriptive title of the course.

Credits: The break down of the credit in terms of Lecture, Tutorial or Laboratory

Prerequisite: The course that must be taken prior to the course.

Co-requisite: The course that must be taken along with the course.

Learning Outcome/Objective: What a student will be expected to have learned, as

a result of successful completion of a course.

Course Outline: The description of the minimum content to be covered during the
course delivery.

Course Description: Describes the course coverage

hrs: Equivalent to contact hours


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Mechanics (Phys 201 )

Course Title and Code: Mechanics (Phys 201 )

Credits 4 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (4 hrs) + Tutor: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

The aim of this course is to develop a sound understanding of the central concepts
of mechanics at the conceptual level so that solving relevant practical problems is
possible. A first-principle approach is adopted, as most students have not studied
calculus based treatment of the topics previously. Emphasis will be given to basic
understanding rather than the development of mathematical theory. It also describes
the fundamental concepts of fluid behavior under both static and dynamic conditions
to enable the learner to analyze many practical problems in which fluid is the working

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• discuss the graphical and analytical methods of vector addition, subtraction and

• compute average and instantaneous values of velocity, speed and acceleration,

• derive the kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion,

• solve problems involving bodies moving in one and two dimensional space using
concepts in calculus and trigonometry,

• explain some implications of Newton’s laws of motion,

• derive and apply work-energy theorem,

• apply the law of conservation of linear momentum to collisions,

• repeat the procedures followed to solve problems in rectilinear motion for rota-
tional motion,

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mechanics (Phys 201 )

• demonstrate understanding of Newton’s law of gravitation,

• describe simple harmonic motion and the corresponding problems,

• explain how external forces act on fluids in equilibrium,

• work out problems applying Pascal’s principle, Archimedes’ principle and Bernoulli’s
equation in various situations,

Course Description

The main topics to be covered are Vector Algebra, Particle Kinematics and Dynamics,
Work and Energy, Conservative Forces and Potential Energy, Dynamics of a System of
Particles, Linear Momentum, Collisions, Rotational Kinematics, Dynamics and Statics
of a Rigid Body, Gravitation and Planetary Motion, Oscillatory Motion, Fluid Mechan-

Course Outline

1) Vectors (4 hrs)
1.1) Representation of vectors
1.2) Vector addition
1.3) Vector multiplication
1.3.1) Dot (Scalar ) product
1.3.2) Cross (Vector) product
1.3.3) Triple scalar product
1.3.4) Triple vector product

2) One and Two Dimensional Motions (6 hrs)

2.1) Average and instantaneous velocity
2.2) Average and instantaneous acceleration
2.3) Motion with constant acceleration
2.4) Projectile motion
2.5) Uniform circular motion

3) Particle Dynamics (7 hrs)

3.1) Newton’s laws of motion
3.2) Friction force
3.3) Application of Newton’s laws

4) Work and Energy (5 hrs)

4.1) Work done by a constant force
4.2) Work done by a variable force
4.3) Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem
4.4) Elastic potential energy
4.5) Conservative and nonconservative forces

5) Impulse and Momentum (10 hrs)

5.1) Linear momentum and impulse
5.2) Conservation of momentum

Page 12 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mechanics (Phys 201 )

5.3) system of particles

5.3.1) Center of mass
5.3.2) Center of mass of a rigid body
5.3.3) Motion of system of particles
5.4) Elastic and inelastic collision
5.4.1) Elastic collisions in one-dimension
5.4.2) Two-dimensional elastic collisions
5.4.3) Inelastic collisions
5.4.4) Systems of variable mass

6) Rotation of Rigid Bodies (9 hrs)

6.1) Rotational kinematics
6.1.1) Rotational motion with constant and variable angular accelerations
6.1.2) Rotational kinetic energy
6.1.3) Moment of inertia
6.2) Rotational dynamics
6.2.1) Torque and angular momentum
6.2.2) Work and power in rotational motion
6.2.3) Conservation of angular momentum
6.2.4) Relation between linear and angular motions

7) Gravitation (5 hrs)
7.1) Newton’s law of gravitation
7.2) Gravitational field and gravitational potential energy
7.3) Kepler’s law of planetary motion

8) Simple harmonic motion (6 hrs)

8.1) Energy in simple harmonic motion
8.2) Equations of simple harmonic motion
8.3) Pendulum
8.4) Damped and forced oscillations
8.5) Resonance

9) Fluid Mechanics (8 hrs)

9.1) Internal forces in fluids
9.2) Pressure in a fluid
9.3) Pascal’s principle
9.4) Archimedes’ principle
9.5) Continuity equation
9.6) Bernoulli’s equation and its applications

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.

Page 13 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mechanics (Phys 201 )


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References

Course Textbook

Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6th ed., Thomson Bruke,


1. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics
12th ed., 2008
2. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th , 2005
3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW
8t h ed., 2008
4. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Sci-
entists and Engineers, 3rd ed., 2005

Page 14 of 176
Electromagnetism (Phys 202 )

Course Title and Code: Electromagnetism (Phys 202 )

Credits 4 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (4 hrs) + Tutor: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): —- Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

This course is designed to introduce concepts of classical electrodynamics with the

aid of calculus. It also emphasizes on establishing a strong foundation of the re-
lation between electric and magnetic phenomena; a concept that turns out to be a
fundamental basis for many technological advances.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• explain the basic concepts of electric charge, electric field and electric potential,

• apply vector algebra and calculus in solving different problems in electromag-


• analyze direct and alternating current circuits containing different electric ele-
ments and solve circuit problems,

• describe properties of capacitors and dielectrics,

• describe the magnetic field and solve problems related to the magnetic field and
magnetic forces,

• discuss about electromagnetic induction,

• state Maxwell’s equation in free space,

• describe some applications of Maxwell’s equations,

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electromagnetism (Phys 202 )

Course Description

The topics to be included are: Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field, Gauss’ Law, Electric
Potential, Electric Potential Energy, Capacitors and Dielectric, Electric Circuits, Mag-
netic Field, Bio-Savart’s Law, Ampere’s Law, Electromagnetic Induction, Inductance,
Circuits with Time Dependent Currents, Maxwell’s Equations, Electromagnetic Wave.

Course Outline

1) Electric Field (8 hrs)

1.1) Properties of electric charges
1.2) Coulomb’s law
1.3) Electric field due to point charge
1.4) Electric dipole
1.5) Electric field due to continuous charge distribution
1.6) Motion of charged particles in electric field

2) Gauss’s Law ( 4 hrs)

2.1) Electric flux
2.2) Gauss’s Law
2.3) Applications of Gauss’s Law

3) Electric Potential ( 7 hrs)

3.1) Electric potential energy
3.2) Electric potential due to point charges
3.3) Electric potential due to continuous charge distribution
3.4) Relations between potential and electric field
3.5) Equi-potential surfaces

4) Capacitance and Dielectrics (5 hrs)

4.1) Capacitance
4.2) Combination of capacitors
4.3) Capacitors with dielectrics
4.4) Electric dipole in external field
4.5) Electric field energy

5) Direct Current Circuits (7 hrs)

5.1) Electric current and current density
5.2) Resistance and Ohm’s law
5.3) Resistivity of conductors
5.4) Electrical energy, work and power
5.5) Electromotive force
5.6) Combinations of resistors
5.7) Kirchhoff’s rules
5.8) RC circuits

6) Magnetic Force (6 hrs)

6.1) Properties of magnetic field
6.2) Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor
6.3) Torque on a current loop in uniform magnetic field

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electromagnetism (Phys 202 )

6.4) Motion of charged particles in magnetic field

6.5) Hall effect

7) Calculation of Magnetic Field (4 hrs)

7.1) Source of magnetic field
7.2) Biot-Savart’s law
7.3) The force between two parallel conductors
7.4) Ampere’s law and its application

8) Electromagnetic Induction (6 hrs)

8.1) Magnetic flux
8.2) Gauss’s law in magnetism
8.3) Faraday’s Law of induction
8.4) Lenz’z law
8.5) Induced Emf (including motional Emf)
8.6) Induced electric field
8.7) Displacement current

9) Inductance (4 hrs)
9.1) Self inductance and mutual inductance
9.2) RL circuits
9.3) Energy in magnetic field
9.4) Oscillations in an LC circuits

10) AC Circuits (6 hrs)

10.1) AC sources and phasors
10.2) Resistors in an AC circuits
10.3) Inductors in an AC circuits
10.4) Capacitors in an AC circuits
10.5) The RLC series circuits
10.6) Power in an AC circuits

11) Maxwell’s Equations (3 hrs)

11.1) Maxwell’s equations
11.2) Electromagnetic waves

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Page 17 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electromagnetism (Phys 202 )

Recommended References

Course Textbook

Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6th ed., Thomson Bruke,


1. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics
12th ed., 2008
2. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th , 2005
3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th
ed., 2008
4. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Sci-
entists and Engineers, 3rd ed., 2005

Page 18 of 176
Wave and Optics (Phys 203)

Course Title and Code: Wave and Optics (Phys 203)

Credits 2 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): —- Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

This course is mainly aimed at introducing concepts of waves. Emphasis is given to

distinguish various types of waves which paves a way for in depth understanding of
sound, optics and the corresponding applications.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• describe basic laws and principles of mechanical and electromagnetic waves,

• associate vibrations with the creation of mechanical waves,

• distinguish different types of waves,

• demonstrate the application of Physics laws in music and musical instrument,

• demonstrate understanding of the superposition principle,

• exhibit understanding of the geometrical description of different properties of


• describe the interference and diffraction phenomena,

Course Description

Vibrations, Periodic Motions, Resonance, Coupled Oscillation, Types of Waves, Me-

chanical Wave, Sound, Music and Musical Instruments, Superposition of Waves,
Standing Waves, Group and Phase Velocities, Nature of Light, Electromagnetic Spec-
trum, Geometric Optics, Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion, Fermat’s Principle, Inter-
ference, Diffraction, Optical Devices.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Wave and Optics (Phys 203)

Course Outline

1) Vibrations (4 hrs)
1.1) Periodic motion
1.2) Types of vibrations
1.3) Sound
1.4) Music and musical instruments
1.5) Resonance
1.6) Coupled Oscillation
2) Types of Waves (4 hrs)
2.1) Mechanical waves
2.2) Transverse and longitudinal waves
2.3) Phase velocity and group velocity
2.4) Amplitude and intensity of Waves
2.5) Frequency and wavelength
2.6) Wave packets
2.7) Many dimensional waves
3) Superposition of Waves (4 hrs)
3.1) Vector addition of amplitudes
3.2) Superposition of two wave trains of the same frequency
3.3) Superposition of many waves with random phases
3.4) Complex waves
3.5) Addition of simple harmonic motions
4) Nature of Light ( 6 hrs)
4.1) Electromagnetic spectrum
4.2) Propagation and speed of light
4.3) Reflection and refraction
4.4) Refractive index and optical path
4.5) Reversibility principle
4.6) Fermat’s principle
4.7) Propagation of light in material medium
5) Interference and Diffraction of Light (9 hrs)
5.1) Types of interference
5.2) Huygen’s principle
5.3) Young’s experiment
5.4) Interference fringes from a double source
5.5) Index of refraction by interference method
5.6) Types of diffraction
5.7) Diffraction by a single slit
5.8) Resolving power
5.9) Intensity function
5.10) Distinction between interference and diffraction
5.11) Diffraction grating
6) Optical Devices (3 hrs)
6.1) Human eye
6.2) Cameras and photographic objectives
6.3) Types and properties of lenses
6.4) Types of magnifiers
6.5) Microscopes and Telescopes

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Wave and Optics (Phys 203)

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References

Course Textbook

1. F. A. Jenkins and H. A. White, Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw Hill, 4th ed.,

2. Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6th ed., Thomson
Bruke, 2004


1. H. J. Pain, The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, John Wiley and Sons, 5th ed.,
2. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics
12th ed., 2008
3. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th , 2005
4. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th
ed., 2008
5. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Sci-
entists and Engineers, 3rd ed., 2005

Page 21 of 176
Experimental Physics I (Phys 211 )

Course Title and Code: Experimental Physics I (Phys 211 )

Credits 2 Cr.hrs ≡ Tutor: (1 hrs) + Lab: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Experimental observations form the basis for new hypotheses, and also test scientific
theories. It is therefore essential that all Physicists understand the experimental
method and develop the ability to make reliable measurements. This course provides
a broad foundation in experimental physics.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• plan and execute experimental investigations;
• apply and describe a variety of experimental techniques;
• identify, estimate, combine and quote experimental errors;
• keep accurate and thorough records;
• discuss and analyze critically results of investigations, including the use of com-
puters for data analysis;
• minimize experimental errors;
• demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;
• identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and com-
ply with the safety precautions required;
• delivery of written and oral presentations (experiment write-ups, formal report,
group talk);
• work in team;
• manage time;
• use computers (for data analysis and collection), if possible;

Course Description
Selected experiments from topics of mechanics and heat, at least 12 experiments to
be performed.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Experimental Physics I (Phys 211 )

Recommended List of Experiments

1) Mechanics
1.1) Measurements of Mass, Volume, Density
1.2) Local Value of Acceleration Due to Gravity
1.3) Translational Equilibrium / Vector Forces
1.4) Determination of the static and kinetic coefficients of friction.
1.5) Rotational Equilibrium / Torque
1.6) Work and Energy / A Model Pile Driver
1.7) Collisions / Conservation of Momentum
1.8) Projectile Motion / The Ballistic Pendulum
1.9) Centripetal Force
1.10) Archimedes Principle
To verify Archimedes Principle and use it for the determination of the density of an object
more dense than water.
1.11) Elastic Forces/Hooke’s Law
1.12) Simple Harmonic Motion of a Spring-Mass System
1.13) The Simple Pendulum
2) Heat
2.1) Thermal / Linear Expansion
2.2) Calorimetry and the Specific Heat of a Metal
2.3) Heat of Fusion of Ice
2.4) Heat of Vaporization of Water
3) Waves and Sound
3.1) Wave Motion / Vibrating Strings
3.2) To study longitudinal sound waves created in an air column of variable
The apparatus is a modified Kundts tube with a movable water reservoir, and a tuning fork.

Method of Teaching
Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material pre-
sented in the form of handouts (manuals) and with necessary support from the in-
structor. Tutor sessions should be supplemented with (on-line) notes, error analysis
and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and preparing formal experimental
reports. Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.
Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory ac-
tivities whenever possible.

• Pre-Lab Questions: 25%
• In-Lab questions (answering questions during lab sessions and preparedness):
• Lab-Reports: (20%)
• Examination (oral, practical or/and written): (35%)

It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session to be between

20 and 30.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Experimental Physics I (Phys 211 )

Recommended References
1.1) David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and
Experimental Design, Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., (1994).
2.2) Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Aca-
demic Press, 2nd ed., (2003).

Page 24 of 176
Experimental Physics II (Phys 212 )

Course Title and Code: Experimental Physics II (Phys 212 )

Credits 2 Cr.hrs ≡ Tutor: (1 hrs) + Lab: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Experimental observations form the basis for new hypotheses, and also test scientific
theories. It is therefore essential that all Physicists understand the experimental
method and develop the ability to make reliable measurements. This course provides
a broad foundation in experimental physics.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• plan and execute experimental investigations;
• apply and describe a variety of experimental techniques;
• identify, estimate, combine and quote experimental errors;
• keep accurate and thorough records;
• discuss and analyze critically results of investigations, including the use of com-
puters for data analysis;
• minimize experimental errors;
• demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;
• identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and com-
ply with the safety precautions required;
• delivery of written and oral presentations (experiment write-ups, formal report,
group talk);
• work in team;
• manage time;
• use computers (for data analysis and collection), if possible;

Course Description
Selected experiments from topics of Electricity and Magnetism.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Experimental Physics II (Phys 212 )

Recommended List of Experiments

1) Direct Current Circuits
1.1) Calibration of a Voltmeter and an Ammeter from a Galvanometer
1.2) Study of the phase change of ice into water and understand how to work
with phase changes in materials.
1.3) Investigation of the variation of magnetic field, due to a current carrying
conductor, with distance and current
1.4) Verification of Ohm’s law and the law of combination of resistors
1.5) Determination of internal resistance of a cell
1.6) Verification of Kirchohoff’s Law

2) Alternating Current Circuits

2.1) Study the electrical characteristics of an ac circuit containing a resistor, an
inductor, and a capacitor in series
2.2) Study of AC circuits using oscilloscope.
2.3) Determination of unknown resistance using Wheatstone bridge
2.4) Determination of capacitance and inductance with wheatstone bridge.
2.5) To investigate how the number of turns (n), the diameter of a coil (d), the
frequency (f ), and the magnetic field strength (B) are related to the induced
voltage (V ) in a coil.

3) Magnetism
3.1) To measure the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field strength
3.2) To measure the magnetic dipole moment of a bar magnet by the method of

Method of Teaching
Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material pre-
sented in the form of handouts (manuals) and with necessary support from the in-
structor. Tutor sessions should be supplemented with (on-line) notes, error analysis
and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and preparing formal experimental
reports. Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.
Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory ac-
tivities whenever possible.

• Pre-Lab Questions: 25%
• In-Lab questions (answering questions during lab sessions and preparedness):
• Lab-Reports: (20%)
• Examination (oral, practical or/and written): (35%)

It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session to be between

20 and 30.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Experimental Physics II (Phys 212 )

Recommended References
1.1) David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and
Experimental Design, Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1994.
2.2) Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Aca-
demic Press, 2nd ed., 2003.

Page 27 of 176
Modern Physics (Phys 242 )

Course Title and Code: Modern Physics (Phys 242 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 201 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science/——– Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The rationale of this course is to introduce students to the basic ideas of modern
physics with emphasis on the Theory of Special Relativity, identification of the limi-
tations of classical mechanics and the development of quantum mechanics, the wave
particle duality and the atomic structure.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:
• verify the basic principles of the Special Theory of Relativity and its mathematical
methods with application relevant to problems in modern physics;
• state basic explanations of modern theories of atomic and nuclear structure;
• provide an understanding of how and why Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity
replaces the Newtonian concepts;
• familiarize with the Galilean and Lorenz transformations and their consequences;
• develop the knowledge and skills required to perform simple relativistic calcula-
tions and to appreciate their consequences;
• describe wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle;
• calculate and verify the behavior of matter traveling at speeds approaching the
speed of light;
• describe the radiative behavior of black bodies;
• solve problems using both wave and particle mathematical models;
• verify, measure, and predict the atomic spectra

Course Description
Principle of Special Theory of Relativity, Michelson-Morley Experiment, Galilean Trans-
formation, Lorentz Transformation, Length contraction, Time Dilation, Relativistic
Momentum and Energy, Black-Body Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, Compton Effect,

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Modern Physics (Phys 242 )

X-Ray Diffraction, Matter Waves, Phase and Group Velocities, Uncertainty Principle,
Rutherford Scattering, Bohr Theory of the Hydrogen Atom.

Course Outline
1) Special Theory of Relativity (15 hrs)
1.1) Relativity of Orientation and Origin
1.2) Inertial and Non inertial Reference Frames
1.3) Galilian Transformation
1.4) Michlson Morley Experiment
1.5) Postulates of Special Relativity
1.6) Lorenz Transformation
1.7) Applications of the Lorentz Transformation
1.8) Velocity - Addition Formula
1.9) Doppler Effect
1.10) Time Dilation
1.11) Length Contraction
1.12) Relativity of Mass
1.13) Relativistic Momentum
1.14) Relativistic Mass and Energy
2) Development of Quantum Mechanics ( 3 hrs)
2.1) Limitations of Classical Physics
2.2) Development of Quantum Mechanics
2.3) Uniqueness and role of Quantum Mechanics
3) Particle Properties of Waves ( 9 hrs)
3.1) Wave Particle Dualism
3.2) Photoelectric Effect
3.3) Quantum Theory of Light
3.4) Compton Effect/Scattering
3.5) X-ray diffraction and Bragg’s law
3.6) Black Body Radiation
3.7) Derivation of Plank’s Distribution Law
4) Wave Properties of Particles ( 9 hrs)
4.1) De Broglie waves
4.2) Wave function and its Interpretation
4.3) De Broglie wave velocity
4.4) Phase and Group velocities
4.5) Particle Diffraction
4.6) Uncertainty Principle and its Application
4.7) Gedanken Experiment
5) Atomic Structure ( 9 hrs)
5.1) Atomic Models (Thomson and Rutherford Models)
5.2) Scattering Cross Section
5.3) Alpha Particle Scattering
5.4) Rutherford Scattering Formula
5.5) Electron Orbits
5.6) Atomic Spectra
5.7) Bohr Atom his Explanation of Atomic Spectra
5.8) Quantization of Atomic Energy Levels
5.9) Atomic Excitations

Page 29 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Modern Physics (Phys 242 )

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Arthur Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, 6th ed., (2002).

1. Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6th ed., Thomson
Bruke, (2004).
2. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics
12th ed., (2008).
3. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th ,
4. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th
ed., (2008).
5. Hugh Young, University Phyiscs with Modern Physics with Mastering Physics:
International edition 12th ed., Pearson Education, (2006).
6. Paul Hewitt, Conceptual Physics: International Edition, Pearson Education, (2005).
7. John Taylor, Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Pearson Education,

Page 30 of 176
Mathematical Methods of Physics I (Phys 301)

Course Title and Code: Mathematical Methods of Physics I (Phys 301)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Math 262 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course aims to introduce students to some of the mathematical techniques that
are most frequently used in Physics, and to give students experience in their use and
application. The course is offered in Semester I of their second year so that Physics
students will have an opportunity to develop all the mathematical skills required for
core Physics courses. Emphasis is placed on the use of mathematical techniques
rather than their rigorous proof.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• make series expansions of simple functions and determine their asymptotic be-
• perform basic arithmetic and algebra with complex numbers;
• manipulate vectors and matrices and solve systems of simultaneous linear equa-
• calculate partial and total derivatives of functions of more than one variable;
• evaluate single, double and triple integrals using commonly occuring coordinate
• apply differential operators to vector functions;
• apply Stokes’s and Gauss’s theorems;
• solve simple first-order differential equations and second-order differential equa-
tions with constant coefficients;
• recognize the Dirac delta function and be aware of its properties;
• make a Fourier-series expansion of a simple periodic function;
• obtain the Fourier transform of a simple function;
• tackle, with facility, mathematically formed problems and their solution;

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mathematical Methods of Physics I (Phys 301)

Course Description
Distribution Functions, Graphs, and Approximations Averages and Distribution
Functions, Graphs and Least square fit, Power Series and Applications, Complex
numbers and the Euler Identity, Errors and numverical Methods
First-Order Differential Equations: separable, exact, linear , numerical integration;
Second-Order Differential Equations: homogenous, inhomogeneous, series solu-
tions of ODEs, numerical solution of DEs, the Laplace Transform Method;
Vectors and Matrices: algebra of vectors, basis vectors and components, vector
spaces, matrix algebra, numerical methods for matrices, coordinate transformations,
four-vectors, the eigenvalue problem;
Waves and Fourier Analysis: The Wave equation and principle of superpositions,
Standing waves and harmonics, Fourier Series, Parseval’s theorem and Frequency
spectra, Solutions of Inhomgenous DEs, Fourier Transform and the Dirac Delta Func-

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• interpret and use distribution functions;
• analyze sets of data using plots and determine the best “fit”;
• make series expansions of simple functions and determine their asymptotic be-
• use techniques for represent data sets by analytic functions;
• handle physical problems that involve the rate of change of one quantity with
respect to another;
• solve ODEs numerically
• transform a differential equation into an algebraic equation using Laplace trans-
form and transform back the solutions to get the solution of DEs;
• describe waves through the solution of the wave equation;
• use Parseval’s theorem to solve problems
• tackle, with facility, mathematically formed problems and their solution;

Course Outline
1) Distribution Functions Graphs, and Approximations(10 hrs)
1.1) Averages and Deviations
1.2) Distribution Functions
1.3) Applications of Distribution Functions
1.4) Linear Graphs
1.5) Least-Square Fit
1.6) Power Series and Applications of Power Series
1.7) Complex Numbers and the Euler Identity
1.8) Errors and Introduction to Numerical Methods

2) First-Order Differential Equations(12 hrs)

2.1) First-order Equations: Separable
2.2) First-order Equations: Exact

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mathematical Methods of Physics I (Phys 301)

2.3) First-order Equations: Linear

2.4) Numerical integration

3) Second Order Differential Equations(10 hrs)

3.1) Second-order Equations: Homogeneous
3.2) Second-order Equations: Inhomogeneous
3.3) Series Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
3.4) Numerical solutions of Differential Equations
3.5) Laplace Transform Method

4) Waves and Fourier Analysis(15 hrs)

4.1) Waves
4.2) Partial Differentiation
4.3) Wave Equation
4.4) Principle of Superposition
4.5) Standing Waves and Harmonics
4.6) Fourier Series
4.7) Parseval’s Theorem and Frequency Spectra
4.8) Solution of Inhomogeneous DEs
4.9) Fourier Transforms and the Dirac Delta Function

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, Each week there will be two lectures
and a problems class in which homework will be reviewed. Students will also attempt
simple exercises during the lectures.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Stroud K.A. and Booth D.J., Advanced Engineering Mathematics (4th ed.), Paulgrave,

1. Arfken G.B. and Weber H.J., Mathematical methods for physicists (6th ed.), Aca-
demic Press, (2006).
2. Spiegel M.R., Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Schaum Out-
line Series, McGraw-Hill, (1971).

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mathematical Methods of Physics I (Phys 301)

3. Stroud K.A., Engineering Mathematics (5th ed.), Paulgrave, (2001).

4. Donald A. McQuarric, Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, Uni-
versity Science Books, (2003).
5. Lambourne R. and Tinker M. Further Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, Wi-
ley, (2000).
6. Mathews J. and Walker R.L., Mathematical Methods of Physics, 2nd ed., (1970).

Page 34 of 176
Mathematical Methods of Physics II (Phys 302)

Course Title and Code: Mathematical Methods of Physics II (Phys 302)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 301 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: II
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course aims to to give learners a deeper understanding of and greater competence
in some central mathematical ideas and techniques used in Physics with the emphasis
on practical skills rather than formal proof. Students will acquire skills in some key
techniques related directly to the advanced courses they will meet in their final year.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• solve partial differential equations by separation of variables;
• calculate eignvalues and eigenvectors and apply the the techniques to physical
• use basis vectors to transform differential operator equations to matrix form and
hence apply eigen equation techniques;
• obtain approximate solutions to differential equations through the use of per-
turbation theory.
• develop analytical and numerical skills in mathematics;
• formulate problems logically;
• present and justify mathematical techniques and methods;

Course Description
Vectors and Matrices algebra of vectors, basis vectors and components, vector spaces,
matrix algebra, numerical methods for matrices, coordinate transformation, Four-
vectors, eigen value problem
Vector Calculus time derivatives of vectors, fluid kinematics, fluid dynamics, fields
and the gradient, fluid flow and the divergence, circulation and the curl, conservative
forces and the Laplacian, electric and magnetic fields, vector calculus expressions
and identities. Waves and Fourier Analysis: waves, partial differentiation, the wave
equation, principle of superposition, standing waves and harmonics fourier series,

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mathematical Methods of Physics II (Phys 302)

Parseval’s theorem and frequency spectra, solution of inhomogeneous Des, Fourier

Transforms and the Dirac Delta Function;
Complex Variables: functions of a complex variable, differentiation and integration,
cauchy integral formula and Laurent Expansion; Singularities, poles and residues,
Partial Differential Equations: introduction to PDEs, the wave equation, Laplace’s
equation, Orthogonal functions and the Sturm-Liouville problem; Special Functions:
Legendre, Bessel and Hermite Equations

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• manipulate vectors and matrices and solve systems of simultaneous linear equa-
• perform basic arithmetic and algebra with complex numbers;
• use the ideas of singularities and poles to evaluate line integrals.
• apply differential operators to vector functions;
• apply Stokes’s and Gauss’s theorems;
• use basis vectors to transform differential operator equations to matrix form and
hence apply eigen equation techniques;
• obtain approximate solutions to differential equations through the use of per-
turbation theory.
• use the method os separation of variables to solve PDEs;
• solve PDEs in various coordinate systems;
• use numerical techniques for solving Laplace’s equation
• Analytical and numerical skills in mathematics;
• Logical formulation of problems;
• Presentation and justification of techniques and methods;
• Group work - students are encouraged to work co-operatively together and with
the demonstrators to solve guided problems.

Course Outline
1) Vectors and Matrices(10 hrs)
1.1) Algebra of Vectors
1.2) Basis Vectors and Components
1.3) Vector Spaces
1.4) Matrix Algebra
1.5) Numerical Methods for Matrices
1.6) Coordinate Transformations
1.7) Four- Vectors
1.8) The Eigenvalue Problem

2) Vector Calculus(12 hrs)

2.1) Time derivatives of vectors
2.2) Fluid kinematics and dynamics

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mathematical Methods of Physics II (Phys 302)

2.3) Fields and the Gradient

2.4) Fluid flow and the Divergence
2.5) Circulation and the Curl
2.6) Conservative Forces and the Laplacian
2.7) Electric and Magnetic Fields
2.8) Vector Calculus Expressions and Identities

3) Complex Variables(8 hrs)

3.1) Functions of a Complex Variable
3.2) Differentiation and Integration
3.3) Cauchy Integral Formula and Laurent Expansion
3.4) Singularities, Poles and Residues
3.5) Applications

4) Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)(16 hrs)

4.1) Introduction to PDEs
4.1.1) Simple second order differential equations and common varieties
4.1.2) Harmonic oscillator, Schrödinger equation
4.1.3) Poisson’s equation
4.1.4) wave equation and diffusion equation
4.2) Wave Equation Revisited
4.3) Laplace’s equation
4.3.1) Laplacian family of equations in Physics
4.3.2) Mechanics of the techniques,
4.3.3) Separation of variables
4.3.4) Form of solutions
4.3.5) General solutions in series form
4.3.6) Relation to Fourier series
4.3.7) Initial conditions: spatial boundary conditions and time dependence
4.4) Orthogonal functions and the Sturm-Liouville Problem;
4.5) Special Functions
4.5.1) Hermite
4.5.2) Legendre
4.5.3) Bessel

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mathematical Methods of Physics II (Phys 302)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Spiegel M.R., Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Schaum Outline
Series, McGraw-Hill, (1971).

1. Arfken G.B. and Weber H.J., Mathematical methods for physicists (6th ed.), Aca-
demic Press, 2006.
2. Spiegel M.R., Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Schaum Out-
line Series, McGraw-Hill, 1971.
3. Stroud K.A., Engineering Mathematics (5th ed.), Paulgrave, 2001.
4. Donald A. McQuarric, Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, Uni-
versity Science Books, 2003.
5. Lambourne R. and Tinker M. Further Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, Wi-
ley, 2000.
6. Mathews J. and Walker R.L., Mathematical Methods of Physics, 2nd ed., 1970.

Page 38 of 176
Experimental Physics III (Phys 312 )

Course Title and Code: Experimental Physics III (Phys 312 )

Credits 2 Cr.hrs ≡ Tutor: (1 hrs) + Lab: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Experimental observations form the basis for new hypotheses, and also test scientific
theories. It is therefore essential that all Physicists understand the experimental
method and develop the ability to make reliable measurements. This course provides
a broad foundation in experimental Physics.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• plan and execute experimental investigations;
• apply and describe a variety of experimental techniques;
• identify, estimate, combine and quote experimental errors;
• keep accurate and thorough records;
• discuss and analyze critically results of investigations, including the use of com-
puters for data analysis;
• minimize experimental errors;
• demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;
• identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and com-
ply with the safety precautions required;
• delivery of written and oral presentations (experiment write-ups, formal report,
group talk);
• work in team;
• manage time;
• use computers (for data analysis and collection), if possible;

Course Description
Selected experiments from topics of Electronics and Atomic Physics.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Experimental Physics III (Phys 312 )

Recommended List of Experiments

1) Electromagnetism
1.1) Speed of Sound in Air (Electronic Method)
1.2) Electric Equivalent of Heat
To measure the equivalence between electrical energy and thermal energy, and thus to de-
termine the conversion factor between joules and calories.

2) Atomic Physics
2.1) Determination of e/m of an electron
2.2) Diffraction of elections
2.3) Study of Spectrum of halogen lamp

3) Optics
3.1) Michelson Interferometer
3.2) Determination of wavelength of Light using Newton’s Rings
3.3) Jamin Interferometer
3.4) Study of Polarization of Light
3.5) Study of Optically Active Substances
3.6) Magnification with Convex Lenses and the Compound Microscope
3.7) Solar Energy
To measure solar irradiance–the energy incident per second on a unit area exposed directly
to the sun.

Method of Teaching
Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material pre-
sented in the form of handouts (manuals) and with necessary support from the in-
structor. Tutor sessions should be supplemented with (on-line) notes, error analysis
and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and preparing formal experimental
reports. Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.
Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory ac-
tivities whenever possible.

• Pre-Lab Questions: 25%
• In-Lab questions (answering questions during lab sessions and preparedness):
• Lab-Reports: (20%)
• Examination (oral, practical or/and written): (35%)

It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session be between 20

and 30.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Experimental Physics III (Phys 312 )

Recommended References
1.1) David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and
Experimental Design, Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1994.
2.2) Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Aca-
demic Press, 2nd ed., 2003.

Page 41 of 176
Statistical Physics I (Phys 321)

Course Title and Code: Statistical Physics I (Phys 321)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): —– Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course is designed to provide introductory ideas of the basic principles of Sta-
tistical Physics and their application. The contents included in this course are very
essential in understanding probabilistic nature of macroscopic phenomena. A clear
connection between microscopic and macroscopic interpretations of the physical sys-
tems would be established.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course the student should be able to:
• demonstrate clear understanding of microscopic and macroscopic systems,
• distinguish reversible and irreversible processes,
• relate the concept of heat and temperature,
• understand basic statistical concepts required to describe physical systems,
• obtain various mean values using the statistical distribution function,
• exhibit understanding of derivation of thermodynamical variables from ensemble
• demonstrate clear understanding of laws of thermodynamics and their relation
with underlying microscopic process,
• describe applications of statistical approach in solving problems associated with
many particles.

Course Description
The main topics include: Statistical Description of System of Particles, Ensemble, Ac-
cessible States, Probability Calculations, Thermal Interaction, Temperature, Heat and
Heat Reservoir, Macroscopic Measurements, Work, Internal Energy, Absolute Tem-
perature, Entropy, Canonical Distribution, Equipartition Theorem, Laws of Thermo-
dynamics, General Thermodynamic Interactions.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Statistical Physics I (Phys 321)

Course Outline
1) Features of Macroscopic Systems (4 hrs)
1.1) Macroscopic and microscopic systems
1.2) Equilibrium state and fluctuations
1.3) Approach to equilibrium
1.4) Reversible and irreversible processes
1.5) Properties of systems in equilibrium
1.6) Heat and temperature

2) Basic Probability Concepts (6 hrs)

2.1) Statistical ensembles
2.2) Elementary relations among probabilities
2.3) Binomial distribution
2.4) Mean values
2.5) Calculation of mean values for spin system
2.6) Continuous probability distributions

3) Statistical Description of Systems of Particles (9 hrs)

3.1) Specification of the state of a system
3.2) Statistical ensemble
3.3) Statistical postulates
3.4) Probability calculations
3.5) Number of stats accessible to a macroscopic system
3.6) Constraints, equilibrium and irreversibility
3.7) Interaction between systems
3.8) First law of thermodynamics

4) Thermal Interactions (8 hrs)

4.1) Distribution of energy between macroscopic systems
4.2) Approach to thermal equilibrium
4.3) Temperature and zeroth law of thermodynamics
4.4) Small heat transfer
4.5) System in contact with heat reservoir
4.6) Paramagnetism
4.7) Mean energy of ideal gas
4.8) Mean pressure of ideal gas

5) Microscopic Theory and Macroscopic Measurements (6 hrs)

5.1) Determination of the absolute temperature
5.2) High and low absolute temperature
5.3) Third law of thermodynamics
5.4) Work, internal energy and heat
5.5) Heat capacity
5.6) Entropy
5.7) Intensive and extensive parameters

6) Canonical Distribution (5 hrs)

6.1) Classical approximation
6.2) Maxwell velocity distribution
6.3) Effusion and molecular beams

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Statistical Physics I (Phys 321)

6.4) Equitation theorem and its applications

6.5) Specific heat of solids

7) General Thermodynamic Interactions (7 hrs)

7.1) Dependence of the number of states on the external parameters
7.2) General relations valid in equilibrium
7.3) Applications to ideal gas
7.4) Basic statements of statistical thermodynamics
7.5) Equilibrium conditions and Gibbs free energy
7.6) Equilibrium between phases
7.7) Clausius-Clapeyron equation
7.8) Transformation of randomness in to order

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, tutorial and problem solving. Online
learning resources can also be employed.

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Tests (quiz) (25%),
• Semester final examination (50%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook

F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, Wave Land Price, 2008.


1. B. B Laud, Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics, India, 2009.

2. C. Kittel, Elementary statistical Physics, Rieger Pub Co., 1988.
3. Michel D. Sturge, Statistical and Thermal Physics: Fundamentals and Applica-
tions, 2003.

Page 44 of 176
Classical Mechanics I (Phys 331)

Course Title and Code: Classical Mechanics I (Phys 331)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 201 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

This course is designed to introduce generalized treatment of the motion of particles

in various coordinate systems. It also addresses an alternative formulation of solv-
ing classical problems using Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s principles. The procedure to
be employed paves the way for establishing relationships between different areas of

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students will able to:

• describe base vectors and their reciprocal,

• relate motions in different coordinate systems,

• obtain the velocity, acceleration and momentum in generalized coordinate,

• interpret results described in terms of generalized coordinates,

• explain the fundamental concepts of Newtonian formulation of mechanics,

• develop the capability to determine the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of mechan-

ical systems and use these functions to obtain the corresponding equations of

• identify any conserved quantities associated with the system,

• distinguish different types of oscillations.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Classical Mechanics I (Phys 331)

Course Description

The main topics to be included in this course are: Coordinate Systems and Coordi-
nate Transformation, Velocity and Acceleration in Generalized Coordinates, Particle
Dynamics, Position, Time and Velocity Dependent Forces, Simple Harmonic Oscil-
lator, Damped and Forced Oscillations, Conservative Forces and Potential Energy,
Conservation of Energy, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalism and Their Applica-

Course Outline

1) Coordinate Systems (12 hrs)

1.1) Coordinate systems
1.2) Non-orthogonal base vectors
1.3) Orthogonal coordinates system
1.4) Coordinate transformation
1.5) Generalized velocity and acceleration
1.6) Gradient operator in cylindrical and spherical coordinates

2) Particle Dynamics (6 hrs)

2.1) Newton’s laws of motion
2.2) Motions under time and velocity dependent forces
2.3) Motions under position dependent forces
2.4) Concepts of work and energy
2.5) Force as a function of position

3) Oscillations (8 hrs)
3.1) Stable and unstable equilibrium
3.2) One-dimensional motion of a particle in a given potential field
3.3) Simple harmonic oscillations in one and two dimensions
3.4) Damped oscillations
3.5) Forced oscillations and resonance
3.6) Oscillations in electrical circuits
3.7) Rate of energy dissipation

4) Central Field Motion (7 hrs)

4.1) Conservative forces and potential energy
4.2) Conservation of energy and angular momentum
4.3) Equations of motion
4.4) Orbits in central field
4.5) Planetary motion

5) Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s Formulation (12 hrs)

5.1) Introduction
5.2) Holonomic constraints
5.3) Derivation of Lagrange’s equations of motion
5.4) Euler’s theorem and the kinetic energy
5.5) Conservation of linear momentum
5.6) Conservation of energy

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Classical Mechanics I (Phys 331)

5.7) Conservation of angular momentum

5.8) Generalized velocities and generalized momenta
5.9) Hamilton’s principle
5.10) Canonical equations of motion.
5.11) Cyclic coordinates.

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References

Course Textbook

1. Walter Hauser, Introduction to principles of mechanics, Addison Wesley, 1966.

2. Jery Marion, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 1994.


1. Marion Thoronton, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 4th ed., 1995
2. Murrey R. Speigle, Schaum’s Outline series: Theory and problems of theatrical
3. Devid Morin, Introduction to Classical Mechanics: with problems and solutions,
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
4. R. Taylor, Calassical Mechanics, Universal Science, 2005

Page 47 of 176
Quantum Mechanics I (Phys 342 )

Course Title and Code: Quantum Mechanics I (Phys 342 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 242 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science/——– Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Quantum mechanics is fundamental theoretical framework in describing microscopic
systems. Learners are introduced to the basic postulates of Quantum Mechanics.
Emphasis is given to limitations of Classical Mechanics. This course leads to ad-
vanced Physics courses that require description of microscopic systems.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• verify the limitations of classical mechanics at the microscopic level;

• elaborate the central concepts and principles of quantum mechanics useful to

make calculation;

• explain the uncertainty principle and its consequences;

• verify and apply Schrödinger equation to different quantum system;

• describe the harmonic oscillator;

• elaborate angular momentum

Course Description
Origin and Development of Quantum Mechanics, Limitations of Classical Mechan-
ics, Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Observables and Operators,
Properties of Operators, Wave Function and Probability Density, Eigen Values and
Eigen States, Expectation Values, Uncertainty Principle, Schrodinger Equation, Heisen-
berg Equation, Time Evolution of Expectation Values, Free Particle, Infinite Potential
Well, Finite Potential Well, Finite Potential Barrier, Reflection and Transmission Coef-
ficients, Harmonic Oscillator, Angular Momentum Eigen Values and Eigen States.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Quantum Mechanics I (Phys 342 )

Course Outline
1) Origin and Development of Quantum Mechanics (4 hrs)
1.1) Review of Modern Physics
1.2) Limitations of Classical Mechanics
1.3) Development of Quantum Mechanics

2) Mathematical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics ( 5 hrs)

2.1) Measurements and Observables
2.2) Operators and Observables
2.3) Expectation Values of Dynamical Variables
2.4) Uncertainty Principle
2.5) Wave Function and its Physical Interpretation
2.6) Probability Density
2.7) Current Density

3) Operator Algebra ( 7 hrs)

3.1) Linear Operators
3.2) Dirac Notation (Bra and Ket)
3.3) Normalization and Orthogonalisation
3.4) Commutation Relation
3.5) Kroncker Delta Function
3.6) Adjoint and Hermitian Operators
3.7) Eigen Values and Eigen Functions
3.8) Dirac Delta Function
3.9) Fundamental Postulates
3.10) Expectation Values
3.11) Fundamental Commutation Rules
3.12) Correspondence with Poisson’s Brackets
3.13) Schwartz Inequality

4) The Schrödinger and Heisenberg Equations ( 16 hrs)

4.1) Time In/Dependent Schrödinger Equation
4.2) Solution of the Schrödinger Equation
4.3) Boundary Conditions
4.4) One-Dimensional Potentials
4.5) Zero Potential (Free Particle)
4.6) Square Well Potential
4.7) Infinite Well Potential
4.8) Step Potential
4.9) Barrier Potential
4.10) Reflection and Transmission Coefficients
4.11) Quantum Tunneling
4.12) Time Evaluation of Operators
4.13) Hamiltonian Operator
4.14) Schrödinger and Heisenberg Pictures

5) The Harmonic Oscillator ( 13 hrs)

5.1) Simple Harmonic Oscillator
5.2) 1D Scrödinger Equation and its Solution for the Harmonic Oscillator
5.3) Energy Eigen Values and the Zero Point Energy

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Quantum Mechanics I (Phys 342 )

5.4) Correspondence Principle

5.5) Gaussian Wave Function
5.6) Hermite Polynomials and 1D Solutions of the Harmonic Oscillator
5.7) 3D Harmonic Oscillator
5.8) Description of the HO in terms of Creation and Annihilation Operators

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%)
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References
B. H. Brandsen and C. J. Joachain, Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., Benjamin Cum-
mings, (2000)

1. John S. Townsend, A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd University
Science Books, (2000)
2. W. Greiner, Quantum Mechanics (An Introduction), 4th ed., Springer (2008).
3. David Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Benjamin Cummings, (2004).
4. J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics Revised edition, (1993).
5. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., (2008)
6. J. Singh, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications to Technology 1st
ed., (1996).
7. David A.B. Miller, Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers, (2008).

Page 50 of 176
Electronics I (Phys 353)

Course Title and Code: Electronics I (Phys 353)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Lab: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 202 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course is intended to provide basic concepts and practices of electronics. It is
structured in such a way that the learner has to go through the activities as pre-
scribed for maximum attainment. This course is helps to appreciate and apply basic
electronic concepts and circuits in instrumentation and research.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• explain charge carrier generation in intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors;
• explain formation and application of a P-N junction;
• design and analyze diode circuits (e.g. power supply circuits);
• explain how a Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT) works;
• design and analyze basic BJT circuits in various configurations (CE, CC, CB);
• explain how a Junction Field Effect Transistor(JFET) works(some theory);
• design and analyze JFET circuits in both configurations (CD, CS);
• explain how a MOSFET works (theory);
• design and analyze MOSFET circuits;
• explain the construction of the operational amplifier;
• design, analyze and synthesize operational amplifier circuits;
• manipulate numbers in various bases (2,8,10,16);
• apply Boolean algebra in design of logic circuits;
• design, analyze and synthesize logic circuits (multiplexer, decoders, Schmitt trig-
gers, flip-flops, registers);
• explain the operation of a transducer in various modes (strain, light, piezo,
• explain and apply transducer signal conditioning processes;

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electronics I (Phys 353)

• apply conditioned signal in digital form;

• explain the systems level components of a microprocessor.

Course Description
Review of Energy band theory, Network theories and Equivalent circuits. PN Junc-
tion and the Diode Effect, Circuit, Applications of Ordinary Diodes, Bipolar Junction
Transistor (BJT) Common Emitter Amplifier, Common Collector Amplifier, Common
Base Amplifier. Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET), JFET Common Source Am-
plifier, JFET Common Drain Amplifier. The Insulated-Gate Field Effect Transistor.
Multiple Transistor Circuits. Open-Loop Amplifiers, Ideal Amplifier, Approximation
Analysis, Open-Loop Gain, Number Systems, Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates, Combi-
national Logic. Multiplexers and Decoders. Schmitt Trigger, Two-State Storage Ele-
ments, Latches and Un-Clocked Flip-Flops. Clocked Flip-Flops, Dynamically clocked
Flip-Flops, One-Shot Registers. Transducers, Signal Conditioning Circuits, Oscilla-
tors, Radio Signals, Laboratory sessions on Selected Electronic Circuits

Course Outline
1) Network theories and Equivalent circuits (5 hrs)
1.1) Kirchhoff’s rules
1.2) Mesh analysis
1.3) Norton’s theorem
1.4) Thevenin’s Equivalent circuits
1.5) Conversion of Thevenin’s to Norton’s Equivalent circuits
1.6) Delta and Y Networks

2) Semi-conductors (6 hrs)
2.1) Energy bands of semi conductors
2.2) Valence bands and conduction of semi conductors
2.3) Intrinsic and Extrinsic semi conductors
2.4) Accepters and Donors
2.5) p-type and n-type semi conductors
2.6) pn-junction
2.7) Zener diodes as voltage regulators
2.8) Diodes as rectifiers (Full wave rectifier, Regulated power supply, )
2.9) Filters (Passive and Active-low pass Filters)

3) Bipolar Junction Transistors (4 hrs)

3.1) Pnp and npn transistors
3.2) Physics of operation of transistors in active mode
3.3) Static characteristics: cut off, saturation and active regions
3.4) Analysis of Transistor circuits at DC
3.5) Transistors as an amplifier
3.6) Biasing the BJT for discrete circuit design
3.7) Biasing single stage BJT amplifier configurations (Common emitter, base
and collector configuration)

4) Field Effect Transistors (4 hrs)

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electronics I (Phys 353)

4.1) The junction field-effect transistor (JFET), JFET Common Source Amplifier,
JFET Common Drain amplifier
4.2) Insulated-Gate Field Effect Transistor. Power
4.3) Multiple Transistor Circuit

5) Operational Amplifiers and Oscillations (4 hrs)

5.1) Open loop Amplifiers,
5.2) Ideal Amplifiers, Approximation Analysis, Ope-loop Gain.
5.3) The Ideal Op-Amp
5.4) Analysis of Circuit Containing Ideal Op-Amps- Inverting Configuration
5.5) Applications of the Inverting Configurations
5.6) The Noninverting Configuration
5.7) Examples of Op-Amp Circuits
5.8) Transister amplifier, biasing points

6) Digital Circuits (4 hrs)

6.1) Number systems, Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates,
6.2) Combinational Logic,
6.3) Multiplexes and decoders, Schmitt Trigger, Two-State storage elements,
6.4) Latches and un-clocked flip-flops;
6.5) Dynamically clocked flipiflops,
6.6) One-shot registers
6.7) Digital information in series, parallel or timed signals

7) Data Acquisition and Process Control (3 hrs)

7.1) Transducers, Signal Conditioning
7.2) Circuits, Oscillators
7.3) Radio basics AM Receivers and RF Spectrum

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture and accompanying laboratory hands
on experience. Related guided problems section with demonstrator assistance and
additional assessed housework. Online learning resources.

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Test (10%), Practical reports (30%)
• Semester final examination (40%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Bernard Grob, Basic Electronics, 4th ed., McGraw Hill International Book Company,
London, (1983).

Page 53 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electronics I (Phys 353)

1. Frederick F. Driscoll; Robert F. Coughlin. Solid State devices and Applications,
D.B Taraporevala Sons and Co.PVT, Published with arrangement with Prentice
Hall, Inc. (1981).
2. Close K.J and J Yarwood. Experimental Electronics for Students, London Chap-
man and Hall, Halsted Press Book, John Woley and Sons, (1979).
3. Tayal D.C. Basic Electronics. 2nd ed. Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai,
4. Theraja B.L., R.S. Sedha. Principles of Electronic Devices and Circuits, S.Chand
and Company Ltd, New Delhi, (2004).
5. Sparkes J.J. Semiconductor Devices 2nd ed. Chapman and Hall, London, (1994).
6. Richard R. Spenser and Mohammed S. Ghaussi. Introduction to Electronic Circuit
Design, Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc (2003).
7. Noel M Morriss. Semiconductor Devices, MacMillan Publishers Ltd. (1984).

Page 54 of 176
Modern Optics (Phys 371 )

Course Title and Code: Modern Optics (Phys 371 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 202& Phys 203 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

The aim of this course is to introduce optical phenomena in terms of electric and
magnetic fields. It is also intended to introduce concepts related with lasing process
and nonlinear optics. With rapid advance in the areas of laser Physics and nonlinear
optics, it would be necessary including these issues in the undergraduate program.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course students should be able to:

• describe electromagnetic wave,

• demonstrate understanding of multiple beam interference and Fresnel diffrac-
• explain basic principles, laws and properties of polarization,
• describe absorption and scattering mechanisms including dispersion,
• exhibits understanding of approaches employed in analyzing optical data,
• develop understanding of the concept of modern and nonlinear optics,
• develop problem solving skills related to optical problems,

Course Description

Review of Electromagnetic Waves, Reflection from Plane Parallel Film, Multiple Beam
Interference, Intensity Function, Multilayer Films, Fresnel Diffraction, Double Slit,
Representation of Vibration in Light, Polarization of Light, Polarization Techniques,
Interference of Polarized Light, Absorption and Scattering, Double Refraction, Prop-
agation of Light in Crystals, Optical Activity, Laser, Rate Equation, Fundamentals of
Fiber Optics and Nonlinear Optics.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Modern Optics (Phys 371 )

Course Outline

1) Review of Electromagnetic Waves (3 hrs)

2) Interference Involving Multiple Reflection (6 hrs)
2.1) Reflection from a plane parallel film
2.2) Multiple beam interference
2.3) Intensity function
2.4) Multilayer films
2.5) Fringes of constant inclination and thickness
2.6) Interference in the transmitted light
2.7) Newton’s rings

3) Diffraction (8 hrs)
3.1) Shadows
3.2) Fraunhoffer Diffraction
3.3) Fresnel’s half period zone
3.4) Circular and rectangular aperture
3.5) Zone plate and its construction
3.6) Electron diffraction
3.7) Diffraction at straight edge
3.8) Fresnel’s integral and its application
3.9) Rectilinear propagation of light
3.10) Plane grating and coverage grating
3.11) Holography

4) Polarization of Light (6 hrs)

4.1) Polarization techniques
4.2) Representation of vibration in light
4.3) Polarizing angle
4.4) Malus’ law
4.5) Double refraction
4.6) Parallel and crossed polarizer
4.7) Scattering of light and blue sky
4.8) Red sunset

5) Interference of Polarized Light (5 hrs)

5.1) Elliptically and circularly polarized light
5.2) Quarter and half wave plates
5.3) Analysis of polarized light
5.4) Interference with white light
5.5) Application of interference in parallel light

6) Absorption and Scattering (6 hrs)

6.1) General and selective absorption
6.2) Absorption by different states
6.3) Selective reflection
6.4) Scattering by small particle
6.5) Raman effect
6.6) Dispersion

7) Fourier Optics ( 3 hrs)

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Modern Optics (Phys 371 )

7.1) Optical data imaging and processing

7.2) Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy

8) Optical Activity (3 hrs)

8.1) Rotation of the plane of polarization
8.2) Rotary dispersion
8.3) Double refraction in optically active crystals
8.4) Theory of optical activity

9) Modern Optics (5 hrs)

9.1) Properties of laser light
9.2) Laser sources
9.3) Population inversion
9.4) Rate equations
9.5) Applications of laser
9.6) Fundamentals of fiber optics
9.7) Fundamentals of nonlinear optics

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Course Textbook

1. F. A. Jenkins and H. A. White, Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw Hill, 4th ed.,

2. Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6th ed., Thomson
Bruke, 2004


1. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics
12th ed., 2008
2. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th , 2005
3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th
ed., 2008

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Modern Optics (Phys 371 )

4. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Sci-

entists and Engineers, 3rd ed., 2005
5. Eugene, Hecht, Optics: International edition, 4th ed., 2003

Page 58 of 176
Electrodynamics I (Phys 376)

Course Title and Code: Electrodynamics I (Phys 376)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 202 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

This course deals with classical electrodynamics applying integral and differential cal-
culus. Emphasis is given to employing specialized approaches and most appropriate
coordinate system in solving problems. It also addresses electric and magnetic phe-
nomena in material medium including boundary problems. It is hence hoped that the
approaches to be followed in this course strengthen the mathematical skills required
in other fields.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will have good understanding of basic
theories in classical electrodynamics. Specifically, at the end of the course students
will be able to:

• develop reasonable understanding of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields in

free space and material media,

• advance their skill of solving problems using integral and differential calculus,

• acquire understanding in solving boundary value problems in electrodynamics,

• solve electrodynamical problems using specialized techniques,

• develop the basic concepts of electromagnetic wave,

Course Description

The main topics to be covered in this course include: Mathematical Preliminary, Elec-
trostatic Fields and Potentials, Electrostatic Fields in Dielectric Materials, Electro-
static Energy, Uniqueness Theorem, Image Techniques, Biot-Savart’s Law, Divergence

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electrodynamics I (Phys 376)

of Magnetic Field, Vector Potential, Ampere’s Law, Magnetic Properties of Matter,

Electromagnetic Induction, Magnetic Energy, Maxwell’s Equations, Electromagnetic
Waves in Free Space, Poynting Vector, Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Di-
electric and Conducting Media.

Course Outline

1) Mathematical Preliminary (3 hrs)

1.1) Differential calculus
1.2) Integral calculus
1.3) Curvilinear coordinate systems
1.4) Dirac delta function

2) Electrostatics (7 hrs)
2.1) Coulomb’s law
2.2) Electrostatic field due to continuous charge distributions
2.3) Electric flux density
2.4) Gauss’s law and its application
2.5) Electric potential
2.6) Electrostatics energy density

3) Electrostatic Field in Matter (6 hrs)

3.1) Properties of materials
3.2) Convection and conduction currents
3.3) Conductors
3.4) Polarization
3.5) Filed of polarized object
3.6) Electric displacement
3.7) Linear dielectrics

4) Techniques for Calculating Potentials ( 7 hrs)

4.1) Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations
4.2) Boundary conditions and uniqueness theorem
4.3) Method of images
4.4) Multipole expansion

5) Magnetostatics (9 hrs)
5.1) Review of electric current
5.2) Lorentz force law
5.3) Biot-Savart’s law
5.4) Ampere’s law
5.5) Magnetic flux density and Gauss’s law
5.6) Curl and Divergence of B
5.7) Magnetic vector potential
5.8) Magnetostatic boundary conditions in free space
5.9) Multipole expansion of the vector potential
5.10) Magnetostatic energy density

6) Magnetostatic Field in Matter (4 hrs)

6.1) Magnetization

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electrodynamics I (Phys 376)

6.2) Magnetic field of a magnetized object

6.3) Auxiliary magnetic field H
6.4) Linear and non-linear media.
7) Electrodynamics (4 hrs)
7.1) Electromotive force
7.2) Faraday’s law of induction
7.3) Maxwell’s equations in material medium
7.4) Displacement current
7.5) Energy density for electromagnetic field
7.6) Poynting theorem
8) Electromagnetic Waves (5 hrs)
8.1) Electromagnetic wave in free medium
8.2) Electromagnetic waves in non-conducting medium
8.3) Electromagnetic waves in conducting medium
8.4) Dispersion

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)
Recommended References

Course Textbook

Munir H. Nayfeh, Electricity and Magnetism, Banjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1999.


1. David J. Griffiths, Introduction to electrodynamics, 3rs ed., 1999.

2. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics
12th ed., 2008
3. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th , 2005
4. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th
ed., 2008
5. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Sci-
entists and Engineers, 3rd ed., 2005

Page 61 of 176
Nuclear Physics I (Phys 382)

Course Title and Code: Nuclear Physics I (Phys 382)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Introduction to the size and properties of the atomic nucleus and the phenomena of
radioactivity. Theoretical models that describe the atomic nucleus, offer fascinating
insights into the nature of the physical world. The tools for probing these systems are
high-energy particle accelerators and, more recently, colliding-beam systems. This
course, designed as an introduction to nuclear and particle Physics, is intended to
give students a broad overview of the subject matter, and encouragement to seek
further information.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• describe the key properties of the atomic nucleus,
• explain these properties with the aid of an underlying theoretical framework,
• identify significant applications which make use of nuclear Physics,
• explain the role of nuclear Physics in these applications,
• identify sequences of particles as energy excitations of a ground state,
• identify the quantum numbers that distinguish these sequences and use their
conservation to analyse production processes,
• state the relevant conservation laws and use them in analysing meson decays,
• describe the basic weak interaction processes and the significant experiments
that elucidate the nature of these interactions,
• describe the quark model
• construct the quark composition of particles,
• explain the significance of symmetry to the multiplet structure of elementary
• solve problems on topics included in the syllabus,
• to reason logically within a set of given constraints,

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Nuclear Physics I (Phys 382)

• Ability to identify significant strands in a mass of confusing data,

• have an understanding and appreciation of the principles of nuclear Physics,
and to explore their applications,
• apply the nuclear Physics concepts and principles learnt in class to solve prob-
• develop skills for analytical thinking that will be useful for problem-solving in
other fields.

Course Description
Structure & Static Properties of Nuclei; Nuclear constituents, nuclear size and its
measurement, nuclear mass, binding energy, nuclear magnetic moment and electric
quadruple moment. The force between nucleon, meson theory of nuclear forces. Nu-
clear structure models, liquid drop model of the nucleus and semi-empirical mass
formula, explanation of nuclear fission. Nuclear shell model and its application in
explaining various properties of nuclei.
α-decay, simple version of tunnelling theory; β-decay, neutrino theory, summary of
Fermi theory; Kurie plot. γ-decay; nuclear decay schemes.
Energetics of nuclear reactions; Q-values; reaction thresholds. Compound nucleus
model, partial widths. Resonance reactions; Breit-Wigner formula. Fission and Fu-
Leptons, nucleons, hadrons, quarks and baryons. Symmetries and groups.
Some applications of Nuclear Physics.

Course Outline

1) Structure and Static Properties of Nuclei (9 hrs)

1.1) Nuclear Hypothesis, Early atomic theories, Rutherford’s scattering experi-
1.2) Composition, Charge; Size; Mass and Angular momentum of the nucleus
1.3) Theories of nuclear composition
1.4) Binding Energy
1.5) Nuclear Forces.
1.6) Nuclear Structure Models.

2) Nuclear Decay & Radioactivity (9 hrs)

2.1) Radioactivity.
2.2) Alpha Decay
2.3) Beta Decay
2.4) Gamma Decay
2.5) Detecting Nuclear Radiations

3) Nuclear Reactions (9 hrs)

3.1) Nuclear Reactions In General
3.2) Nuclear Cross-section
3.3) Classification of Nuclear Reactions

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Nuclear Physics I (Phys 382)

3.4) Fusion and Fission Reactions

3.5) Reactor Basics

4) Elementary Particles (6 hrs)

4.1) Basic Data on Elementary Particles
4.2) Symmetry and Conservation Laws
4.3) Parity and Parity Violation

5) Applications of Nuclear Physics (12 hrs)

5.1) Trace Element Analysis
5.2) Mass Spectrometry with Accelerators
5.3) Alpha Decay Applications
5.4) Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
5.5) Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, class and group discussion, , e-learning
resources, assignments as well as examinations.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Krane K.S. , Introductory Nuclear Physics, Wiley, (1987).

1. Williams W.S.C., Nuclear and Particle Physics, Clarendon,(1991).
2. Cottingham W.M. and Greenwood D.A., An Introduction to the Standard, (1998).
Model of Particle Physics, Cambridge University Press,
3. Halzen F. and Martin A.D., Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Mod-
ern Particle Physics, John Wiley, (1984).
4. Lilley J., Nuclear Physics: Principles and Applications, John Wiley, (2001).
5. Kaplan I. Nuclear Physics, Adison-Wesley, (1963).
6. Tayal D.C. Nuclear Physics, Himalaya Publishing House, (1982).

Page 64 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Computational Physics (Phys 402)

Introduction to Computational Physics (Phys 402)

Course Title and Code: Introduction to Computational Physics (Phys 402)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Lab: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Comp 271 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Computational Physics is a problem-solving course, that is, the measure of a students
progress is demonstrated by the ability to solve numerical problems in physics. While
the very nature of physics is to express relationships between physical quantities
in mathematical terms, an analytic solution of the resulting formulas is often not
available. Instead, numerical solutions based on computer programs are required
to obtain concrete results for real problems. Upon completion of this course, the
student will possess the basic knowledge of numerical modeling that may be required
for graduate school or in a position at a technical corporation. Computer simulation
is considered to be the third option for solving physical problems.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• gain experience on writing manuscripts in a scientific journal style using the
• discretize a differential equation using grid and basis set methods,
• outline the essential features of each of the simulation techniques introduced
and give examples of their use in contemporary science,
• develop computer simulation for science problems,and investigate the problems
using statistical, graphical and numerical packages,
• formulate algorithms and use programming language to write simulation.

Course Description
This course is designed to cover techniques used in modeling physical systems nu-
merically. It is designed to help the students in the selection of an operating system
(Windows versus Unix/Linux), and programming language (some of the more popular
in science include Fortran, C, C++, MatLab, Mathematica, and Visual Basic) that best
meet the requirements needed to solve the problem. Techniques will be developed

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Computational Physics (Phys 402)

to data fitting and to numerically differentiate and integrate, and to solve systems of
linear equations, ordinary differential equations (ODE), trajectory and orbit problems
with numerical methods, and finally Fourier analysis. Molecular dynamics, Monte-
Carlo techniques and Ising Model will also be discussed as modern applications to
the technique.

Course Outline
1) Introduction(5 hrs)
1.1) Unix, Latex, Postscript, pdf
1.2) Scientific programming (Fortran, C++, JAVA, MATLAB)
1.3) Error analysis and uncertainties
2) Methods of data fitting(2 hrs)
3) Root finding (1 hrs)
4) Methods of differentiation and integration (2 hrs)
5) Function optimization (2 hrs)
6) Matrices and systems of linear equations (3 hrs)
7) Numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations (3 hrs)
8) Trajectories and orbits (2 hrs)
9) Fourier analysis and oscillations (2 hrs)
10) Molecular dynamics (2 hrs)
11) Monte Carlo methods (2 hrs)
12) 2-D and 3-D numerical problems (2 hrs)
13) The Ising model (2 hrs)

Method of Teaching
Lectures, simulation lab & projects, Assignment & tests. This course needs 2 hrs per
week computer laboratory work

• Project reports, presentation: 20%
• Homework, Assignments, In-class participation (asking questions, discussing
homework, answering questions): 20%
• One Test (20%)
• Semester final exam (40%)

Recommended References
1. Tao Pang, An Introduction to Computational Physics,Cambridge University Press,
2. R. Fitzpatrick, Computational Physics: Computer based learning unit, University
of Leads, (1996).
3. H Gould, et al, An Introduction to computer simulation methods: Application to
Physical System, 2nd ed., (1995).
4. R. Fitzpatrick, Introduction to Computational Physics, University of Texas.

Page 66 of 176
Experimental Physics IV (Phys 411 )

Course Title and Code: Experimental Physics IV (Phys 411 )

Credits 2 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: Tutor: (1 hrs) + Lab: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Experimental observations form the basis for new hypotheses, and also test scientific
theories. It is therefore essential that all Physicists understand the experimental
method and develop the ability to make reliable measurements. This course provides
a broad foundation in experimental physics.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• plan and execute experimental investigations;
• apply and describe a variety of experimental techniques;
• identify, estimate, combine and quote experimental errors;
• keep accurate and thorough records;
• discuss and analyze critically results of investigations, including the use of com-
puters for data analysis;
• minimize experimental errors;
• demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;
• identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and com-
ply with the safety precautions required;
• delivery of written and oral presentations (experiment write-ups, formal report,
group talk);
• work in team;
• manage time;
• use computers (for data analysis and collection), if possible;

Course Description
Selected experiments from topics of Condensed Matter, Atomic and Nuclear Physics.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Experimental Physics IV (Phys 411 )

Recommended List of Experiments

1) Condensed Matter Physics
1.1) Determination of Specific Charge of the electron
1.2) Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
1.3) Hall Effect
1.4) X-Ray Diffraction

2) Atomic and Nuclear Physics

2.1) Study of Properties of Geiger Müller Counter.
2.2) Statistics of Nuclear Counting (Poisson Statistics)
2.3) Absorption of γ and β rays (Efficiency for β counting)
2.4) Zeeman Effect
2.5) Photoelectric Effect

Method of Teaching
Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material pre-
sented in the form of handouts (manuals) and with necessary support from the in-
structor. Tutor sessions should be supplemented with (on-line) notes, error analysis
and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and preparing formal experimental
reports. Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.
Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory ac-
tivities whenever possible.

• Pre-Lab Questions: 25%
• In-Lab questions (answering questions during lab sessions and preparedness):
• Lab-Reports: (20%)
• Examination (oral, practical or/and written): (35%)

It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session to be between

20 and 30.

Recommended References
1.1) David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and
Experimental Design, Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1994.
2.2) Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Aca-
demic Press, 2nd ed., 2003.

Page 68 of 176
Statistical Physics II (Phys 422)

Course Title and Code: Statistical Physics II (Phys 422)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 321 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course is designed to introduce basically quantum statistics. Emphasis is also
given to study systems with many particles using statistical approaches. The designed
procedures aided in investigating and interpreting results associated with macro-
scopic systems.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• identify simple application of classical and quantum statistics,
• apply statistical approaches in studying different properties of a system,
• derive and apply equi-partition theorem,
• explain the applications of laws of thermodynamics,
• employ Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics in describ-
ing a given system,
• explain magnetic properties of substances at low temperature,
• discuss about different properties of substances related with their movement by
using kinetic theory of transport process,
• understand the ways of incorporating the interaction term while studying dy-
namics of interacting particles.

Course Description
Review of the Laws of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Potentials, Conditions for
Equilibrium and Stability, Legendre Transformations, Maxwell’s Relations, Maxwell’s
distribution, Phase Transitions, Simple Application of Statistical Mechanics, Quan-
tum and Classical Statistics, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein System of Interacting
Particles, Kinetic Theory of Transport Processes

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Statistical Physics II (Phys 422)

Course Outline
1) Review of Thermodynamics (7 hrs)
1.1) State of variable and equation of state
1.2) Laws of thermodynamics
1.3) Thermodynamic potential
1.4) Gibbs-Duhem’s and Maxwell’s relations
1.5) Response functions
1.6) Condition for equilibrium
1.7) Thermodynamics of phase transitions
2) Simple Applications of Statistical (13 hrs)
2.1) Partition function and their properties ideal monatomic gas
2.2) Calculations of thermodynamic quantities
2.3) Gibbs paradox
2.4) Validity of the classical approximation
2.5) Proof of equipartition
2.6) Simple applications
2.7) Specific heat of solids
2.8) General calculation of magnetism
2.9) Maxwell’s velocity distribution
2.10) Related velocity distribution
2.11) Number of molecule striking a surface
2.12) Effusions
2.13) Pressure and momentum
3) Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases (13 hrs)
3.1) Isolated systems: micro canonical ensembles
3.2) System at mixed temperature
3.3) Grand canonical ensembles
3.4) Identical particles and symmetry requirement
3.5) Formulation of statistical problems
3.6) The quantum distribution functions
3.7) Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics
3.8) Photon statistics
3.9) Bose-Einstein statistics
3.10) Fermi-Dirac statistics
3.11) Quantum statistics in the classical limit
3.12) Evaluation of the partition function
4) System of Interaction Particles (6 hrs)
4.1) Lattice vibration and normal mode
4.2) Debye approximation
4.3) Calculation of the partition function for low densities
4.4) Equation of state and virial coefficients
4.5) Alternative derivation of the van Der waals equation
5) Kinetic Theory of Transport ( 6 hrs)
5.1) Collision time
5.2) Collision time and scattering cross section
5.3) Viscosity
5.4) Thermal conductivity
5.5) Self diffusion
5.6) Electrical conductivity

Page 70 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Statistical Physics II (Phys 422)

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, tutorial and problem solving. Online
learning resources can also be employed.

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Tests (quiz) (25%),
• Semester final examination (50%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook

F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, Wave Land Price, 2008.


1. B. B Laud, Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics, India, 2009.

2. C. Kittel, Elementary statistical Physics, Rieger Pub Co., 1988.
3. Michel D. Sturge, Statistical and Thermal Physics: Fundamentals and Applica-
tions, 2003.

Page 71 of 176
Classical Mechanics II (Phys 431)

Course Title and Code: Classical Mechanics II (Phys 431)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 331 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

This course is mainly intended to apply Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s principles in solv-
ing classical problems constrained to oscillate over a very small distance. The ap-
proximations followed are very essential in studying physical systems perturbed from
their equilibrium position by comparatively very small potential.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course the students will be able to:

• analyze mechanical systems applying basic conservation laws with emphasis

given to central force problem and rigid body motion,

• apply advanced theoretical techniques including small oscillations and wave

propagation to analyze certain mechanical systems,

• acquainted with basic theoretical methods required in contemporary classical


Course Description

Dynamics of System of Particles, Center of Mass, Collisions, Scattering, Conservation

Theorems, Rigid Body Motion, Euler Angles, Principle of Virtual Work, Small Os-
cillations, Coupled Systems and Normal Modes, Wave Propagation, Wave Equation,
Reflection, Transmission, Interference and Polarization

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Classical Mechanics II (Phys 431)

Course Outline

1) Dynamics of System of Particles (11 hrs)

1.1) System of particles and center of mass
1.2) Conservation of linear momentum
1.3) Conservation of angular momentum
1.4) Conservation of energy
1.5) Motion of systems with variable mass
1.6) Elastic collisions and conservation laws
1.7) Inelastic collisions
1.8) Two body problem in center of mass coordinate system
1.9) Collision in center of mass coordinate system
1.10) Inverse square repulsive force: Rutherford scattering
2) Rigid Body Dynamics (14 hrs)
2.1) Introduction
2.2) Angular momentum and kinetic energy
2.3) Inertia tensor
2.4) Moments of inertia for different body system
2.5) Principal moment of inertia and principal Axes
2.6) Inertial ellipsoid
2.7) More about the properties of the inertial tensor
2.8) Angular velocity and Eulerian angles
2.9) Eulerian equations of motion for a rigid body
2.10) The principle of virtual work
3) Theory of Small Oscillations (13 hrs)
3.1) Equilibrium and potential energy
3.2) Two coupled oscillators and normal coordinates
3.3) Theory of small oscillations
3.4) Small oscillations in normal coordinates
3.5) Tensor formulation for the theory of small oscillations
3.6) Weak coupling
3.7) General problem of coupled oscillations
3.8) Sympathetic vibrations and beats
3.9) Molecular vibrations
3.10) Loaded string
3.11) Dissipative systems and forced oscillations
4) Wave Propagation (7 hrs)
4.1) Introduction
4.2) Wave equation
4.3) Reflection
4.4) Transmission
4.5) Interference
4.6) Polarization

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.

Page 73 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Classical Mechanics II (Phys 431)


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References

Course Textbook

1. Walter Hauser, Introduction to principles of mechanics, Addison Wesley, 1966.

2. Jery Marion, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 1994.


1. Marion Thoronton, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 4th ed., 1995
2. Murrey R. Speigle, Schaum’s Outline series: Theory and problems of theatrical
3. Devid Morin, Introduction to Classical Mechanics: with problems and solutions,
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
4. R. Taylor, Calassical Mechanics, Universal Science, 2005
5. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison Welsey 3rd ed., 2001.
6. K. R. Symon, Mechanics, Addison Welsey 3rd ed., 1971.

Page 74 of 176
Quantum Mechanics II (Phys 441 )

Course Title and Code: Quantum Mechanics II (Phys 441 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 342 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science/——– Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The rationale of this course are to acquaint students with application of the Schrödinger
to different quantum mechanical systems, discuss interactions responsible for the
electronic structure of atoms, apply different approximation methods and verify scat-
tering theory and introduce the basics of cold atomic gases.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• explain the significance of the wave function in determining the physical behav-
ior of electrons,
• show how quantization arises from boundary conditions and calculate energy
levels in simple model systems,
• discuss the energy levels,angular momenta and spectra of atoms,
• explain the relation between wave functions, operators and experimental observ-
• derive eigen states of energy, momentum and angular momentum,
• apply approximate methods to more complex systems,
• explain the basics of cold gases.

Course Description
Orbital Angular Momentum Eigenfunctions, Spherical Harmonics, Hydrogen Atom,
Time-Independent Perturbation Method, Time-Dependent Perturbation Method, Spin
angular momentum, Non-degenerate and degenerate perturbation theory, Hydrogen
Fine Structure, Zeeman Effect, Interaction of Radiation with Atoms, Scattering of
particles, Born approximation and the basics of cold atomic gases.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Quantum Mechanics II (Phys 441 )

Course Outline
1) Angular Momentum (12 hrs)
1.1) Angular momentum operator
1.2) Representation in spherical co-ordinates
1.3) Square of angular momentum operator
1.4) Commutation rules
1.5) Eigenvalues of Lz and L2
1.6) Eigen-functions of angular momentum
1.7) Spin, spin operator, Pauli’s spin matrices
1.8) Matrix representation of angular momentum operator
1.9) Pauli’s spinors and their transformation properties

2) The Hydrogen Atom (12 hrs)

2.1) Reduction to one body problem
2.2) Separation of variables, spherical eigenfunctions
2.3) Angular dependence of solutions
2.4) Spherical Harmonics
2.5) Radial equation, Laguerre polynomial
2.6) Associated Laguerre polynomial
2.7) Radial probability distributionfunctions
2.8) Atomic energy levels, quantum numbers
2.9) Normalised eigenfuntions
2.10) Eigen Values, Quantum Numbers and Degeneracy
2.11) Pauli exclusion principle and shell structure

3) Perturbation Methods (9 hrs)

3.1) Perturbation Methods
3.2) Time-Dependent Perturbation Method
3.3) Time independent Perturbation Method
3.4) Hydrogen like atoms
3.5) Hydrogen Fine Structure
3.6) Zeeman Effect
3.7) Interaction of Radiation with Atoms
3.8) Energy Shift

4) Scattering Theory (6 hrs)

4.1) Scattering theory
4.2) Types of scattering
4.3) Born Approximation
4.4) Low energy scattering
4.5) Resonances

5) Basics of Cold Atomic Gases (6 hrs)

5.1) Basics of Cold Gases
5.2) Supperfluidity
5.3) Bosons and Fermions
5.4) Bose-Einstein Condensation
5.5) Atomic, Molecular and Fermionic Condensates

Page 76 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Quantum Mechanics II (Phys 441 )

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%)
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References
B. H. Brandsen and C. J. Joachain, Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., Benjamin Cum-
mings, (2000)

1. John S. Townsend, A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd University
Science Books, (2000)
2. W. Greiner, Quantum Mechanics (An Introduction), 4th ed., Springer (2008).
3. David Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Benjamin Cummings, (2004).
4. J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics Revised edition, (1993).
5. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., (2008)
6. J. Singh, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications to Technology 1st
ed., (1996).
7. David A.B. Miller, Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers, (2008).

Page 77 of 176
Solid State Physics I (Phys 451 )

Course Title and Code: Solid State Physics I (Phys 451 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 342 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The aims of this course are to introduce students to the basic ideas that underlie solid
state physics, with emphasis on the behaviour of electrons in crystalline structures,
particularly in materials that are metallic. Students will appreciate solid state physics
as one branch of physics which plays a fundamental role in the electronic industry.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• examine the behavior of solid state systems and, through the application of phys-
ical laws, make quantitative predictions of future behaviour based upon their
• describe crystal structure of solids in terms of a space lattice + unit cell, and
relate structures in real space to those in reciprocal space,
• explain the concepts of the reciprocal lattice and the Brillouin zone,
• discuss the electrical, thermal and optical properties in terms of the free electron
• apply knowledge of how crystalline structures vibrate and the associated theories
of heat capacity,
• discuss the factors that control the electrical conductivity of metals,
• elaborate how the diffraction of X rays are related to the properties of the recip-
rocal lattice.

Course Description
This course describes phenomena associated with the solid state: Topics to be treated
include the classification of solids and crystal structure, X-ray diffraction, classifica-
tion of crystals, binding energy, and an introduction to their electronic, vibrational,
thermal, optical, magnetic, dielectric properties and the quantum mechanical descrip-
tion of electrons in crystals

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Solid State Physics I (Phys 451 )

Course Outline
1) Crystal Structure (6 hrs)
1.1) Introduction- atomic models
1.2) Lattice points and space lattice
1.3) Fundamental types of lattices
1.4) Index system for crystal planes
1.5) Classification of crystals
2) X-Ray Diffraction (4 hrs)
2.1) Reciprocal lattices
2.2) Diffraction of waves by crystals: Braggs law
2.3) Brillouin zones in one and two dimensions
3) Binding Energy in Crystals (5 hrs)
3.1) Bonding in solids
3.2) Ionic bonding
3.3) Covalent bonding
3.4) Metallic bond
3.5) Properties of metallic crystals
3.6) Calculation of cohesive energy
4) Thermal properties of solids(7 hrs)
4.1) Crystal vibration
4.2) Lattice Specific heat
4.3) Classical theory (Dulong and Petit law)
4.4) Einsteins theory of specific heat
4.5) Debyes theory
4.6) Thermal conductivity
5) Dielectric properties of solids (9 hrs)
5.1) Review of basic formulae
5.2) The microscopic concept of polarization
5.3) Langevins theory of polarization in polar dielectrics
5.4) Clausius-mosotti relation
5.5) The static dielectric constant of solids and liquids (Elemental dielectrics,
Polarization of ionic crystals)
5.6) Ferroelectricity
5.7) Piezoelectricity
6) Magnetic properties of solids (8 hrs)
6.1) Magnetic permeability
6.2) Magnetization
6.3) Diamagnetism
6.4) Paramagnetism
6.5) Ferromagnetism
6.6) Quantum theory of paramagnetism and ferromagnetism
6.7) The domain model
7) The free electron Fermi gas (6 hrs)
7.1) Energy levels in one dimension
7.2) Effect of temperature on the Fermi-dirac distribution
7.3) Free electron gas in three dimensions
7.4) Heat capacity of the electron gas

Page 79 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Solid State Physics I (Phys 451 )

Method of Teaching
Lecture, discussion (group works), home assignments, presentation and demonstra-
tion Online learning resources.

• Home works, class works, group works, presentation, quizzes, term projects,
etc: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Quizzes, Test (30%), .
• Semester final examination (50%)

Recommended References
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley, 8th ed., (2004).
2. M. Ali Omar, Elementary Solid state Physics: Principles and Applications, Addison
Wesley, (1993).
3. S. O. Pillai, Solid State Physics, New Age Int. 6th ed., (2008).
4. Ashcroft N.W. and Mermin N.D., Solid State Physics, Holt-Saunders, (1976).
5. Burns G., Solid State Physics, Academic Press, (1985).
6. Hook J.R. and Hall H.E., Solid State Physics 2nd ed.,, Wiley, (1991).
7. L. Mihly and M.C. Martin, Solid State Physics; Problems and Solutions, Wiley-
VCH, (2009).

Page 80 of 176
Sustainable Sources of Energy (Phys 461)

Course Title and Code: Sustainable Sources of Energy (Phys 461)

Credits 2 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): – Co-requisite(s): Phys 382
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the potential renewable energy
sources possibly available in the country in particular and in the glob in general.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• assess current and potential future energy systems,
• explain different renewable and conventional energy technologies,
• evaluate energy technology systems in the context of political, social, economic,
and environmental goals.

Course Description
The assessment of current and potential future energy systems is covered in this
course and includes topics on resources, extraction, conversion, and end-use, with
emphasis on meeting regional and global energy needs in the 21st century in a sus-
tainable manner. Different renewable and conventional energy technologies will be
presented and their attributes described within a framework that aids in evaluation
and analysis of energy technology systems in the context of political, social, economic,
and environmental goals.

Course Outline
1) Energy in Context (10 hrs)
1.1) Overview of energy use and related issues
1.2) Sustainability, energy, and clean technologies in context
1.3) Resource evaluation and depletion analysis
1.4) Global change and response issues
1.5) International efforts to abate global changes

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Sustainable Sources of Energy (Phys 461)

1.6) Regional air pollution

1.7) Overview of energy supply portfolio
1.8) Criteria for assessing the sustainability of energy technologies
1.9) Energy transportation and storage.

2) Specific Energy Technologies (12 hrs)

2.1) Geothermal Energy
2.2) Hydropower
2.3) Nuclear waste disposal
2.4) Electrochemical energy storage
2.5) Fuel Cell and distributed energy programs in industry
2.6) Biomass energy
2.7) Biomass conversion to liquid fuels
2.8) Hydrogen as a fuel
2.9) Nuclear energy I: Present technologies
2.10) Nuclear energy II: Future technologies and the fuel cycle
2.11) Fossil energy I: Types and characteristics. decarbonization
2.12) Fossil energy II: Conversion, power cycles
2.13) Fusion energy technologies
2.14) Wind power
2.15) Cape wind and other wind projects
2.16) Tidal and wave energy
2.17) Solar thermal energy
2.18) Solar photovoltaic energy

3) Energy End Use, Option Assessment, and Tradeoff Analysis (8 hrs)

3.1) Eco-buildings
3.2) Domestic Energy Efficiency Improvement
3.3) Electric Industry Restructuring
3.4) Future Road Transport Options
3.5) Sustainable Development Issues and Decision-making Techniques
3.6) Impact of energy uses on ecosystems.
3.7) Research into renewable energy sources.
3.8) Energy Policy and Options

Method of Teaching
Lecture, field visit, discussion, assignments, group work, project

• homework, presentation etc: 20%
• project work: 30%
• Mid-semester (20%), .
• Semester final exam (30%)

Page 82 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Sustainable Sources of Energy (Phys 461)

Recommended References
1. Robert L. Evans, Fueling Our Future: An Introduction to Sustainable Energy, Cam-
bridge University press, (2007).
2. Tester, J. W., E. M. Drake, M. W. Golay, M. J. Driscoll, and W. A. Peters, Sus-
tainable Energy-Choosing among option, The MIT Press, (2005).
3. P. Kruger , Alternative Energy Resources: The Quest for Sustainable Energy, John
Wiley ans Sons, (2006).
4. Edward Mazria, The passive Solar Energy Book: A Complete Guide to Passive
Solar Home, Green House and Building Design, Rodale Pr (1979).
5. Travis Bradford, Solar Revolution: The Economic Transformation of the Global
Energy Industry, The MIT Press, (2006).

Page 83 of 176
Electrodynamics II (Phys 476)

Course Title and Code: Electrodynamics II (Phys 476)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 376 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

This course is mainly intended to introduce potential formulation for solving electro-
dynamical problems. It also emphasizes on the electric and magnetic fields produced
by moving charges where special attention is given to radiating systems. The proce-
dure in which potentials are used instead of fields lays concrete foundation for relating
electrodynamics with relativity that leads to covariant formulation of electrodynamics.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

• extend the concepts in Phys 376 to none quasi-static limit,

• apply Maxwell’s equation to variety of physical systems,
• describe electromagnetic phenomena with the aid of potentials,
• demonstrate understanding how electric potential and fields transform,
• solve problems applying potential formalism and understand that the results are
independent of the approaches one used,
• demonstrate understanding of the process of electromagnetic radiation,
• relate electrodynamics with relativity.

Course Description

The main topics are: Maxwell’s Equations and their Empirical Basis, Lorentz Con-
dition, Lienard-Wiechert Potentials, Lorentz Transformation of Electric and Magnetic
Fields, Fields of Uniformly Moving Charge, Motion of Point Charge in an Electromag-
netic Field, Power Radiated by Accelerated Point Charge, Bremsstrahlung, Thomson
Scattering, Electric Dipole Radiation, Covariant Formulation of Electrodynamics.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electrodynamics II (Phys 476)

Course Outline

1) Maxwell’s Equations (8 hrs)

1.1) Electrodynamics before Maxwell’s
1.2) How Maxwell fix Ampere’s law
1.3) Maxwell’s equations
1.4) Magnetic charge
1.5) Maxwell’s equation in matter
1.6) Boundary conditions

2) Conservation Laws (6 hrs)

2.1) Charge and energy
2.2) Conservation of momentum
2.3) Newton’s law in electrodynamics

3) Potential and Fields (13 hrs)

3.1) Potential formulation
3.2) Coulomb’s and Lorentz’s gauges
3.3) Continuous charge distributions
3.4) Retarded potentials
3.5) Jefimenko’s equations
3.6) Lienard-Wiechert’s potentials
3.7) Field of moving point charge

4) Radiation (13 hrs)

4.1) Electric dipole radiation
4.2) Magnetic dipole radiation
4.3) Radiation from arbitrary source
4.4) Power radiated by point charge
4.5) Radiation reaction
4.6) Physical basis of radiation reaction
4.7) Bremsstrahlung

5) Covariant Formulation of Electrodynamics (5 hrs)

5.1) Magnetism as relativistic phenomena
5.2) Field transformation
5.3) Electromagnetic field tensor
5.4) Covariant formulation of Electrodynamics
5.5) Relativistic potentials

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.

Page 85 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electrodynamics II (Phys 476)


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References

Course Textbook

David J. Griffiths, Introduction to electrodynamics, 3rd ed., 1999.


1. Munir H. Nayfeh, Electricity and Magnetism, Banjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1999.
2. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics
12th ed., 2008
3. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, Wiley, 3rd ed., 1998.

Page 86 of 176
Research Methods and Senior Project (Phys 492)

Course Title and Code: Research Methods and Senior Project (Phys 492)
Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (1 hrs) + Senior Project: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The course is designed to train students of physics to become good researchers by
taking a project after introducing them with the basic concepts of research methodol-

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Formulate research problems and objectives and to determine what problem/objective
is researchable
• Gain insight into the aspects of literature and studies partially and closely re-
lated to the study
• Differentiate the four kinds of research designs and identify the strengths and
limitations of each design
• Identify the qualities of a good research instrument
• Diagnose correct statistical tools to answer the research problems/objectives
• Analyze and interpret raw data in terms of quantity, quality,attribute, trait, pat-
tern, trend and relationships
• Follow the widely accepted format and style of writing in the academic commu-
• Develop the qualities of a good researcher - Research-oriented,Efficient, Scien-
tific, Effective, Active, Resourceful, Creative, Honest, Economical, and Religious
• analyze the content of selected articles in physics or physics related area and
critique the arguments made in those articles.
• Perform a literature search; give a scientific presentation, work in the context of
a research group, keep a professional log book, present and defend a scientific
poster, write a scientific report.
• present their own work using the formats commonly employed in scientific pre-

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Research Methods and Senior Project (Phys 492)

• acquire Time-management transferable skill; working in groups; report writing;

keeping a professional journal (log book); oral and written presentation, commu-

Course Description
This course includes nature and characteristic of research, review of literature, de-
signing research, qualities of good research, sampling design, data analysis and in-
terpretation and the styles of research

Course Outline
1.1) Meaning of Research
1.2) Qualities and Characteristic of a Good Researcher
1.3) Values of Research to Man
1.4) Types and Classification of Research
1.5) Meaning and Types of Variable
1.6) Components of the Research Process


2.1) The Research Problem
2.2) The Research Objectives
2.3) Statement of Research Problem/Objectives
2.4) The Hypothesis and Assumption
2.5) Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
2.6) Significance of Study
2.7) Scope and Limitations of the Study
2.8) Definition of Terms


3.1) Related Readings
3.2) Related Literature
3.3) Related Studies
3.4) Justification of the Present Study


4.1) Descriptive Design (Types of Descriptive Design)
4.2) Experimental Design (Types of Experimental Design)


5.1) Validity
5.2) Reliability
5.3) Usability


6.1) Advantages of Sampling
6.2) Limitations of Sampling
6.3) Planning a Sampling Survey
6.4) Determination of Sample Size

Page 88 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Research Methods and Senior Project (Phys 492)

6.5) Scientific Sampling


7.1) Data Processing
7.2) Categorization of Data
7.3) Coding of Data
7.4) Tabulation of Data
7.5) Data Matrix
7.6) Statistical Treatment
7.7) Statistical Tools for - Research , Descriptive and Experimental Designs


8.1) Univariate, Bivariate, Multivariate Analysis
8.2) Normative Analysis
8.3) Status Analysis
8.4) Descriptive Analysis
8.5) Classification Analysis
8.6) Evaluative Analysis
8.7) Comparative Analysis
8.8) Cost-Effective Analysis


9.1) The Preliminaries of a Research
9.2) The Text of a Research Paper
9.3) Chapter Headings
9.4) Documentation in Research Paper
9.5) Notes, Bibliography, References and Literature Cited
9.6) Style in Writing

10) Project Work (30 hrs equivalent)

Method of Teaching
The course methodology includes lecture that provides condensed explanations, dis-
cussion that encourages a flexible exchange of information, and practical work which
requires students to practice the techniques they are learning. The focus of the
course will be the paradigm shift from instructor-centered to student-centered cur-
ricula wherein teaching strategies that promote active learning will be applied such
as case studies, cooperative learning, concept tests and problem based learning. Stu-
dents will have independent project work and submit to the course instructor.

• Class participation, and group oral reporting 15%
• Individual written output from each chapter: 25%
• One exam (25%), .
• project work (35%)

Page 89 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Research Methods and Senior Project (Phys 492)

Recommended References
1. Paler-Calmorin, Laurentina. Methods of Research and Thesis Writing, 2006. .
2. Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines Temechegn Engida. Educational Re-
search Methods (Module), 2008.
3. Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison. Research Methods in Edu-
cation 5th ed.,. Routledge Falmer, London, 2000.
4. Judith Bell. Doing Your Research Project (3rd Edition). Open University Press,
United Kingdom, 1999.
5. Joseph Gibaldi. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Paper 6th ed.,. First
East-West Press Edition, New Delhi, 2004


Page 90 of 176
Metrology I (Phys 316)

Course Title and Code: Metrology I (Phys 316)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Tutor: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 201; Phys 202 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: II
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course aims to introduce the fundamental concepts of measurement science and
quality infrastructure. The growing export market in the agriculture and industry
sectors is accompanied by increased demand of standardization and quality assur-
ance. This first course in metrology will motivate and gives the fundamentals to enter
quality assurance and standardization procedures. professions that need need of

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• recognize measurement as a science and the importance of standardization;
• Perform basic measurement activities;
• solve problems related to measurement and error analysis;
• recognize quality control, quality systems and quality management;
• Explain and national quality infrastructure;
• understanding of quality assurance and infrastructure concept in various sec-
tors of the national economy

Course Description
Fundamentals of measurement science, Statistical Analysis of Measurement, Analogy
Measuring instruments.
History and evolution of Quality control, Quality and Quality Systems, the ISO Quality
Systems, Quality Management

Course Outline
I) Introduction to Measurement Science

1) Fundamentals of Measurement Science (2 hrs)

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Metrology I (Phys 316)

1.1. Importance of Measurement Science and Metrology in Science, Engi-

neering, Economics, and Society
1.2. Introduction to Metrological Standards and SI Units
1.3. Standards and Regulation
2) Statistical Analysis of Measurement (4 hrs)
2.1. Basic Statistics of Measurement Data
2.2. Types of errors in Measurement
2.3. Error Propagation of Systematic and Stochastic Errors
2.4. Reactions and Disturbances in a measuring System
3) Analogue Measuring Instruments (4 hrs)
3.1. Measurement of Mass, Length and Time
3.2. Measurement of Current, Voltage, Power
II) Quality Control
4) History and Evolution of Quality Control (3 hrs)
4.1. Developments up to WW II
4.2. Modern Developments
4.3. Training for Quality
5) Quality and Quality Systems (5 hrs)
5.1. Quality Systems and Related Aspects
5.2. Quality Control and Quality Assurance
5.3. Quality Management Systems
5.4. Elements of Quality Systems
6) The ISO 9000 Quality Systems (4 hrs)
6.1. The ISO 9000 Family of Standards
6.2. Quality Systems Documentation and Audinting
6.3. ISO 9000: Related Aspects
6.4. Other Quality Systems
7) Quality Management (4 hrs)
7.1. Introduction to total Quality Management
7.2. Quality Awards
7.3. Comparison of National/International Quality Awards and International
7.4. Six Sigma and Other Extensions of Quality Management
III) Quality Infrastructure
8) The Concept of NQI (4 hrs)
8.1. NQI implementation in practice
8.2. Comparison of QI National/ Regional /global

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-
• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Two Tests (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

Page 92 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Metrology I (Phys 316)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
FARAGO, F.T., Curtis, M.A., Handbook of Dimensional Measurement, Third Edition,
Industrial Press, 1994

1. Harrison M. Wadsworth, Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement,
John Weily and Sons, 2002

Page 93 of 176
Environmental Physics (Phys 367)

Course Title and Code: Environmental Physics (Phys 367)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 201 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Environmental Physics concerns the description and analysis of physical processes
that establish the conditions under which all species of life survive and reproduce.
The subject involves a synthesis of mathematical relations that describe the physi-
cal nature of the environment and the many biological responses that environments
evoke. Environmental Physics has become more widely used by biologists, atmo-
spheric scientists and climate modelers to specify interactions between surfaces and
the atmosphere.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• understand the basic composition, structure and dynamics of the atmosphere,
• explain the workings of the hydrologic cycle and discuss the mechanisms of
water transport in the atmosphere and in the ground,
• discuss specific environmental problems such as acid rain, ozone depletion and
global warming in the context of an overall understanding of the dynamics of the
• discuss the problems of energy demand and explain the possible contributions
of renewable energy supply,
• describe the transport of solar radiation through the atmosphere to the Earth’s
surface and subsequent emission of infra-red radiation and its transport back
through the atmosphere into space,
• discuss the global energy budget and the reasons for current reliance upon fossil
• describe the potential future energy sources including nuclear fusion

Course Description
The main topics included are: Preliminary Remarks, Environmental Concerns, Radia-
tion, Solar Radiation, Radiation Balance, Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves, Com-

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Environmental Physics (Phys 367)

position of Atmosphere, Ocean Currents, Water Flow, Soil Temperature, Energy De-
mand, Renewable Energy Sources, Power Consumption, Efficiency of Systems, Noise
level, Noise Pollution

Course Outline
1) Preliminary Remarks (5 hrs)
1.1) Introduction
1.2) Environmental concerns in the late 20th century
1.3) Physics in understanding global climate change

2) Radiation (9 hrs)
2.1) Sun as the prime source of energy for the earth
2.2) Solar energy input, cycles daily and annual
2.3) Spectrum of solar radiation reaching the earth
2.4) Total radiation and the Stefan Boltzmann, Wien and Kirchoff laws
2.5) Radiation balance at the earth’s surface and determination of the surface
2.6) Ozone layers and depletion
2.7) CO2, methane, H2O and the greenhouse effect
2.8) Molecular absorption of electromagnetic wave
2.9) Radioactivity and ionization

3) Fluid Dynamics of the Environment ( 12 hrs)

3.1) Structure and composition of the atmosphere
3.2) Escape velocity
3.3) Temperature structure and lapse rate
3.4) How unequal heating leads to atmospheric circulation surface and high
winds Hadley, Ferrell and Polar cells
3.5) Acid rain as a regional problem
3.6) Diurnal variation of pressure
3.7) Evaporation and condensation, thunderstorms
3.8) Coriolis force due to the rotation of the earth applied to atmospheric and
ocean currents
3.9) Hydrological cycle and budget, physical properties of water
3.10) Vapor pressure, dynamic equilibrium, evaporation and condensation
3.11) Saturated vapor pressure, Cloud formation
3.12) Ocean currents as transporters of energy
3.13) Sea level changes and the greenhouse effect

4) Ground ( 5 hrs)
4.1) Soils and soil types
4.2) Water flow through soils and rocks
4.3) Soil temperatures

5) Energy and Environment (9 hrs)

5.1) Energy demands and energy resources
5.2) Environmental problems of energy production
5.3) Renewable energy sources
5.4) Power consumption

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Environmental Physics (Phys 367)

5.5) Annual energy budgeting, long term trends

5.6) Efficiency of systems
5.7) Energy audit for a building
5.8) Insulation of a building
5.9) Thermal conduction through materials

6) Sound and Noise ( 5 hrs)

6.1) Definition of the decibel and sound levels
6.2) Measures of noise levels; effect of noise levels on hearing
6.3) Noise pollution
6.4) Domestic noise; design of partitions

Method of Teaching
Lecture, discussion, visit and project

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions,report): 15%
• Two Tests (20%),
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (50%)

Recommended References
1. Peter Hughes, Introduction to Environmental physics
2. Egbert Boeker and Rienk van Grondelle, Environmental physics
3. John Monteith and Mike Unsworth, Principles of environmental physics
4. Nigel Mason and Peter Hughes, Introduction to Environmental Physics: Planet
Earth, Life and Climate

Page 96 of 176
General Geophysics (Phys 368)

Course Title and Code: General Geophysics (Phys 368)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs) + Lab: (– hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 202, 203 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course provides students with the basic knowledge in the application of geophys-
ical methods; with the knowledge and skills in survey design, field procedures, and
presentation of results, interpretation of anomalies.

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will know the basic principles of
geophysics (gravity, waves, magnetism, and heat) as applied to unraveling the hidden
structure and composition of the earth.

Course Description
Gravity: fundamental principles, mass and density; gravitational potential and equipo-
tential surfaces; The Earth’s shape and normal gravity; gravity anomalies. Isostasy:
crustal thickness and the surface relief of the Earth. Seismology: forces within the
earth and crustal deformation; Stress and strain, Mechanical response of rocks to
deformation; tectonic structures; earth processes; physical principles; seismic waves;
elasticity and seismic waves; Seismic wave velocity variations within Earth, travel-
time curves and travel times within Earth, Seismic tomography. Geomagnetism: geo-
magnetic fields and variations of the geomagnetic field; diurnal and secular variations;
magnetic anomalies; magnetic character of continental and oceanic crust. Heat Flow:
The sources of the Earth’s heat; internal and external heat; transfer of heat from the
interior to the surface.

Course Outline
1) The Earth’s Gravity (9 hrs)
1.1) Newton’s law, gravity
1.2) Gravity potentials, acceleration
1.3) Gravitational potential

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics General Geophysics (Phys 368)

1.4) The Earths shape and composition

1.5) Normal gravity and gravity anomalies

2) Isostasy (3 hrs)
2.1) Mechanics of isostasy
2.2) Isostasy and oceanic lithosphere
2.3) Isostasy and continental lithosphere

3) Seismicity (12 hrs)

3.1) Stress and strain
3.2) Seismic waves and their velocity variation within Earth
3.3) Refraction and reflection seismic
3.4) The wave equation
3.5) Seismic tomography
3.6) Global seismicity distribution

4) Geomagnetism (9 hrs)
4.1) Origin of earth’s magnetism and magnetic field
4.2) Magnetism and plate motions
4.3) Magnetization of rocks and paleo-magnetism
4.4) Magnetic anomalies

item The sources of internal and external heat and their applications (3 hrs)
4.1) Heat transfer in the earth
4.2) Oceanic heat budgets

5) Video shows, visits to a nearby geophysical observatories (3 hrs)

Method of Teaching
Lecture, video, short visits to nearby geophysical observatories

Assessment Method
• essay type midterm examination (50%)
• essay type final examination (50

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Lowrie, W. L., Fundamentals of Geophysics, Cambridge University Press.

1. Fowler, C. M. R., The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics, 2nd ed.,
Cambridge University Press.
2. Mussett, M; Khan, M., A Looking into the Earth: An Introduction to Geological
Geophysics. Cambridge University Press,2000.
3. Stacey, Frank D.: Physics of the earth. 2nd Ed., Wiley, 1977.

Page 98 of 176
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics General Geophysics (Phys 368)

4. Schubert, G., Turcotte, D., and Olson, P.: Mantle Convection in the Earth and
Planets, Cambridge University Press Press.
5. Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, Dobrin M.B, 1976.
6. Turcotte, D.; Schubert, G.: Geodynamics. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press,

Page 99 of 176
Introduction to Medical Physics (Phys 384)

Course Title and Code: Introduction to Medical Physics (Phys 384)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Tutor: (3 hrs) + Lab: ( hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 484 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The course describes physics in medicine. It is introductory physics for students
having inclination toward health physics and Medicine.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• explain the mechanics, optical and electrical system of a body
• realize the essentials and radiaiton and radiation protection
• tackle, with facility, the physics of the human body;
• Time Management: students are required to work to weekly deadlines for the
completion of homework and must therefore develop appropriate coping strate-
gies. In particular, it will be necessary for them to work consistently through the
week and manage their time carefully.
• Work Co-operatively: students are free to discuss homework problems with each
other. Hence they have the opportunity to work co-operatively and exploit each
other as a learning resource.

Course Description
Mechanics of The Body, Energy Household of The Body, Pressure System of the Body,
Acoustics of the Body, Optical System of the Body, Electrical System of the Body.
Radiation and Radiation Protection, Diagnostic Radiology, Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine,
Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine.

Course Outline
I) Introductory (2 hrs)
1) Introduction to applications of physics to medicine.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Medical Physics (Phys 384)

2) Physical properties of body tissues. Diagnosis and therapy Safety aspects.

Language and terminology. Expectations. Careers in Medical Physics. Hos-
pital environment and patient focus.

II) Physics of The Body(11 hrs)

1) Mechanics of The Body
1.1. Skeleton, forces, and body stability
1.2. Muscles and the dynamics of body movement
1.3. Physics of body crashing
2) Energy Household of The Body
2.1. Energy balance in the body
2.2. Energy consumption of the body
2.3. Heat losses of the body
3) Pressure System of the Body
3.1. Physics of breathing
3.2. Physics of the cardiovascular system
4) Acoustics of the Body
4.1. Nature and characteristics of sound
4.2. Production of speech Physics of the ear Diagnostics with sound and
5) Optical System of the Body
5.1. Physics of the eye
6) Electrical System of the Body
6.1. Physics of the nervous system
6.2. Electrical signals and information transfer

III) Physics of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems(17 hrs)

7) Radiation and Radiation Protection
7.1. Radiation dosimetry
7.2. Natural radioactivity
7.3. Biological effects of radiation
7.4. Radiation monitors
8) Diagnostic Radiology
8.1. Production and characteristics of X-rays
8.2. X-ray diagnostics and imaging
8.3. Physics of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
8.4. NMR imaging - MRI
9) Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
9.1. Radiopharmaceuticals for radioisotope imaging
9.2. Radioisotope imaging equipment
9.3. Single photon and positron emission tomography
10) Ultrasound Imaging
10.1. General Principles of Ultrasonic Imaging/Wave Propagation and Char-
acteristic Acoustic Impedance
10.2. Wave Reflection and Refraction/Energy Loss Mechanisms in Tissue/Instrumentation
10.3. Diagnostic Scanning Modes
10.4. Artifacts in Ultrasonic Imaging/Image Characteristics/Compound Imag-
10.5. Blood Velocity Measurements Using Ultrasound

Page 101 of 176

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Medical Physics (Phys 384)

10.6. Ultrasound Contrast Agents, Harmonic Imaging, and Pulse Inversion

10.7. Safety and Bio-effects in Ultrasonic Imaging/Clinical Applications of Ul-
11) Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine ( hrs)
11.1. Interaction between radiation and matter
11.2. Dose and isodose in radiation treatment

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-
sources. Hospital attached project.

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Quizzes, Tests and project reports (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

Recommended References
1. Herman Cember and Thomas A. Johnson, Introduction to health physics, 4th ed.,
2. William R. Hendee and E. Russell ritenour, Medical imaging physics, 4th ed.,
3. J.T. Bushberg, J.A. Seibert, E.M. Leidholdt Jr. and J.M. Boone, The Essential
Physics of Medical Imaging, L.Williams and Wilkins, (2001).
4. S.R. Cherry, J. Sorenson, m. Pharps, Physics in Nuclear Medicine, Saunders, 3rd
ed., (2003).
5. J.A. Zaggzebski, Essentials of Ultrasound Physics, Mosby Inc., (1996)
6. I.P. Herman, Physics of the Human Body, Springer Verlag, (2007).

Page 102 of 176

Astronomy I (Phys 437)

Course Title and Code: Astronomy I (Phys 437)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Lab: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
We live in the space age in which the curiosity of the 16th century star gazing has
dramatically changed into intense exploration of the solar system and discovery of
extra-solar planets that could probably shelter the human race in case our home-
planet Earth - fails to provide its inhabitants with adequate resources and security.
Astronomy is the scientific study of the structure and evolution of the universe, from
the smallest scales measurable to the limits of detectability. It encompasses such di-
verse areas as the formation and evolution of stars and planetary systems, the chem-
ical evolution of galaxies, and the deep connections between the quantum nature of
matter and the large-scale structure of the cosmos. As such it necessarily overlaps
with a very large variety of related fields such as high energy physics, condensed mat-
ter physics, chemistry, geology and geophysics, and even biology (the interaction of
biological systems on planetary atmosphere developments, the search for extraterres-
trial intelligence - SETI). The two astronomy courses will provide students with an
outline of the scope of modern astronomy.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• know basic historical astronomy

• understand the universe- its formation and evolution
• the physical nature of the planets and other members of the solar system
• catastrophes and life on Earth
• stars and stellar evolution
• modern cosmology
• planets and planetary systems
• the space-age solar system
• extragalactic astronomy
• have first hand experience on astronomy data analysis

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Astronomy I (Phys 437)

Course Description
Astronomy and the universe: Astronomical distances and sizes, the heavens, the as-
tronomy of antiquity, the nature of light, optics and telescopes The solar system:
Origin of the solar system, gravitation and the motion of planets, Terrestrial plan-
ets the Jovian planets, the outer worlds and interplanetary vagabonds, solar system
exploration, astronomical events and their influences on evolution of life on Earth,
other planetary systems, space age solar system Practiclas (I): naked eye and digital
observations of the moon, planets and stars

Course Outline
1) Birth and evolution of stars (10 hrs)
1.1) astronomical distances and sizes,
1.2) the heavens,
1.3) the astronomy of antiquity,
1.4) the nature of light, optics and telescopes

2) The Solar System (20 hrs)

2.1) Origin of the solar system,
2.2) Gravitation, the motion of planets,
2.3) Terrestrial planets, the Jovian planets
2.4) the outer worlds and interplanetary vagabonds
2.5) solar system exploration, space age solar system
2.6) astronomical events and their influences on evolution of life on Earth
2.7) other planetary systems

3) Practicals I (15 hrs. equivalent)

3.1) NAKED EYE and DIGITAL observations of the moon, planets and stars,
3.2) Analysis of the collected data

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course will involve (i) lectures (ii) regular viewing sessions (iii)
tutorials during which students will be provided with help to topics and problems
that are not clear to them.

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%
• Report on Practicals: 20%
• Mid-semester Exm (20%), .
• Final Exam (40%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Kaufmann, William J. (2207), Universe (5th Ed.), W. H. Freeman and Co., ISBN 0-

Page 104 of 176

Astronomy II (Phys 438)

Course Title and Code: Astronomy II (Phys 438)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Lab: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 437 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:

Course Rationale
Astronomy is the scientific study of the structure and evolution of the universe, from
the smallest scales measurable to the limits of detectability. It encompasses such di-
verse areas as the formation and evolution of stars and planetary systems, the chem-
ical evolution of galaxies, and the deep connections between the quantum nature of
matter and the large-scale structure of the cosmos. As such it necessarily overlaps
with a very large variety of related fields such as high energy physics, condensed mat-
ter physics, chemistry, geology and geophysics, and even biology (the interaction of
biological systems on planetary atmosphere developments, the search for extraterres-
trial intelligence - SETI). This second course in astronomy will provide students with
an outline of the scope of modern astronomy.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• know basic historical astronomy

• understand the universe- its formation and evolution
• the physical nature of the planets and other members of the solar system
• catastrophes and life on Earth
• stars and stellar evolution
• modern cosmology
• planets and planetary systems
• the space-age solar system
• extragalactic astronomy
• have first hand experience on astronomy data analysis

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Astronomy II (Phys 438)

Course Description
Birth and evolution of stars: The nature of stars, our star, the birth of stars, stellar
maturity and old age, the death of stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes
The universe: galaxies, our galaxy, quasars and active galaxies, modern cosmology-
creation and fate of the universe-extragalactic astronomy, the physics of early uni-
verse Practicals (II): naked eye and digital observations of nebulae and galaxies.

Course Outline
1) Astronomy and the universe (12 hrs)
1.1) The nature of stars, our star,
1.2) the birth of stars,
1.3) stellar maturity and old age,
1.4) the death of stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes

2) The Universe (18 hrs)

2.1) Galaxies, our galaxy,
2.2) quasars and active galaxies,
2.3) modern cosmology, creation and fate of the universe,
2.4) extragalactic astronomy,
2.5) the physics of early universe

3) Practicals (15 hrs. equivalent)

3.1) Naked Eye and Digital observation of nebulae and galaxies
3.2) Analysis of Collected Data

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course will involve (i) lectures (ii) regular viewing sessions (iii)
tutorials during which students will be provided with help to topics and problems
that are not clear to them.

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%
• Report on Practicals: 20%
• Mid-semester Exm (20%), .
• Final Exam (40%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Kaufmann, William J. (2207), Universe (5th Ed.), W. H. Freeman and Co., ISBN 0-

Page 106 of 176

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Physics Teaching (Phys 409 )

Physics Teaching (Phys 409 )

Course Title and Code: Physics Teaching (Phys 409 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Project: (1 hrs equivalent)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:

Course Rationale
The physics curriculum is designed to produce physics graduates in a three years
period of time. At the last year, students are introduced to elective courses so that
they can adjust their future/work career. As far as the current status is concerned
teaching is a sector for a better employment. The national educational policy also
encourages producing as many physics teachers as possible for all the educational
levels. To become a physics teacher a person should have a strong interest in science
in general and a passion for physics in particular. Thus this course is intended
particularly for physics students who may be interested in a career in teaching.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Identify and describe key aspects of a teacher’s practice in the science class-
• explain the structure and purposes of the National Curriculum for physics ;
• explain the role of investigative work in the learning of science;
• show how learning in physics depends significantly on the knowledge and un-
derstanding of physics children bring with them to the classroom;
• distinguish between the different modes of assessment (i.e. formative, summa-
tive, ipsative) and the role in learning physics;
• relate theoretical aspects of teaching and learning physics to the practice of
physics teachers observed in the school
• Develop skill of written and oral communication and presentation
• Develop self-directed learning, problem analysis with research and reflection

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Physics Teaching (Phys 409 )

Course Description
This course provides students with an introduction to the teaching and learning of
physics at secondary level. It aims to: (a) provide an opportunity for students to
engage in observational practice; (b) become familiar with the content of the national
curriculum; (c) develop an understanding of the nature of science teaching and the
difficulties encountered by children in the learning of physics; d) appreciate the role
of assessment in the learning and teaching of science.

Course Outline
1. Starts with the good reasons to become a high school physics teacher to moti-
vate the learner (such as the impact, respect, flexibility, satisfaction, security,
learning, income etc).
2. Considers teaching and theories of teaching within the context of physics edu-
3. Introduce learning the history and nature of physics, about the application of
physics in business and industry
4. Includes a range of practical activities within a teaching context which are de-
signed to illustrate the underlying theories, use mathematics as a tool in problem
5. Considers issues such as curriculum and how it is interpreted, children’s learn-
ing in physics, the role of assessment, the purposes of practical/investigative
work and the role of the teacher.
6. Encourages participation of females in physics, provide deeper coverage of fewer
physics concepts, make connection between physics and other disciplines, use
computers for practice, use of the internet. Introduce interesting web sites and
the journal of the physics teacher
7. Includes four Wednesday mornings spent in a local school physics department.
During these periods, students review the relationship between teaching and
8. Issues related to designing a curriculum for physics; explore the purposes of
teaching physics; find out how children learn physics; observe the elements of
science teaching; examine the conceptual nature of Physics learning; evaluate
their experiences. Through the school experience ideas introduced during the
seminars can be observed in operation.

Method of Teaching
Lecture, demonstration, observation, visit, group work, assignments, presentation
Online learning resources.

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 20%
• Project and Presentation 30
• One tests (20%), .
• Semester final exam (30%)

Page 108 of 176

Metrology II (Phys 415)

Course Title and Code: Metrology II (Phys 415)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Tutor: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 316 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course aims to deepen the concepts of measurement science and quality control.
The growing export market in the agriculture and industry sectors is accompanied
by increased demand of standardization and quality assurance. This first course in
metrology will motivate and gives the fundamentals to enter quality assurance and
standardization procedures. professions that need need of

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• explain the working principle of instrumentation;
• Perform advanced measurement activities;
• solve problems related to measurement and error analysis;
• recognize quality control, quality systems and quality management;
• troubleshoot faults ins measuring instruments;
• understanding of quality assurance and infrastructure concept in various sec-
tors of the national economy
• Work Co-operatively: students are free to discuss homework problems with each
other. Hence they have the opportunity to work co-operatively and exploit each
other as a learning resource.

Course Description
Measurement Circuits and Matching of Instruments, Oscilloscope, Procedures for
Measurement of Impedances, Measurement Amplifiers, Instrumentation and Some
practical activities on Measurement Circuits and Matching of Instruments, Oscillo-
scope, Procedures for Measurement of Impedances, Measurement Amplifiers.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Metrology II (Phys 415)

Course Outline
I) Analogue Measuring Instruments(16 hrs)
1) Measurement Circuits and Matching of Instruments
1.1. Measuring I, V, and P in AC
1.2. Measuring I, V, and P in DC
1.3. Measuring I, V, and P in three phase systems
2) Oscilloscope
2.1. Characteristics (input impedance, bandwidth, rising time, sensitivity
and noise)
2.2. Multichannel Oscilloscopes
3) Procedures for Measurement of Impedances
3.1. Resistance Bridges
3.2. Impedance bridges (Capacitances and Inductances)
3.3. Bridges for frequencies and Phases
4) Measurement Amplifiers
4.1. Close locked loop amplifiers (Inverting and non-Inverting)
4.2. Voltage followers
4.3. Practical Applications

II) Statistical Process Control (7 hrs)

5) Fundamentals of Statistical Concepts
6) Introduction to Control Charts
7) Specification Limits and Tolerance

III) Methods for Quality Improvement(7 hrs)

8) Process Control and Improvement Techniques
9) Industrial Experimentation
10) Design and Reliability

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, and additional assessed coursework.
Online learning resources.

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Two Tests (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
FARAGO, F.T., Curtis, M.A., Handbook of Dimensional Measurement, Third Edition,
Industrial Press, 1994

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Metrology II (Phys 415)

1. Harrison M. Wadsworth, Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement,
John Weily and Sons, 2002

Page 111 of 176

Metrology III (Phys 416)

Course Title and Code: Metrology III (Phys 416)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Tutor: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 415 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course aims to deepen the concepts of measurement science and quality con-
trol by attaching students to a project work in collaboration with the facilities in the
Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia .

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• explain the working principle of instrumentation;
• Perform advanced measurement activities;
• solve problems related to measurement and error analysis;
• recognize quality control, quality systems and quality management;
• troubleshoot faults ins measuring instruments;
• understanding of quality assurance and infrastructure concept in various sec-
tors of the national economy
• Work Co-operatively: students are free to discuss homework problems with each
other. Hence they have the opportunity to work co-operatively and exploit each
other as a learning resource.

Course Description
Project Work on Quality and standard topics.

Course Outline
1. Project on Topics of Standardization, Measurement or Quality infrastruc-

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Metrology III (Phys 416)

Method of Teaching
One semester Project work with guidance of advisor on topics of measurement, stan-
dardization and quality infrastructure.

• Project proposal: 10%
• Two progress reports 10%
• Presentation and oral question (40%), .
• Assessment of Project Report (40%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
FARAGO, F.T., Curtis, M.A., Handbook of Dimensional Measurement, Third Edition,
Industrial Press, 1994

1. Harrison M. Wadsworth, Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement,
John Weily and Sons, 2002

Page 113 of 176

Stellar Physics I (Phys 434)

Course Title and Code: Stellar Physics I (Phys 434)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Stellar physics, a branch of astrophysics, is the study of stars throughout their life-
time and compact objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars.
The knowledge and methods acquired in this course is useful for begining astrophysi-
cists in addition to being transferable to other areas of career.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• describe parameters of stars
• explain thermodynamics of the stellar interior
• energy transport in stellar interior
• explain thermonuclear reaction rates
• tackle, with facility, mathematically formed problems and their solution;
• Time Management: students are required to work to weekly deadlines for the
completion of homework and must therefore develop appropriate coping strate-
gies. In particular, it will be necessary for them to work consistently through the
week and manage their time carefully.
• Work Co-operatively: students are free to discuss homework problems with each
other. Hence they have the opportunity to work co-operatively and exploit each
other as a learning resource.

Course Description
A physical introduction to stars: Luminosity, Stellar Temperature, Mass, Radius, En-
ergetics, the Hertzpring-Russel Diagram, Stellar Populations, Stellar Evolution, Nu-
Thermodynamic State of the Stellar Interior: Mechanical Pressure of a Perfect Gas,
Quasi-static Changes of State, the Ionized Real Gas, Polytropes.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Stellar Physics I (Phys 434)

Energy Transport in the Stellar Interior: Energy Balance, Radiative Transfer, Opacity
of Stellar Matter, Conduction, Connective Instability of the Temperature Gradient,
Neutrino Emission
Thermonuclear Reaction Rates: Kinematics and Energetics, Cross Section and Reac-
tion Rate, Non-resonant Reaction Rates, Nuclear States, Penetration Factors, Maxi-
mum Cross Section and Resonant Reactions, Resonant Reaction Rates in Stars, Elec-
tron Shielding.

Course Outline
1) A physical introduction to stars (6 hrs)
1.1) Luminosity
1.2) Stellar Temperature, Mass, Radius, Energetics,
1.3) the Hertzpring-Russel Diagram
1.4) Stellar Populations
1.5) Stellar Evolution
1.6) Nucleosynthesis.
2) Thermodynamic State of the Stellar Interior (15 hrs)
2.1) Mechanical Pressure of a Perfect Gas
2.2) Quasi-static Changes of State
2.3) the Ionized Real Gas Polytropes.
3) Energy Transport in the Stellar Interior (10 hrs)
3.1) Energy Balance
3.2) Radiative Transfer
3.3) Opacity of Stellar Matter, Conduction, Connective
3.4) Instability of the Temperature Gradient
3.5) Neutrino Emission
4) Thermonuclear Reaction Rates(14 hrs)
4.1) Kinematics and Energetics
4.2) Cross Section and Reaction Rate
4.3) Non-resonant Reaction Rates
4.4) Nuclear States, Penetration Factors
4.5) Maximum Cross Section and Resonant Reactions
4.6) Resonant Reaction Rates in Stars, Electron Shielding.

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Two Tests (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

Page 115 of 176

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Stellar Physics I (Phys 434)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Hale Bradt, Astrophysics Processes (1st Edition - hardback), Cambridge, (2008).

1. Donald D. Clayton, Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis (2nd ed., -
paper back), Chicago,

Page 116 of 176

Stellar Physics II (Phys 435)

Course Title and Code: Stellar Physics II (Phys 435)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 434 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Stellar physics, a branch of astrophysics, is the study of stars throughout their life-
time and compact objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars.
Stellar physics is a very broad subject, astrophysicists typically apply many dis-
ciplines of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics,
thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and
atomic and molecular physics. In practice, modern astronomical research involves a
substantial amount of physics. Therefore knowledge and methods acquired in this
course is useful for being astrophysicists in addition to being transferable to other
areas of career.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• describe major nuclear burning stages in stellar evolution
• calculate major structural parameters
• describe synthesis of heavy elements
• tackle, with facility, mathematically formed problems and their solution;
• Time Management: students are required to work to weekly deadlines for the
completion of homework and must therefore develop appropriate coping strate-
gies. In particular, it will be necessary for them to work consistently through the
week and manage their time carefully.
• Work Co-operatively: students are free to discuss homework problems with each
other. Hence they have the opportunity to work co-operatively and exploit each
other as a learning resource.

Course Description
Major Nuclear Burning Stages in Stellar Evolution: The Proton-Proton Reactions,
PPII and PPIII chains, The CNO Bi-cycle, Helium Burning, Advanced Burning Stages,

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Stellar Physics II (Phys 435)

Calculation of Stellar Structure: Boundary Conditions, M as the Independent Vari-
able, Composition Changes, Numerical Techniques, Contraction to the Main Sequence,
The Main Sequence, Advanced Stellar Evolution, Radiation, Mass Loss, Pulsation.
Synthesis of the Heavy Elements: Photo-disintegration, Rearrangement and Silicon
Burning, Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium and the e-Process, Nucleosynthesis of Heavy
Elements by Neutron Capture.

Course Outline
1) Major Nuclear Burning Stages in Stellar Evolution (18 hrs)
1.1) The Proton-Proton Reactions, PPII and PPIII chains
1.2) The CNO Bi-cycle,
1.3) Helium Burning,
1.4) Advanced Burning Stages, Photo-disintegration.
2) Calculation of Stellar Structure (15 hrs)
2.1) Boundary Conditions, M as the Independent Variable
2.2) Composition Changes, Numerical Techniques
2.3) Contraction to the Main Sequence
2.4) The Main Sequence
2.5) Advanced Stellar Evolution
2.6) Radiation, Mass Loss
2.7) Pulsation.
3) Synthesis of the Heavy Elements (12 hrs)
3.1) Photo-disintegration
3.2) Rearrangement and Silicon Burning
3.3) Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium and the e-Process,
3.4) Nucleosynthesis of Heavy Elements by Neutron Capture.

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Two Tests (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Hale Bradt , Astrophysics Processes (1st Edition - hardback), Cambridge, (2008).

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Stellar Physics II (Phys 435)

1. Donald D. Clayton, Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis (2nd ed., -
paper back), Chicago,

Page 119 of 176

Introduction to Plasma Physics (Phys 436)

Course Title and Code: Introduction to Plasma Physics (Phys 436)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 376 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Plasma physics is an important subject for a large number of research areas including
space physics, astrophysics, controlled fusion research, high-power laser physics,
plasma processing, accelerator physics, and many areas of experimental physics. The
primary goal of this course is to present the basic principles and main equations of
plasma physics at an introductory level, with emphasis on topics of broad applicability

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Appreciate ionization as a source of plasma,
• Explain the plasma properties and parameters,
• Compare plasma with gas phases,
• Explain the kinetic description of plasma,
• Solve plasma problems based on the properties.

Course Description
The course begins with a description of various types of plasmas and a discussion
of some basic plasma parameters, such as the Debye length and the plasma fre-
quency. Following a discussion of charged particle motion in electromagnetic fields,
progressively more detailed models of plasmas are presented, starting with a dielectric
description of cold plasma and moving on to the magnetohydrodynamic and kinetic
descriptions. Additional topics may be added as time allows. Students are required
to give a presentation to the class on a plasma physics topic related to the course.

Course Outline
1) Introduction (5 hrs)
1.1) Definition of a plasma

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Plasma Physics (Phys 436)

1.2) Classification of plasmas, the n-T diagram

1.3) A brief review of classical electrodynamics and vector calculus

2) Basic Plasma Characteristics (5 hrs)

2.1) The electron plasma frequency
2.2) The Debye length
2.3) Electrostatic plasma waves
2.4) Coulomb collisions

3) Motion of a Charged Particle in Magnetic Fields ( 7 hrs)

3.1) Constant uniform magnetic field
3.2) Constant uniform magnetic field with non-magnetic forces
3.3) Guiding center motion in nonuniform magnetic fields

4) Dielectric Description of Cold Plasma (8 hrs)

4.1) General properties
4.2) Waves in a cold unmagnetized plasma
4.3) The dielectric tensor for a cold magnetized plasma
4.4) Waves in a cold magnetized plasma

5) Magnetohydrodynamic Description of Plasma (10 hrs)

5.1) The MHD equations
5.2) General properties of the ideal MHD description
5.3) MHD equilibrium
5.4) MHD waves
5.5) MHD stability
5.6) MHD shocks

6) Kinetic Description of Plasma (10 hrs)

6.1) The Vlasov equation
6.2) Connections to fluid theories
6.3) Vlasov theory of electrostatic plasma waves
6.4) Landau damping
6.5) The Fokker-Planck equation and binary Coulomb collisions

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-
sources. Assignments, group works

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 10%
• Two Tests (30%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final exams (40%)

Page 121 of 176

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Plasma Physics (Phys 436)

Recommended References
1. R. O. Dendy, Plasma Dynamics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1990).
2. F. F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, second edition,
Plenum Press, (1984).
3. F.F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics, Springer, (1995).
4. Gurnett D.A. and A. Bhattacharjee, Introduction to Plasma Physics, with Space
and Laboratory Applications, Cambridge University press, (2005).

Page 122 of 176

Space Physics (Phys 439 )

Course Title and Code: Space Physics (Phys 439 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (– hrs) + Lab: (– hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 376 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Chemistry, Earthscience
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The rationale of this course are to introduce students to the basic ideas of Modern
physics with emphasis on the theory of special relativity, identification of the limita-
tions of classical mechanics and the development of quantum mechanics, the wave
particle duality and the atomic structure.

Course Description
Introduction, The sun, The solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field, The
earth’s magnetic field, The ionosphere, Currents in the ionosphere, The magneto-
sphere, The aurora, Precipitation patterns of the auroral particles.

Course Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to
• elaborate the solar system and its components
• define what space (universe) is and elaborate its main components
• explain the sun, solar wind and its origin
• verify the Physics of planetary magnetospheres

Course Outline
1) Introduction (5 hrs)
1.1) What is space physics
1.2) The sun and the solar corona
1.3) The solar wind
1.4) The heliosphere
1.5) The Earth’s ionosphere; planetary magnetospheres

2) Physics of Solar System Plasmas ( 12 hrs)

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Space Physics (Phys 439 )

2.1) Origins; quasi-neutrality

2.2) Motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields
2.3) Drift motion
2.4) Plasma as an ion-electron gas
2.5) Equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy
2.6) The fluid description of a plasma
2.7) Maxwell’s equations applied to a plasma
2.8) Electromagnetic force on a plasma
2.9) Magnetic tension and pressure
2.10) The magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) approximation and frozen-in flows; MHD
wave modes
2.11) Shock waves

3) Physics of the solar corona and the solar wind ( 6 hrs.)

3.1) Atmospheres in hydrostatic equilibrium
3.2) Plasma and magnetic structures in the solar corona
3.3) The origin of the solar wind and Parker’s isothermal solar wind solution
3.4) The solar cycle dependence of solar phenomena

4) Physics of the Heliosphere ( 5 hrs.)

4.1) The solar wind and the heliospheric magnetic field
4.2) Fast and slow solar wind streams
4.3) Co-rotating and transient disturbances in the solar wind; solar cycle effects
4.4) The boundary of the heliosphere and the Local Interstellar Medium

5) Physics of the Earth’s Ionosphere ( 5 hrs.)

5.1) Formation of the ionosphere; photo-ionization and the Chapman production
5.2) Ionization by energetic particles; loss mechanisms
5.3) Conductivity and current systems;
5.4) Ionosondes

6) Physics of planetary magnetospheres ( 7 hrs.)

6.1) The Chapman-Ferraro problem; the interaction of the solar wind with the
6.2) Bow shock
6.3) Magnetosheath
6.4) Magnetopause
6.5) Magnetosphere
6.6) Magnetospheric tail
6.7) Plasma flows due to corotation and solar-wind driven convection
6.8) Radiation belts

7) Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Space Weather ( 5 hrs.)

7.1) Geophysical effects of solar phenomena
7.2) some practical effects of Space Weather phenomena
7.3) solar cycle dependence of geophysical effects
7.4) problems with forecasting Space Weather.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Space Physics (Phys 439 )

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Page 125 of 176

Solid State Physics II (Phys 452)

Course Title and Code: Solid State Physics II (Phys 452)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 451 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The aims of this course are to extend students knowledge of the electronic structure
of metals to the electronic properties of semiconductors and appreciate the behaviour
of electronic devices in the electronic technology. This course will help students to
work on their senior project on some applications of the area.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Understand the concept of a band structure, and be able to distinguish be-
tween metals, semiconductors and insulators on the basis of their energy band
• Describe how allowed and forbidden energy bands arise as a result of crystal
potentials and how the properties of electrons in allowed energy bands determine
the electrical and optical behavior;
• Explain how the properties of solids are used in a variety of optoelectronic and
microelectronic devices.
• Discuss why it is that classical theories fail and why electrons in solids have to
be treated as quantum mechanical waves
• Explain the concept of density of states
• Study the physical applications of quantum physics to the study of the solid
• Provide a description of how to solve a problem, justifying your choice
• Discuss the factors that control the electrical conductivity of metals and semi-
• Understand how solid state physics is related to different technologies

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Solid State Physics II (Phys 452)

Course Description
Topics to be treated include: The Free Electron Theory of Metals, Energy Bands, Wave
Functions in Periodic Structures, Bloch Theorem, Electrical Conductivity, Metals, In-
sulators, Semiconductors, Superconductivity.

Course Outline
1) The free electron theory of metals (13 hrs)
1.1) Classical free electron theory of metals
1.2) Drawbacks of classical theory
1.3) Relaxation time, collision time, and mean free path
1.4) Quantum theory of free electrons
1.5) Quantum mechanics of simple problems (The free particle, The rectangular
potential barrier)
1.6) Particle in a box
1.7) Fermi-dirac statistics and electronic distribution in solids
1.8) Density of energy states and Fermi energy
1.9) The Fermi distribution function
1.10) Heat capacity of the electron gas
1.11) Effect of temperature on Fermi distribution function
1.12) Thermal conductivity in metals

2) Band theory of solids (10 hrs)

2.1) Nearly free electron model
2.2) Origin of the energy gap
2.3) Bloch Functions
2.4) Electron in a periodic field of a crystal (Kronig-Penney model)
2.5) Brillouin zones in two and three dimensions
2.6) Number of possible wave functions in a band
2.7) Motion of electrons in a one dimensional periodic potential

3) Electrical properties (6 hrs)

3.1) Temperature and frequency dependent of the electrical conductivity
3.2) Matthiessens rule
3.3) Magnetoresistance and the Hall effect
3.4) The Kondo effect

4) Metals, Insulators, Semiconductors and Superconductors(16 hrs)

4.1) Metals (band structure)
4.2) Insulators (band structure)
4.3) Semiconductors
4.3.1) Band structure of semiconductors
4.3.2) Intrinsic semiconductors
4.3.3) Conductivity and temperature
4.3.4) Statistics of electrons and holes in intrinsic semiconductors
4.3.5) Electrical conductivity
4.3.6) Statistics of extrinsic semiconductor
4.3.7) P-type and n-type semiconductor
4.3.8) Mechanism of current conduction in semiconductors
4.4) Superconductos

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Solid State Physics II (Phys 452)

4.4.1) A survey of superconductivity

4.4.2) Thermal properties
4.4.3) The energy gap
4.4.4) Type I and type II superconductors

Method of Teaching
Lecture, discussion (group work), presentation and demonstration, Online learning

• Classroom participation, homework average, quizzes, and term projects: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Quizzes, Tests (30%), .
• Semester final exam (50%)

Recommended References
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley, 8th ed., (2004).
2. M. Ali Omar, Elementary Solid state Physics: Principles and Applications, Addison
Wesley, (1993).
3. S. O. Pillai, Solid State Physics, New Age Int. 6th ed., (2008).
4. Ashcroft N.W. and Mermin N.D., Solid State Physics, Holt-Saunders, (1976).
5. Burns G., Solid State Physics, Academic Press, (1985).
6. Hook J.R. and Hall H.E., Solid State Physics 2nd ed.,, Wiley, (1991).
7. L. Mihly and M.C. Martin, Solid State Physics; Problems and Solutions, Wiley-
VCH, (2009).

Page 128 of 176

Introduction to Atmospheric Physics (Phys 463)

Course Title and Code: Introduction to Atmospheric Physics (Phys 463)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science/——– Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course is given to students in order to study the structure, composition and
dynamics of the atmosphere.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:
• verify the basic composition, structure and dynamics of the atmosphere;
• explain the workings of the hydrologic cycle and discuss the mechanisms of
water transport in the atmosphere and in the ground;
• identify the different layers of the atmosphere

Course Description
This course covers the structure, composition and dynamics of the Atmosphere, radi-
ation and thermodynamics of the Atmosphere, and the Hydrosphere. It also includes
Atmospheric remote sensing, modelling,

Course Outline
1) Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere (5 hrs)
1.1) Introduction to the Atmosphere
1.2) Principal layers of the atmosphere
1.3) Structure of the Earth’s Atmosphere (The troposphere, The stratosphere,
The mesosphere and The thermosphere)
1.4) Whether and climatic variations
1.5) Atmospheric Composition

2) Atmospheric Thermodynamics( 7 hrs)

2.1) Ideal gas model revisited, exponential variation of pressure with height

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Atmospheric Physics (Phys 463)

2.2) Temperature structure and lapse rate

2.3) Hydrostatic Balance
2.4) Entropy and Potential temperature
2.5) Parcel Concept
2.6) The Available Potential Energy
2.7) Moisture in the Atmosphere
2.8) Cloud Formation
2.9) Forecasting weather conditions

3) Radiation and the Atmosphere( 8 hrs)

3.1) The Sun as the prime source of energy for the earth
3.2) Solar energy input, cycles daily and annual
3.3) Spectrum of solar radiation reaching the earth
3.4) Total radiation and the Stefan Boltzmann, Wien, Plank and Kirchoff Laws
3.5) Radiation balance at the earth’s surface and determination of the surface
3.6) The Ozone layer and ozone layer depletion
3.7) Absorption by Atmospheric Gases
3.8) The Radiative Transformation
3.9) CO2 , methane, H2 O and the Greenhouse effect

4) The Hydrosphere ( 7 hrs)

4.1) Properties of water
4.2) The hydrologic cycle
4.3) Measuring the water content of the atmosphere; humidity.
4.4) Thermodynamics of moist air and cloud formation
4.5) Growth of water droplets in clouds
4.6) Rain and thunderstorms
4.7) Winds in the Atmosphere
4.8) Hydrostatic equation

5) Dynamics of the atmosphere ( 6 hrs)

5.1) Geostrophic, Hydrostatic
5.2) Cyclostrophic flow (high and low pressure systems)
5.3) Thermal wind equations, equation of State
5.4) Continuity, vorticity and divergence theorems
5.5) Thermodynamic Energy equation, Instability
5.6) Wave motions

6) Atmospheric Remote Sensing ( 6 hrs)

6.1) Atmospheric observation
6.2) Atmospheric remote sounding from space
6.3) Atmospheric remote sounding from the ground
6.4) Dobson ozone spectrometry, Radars, Liders

7) Atmospheric Modeling( 8 hrs)

7.1) The hierarchy of models
7.2) Numerical Modelling
7.3) Laboratory Models
7.4) Simple application of Models

Page 130 of 176

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Atmospheric Physics (Phys 463)

Method of Teaching
Lecture method, group discussion, peer discussion, presentation, etc. will be em-
ployed. The instructor presents the lesson through an interactive lectures and dis-
cussions. However, each lecture is to be followed by problem solving and some times
group discussions in the class under the supervision of the instructor. Independent
problem solving will also be used. Reading assignments and small projects may also
be given.

1.1) Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
2.2) In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 10%
3.3) Quizzes and tests at least one at the end of each chapter (25%), .
4.4) Final semester examination (50%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
D. G. Andrews, An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics, cambridge University Press,

1. R. McIlveen, Fundamentals of Weather and Climate, Chapman and Hall (1992)
2. J. M. Wallace and P. V. Hobbs, Atmospheric Science, Elsevier, 2nd ed., (2006).
3. J. M. Wallace and P. V. Hobbs Atmospheric Science (1977).
4. S.L. Hess, Introduction to Theoretical Meteorology.
5. Iribarne & H.R. Cho, Atmospheric Science.
6. K. Saha, The Earth’s Atmosphere: its Physics and Dynamics, Springer (2008).
7. M.L. Salty, Fundamentals of Atmospheric Physics, Academic press, (1996).
8. Houghton J.T., The Physics of Atmospheres, 1986

Page 131 of 176

Physics of Electronic Devices (Phys 456 )

Course Title and Code: Physics of Electronic Devices (Phys 456 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Lab: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 451 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course prepares students to understand one of the practical aspects of physics
in materials science. It is aimed at to exercise the students on developing new tech-
nologies in the field of electronic devices.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• To understand clearly the basic principles of semiconductor devices
• To understand the properties of electrons in semiconductors.
• To understand clearly effects of various processes on device characteristics
• To understand electronic and optoelectronic application of semiconductor mate-
• To design new semiconductor devices

Course Description
This course covers two parts: SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS (Energy Bands & Carrier
Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium; Carrier Transport Phenomena) and SEMI-
CONDUCTOR DEVICES (P-n Junction; Bipolar Transistor & Related Devices; MOS-
FET & related devices; Microwave Diodes, Quantum-Effect, & Hot-Electron Devices;
Photonic devices)

Course Outline
1) Energy Bands & Carrier Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium Semicon-
ductor Materials & Basic Crystal Structure (5 hrs)
1.1) Energy Bands
1.2) Intrinsic Carrier Concentration
1.3) Donors & Acceptors

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Physics of Electronic Devices (Phys 456 )

2) Carrier Transport Phenomena (6 hrs)

2.1) Carrier Drift
2.2) Carrier Diffusion
2.3) Generation & Recombination Processes
2.4) Continuity Equation
2.5) High-Field Effects

3) P-n Junction (7 hrs)

3.1) Thermal Equilibrium Condition
3.2) Depletion Region
3.3) Depletion Capacitance
3.4) Current-Voltage Characteristics
3.5) Charge Storage & Transient Behavior
3.6) Junction Breakdown
3.7) Heterojunction

4) Bipolar Transistor & Related Devices(6 hrs)

4.1) The Transistor Action
4.2) Static Characteristics of Bipolar Transistor
4.3) Frequency Response & Switching of Bipolar Transistor
4.4) The heterojunction bipolar transistor
4.5) The thyristor & related power devices

5) MOSFET & related devices (9 hrs)

5.1) The mos diode
5.2) Mosfet fundamentals
5.3) Mosfet scaling
5.4) Cmos & bicmos
5.5) Mosfet on insulator
5.6) Mos memory structures
5.7) The power mosfet
5.8) Metal-Semiconductor contacts
5.9) Mesfet
5.10) Modfet

6) Microwave Diodes, Quantum-Effect, & Hot-Electron Devices (7 hrs)

6.1) Basic Microwave technology
6.2) Tunnel diode
6.3) Impatt diode
6.4) Transferred-electron devices
6.5) Quantum-effect devices
6.6) Hot-electron devices

7) Photonic Devices (5 hrs)

7.1) Radiative transition & optical absorption
7.2) Leds
7.3) Semiconductor laser
7.4) Photodetector
7.5) Solar cell

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Physics of Electronic Devices (Phys 456 )

Method of Teaching
Lectures include: Pre-Class Assignments, In-Class Concept Questions, Interactive
Lecture Demonstrations/Simulations, Peer Discussion, Post-Class Questions; Practi-
cal include: lab practices Online learning resources.

• Homework, practical reports: 25%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• One Test (20%),
• Lab Practice and report 20%
• Semester final exam (30%)

Recommended References
1. S.M. Sze and Kwok K. Nq, Physics of Semiconductor Devices Wiley-Interscience
3rd ed., (2006).
2. S.M. Sze, Modern Semiconductor Device Physics Wiley, John and Sons (1997)
3. S.M. Sze, High Speed Semiconductor Devices Wiley-Interscience, (1990).
4. Michael Shur, Physics of Semiconductor Devices Prentice Hall, (1990)
5. B. Streetman and S. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, 6th ed., Prentice
Hall, (2005)..
6. Robert F. Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamentals Addison-Wesley, (1996).
7. Donald A Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles McGraw-
Hill, (2002).

Page 134 of 176

Electronics II (Phys 454 )

Course Title and Code: Electronics II (Phys 454 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs)+ Lab: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 353 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The primary purpose of this course is to give the student confidence & competence
in practical aspect of electronic devices and to introduce laboratory project work.
Further aims are to encourage the application of basic principles through self-paced
laboratory demonstrations and contribute to the development of the digital electronics
technology in the country.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Have basic knowledge on Field-Effect transistors.
• Explain the role of some common logic circuits in electronic devices.
• Have basic understanding of how digital electronics circuits work
• Design electronic apparatus of his own through projects

Course Description
Field Effect Transistors (FETs), DC biasing of FETs, Feedback and Oscillators, Oper-
ational Amplifiers, Digital and Analog Electronic Systems, Flip Flops, Counters, Shift
Registers, Binary address and Sub tractors, Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital

Course Outline
1) Field Effect Transistors (6 hrs)
1.1) Introduction
1.2) Structure and physical operation of the Enhancement type MOSFET
1.3) Current voltage characteristics of enhancement MOSFET
1.4) The depletion type of MOSFET
1.5) The junction field-effect transistor(JFET)

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electronics II (Phys 454 )

1.6) FET circuits at DC

1.7) The FET as an Amplifier
1.8) Biasing the FET in discrete units
1.9) Basic configuration of single-stage FET Amplifier
1.10) Fet switches

2) Feedback and Oscillators (9 hrs)

2.1) Introduction
2.2) Principle of feedback
2.3) Advantages and disadvantages of feedback
2.4) Desensitivity to parameter variation
2.5) Reduction of noise and distortion
2.6) Effect on the frequency response and terminal impedance of the amplifier
2.7) Types of feedback
2.8) Shunt-shunt amplifier
2.9) Series-series feedback
2.10) Stability and other considerations

3) Operational Amplifiers and Operational Amplifier feedback (11 hrs)

3.1) The ideal operational amplifier
3.2) Analysis of circuits containing ideal operational amplifiers
3.3) The closed loop gain
3.4) The effect of finite open loop gain
3.5) The miller integration
3.6) The differentiation circuit
3.7) The summing amplifier
3.8) The non-inverting configuration
3.9) The difference amplifier
3.10) The instrumentation amplifier
3.11) The non-inverting integration
3.12) Frequency response of closed loop operational amplifiers
3.13) Common mode rejection
3.14) Input and Output resistances
3.15) DC problems
3.16) Offset voltage
3.17) Input bias current
3.18) Input offset current
3.19) Sinusoidal Oscillation

4) Digital and Analog Electronic Systems(7 hrs)

4.1) Introduction to logic
4.2) Logic signals
4.3) Logic circuits
4.4) The NAND and NOR functions
4.5) The standard form of logic functions
4.6) The Binary number system
4.7) The Inverter(NOT Gate)
4.8) Transistor-Transistor Logic(TTL)
4.9) Emitter-coupled logic(ECL)
4.10) CMOSL Logic
4.11) Comparison of Logic families

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electronics II (Phys 454 )

5) Registers, Counters and Flip-Flops (6 hrs)

5.1) Introduction
5.2) Shift registers
5.3) Counters
5.4) Arithmetic circuits
5.5) Digital Filters
5.6) The RS Flip-Flops
5.7) The RS master-slave Flip-Flops
5.8) The JK Flip-Flops

6) Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital converters (6 hrs)

6.1) Introduction
6.2) Sample and hold circuits
6.3) Digital-to-Analog converters
6.4) Analog-to-Digital converters
6.5) Timing circuits

Method of Teaching
Problem solving, Discussion, Experiment, Two independent projects to simulate the
processes of researching, planning, performing, analyzing and reporting a small-scale
experimental investigation in the field.

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions,) 15%
• Two Tests (30%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final exams (40%)

Recommended References
1. A.E.Fitzgerald, Basic Electrical Engineering.
2. R.L.Havill, Elements of Electronics for physical scientists.
3. J.J.Brophy, Basic Electronics for scientists.

Page 137 of 176

Exploration Geophysics (Phys 468)

Course Title and Code: Exploration Geophysics (Phys 468)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (1 hrs) + Lab: (– hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 369 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
This course provides students with the basic knowledge in the application of geophys-
ical methods; with the knowledge and skills in survey design, field procedures, and
presentation of results, interpretation of anomalies.

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• have skill of operating the different instruments of geophysics

• data collection and interpretation;
• be able to prospect the deep seated resources of the earth.

Course Description
The course covers the following main topics: Basic principles and applications of geo-
physical exploration; Overview of the different geophysical methods; Gravity Method:
General principles, the gravity field of the Earth, stable and unstable gravimeters,
gravity data correction, Regional Residual Separation, Interpretations; Magnetic Method:
Principles, The magnetic field of the Earth, Magnetometers: Hotchkiss Super dip,
Schmidt balance and the Proton-Precision magnetometers, ground and airborne mag-
netic surveys, magnetic data corrections, data presentation and qualitative interpreta-
tion; Electrical Methods, types of electrical methods of prospecting; Resistivity meth-
ods: Resistivity Sounding and Profiling, Theory of Images: Hummel’s Image, Theory
and apparent resistivity over two-layer Earth, two-layer master curves; The Self Po-
tential Method: Principles and origin, Field procedure, applications; Induced Polariza-
tion Method: Principles, origin, Field procedure and applications; Seismic Methods:
Elementary principles of seismic reflection and refraction methods, Two- and three-
layer reflection and refraction problems including inclined layers, Applications, Field
procedure, Fundamentals of seismic instrumentation

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Exploration Geophysics (Phys 468)

Course Outline
1) Introduction to Exploration Geophysics (3 hrs)
1.1) Basic principles and application of geophysical exploration
1.2) Overview of the different geophysical methods

2) Gravity Methods (5 hrs)

2.1) General principles, Gravity field of Earth
2.2) Gravimeters, stable and unstable
2.3) Corrections applied to gravity data
2.4) Interpretation of gravity data

3) Magnetic methods (5 hrs)

3.1) General principles, magnetic field of earth
3.2) Magnetometers, field procedures
3.3) Ground and airborne magnetic surveying
3.4) Correction applied to magnetic data
3.5) Interpretation and presentation of data

4) Electric methods (6 hrs)

4.1) Types of electrical methods of prospecting
4.2) Resistivity method
4.3) Theory and apparent resistivity
4.4) Induced polarization method

item Seismic Exploration (5 hrs)

4.1) Elementary principles of seismic reflection and refraction methods
4.2) Two -layer reflection and refraction, inclined and horizontal layer
4.3) Three- layer reflection and refraction of inclined and horizontal layer
4.4) Application, field procedures and fundamentals of seismic instrumentation

5) Well logging (4 hrs)

5.1) Overview of well logging and its application: resistivity and SP, Induction,
5.2) Lithology identification from porosity log; clay quantification from logs, sat-
uration estimation

6) Other geophysical exploration (3 hrs)

6.1) Radiometric
6.2) Geothermal

7) Planning and implementation of geophysical exploration (5 hrs)

7.1) Planning and design of the field work
7.2) Implementation and quality control
7.3) Case studies

8) Field excursion (5 hrs)

8.1) Measurements of resistivity using geophysical instruments in field such as,
therameter, IP etc
8.2) Electric equipment and basic field procedure

Page 139 of 176

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Exploration Geophysics (Phys 468)

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

1. Applied Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, QES A663
2. Burger, H.R. : Exploration Geophysics of Shallow Subsurface, Prentice Hall,
TN26 B86 1992.
3. Dobrin, M.B. Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. McGraw Hill, New York,
4. Keller, G.V. and Frischknecht F. C. Electrical Methods of Geophysical Prospect-
ing. Pergamon Press, New York, (1996) .
5. Telford, W.M, Geldart, L.P and Sheriff, R.E. Applied Geophysics. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, (1990).
6. Geophysical Exploration, Hanfer Publshing vompany, TN269 H37 (1963).
7. Foundation of Exploration Geophysics, Elsevier, TN269A75.
8. Applied and Environmental Geophysics, John M..Reynolds
9. Applied Geophysics,Telford,W.B

Page 140 of 176

Introduction to Laser Physics (Phys 471)

Course Title and Code: Introduction to Laser Physics (Phys 471)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 372 & Phys 342 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

This course is intended to introduce basic concepts of stimulated light amplification

mechanisms and their possible applications. With significant advance in laser tech-
nology and its quite diverse applications, it would be necessary if the students acquire
the fundamental background of laser in undergraduate level.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students will able to

• develop familiarity with historical development of laser Physics,

• describe properties of light generated by laser,
• explain the fundamental laws and principles applicable in laser,
• elaborate some peculiar applications of laser,
• understand the mechanism responsible for nonclassical properties of light,
• describe different sources of laser.

Course Description

Review of Essential Concepts in Laser, Characteristics of Laser Light, Optical Cavi-

ties, Optical Pumping, Beam Optics, Atomic Radiation, Spontaneous and Stimulated
Emission of Radiation, Optical Laser Excitation, Einstein’s Coefficients, Population
Inversion, Laser Oscillation, Laser Frequencies, Laser Rate Equation, Types of Laser,
Applications of Laser

Course Outline

1) Introduction (12 hrs)

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Laser Physics (Phys 471)

1.1) Review of essential concepts

1.2) Historical accounts
1.3) Characteristics of laser light
1.4) Optical cavities
1.5) Optical pumping
1.6) Beam optics
1.7) Monochromaticity
1.8) Einstein’s coefficients
1.9) Gain and threshold
1.10) Laser oscillation
1.11) Laser frequencies
1.12) Shape and width of spectral lines
2) Radiation (7 hrs)
2.1) Atomic radiation
2.2) Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation
2.3) Optical laser excitation
2.4) Population inversion
2.5) Two- and Three-level lasing
3) Types of Laser (7 hrs)
3.1) Gas lasers
3.2) Solid state laser
3.3) Semiconductor laser
3.4) Ruby and tunable dye laser
4) Dynamics of Laser Process (9 hrs)
4.1) Laser rate equation
4.2) Pulsed lasers
4.3) Mode locking
4.4) Giant pulse dynamics
4.5) Light amplifiers
5) Applications of Laser (10 hrs)
5.1) Holography
5.2) Parametric harmonic generation
5.3) Second harmonic generation
5.4) Four-wave mixing
5.5) Spectroscopic consideration
5.6) Phase matching

Method of Teaching

Lecture, discussion, homework, tutorial and project. Online learning resources are
also employed.

Page 142 of 176

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Laser Physics (Phys 471)


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 20%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• quizzes and Tests (25%),
• All in all the continuous assessment covers 50 %
• Final Semester Examination (50%)

Recommended References

Course Textbook

Peter W. Milonni and Joseph H. Eberli, Laser Physics, John Wiley and Son Inc. (2009).

1. Murray III Sargent, Marlan O. Scully and Willis E. Lamb, Laser Physics, West
View Press, (1978).
2. O. Svelto and D C Hanna, Principles of Lasers
3. F. A. Jenkins and H. A. White, Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw Hill, 4th ed.,

Page 143 of 176

Nuclear Physics II (Phys 482)

Course Title and Code: Nuclear Physics II (Phys 482)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 382 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Nuclear physics is an important area of application of the ideas of quantum physics,
with applications that have significant impact globally. High-energy particle physics
discovers and tests the laws of physics at the extreme limits accessible to human ex-
periments. This course will provide a sound understanding of the physical principles
underlying these areas.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• explain the basic concepts nuclear decay;
• apply theories to explain processes and phenomena;
• solve problems;
• apply relevant conservation laws to describe processes and phenomea;
• identify elementary particle;
• solve problems on topics included in the syllabus.
• manage their own learning and make appropriate use of support material.

Course Description
Nuclear Decay: Alpha decay, Transmission coefficient for barrier transmissions, Gamow’s
theory of alpha decay. Beta decay, Fermi theory of beta decay, Kuri plots and appli-
cations, ft-values and selections rules, Parity and non-conservation of parity in beta
decay, Wu’s experiment, Gamma decay transition probabilities and selection rules.
Nuclear Reactions: Q-equation of nuclear reaction, cross-section, partial wave anal-
ysis of nuclear reactions cross section, compound nucleus theory and its verification
(Ghoshal’s experiment), decay of compound nucleus, statistical theory of nuclear re-
actions, resonances and one level Breit-Wigner formula. Direction reactions and their

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Nuclear Physics II (Phys 482)

Course Outline
1) Nuclear Decay (12 hrs)
1.1) Alpha decay
1.1.1) Transmission coefficient for barrier transmissions
1.1.2) Gamow’s theory of alpha decay
1.2) Beta decay
1.1.1) Fermi theory of beta decay
1.1.2) Kuri plots and applications
1.1.3) ft-values and selections rules
1.1.4) Parity and non-conservation of parity in beta decay
1.1.5) Wu’s experiment
1.3) Gamma decay transition probabilities and selection rules

2) Nuclear Reactions (15 hrs)

2.2.1) Q-equation of nuclear reaction
2.2.2) cross-section
2.2.3) partial wave analysis of nuclear reactions cross section
2.2.4) compound nucleus theory and its verification (Ghoshal’s experiment)
2.2.5) decay of compound nucleus
2.2.6) statistical theory of nuclear reactions
2.2.7) resonances and one level Breit-Wigner formula

3) Direction reactions and their explanations. (6 hrs)

4) Particle physics: (12 hrs)
4.4.1) Conservation laws
4.4.2) elementary particles
4.4.3) classification of elementary particles
4.4.4) strangeness and associated production
4.4.5) Resonances
4.4.6) Quarks and quark constituents of hadrons

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Written reports on laboratory experiments (30%), .
• Semester final examination (50%)

Page 145 of 176

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Nuclear Physics II (Phys 482)

Recommended References
Krane K.S., Introductory Nuclear Physics, Wiley, (1987).

1. W.E. Burcham & M. Jobes, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Addison-Wesley, Thom-
son Press (India) Ltd., (1995).
2. Williams W.S.C., Nuclear and Particle Physics, Clarendon, (1991).
3. Cottingham W.M. and Greenwood D.A., An Introduction to the Standard Model of
Particle Physics, Cambridge University Press, (1998).
4. Halzen F. and Martin A.D., Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Mod-
ern Particle Physics, John Wiley, (1984).
5. Lilley J., Nuclear Physics: Principles and Applications, John Wiley, (2001).
6. Elementary Particle Physics: Revisiting the Secrets
of Energy and Matter, (1998).
7. R.D. Evans, The Atomic Nucleus, McGraw Hill, (1955).

Page 146 of 176

Radiation Physics (Phys 484)

Course Title and Code: Radiation Physics (Phys 484)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Phys 382 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Room No. —–
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Radiation physics is an important area of application nuclear physics with applica-
tions that have significant impact in medicent, agriculture and industry. This course
will provide a sound understanding of the physical principles underlying in radiation
sources, interaction mechanisms with matter and detection.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• explain the sources of nuclear radiation;
• describe the radiation field qualitatively and quantitatively;
• identify major interaction of ionizing radiation with matter;
• identify detectors and principles of their operation;
• state the relevant interaction mechanisms and use them in analysing detection;
• select appropriate methods to detect radiation;
• study successfully within the system of an overseas university.
• solve problems on topics included in the syllabus.
• manage their own learning and make appropriate use of support material.

Course Description
Types of nuclear radiations, Interaction of heavy charged particles with matter, Inter-
action of gamma radiation with matter, Interaction of neutron with matter as a bulk;
slowing down of neutrons. Detection of charged particles using gas filled detectors,
gamma ray detectors using scintillation spectrometers, solid state detectors, detection
of neutrons.
Radiation Dosimetry; radiation units and tolerance dose, radiation damage, shield-
ing, shielding, techniques of personal monitoring and radiation surveying. Chemical
and biological effects of radiations. Sources of radiations, Beta, gamma and neutron
sources. Applications of radioisotopes in research and industry.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Radiation Physics (Phys 484)

Course Outline
1) Types of Nuclear Radiations (3 hrs)
1.1) Course Introduction/Radiation History/ Fundamentals of the Atom.
1.2) Natural and Manmade sources of Radiation.
1.3) Description of the Radiation field.

2) Interaction of Radiation With Matter (12 hrs)

2.1) The concept of cross section.
2.2) Interaction of charged particles with matter
2.3) Interaction of gamma radiation with matter
2.4) Interaction of neutron with matter as a bulk
2.5) Slowing down of neutrons

3) Detection and Measurement of Radiation (12 hrs)

3.1) Gas filled Detectors
3.2) Scintillation Detectors
3.3) Solid State Detectors
3.4) Detection of Neutrons
3.5) Background Radiation

4) Radiation Dosimetry(12 hrs)

4.1) Radiation Quantities and Units
4.2) Absorbed Dose
4.3) Biological Effects/Cell Survival Curves (High Doses & Low Doses Risk Per-
ception /Class Discussion )
4.4) Radiation Damage
4.5) Shielding
4.6) Techniques of Personal Monitoring and Radiation surveying
4.7) Chemical and Biological Effects of Radiation.
4.8) Sources of Radiations

5) Applications of Radioisotopes (6 hrs)

5.1) Radioactive Dating
5.2) Applications in Agriculture
5.3) Hormesis
5.4) Body Composition
5.5) Medical Imaging
5.6) Radiation Therapy
5.7) Industrial Applications
5.8) Applications in Research
5.9) Charged Particle Tracks

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-

Page 148 of 176

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Radiation Physics (Phys 484)

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Two Tests (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

Recommended References
Course Textbook
G.F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd ed.,

1. Lapp R.E and Andrews A.L , Nuclear Radiation Physics, IV Ed. , Prentice- Hall,
2. W.E. Burcham & M. Jobes, Nuclear and Particle Physics,Addison-Wesley, Thom-
son Press (India) Ltd., (1995).
3. Knop, G. and Paul, W. , α-, β- and γ-Ray Spectroscopy,North-Holland Publishing
Company, (1968).
4. E.B. Podgarsak, Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists, Springer, (2005).
5. F.M. Khan, The Physics of Radiation Therapy, L. Williams and Wilkins 4th ed.,
6. Attix F.H. Radiation Dosimetry, Academic Press, (1966), Newyork.
7. dag Brune, Ragnar Hellborg, Bertil RR., Radiation at Home, outdoors, and in the
workplace, Scandinevian Publishers, (2001).
8. Cember H., Introduction to Health Physics, Pergamon Press, (1989).


Page 149 of 176

Mechanics and Heat for Chemists (Phys 205)

Course Title and Code: Mechanics and Heat for Chemists (Phys 205)
Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Chemistry, Earthscience
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
At the end of this course students are expected to be acquainted with basic con-
cepts in mechanics, identify the connection between them and explain the common
phenomena. They will also develop skills of solving problems.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• compute average and instantaneous values of velocity, speed and acceleration
• derive the kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated one-dimensional mo-
• solve problems involving bodies moving in one-dimensional and two-dimensional
motion using the concepts in calculus and trigonometry
• explain some implications of Newton’s laws of motion
• derive the work-energy theorem
• solve mechanics problem using impulse, momentum and the conservation of
linear momentum
• apply the law of conservation of linear momentum to collisions
• repeat the procedures followed in rectilinear motion for rotational motion
• explain basic laws of heat and thermodynamics

Course Description
Vector algebra, Particle Kinematics and Dynamics, Work and Energy, Conservative
forces and Potential Energy Dynamics of Systems of Particles, Collision, Rotational
Kinematics, Dynamics and Static of a Rigid Body, Oscillations, Gravitation and Plan-
etary Motion, Fluid Mechanics, Heat.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mechanics and Heat for Chemists (Phys 205)

Course Outline
1) VECTORS (2 hrs)
1.1) Vector algebra
1.2) Geometrical & algebraic representation of vectors
1.3) Vector calculus
2.1) Average and instantaneous Velocity
2.2) Average and instantaneous Acceleration
2.3) Motion with Constant Acceleration
2.4) Projectile Motion
2.5) Uniform Circular Motion
3) Particle Dynamics (5 hrs)
3.1) Newton’s Laws of Motion
3.2) Friction Force
3.3) Application of Newton’s Laws
3.4) velocity dependent forces
4) WORK & ENERGY (7 hrs)
4.1) Work done by constant and variable forces
4.2) the work energy theorem
4.3) Conservative and non-conservative forces, conservative force and potential
4.4) Conservation of mechanical energy
4.5) Power
5) Dynamics of System of Particles (8 hrs)
5.1) Linear Momentum and Impulse
5.2) Conservation of Momentum
5.3) system of particles
5.4) Center of mass
5.5) Center of mass of a rigid body
5.6) Motion of system of particles
5.7) Elastic and Inelastic Collision (1 & 2-D)
5.8) Elastic collisions in one-dimension
5.9) Two-dimensional elastic collisions
5.10) Inelastic collisions
5.11) Systems of variable mass
6) Rotation of Rigid Bodies (7 hrs)
6.1) Rotational motion with constant and variable angular accelerations
6.2) Rotational kinetic energy
6.3) Moment of inertia
6.4) Rotational dynamics
6.5) Torque and angular momentum
6.6) Work and Power in Rotational Motion
6.7) Conservation of Angular Momentum
6.8) Relation between linear and angular motions

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mechanics and Heat for Chemists (Phys 205)

7.1) Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion

7.2) Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion
7.3) Pendulum
7.4) Damped and forced oscillations
7.5) Resonance
8) Heat and Thermodynamics (8 hrs)
8.1) Temperature, Zeroth law of thermodynamics,
8.2) Heat, work, and Internal energy of a thermodynamic system,
8.3) the first law of thermodynamics, and its consequences
8.4) The second law of thermodynamics, Carnot’s engine
8.5) Entropy, the third law of thermodynamics, Kinetic theory of gases

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Two Tests (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

Recommended References

Course Textbook

Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6th ed., Thomson Bruke,


1. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics
12th ed., 2008
2. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th , 2005
3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW
8t h ed., 2008
4. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Sci-
entists and Engineers, 3rd ed., 2005

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Electricity and Magnetism (Phys 206)

Course Title and Code: Electricity and Magnetism (Phys 206)

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs) + Tutor: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Chemistry, Earth Science
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale

This course is designed to introduce concepts of classical electrodynamics with the

aid of calculus. It also emphasizes on establishing a strong foundation of the re-
lation between electric and magnetic phenomena; a concept that turns out to be a
fundamental basis for many technological advances.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• explain the basic concepts of electric charge, electric field and electric potential

• apply vector algebra and calculus in solving different problems in electricity and

• analyze direct and alternating current circuits containing different electric ele-
ments and solve circuit problems

• describe properties of capacitors and dielectrics

• describe the magnetic field and solve problems related to the magnetic field and
magnetic forces.

• discuss about electromagnetic induction

• state Maxwell’s equation in free space

• describe some applications of Maxwell’s equations

• describe electromagnetic radiation in medium and free space.

Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electricity and Magnetism (Phys 206)

Course Description

The topics to be included are Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field, Gauss’ Law, Electric
Potential, Electric Potential Energy, Capacitors and Dielectric, Electric Circuits, Mag-
netic Field, Bio-Savart’s Law, Ampere’s Law, Electromagnetic Induction, Inductance,
Circuits with Time Dependent Currents, Maxwell’s Equations, Electromagnetic Wave.

Course Outline

1) Electric Field (4 hrs)

1.1) Properties of electric charges
1.2) Coulomb’s law
1.3) Electric field due to point charge
1.4) Electric dipole
1.5) Electric field due to continuous charge distribution
1.6) Motion of charged particles in electric field
1.7) Gauss’ Law

2) Electric Potential (3 hrs)

2.1) Electric potential energy
2.2) Electric potential due to point charges
2.3) Electric potential due to continuous charge distribution
2.4) Relations between potential and electric field
2.5) Equi-potential surfaces

3) Capacitance and Dielectrics (3 hrs)

3.1) Capacitance
3.2) Combination of capacitors
3.3) Capacitors with dielectrics
3.4) Electric dipole in an external field
3.5) Electric field energy

4) Direct Current Circuits (3 hrs)

4.1) Electric current and current density
4.2) Resistance and Ohm’s law
4.3) Resistivity of conductors
4.4) Electrical energy, work and power
4.5) Electromotive force
4.6) Combinations of Resistors
4.7) Kirchhoff’s Rules
4.8) RC Circuits

5) Magnetic Force (2 hrs)

5.1) Properties of magnetic field
5.2) Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor
5.3) Torque on a current loop in uniform magnetic field
5.4) Motion of charged particles in magnetic field
5.5) Hall Effect

6) Calculation of Magnetic Field (4 hrs)

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electricity and Magnetism (Phys 206)

6.1) Source of electric field

6.2) Biot-Savart’s law
6.3) The force between two parallel conductors
6.4) Ampere’s Law and its application

7) Electromagnetic Induction (7 hrs)

7.1) Magnetic flux
7.2) Gauss’s Law in Magnetism
7.3) Faraday’s Law of Induction
7.4) Lenz’z law
7.5) Induced Emf (including motional Emf)
7.6) Induced electric field
7.7) Displacement current

8) Inductance (4 hrs)
8.1) Self inductance and mutual inductance
8.2) RL circuits
8.3) Energy in Magnetic field
8.4) Oscillations in an LC circuits

9) AC Circuits (5 hrs)
9.1) AC sources and phasors
9.2) Resistors in an AC circuits
9.3) Inductors in an AC circuits
9.4) Capacitors in an AC circuits
9.5) The RLC series circuits
9.6) Power in an AC circuits

10) Maxwell’s Equations (4 hrs)

10.1) Maxwell’s equations
10.2) Electromagnetic waves

11) Nature of Light ( 6 hrs)

11.1) Electromagnetic spectrum
11.2) Propagation and speed of light
11.3) Reflection and refraction
11.4) Refractive index and optical path
11.5) Reversibility principle
11.6) Fermat’s principle
11.7) Propagation of light in material medium

Method of Teaching

Discussions, problem-solving and lecture methods are dominantly used through out
the course. Students are expected and encouraged to set, solve and present problems
relevant to the lessons.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Electricity and Magnetism (Phys 206)


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Two Tests (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

Recommended References

Course Textbook

Raymond A. Serway, PHYSICS For Scientists & Engineers


1. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers

2. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics

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Mechanics and Heat (Phys 207)

Course Title and Code: Mechanics and Heat (Phys 207)

Credits 4 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (4 hrs) + Tutor: (2 hrs) + Lab: ( hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Maths
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
At the end of this course students are expected to be acquainted with basic con-
cepts in mechanics, identify the connection between them and explain the common
phenomena. They will also develop skills of solving problems.

Course Description
Vector algebra, Particle Kinematics and Dynamics, Work and Energy, Conservative
forces and Potential Energy Dynamics of Systems of Particles, Collision, Rotational
Kinematics, Dynamics and Static of a Rigid Body, Oscillations, Gravitation and Plan-
etary Motion, Heat, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Thermodynamics.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• compute average and instantaneous values of velocity, speed and acceleration
• derive the kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated one-dimensional mo-
• solve problems involving bodies moving in one-dimensional and two-dimensional
motion using the concepts in calculus and trigonometry
• explain some implications of Newton’s laws of motion
• derive the work-energy theorem
• solve mechanics problem using impulse, momentum and the conservation of
linear momentum
• apply the law of conservation of linear momentum to collisions
• repeat the procedures followed in rectilinear motion for rotational motion
• explain basic laws of heat and thermodynamics
Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mechanics and Heat (Phys 207)

Course Outline
1) Vectors (2 hr.)
1.1) Vector algebra
1.2) Geometrical and algebraic representation of vectors
1.3) Vector addition
1.4) Vector multiplication
2) One and Two Dimensional Motions (4 hrs)
2.1) Average and instantaneous Velocity
2.2) Average and instantaneous Acceleration
2.3) Motion with Constant Acceleration
2.4) Projectile Motion
2.5) Uniform Circular Motion
3) Particle Dynamics (6 hrs.)
3.1) Newton’s Laws of Motion
3.2) Friction Force
3.3) Application of Newton’s Laws
3.4) velocity dependent forces
4) Work and Energy (7 hrs.)
4.1) Work done by constant and variable forces
4.2) the work energy theorem
4.3) Conservative and non-conservative forces, conservative force and potential
4.4) Conservation of mechanical energy
4.5) Power
5) Dynamics of System of Particles (8 hrs.)
5.1) Linear Momentum and Impulse
5.2) Conservation of Momentum
5.3) system of particles
5.4) Center of mass
5.5) Center of mass of a rigid body
5.6) Motion of system of particles
5.7) Elastic and Inelastic Collision (1 & 2-D)
5.8) Elastic collisions in one-dimension
5.9) Two-dimensional elastic collisions
5.10) Inelastic collisions
5.11) Systems of variable mass
6) Rotation of Rigid Bodies (7 hrs)
6.1) Rotational motion with constant and variable angular accelerations
6.2) Rotational kinetic energy
6.3) Moment of inertia
6.4) Rotational dynamics
6.5) Torque and angular momentum
6.6) Work and Power in Rotational Motion
6.7) Conservation of Angular Momentum
6.8) Relation between linear and angular motions
7) Simple Harmonic Motion (4 hrs)

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mechanics and Heat (Phys 207)

7.1) Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion

7.2) Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion
7.3) Pendulum
7.4) Damped and forced oscillations
7.5) Resonance
8) Temperature and Thermometry (2 hrs)
8.1) Temperature Scale
8.2) Thermometry, The fixed Points
8.3) Thermocouple
9) Heat and Energy (4 hrs)
9.1) Heat Energy
9.2) Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
9.3) Specific Latent Heat
9.4) Heat Loses
10) Gas Laws and Basic Laws of Thermodynamics (6 hrs)
10.1) The Gas laws
10.2) Internal Energy
10.3) The First Law of Thermodynamics
10.4) Isothermal and Adiabatic Changes
10.5) Work done By Gas
11) Kinetic Theory of Gasses (6 hrs)
11.1) Ideal Gas
11.2) Temperature and kinetic theory
11.3) Boltzmann’s Constant
11.4) Graham’s law of Diffusion
11.5) Maxwell’s Distribution of Molecular Speeds.
12) The Second Law of Thermodynamics (4 hrs)
12.1) Heat Engines and Thermodynamic Efficiency
12.2) The Carnot Cycle
12.3) The Second Low of Thermodynamics
12.4) The Kelvin Temperature Scale
12.5) Entropy

Method of Teaching
Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with
demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework. Online learning re-

• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Two Tests (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Mechanics and Heat (Phys 207)


• Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15%

• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• Two Tests (40%), .
• Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%)

Recommended References

Course Textbook

Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6th ed., Thomson Bruke,


1. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics
12th ed., 2008
2. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th , 2005
3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW
8t h ed., 2008
4. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Sci-
entists and Engineers, 3rd ed., 2005

9.4 Supportive Courses

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Computer Applications (Comp 201 )

Introduction to Computer Applications (Comp 201 )

Course Title and Code: Introduction to Computer Applications (Comp 201 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (1 hrs) + Lab: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Computer is now affecting every sphere of human activity. It is instrumental in bring-
ing revolutionary changes in industry, scientific research and education. This is not
only the demand of time but also the demand of almost each and every subject to
have an associated computer learning to equip a student with state-of-art technology
to prove himself/herself a better candidate than those without computer knowledge.
This course is designed keeping in view the need and demand of computer industry.
This course introduces students to basic computer concepts and prepares them to
succeed in both college and the business world by enabling them to write reports,
analyze and chart data, and prepare presentations.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Have comfort with their ability to use the popular end-user computer software of
word processing, spreadsheet, presentations, data base and internet email and
world wide web access.
• Acquire and apply computer related knowledge that is required.
• Analyze a problems and then select the appropriate features of the software
required to solve the problem
• Use the basic features of Windows Operating System and Computer Application
• Describe a typical computer system and its critical components.
• Use Internet search engines and understand their advantages and disadvan-
• Discriminate between ethical and unethical uses of computers and information.
• Demonstrate an awareness of computer viruses and a basic understanding of
ways to protect a computer from viruses.
• Demonstrate a basic understanding of the impact of computers on society.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Computer Applications (Comp 201 )

Course Description
The impact of computers on society, the information processing cycle, and ethical
issues are presented. Students experience hands-on instructions in word processing,
spreadsheets, the Internet, databases, prepare elementary documents and reports
using latex and professional presentations.

Course Outline
1) Computer System Fundamentals (2 hrs)
1.1) Impact of Computers on Society
1.2) Operating systems and Graphical User Interface
1.3) Ethical Issues
1.4) Security, Privacy and Protection

2) Computer Hardware and Terminology (3 hrs)

2.1) Input and Output Hardware
2.2) Processing and Storage Hardware
2.3) Communications and Networking

3) Computer Arithmetic (2 hrs)

3.1) Number systems
3.2) Base conversion
3.3) Binary arithmetic (Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)

4) Introduction to Operating Systems (OS)(3 hrs)

4.1) Overview (Linux, windows)
4.2) Starting OS (Windows)
4.3) Login process, file management systems
4.4) Latex text editor

5) Office applications (5 hrs)

5.1) Word processor (MS word)
5.2) Database: MS Access
5.3) Spreadsheets: MS Excel
5.4) Presentations: Power point
5.5) Internet/Email, FTP,Telnet, searching (Internet Explorer browser)

Method of Teaching
Lecture, hands on exercise, assignments, presentations, Online learning resources.

• Attendance and class activity: 10%
• Reports, Assignments, presentations 35%
• One mid exam (20%), .
• Semester final exam (35%)

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Computer Applications (Comp 201 )

Recommended References
1. Peter Nortons, Introduction to Computer, 6th ed., McGraw Hill, (2005).
2. Shelly Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts Cashman Vermaat

Softwere: Microsoft Word Office Professional 2007 (Word, Excel, Access, Winedit and

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Programming (Comp 271 )

Introduction to Programming (Comp 271 )

Course Title and Code: Introduction to Programming (Comp 271 )

Credits 4 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (2 hrs) + Lab: (4 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Comp 201 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
Physics can be studied using experimental and theoretical techniques. But there are
numerous physics problems that cannot be solved using the two techniques. The
third technique is therefore to use computer programming languages. Hence this
course is introduced to help students to solve practical problems using computers.
The aim of the course in to provide sufficient knowledge of programming and Fortran
90 to write straightforward programs. The course is designed for those with little or
no previous programming experience and need to be able to work in Linux or Unix
and use linux or Unix text editor

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Introduced the concepts of computers, algorithms, programming and Fortran
programming language to non-majors.
• Able to read programs written in FORTRAN
• Able to identify a problem that requires a programmed solution.
• Use numerical techniques to solve physical problems.

Course Description
This course provides an introduction to the Fortran 90 programming language. It
should provide students with enough knowledge to write straight forward Fortran
programs and students should also gain some general experience which can usefully
be applied when using any programming language. The course is constructed from
five parts: 1) Getting started: programming basics, flowcharts 2) Input and output
and using intrinsic functions, 3) Arrays: vectors and matrices, 4) Program control: do
loops and if statements, 5) Subprograms: functions and subroutines.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Programming (Comp 271 )

Course Outline
1) Introduction (1 hrs)
2) Programming basics (2 hrs)
2.1) Main parts of a Fortran 90 program
2.2) Layout of Fortran 90 statements

3) Data types (3 hrs)

3.1) Constants
3.2) Integers
3.3) Reals
3.4) Double precision
3.5) Character
3.6) Logical
3.7) Complex
3.8) Variables

4) How to write, process and run a program(4 hrs)

4.1) Writing the program
4.2) Compilation and linking
4.3) Running the program
4.4) Removing old files

5) Hierarchy of operations in Fortran (1 hrs)

6) About input and output (1 hrs)
6.1) Redirection of input/output
6.2) Formatting input/output
6.3) E- format and D format

7) More intrinsic functions (1 hrs)

8) Arrays (5 hrs)
8.1) Whole array elemental operations
8.2) Whole array operations
8.3) Working with subsections of arrays
8.4) Selecting individual array elements
8.5) Selecting array sections
8.6) Using masks
8.7) Allocatable arrays

9) Parameters and initial values (2 hrs)

10) Program control: Do loops and if statements (6 hrs)
10.1) DO END DO loops
10.2) If statements
10.3) Case statements
10.4) Controlling DO loops with logical expressions
10.5) Conditional exit loops
10.6) Conditional cycle loops
10.7) DO while loops
10.8) Named DO loops and if statements
10.9) Implied DO loops

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Introduction to Programming (Comp 271 )

11) Subprograms (4 hrs)

11.1) Functions
11.2) Subroutines
11.3) Storing subprograms in separate files
11.4) Using subroutine libraries

Method of Teaching
Lecture, practicals, assignments, group work, problem solving, class work, mini
project Online learning resources. This course needs 2 hrs practical work in the
computer laboratory for exercising

• Project/Reports, Assignments and class work: 25%
• In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering ques-
tions): 5%
• One Test (20%), .
• Mid-semester 20%
• Semester final exam (30%)

Recommended References
1. Nyhoff, Larry, Introduction to FORTRAN 90 for Engineers and Scientists.
2. Stephen J Chapman, Introduction to Fortran 90/95
3. Walter S. Brainerd, Charles H. Goldberg and Jeanne C. Adams, Programmer’s
Guide to Fortran 90, Third Edition,
4. T. M. R. Ellis, Fortran 77 Programming, Second Edition.

Why Fortran? FORTRAN is one of the principal languages used in scientific, numer-
ical and engineering programming and knowledge in FORTRAN is an indispensible
qualification for students, researchers, and engineers. With the two recent revisions
of the language, the power of the language has been progressively enhanced, and
most vendors (IBM, HP, SGI, Intel, Sun, Cray) provide highly optimizing FORTRAN
compilers, based on more than 50 years of experience. However, depending on the
availability of resources, Universities can use other programs.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Calculus I (Math 261)

Calculus I (Math 261)

Course Title and Code: Calculus I (Math 261)

Credits 4 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (4 hrs) + Tutor: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The main theme of this course is to introduce the fundamental result in power series
and technique of integration that are needed for the advanced studies in mathematics.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Understand the formal definition of limit and continuity,
• Evaluate limits of functions,
• Determine points of discontinuity of functions,
• Apply Intermediate Value Theorem,
• Evaluate derivatives of different types of functions,
• Apply derivatives to solve problems,
• Evaluate integrals of different types of functions,
• Apply integrals to find areas and volumes.

Course Description
This course provides a firm foundation in the basic concepts and techniques of the
differential and integral calculus.

Course Outline
1) Limits and continuity ( hrs)
1.1) Definition of limit
1.2) Basic limit theorems
1.3) One-sided limits
1.4) Infinite limits and limits at infinity
1.5) Continuity

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Calculus I (Math 261)

1.6) The Intermediate Value Theorem and its applications

2) Derivatives ( hrs)
2.1) Definition of derivative
2.2) Tangent and normal lines
2.3) Properties of derivatives
2.4) Derivative of Functions (polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential,
logarithmic and hyperbolic functions)
2.5) The Chain Rule
2.6) Higher order derivatives
2.7) Implicit differentiation

3) Applications of derivatives ( hrs)

3.1) Extreme Values of functions
3.2) Rolle’s Theorem, the Mean Value Theorem, and their application
3.3) Monotonic functions
3.4) The first and second derivative tests
3.5) Applications to extreme values and related rates
3.6) Concavity and inflection points
3.7) Graphing sketching
3.8) Tangent line approximation and differentials

4) Integrals( hrs)
4.1) Antiderivatives
4.2) Indefinite integrals and their properties
4.3) Partitions, upper and lower sum, Riemann sums
4.4) Definition and properties of the definite integral
4.5) The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
4.6) Techniques of integration (integration by parts, integration by substitution,
trigonometric integration, integration by partial fractions)
4.7) Application of integration: Area, volume of solid of revolution

Method of Teaching
Four contact hours of lectures and two contact hours of tutorials per week. The
students do graded home assignments individually or in small groups.

• Assignment and quizzes 20
• Mid Exam 30
• Final Exam 50

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Robert Ellis, Denny Gulick, Calculus with Analytic, 6th edition Harcourt Brace Jo-
vanovich, publishers.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Calculus I (Math 261)

1. Leithold. The Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 3rd Edition, Harper and Row,
2. Lynne, Garner. Calculus and Analytic Geometry. Dellen Publishing Company.
3. John A. Tierney: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 4th edition, Allyn and Bacon,
Inc. Boston.
4. Earl W. Swokowski. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 2nd edition, Prindle, Weber
and Schmidt.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Calculus II (Math 262 )

Calculus II (Math 262 )

Course Title and Code: Calculus II (Math 262 )

Credits 4 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (4 hrs) + Tutor: (2 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Math 261 Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The main theme of this course is to introduce the fundamental result in power series
and technique of integration that are needed for the advanced studies in mathematics.

Course Description
This course covers inverse functions; techniques of integration and focusing on trigono-
metric substitution and partial fractions; Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule; arc
length; indeterminate forms; sequences and series; power series.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Find derivatives of inverse functions,
• Evaluate integrals of different types of functions,
• Evaluate limits by L’ Hopital’s Rule,
• Approximate functions by Taylor’s polynomial,
• Determine convergence or divergence of a series,
• Find interval of convergence of a power series and find its sum in the interval,
• Approximate a function by using its power series,
• Apply integrals (arc length, surface area),
• Approximate integrals,
• Find the Taylor’s series expansion of a function

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Calculus II (Math 262 )

Course Outline
1) Inverse functions ( hrs)
1.1) Properties of inverse functions
1.2) Derivative of inverse functions
1.3) Inverses of trigonometric functions and their derivatives
1.4) Exponential and logarithmic functions
1.5) Exponential growth and decay
1.6) Inverse of Hyperbolic functions and their derivatives

2) Techniques of integration ( hrs)

2.1) Elementary integration formulas
2.2) Integration by parts
2.3) Integration by trigonometric substitution
2.4) Integration by partial fractions
2.5) Trigonometric integrals
2.6) Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule
2.7) Application of integration (area, volume, arc length, surface area)

3) Indeterminate forms, improper integrals and Taylor’s formula ( hrs)

3.1) Cauchy’s formula
3.2) Indeterminate forms (L’ Hopital’s Rule)
3.3) Improper integrals
3.4) Taylor’s formula
3.5) Approximation by Taylor’s polynomial

4) Sequence and series( hrs)

4.1) Sequences
4.1.1) Convergence and divergence of sequences
4.1.2) Properties of convergent sequences
4.1.3) Bounded and monotonic sequences
4.2) Infinite series
4.2.1) Definition of infinite series
4.2.2) Convergence and divergence of series
4.2.3) Properties of convergent series
4.2.4) Convergence tests for positive series (integral, comparison, ratio and
root tests)
4.2.5) Alternating series
4.2.6) Absolute convergence, conditional convergence
4.2.7) Generalized convergent tests
4.3) Power series
4.3.1) Definition of power series
4.3.2) Convergence and divergence, radius and interval of convergence
4.3.3) Algebraic operation on convergent power series
4.3.4) Differentiation and integration of a power series
4.3.5) Taylor and Maclaurin series
4.3.6) Binomial Theorem

Method of Teaching
Four contact hours of lectures and two contact hours of tutorials. The students do
home assignments individually or in small groups.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Calculus II (Math 262 )

• Assignment and quizzes 20
• Mid Exam 30
• Final Exam 50

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Robert Ellis, Denny Gulick, Calculus with Analytic, 6th edition Harcourt Brace Jo-
vanovich publishers.

1. Leithold, The Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 3rd Edition, Harper and Row,
2. Lynne, Garner. Calculus and Analytic Geometry. Dellen Publishing Company.
3. John A. Tierney: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 4th edition, Allyn and Bacon,
Inc. Boston.
4. - Earl W. Swokowski. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 2nd edition, Prindle,
Weber and Schmidt.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Linear Algebra (Math 325 )

Linear Algebra (Math 325 )

Course Title and Code: Linear Algebra (Math 325 )

Credits 3 Cr.hrs ≡ Lecture: (3 hrs)
Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite(s):
Academic Year: 20 / Semester: I  / II 
Students’ Faculty: Science Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Instructor’s Name
Address: Block No. Rm. No.
Class Hours:
Course Rationale
The main objective of this course is to lay down a foundation for advanced studies in
linear algebra and related courses.

Course Description
This course covers vectors; lines and planes; vector spaces; matrices; system of linear
equations; determinants; eigen values and eigenvectors; linear transformations.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• Understand the basic ideas of vector algebra,
• Understand the concept of vector space over a field,
• Understand the basic theory of matrix and its application,
• Determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix,
• Grasp Gram-Schmidt process,
• Find an orthogonal basis for a vector space,
• Invert orthogonal matrix,
• Understand the notion of a linear transformation,
• Find the linear transformation with respect to two bases,
• Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an operator.

Course Outline
1) Vectors (1 hrs)
1.1) Definition of points in n-space
1.2) Vectors in n-space; geometric interpretation in 2-and3-spaces

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Linear Algebra (Math 325 )

1.3) Scalar product and the norm of a vector, orthogonal projection, direction
1.4) The vector product
1.5) Applications on area and volume
1.6) Lines and planes

2) Vector Spaces ( hrs)

2.1) The axioms of a vector space
2.2) Examples of different models of a vector space
2.3) Subspaces, linear combinations and generators
2.4) Linear dependence and independence of vectors
2.5) Bases and dimension of a vector space
2.6) Direct sum and direct product of subspaces

3) Matrices ( hrs)
3.1) Definition of a matrix
3.2) Algebra pg matrices
3.3) Types of matrices: square, identity, scalar, diagonal, triangular, symmetric,
and skew symmetric matrices
3.4) Elementary row and column operations
3.5) Row reduced echelon form of a matrix
3.6) Rank of a matrix elementary row/column operation
3.7) System of linear equations

4) Determinant( hrs)
4.1) Definition of a determinant
4.2) Properties of determent
4.3) Adjoint and inverse of a matrix
4.4) Cramer’s rule for solving system of linear equations (homogenous and non
4.5) The rank of matrix by subdeterminants
4.6) Determinant and volume
4.7) Eigenvalue and eigenvector of a matrix
4.8) Diagonalization of a symmetric matrix

5) Linear Transformations ( hrs)

5.1) Linear transformations and examples
5.2) The rank and nullity of a definition of linear transformation and example
5.3) Algebra of linear transformations
5.4) Matrix representation of a linear transformation
5.5) Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation
5.6) Eigenspace of a linear transformation

Method of Teaching
Three contact hours of lectures and two hours tutorials per week. Students do home

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Linear Algebra (Math 325 )

• Assignment/quizzes/ 20
• Mid term exam 30
• Final examination 50

Recommended References
Course Textbook
Demissu Gemeda, An Introduction to Linear Algebra

1. Hoffman and Kunze: Linear Algebra
2. Piage and swift: Linear Algebra
3. Beaumont: Linear Algebra
4. Halms: Finite Dimensional Vector space
5. Nomizu: Fundamentals of Linear Algebra

9.5 General Education Courses

9.5.1 Communicative Skill English

9.5.2 Writing Skills English

9.5.3 Civics and Ethical Studies

10 Quality Assurance

Quality assurance (maintaining quality) at the respective Universities is an integral

part of the Universities’ Strategic Planning processes. Departments also implement
the quality assurance procedures.

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Curriculum for BSc Program in Physics Linear Algebra (Math 325 )

Course Equivalence
Physics Department of each University is required to set course equivalents for each
of the current courses based on its previous curriculum.

Course Title New Course Code Old Course Code

Mechanics Phys 201 Phys —
Electromagnetism Phys 202 Phys —
Wave and Optics Phys 203 Phys —
Experimental Physics I Phys 211 Phys —
Experimental Physics II Phys 212 Phys —
Modern Physics Phys 242 Phys —
Mathematical Methods of Physics I Phys 301 Phys —
Mathematical Methods of Physics II Phys 302 Phys —
Experimental Physics III Phys 312 Phys —
Statistical Physics I Phys 321 Phys —
Classical Mechanics I Phys 331 Phys —
Quantum Mechanics I Phys 342 Phys —
Electronics I Phys 353 Phys —
Modern Optics Phys 371 Phys —
Electrodynamics I Phys 376 Phys —
Nuclear Physics I Phys 382 Phys —
Introduction to Computational Physics Phys 402 Phys —
Experimental Physics IV Phys 411 Phys —
Statistical Physics II Phys 422 Phys —
Classical Mechanics II Phys 432 Phys —
Quantum Mechanics II Phys 441 Phys —
Solid State Physics I Phys 451 Phys —
Sustainable Sources of Energy Phys 461 Phys —
Electrodynamics II Phys 476 Phys —
Research Methods and Senior Project Phys 492 Phys —
Metrology I Phys 316 Phys —
Environmental Physics Phys 367 Phys —
General Geophysics Phys 369 Phys —
Introduction to Medical Physics Phys 384 Phys —
Physics Teaching Phys 409 Phys —
Metrology II Phys 415 Phys —
Metrology III Phys 416 Phys —
Stelar Physics I Phys 434 Phys —
Stelar Physics II Phys 435 Phys —
Introduction to Plasma Physics Phys 436 Phys —
Astronomy I Phys 437 Phys —
Astronomy II Phys 438 Phys —
Space Physics Phys 439 Phys —
Solid State Physics II Phys 452 Phys —
Electronics II Phys 454 Phys —
Physics of Electronic Devices Phys 456 Phys —
Atmospheric Physics Phys 463 Phys —
Exploration Geophysics Phys 468 Phys —
Introduction to Laser Physics Phys 471 Phys —
Nuclear Physics II Phys 482 Phys —
Radiation Physics Phys 484 Phys —

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