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FLUD~Sttomung5kLlpp'tUlI1g,en Aufbau und Wrrkungsweise

Cit .... eruf lh Hr,m i2'iQensmilfttlfi ~r rWD.£X'KI.Wl~W'iI,iJe11 ~rd~" in vh:U '~'tt9'J!fii Ei~~n,~bfel:t!n tel'lbl'tU. n_oo~J(· K'u.f!P~LJil:jgen ~rd~l'i1 unU!;,. al'\d'n.~ ·~~MCgl!'t.i:t ill:

Fi:I'r~~t'Bn~"9lj:n~ Gur-tfgroorib ridEr'~ V,tlrlalieeinr icbtW'l5lM. A,l.Itl:Jere I tI.llflEJs,lIl1'1la;!l:en. l!I:(ltherli,ierlCe. 1(~'thmfi5r'derel'. Schoof'l!l radBntrill:~. a·I"i!'~i11!.r. IIHfs;M'tl"'i$ fill" 'IiItJi'Il1iil" ItQ L 11ll:09J'\es!i<~n. 'F I'"rAlIm! l :eJi'I't;ri e~, Ili rd~tt;h t'er I' Venti I ;;It,I;jren, Ge1:fU.fuI., W'lrUna!:;~hiM(\. Ischer. ItCjH.l'wel'ke; tJ;r.e· ur.· Zflrtt,HllIli n. ~i!tanter~ F>.~~}If~Il'at;'lIor,~" ~ene· r'<!l:~ra tticliE (Il'CI~:. Sch'iffSi!lI'1lf.trlebe~ SfI,redd'l!r. S""trw-clef, l(arl,.ls$eUal'1,~riebe, Fiihl"~e1ilQal"ll"lr leoo

flUIlElt"-JlI:iIJiP,I),l1J!'Itcn sind in de!1l i'l1IW,rten fA, fiI. FV IJIfld F" fllr l.eis1!Jng,m, bill! l~OC kW He·forb.ur• jMQr$~t s~e· ben 16 gut !1e~'; ai'fe·Be BIIIUIJdiJlM tiLlr \led09~. cHe- if! l:iirrmntlithm {iii t i,i!LIIIJJU 'Schlli"lkl!iUiremr4lscllt!f!ioel'\f~ ela(&t:~r;ci'!tIn t,I·EU~Iii'·~\.!PtIhJlLlael'l lh:l S:r~s~hteiben III eHlil· . i{;l:!:! ff~btlLJJ1ii:\9lfcl1ke'i ten M'!W~n.

D "11 F!.I.1II)It)(.-';YPf'}.lm91'nl:l(:!'~ehc" ~Wl we"n,i!1en r~"rl!li Teilletl. ll.l den Itlnm:te:1Im geh~ri!: die R'oMW'I,l'Ue od~r i!lCU well ' Hei I 6l', l!itd d'fe®& Sdl\!luof~hlld (:5) mht41ls il!:1 Mr )('.uTZllel''ll1h'T1lYl't9 i:luf'51eseU;'i." is't'. Ilas Al.!lIengl~!iUi!.E' 'lILt· s iill~ iI~ di:!m Oetket e2) ~ der sl;thsu eL5!:hil~e: 0.),. tHe ~-r cine Haf1ls.~W/crnhtil!Jburigi mheill'l1~:er ~r~cn sh·d. ~us~ .. OM. Aull-.eo,ger.!ll.lse '""' de '!~ lwel Le si.i1d- 2i1t~i 1BC';hl i:nc'Moo!l!, gclegl'!'rt undl d'iu".I"ch WoU·&ndlcPtt(,iflati! natti Bub~ IIbgedh:htl:"I .• Zl,m 'us!;l[.(lf~h de>~ IXil:eJ"sctiled,[ icl1.m \Hat~r illhfehn~n. aE', ,~lumfnhJ'iiC<t!h~~~ U'1!d IDl!r l.II,g~Jl'OI iJGI!i1Fi I"\'l ~ JI jlrvJ "'9:r'Sll ap~1'I t~ 10· ii!htSl -1& Ve.l!'droll'atcneii"~ Yor!i$!i~'~.n.Zi1l1' IIl;r~iH [un; ci!r "iUppl!.!09~;'nd zlll~i E ll'l,fot t8'r;hrat.!~n (.4) 'Wh. hn:e' 91'" ferter iJbe.ff'llU{!bShlhe'rung IiJI'Id 1I11Jil! .iII~f~IM~N1 a;~@1'1 Lil:jl$J·hh.-~l.llg etiEt'I'fa,llis I:iro!ef .~clun~l1isiche.runglls:cnr~Ybon ,:,-} !li'I {las i:UFPlwng~ebjjusf!!l eing@brncirt. Ihe Scnrneljsiclfe;fIln.9!i~I"i:i~ben dh!]i''e'i QI'\l:elt1g e.ts til bt. '~.' Il G.h t'sub'er1l IJJ'Id fo;;CIIMl!n ~I'" etne if!uf d~ j(1.iW~ I.ft!l'Si.elfi:h liyn' dn'!lt!~i1tCt1t~ l,er<lMEI al~ FlU l~'tQnd&1kJQfl.1:rtlllll filefMJ~z."t ~ardli'n'.

llie~ Blool! i1l:rw1g 9der !JWlll<s'~wi.!1 ,~rch ~i,~· ~rb'eiltslfi!;l' Il-chtl"i~ rw.lirm't:$ h:;h~le ~l1lJ1iGl. lilia, ~h;:! Sfhme'l Zltl!fll~i"l· PI! ur· de,' ~felrl!l rl.1lWl ,61"1'11 i'cht i s.t •

~lJr~ dll!> Aospr\t'lherl.dg,,,s~·l ~11 h:he,I"ul'Igl IBJ'JUltlhiilhi't dfe oHi.i! 1ur(Q, Uii'i!i!I dtlr All'ltrtebslllo'tt:!r wfrd VOil! ~·tj;JTlaS~11 hl1: g:efren'l' It- !H.i !lIiar:! eei Mi ntl:!!ll i cb'e ,Z~5;tl,\rlbllnil .r Jluffd ung dur-r;11 (aberll i 1:.2tM9 ~'r (lb I'd'rl!(' \I~nllii edeii'! ~f"d". 1JrIi' ~'as ~~jpI"Uxe.n!lle1" 01 fiJUI.iOO1 ;zJ.1J yc('hT~'rn~ Id~l'li1e.r'I c l ek t rp;n 0!<l!:1" ~chlln r ~e-hr gl!S te.UlIr le '~I1:!l'rmT ~ lU:h"e UbE!J";ltHlifidchtYflSM e I'Ig~ ~rden~

fl,;UtlE,t[·l{l1.lppll..ifl~ diJrfl!fl m<lXiiJIiBt I:!r~ 80 - :S1i .% ~gs Glt.- 5; IlItvo~~~ lIlrl'G~ It 'wei-i;Jen '(Q'eE!"~rn:unsJ·'dl;lr,en UberfI.lL,L- 1Iba:; die FU"I!l.). millu;!f'(l' "In l<J.;fi'lGlefI f i.lhrlln J nto 1ge ,de r 'Qr'itlD:t<!r-en t~r'El~1.!rililblilijngi6"'J1''Ilal~l'Iu:;id\;'hrwnil1 \l\arl ,!:It g~r:.1' clem A,i UIli nl L.II!9tlhaWl~ ~1;!1 e"inem s 't arbn [)l'UCI~' ~"J' i~~l: in del' ~UpP\U19. de'/" IU ,~iflll!r Z r~torl:lrllJ (Al.lIfbrfmJu:n) cle:i ~h.inf;l Hl"~efi l(al'1l)~ bavQr ilI;e IIiMprt:J!:hten:peF<I·tur der 'Stfll!lel1siclileJ'"tlngs!tchr(ruP.efl ~rreiclH: ,wlrcl_

IFllJJ~~~I4IIL'*l9 ~-aJU<lrt FA

FLU(j~;(-lI:upp.hIf)gen ~er l!;tYUl'r IFA:jii itld 'f,Or beioo Drelldl>ht~91!.i'l' ge~iQ:net. Siie k=m~ in hlor'l l·Mt"nler. seoll'Jgtel" 0t'Iet' v;IH'tilkEi~t!r LilSc einQI!lt;aut W-Cl't.!i;!ifI. ~n- uoo AbtPie~li:~ !i';~ beU,e"bi'l); ''II'ot:'lyt-!!,wtfs.1I!. !i;QU\:e jetilor;;;t;i di!!r kltrreb IJbI!or cHellolihl UI'! 'YJI'ICrd~1j S!:~aufe:lr.l!d erfiliI Q.lm. iiI~R1 i 'l ,llI'j e 110.... ~ge ell! r A.us9ll'l!>, q,'si~rmter (il) i.!JIi1d d(lr )1ir'~;;'t$If'fM!JS';i!-Gmetr'i.e 9'tl"llUtlt Wlli'rd 'Il kOMfll'I.

FW"DEX If'mul'd' 'Colllpfings IDeslgn' anldl Dlper,atJing p.rinciipfe

the Je'~e>~ II e!'1 t E\U!li U H!ls o·f fJ.lIDEl( cDl.I,P H 1"I!liI6 a r-I! ut n heel i#Ve,r !! .~id!: He-L,d of Dw~icnt'l(lr;'lS. A~ others.; ti'lllY

IrE! ~.I!'.I ng us,.ed' C'n;

IjQisHn!31 ~u pmeot:, j;en\!~r beh~. lwding pta ts. "'fe(:;Iil:$~1 r'e ,~u,;'fM~,t~", bul;ket 't- C:1111 T 1'1 ~cn ... ~yof'G·" bJirc;l(lit '_"hei:! ~riiytl$. tJr.ll'ojker1jli,,~ux r l ~'fIry dri!;'es tor mi ll~; rDH p;'r'tlS ~e:s" drll!ll Iill"i Vt!'B. scf'all"lltgr dr I ves j <1M, bl~1is, W;lnG!' II!1Ilc,hlne;s. mixa:~. tl,gt to!;OI'5. t~"Bdr!r. I cf;!ntrifu&jl'!s, ~s, d119ntin9 ftlacllioes. ~~r~ll'.sor!j;. s~r'itt:?r drive~ ,(PTO), win!! dri ¥efl.. s"'rcdder-lr. e>ltrulier9. ~1'i'iM d'l'i<\fH. vel\l'de dri\{~

FLmlEI( ~!)upl i111'TG"S tYfI(;! F:A" F[J. flt trod fN iiI"e aVilitllb~a f,or ~1(e1" r:atl,I:'!;$i up t.;O 1911rll "il.1 rl'! 16 E!J I !lrlW~d $i~es..

. ich, i,n c.OtTtiirnatiof) .~jtil'i ElUHli1 WiW81>' !:mi't drives,

fl~Jl.i~te. N"IEUPEX t(lupl ill1.9:; al1ld br..nU" dN.lrl:iS.. ~Ht'l' 0 ;.i i Cit'E! 'iJilri ety lOf ~ i"!s!"liil taJt ~ Il!l' poss j,bH 11; i es,

(led 011 ,rud 'qper:i!ltirtgl prinefpl

FLWE.X c~lJpH~$ 'consillil; C' IlI'IIYII fC!!iI .!;!~ur-""i lv-burtt e~n; thil spllfile.(l ho~'Lo.w· or sol fd Il/lsf.,t (~art 6)1 0'fiI1oIhi1ch tnle ~q:~~ Lll11r ~5i hI 1l~~t,t!ilI. rh.e 'Qbler I1t1\1, ,i~ is forrmoa by th >fi,Ovei (i~ ai"!t'! thet bt iHl~ wheel hl)!OIlk~~' f U dl!:lr)r'Mi:C t,e-d trr 81 bQ l ttltl '1 arlee j !)lint. IXIti!".r IH't~5ing <'100 htlllw shaft. tOlvif,llI-aoble bcioiririlJ iIiU~fI and are J!lealM Ilff ~I;I the IlUl;sldl! j)y.~M" t :sell:lil •. In order to Ilt!llll:leos.ate tile.. t.t1'E! eli fhrenr therlllill i:!~pWIs:h~11 pro;;er t r'C$ ~f' l!IlU'!'l,in,fYIlI hOt!!!~tnii gnd (lvt"cr be'o!'i~!nBl rl1l'igi., Fe- tlmSiOl'l;:rJ (H j'l'ijJ!i! ilre ~tJl"jI:~ lill ~o.roS.iofull s 'f jUard. It:llll htrIdS;!l1l 1$., prQ'Id~ !tWo f f Her pI Ua!l Cl.'iwi ~Iii iJ"l't 'QMi! werHU ing- p-ftltec:t I~n and hIt) 'fu~thhl S @ty' .j)~U9S; a'ElII.<I iMi ,o""el"liO-!ltif~.lih[l us3ble pluS$, (' b.e 'UI;ed' o.ll!l,1) iI~ ' drllld'li p.l~ WM ca11l Ix! uOlfl,e~ ~M!i ilH~ Le'll"!!'l CIXIt'l"ol ..ilththc llh~ flY 8 liea4,11 il1ark,ing CIi'I liM ho.i.lo!l'itilJ.

I rlI lI'asc of i:) L ill:'kfi.91! Of O\!lP'l Oad ~OIl~j'I ·l,~ o·f 'tfle ,ff'r ~ V'QrI I c:hif'lc' 'tn~ ¢OUf!)<l1I'1!;l' 1'ii1J!i I;fl UJJl'ItH 'tlie IileUi~£I1 t'illf.p!;r-l!tyre ,ot ·tnC!, tlJ~ f·1ic r~aailletlf.

lin! fl i,I~!lI I~.thim dt$t:h{j''''EI~''th·!l pdrIKI 1!IO\l1!!;r iSiilLIUe!J hem 'Hie' b I ~l!!:!!il dlr ""lIt N;!';n" I:l!l"l!vllnt U'lli po$~ i ib l 0 d~'trlJdion ~f the cClOlilI rnlil UlI"(I,J,IIth' Clv,erh U;r'lg et S\lSP pr'IitS-!;<!.we. FLuid di:st:.ha~~;e can be· pTilWlbted iQ:r fh: tI~1 ilh:lI::trooi!!;l1a n.)' ar 1iie~l'IlInle8ll 'f ~Qf\~I'Qlledl 1DQn11;jJ'l""lJlg dt:oilh"es.

P'II.UO;a! ao~p~ ing:ll !:8nt be- n l Led lip to ~. 60 . 1.15, I; jl)f "tlmi'lfr voLwe (Hm<i1:lItiOtl lilY' ii!,yerfl.lDtiI' pro~Jtion)_ i!\ee.sS. lie . 1"111,1"11\11$ r.cs;ult IJif lEI ;s"tICOrt-g .pr~~s.lIlJi'e b!J i Lt.·UJp, w i ~ i IJ. 't 1'110 coup ti'fl9 ,~U' the i mor·i:l"s!ted t'E!r!]pero:tt ur,~' d~~~ voh~~ ~P\ll"l';Qr:I of ot1 ~"lt:h elli'l lea~ . q ~truiilH!!lri ('btll:ddl'l!.iJ' 'liJ,p'~n)' (If 'llilc c~IIt11l1 b't'fo~ Il'"ca;ch 1m! the t~pOl9fle tt!fdFe~"tiJr~ ot ~,"c fuirib(, '$afe~y p,ll!.fgs.

fl'.JU!J~ ~L i 1:191 ·type ~.,

IfLi.ifileX· 'CDllpl'ingrl 'lVpe PAl are· suU-llhL~ 'Fol'" b:o'''i'! dine" 't i ~1lS, Ctf rot:'! (,; CO ~J1;j Cen hi:! l''f1$ r~ II eel IiQn i!:iOO't'~~. W" 'il1Jii;l ~l'i.ild, <!'r in 'lleJlrti~aL p<!lsi t hm. lJ"Iptlt.· anQI outpIU sr.~.:s are cr~iondll;M1.1t I'IrI:'fll'fe~e ~hw~d be glY~n to 'fnpu~ tlH'OLl~h IiIIlUIl101 sitl';lh !lind impe;lIelF so 'ilS Q uti'! i1!'~ full.y tflll· <ld;~MI~se9. of ~~P"I~eHngi ~n.iIII\liler fr) ii!l ~ iNcHtinal d1\~r geOE:neU'-1.

FLUD,EX ... Str'6m'Ungskupplulilgen Hauart FA

ea'L\lar1~ FAR 1')lpIl; FAR

Dill'liIart~ FAD 1).Ipe: FAD

FlUI:IE)i.- KlIlPP lunl;nm Il..,be Hen nEil:: h clem Fon l nl'ler -1P,i' h'lzi p, ""el Anlir i eb tlbe r dn ~ HOOIllol',e Lt Q iii ~ rlk t dliii Schamel r d als Pl.JIipe' Uf"i!J cdie '!i~.,naufe!l5)cll'id~ lIIls Turbi'ne. Die VQf1 oem M'o'tctr n das !>~all!lfelr d &hgego~ !.~iStYng erz'eug t i 1'1 d'em A rbe fts I'SY1I (Il.) e i flii' 'IIt:ln ; I'lOIm nllen 1I~()n !;lei" i ch ~~U U!'id lUbe r rltd'h!l Ilrlfl.eClrdne fa !!lct! :\u'f (! llT'l' gef\ihr·te Il O'tD't hlol1l5!'l t rOin.l!ng. fH Q' Str~fI1IJngsenerg; Il, d; ~pllJll:!l~fOUiJn!!rr wi,r·d dur~1'i dlte abtri ebsselt igo s:c.halJ1+ fels.chatti IlIfe~r lin medlcJ'hl~he IL'eoi atL!lM ~eseut: undl (i'bor eine elOl~d8C!he Ku,wllli'lS (9) ode]" C'iM II DI!fI'Il~riGctillibe (, (I) an Iii g Ma'Bch ine loIeci't'or'9 lclto!:. tHe 1ur Dre'hl'li~ntenube,rtra-g;liIng ej;fer"deirl icl'i(l' ROI:'Qt~o05stri:irn!Jnl!l bed i H'l9t et fiien I,: l,e i 11Ie.1"i !lin r~ ebss.:h l u,pf. ID 1 0 lo: i t; ~ung5- 'NIh'! Il" 1'\0 r 'S'tI"QIIU\!;JIs,koppllMtgl ati! i Ii mit aern fie), ~upf; mi e der dri [ten PC!teru: d~r Ii'ntd.ebsiiii'elnah ~ • llih delf' t:upphl~:sbefQl h.l1~1 Olass~ der 10i r rkslIlTlim r U:ls ~ !;lg'kil!!:n'tl I.!Ild mit crc" 'i':lrll6e de<!l. 'WillrkdjJrdl'l1ess,ors 'f~ftll fotC!nz) der I(upplungl.

Dill dh~ (loort l"agUIla ~ f!i:h f gke i t d'c,r r::upp hmQ aucn durctn d~e 'l;l'i iOkoshtict dc'r f LijsSfgkei t bl'einf' l ii,'~ wird, koomen ausscrd i~Bl ich diJooflussfsll llycjrliuUklOle {VG 22!VG 3,:) ;!.1JI1'I Ein~"~h.

ItjOlCI'I C'Ffolg'lc=m Motol"ilochrhruf. b[il dem dEis Ilrcl1~n"t q\Jadr~t;sch mit d~lr DNihz.!lnl O!osteigt, 0019!r1Q11Ufii fLllJ' DiElii - KliJpplUl'llg~n da,s Dn~hmooJel''I't del" OIf1[,IIIiJ,rendei'l Arililon fSmosch tiM, Die Hohe ~r MilfIIen ~\.lI'eniZ.ul'Ig ",I I'd d!.l!rel'l die at fill Lung 111 del" IiCupplung einselitllll r, iloim Mfin-' ren dor klU\RPl!Jl'l'!!l wll"cI irn IEI!lrC!fch des !l!U"oilcn Scl! lU;p'fe~ bc.:ll'ng't dYrc.h '~Hc stal"i!:e' RO'til'tlonsstrCirfllJi'i9 e 11 'Tell der Ot fiillung in di e wadi!ll ;m~rr!n RaUlle l!Ioorlingt tM dl'e fllJ!S:Q . .L e h::r.skallIllC!r (7') geHH l to H; (I rdurdi !oj i rdl (;Ii 11:' ~i rk· Sllrlle i:l Uill L UI"IiQ f IF1 Arb Hil r,a.~ reduz h~l't ul'ld di ~ geIoiCilliSchu l<Iomoo'tenk!egrel"lzulI'I!I bCli Anfahreo erreilcilt. OUfch :!.lJsiiU I "ct..: Eir'Dlllufcn (DrolSlSl,dseheibe, Stlluril'll9l) k!ll'ln el file ~o~t e,rnbcg r(lt'l:wnlii VOi1 1.':' D1 s 1. S dC!s M(j to:t-· n~nnffiOiJlentes: bei entspnc:iiel:1der Tei lbcHUhJn!J e Ilge:stell t ... erdefl. Ntoch erfolgr~m IHQcihUauf eotll,!',l'ert s; clti die lIu:liglei<llmlor 1.1 f eder i rI dan Ii!! ribQ f 'ts rl!U1I. 101011~ IUf R~liIl hi! i't.nQ' des. Bet r n ~bsscl; l up,fes be i t rtiel t.

flUI:lElH()upplU'iQel'1 del' B!lu'r~1I;e FA ifEifdm i,rn 'folgllridon /lUST· r'lJIr!I9l!rI ~ Glrjj'Ren IlI"l!icbDl::@\l'I:

fAt:: 222 - 342 ml t chlst n Slcher N -lElJPEiIl-lI:uwlw91

fAU. 2'"22 -]lit! mit .elas.t i sooner ~. EUPE')(.l(upplung 'lJIrnd U!'>eIllSsc:heil:!e

F,w 31,li, - S"I mi t elll5t is'Ciher M·EIJPUi'-·l(upphJJ1V

FN)S 395, - 5'~1 ,In] t i! W·EUP~)H~upplungl I.Ifid

Elremsscne'ibe .

FIOI 222'· ~9D zum Ai'ifl~nsdh~n

flm 2j!2~ ~ 5:9Il t::upp LYPlgel'l mit ~~fl;Ui:U· K.c i l r f 1!!fI1i!!iSl'lhei be F~J!rF 222 _. 519:!i1 i(uppllyngeil mi t H'(HsenH<!flsen

FWDEX Fluh:l C:o,uplilngs Type FA

11 SchElufelsch Lll (AUB'B1'IrS!dl) 2' Oec:kel

3 Sc:hlll!lil:::s ~ c.heFi,iiilgSsch raube <4 IErn ilillsclil!r _~

5 ~cnak.lfel radl (hmel"lrolj)l rtl J.i!:!ihlwell Le

7 Aus,glo'icllsbnmer 8 Ai"bQi 'U,rOlU'1]1

I} t: Las U !iGhf;! r(uppl OOSI U~· EI.lPE:i! D)

" 01 Kei ~ r l emensch!!, be

hllpaller drive

, Bt liCe wl1ecel hces in£! (glJ~or ~~IlU Z '!:uver

:5 Fus; b,le siB:fe't'lf ph<lfl I,. t U l."r plUl9I

!i ~!Ipe II el" ,( hYIC!1" IoIneeil} 6 Holil oioi ~haft

., CorJP!':I1SElt1 11'19 ch ambi! r ,8 'WDr,kin!l I1:hsrr.bei"

'9 Huib\e moupl iflQI (lH~UPE]( D) 111 V-bel t p.!ll.e'ii"

nUDE)( coup,1 ;'1iUj5 lOp rata' to th~ FBt~irlgef' pl"incipll'. Wheil i I1pUt thrau:gtt 'tlhi! h~'ll@H ~h'Ol h" tih e ;mp~ II ~ Ff;lC.S ,as II putp and 'fhe bLI:Iid(l wheel housh'lg a.S <I ·turbine •. 'lh~ i lI'IPi!ll ~ r wit h 'il ts rad i III b l acfe¥ dr i Ve<rI Iby ·t:tl Q lI'rO'tOl'

pr Ddllees f ILu; d IlCC~ l t!r!UJ 01') f FI Q;)I!JJ 11 rd d j r ecHo!'!. The

·f l QI<II cl"larsy Qf" 'thJe< 'f h,lI i d 'i s, 'tIr1lJ\S. formed a~a i I'l i!'lm

eclUi'!1' clll power thrauah tne b'lEKle' wheel I'II:ruS i{l9l 'Oln th~ C!Utpu1: side',oM ; s 'transferred to the' dri .... en !l\!l1;hioe via f ~e;o; Ibl,e coup'li.n!il (9) or Ii V- b~l( pulley (101). nile rot."'!; j'o:nlll ~luid H~w' ne;c,e.5ii!~Y 'for torqtK!' tr-l!m;r.ll:s~iol'l' nec'cssita'ies It ittle tlpcr iQI'IIl~ lag On, die' turbirlC' side:

Cs l 1P)' IPElWer cElpac~ ty o'f II HYid !;(li,!pl1ng 'rollltodi 1."1:1 the ElIllO-UnI't, 1l:l'f sUp f s proper t ; ol'lllll. to 'th~' t'M rd !X".ro:r 0 f input: (itiapcller') s-peedi. dimenshm '1)1 effeet;ve eoupl11'19 diifHootcr (fi nil pOHer)'. and fluid fit U~ (IIOSS of effecthillil fluhl).

As the torque u{lllsmlsS'ion ,capachy ()'f lite CQUliIl ~i'lg fe abo, 'inHYMt;er.i by 'lIm Uuj,d'IS vi'llC'esfty, 11)1"11.'11' Ut'inbodi ed hydrauU i c oH ~ (V(i 22'/VG 32), lire' b~; rig y~ed.

WI; ~n tille' r.iotor has r !.in, up ,,"0 speed wr i n~ loin; c h the torque ci!p.!ld tty I nc reOls,es witll t ni!i !iecQld p:ll!l'~r of s~, FlUIlE!C '~llIupl iog!O l ]mi t tlhc tQrqu~ to the dr iWI1 IMclli'M" The <lrrn;Yl.Il'lt Of torque llmi't-a it!!'l i lldJun,1'!d by the ~oup'l ifIGl":s o~ l fi ll; ri~. On sUrfing, duo to rhe II1IlltillUil, rO~:lt'loo9l~ ng.w at ~)! .• M ip, of the: 011 ftL ling i s f(trc~ into. 'tile rm:li Ell internal !lpaces, f ttl ng t hI;! cornpensD t h19 I:h III1'JI:ie:; (7). Th i $ jredut::as th!! dfec t i ye 0 H vollJl!l1!:! ~ f'I ttl e ~o:r~ 1 ng cnllilll::!H! r ,. acl1d'e",i 1"1[;1 'fne 'oosi rNii rl:lrque l imfut iGn on st r't hll!!l_

181y fi tt i ng iKfdl~ t h:l<l'I.":1 a GiJtrpQr'len', Ij (ttl 1"0 ~tI i! I'll aU$ and dL'lm ring:ll). the hlrque ,c:e.n boI: l imhed to ".~ - 1.5, 't iQ1~ ttl, II"IQIlI; Ii\:! Il mot or tQl'qUie wi til ~orrcspoJ¥i i 09 IP"~'t f iLl· Ingl. ilif fer run-up to speed, the C()~nslli't i!'iS GJhactber crrpbC!s f'ull!U ,B'ga1!'l" the 'fluid r,C!tu1"Ii'I,ill>fl to 'the loWr'ldng "hOi _ COl" wh:h lIIubs(:qIJerrt .-edi.IC,ti en of th~ ~r ,tin!! sl'ip.

It'll! 'fo,l low 11'19 ,des 1 gns mml :;;1 l ~Si ;l)·f F LU[) EX cOl;.lpl i rI'i!lI t 'fpe FII ElF!! on off,er=

[tAli: 222' - 34:2 'W ~l h n eJl; bhl' W' EI.IP'E ill j:~ L 11'19

F.u:B222' • 342 wi 11'1 H(!xlb,le ~-EIlp,e:iIC C;gYPt iog Imd bra c drum

f>N) :J9'j. 590 " i thl H ~ji; i b l. ~ N - EilUPEX c:oupl i!'lS

~,NJB 19liJ • 5!il'Oi wi tl'lr U Ill': 'itl l N - E1JPaJ tc:@uplfng and br-lib


If''O 222 - 5W f Ln1l9lc IM)mt j ng

f,~11 ~ - .~9G1 ~cupt ~"ll'Igs ~i th BLAURl V-bel t pullev f,IIH F 222 ~ ~1I1 c~ i. n Ings ",Hh bush H 1'IIg:e


fLUDEX.-~Stromu ngskupp![ungen ai,auart FG/FV

e' tI~lI1: ,Am TrP'e: FliI'fJ'

8alilar:l~ FGD Tvpe; IFGIl

LIlIIDEli:'KlIftlhl'"l!!ilim B':Juiur't Hi .111 ltV

Die fLllJlDEIHtiJPpl ~~ :Q,el" EI~wn f r. ulfld IF\I' s ill'1l:d 'fu r den l!!e:;lillllriWg t~n Al"1t'r.f~rLlli!ilr r41s ~~IP hJI):9',&i!J;!! kll!l'r~ i . 111 ,Ir t, BI!!' I V,b.Tr.::41!1E1~f.,~IU~I?,l ~P"!Si !lwfOhil1.ifl'l del" ,Baul! r t Pili t~U::lt d r NQ"tIlJo': ilbc:::r ,r:ji,~ C!hst1&~!te- !I.i-EiU~i':ot,"'l!i:ld!ppti:!llllii' Pn .urnd cli~ vortiI~r t7~ da5Ki;pp'lUi'tg!ill:e1llb.J~e.;'H'C· Ii,enti ilYlli Stli a~·tehcl1l<!J hl , 1), unci D'ec:~.,.l «,~)" an. Ubc r di'e 11i(!l ~o t1 ont&tl'iiflU"l<9l del" . 'IC~ L I,jnilSfilil 'H1 rei dils scl1alJelrad (5) Wd rlIi.e ~bll"tebss'eil1!1e lloil,l el te .!Inge· tri: ~n, of _ eu !;!h! G:e'trl Elbe- oder Arrllei ',5r.1_as,1Jl:h!lilef"!· we L.t ,n1.Jl !I!!!i&n.t,. wi HI. 8~1 del" CI'tQ:l~L!pplli.i!f1BOO'ys.:fU~!"l!"'.:lI dar BtllJlan I'll eotfii.LLt die V",rk8JmleI" Llndl ~II.' e!{lIS- .jS~t1C1

!ituppluil9 w"lI'd tl· f'e t an d; e IchaI:J1elschaiLe !IISc'

'f"lOl't$1!:i'lt. to diJ&~yPplunQ${l~Ii~e !'!Ih,pl jc;w i is 2

Stl!rrte'~ ~ ,h:IH~I"Ul!:I-»!ll;:hr.L!bc (3) U1d ~ E ;'nlUtl!lchrat.!!'b~ C 4) "'Ii t i lilt eg r rer tee.. Iloorfii I L abld cile-rung B] ~b"ll i:ht •

tilt!'~1Q Af!f~f!n dB!' l{ ildf\~' .r~~ dole' S'tankoe IRIO'ta" till1lr,urr,i:llmul'I!lI ~ tl'LIrrh file 1~!S~IiILtYhEI d!;}s At~n;s""IJ· .~ et n T e,H : de)" tlUuu Ul'IIg fir. d(in St ~~N!~ n ~l 1IIIF;!1'c1rangt. fIi h~I;<JiJ1rch !;IFill 1!1 ~ Dr !!ih~t,eribes'i'~~I.Jn9. bt f m Anfa~rcn el"~icht. B~ ,dl!r 'I,I',or!(; ~rkue der 1B.~l.iIiill"t f~ nirmlt (iI. I! Vl?rJj;~IJ:I~r ell1'1l:ri feU der r l ~tnQ ~t.. spre:e"~ G(!III ro l L S't1!M I=l i !ltlllitendill' 'l!;Uf.iRbill9 I.!!'" • Elelrq Ari'f 'hl"'l~n is;t_ .jjil! ..,irk ~ Ol'nUtIJrII ,iii b'ber f<'1.iII!I I(I.!) L!Il d FI Se ,ai!!1 de~ 'IIQrkamnel"fil't too.!! ~riring. r't, WQ' dur~h das A~f~hr~nt d~utl~ch ·abge6~fi·t wird. AuS 'cI~~ an d~ it.19 IIIW(lDr,~l'Ir n lIorkallll!l!lr Iorl,d dll!!: tH iJ~ r k I' i me- !lQlii riJl'JgCfI ,zeit$ll ng I gin den! ~ i tll,t'tI!J1TI zliJl·~!!.,!;PMI.P1?f&t 1,I!!id (f4:s; !c!1.:ipP.lUi'ill~~n~ Il~ 'H'i bot fie i er!i~ Al:!t'~ j ~b, ;J~£l~Mb8!l1.

Dur:t:h i:li'e9lel Nllehs~1 Ming ik.arilr! "Tn Pint,,;!Sf.! mi r :5~f !I!!rf I"ISlirtl )S'tal"'t~t b~I \\'l tatk en.t hiS '~t'eI!I Ml>LQr-$,$'{ l 'IlFl!!feJ Illfr'!m 'We rl!kil'l~ g lll'td;ile i'~ i SI l«itint!!'f1I j 1:100(:11 "'lJIcl!1 9"OBer~ ~~l)1OIilente d!,lrch den I!Ireliroomel'l'tell'!All'lSt i~gl 111 del" . IJPP~Lii'Ig, ,~~n wru-dim.

D i 11 E i!ll~9'ChB 'I: ~r V'ork r:k!.IPpb:JnJi! ~.a'fl!1'I !RiFtei 1 tmf'

un~er ;!ndeJ"~ luil! ~:nf'um An' ahren \roo IL~e .. el!'1l. 1:ei lSI' ~ 11lHt!1'I1' md wHen GurHovdcrb ndorj1 Uil'g:~Lj1:U W'(l-r ~.

Dn I{llrIi;d ~~l"it p~t ~ fC!b dC!'l!l aU f ~'!i'l~l'il l.'aa~!O!I'1£!nt de!i Ant r l e_~.m u~ Pe!olli *t e ;ne' ~llmh,e 'Eh~5!ch leu· l'ji'!!lur1l!) I(l.i:" M!a9<6:ei"l. ~ie li!blP~ l~ 8.1' auf. .sHul ,fl, :zeig,t "Ilh,~'t full !ii h! !lr~h!TlClllJ:l!l'l'tli:ll'lr!!du' h!tlo.J!l',II. ~t nl1r III'!)'I'~~!II' IOOr~~l.!j.!_ngderilaua r it n ~ fWi 'llI~eni:ber d~ .. : l!il1'd'

upptunEJ & r la'.aWllill' 1'0. rr~1"t!h e ~ ~$,i!t:l: ~'fI Vo.r~~II!eIF· 1J~h.InEi 'k~1flrIE1'i !\JrI!flllir,~I'I'e. iJnte~h 'tiD YIiII.'! '.~ il:l!;S 1.5 (j(lS ,t!ol:iClr j'ii!ni')ii'lQiZif!f'rt,~ Pc!'i ge,. T n\'jeiti 1B,~t,. !!Dssc;:h blFJ,f .. i!.1 1'1,. ~e!ltelilt !oIcrden.


fLUID:EX If~Ulld 'C,oupllingls TY,p,e FG1FV


1 stlr<lurdsc:lrlll tor] (JuJ:Ilenre.oo) 2 D..eQkeJ

3 Schl1lll L .is;lchlllrung$;:!lcb'r-lI:iJIm ". e:f",,~lIll9;~hl"liube

:5 Stllllllte~r'!ld (f"nE!nrE!l;I~ .6, "'i!!!ll~llll

'I vor ililiroler

ll. - b~+t&talJlll

9 E l ilst i SUhe I(UJlP ~ 'UI'I!I eN' ElWE:)! ID-]' 10 'SUlIJ IJflI

Ch.lltell'wh seE ddve

1 18 l Dell wbee l hDlJiS;i n9 router wnM.l} 2: c'QV!!~

:5 f.iJls'fb~,e· 'Il!lf I'! ~f P ~iJ~ 4 Ff l t~:~ pfLUIJ

S linpeller (itln'er ~'Iil'~t) fi ffo L l ClW .5Ilnllf'it

1 D Wrr" tlhamQei"

8 !lrI!:IfI!I ch<!rnber

9 FW-;I!lbLe coy~lfM CN"IEUnlt iU 10 ~ 'fng ch~mb r

II'LIOOEX c:oIlpliflllS II:~ m mel F'IJ

HutlEIl cCII!IP,L.I:ngst~ Il and W 'Ilre'~eti'~llY' ~i~neiiil f~r J~l'eh:lFred tlf,lfijl;rt t;hA ib,bllde 'o1h~al bOU5r1r11!l_ 1n ty~I!" HI ~U.n anl ay a;;l'iIiirrb!or tn~ l".J1tI't'l:! r dr i Vt"$ d:le ~!l.I1Pli I'Ig h!;ll.;i.lil"~ com,i:s'tri,!,,!'ll of bhtll!o Jl,gc~1 ~owjnEl'\U >I'Indl'~Pv~r (l-) 't I'Ilr'liwgh t,I,. awE)!: Goop;l hlQ. t9.) !Inti d~ l,ny r,~:aIIiM!'" 5;0. lha rQU'f'i~~ fi;!I!"Ce ,Cit fluid lnnsf!:'r'~ 'tl'l13 ~O'rq!lIe: ,to imp II c: (5) mild l1oUo'W !i.haf't: Ian rile OtItpiOl1. !I~Cle whic:h ill MSElillbl~d .C~ fbi!: ge!!r' oX' I'Jri'lll!:l'I mac.l1'I''fe- Sh<aft. In 'Il'i: b c: cfes-'ign o·f. YJ!It' fili" . lie delay l:'lI:llnlD,~r h~!I ~!!n Mli tted Il~ tit;!! tel!. Il:Jl e cDuPl il"l9 ig. fllln!l!!- iIWllLil<H'ed cHI', c.Uy to till: blade wheel housl"g~ ,Jlt! I:.plolplill'!!!I is furn i sh I!'dl IoI!Hh ,~ tl.!5 i bt 18i,11 e'ty p t'lJIgll (] l ;roo! 2: H II ':1' plues ,4, wHh itl't~arilt overfto1ol prot.echQJ"l4

'On !It ar~ l' ~,' 0,1 til~, €@up'LI119,1\;pa:M.of_ the ~~ t. H It l' P'[!I ; 9 for= frrtc" the d~il'l:!l' ,!;iMlrrur 0(1" ~ t~ tille' 5:~rr;)n9 irONI Q cll"in l' flm.JI lIntili !l>l!~ try d;lf (fie ItOr k t ng C:i1Bit!ber,

re':llut f~ in tQ1f"igLl\r! ~ im, t;Jltip'o.. fJ1 ~ fV !.lith' ~l!hl!l'

ctqmrbcr" d'lh~ oCl1~.r a, E!,1i part 1;)' the 'ft~tcl fIll ins. 'corrC'P'~J'ldfng to tihe of{ t UIlg ! \i~l or a. t!!l'f '~nar)l !:!iII4I'l inEl. Cil'l st!llrt1 n_g. the e.1l e'1::'tive n uJa rquanrHy

jilin 'l1e war-lUna chill." ,ce;) j'B redulledbt Ute ~unt o'f fbJiEl Ii'I the d~lilY ch.OIlib!r mld !ius d,ei!r 'f reduct"g tbe stllr1.ins; torqUI!-. Hu d fl'm t:jile 'd~lay lUi ... , IlQca,h'lll prltlile irnpolt side',. ls re'Jt.lrned, Hlll~·l:.cnt"cll~i5I, til rough ~ II li,cil e& to- 't;ile Iwort: ; rill cli~1" , frlerfby j ncroO'als; ng ~l'icCI!IUpt 'I !'Ie I 5 't9rQYel e~n 101' tt\ a bl ~~ed au~pYt .s'i~ .

Wi ~11 ~lh i ~ "eple{lfsh~"1iiI ftintul'l!$. a Ilir~ve c!:CI'l be s'hu·tl!)d hli ~h it ~er~ ,~)ed ,:>ta~ti Ill.! tor.qiJ('I 1IrId .;!l~M~U untooood l1JI)-vr. II ,the :SEI!OO dim In i'~~ lliladQr~fts eM obi) iWertiome 'b~ t',he ~rque illoCrM~ in ttl ~L il1r!l.

l'l1;l! C1l1l!rA~tJ!1' i!it iG;S 15If tile d lilY c:h,~r ~QUP' ing, ,tBTI be usee! .I'ldv.flntll!l~ly fDr ins a~e: 't1O soft-start eriJp v. ~rt Loo4cd ilndl lOlld~ cdnvCl'y.or l:J;c'hs.

The ~Un!l tCi'-q\Ie aaQp;rs H,&~H tq 'tthl!' lfIi!:eYJl" r i ~ t~ct 'tQ{"Clu.e Cif t n i:I dr hod tiM br'h19!i e!!bQut B.Oft Ii tolH':r:i 1119 Qf mass<ea. Fifli.. ,~,_rn ~ IJMIg~ E! &~o;,f.:li'lodh~fIiiII,dclli ty ~"e forql.ltj r~t i'@r11 Qt .1:1 ,c,aupl inei i!f; th dI;!~'I3!)Ii "hiliilP!!'r ~~ FV IInd' FlI~ 'O:OO!f!QII'e'd ~Ufl th~ l;ia!>vc ~iiil'1l 'oQupl f1"l$ fll. jl,}I' ~unthllJ !I tJel.B)' <h!ll1lboor ~,It'!~pl i~ lj,~at'tl,"B 't'OI'lr;qu~ iltB'III lbe 1rd-jUll~~ te, '00 L Q:W ".4 - 1. § 'times tih'e ,I'1I:1!1l. lIICiI'tor torqui ~h" Ut-t L~ !tl ip.

IfIIJU,DEX ... S,t,djmu ngskupplfun'gen Bauart fN

"upphJl1~f.'n ,d'~1i' SlIiI.Il3rt FIG werden fur I1OrmB~e "'J'lf.nlu'irno,· mell'ltllme,grerlitlJl"og" alIi MI,ilufklWL1J]'1[1fiir Sctl~ingjUfiiQS' trenl'llintijl ails llboerl a9;~be!!lrenzllilIQ iii! B'lookat!ief,!!l L ,~'il'llge5etzt. ftUtlEX-ICII.IWlun9~.n d.e'1i' ,B,~ualrt F(; kDrint'J'li CbeJ"LBSt illl l~l~~kadf:l'faL 1 r.'IElii;:irnal b'is ZWI '~.S-'Tm:l:iM dee: !Ie J"1 cl::islIIIlr.'lOfite!ll bei \oI@rtretibarern !iclltiJp,f lUnd ;ml sst gj!!1" k'l.i!,Ppl,un.gst~rll~ul" olbsicl'1efWli. IDie-sill' Oberlilst.lloole· gung erford'e.rt jed'oc:h TeU fal hmg wnd eine rlt'du~ierl:e' liberba!ll"l.Ingsleist'Uf1:;J ~r 'Kwpplungl.

FUXUliX·I(~'l UFigen gel" liillureflle IFG und FV !oiE!r~ in folS endCO!il AIlI:S fllh f"Yli'!!liM ul'lIlli Ii ~(ln en a~lIlbot'im;

f6N 310 '. 155 urzaus,'fi'.lhrung !IIit II 1 as,t i$odhe.r ,N-SlJIo
fVHl l:nl ~ 755 PE;(-H-t:upplung
fGO :310 - 1'D201 iirundk!.!wlUl1.9J und Vorkammorkupplul'lIg
fVO 3101 . ~O2'O mh ;M$~n l uB 'f ~ fOOD 31'0 - 755, mit elc!!sti sehsr ~HEUPlE)!-D 'Ku,ppLUr'lg I!.ImI f'Vl)!I 370 - 755, B,I'!l!!IlSsehe i be

FLUD:ex f~ulid COUipUings, Type fN

T lIpe fill. coup u,i'I!!S 11 F~ appl i ed f,or nQ I:'jJia L s't m- t ~ 11'19 t or~ue II imiUtion, .QS st~U in'll C~Liln5!5 f~u the pl.!rpOs~ of separa't~1I'!g 'Vibr8'tlOfii> lind to Ulllft oY,l)rlcaci5 In the e'vent Qf ri, drive' bloc~[l!lti. FUJ!ilE:Xcoupl f!'ii.ilg type FG ean protc:ct !!I!l.dost· QVdr LoOldbngs in Ca'!Se! @f blockaEl:~ to a mill! illm!, of 1.5 t imt.:!$ the opetat"inglttorqlJC' at jU9!:i flable :$ l i pi IlM O! II o'l{ab hl CQ!4i ling rc~r.a'tYr e. !Iow!!lte r ,. rh 1 S overlQad ~pp,l ~c.a,t itJn rcqulrM prl,!"ti,(lll f! It il'll!l wi '1Jh J'l~uc~d' fiO'o!er tr'l!l!'hl;flil $1> ion c.6pad ty ofttw ,cGtJ;P U W1~.

The 'f·,ollo~il"lBl desisns i!nd si':!.cs Of FI!.UI)ElC cO!.J(ll ings. typB' fil and FV !il"e !!va,1 [.able:

FQlI 310 5 155 cteso ~stgn with Ht!lIible tl-EUPE'X-M F»! 3111 - 1!lI5 ,~oupL iong

Fto l7O' - 11l12£1 bEls; e C oupli 119 ,and CI'el.ay chaiitier

FIIO 37\1 - 1020 COLli'll irll9 wn til connoc.tQ,rng flling!!

fli3111J 37fl1 - 7'iSi H~ til Hl!ldbll'e! ~·E:UPEIt·D II;;~I id'1l9 ,end IFW'I} 3111 - 755 br!jlre drtlJl

hnr1: R" [j'~ (mn Bi'\emssc:he'jbe P) TWil,: flNDB ,(Wl1h brake dJiIl.rn IPl

IBiiluOIr[; FNOe: 'f,mlt IflnrUr! ~~t:h elbe ;A,), TyIP e: FNIO B (wlt~ btakle tlmln AI)


~ Sc'h au fell ~cl1ii! lee A\JBI1I1'1'1'i'ld) Zl:Ieckel

3, Sch~ l:ts ~ cher~l'Igs!lc;h t'·E!ube " E~nfullsclrllrllUbe

'5 Sehl!luf 1.f"0I~ (JlI'lnenl"ad) 6 !i.lelle

1 VD~~Ammer (NabenTr~gertei~) 8 ArJ;j!;!~ t!irllLl11I

I} E t f ~che KilJpj:I hli'il9 O~· EIJIPE)( g)

'10 StaLlI'Bum ..

" !\l rellls.sC'tuli be 1!1U3'fril run'!I P 12: iJlrcmss>ci'li!ibe AusHlhrUlg A

Outer wheel,d rlvl81

Bel !tor FLIIJI!)EX',i(upplYf'ig c1er B·aLl~rt flf homdeU es !'l'ich 'UIJ1I Il'i M~Q:rk.alID!el"klJf'fl L·ung. tm n d~U" dt e \IIllrkOOlJl(!r en OIl,s; NabC'l'i1;r gertdl . usgebHd'etis'r unci auf eli e I'h::ltQ'r' ~o.~ til auf Elese't~ t '1.1; rd. D el" N~Ix!.nt r,Eige r i s ~ ~n da~ Ge'" hause ('; Z) der fLU()EX-t:!.Ipplul'Igl 1'Igeflanscln. Dr:!1" AbU i i!!ib edotgt Ubel" ,c:I'IlS Scl'laiJlfe'Lr',EId (S), ILIfId lij;!eJ" eli e ~l i e (6) a~f die dretu!llasthcile t,j-EUPiI:.X:·!(Jlpph.ll!!l {lOll, dj,r~: die Verbi !"!dUll!!! 111fJl'll G:eU lebe odeI'" sur ilrPe' tSIIIIlSC'"; • I\Ie: h erste ~ Itt • Bei del" EI~uaf"t fMDIl is t ,iltltr f eb!ise i tiEl rIIoch ,r!iIr;e !!lI'ems.sehell:1C! in del' p- Im~. in del" etHlls .11011'"· 1:er bil'UI~I'Id'en A·Au:di'.ll'lnJriil ai'l!!leOrdllll't. ail!~ Ie-q f151.lU oor arems~'tl1eibe In p. Al,iSfuhrung 1st efille ra:di,<ll,c 1l'~lllQiI'Iitage des Hydr'O'~.~ ; l es del" Kupp hmiii iI1fl;];Illh::I'I. c!;i\e dern ~at 0 r IY ve,r!;~tlen.

IH e fllJl!)lElX ·I(uppb.dng ®r IB,!IUIl r I: n! i.i f I'd aus set!. U cB U en ,Db r dI.a:s: 'Gehiius'!l :lnge:tr I ,,",ben .' N«Ibe.; G'h~' 'Vorkamer ge· g el'1uooir di:!r Bauall"t IFV \i'Cl"g railer t h't IJI'Id so!!! i ,t Q'lIQr;h eln lI<lnhel" s tinfahren ennOgHcht. Del" !j,roile VClr-t~i l dill~B,er ~upphJll'!Ig UeQ1 Je~hl r,1'\I d'~r fle;wl drU,liItdtcl ~qjMl.!J be'l fuppl~eiIlI in fir,em!Osclle1bel'l<lusfOhrung.

The rl.UDElf ull.ip1 il)g typ!!' FN fa a (f.e~,~ cnmnb!i!r Goupl ir'l&l QlI wn h:h ttl e de l ay cihl~ r (7') has bN."fI des; 9necl as hub cerr i er am ; S lIXlUfI'tC'd on the' ['101:"01' sl'l:l'if[. The nub cor .. n t!r hl fl ill!1ged t,o the hous f 11'19 (1. :2) 1;;If' [he IF Lm EX c~UlnD. oYtp.!t is through impeller (5) aRt! s:hllh (6) to tlh,el'orslooolly f ~e-"q ble W·IEUJ:l~X COI.JIPl inti (9) wlhih:h COilnee 't 50 to ttl!!! liea!' I.m i 't: 0 r dr lI.i'I!!!lI 1llilcl1 i fie . l'!IiPe nl!lS 1$ supp ~ ~'ed WI' th bri!k·e; drw des 'i!:ln p ~l"tlle aJOfo(l ~ac t A dc-~ Ign lilt'! 1:1'1, ~IJ,tpot ~il3e. Tn~ bra e drUII de'S igll iii fad l i rates radh II eli slIssamb l y of the liIy"d'rau ~i C cOUp I i n'l9 palrt li!Ii tl1tJU1. HI~ n~~e!!6t ty to maW! the fnotar.

FLUlE:( CClUp! logs typ tM arc ,~)!C'LUi!Oivel):' df'io!(~11'1 ltlrollgh the h Cll.fS i 1191 par-t, The- del ll'f cl'l1l!11bfi r il; tI !!!f'e en l ilrgoo as cOIIJ)[Il"ed lo'H:h 'type FiJi' E!lI'IJ!Ib lll'iEJ 5ofit,U S t IIrtf ng. The gre.a,t ad'Vlllrlt: SB cf thi5 emJP~ ing l ieG tl'l the w~i9ht: ,chi t r'l tiul i' o~ of ,ooupl i OIlS W l ttl tu,IIK!! ,d"rurn;.


iFW,DEX ... ,SII'IO'mUn'QISikup'phJlng"en Bauarl FN

I!ll(l< ~ If! 'd~r 'Reg!:l at rf('ef'eI IM,Oit'or"D~ teo fiErl"liprn't d3iil GC" loll cht !lU$ d~r \I"I:iIf'kan;Jl1Q1'" {'O'blJlaU!i.f\kh rWl\'Ig) ~ dem ~rdr~r te,j L d~1' (lW'Lul'l!i. ~, afe ~~trlebeI!leUil!! '~rIElt !;UO ~rctr1S:I!~~"lIefp.e. I.-ld ,et Ii tlUiepsseiti 9fJ Toll deli" el,as,ti· Jjefrleo K:I.J,pph.illl1. G'lcj~it fa loti rd dtis PU""Intip del' lil:h!. (l"iC!buei I;ig(lr;l \l\1Ir'KDnmel'. lIih a'el!' ~ ... igk:f!iit. da:5 !)rel'l· ~li'Iit '21e~ 'fllbniJns~1iI ri;ip1i;!:Wiebe'fII, t.!;~Eitt!il'~~ Die ~YI1Jl1' ~il.rih$l$bau r1 f Df! v.erme1 det Ii h~90teIIU'li nQ\In!is" i.ind l JJ!!r' prllbl erne, til; e lin del" liet,r i 'e\.Iee';1i'1!1,ngS'!Il! U e III S'C~Nl, be; Ke~eh; t i ,.,n"''il'tl:iii~tt i e:bl1n mtl h;O'I1i:1'I lEI rei1i ~ah l en, 1!U'~t re-

t e<n ~j:ii'll1OOf 1~1!i'WI II roi!l~sc:hei In IW'Id K!,lpJ:l1. YrIl1 !lcti i OOl'l

!!yf cHe !Ii I:i",r't!ib w!!!lle aufgll:se'tz "I~rd!ll'1.

I~i, Ff,i-IC,l!JpphJll!l ~i n di~ Bleicll'~1'1 Anwllnduig*biete w,fa die FV· Kupptuns. Sie bi I!U~ j%ID,",D be~ &rcems,~llei' ,bt!n~Ii.IS'fW; r;Uri!iei'l Ioii:!'r!ilei'i tie r Gie'l.l't ch tUl.I'f '~iI!J ~Yl'i!il ~s~re.

V!:lFUlH~. '

FOI'" ~rtB5~E1b$iC:ller~(l!'1 lit! IU!Jckln:lcfill.t l hit C5 &Yi::11

pgl icttj d1~ lii'orke .. fun I:iDn de!! N<lbentJ::~r$. nic:h

su nLuieFl.

FlJJ!)EX'~l=IPlUl9M ~~F BB1Jr~th_ FN wei"'(j~nl in iO[g]C!l'i!tiloi'i r(i,~ f.Oh rurt!il~i'! Ynd ICireiiliirl ,~t>c:n:

fR~ 370 ~ 102J f'W .370 - '112111 FNDIEI 31m1 -, ~iDZO'

l{u,pP.l~' mj 't lW'(!Ueo;::$~feli1' 'feu!'" ,!In-

soh ~'I::iBkul3Pl ..... 1i'13ii'D

mit ,j!l.iJ5t'kscher NI·lrui?'lpllJng

mit ,e~a$Jt~~I;l~eJl" ~·I~PE.!i·I1-~'\PP,tliJll'l!il IUtid flrerllS.licl1 ~;bii! i 1'1 ~I.I!!OItlnJilg P uhCII A

fllUD,E'X ,f~IU;ld 'CCH.lpU:ngs Typ,e' FN

Til r:ll1$IJ'I) U 'I !lit-flange II' r11Qhr libah 'tllk~ t Ii e ~~i Qh tl .of .t~r ",h.itrb!Jr CCtI$'t i I'M dClI i tin} 'inC h¥drau L l!; part III th I:lol;jpllngj UIQ !lear ~hf c tn, f> , Ql"l,II1' aroo ~he li'IutpUit sJda ,£If th~ ',lll!~ible 'c\ui.rpL i09., ~t tme ~!IfI!~ t: illlt'; the: ~lncip~'e fs re~1J nw;! G" d~l1!V !1l:i,!llIII;;i.ifi' o I'! tlH' iinpyit 'ide N'i't'" tl; _ ab' l hy 1:111 in.er1e@se' 'h", tOIT!I.i~ time ~t rot II '~.,QclfP~ i ~ 'typ!!el FllD a, alo't;lhb 'IRir'ld i ora v I bt"5t {Mend be8l'ij:fJla ~f'obhDiis "IoIhi Ilh C,Elt'I QJl;CUI" '01'1 - ne gellr shan" s.~ ul4y o'f beve~ -hehtcoal g~i!lr UflI't'S 1100 ilt hisb

~ed'!i. \oIh~r;; hFrFi rdr~ SlIId' coup~ II"J.iI III" Jl!Cl!ll'tt:!r:li

'tJG'.ge't~er on I'll! !l1l!i!li'" .5 ~ 't~

F'i~ld.5' Df iilF;PUCII't IDn 1,1;11" iN'c:!'Uplfl$!1i Br,!! 'the OOl1le 'es t'Qr FV-t)jpes, oftl!rill"lJ]l. ho'llIll\lor. ,~peci ,I ~'oI',E[n~~s. in the bra~ ,Ill rt;fll tiles,i sn beC!.ause o'f tile ~fg'h~t d i srr ibut 00.

h~ owrLo!'ld 1If~t!ard. in' 3S!! of ~ d i~ bloc:\;;:ag,e" h h ~si:b;l 'not to lJ~ I-he ckll.CliY !:htlmhiel" hJ!i'!(;tim (If thl! tlub ClIrrli!:r.

Ttl!'! foUE!!lo'jng' d~s.;.1l1'1S OIoQ .,stn''S ,(If IFL:UDE:« MlLlpl1o!ls t.,p!' Fill a,re "viii hd:.Il,~:

f>fJlD VO ~ 10i2D ,lID 3?0 - '02.lJ1 f_DI! 310 ~ 1D'ZEIi

1:;·~UJ!iIl f r;g wi 'till I CNfn,;d fOI" ~Qri'!"I!.'c11 n~ ilO'iJP U rigs

kltl'! 'l~~~bh: NI-EUP'Ql·[I cC<lPl ing

Hi til 1lali~b~e "'·£~P1Ek·ilI (loupl'iOll' and bra, e dr;U!II, ~",l!1i'! P 01" II

8etrl,eblli 'MI!"unjoom~t TGpC'r.a't i I'1I!! to r~ ~

a: '" nIDE'l{'I!1~tUiFl!'l' 1J11'~

'VOri!: rriIJe ~ FV •• 1 ~~ ••

C '" r;-Ll5IE:>: el'l~Uin!l i ttl ",l~y chllrmer fV.,; ~~: ••

~ ~ 'FlUDEX'K~luns obne 'Itol"~ r f'~ ••

III .. r!'E)! r.:'!li.!p ~i fI~ ",hh· wt: d tv' cJ't1lil1l:l r ,po •.


,.._._ t;:'u,pFltU~.s'5i1::hlllJPl I CiOupling sUp t'(J 1).r-ellroo!JI~l1t ,tier fl!.1.I!;El(." ~lung Bl II ftmktiM d s set\h,~f~s TOrEIU IJr~e' FlbOO'EJ( c~nlf"1g nfuiI'Ict1iQ(l of ,U I P

M'O'tarlcenl1l ioh:

I\'l'ItOI" tlilrqoo (Ikilil"';lC1l!f"i!>th:

.... 1
0 25 50 '75 B

..... rI!l'I'hiAr:t:(!M~ 'i i'II hi

,jIj '" So IIII"'tiii'll CMn,(;feris,tic

II ~ IB il:'C:rilllbskciW'l ~ ! ,n ~ e:

Ii '" e~~rat" ~I eli ructe r r-sJ: i c;

1100 litD.tcmclreJil,]i!ih L I if!tQtor'BP.e~dI n'l/~1 (i'J-'

II ~ennll n ie el M'I' HUllEX· ~l,ung fllr ~ eflt UlllS t,et en Ito.:htl!uf ·~tna~ M~ r-o~'t ~ rS, ,

I. ~ Cl:u:rr C-{f1ds't i e mJj"\r'l!' Ii~ al Fl.lJliilEIl =!llllJpl 'i o~ ror ILllf1l oad'ed ~ tart i fig o-f- IIIrI 11'tdu.!:: '~'n:'Qr1 'flXltDr

FL-UD'EX~Slr,omu,ngslkupp'llJ",gen ,Aus,wahl lund ,Grossenbestimmungl

!:lie i\us,waM ern~r lIeei!JflctNi 8-!l]Jaf"t und di'l! iB!!!~t1'l!IllIII'ng dilr Jt!weils !iUns't:~'~stel1 G~liBe 'is~ iiffi! I" dili1nl %YVGrtii,s' si!lll rntlgl ~ch. !OIenn di,e aelllstungsverhliUnissl;l unci IlJl11!lebun9~einnasse. denen die fLllJtlEl'Ii-Rydr~kuwlWlSI ~iP!titel" '1m ,lictrieb l;Iusge.i;;et2t setn 'wir--d, enUprer;~I~ndI i:lerik,ksi cM 'i-st werden.

!.Ii r bi tt:eo z;~.r V'c;rmeidung !oI'Gt'I flr'i'tilrn!!1"11 lund Zll'i UIlYb~.f"Iden 1!1(iicUtag'a'nI bei del" lj:eSUt,[l,UI"l9 lii<lchstE'hClnGile Jlngiioon

ZI:.!' b6rlkk!g,'~htig~n. -

11., V:crw(!l1dur!Ig~z~i;; diIliF fLWa:· HydrC!llU.ftl'laili:j' 1.1' Ills Ai'iLllliJrfhi ['f,e.

t .2' FOr Oberhls't,scl1u!:z.

1.3 ZUI" Scnlol'ingUngstnMYl'IIg oder Stold'ii!f1:lflIl'iQ'.

2~ 8es'hreII~ ,de .. Xr8lhmsdllilnt

2.1 ,Art d~r litralhmaschinll!.

Z.Z LEilst.uoy P, in 10:1;1, Betri ebs-,Dn::lu:!ili ~ 1"'1 in "min. 2.3 liei UeHrOOlQtcr': M5,i!lOO 00 Dirett· (lder y • .!1·E1Jfi· ,sd, !IltiI09I. ,BI! ~ 'f. /j;. • ~ 'i !'lsd'll!! It'1Jll9 lUlgabe d'~s, iUr]s(:ifhEl h • lei I:pYnk: tes lIInd de r ~dorde'rte'li S trorrtcgli"'el"lf-!.ni'ig. Hi er,!,U mil!>'Serl !lto torke--nn U I"! j en 'IoIOfil J(1JI1ide-'J'ls:e i til berc it iJes'te II t, I«l'rde.l'!l.

2.', lIe-'i '-'e-rb'8I"In!IJI"Issmot'gr: Anqabe £I'll.!' IIlr,~'htuhh!n und DrehlllOrDeO'U,l 1m loert,Duf-· ul'lld im vQilll.a~,tbiltr]eb. f11BcXiii!!Jl zuLas.s j ges s-eJhlep,:momenr e'er' kl1.i\pgh.l!'19 in Iller Lilerhu'lidrMzaM CAn:t a'lldl"ehzIIM ) .

3'0 1i£l_!!ldtll'(!'1~' del' ~f",Ile~'tSl'a!i-Ch1ne

:1 • 'i Ar t dor Arl:le'i tslllil!jcM fie.

3.2 SDU, Le'l SWrlg PO! fif! klol" Eilltr'ieb~-Dreh~IIM I'l2 in Mnin.-

3.3 loIajl] ~ ~ renl1lCl!l'lent T 2rnaitl _ i 1'1 Urn, Ver-! .aut dJ;!s Las triltJmN!" res 12' lTher n-,2 (li!stIk1l!lfma'n~e).

3,,1; Gewm9'chte M'O!1i!1mt:enb[U,lrenzUOQI dYrclil tlt~ K'upphmg

'IIntalmm/IHo~k.!'Id'e'). -

,~ 18(!l!ls,~:sve;!'h'5l tniss.e Gl:f" Klrarft- IIiQ:iI :lilfbieitQ!;l'


4.1 ,Gleich- cd!!!' U'I!lI~.eTchmBBiger lIe;r; e:i!J,,,

4" 2 lI1a.s e en tra-glHll 't5l11Oif1ent J 'i n~! doll' ,IIi rM ~ U.fliilsclii - !'Ie.

4.3 Anl1jufe Ie !U1IJII100 CAI"'bl!Hssphle., eina~h!lUdaul!r)l.

4.4 Hliufigl!:ei t 'und hUl!r d'cr :Sp, Uenbel~s,tung ilbce,rhl!:lb d~r Auslle<lI!Jngslei$tung (t,lcmt'lle:istUl11.91J.

~,.5 5'ei Rl!vers.fe.rbetrieb IliIi~ hst il'l be-iaM ,fH~:htungen:

Drelll"i~htlLl1Mt!lsMl'ChBel je S'li.ml1e

4.6. Sei lie!!i:!v'ilstrOlfbr·emsulf\t: 1;t,I'emsicmgerl .Ie StNJl'u::I'-i!'.

(; • .., IKrli He l!US 'B'b'fr j ebsst)' it' l' gel'! lIbi:!r 't'r,ilgung,$ehmc-nt en ICff'emdlw.~pll!P!l!ln. GeL e.ok'iole l hm, usw.)_

5,. ~~""vwh~ILm'ss~

5,. t fellPl!rillllr cl!r UiI@eb!Jii'iijs loft, cd 11! ,WI' K:Ui'I tung de,r k"Wl.-!Jn~zur Vef'fUg:unQ s~eht •. Be'i ~m-g'e:blMliJdufn~ri'l,t'u ren ~ter • 20'· C und ,abt! rha L b 4,5,-..: i sot lIue:l<:ff'Qge e'l"-

f Elrd'e.r li ch , -

5.2 !E1nfhrll ven Sltrtlh lUI'19:s~.<ime (Soillf'ie, tller'l'., Iferbren' Irti.mgsmaschjl'1en) !.i!rIId WarlOOte,h:Ufl91 ~bel" 'Wellen, Ha)l,iifiillc"r 'Ternpll!l"uureinflu:s <luf , ll'1l ~C.

S.3 B'e'i IE fl1bau -in Urterl'le'l'I:

,S) offll!le ILa't'eroo 1,100 iute 8elQHU1.£I1

b), I:,ei'lwelse ~esehllos~ene' laltcfne m~ ~ wMfger gUlter !le' Hn'fllJ1M;9

(:) '9~seM os sene- ILlI'~,erne III i t kei oem ,odeI' seh r gflr in' !lelll lLuftaustsyscll.

5.4 Be', !E;lobi!iij in Slt:nutzi9!'tul::i(!ln:

a) 'CI'fhne scihy(zh!3Ybo mit sut'el"' ElehlftW"ig

1:1" Uti L we ~ Se' :g:es'l:.h l'l's,genll Sdilutz:haubc! mi I: ~en i 9£011" glJil:e'r 8'elOitlKill

c) ge.a,cnlossene St)I;!.IIUhllWe UchB,II'S<cihutzt1aube'l' mi t

ode:r ohfm f PefTldbe UilftlJroJJ.

5 • 5 E] i'lfl uB "onl ~e-h r s ta rk a;'tllubiliell' und ktl rrro.s i veF tkil,.9~bt.!fIJ,I"

5 • 6 Sc:h,.. i tlguiiigs!:lo I,ae. t!lln9 clflf f(!.ip'p hllnlg ,cl'urch Ant r f elbs' vndIQder IIII!'bci'15iT'1f1Gcihi,l'lIe.

FLlJDEX, F'IIIUid IC'Du,ptincgs :S'e,rectiD,n of size

Ii r,ell i oble ~h~~cl!' 01- 'i'ie ill'lD~t sui table type Hnd detl!r' l1I'ilRBltiO:nI IlIf the mo~,t f iVwrable s'ize is olnly ~s~ibLe' H a U a51pen~ of "he d'r h/'e. I, Dad CQne! i !: I o[)rr~ ane! amEli ent inHu!![lceshe Fl.UtlEX' fluicl ~l ing will be (!.'I!posoo ttl fn service" !lIre eOl"I"Ei5fXlndi ngl 'II' I:t!Micmred.

Please perus~ the fOU 11\9 ~echnic-il i d~ta. it tiU t help to eUl1Iin!lte !!Ii'rOI"S BOO <)voi,t;l time -c(lfl!lU1li~i;I quef le&

wt1~ ord~ ri MI. -

1. IippHalth;!f1 of' 'i:!h~ nwac 'fluid C'DUpl'ifii9 1,.1 A,s 5'tarting aidl.

~",2' fGr iWel"ll;)iilti prtltell:ticn.

11.:3, fo Jepai"llit,,, vibr:ithms gr' dE!ll1l\l' sl1ocKs.

2. 1Iies.<:r~pt'ion of ~d~ lilI'ii'er 2.1typc. of prime ,1lXi,.,.-er.

2.2' Po or I",!ltir;g P,' bll tW. ,o.perlltifi9 speed 1"1, iln r • fJ'. mi. ~.3 fa; e'l,oo~rf c molorl'>: di recr-ond Ine or os,tar-dfrUa start1f19" I-f stalr-deUsl s.tart1~, please stllte CQIII1L![!I' ,t 1 Qf! i me and requ j red Wrnn,t U ill I till U en, i;;c:rncoffl i ng th is, the cUlOtOOl:l!.r - ~hlllJ!ld prOVidi!. c:I1IIr'actc!' 1st te tar curve.ll.

2.4 fo;!' int'eril'l!'ll contbusthm lB!igineS: Si!:.ato epeeds ,and t,Qrqt,les Io!I'l-cnl -itll ing and at ful U Uoad Qperahgn" 11M_lI,. ~'lfIIlstil ibil.~ drag torque of >tl'ie coup I iog ~ idling> !liPCod (s,'tsrt ili'1!! s~).

3. llit!'licr'iIl'~i'IM fif di~ driwm lfSehi'oo 3.1 Type tJ~f d'rivM machine.

~.2 Pglrer' ratiifi!! P'2 on tW, op~rath1g1 sp~ 1'12 io r.p.m.

3.1 M!a~, ~or~w T2Ioo:IC ill ,Nm. lQ-Bd t~rque eyel e [21n2

(ChBl"I!ctc'ru,t Hl hmif,~urve).

,3.4 bsiredl torque li-mH:at;!oh by til ~GupI1.rr!l (startJ,nElI stall jrioSO •.

4. loool '~ltiam; 01' ptilOO: ~I' mDI driv@1fl1 IIIIIchinl! ,4.1 Uni form,· (If' sh])~k loads,.

~ .~2 litoilient, of i nel"tlOli ,J hl kgm2 of' dd~en r:rnddM.

4,.] No', 0 W lual't!i plIi" 1i!!"'I!" ('III.orl:; T 1'19 eye l es r opel"a,t i 119 time under Li:l;edl.

,4 .,4 ~re~cy lind QlIra'flOO of p.ellk loOl!ds abilv!! 'the' ~,hJn tiI'~ir19 (nCfll. 1';'1 in!)).

'.5 IFo'1" I,o~ded I!'evf!rsdrtg' o,JJ(trat'lOl'l il1 I)oth dfreC't'iQ!'Is: :!Ii rect i OM l ctl, :rnges per hot.! r •

,4.6, for Eounit'er- 'fioi,i l:i-r<!k ing:: 1'1<). oW braio:ing ~)'cL!!!!. ~[lr' hour ,

I'.i,. '1 FOI'C'e.s (rom power t~,ii!!'l_Sdll~$sj on eh~-1IIE!1lS <let 'in!! on OytPlJlt side (,olher cOl!l'!l il'l{ls. I-~[nt shaft-I> etc.).

5_ bIlI",efllt cgndUi,Qlii&

S.1 A!l!b1t1i'1t "i.. H!I1per!l'1i6lre. !I';I'illif lOib~(l' 'for cQOll~'. For Bnlbi,. ~'t: ai r ~empil!,F<!tuF,e~ t::IiI'!low ·20ae and llboVc ',S"C ptl!B~e r~ 'el" '~1lI oHh:e"

5'.2 [!'IUue-nee OIf radfllted n!!i!'t' '(SUfI" IOVens, c:0!lIb.!5tiQll'l ICfi9lill"!!!) Ilnd ther!llill oonduct iol':l ,throU'gh lPipe~. IH\!I\!(. ti!!~'r,llltuf\!! inUuei1ll!re ail cOlJijll if!S ,in ac.

5.5 1'1'11 'COl'S' ,of lllnl:ern malUndng:

all open l-ante'rn liljj1:h ilIlXld l,IentHa,tj,GI'I

b) p;lrtly ,dosed L,tlnterl'l. lesi:' lO!ell ~JuHari'Jd!

cl c;[os,i:!d lal'ltern !.d't.lloul Ell' Mlt'l' very I j n Ie IIlr excnange'.

5,,4 If IllllJl,!!1ted I.!IlIICIe,[' prot!!'e'tiv.l!! ~@ver:

II} open !:'~ ... t!,r'~ _~'n ventlll at~d

ib) p,uUy (:Los~d! I(;~r, less wl!ll Yen'il,lI'tea

e) c: log,ad cover (,5Q~,md cover)' wi U, or w"ilrltoot separate Vel'l't f letiM.

5. § ,I nH Yence' of' 'very W5 t)' or co,."o,,"; Vll :;urrOlll"od i ng Si •

5.6 'UIID1!1tionll,lstre.s:s DF! ci:MJpl ingthroo!j'h ~rlllie mcwer ~),F dr I ",en mach'ioe.

FLUDEX-:itrDmtln,gskup'plIU.ngen Au,swahl~ una Grnssenbestlmmuogl

6. 'jlO~,~ Nirfr'i'~,

6. ~ LoDge _'s - ~l'Itrt ~b;g. (Motor.' )Wi!'U ~nend~1I ~') ff!:lr bantslL

ill) 1l:~1ii ~.!U. ~ bef Ne:i ~!l<idl'lke'l n bla :t\D!". A!1I:!~ der- HCI" 'tor ~,!I'g'~ ll'r.,.;:nJ!,~h1: {o:beqJ1UfI't~rI)1

0) lief' t Uii! L Q[ltl" bBi W~! 9J,mg$iwt f\1:.~t1, =-- 2l1l:!', 1Fm1lbc !;lor !II(O;'tll!ll"hlgl! ~rf9F'dDrl 'icb 010 tllil r CIben,Mcta.r IJl"Italh. Ii'oi t::upjidl.lll1llll$ Illi e 'lie rkeh:me'1' !!US iili e vorklflil!eil" IJI'I(I !.$OI'1In t del" IokItOI" I.I"I~ t 1 !!len, dQ die VOF"KIIIIIlHlr. Silrn;,C' loI'I~· kung,ii,l.,O. hi'!: f~!:ili'le II!!:1mel1lt,cIilbeGI'f!nleirdl!!' W'itkl,ID'gl beim !nfehr,el'l) •

6.2' Ni't'rri!~'lI'iC!ti{~9 ,ar ~~ohiil'i!l

II~ An'!: r r,j!p hI"" j l'IMru'm (scihqWi I.rlld,. b4!:\larllus.t~ ~. trte~,r! chtl.8'lg ~r 8Dw!.r~<m FA ••

b) lotI' j'eb _rCeJ\!iU'5e (S~iuJf-eilHl'ig Lil. boe~Yi'U ~~r'i'~I"~~'rt1¥l9 gl!ir D~WI,nt!n '(1 ... ~ fV, •• IIiJrrIdI rH ••

Va r'k~i"kuppl,~fn'" di e berm iWln~ilh ra1 6Wilih !!tl:C1i9pel.' s~ ~l.IIl!; ii'lI~t" VQr·t~'r ~l'ftl!l'Il!Itlt,i liI:flmdl 'i'l t r~l'!. 1Il'.r f'Or' *m !iTloo!r den Ii,Ii'l,t~'illb : IHr ,dillS G~ilui!l'll ~p:r'i'iriS!,o V"or'

·~r). .

6.3 i'eli Rtemen$'~'l'ieiben~l!w;glll'l del" Bqt.ia 'E ~A:R. die ",t¢lit !l'uf ~II' I"OUI"!01 n, i.IIf'g"se~zt '~in;l. l~f dt~ 'n!1£l' ~ Qlilf' I)l"ehlicllllr~ n2 e:dorderUC!h (1.Ibe1'se.UI:m9 ~ VOI'Q.esd1alteten Ri~tr'i-be~)'.

7'. :S~rifardil:~

VQfI den' S tbndiir;dii~fuhl"lI!f1Qel"l . obl,fei eh~nr;le: S~Ff,or-d,e' li'ul'iI~trll~'ZOgUeh del'" , -",ihl'lfs~efi AW.fliii'i1l'1J1"I91

· 'o"ru~~~~l~r~n~

• IP liedern

• ~eh't~,~ I f!it

• ,lllllf,IILe I!'ehs:ti~~ del" l'Ioli1liJl'eU'e./NIIIbe.

8. ~t~~ i:k!1i' 1~_LUl!J5~ 1¥fI' ~gf'''e

,fU Die Be!ltt~ ilIe!'" ·~uppb.f1l9slilte-!!n~riQ['fJt filaeti (;fie;r Ef,hi,ktivll·ei.Set!.!I'iB der A,rlf!eH;:slIIEl!lChi[ie an IfWTid !;let' 4r~;ulhlabhlinghlMl jj~roHtI~!lI::I.rI9. d'i·~ in £len jl fiHhll 1-2. [ Wid 12.! ~ ,Bn!JellebetJ Sl1rW. . Die A'IiJ io!ahl der 1B'l[l.!ilr't "'eh'!:el; .. h:h M~1l ~r ~ft5t;lll;eo Anti"lleb$i"iciiitui'!1 UflMnradJ Glllhiuseo) ,. dw ~S1;I'IJk:tH,ren liLi~fill1f'mgl i.IL!:Kl, Irnaltl'l dt!.1I' 1«1 •. I1iI!ntetibellrel"[t~ lilIeil11 AnfDhrelnl. p~'i Ims1l!nQll!n; .!!·fin!l~r tIbt.llIli&Uc'rd'I1 rl.in_g lbci ~I!'!I Anf!lil'lrerl 9i nil W .. ki'llllOO!'k~tU"l.g~n fill ~~;:eHaU zU be¥Or!lf(I$iefi. B~J '~~~LU'kS!8I r n Elre!l1:!i.sE'hei~\i9if~hF~ fat db: G.~'I!i<cM~!iyf-t!!i lmg :l!;Yf "'liItor- y~ PI,~e'i ntJ1l!l$$'" im~lii~l be tfl'!ltr r~~,),· ~y ~11 ~ t:an., ~l'i1ll" IiIh!it~1sirfh d'le .BiI'~lrt FiND:EI 'II~S :!land I~~ ~i:i. $~ 'lIf,lI'I1!r. Vor1!ci~rkiW'l.!,ilIIjJ o~. ,

B.2 lIl'l! bl mm :r,d,aln IlIhgllgC~rq ILJlliis;~urJ'iilJcn bedt~!:'n in der Regel d1,," 1IVi~:t ma'i ZI.Il' §i ge FtU U,;tl'lg CBG~a'5 11 dar ~hmim. l,ul"cl e'in liM!' njedr1g:iI1s " bii'l"LlIlS'tve'm,!lL' ten :gewUnsch~ •. $~ ist be51nde~9 ~I ~Y~lYngen ohne VOI'~, . I" 1I:1ne 'foi l'fiill U'lSI ar.faF.,di,a!h. 'Hodtl"ti~ die in den lafeln !!~!lt~n2F' l~'i~h,lIl'I!leD nl',cht ... ~ll lIIuSgenllt:U lifltrdetl Uinll'i~rI Wi!d utter ~tandelfl d i 'Iii ,njil;:!i:sts wan.' !'Ie 1(1JIlP1l~g zlU ",aM'en tst. G!.lIIi!JbE!nenfl!llls lb~tu:n wi r l!III !hlii~lr!ige.

,8.3 O;i &- ~;lUr liEupphiiriif',S:!'I'rGlle 5,16 ~ B;alJ_"r~ FfIi •• G:ind dfe 11'I1UI.ii'l'ill'li'il'l (lbilp ..... llISi:!lJr~hJl'lnG.el' d'n A:Qh~'oiIeHe· (r~U 6) cgi'el'i IfItS>P'1"I!,"b~~,r\l w,d LendiJ",I;~!lsei., de .. lE:lek,UClmDto· MIn ~i ~ • ~!iOO. 1JII!" 2iilJ,~I'~,t·~ ~i!!~ _'Ve!Fwentkn~ gr·~9~rlt,ir- U'lQ<tol"tmi!ft ,elll!! St .. ~*~llll!!151 e~ntye.U !lwt cd".. llCl'r!ri·eb~ He lIn:z~rdn~1'I (Afi'!I:f'1eilii 'I!boer G;eh.suA 'ie,., ~el" es ~ilild d~I!' !liDhlfuslfnlnS8Itri,ebelilm 'BlllJln~eI'I \;'Qr,J'UII,fihM.


". N.pMirflflJ wfl ~, - liWq

f).j 'e S t]l'&un,ii.1oi.1;ipP l<Ui1!!i e'l!'", IrIilll;· !Ii ch i nfed'fle des $dhlllJP('e,$i4 de.r sidn, in A~~ngi9b;t ~n de,. (i~r~l'l!J.e· ne1'l lds'i:U'1fJ .• , efer D .. -el1'1i1~h~ .. der O,l UI¥I.!!!I ~innen' • El!le I!lUJ'flhm\il·NeM'h~f.$f~j!I1i~. den, . '1" l,eLI'II 1,~.1 ~ 12. II' b.i!sieF,ei'i1 auf· .I~~ W~E"h,l!i.lpf Vllin e'nl~ ~ • S ~ (~.i'lI 'rI;lu:h· lal:jJ~W'g$e) !.lind' ei ne<r ')l:IiJPP~ 1Ili!1)3lf!'~l"WiinIlilf!lg YllIfIi r.nm~~ffiliL so-e. E,inli!. W'8c,n.p'f'.OifUlSi ,aLif Ei'It.l'F~ iJlntd I~Qd· fr;!l:Qe Jl1i't .iJ'Iiig{ ii~hst il,usrohrUilhen j"hclmi'~cl:i'i!iI'I_Ail'llila'~n,'1 i:s,t III"f.orderUd!. Item

,iii) ~ne lL1f'111m.m~S'tl!rrp.eI"1~~r ;(15 DC 1'.I:>e1'1li't~''9t:~

b) mel'llF Iii L.$. 6 Mll!,lIi »'e Stlill'lde' 811.!ftr.eti!in" ,

,~) '1iII"'OB'e MlII<~5~1'I ~~hl,t!iIiJlI'll~!lt ~n:lell'll ~5ei'l ~ i:u,e ,1\1'. L ufzeh: be>i ,~_ « 1'17Q 1J\!r!~1'1 .301 s:e. klblll'lltefl (Jber:!l~'elg't' I.!IilIdI bei In, ,. mu 1I1J1ill die "nhwfie"i't 15 S'~lu,!!'!d~n _Mr· .. st,e~'gt •

d) ,ei !'Ie gute 'l'iI!iHlrftunCl del" !(~\!,.II'lg nh:ln g~ioi!litirLe~iiitet


FlUDEX Fl'IJ.nd Couplings, Sellec'Ucn 01 !liIze

6. ILo)'Oiit of' dr i!¥e'

,6..1 Pti$1 t101'll 10'11 i ...,t· (1lIGl"c,r-) hllH

Il;~ ~lor b~toli L .

tI], hiCl~il'le<d, 'far m'lEIbs up't'D~O~ pll1l:liil!;I!" nn!!· mot.or p!1!lh 1 00 (mo'~",r on top Dr l~tQr ,Ii t. ,the< bGif:l:~)·.

t) Ver~iq.EI~,j nr '~QIi" ,artllll'e.S )0. 2(1'·' pl~Ef~;!! &tate 1f!D~1' ,~~ ~ t t ~Ji (·b'f;:rtOr ~ ,to,,,," Ill" mol'CiI" I r it: ~h:ll :'!lfnI)" f..ol' cQIIJP U riP wi tih ~t!1I!y f!lh,MllblWj) che ge l!!'t ch~r. ,1I1:iIi:l, thus [!lie motor' tlU~t tie !H "l:h'lhDoUom" 118 IiItl'iOI''oI'iS,1I t~e dellsy '~hilllilbel'" rtgUld JQe h:I!I!U~th'C .(1'10 tOi'.q)'l!:! 'r:ff,C(:t OIl'! &tllrt Il'I9l.

/I 2' DIFht! directi 0l1li of coup.l ~I'i!ll

,0') Of' ve (i0j:!Y',' ""~11 l~l1er:" "fllli'llOloll"tld drive llIi !'I1!:Cl:: ian ~,f t):'pes f'A ••

b1l Dr !Ie' «inpl,li " .... ,. tJD.iiJslJ'i,SlI Cbl~ whee:l nl:)uI,inl1),

hr~-W1'etl:~t!{e-·drr:eet1an.;Clf ~ FA:~ ••• ~il_,. ~ ~'I'l~.

D,e lilY chlail"tMft' CO'IWFll i nm; wM Qh a'C,t ,~~ i'to~ i ~!;;I"'!ks ,rs ~)I' ~,~ n,Q' ,f@d frOOi 'Hie d.~lay illl1ll111ib1! ~. at'o!!!i)i\s r!!qul rill fi'i~t. \f~ il' the ~wro-I ng ~pr 111\il1'1' . ~e ~.I:i.Y ~"Il'Iibl!r'l.,

6 •. 3 fer. tr,~:t IfiILI.l L~~ c~l n_'.!1 ~Yflil FAR !O'\li i.!di .~r..e I'KIt Ii'IOlMiIted en th~ IOOlGr .shh, det-8li hi df ".ll 8frJerd lIU!lt be g1v1l'1I'I1 '~I'"a:tto of ,dlIllllI!'Y \I~tJllit i;lri\ill!).

7. Specilll ,~ill"--- ~

~lilec: fC!I( ;r~; r~iI::S. mlllr Qf!(I ~. s,ulfldlill·d des ign

re!llilf!d1in:g'~hniall g~ i ti clltion&

• 'ber!! l irni t~

• keY!l

b'll'lln(i~ !lJUI3lLi t:r'

- .1I~~j! l f¥~"fN f~g o.~ IiI)D~. lQw, !!t;,gf"t "hYb"

,8. Detemina"tian, of ,c~('iOO "P _ '~t~

S.l 'The ~l.!p( 1I!'I!!l U:z,1l ~'S deitetiiiihied ilt>l:~rdli'lS to tl'll! 1I'fh':d.:iY,~ ~ii6;F .rM 11:'111 of the dr1vm. ~h'i~ if"tljIl tilt! speed de'pmtUrI.g nom, I~wer ratil"lgs Ug~~ in ·~les 1Z.1 aNI 12.n.. tne -si.2.1t Sl!cloct QFiJ f iilIetef'.mined by! the !de'i'red tli r~t:lon Df rQ\tia,'tJ~i'i1 (I~'t l!U'/hli!!).tl!e' design .Q.lld the !;orq1!J!!' l imf'ta[1Qi'i- OI'i, soning'. Fa .specifliU Ly lQii' Q'X~dcllci ~Jr~~I)I:~1t1i'[ .!i't.arttollr, (!~4'a'1 cn~r oCYJil iM!l Ihoutiil :ee p!'1Cfel!'r~d. Reg~l'dtng coup' i~s.: 'w~th buke a;I.r~.;, Iwet_hi: G,~~tf"ibuti!\lfl Ilr"ol'19 iWtor'" 'B'~ il!lIchin;s:l!Iaft IWS.t I~ m,"~. I!e:re. typ.e' FND!l cIfi~~;r,s, i I~d.f .iI!ill' II . flll,\il:QYr,!!!~h :l!:9l,ioIt~hJn, o'W ~ ·dEi,h~)1'·

ahB~r '~~~l~~.

8. Z· PiO,W!!Jl' rl!'~iNiS Ill'stedii I'! t ·I~l eJII·· Iillr,e., liS' II, "I.d el. beSl!di 11M IlJ i!'ia~, IIUololabhl flll11l'f ilL ling ofSB _ 15.5 1:. Ui C4!ie !II very loiol '~¥e,i" load er.paci t)' i·s '~'i red,. p.IIl't1iI!,t f i U i 1'19 bee._~ 111Ie'~J!$,sllry liiF'echsUy fin ';cqI0'r:I!l!O IoInhout d'~lay ell 'I'. W1w1"1=tJ), !lis'tl!d pawil!1" rlllttn;i;J ~l'!iWt ~ fully IIt~l i;i!Hi a:nid 'th~ 1!I~l!t ~t Z'O' lJI~cDUPll ililg may have '0 PI!' chosen. R,arer to' office. 1ft! nYI!!lslI;Ii'V.

~h! Ilhl'l:'iillWl IbCif'e ,!le('1 (!If 'the ~~llO'J;i!litiBn ~part 6) Iilll""'e been ,aiB,s'~:'!I'r1ICd to t,ne cor,r'I!~pi:lrdt ili ~ 1!!i1 t dt~ ~'~ ~i"~ I)f IiJiQliCl(l"S, ,lit f'1 '" f!!iOO r "p.,m,; !.i'I;m·~ ll'1!!i1 I~EI,'''t~el' IMt ~tSr~ ~I'\e 'ft til d. ~·~l ~ I'IIJ lfIIly ~iive' .0 be irlaUl~'eG o:n, t nee sell r shilft Ul'riv,e II't,g I'iQliSinEll 01' tw.P~ f,rrg t~s loIIi t'h i ... .t: t~ro~1'I I'iQ~h'llll l1li1'1'" have to be iSe~j~et·ed'.

9'. Th~''1I!I!d ~

'l"1l-lt;~f'IIl:lll"e -of fue fluid t:oi,lpl il'i.!ll riseS. 'rutt to. 81 fp ~ich ot'(!Qi'5- .swje'!lt 'tiO l'ral\Slllitted, PQi;I~r; 5~ed llrid GIn r, II ;nsl., H$I. ~r r8tings l f~8ted in ~llblll!lI 12.1 !lOti 12. U '1li1'1!'!' ~$l~~ QFI !I (ileJiii.sln~np !;If 3; ~ 5 ~ ,(1:iI'epeAiJi.119 01'1 IlUe.) ~ it)!!!il,t Il',W'lr:ar,on ttll tllii!' G(RIpLh'i1J !:Jill to ~,O~IC. I'l thl:'r~l, t::!neck aw refe'r~tl;l ttl e ,o"fHc.e' w fth cfnll, t rid ~~I"I; I!'lIl dfllll Iwl L l be ~~c~r)' ~

a) H 'iIlIjent 'r~:J"lIi!J~Qjr·e ,e-llceeds toS~t. 10) ~"CIlS!:! of lOOf"e ham 6 !I1!ti!rI:'!I/h;

C)I U Ur~ Iffi\Sses h IV. ta be acceleNl,ted >aM thes-tflrt- 11119 'U_ e'x~!l'ds 3D s~I:JWKi!f lit i~ "'1 'C U'10 ".p, .. OF _tlu't"'ing I;i· ~!;IiQds 15secandsilt 1111 :0 1110 ".Ip.m."

leU ~ 11 good v~nn:'1l I1::h:m Df th III cllupli i !'!Jill 1::' l'i!not be'

gUlu·lItit~d •.

F[_UD:I!X-StdimungSikup,i~I,!I,ng,e'n N e.n EiI~eiis;tJu'lI1geln

R..U:IlE)( Flu[o eoup~ln91s No,m i iii 13,1 powe'r rali EiI:OSJ

I.l~ df.~ ~~tf~JIllr.i1illi ~r 'iI~~~til~t,gl1 !(lIw~w~~~jl)en 0Ile;'oII!~~ ':'lIe Ic'rtehll'Yl"lg !;'cl:r.!;ll,lt;;&.J!'itiZJ't., ·~r bl! ~ b::!n 101 i r' 19~r!'1 !WIch d~n '''f~h:tMfI "Maben'l' (;s~-el:le Sei,~e 9, Var;sc'hhil!!1l 'IlI.¥.I.

Slllce Ell leeF~"Hl a.~!.!!'>1: 'Q(f la~:pe'denl::>eJ 't51 rCi~'i~.c;.d to d~U),rrn'lJ'(e :g,~~hiJble j('.iJ\jLJPU~ $h!:!t W 5n~U be plel>.s~ 'ti:J' sdbnH t pr;cpe.S:ii'lrs bB,s,oo Ofl ~M U1MhniMl S~(li'~I'~Bi1: iO(!s.~' Ie p:!l!le' 9).

Dreh;:;ghl I~ppl ung:llg ,oBEl I C~ui!!!l'llli!l' ~,ia'i!
Ii 2i!2: ~,,,, 2'i'l' 3G2 3/Xi1 '~n' 5'16 ~9Qi
r.p.m. ,*enn,·_Ltl1s 1ii~Nl :~ Tn ~w I 'R6!Jl~ !"!~l ~'" FOIti f1qS fl:,I,I in ~w
600 I 1,2 .Z.6 5,,}' 11 JQ 11:
'7;(,0 I 1 , , 2~' 4.,~ HI ,in ~ 69
,IWQ ,~ " II, ? i6 ]2 6vI 11lQ!
!l!oo 1.3 2,8 'S','5, 1 ",5 :n "1 75 ~'J4
'1100 2.4 ',1:1 '9 18 3' ~S; l1S 200
'1350 31,6 " . ., ~4 1,7 1\9 9ll 15'4 2~~
'Ulm 4~lj 9,1 ~tl •. S 3~ 6,' 1'1<1 1901 S~Q
16.00 .5~8 1~' ~:l m T4 1:a:T 215 3~
'11(:70 7.1 16 i9 'j~ 81' ~5l5; ~ 43'.ii
:Zili[lCI 11 2.1 37 6,13 UI~ 1'fa 31Q ~4fl
2300 , Hi 2'E1 .118 ~ 135 2:311 :r'5
.~Illll 1 19 l5 ~ ('7 l:iS!i ZSl.o
mG ~4 44 70 12C: 215 Jro II
3,51l11 ~~ se :9C Wi I liI~mlej.~~~ 'fi::ir tlIr~hilnlcl'l '" 5'5S.®t}tl!Iin~liiI··f jl.1"II:[~<ll!l~ lii'om,i.nal ~L'I' I"'I1Itrn,;rs, f.or =>p!l~tls :> 3551i11 r .~.!f!i. "'IPQn !n~d ry

I}N~nnhL ~4PpJ ~!!l~riQ1!e: I P::ilJpl ing 81.:iC'
n 31lll &3 4W: S:6'~ 655 7'S'!i, !!aT 11~O
r.p .• l1t. n~~f!""!.~ i~t'Lji'!51J!itIl PM tn ~W / ~Q!!nffl~l ~IW 'rllti"8i~ PIN in ~'.i!
lfi!11D1 .... 7,:li '5 aa 55 1m 24,~ 400
7~D' 1,)< '15 '30 ~5 ne 2~(l UO tl~Q
MitlI Ul 23 ~ M 17~ ~~iI 100 116C!
'900 16 3~ 55 lHJi 21:11 44(1 ~UI1l nail
nll!l ~o 48 95 1&1 15'0 6t!.cI Ull:l '19110
~~D ss 70 14Q 1!'5l.1 ,~15~ 7$ ~<'1Aa
~i~1I!l1 4181 VI:i Hill 3~ 5'2(l 110 1ua
1't'iOl1 6l 11:) 211:1 !is.Il' !!t~a 1010
UN HiS '4D 24'5 ~,Zll tiD 1220
ii!tIOO HOI tr'7S 30d sas '90.0
~oo 140 2i!Q 380 -66~'
:i!t\.oo fro Z8iD ~8il 1
2'il'.iO 220 J'4D II
'35S1!! 2:'01(1 12

FLUDEX-StI'lDlmungsk1u,PpllUlI1gen BalUi8r1, FA,Q Anfhlnlschen

FlUDEX FI'uid 'Collpfin,gis Typli! FAO'f'Cillflan,g:e mounting

E!auart:, fAO lYll'!'ee. FAO

TeU 6 Part 6

An'tr-rElb lnpl.n

Abtrneb llYtput

Dr,eM:tahhm I~r MilBe. M'i!l8sentrl!i!lheitsm~ii'lte .. I.Il'!Id IGewichte
S~s "'mot:.' men!!, 1 !lM. IIIgmen'ts of .j nert ill J, E!nd we< i sh't!>
FlIJDEX Dl'elu:,Bhl SohnJng' Ansen hlllma.B e i'tllssentdi9Iill~i tlllJ1Q.ilen (iewrcht tH-
S:peed BOf'e IF it ti 1'19 d fmens 'i C<!lS I'IQIBIIDt of inertia W\\!fgh't f(jlll.!f19
FAG "max da i:I l1 l, l,3 a, ~f d2 k I IS, :An:101hl t z J to ,on ou
n von bi!i 1::111:>:, J - !' ] noe'll'tCi; ttl j\u~el'lteil(! qh.
GrMe 11m in f I'Ol1I to ll1l'1'ell" 1~lIn!i OYter rrt!i [Il.ut.
She r.p.m. III"in n'fIi 1 IIIIm I!ii!I !1m n!:ll IlIJI ImI IJm IlIl1I JflIlI lflii l'1l'i11 kllrj kiJIlli '-g l 1
Z2! 3:55D 261 19 ZiE! liQ 6(1 '112 Z 95, 148 1~a. 8 6, 12 .3 D 013 Q 060 5 ~ i 6S
ozsr 3')'50 29'-8 I 22 :3)5 ,5 8[1 120 e UO 17U lf5el Il, 6 12 "3 0 ClZZ (I 11 t2' !i '2
297 35501 34(1 22 42 551 110 1151:1 Z 125 ~95 1'7,2 a 6 12 3 (l jM9 I 0,2 16.5 ,4 Z
j§~ 3SS(1 ,4>00 lO 55 ss WI '00 Ii! 1&,1) 230 ZiflS m e U.S' il II 097 046 27 66
]9'S ;51150 Mal '38 6~ 001 1t,(;) 21;15 ~L'5 2'25; 1!l!9D' 1265. Nt:!!: a 1I!i .:, [I. 17 01 &.l JiS 95
45'(1 3(1)[1 15'12 1;2 75 !ilO 1M) 1233 1 150 1310 ~SS" 111ii!' 8 15 " 036 1.'5 S,Z 13 ,
1 5Ui 2500 S!!4 65 9(1 11110 ~70 270 2 3'5 39[1 3'"60 M16 B 20 S 073 1 2 .. S 72 .2.2_._7
590 1 2240 ,662 M, 100 1[2D 2101 3'ij'j Z .315 390 3.60 M161 a 20 5, 1,3 J 4,5, 10'5 33 ,) Di, Ib~!ihed'l!Ien"l liaU!!If'cBen 618, 774. BoB? Witd "020 in den 1~lIyarUlfl IFAIl S,IIM filii' EI"SBuzw~cike a;yf IOII.1I1SCI'I rlal:h I, ~ ,de rbrllr.

2) HlfIssent'ragheHs!I1aM!!l'Vt.e J (ei nIlllli1 UeB 1 'i en ilI'l! r k r-alh • ilbl!nns'e;n;de.1"I ~ILmen!i'!loontJl! J l e) I.nd GelN·ql !:n'te I( OhM ol f(l U 1W'i!l1) tJje Ltcn fyi" mh: t.l,ore [lon,rU'lSoo.

11) Replllceifimt'!I 'fa r pre'!;' huJiS s i :lI!.S 161e,~ Tll", Ul and ~DZD of type fAa liFe tit; 11 avaHahle on r~Sit.

,,)1 IMass llOIIli!tnlt ~ of i rml"t; l! J (ll11c t Ud!i I\iiII tli e porH~l'Is due! 1Sa f;he poNe!" tlrl!'lt!>lI!Ih:ting Gil qUantity) ,11m rt;Ieig· ts (w itnout (I r l,) fire v.a H,!iII for cou~U I1gS lIIIn:h rrm~hinl si Z\~ Ixlns.

D,il!. axialc !Jeflesh!i~ (TeU dei>: I.h~'fl!rtn'llog'es,,) ~rfQi,gf ~'i t !lfll,tes.dhrll~. passnndH!r !.I!tlllene.r.Jden Mch lUll 748 mi'l: 2entrilllrba1;'l'iUrng M(;1il Dinl 332' lei I Z F,onn os (s'T~he' Sen h32). Abwe'1chLll'llg~"11 II Ind be"ii Be9teUlq ,a.I'I" ,zyge!lejl.

AxiB~ fi.dl'\g wi ttl l"etG'lnil1g! slO'~ew ('part' 0" deli"'llr:y). suitable for S:haH ends; to InN 14.fJ 'W'ilth i:l!pped ,eenteriM hO'!.<eS to, J) UI 33,2 sheet 2. 't'iIlrm DS (:S;~!! ',I'I4!ie 3:rn. D 'ifre i-. en-t rE!qUirl!ll1tWllts !1l!.lS,'~ lbe sj;~t~d Hhen ol'derf!n!) ..


FLUD.EX.-St,"omungskupp:I'unglen 13auart FAK ImU N ... EUPEX~KupPlun,g Ela,uar1 fAKB m(!t IN~IEUP'EX-Kupp,~ung und Blfiemlss,c'hei'be

,Oa:lIarl: IFA_1iC iI')!Ipe': fAR

i\l'ltrf~b I n:pLi1 t

Abttfeb OiH.put

I4LJUDEX flUfd Coup.lings.

T'yp,e' FAil< Wiil.h N-EUP'EX eoupUng T'ype FAKB wlih N·-EU.PEX cQ,upfingl and brake

IliIaui!fl,: FAKB 'rYJ'ilIl;F~,

Teil8/tei P.n'" Bl10

b-., ---;.J.I+----loi -..t jlIl:;J'i:deb OU~l"ut

Al"ltdeb ]~put

,D~ehllah lM ~.IJ' .~BiI!·. M',a,S.!M~lltr1!l31irf~nt~ ~ 'i.!M ~1oI~ic~t(! S,pellds ~."-dflll'e:l1stGn!l;. 1I~t'!ts of -ll'ih~i"tui J ar,d We1grtt:S

F llJ(}~1I: I O.!'tl<l'nl,a!1 L ' Soh rU!l9 I

rf,.Jr:/ Spc'ld Ba:rQ'

rAim '\mn~ ell! D'li 0;

von b h. Y{I(I Ibh

t,fem 'It 0 I rom 't.m

r ~p. t!l. rrm rill '1mJ I1'IlI nm

D.3 ,voo-~is:

f~jJlTIl to m m

'Br~clhoibr! lJiI"f.lko dl'U!!

d) I b 2)

22Z I


lB 14 I loB,



,I fLl.ll~X !ilas&el"ltf,lighei t-~nt G icln,t tJ\fiJh~
F,u,1 ~am~,!'I~, Qf il'!~rt:ra i,llIi~h~ On .qty.
I FAm J 1) " "F~ul:
Im'iI~ii1:tt'i l e, Auft$jnt ill! [lei llPan ret ILIP-ll'!'1:' FA" me:;;..
GrillS!! Inlll~~r'h, O(4tc! r ~ i't'l> .; tC'!i
$;i :zn ki,- " ,~ ., ~ ksm2 'k~.- . Ka kg ·t.
,Uj1j' Q,lm 0,,06 _ O,tDO!l~' -0,'0.11. 9.1. ~6 , ,.615
257 10.022 (11.11 1l'~OO! 0,041,. 14 I~~ z
2D ~
2W 0,(11;,.9 D .. 2 ~fflO~ Ui;o~ 19 ZS,.5 ~.~
;~i ,
34·2; OI.,~7 Of~'6 0,007 ,o,'n 31 '6 '6,6
I ,,'5; "§. 1) 1"''EI:Stl;e:rltNi~hcH~l'l'te J (1!"~!'I6ch~ h::Bl~c;h I.'r ~!"l!Ift· , ~rt."II!li~r&n tHtIIC'ngglWfiteHeJ unci Il:ieloiileltt~ ('chi'll!! tH ,,(,Ill b.trf~ gel'ten f:Ot 11111 U I~,el",e lid; Wflge;tI ~

:E') U:r1f.;Ji'li!st!ei!ilo,b,ioI1!ndll.g:k:eH d.:ill' 1l~5e'lreU"l' b9iOtll'i'tler'i 'hi ~ '2l6' m/s \Ii 2'oI,ei ebeneN;!.!Iswd1't:..... "Ii ~. '£I' m}s, ",' !I~ .. k· s-toff IGI3G)1

Dte lIil(;l.~te Bli'htsU.lll!!!l1!i1 U U 'l(Ofoea l!.idl!l'U!ifIlI1Se.9.] er,'"i,ul mi.t ~Eltt~ch~ •.• p;ai!l$c~l'!!d! fQr 1.\e~.ll~ne~rll nael'l' ,onl '"8 mi·t :Z'e<n\:rf"e.rbahl'Wltg nach 1l1il1lI l:U i~n, .2 f,arn OS ;t" i ebe Sl!i't(!, 32). AWe·; !1)h~eI'1> .si nd be r J,BQi!l'Ut~ Ilmg ,iI1I' :ul!lcben.


1) 1-ta-S1i I'n«r~rlt.s o~ jJllIeTtta J (includfilEi in . po.rtii:!1'1iS diu . to', ~he rXlI'!:er tr~!iIDHti,1'I9l on ''<IUIlntr.~II') !l1'"!d ~~'lIh~~ ·(wll·thout ,tlli l" are ~iill td ~fol" coupl f!l!lls. w~th in.ediUln

si:l:i!.d I:ioml'n; . .

l) Oll!~el"'li'epe.l"lphei'IIL $peed Clef bf\a~e drUi C:dYnami& bw\Mei' n!il 1 $. i'!I~es'iI ~V~ ;.ii'L'eri V > 26 mlli'fec.. ~Ylll r C!~t INm i!l<!tel"'i I f"o'l"'1)o 41l m/e!!!e.)

Al!iial f'Ldi'ig wi,h ",et8~,I'I;ngj S·treWs. (pal'~ ,ot mil ive·i:'V), ~~fhl!)l II for sJl;,."ft; 1:00 t() 10 l iii 1~:8 w+rh'~OEI ~ ,t:I:r.lhl'! rm hl:ll·r:s tIQ ID~ iii 33,a&l!Ieet ,2. mm I)S ' (!J;ell pilge :£!'), Diftfell' • e,l[ r~t I'~h!r!i IILIS~ be, s'tiilt'?d wtUll'! ~:wde;rl!itO'.

!FL!UDEX-Slfomu Ii1gs,kuppl:un,gel'lll Bauart F,AD' mit B;auad FAC'O, mit 'N~EUPIEX-Kupp'l'ung und Bremsscheibe!

FLUDEX Fll'uid ICJollplin,gls

Type fAD' with N~EUPEX ,coup'l'ing Bauan FAC'IB, with N-E'UPEX GCUllpUng and br,ake drum

B3'lIIa.;t; F'AD' Type: FAD

hil 6, Part 6J

AbUi~D OutpU'1;

Balila:n: FADS TypQ~ FAOO

Te'i I 3/113 Pllrt 3113

Tel L ,6 P.Brt 6


J-...--lJ---..l"'-14 -- ..

Antritlb 5 A!tl'j:,r\ (ib

Input Output

'I) reh ~ ah l en '\n~~' ~.a~ ~. Ma ~gerll't raghe i ~'&manllnite ,J UI1d ~e'w ~ "In I!
S~51 ~'ma!l';" . l~n:!i·.Ons. l!IOil1o:rl'ts of In~rnll J, aJ'Id loJe'n !;!:on
FLUOE1Il Dlrl!l'Iu.M ilolm..!ll!l! D r'er:ns·~ c h ei be
FADI Sp~ Bore IIraKe' dtL.ll1
FIIDH, "mat)!. dE) 1;)1 1:12 ElJ t, II Il2 l] l4 ls is d~ d!2 til} II b, p
1) vtil"l b is- van .bi s von 'bis 1fiIIX, ~)
GroBe' 1/mfn f,rorn '1'.0 hom, to, 1I'rQrn 'tel I
Sf.m r.p.llI. !lIlI m I 11m mml nm Iml IiiIl 11m! ImI 1!Im m mill IlfII IlIlI IID1 iim I IriIl IOOl
3~ 1150 ' ... 8 38 65 24 as 24 !m 80 1140 90 2M,'S, 151 11118 3 ... 0 Z2~ 1,3-8 :§15 I HI:I- 61
!'ISO 3000 ,';2 ,",i! 15 2!!, 9:5 2ft BIl 90 '4O lOU 2'l2 157' lUI 3 •. ,8 - 250 ~5S 315 '18 69
!it6 2500 564 6'5 9'0 ~8 am I 45 11:10 11[1 Wl 125 2166 193 150 3, ••• 8 ns '16) 4001 1'51(1 III
'Ull) 1,20 I 21:nO
" 60 100 16S
590 Z:l!41l 662 ,65 100 '5C1 110 1'2:0 ii!1il '12lS 3;0:5 23.i? 19(1 J, .• S :ns 'liOO 1?1l 71)
100' t2111 200 r
FILILIIlEX H~sSoent r,agnQ ~ tsrnD!l1~J1t Ge~]cht i:U, flU Huns
FIID./ Mcment of iMl'ti~ Weight oil qty_
FADII J 2) 2)
~) ~ men'rell ,!!; AUII(iMei Le 'If iW~art re,i Il/Pan fAD "ADS, ~Ii!1I.
(irMa [Me~r-'ts Outer ~arf6' ~/~ l/~ I
She " Icgm 11<:g1i kg kg kg, l
3'95 [) n Q,,83 I[),I!)!! 0,),1 51 67 '9,5
~5JII 0,'36 ',,5 1(1 \3 0.41 72 11.)5 13_.,-4
'516 D,,73 1,5 10,3'3 I '.23 1\T4 t3Q i!Z.7
1(1 ~1' 106
590 '1,'1 ~r5; D,n 3,rn Ul6 19$ 33
0,31 138 1) t:li e bilsher igen 1I~!ilr!ii'ien j§,78. n4. 817 lind ~ DZQ ~ nll den 1II1IlJ.Eirt~n F.AO YftJI FAD!! 'siM fll'r Ers:!Jtnwllci!:.c lIulf wunscn noeh Lf&f~rbllr.

211 M~s.s.emri.Q'hefts!l'iQll!ente J {oh'llschl'i ill id! dell" krllft(l'brtrllgenalm in~l'Igen; ntei te) ID:I GeiOl!fente' Ulhoe oLfilllh.!fllll) geLtM nIl' mitd. ,re Elalmngm.

3)1 lhfll1l9Sljeliel1Lhwhldfgl(,l!] ~ £mr' IBlrernsscheibe beil~htell ,(v ~ U, ,ffl/o;; ~ ,Zwe i eI:!ieOelll!iusJlo!UCh'hlrnll.. v :. '0 !!IIi's .. \.ie r • :lOt eff 61,,6)

IHeax i a'l e Be'ff:'st n :gwrng ('T flU des l:1 'efJ~t!.lft1lfIlIl!leB) en-'10 L'9! Illi t Hill te:'S'Cihr,8uM. paSIUlM nil!' Ite l L e:f'IIe:~en ni!lch IU~ 7,4a lIIi t Lnl'lltril!flbo'hrlq na;.A onl 332 rei L a FarlJI es ($i,Q\he Sel tel2). ~eil:hU'lgen s~nd bl!i lill:'GUllmg l!1'iiUQ,e'bei91.

1) IRepli!G;:ement'G fc'r pr&ICU!i '!I.i ns 67'S. 714, ssr (Ina 11020 Oof t)!pes IFAEl ,rid rADii, !Ire sti t ~ a,vB'! table' an request.

2') Mass moments of 1neftiili .JJ (iMludinS!' th, porHcms diue to the pOlojet l"IFaP$mUUngl oil qual'ltity) arnd weI1!l' ts (wiithout aU] IfF'e' \lal id hI" ~QllIpL 'ingg wi 'til, !QediUlll sized bore's,.

3,j Ilbservo pedpille;ra'l BpeMi Df bralc'e dl'U"Jl <dyna h: bahill1!ll ing: j So necessary. !.rI1eR v .> 2' m/&ec., nodular Cils't i roo mater 'i III "for II > 40 rnfsec.)

A~ ~ III 1i]ll. i rlg 1011 ~11r rct:lI ~ni I'ftgJ sc:t'i!~ fl')£Irt of d~ l ~ ~el')i'). slUl~'tllble 'fors'hll'f~ eJllCis to IH~I l~B, !o!'ittl uPFd ~cn;u!ring hetes to DI~ 3~2 sh~tlt 2.fonn, [IS (se.t:!J Pall!!! 12). DUhr' el'1lt req,yi N!mMTS mJ~ t be IIt~lt,ed When Or11!er i no.

FLUDEX~St(QlmUf1gsll!u..lpp,lungen Ba11i,l,art PAR mitt BLAUIR:I ... Sche~,be Bauart F,AHF mit Hulsennalll1sch

fL.;UDDC' fluid Coulp,IUIiISlS

T'ype FAR w1th SLAURI V-bert pu1le'y TJipe FAHF wHh adap,tdr

EI:il;i!o1r1i: FAR 'I''lIP~; fAR

1'00 ,6 Psrt !6

Oreh~i1hlen "m~jIi" urcld ~ an,!! , Speeds IrDmal( and cH l1iei1$i!lr!$
Fl.:tJrm:! 'OlreJ;i:~~ l I Elohr~ Elli\UJ! I ~ .. <;11, ~o l&C:;r1'H.IlnS;ch I
F'AA I S"~ed Bi!lr:e scheibe r~~ M~pt",r ,3~)
F"ltf "mlilii:. ds t! PI.!U~ ~ 'I; Piil6f~e'.t II ['1 l3 i31f 112 1:12 ,
'Vef'! 1:115 in, 3) J; rn r4:!~"'Y mtm. I
(j'roie lrmifl flFCIIl t:o ,~ Pl'iofq .... , ~I b x h "Jfl4 1m'!
She r.~,m. I!ll1I rrm 1J!ih' 1m! S~,Il:~. I';:~ IlI11 rrnI 00 ifill IIIf1I 1m! l1l1I1 I1Il!
263 , 2 i
,222' :15:s'0 19 2i8 100 &PZ: 2 90 ,Z,ISi 611: 6. 22 0. 6(1 1:53 :3 211 111
1 I~~ 1 iii
,251 35:5Q 298 22 42 1:25 'SPl t;: ~1~ ], IJx 71t -4» lUI l'tl~ Z :, '~~ ,
~i ~ BIl 3 Y7;rSS '.., - 1110 2~,1J ~ lw or. TI
,2.91 1650 340 22 140 S~ -ill
l.~ I tbj ,,,, TO IJ! ~ 252 s ali! 11
- 1 J 515, s 1Il~ 8x--g iii"" , 'HI j!'78 ; 5 5~ '1~
3liZ :lJ515;fD ~0i0 30 100 SPA 1611 :3
6ll -;:: lOll a.~ 9~ & s :l-4t1 lUlll "11 '1'1'
~'1'5,ij 44fl, 381 S5 2i!~ :riPE! 5"1 Z~ 3.5 1~5Z1' 14'0 ig 5 ~.-? 5 '1IT.n re
3615 1'-5 I 1 - ~h (ii' " :" '13P ",1fI ,;
250': '~!Q I ~ .pi 11:; I 14,(1 ',11;1 if.- '~i! ll!iI',5
c(lGDI l'!J!m 5,12 ~,2 151 SPEI ~ 4 1611 "Iil,';o 5
$J'! 11:)1 tfo~~O'~~'a~ ... :~ \70 ~4,9 5: 19;i'j 11 .. 5
I 51& I 24!l(l 5~(; 6S 1:1:~ :Wil !iPS> UJ' :3QO 4 1ai'l'lx'1fU5 ~ IU' HQ li9~ a HI '~6 ~O.:f
1 112 Hl;~1'x1r35 ]3:1 210' I 5£7 6 rn lB.~
'SW ZI!I,!ll 662 6,5 1.100 315, Sli'C 12 2aO .41) I 20,;,U,.,11i;S, ~ w 2HI ~2 :li HI ".:ns ~i!:
1 ~) Z!.!i~rdI1!", ,t~ II LAUR~ • ~he illi!ei'll, 5 i 00 fur e ru: DI~h:mM von ""CD 1"lIIin "!iI. 3001] 1m1n IIIIJ!lW!l~!lt ~.efle' _UC'o

Sehe ',,!,, -

3] !.Mtrflll'\is!l~~~hldi'iiJ~e'~ t 'iiklr IIU,A!.I!U '~cl1eH~e liiZ:lii. 'ces H E)l s-ent t'l~C:",e!l tko.sdttt!n (\I' 'lI< ,R16 InV:lli .. '2W!lfl!!l;Jt'ii'lil!ill' ;liIiIswui:ht!JlIiIJ

2), AJJ~h!ud BLoIlilJRI p..Ue:y£ '[01" ,5peed$ 1;1'- 151m r..p.m. aM lOCO r-, p.m.. I"'e@.. s~ ,pit!!!! ';J.

3;) Q~!lI"Ve' Pf!f ~~eil"'l!llt sp!!N of BLA!Uil1 IPid l e'Y;i or

~daplC~" nm~ 'v :. ,26, Q){,~-ee •• , d1I er nlly,e t1:I ~ dvrnsl'fl Ic,!I ~ l y IbiI! lonoofld) ,

IH'e IIl!:i ril e IBe.ifel'l~ i ~ C leU des Lb'f~.l'Iii!:llfanilfe.!I~' itl'r. fio ~gt:, mi.t, ~,al, :tes-eh rti:d~l' ,pa'll~~1 fiJi' Wet ~ene-~eJ'1l' nil'ich I!uwr Ne 1111; Z.eoU'-~e'fI'l:IdlnlJl:ig I1i!tch Dr '332' :1[eH ~ Form [IS (~t~.e Set e 3:21. Abireichul'ljlt!n s i"g bI!'~ B~teH;'¥i9Iim· zlJ;fl)ben.

AJoIhL, HifinQ1 llIrth r~tD~ill\'Ii~1'lQ1 SlC,i"eWS ('p!lrt. ~,f ~l,her'l!"). ~I.I i hliH ~ f!lr ~f[ erds '«I I:U PI 748 !'I'Hht DISilPedl ct!rrt't!r f~~ hO'!el, iO' lomM 3li :shee't 2. fCf\m illS; ("Sl!e p!i',;i! ]21. p~ffer' en!: rlmq):i~r.n'~1i!I, ifi.IS'f be, Ist8te~ wI!~IJI'.ii'ing.

IFLUDEX-S,lirolmungslkupp,lun,gen B,iluarl F'AR: mit BLAUIFl~~S,c:heibe 8,auarl FAH'F miit Hillsenflansch FOlliselzull!1g

FLUDEX Huld 'C:o,uplilngs

T-ype IFAIR wtth :BLAUR~I V~bel'l: ,FH.llUey Type' FAHF with adaptor


I IMill!e, Hiissent.~··9tU!i t&~nte ,J !JlI'1ld GllwicMe I lUi illel'lS i cos. IlIOmen'h: of ; l'Iertia ..! lind eights
FLILiIDElIi A:i,lhm' Boof1Jng Hilsllel'lt'r:a:gh e i t S!fl1Qflil!nt J ~ ) "~i~.hlt ,til·
fMl IIn'Zl!h l Bore HOOIenit of inartia J 1 ) ~.[!i,ght 'HllhJn91
fAllf ID l1 FA~ f.iIIH,f' fAR I FAHf 'Oil
LWeI" b'is, 1IrJU;~e.nteHe AuSenteHe' Il'iIrilen[ei Le 'ull.e<nteile- n qty.
GMlle Wo~ t'lf above to 1F!i'iie~Fts Out'll'r ~lIlrl:S 1i1lle~rt5' 'O!Jiter ~lIrts ma,x.
S,i'feJ gii'ooves !lI'11 Irmi nm k . ~,8fIi It . k9ili ~!J kSlI ~
I 19 I 4D I
U2 2 19 24 '5C1 (11,0113 11.065 (11,,013 0,1)65 10.5 10 1,65
24· 28 00
257 ft 22 ~EI 70 ~U]!Z! Of3 il.O'13, 0 13 1'ii' '16 5 2
,;!!<o :,u
:5 24 28 60 11.1"9 0,,23 D,.I:)4,I;I' 0.2~ 2'l 22
28 38 80
291' 38 42 110 4,,2
I !i!4 , ~(I
1 24 28 60 0,05 I)I.ta4 (1,05 0.23 25 Z3.5
i 28 loR lUI
S 3D, 80 iii. (198 f),55 0.(198 0,51 ',3 J'B
342 38 55 ~ 10 ,6.,6
3;B 00 I
'7 0" , 1tn,!i7 0,1 01,'52 ,46 40
38 611 no I
~ lID
.9 III '55 1101 e, 17' 1 10,17 0.97 56 53
39\S I '5~ 65 '140 9,'5
3131 80
7 J8 55 'lUI n.ra 11,,11 10,1,9 0,99 69 59'
5'5 75 U.D
8 55 11110 O .• l:t' 1.~ 0,37 '1,7 S6 SO
,450 55 1'5 1,40 13,,4
.55 I , 1'1)
11) 55 168 140 1J1.1a 1,9 Q:':UI ',S, '96 86
fig SCI ml
10 751 lolitO !l.74 3,5 O;T4 3," 135 '130
516 7'5 '90 110 22,7
75, 140
12 75 95, 1701 0,76 3.6 c.n 3,,~ ~41l1 1135
9~ 11110 2101 I
1'9, 140 J 1205
'5'901 112 ji'5 9'5 111l 1,4 6,3 1,4 5,6 1&1) 33
9S 10a 21(1 n N!lss(l"~r;ll~heU'9nwm:ent,[l J' (ejnsc!ML ieBl h;h der' k.I"'Dh:· . tlbe.r't rBgenden tH~ng efl!a:nl'te i l e) lundl (;;'(:11;11 cl'i t,~ (,o:lti'le tHUIl lUfilg) !leU:~!'I 'Lr mn ttlere BQhrungen.

M,a A, l '1 IIJ:!l:~cf\dne t Z.U'r I.IILAU'.R.I· s~he'i be un;j zurn BGh I'iUflIf.1&' Ourl:l1messeF e.

E:ilaU<lrI FAD fypefAD

,) "EiSS it!amet1'ts, of irmrtiil!l ,J {llf'll:ludi09' thlll portions ~ ee tne po-wlr!r UOll1smhtin!i!1 et t ~UIlnll: i ty, ~nd wei Qnts ('1.11 thllUit oi D iU,tl valid f,ol'" l:oupUn9s 1.11t~ me-tUum Iii zed b!lres.

D hllons] 0fI1 ~ 1 I"e re'r'rli'd 'till I8Li!.UlfU flY l, lillY' andl Im:ro' Ill; a'-

mo'~er e.

ijaJu~r1I FAK lypi.i! FAt<.

FLU'DEX-Stro'mungs;k,u'pplu,og,sn S:auad FaD :1'1111, N-EUIPEX-Kup,p,llUng Bauart FVD mit Vorkam,mer UII1d! f4'~EUP'~~Kupplung

.. M01'!'f!lgil' ~!.Inl !!ira'll tl(!1 L ,QUi51 'iorrrrt

RUDE)( Flu~d CQuplings

Type,. FGiD wHh, N ... EUPiEX CCJ1.1lpUng Type PVC witil delliY cbam:ber ,Sind N-EltPiEX coupJing

I " ;~;S'Qlr 1!M,lot)' fl'OOI stock:1!d pBr~!I

BlUiUl"t: FGD 1\IJie: FGD

Sd)i'!le l oZ:6 i c:htl'r1JriilOlilChr,1101leIOA mht..iliB f~!>ible s.IRf~ ,ye pl ugi/O I I ,dnin plL.U,g

BilU1i!1. FVD 1\'J)e: FVlJ

SoIl:l1il!le l~lh:l1,eNlIi!lslc~ !,"I!~itllllblilt Fus ib~e-·.sIifClty, flh;!Q/oH dl",OIir'! p,tU!!

HeIH~!!lle' 6

Abtri'eb JlQl\QWI &liIaft 6 Al"ltri'~D

MPlJ't I nFiUt

!lOh Life l loll J6 Al1td ~-b IoID.uQ~haf oS ,00000tPit

",~, D r~Il~lIh l, BiiIh M.I1"II

S\ze $p~~ Ba~~


B:tiI rY11I!iI 1I0,.~

-:Gl! . t·

Welgliit filUWIi

~] Qi[

1~'eW 1,~!It L •

1I.~j,:g:t1t 'N l bmg





1!I'.!l<,s.~r'n'tr}j!!hil!'it.~~ J t~inll<eJll ~ :lit i,~!h i'lier kraftI'lbI!l'tntge~ O\mBlg.~flimte .le')u~ G~h:,"M'e MII"M Oit!il~ 't~I!!~' gel,tOli filr l11'ltrle~e Il'!l!ill'\~!iiel'l

2) 1E ... flilf'dert idler eJiii~ I!r frei'raiJJI fGr W'e'ense-l Ha sH kCLI!J[II!fitJe

.5, r-l1lJi.illlate Wflll~i$(i~fUittgefijil" r,ndrele IMomoEl<9~ !,!,} Q'lliJiiCb~!j:beh!s'tUig mii t II1II';': hl1il~er iJUUllung

Ilq'e 1I!!;i!h~: Bd~~~I!flrllii"lg n,U ·del!: lhYf,e"'I.iJII~~~U rlr-"Jol~" mH i:lsI teschI'll LIba, PDn~ndJ f r Ii.eUtf!ileI1deo mwn OIr<l 11i8 mi';Z01'Itrh!rboolitNilfi Meh IlI:H 332' i!(\!i l 2 hfriIJ IDS (s.iel1e S!!I'U! 32',. Aj)we'icttJ.!r1Igt'!n 5 ii'KI ,bell lIe:smI tWill 1'1-

20 !1.IIgetlerl.

'n l':u5 iOO~t'.a Imf i~n [II J 'if1U~h'lg - h,e i~t;Q~ du tID tlil!! ~el" \"I"(I~,It: !1:1j 01 I ~L,liih/t;.t¥) .Ml!tli w~1Fl'nt~ bHtfilt:iut tlU) lIrl!! \lii~ td for' 'll'9i.1~k ~ngll 'II til ~iUII dll,1!d ~res

2)' Spa.: r~~fed ·kr ~.n1:tHIJIi!I 1'l'l!'lIfc!;lhil' 'e~oe1IK!lI'l't:ll

3) K!'lt;ll, Jt1Yr'fil!i11 ,t,Mgth i1:Jr r,.r.hlll a5'r;,~'v

.4) Ilt!i~'ht load lit Ita)!;. !)I'll fll U~

j:lx~e'l nJ!.rll'l!J IoIU;"_ra~&ll'!itI'il9 S(l.i"~_ (,~,:,t '01' .doCiV-~~l sl,!l'r:l!ble for Ghaf ends to In~ 7~, "I~h la~d cel'1lt(lt:'uIQ l'IDohllllto D'I~ 3lS:2 !Jli!!!,t 2', 'fdlf\ll 115 ~"S" page 32). IHfferel'lil" re(tliil'lr:ments a1U~t be 9btW Ntlen·'DFdM'ing.

FL!UDEX~S'lr,Dmll.lngskupp'lungell1 B:auart FGM milt N-EUP'EX ... ,~upp,llung Bauart FVM mU Vo~kamm,er lund

N ... EUP EX-l(uIP'P lungl

II ; M!l:I''I't'(lge ZO'll Iiro!~N! i l !IUS'or rat

Elauarl: FGM l\lilHl:: FG:M

Ant.r1leb [I'lput

Abui~ 'OUl:PU~

FI.UlDEX F[u i d Co LI p!'i n g's

Type, FG,M with N~EIIU'PEX ocn.lpUng type FYM with del,ay ,chamber and, N~EUIPEX coulPUn:gl

II- !l3serrhly mBhllv frOlll, stocked parts

Bai!W1! FVM rype~ FV,M

Antr,fcb Ill'!Iput

!ictnmo~, ~ Si~ ch~ run9lsscnntDlin lib l liB

Fus i'bh: j:lh~!l/Ii:JH drslfl Il1Ilyg

H'dMWl:iU '6 A:bt deb Hot htill shaH 6; OLltPIl,III:

IBo'l'll'UIni IBare

ll~ 02

mall. IIQIl I b'l~ !rom ~Q l1li1, I !!till m

i "

i& I 19' P'

14'1 ' :.. !7 ~9 :Z:i

, I ll( I. '!.2~ "1!5 :~m

;0, 221611 1/2

I iI'1O I ,2411 s; .. 11 51:1'3 ''5!5'lf ,f~6 400

7Z ,l711G11 1.12

'(leW" eM: !;Ieight 1)

M'e;~S/Clnt,ll .. iigh,e i' t smoment "~nt of lill'lert:ia,.J ~) T'e~l hmen,tl!i ILt!: AiJen1i:11:ti h~ IPar't' Ill'me,r IlBru Outer IQarts '~

ITIII iii kjlif lk,grnl kgJr k'ili

Die ,axiale 8e.festl!;1iUlI'll!] (TeH dl!s l'ia-f I'U!Dhl'llge5l)' e"" fo t.lg'l mH H,lIl te3ehtlllJ'be~ pB'IHl,l!ndl '~. r loIe'l h'tl'lenaePCI nach I)Ujl 7,'B '!IIi it lem,rierll»hrUfl'll mUtn OUI 332 rer l '2 IFoJ:lII !:IS (lSin ,e:he !Ie i ~,!! n) ,. A.bioie ~ chU'tElell I> t I'!d b~'i ~~.s'te l h.lll!!l anii:iIJ9e'ben.


fQUun aH C!,tV· max.


'!:ieio!'1cn't W'e'illhl: 1)


flit hirlg Oil. q.ty. lIB":.


1)1 Mlli~; ~lnits of i'm~rt'ia, J (~n"Lcludiflgl the pocrt1cru\ du to tnl!' ~f'tNli'lSmii;t1'lI'Ig oil qunntit'l")' Imild we~g",rs ('w i t nOlUlt -oiL) ~ roe v!ll ;, !ilfor' ctli.!pl i i1!IS .wi ttl 'lIIed:llJ1!J1 5'1~~ Mr~s

2) !;Ie; gilt' lORd .rt max. oH f'i U in!;!

~illl 'fiixil'lgl ,~1th rt!Ui'J!'I'~1'I91 scl'eW$ (part of de'livefY)', s1J;tllble 'for- ~'iln ~s to IW!I 14,8 wU:h tawed l!:eJ'lIter'li\!!l 11 c l es to In I~ 332 :slhee't 2. felM 'DS (g,ee ,pllg!! 32'. Il' ~ Ue'rel'llt r'~ r re(i)enu ITIILIS't be a't!i!'tedl !oihtlrl order i 'I"I!iI.


FLUO:eX-Slr:o'mung:skuppl'un:ge,n Bauarl F,GC' i:Lnlill ,An'~llaiIiJsc!ll1en B1HoIari FVO milt VQrkamm,er aum Anffans,chen

FLUbE){ Fluid Cauplling,s

Type fel 0 'fo, 'ria ngle 'mou',lI1fi n:g; Type FVIO with defay ch,amber far flange mountid,A

11-, IISll~~Y rnanl1ily '!From 'S.\tllflted F'Dl'ts

!i~hfll;l:ll2,1!'~ c:hj!!,rUf!f!)S.s~hr&W0J'~ ~~tJ,ll!ll! IBalJart: 1F\1'0

'F\;Isibl s,atetJ( phJ!i,!JMl dr,altn ",lll.!! Tvpe: FVO

Sdhrmtu·~ ~he 1'U'l!ffl'$~hrlllJbll\i'(lJ~,IIIQhl!, l'u!olbh~ at ''''_;y pbl9fil~ l ' Il'lIln plulil


il.bti'! elb Antr ieb'

o~tpyt I~t

Abtrieb CuUJM.It

I Drel!!',I!llilrefl '~ und Na8e I Spa~r:!, ~I! and dl~SI~~
IliIr15l.!e 1~l'eh:i!1lh l rgcJl1runt jcI'iS(;Ji l UDn,lal!e
Si~e. SpHd 1!:!1'l1! '. fi til.llil!;k~lf~r~
Irmall (;l~ Itt, l, Il,1 L'3 -~. l6 'd~ z k: MI At,1U1l1il '!: di2' ~, (j
~I!'I bis, ~:IIi .• 0,11. ' l\Io.'C1,"f I D~"
1/111';11'11 from .t)Q 2;!a(,
r.f.I.m. iiJ!I II1II 1!f!"I1 [ftnl 11111 m ~ ~ nrn ifill 11m IIIfI ~ I1IB iI"tIl
~ "11S ~
3.11l _ _lfitJ! 1,2 1'i I SiD 1$5 las 8"4 I 2:20 .~ I "'10 3 12 5 us. Ir~
4i!.5 1;,1liI :liB BII :90 ll?iO 2(!1_5 IZS.1 Q' 2'74 3: 1!Ii'll2 B " m,_
4W' S5S ..3L 1101) 'HI) \'f'1'Q 236- '2.91 11'5 l,U '4 li,n, II 2Q "is I in
_:iJ~~ ,63[1 'Ji8 1'111l 1l!L U(J 25.4 333 I '12:1 3'," I; 1M:1il'!l e, tt( "F1'il: 1[>11 112
,iSS!) ~61'~ ,-0 , '11fl' ~uj ~O1 ;fM us, ~3f11 S Kill II 2:5, nro G11 ;112-
7!lS ~1!)lljlll 1'~ ,(l 17D l41[1 l~6 4AO ~TI6 ~a!)' 5. ill H2,Q1 'to H ,2:Mi, ~w G~I , '2
,M:7 9"16S 11! 0 'In' 2.1£1 3",6 li\9! ~U9 S~1l s 480 MID 10 2S 124' SOO 11'1 l~_
111'20 'f25:0 112:5 m, 1511, '1811 r :'lOll "'50 ~1i5 2:;0 II 6fli ~ 568 1'1211 I '10 31lr zl7 'to Ii' 112 M.~s!iW'l~t'1i9hll; t~~nte J lim IGQiiI'icht~ l M'DiOOnt., lof i,!'il ',rt;1Q J ~ weir.lhlt~
IB:iWart I l~ (iGGI Bw.n " T\1DI!' F'IIOI
G"lrl:jP1i11 iM~:Qg.e<ntW'j~he~'t,Bm(itII)i!n!l: '~)jril'l:il't iljLr "D,~&ali'lt.rlliffii t'!i~i; ~Cht iH-
Sbe M 'M't of in~"- h! WIl~glll'l iILiH'IoIIm! ~Flt of in r:til'l i"Il!igh't fij I. ltli'lgl
J 1) 1J eB J U 1 ~, ·DiIL
Lf1Inen -.lll II I AWl-MleiLe q'ty. hY~nton~ AUB'e'nt~i le qt,y ..
Im~~nr'rt& 'OiJIt:er rl'1:$ m!l!X. [lriIlelf' ,'!I'"t"S' IOllJjter rrt:s m~.
Ii.D-' ~g , k;- ~l1J t..l l
110 iO nil" 11 ~ , l_lIc '1.2' 'lil' 11' 0.612' ~ !l
~-25 (I lO6· 01 •. ' 43 11 I 10 306 1['.1'83: U 12
4n1 1!l .• 6IJti ,,-2 )1 '1'jl' :IJM~ I Z;:2l1. lli2f 'UL'ii
565' 1 ~1 "3 t , 25 5 1r.l!i' -~86, w as.
655 l 14 I ,e n , $' ~O Z 7" \11.65 'f~ 4~
bi !i:4:i! I 'liS -2 III 61 §dii? 1$,.7 215 61
9'.88 248, :aT!! 98, " 9~aa J6 2. U17
n.s I 4li;il- 3.57- 1;$,2 1'1 .• 5, ""'.-4 1I.!5 16l;i, I n l'l!lsst'nltrlg_nl!'\i.'UllOOIOOntce J (.,m:e" U~lIlli#b d(:r liir'&ftm; - rtrlfgendeJ!l ~ l1!!ll!l'1:!iIilil'l![l'ltie Be) i.!i'II!lI' Gewi cb t'ft(<Ci1m ti ~ 1(1ll11:i_"!!I)1 ~.l t ~ f r llI·i r't: l are aah P'WfI!!Iert

!)""I,e 8l1!iaLee laetesH!lI~m U~1 ~ (!gl I.. tefe",WifimaeU -·erfo.ll9t mit Hattefllch1rruJb. PI*!'end Ulr WeUen~-fi Ii'i1 ~fl [lHI 1,f"O Imh Z~t:r-~e.rbohrun!il If'liI'''~ I:uN ~2 Te'i l :2 FcClrm' OS (~ileih!l Sllhe ..!l). :A,*~i~hl;ii'l!JeM1 !lind &'I\! I BeStel hms an· 'll11!l~!iin.


U Ml!!'~~ 1!!!:li1i(;fi'lit'S of iMrU _ J (ll'lltl'h:dingl ttl pgrUoml- Idl:lc . CI thti 'JPOW-~ t:rlim!!!liitt:tl'iS oB ~-Hy} iU1Id w ,iah't'!1, (wvt~CIU~ . 'I;ln~ Il)~ 'val hI for IlmrpUn~ iWi"th ~Qm] S! ed bores

IblfaL nxh'lg WUtll r-etll'irrin9 !lor (!)an ef delivel'Y), liul~,!lhh hr- &j'larH'~ ~Q DI,N] j!'~a IOIjth u~JlI (;f!l)Mid~ hd~~s ,I iiiI I.H II 3312 ~h.ect_ 2, fo!"il'! DS (see p!I!i!e3:n. Ib; tftJ!"en~ "e€1)Ji i'eOOet!ls 11JiJ:5t bestllU .. !lI j;ffl n 'Ilil"mi! ~1 ng.


Bauan FGDB~FV:DB wiith N-EUPEX-KuppIUlng lund Bremss,che1be

'Fl,;UDEX: FI'uid C'o'1I.Ipl!ings

Type fiG DBJFVD B with I\I:~EUPEX cClLUpllln,g and br'a'~e drum

IB'II.llIft: FGiDIJ iry1P!I'; FilCD,

""hme ~ lEi q l:henl1li1ss'r:lillrmJ~ltll (lbtaB IFIJS i MIl:! Gde'ty pllUlJ/OIi [ d .. a n n phJ~

B"!iHl!r!I~ FVDfI: liYJ;uu IROS,

D r,~ln·ill1l en "mall um M!illi! I spe~ "m6~ ,!:!f'KiI 1ii1:~mi!n!i t (!OJ
I (il',Dllie !) rCilh !Mll!, 1!l.G'" M.nEI il\usf{lhf;!JIng II Ii retl1S<scne;i De, "Yii fitinl"ufIO f ~r1I~iIlhlu~f lDM(;1i
S'I Z)e SPHd l!'Ior" Ms~lV N 1ir-,1I1i:.e drll.l1l Alii)efi'b[<Y F dal fll·E1l'!gl!
i1ma!l!l. ~aJ 0, "I: b , ~ III x EI t2, liS, !iJ tI Ie kArl" ~ I d;;: l3 l4
\Ian bis 3,) !il). - :n j I zlInll
1/11l,rl'il I ff\OiI, to t.ic'.
r.p'.ml. im1 l1l1I ml mn IttJi om m IIIIii mm I I1E1 1"!!'11 ' 1m! m lmil ~ m I IQ11I on I 1m! l1l1I 1l1l1I III1l
, 27 I ~~~ ~~~ In~1 I
370 1<55.0 {j2,LlI 35 55 1401 17" I 31 iB 12:2 ao t!} 2301 3 1255, a Mlt2 ZIIQ 298 341
-~ I
425 lODD ti.7iD 40 i!6 1401 17 ~t :n I -:~-~ nil! Hi2 U~ 20 '15 230 .3 I2SS
I 'I ~I hiol fI JIi'12 ll!!lD 348-i Mil
4:90 26111l ~SiS 50 Sill '1101 1-1rr 3g Il2 22 ,~~~ ~~~: HZ ~~. 20 15 3'HI :5 335, 1Z ' N"l2 ~6(1'1 ~97 462
'1 ~I'l
565, 231m, 6:3(1 55 90 ~10 ~~ 3~: 36 22 I t~ 'I r :g '112 rorr ,241 18 :5'10 I ! :usl til 1..,,2 3611 no 513 I
655 21:1001 1136 60 11:)01 2~IO '~ , 3~ 24 ~¥ : l !~ 1215 I~ ~. HI 390 5 425 I 12 M'6 460 '515 6'03
15'51 "D~{I ,94ll 15· 1:2(11 ~{) g ~l 4S 28 63 '~~~ 245 ~~§1 :!ill :22 .5;15 .5 550 '12 MMj, 585 5'M m
7101 235 ._ I l!usfdlhl'UIlg: ,F :Assenbly; F

Tei l 2 Parr 2


Iill'1itr;,I!!~ Input

Jlius fillif'!!JIl'gI! IN AS'Gon:Jbtl y; N



GrBBe 8rems'selle i be I NlIsillent ... lighe i tSlIlOO1el'lf 1--r..""",,_~:lE!;F~~:r-:T~r'""":'l'l'T.!'!T"""""""""'iiC=r-~~~..I..!I~P!I:L"""'""'ln"Tftir""'''''' Size' lI·r,!ikle dll'Yll' "~fit ,t;lf ineH i ~ J H

D .II B 1l1l'1eni,ei Le/hnel" Pi!I!"'t

,AlJiSf. f Au f. II

IIssenlbh" f .A&$'embly II

IkiBOi:Z k:J

1) M<I:s's~.f1I[lraglu~ItS<JJt..ll1l'lC 'til (Imit at fLH lungiJ d~r lIulhmtci' le IJl'ld fu!' leU 2/3 sf el'le lli:lu~l"t FGD tiz,w. fli\l) Sei ee 20

2) Ge.-SlO!<lltSl!.lo!fcllt olilIU! IHHiUI.I'lIII

J), I" Lage des Bl"emss-eheibenf [ansche-g. 1"11 ." (';cwlncletllio'

'} ~~ n eh tsoo L aS~~1 m n! 1IJ1!l!l_ i rna L er Buo qung .

S) Ufll'faFlgS'ile-~ ~h.w'·~ M1 911o:,e, 't d~r Bren:l5:sehe q lbe be!lch tQn (V ,.. ,;?6 mls ,~ tl,l'oi NirmCrl1!I:JSWYc h ·tIiJlI'lS'. v~· "l'CI Ill/s -.: ~~r~· SHlf'r GGG)

Die a!<il!l'i!! 8eff:s~ j'l:Iung (lei t d',e-~. ~ i"ehm,mfllnges,) erf,o lilt .mit Hill te.s thraube" pass~ncI_ f,u.. We II eomd~!"I rc!iich D'I,HI 7"48 mi t_ Zentrie r bohrunEl lI1ach !HI" 3:32 roi l ;2 Form OS (sieRe S!:l1::e' 32J. Itlow'e idiungclI'Il sind bef lI~t~U,ung 1111'11< lUgeben.

Mas'S mDmefi 5 of i IfIcrti 01 J (10111;11 oil fH L iog) Qf CIOtc!" parts arnd for pan ill type fGrllfllll. PlIg :ii!D

2' TO~E11 'He1!lht Ioifthcut oi l fi t l i'n!!

3J) e ==JPCs; t i on o,f bf i!l1i:,e dn~]1 fll!l!ilge, h '" I eoQth of ·thre-1il1:l!

~,) W-C!igh'~ lClid ,at 1I[:!llt. IOn ~ n II linE!

S) Ohs>erve ~!"fph(lf'a,~ speed r'I'UIl'!lJ of I:ir!iKe drYnl (OYlIlamf e b~, l :and 1"1:91 i i nece~ ~ a"or., IoIlIien 'Y ~. ,26 m/sle,(;,. GC;jj; moU:rialL fof' Y :> ~D Iln/SoCC.) -

iI'oll:i al fi x'iOll whh r,e'tEJ1If1ing' SC1re~ (part of del f'l'~ry)" sui 1Ii~blefOIi ~liaft e1ids to' ClI'H 7'.8 Uti taElped centerh19 l"Iol,~s til D I~ 332 sheet :2.tarm as t!li!j! ~gl! 3Z). Ii) i f eoreot requircments. I1lJS!: be sl:at~ whtm ardering.


FLUD'EX ... Strijm'ung~sk'u\Pplungen Bauarl FNO mit W,sRenzaplen

.Baulri F·ND mil: N-EUP'EX~Kupp'lung

I!!,n= ,PHO Sthrile.l lUI,r cl!i~rr~5sc'hI"&.tm1!blll!

~: fNO IFlIJsi·bte ·sa,te'tvphJlrll/Q·j II tlMlli~ ph.j9


~11!l1 "ftlt i.sch'l'ai:Jb:! r:liH HUer .. ltlg

J F·e

~ Bbilrn::~ij:,g:"ri,e'i ~ H~ riell"

hltr'leb 1i'Wi:

!bu1,ttJ, Outp.!t

FWDEX: Flu~'d C'Dup:'inrglS Typ,e FNDI with ,~:oulrnll

Typ,e FND wllh N-EUPEX coupling

S:~h'!:lerz:s T~~rrwTrp~~hNiUJbjj;fijl ~ t!J:J!. FI!;t5iblc ~·.hlW pblfl'/OH 'Il .if) p~U.!l1

i\JrI·tdd, ~npit

A\i).t1"ieb autJilJt

1) w.lllll.S:Ilfltr!ll!lhG It". atrIe!"I" e J I. ~~~ej'liL l'eBlfc:~ W lNIFtQbe·i ~ r B9~rtcmn . tI Ulllem!le!lBflU;r l1!!,j YI'IId Gewi etu;e (cl'l>M I~ltil ~~') !It'lt;en Nlr ImiUlerl'l BQhIl'l!i'i!!iliif'l

2:) MllXfll!Jllle ~;;hrlJllS) Ill! lIIabeflverHi~r11;li'l.9.STcIHm.I"I!:l1

&ir:r:n :!Ite.u~nhri!i~.

3, !'\'5!tbeoe 1l,B~1i: I"rlU!ilil1 .

4) Gewidlt .lrli!!il~un!J mit. madmnLl!r rH lll!Jl'i!ll

Dfe axf,ille l13efe$Hg~ flfe, I de5i L ief.e'r,l,ll1rtlllrlQ(!$,~ er'f'ol !lI't mt t JHel 'tle~~I;Ii'i!ltibe.. ItoIlI"Sft:m H11' ~we~ I[.eiie;npcl't ~ Of HI 7~1 Ji,I I lent:!' irer:bdJrl.n!I ~.u:h ,Ii!U{:!J.2 fe-it. 2' FOnD DS (&j' h.e sehe 32)" j!j~eicllmg,e,('i sind bi 1~~!'oteUI.llg ,Bni"'

wg;~. .


J) PDSsll;i~e' hub :short ;nh'l8

Ii) Weiglil't land ,~.[ 1'fIIO!_1I. oil 'f U I iill!

Axial. U...:'ini!l wrHtl ",e"t-o'iniI'!QI.·!ilcr-~rS C!,!lrt !lrf del i~ry,. 'Siill 'tilllle' for 'Shlift ~ t9' 'Dn~ jl'lj!ll l'Ii t.h tawed centerhll(l h.Q t'1!;'5tl!! 1[1 Ul !I,ll! sJ1~,t ,2·. form DS, (1;'1::[; I~ile 3\2'j. liI'if''m~m'r r~ rem nt~ II'1Jiit be- .si.:Ilrl;IC!id .. lien orol}f·il1!ll.


Bauart. If IN D,S, mit N-EUP~Kruppll:l'mg· Iunlal Bremss·chelbe AU9~ii'hrung P u'nd A

FLUIDEX FI:uid C'oupll'ings

T'yps FNIDB with N ... EUPEX: coup,lImg and bralke drulm 'type P aindl A

Ballm:: IRma Typ~: FNDB

SenllWliL ZS i.!ll1ell"!HIg5'Sclhnube',l:iilllb'l~B fu~ible safety phl9/0i l ~lfr8in plllJ!lj,

l\usfUhrlJlI'1!1~ Ii ASS~Uy: P

tI t'E! q nfil~ l sd'! rlllJbe ail t;;Ue'r IFlhi9


~ !:Iben,'tIrfiQ!e'n'll i l Hub Il-l!Jrrier ~~~f4..c


Itbtrieti Output

I!lJdijhlr~: A AS!lnnl:l~y .!\

A.btrieb Output

j\nrrieb rnplI<!t

Ii) "ei!1z,lIn l en "mx Imd Mille I S'pII9S "mail( I_M IiHlJlleosions
, arail'e 'DrehzM~ Blii!hl"U19 DI"I!IIiiII,- :lu§fUhl'ilJl'Ig Ii'!' ,Au;si'l!Ii r~ Ii
Siz'e s,peed IBore sche'ibi!' ~SiSernbll fl· ~..,"': b
'"me1i d Di,l, ,m:1. l'1 l . 1l3; 'i C !Brake, ,dl"um' d11 !i liS ~;r l,8
II VOfI bls 1!111, () J: B VOI'iDZbhi! ~2 l,3, bis
Vmh'l fl"om 'ta 2) 2) lU 5)1 1 frmll to I 'to
"·IP'·m. IImI IliR 11m IImI DlTII I1IlIi 1m! n:m mil !III111 IlJlI !1m lllil 10m 1m! lflii iQ!11 Iffil IJIJI, oml iIJ~:1
3·701 l!l:55'U 420 38, 6'CI aa no ~.Ii,D n 30 3D' ~~I,~~ ~~gl i! •••• 61~g 115 10'1 ~~ 'S~'l u81 ~~i
30lJD , ~; .§q T "
425 470 42 75 'lOeD 140' 110 8B 30 1Il '00 ~,~8 ,2.00 2 •• ,. 6, 437 147 106 ZB I 85, HOI 301
~,9tIl1 :2&lO 155~ 4S 75 - 140 170 88 30- 30 -~oO! ,I~I~ I~~ l~'" .~. 1·~~' us t51 I }!Q" ~~ 11~~: UE 1&1
no ~OQ' ~9,i'i 495 11,[10 .~ 48
56'S I 23001 &101 6'5 •• ,m'7I) ,,"'!C ••• "" i I'''' .... " "JIm u, '. ',~ " 4t '8 1001 14ll 40
6515 I 2000 136 65 '95 135 lUI 250 HZ,40 1,0 ,315 :3, ••• I ,644 lU! 156 t\[ I~, I_n~ 601 1201 165 ,i,0
I 1BDO; , MIi "* •• 0 "ii ,., 35 ..... • 71)5 ""71) =" i I~~." ,:g& l~_
755 , 8MII 65 L1401
,1181" , u~m 00,01 165 191150 401 71fcrZ6S ,rmi5 :-m.,21IT 5' j ~2'5Dlj., 'B~ 'nO ~3!I . rsn
'J!I'2.1iI 1.<': U2:S 161'1 114211 !:ilill1i( 110 Zl)) IrS" .. rIT 112ft (I S~ ~135 , '9(1 I ~!!II (,1f ~'
'ISctUlillli'pU'lr(U. M'a.~~el'lltl"iigllt'li ts.l1la1lii!l'I,l;e ,J IJflKl 'Gew~chte I C:entl'~!l ~f gravi ty, I110ITIenlill of 11i'iU1:la JI IIrw;:Ii !!!\eights.
, t1r1!Bi'! liI<:Is&eru:ril,gIl!fl'i t~nl JI U ~eloi i ehi:/lirlei '!lint 'll IBr~st;hei be
'SQZl! )" 'Fv !'tOll'!en't of - i nElnl i! Ausfilh nnE! IBroke' d~U!l Oil qty.
hll'mll't,!! f l e .tU(I,I!I'II'te ~ l e Dr m~cheil~/Bll"lIte drulii AS$~:ly D' II II max. I
I 4') 4> mnnet' parts OI.!ter ,parts Aus!fUh,ruIt9f A6serrbll y 1)1
k1il~ kgm2 P . A IP I ...
IlDlI M kgri k~ kg kg om IIffI ~ I
:mI' I 197 665 g·n, 0,.79 yf~~ ~'~~A 88 'i~ srs 11.11 8.2
1i~ , " I 40"0 15(1
4Z5 I 224 '94DI 0,3'8 1.216 ~~n ~~~~r 1~~ -PJ ~~5· Ug 12,50
~. :
'49.iiJ 242 '~321:l1 0,,767 2,6,1 1~! ~:~ 1"iI'lg ;~3 -~~g ;~g 19
a 811 , 2·9 ·21,6 .[)t, ,
5d'5 r 278 1191)0 1,46.9 4 .. 57 ~~~l) J:~S :~~ ~l~ 1 ;~g l,~~ 29
l' 0
655 330 3(100 3,08 10 .• 2 ,~'l~ ~~~ '!~~ ~~~ ~i ~~j 45
Th5 3S2 4200 S.'~!! U!.i! '~;,~ It.' 2 ~ ~g~ ~g ?3f,i ,69
887 42,8 6O[J[l ,11 .,t. lei. r ~ .is Jj; 110 ~ 7ilr 71(1 ,'If}5 1111:1
11l~ '~D BOOD W.9 '53 l6;5, 1S~6 115 I !loS 710 .2M '1110 '1 J )la£'ll!e:ntrligh~n$~nt,!;! JI (eillS!!:h L ~ eBl ich .'r Ikr<lh· iJbert r,Dget"\dM I:ll iiii!!1fJB!1arrte i l el ~ Il",w'·j cbe (<ll'll'lIe ~U UIL llLlf'llg)' ge1L tenl fUr rn ttLewe Dohrul'Ige:1'll

2) Ii!Mirnal'e liehrU1g ~i Nilbt!l'lverUiIl9S'Nng. S~cher~

dureh stellschreube.

3) H~gl~che l~abenkul"~ul'Ig

4') Gewiclrltsb lastun:g I'~t 1lIBJ! Ir.lOIh~ .. ,llUOUmir

S) IliIlllfllnt!lsgescilWliooigkielt ,die'r g,ftmSsch ibi:!' be eM n (y :. 26- iilI S, ;;; Zioie i ebijn@inaLlsW!.IChtUf'ig. 'I ), 4QI F.!/s, ". W.e r:k;" sleff GGiGl

Die Ill! ielhl ElefesrtilPJfTifJ Hei L d~s L liefe'riGhinges) el"·lchrl:: I!fIU IIllt-schr~tJ~. pa$sf:Od 'Lr WeUe~ Il!ch 1[)i[N '7(;.9, mi e ZcntrierbohFl.!ll'll!l nach D 1:11 3-32 Te,H :2 fOrm [IS, (s~(lhl!i Sene 32J. Abwei~Ung n s'ilT'id brl~ Destelloo!l lin· lus@~nl.

"), ~IISS IJICIIIElI'1rts o,f i l'It:!rt ~ ill J (l n,itl ullll1:1;1 the pgr t q 'GFTlS due tel .. ~I'I'I! pOiill!r U' Uit19 0] l qu<Ifl~! ty) ~ weiB3;lts bn thout !liB) .H'ie val id t!:)r coupl lng'S, !OI1'tIh mOOIUfn sh:ed bores

2) H .. x, bore hr extended nub, f L!!.i ng by se t se rclol.

3) PiO:s,s i bl e hw ~ h or'telli 1'11.9

ill r./ei!Qht llllld lit m It. oi [ 'fH Ling

5) Observ·e Ipedphu,llJl peed I",iit i~g '0'1' I:If kJe d!'"1JIII

(!ly,nallllli ~ 19a hlr1(: 'I 09 I S ini!!i:IlSl';,a ry" 'whrn v ]> ~ li!I J5EC •• ' GoOO mat,er~iL hi" v )< !l.D iltr/sec.)

"x~s,~ frxil'lQ roIl'til rltt8'inil'lg. !mrI!VS. (~i!itrt of d~~ 'Ivery), sl.n tll 1,c for shlll'ft ends tI:I D I!I 748 1011 ttl t .pped centenng hut ~ to Emili 13~ sh~t 2. 'form es (s!!l'f!' Nl9t!' 12)., IHf1lenni r'~!.!i r~r1t!i IhJgt ~~'t:-ated i-!hen ord!ering.

F1UUI1IEJ[-Str6'mun:g'skupplfungen Beis:pl'e~'e IUlr SOlnd'e~ausfiihrun,gen

SQnder·,!\usfllJlllruog:e1'l \lOll fl.1Jl}El(-KiJpplungel1 "'Drd~i'i fUr v i,e,l, Stilt ige uru:ll iI:!!I11I!'IIisfeU'i,ge Al"lfol"tfe'rLll'Ig~n del' Pr,lIx 15. !!leH efen • Fa l ge~ Mwendtr.g!l be] Sp1 e l 'e' :lQ i get'! deut· Ii eh, IIIt.;4i'e'l (:l'ie ve,rsCMmlh~i"li!r~i!li!.tl!!.n !<liJppl~~aUifgllbr!n. Y. a. tl!lchnis,C:l'I vorteilhllH gil!los lot rdl>m.

Bei Nf!t.Ik~ns't,ruh hl!l1ef'. 1oI'!!he refltw; cU~m Gd~r sensr irlen hlChl'ii h,chen KiiJppl ~s· Pi"obLemet'l sind wi r 'ilIi:!f,1'iI 'be' rei t • un5ere re't !;;be.n Elrflilm.!l'1IiOIen ayf d ; eaem Geb1 e-t· ;'NJr VerfllgLlng lEU .S'llellen.


'fur IlO'tH),f'e lcisiLJI'ilMII for I1lgh,er ratmgs

I~I.!UDEX F,luid Cc:mp,llingls Example,s of speciall des~,gns

FU,Ili):EJoI: ~Clupll i ngs i tis pee 'i.!l L des,] SIl !ilre s1Jppl f ed for v'IfiCUll, types of lIppl iealian. ~e IIho", hera a few !i!!ta!l:ple;s I'iOMi spccI<ll p,abl_ can ~!i,gl'llt'd.

FeF new desi'Ij,l'Is, flJrthof" do..-eLopnJents 01' other Udm~cal coupl ing probl,ems; W i!re: gll,l:ItHy prllpared to place wr I1Ioilrl'l 'I~Eln!1 e'lCl'~l"'r,ei'1Ee' in 'tl'lh •. pan,cula~ f i~ld at. 'lour dispolll!l.

rur superwerchen AnJaul [or super-soH 5,UBrllng


1'111i1' Ge n~rag!JJ'n

IiJr ~EiQIi!lef1lI\Lll';ball \',1110!l '!1N ~a Ing 'ref fOIdia! ,IfJiiImQUllilmiil


111111 Brem~eeh&<b8 wrllTi tI!i'.l!ifmlP_ 6)'


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