Website Design Document

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“-------- के वेबसाइट”

रचना दतावेज़

“----------------- WEBSITE”

(Version 1.0)

नई िदी-110066 / New Delhi-110066

-------------- Web Site: www.-----------

जनवरी 2011 / January 2011

----------------------- WEBSITE DESIGN

Name Role Date of Preparation Signature
------- Developer January 3, 2011 -sd-
Name Role Date of Review Signature
--------- ---------- & Chief January 3, 2011 -sd-
Security Officer
Name Role Date of Approval Signature
------------ -sd-
Document Path Version Number Date of Release
January 3, 2011

Revision History
Version Date of Release Section/ Page # Details of Changes
number Changed
Table of Content

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1
Website Goals ..................................................................................................................... 1
Site Outline and General Organization ............................................................................... 1
Website Flow Chart ............................................................................................................ 3
Page Wire-Frame ................................................................................................................ 4
Technical Specifications ..................................................................................................... 6
Annexure-I .......................................................................................................................... 8
Webpage Screenshots ..................................................................................................... 8
------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

The purpose of this document is to outline the architecture and navigation scheme of the -
-------------------------- website, and to identify and describe key content. In addition,
technical specifications and various standards for the development of this website are
summarized here. This document does not address the areas covering art direction and
graphic development for the website under consideration.

Website Goals
• Availability of various reports and documents related to power sector through
• Provide easy access to various acts / regulations / notifications related to ----------.
• Provide general information about -------------------.

Site Outline and General Organization

The site has been organized along topical lines into 6 primary sections; first two sections
are dedicated to general information / regular reports of ---, third section is dedicated to
the availability of reports / documents related to specific fields, and rest of the sections
provide archives, sitemap and search functionality respectively. Each primary section
will function essentially as a “sub-domain” within the whole --- site, with its own splash
page and set of “local” navigation buttons. In this way, information is organized into
compact hierarchy that facilitates navigation.
Below is the list of unique web pages which provide access to different sections of ---
website. Note that some pages may be cross referenced between various sections within
the site.
• “Home” section
o Reports & Documents
o Tender Notices
o Circulars
o Publications
o Related Links
o Contact Us
• “About Us” section
o Functional Areas
o Organizational Chart
o Offices of ---

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

o Contact List
o Citizen’s Charter
o How to Reach
• “Resources” section
o Project Appraisals
o Design & Engineering
o Project Monitoring
o Renovation & Modernization
o Regulations
o Human Resource & Development
• “Archives” section
o Executive Summary
o Monthly Coal Report
o Monthly Hydro Reservoir Report
o Actual Monthly Generation Report
o Tentative Monthly Generation Report
o Annual Electrical Energy Generation Review
o Monthly Electrical Energy Generation Review
o Thermal Archives
o Hydro Archives
o Planning Archives
o Power System Archives
o Grid Operation & Distribution Archives
o Tender Archives
o Publication Archives
• “Sitemap” section
• “Search” section

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Website Flow Chart

Figure 1 suggests structural relationship of the website’s primary sections and their
associated pages.

• Links to Important Reports • Daily reports

• Links to external sites • Monthly Reports
• Yearly Reports
• Thermal related reports/ documents
Reports & • Hydro related reports/documents
Quick Documents • Planning related reports/ documents
• Power System related reports / documents
Tender • Grid Operation & Distribution related reports /documents
Notices • Economic & Commercial related reports / documents

Accessibility Contact Us
Options Functional Areas

New Uploads Organizational Chart

About Us
(Certifications for ---) Offices of ---
Contact List


Project Appraisals Citizen’s Charter

Design & Engineering

How to Reach

Project Monitoring

Renovation & Modernization

Archives Regulations

Human Resource & Development



Figure 1

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Page Wire-Frame

All pages of --- website have been designed using one of the following layouts:
• Three column layout (pages having both primary and local navigation bars,
primary content and secondary content space)
• Two column layout (pages having both primary and local navigation bars, and
primary content space)
• One column layout (pages having only primary content space)

Three column layout

Accessibility options (As per WCAG 2.0)


Section summary

Primary Content Space Space



------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Two column layout

Accessibility options (As per WCAG 2.0)


Section summary

Primary Content Space



One column layout

Accessibility options (As per WCAG 2.0)

Primary Content Space


------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Technical Specifications

The website will optimally cater to the users with broadband internet connections with at
least 256Kbps speed. Table 1 list the site's target specifications.

Sl.No. Item Specification
HTML page size 3.3KB – 120KB
Page Size
1. Complete page size with all 45KB – 250KB
(Excluding reports)
scripts, style sheets and images
Static HTML pages linking to xhtml, js, css, pdf, xls,
2. File Types
informational documents doc, zip
Only HTML page At most 0.1 secs to 3.75
secs under ideal
3. Download Time
Complete page with all scripts, At most 1.4 secs to 7.8
style sheets and images secs under ideal
• Internet Explorer 6 and above
• Firefox
4. Supported browser* • Chrome Uniform presentation
• Safari
• Opera
5. Screen Resolution** 1024×768 - 1440×900 Uniform presentation
World Wide Web Consortium All web pages should
6. Accessibility
WCAG 2.0 level AA guidelines comply with guidelines
World Wide Web Consortium All web pages should
7. Code Validation specifications comply with
(As per data available on:
* Percentage usage of browser (worldwide):
1. Internet Explorer: 42.5% (mainly IE 8)
2. Firefox: 32%
3. Chrome: 13.1%
4. Safari: 6%
5. Opera: 2%

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

** Percentage usage of screen resolution across the world:

1. 1024×768: 21.07%
2. 1280×800: 17.76%
3. 1280×1024: 9.23%
4. 1366×768: 8.99%
5. 1440×900: 7.76%

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Webpage Screenshots

Home -> functions and duties of Authority

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Home (High Contrast)

New Uploads-> More

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Home -> Reports & Documents

Home -> Reports & Documents -> Yearly Reports

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Home -> Tenders

Home -> Circulars

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Home -> Publications

Home -> Related Links

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Home -> Contact Us

About Us

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

About Us -> Functional Areas

About Us -> Organizational Chart

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

About Us -> Offices of ---

About Us -> Contact List

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

About Us -> RTI

About Us -> Citizen’s Charter (opens in a new window)

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

About Us -> How to Reach

Resources -> Project Appraisals

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Resources -> Design & Engineering

Resources -> Project Monitoring

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Resources -> Renovation & Modernization

Resources -> Regulations

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Resources -> Human Resource & Development

Archives -> Executive Summary

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Archives -> Monthly Coal Report

Archives -> Monthly Hydro Reservoir Report

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0

Archives -> Actual Monthly Generation Report

Archives -> Tentative Monthly Generation Report

------------------- Website Design Document – Version 1.0




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