Training Feedback Form-Trainees

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Training Evaluation Sheet

Course Title: sap material management

Dates: 03/05/2011

Trainer/s: Mr Dhivakaran

1. Overall Ratings Very

Poor Average Good Excellent
1.1 Overall, how would you rate this course? *

1.2 How closely did this course meet your expectations? *

1.3 How confident do you feel in applying the concepts and skills *
taught in this course?

2. Course content and structure Very

Poor Average Good Excellent
2.1 How would you rate the Course on the following:

a. Coverage *

b. Logical Sequence *

c. Clarity *

d. Pace *

e. Duration *
2.2 To what extent did you find the exercises (role plays/case *
studies/games) beneficial?

2.3 How valuable do you think the concepts and skills will be to *
you on the job?

2.4 How, if at all, could the course content, activities or training materials be improved?
Yes, more examples required in material.

3. Instructor ratings Poor Average Good Excellent
3.1 How would you rate the Instructor on the following:

a. Communication Skills *

b. Ability to hold attention *

c. Ability to handle questions *

d. Subject Knowledge *

e. Enthusiasm *
3.2 To what extent did the instructor appropriately guide classroom *
Training Evaluation Sheet

3.3 What other comments do you have about the instructor delivery of this course?

Other than above all , I expect more real time scenario from the instructor.

4 General Comment
4.1 What was the most positive aspect of your training experience?

Listening skill and concentration on the subject has been increased.

4.2 What are your suggestions for improving the quality of Training?

Real time examples,self practice of trainee.

4.3 Would you recommend this program to others in the organization? Yes yes

4.4 Would you recommend this trainer for further programs? Yes yes

Name: sriram Employee number:

Signature: sriram

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