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Computer Science

Computer science (CS) is the systematic study of algorithmic

methods for representing and transforming information,
including their theory, design, implementation, application, and
The discipline emerged in the 1950s from the development of
computability theory and the invention of the stored-program
electronic computer.
The roots of computer science extend deeply into mathematics
and engineering. Mathematics imparts analysis to the field;
engineering imparts design
The main branches of computer science are the following:

 Algorithms is the study of effective and efficient procedures of solving

problems on a computer.
 Theory of computation concerns the meaning and complexity of
algorithms and the limits of what can be computed in principle.
 Computer architecture concerns the structure and functionality of
computers and their implementation in terms of electronic technologies.
 Software systems is the study of the structure and implementation of
large programs. It includes the study of programming languages and
paradigms, programming environments, compilers, and operating
 Artificial intelligence concerns the computational understanding of what
is commonly called intelligent behavior and the creation of artifacts that
exhibit such behavior.
Computer Engineering
 Computer engineering (CEN) is the design and prototyping of
computing devices and systems. While sharing much history and
many areas of interest with computer science, computer engineering
concentrates its effort on the ways in which computing ideas are
mapped into working physical systems.
The main branches of computer engineering are the following:
 Networks is concerned with design and implementation of distributed
computing environments, from local area networks to the World Wide
 Multimedia computing is the blending of data from text, speech, music,
still image, video and other sources into a coherent DataStream, and its
effective management, coding-decoding and display.
 VLSI systems involves the tools, properties and design of micro-
miniaturized electronic devices (Very Large Scale Integrated circuits).
 Reliable computing and advanced architectures considers how fault-
tolerance can be built into hardware and software, methods for parallel
computing, optical computing, and testing.
Information Systems
Types of Information Systems
Information Systems Vs Information Technology
Expanding Roles of IS
Classification of IS
Enterprise Resource Planning
Information Systems Development
IS as Discipline
Information systems: Opportunities and Challenges
Raw facts such as an employee’s name and number of
hours worked in a week, inventory part numbers or sales
A collection of facts organized in such a way that they
have additional value beyond the value of the facts
$35,000 12 Units Salesperson: J. Jones
$12,000 J. Jones Data Sales Territory:
Western Region Processing Western Region
$100,000 100 Units Current Sales: 147
35 Units Units = $147,000
Information Systems
An information system(IS) is typically considered to be a set of
interrelated elements or components that collect(input),
manipulate(processes), and disseminate (output) data and
information and provide a feedback mechanism to meet an
Open System
Close System
Open information systems - a system that allow information to be
exchange between a general public without authorisation. The Internet is thus
an open information system, where exchange of data is available for general
public. Another system would be the modern office application suites, where
the user can modify the appearance of the tool to suit their liking.

Closed information systems - Whereas for closed information system

exchange of data is limited to an authorisation. Closed information system
usually used within an organisation, where data can be exchanged or data that
can be accessed by users with computers in an organisation. Another example is
an ATM, you have no chance to modify its operations, you use it for the
information (and money) but you cannot vary it.
Types of Information Systems

1. Informal Information System

2. Formal Information System
3. Computer based Information System
Formal Information System
This system defines very clearly the work-flow system,
communication flow-down and the authority. The information flows
in terms of policies, goals, strategies, rules and regulations from the
top level management to the bottom level of management.. The
information also flows from the bottom level management to the top
level in terms of feedback, results of work done etc.

The informal information system should be employee based and

cater to their development and solve their work related problem.
Computer-based Information System
An Information System is an organized combination of people,
hardware, software, communication networks and the data resources that
collects, transforms and disseminates information in a organization.
IS Vs IT Payroll

Software are used to build
Databases SYSTEMS
Other related System

Expanding Roles of IS
1. Data Processing: 1950s-1960s
2. Management Reporting: 1960s-1970s
3. Decision support: 1970s-1980s
4. Strategic and End User Support: 1980s-1990s
5. Global Internetworking: 1990s-2000s
Classification of IS
Information Systems

Support System
Support System

Transaction Office Management Decision Executive

processing Process control automation support information
systems information
systems systems systems systems systems
1. Operations support systems process data generated by business
Major categories are:
i) Transaction processing systems
ii) Process control systems
iii) Office automation systems
2. Management Support Systems provide information and
support needed for effective decision making by managers
Major categories are
i) Management Information System
ii) Decision Support Systems
iii) Executive Information System
1. Operations Support System
i) Transaction processing systems

• Process business exchanges

• Maintain records about the exchanges
• Handle routine, yet critical, tasks
• Perform simple calculations

ii) Process control systems monitor and control industrial


iii) Office automation systems automate office procedures and

enhance office communications and productivity.
2. Management support systems provide information and support
needed for effective decision making by managers
Major categories are:

i) Management information systems

 Routine information for routine decisions
 Operational efficiency

 Use transaction data as main input

 Databases integrate MIS in different functional areas

ii) Decision Support System
• Interactive support for non-routine decisions or problems
• End-users are more involved in creating a DSS than an MIS

iii) Executive information systems

provide critical information tailored to the information needs of
Other categories
a) Expert systems
b) End user computing systems
c) Business information systems
d) Strategic information systems
a) Expert Systems are knowledge-based systems that provides
expert advice and act as expert consultants to the users
b) End user computing systems support the direct, hands on use of
computers by end users for operational and managerial
c) Business information systems support the operational and
managerial applications of the basic business functions of a firm
d) Strategic information systems provide a firm which strategic
products, services, and capabilities for competitive advantage
Enterprise Resource Planning
 Integrated programs that can manage a
company’s entire set of business operations
 Often coordinate planning, inventory
control, production and ordering
Information Systems Development
IS as Discipline
IS is an interdisciplinary field influenced by Computer Science,
Political Science, Psychology, Operations Research, Linguistics,
Sociology, and Organizational Theory.

1. Workforce downsizing
2. Information overload
3. Employee mistrust
4. Difficult to built
5. Security breaches
1. Enhanced global competitiveness
2. Capture market opportunities
3. Support corporate strategy
4. Enhance worker productivity
5. Improve quality of goods and services
Information Systems are indispensable to the business,
industry, academia and any organization to meet the future

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