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Columbia Union Conference Adventist Community Services Disaster Response

Date: 4 May 2011 Tornado and Flood Report #1 Vol: 04 Nbr: 04

DISASTER STRIKES US AND provide trained and experienced dona-

OUR NEIGHBORS. Everyone is tions management leadership and gen-
already aware of the tornadoes that eral volunteers. ACS DR does not
ripped through Alabama, Arkansas, train for debris clean-up, muck-out,
Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee. and other activities that have increased
And many towns in the states along safety and health risks. All groups,
the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and especially school and youth groups,
many smaller associated rivers, have should work with their conference
been evacuated. Many of these towns ACS DR leadership before sending
have already been flooded. Damage anyone into the disaster areas. There
in all of these areas is very extensive. are age restrictions regarding certain
During the frequent national Adventist
Community Services Disaster Re- All major disaster response organiza-
sponse (ACS DR) tele-conferences, tions and agencies promote the con-
the ACS DR conference coordinators cept that only “affiliated” volunteers
in the affected areas are working with plan to respond. Our members are
the local, state, and federal authorities asked to affiliate with ACS DR, and
as warehouses and distribution centers become trained and credentialed be-
are set up. fore entering a disaster area.

At this time, the current need is for To provide the most needed support
financial support. As the various op- at this time (financial support),
erations get underway, the need for please send your donation to:
volunteers from outside the affected
states will likely increase. However, Adventist Community Services
at this time, adequate volunteers from 12501 Old Columbia Pike
within the affected conferences are Silver Spring, MD 20904
able to handle the ACS DR response
activities. Or
Mark your local offering envelope for
The primary function of ACS DR is to NAD ACS DR.

Disaster News is published by Bob Mitchell, Columbia Union ACS DR Coordinator. Please send news items and
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