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Ad.ortisomont No: A.lIE.112011 Oat.ed : 01J.

n u ''Y, 2011

Size: 25 ern x 38 em= 950 Sq. em.

Page No.: 1 (An" !mayo M'~.'l

~'iii) 1B~i1r bid..am 1'It-s (GaIlDOl Sit or SlC(jp} 1"ll)iMW.t.'lU:sI:U~ weakOOss,alid &nJl.OOi CfJ~el\du~ce, S. le~"ne:5i:SOi'LowVlgil:'l:





11~l'Ohlill~D ea ) ~DejglEl'lWIc.<1~r:f~iGnoLapt;IC:<INIl)


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'3-. Perwr4ilgeot ~!ty~ ttbiller~~,.".,."",,,.,,petCefit

-!l,SIJ,J'Sl'ttl~tJm,,,_.,_,_.,_,_,, •. ,_ ..• ,_.,_, _., .. , .. it.;ee'l5lhBftI:tMl'IIJ~requ~lBd'kIr(I,g~tvsnJa;duti85:

[i} Fcan pederm wOO; by rna~ing Yri1i'1 ~!II!I"!i. Ye9IT'lD

(iJP,P-C:9f1~rSormW'llli;hypulr.g:a~ptriID1!J Ye9IND

[;)I..-ean,pe.bm~bYlilb·~\' VesJNo

[w) 1<C-ta1 Jl'IIri'OO1I wGtk. by !kllEl8irlJ and croo::r.ng. resiNa

[,,)B-cailperlt;trilworJ:bybBMi'Ig. YesiNo

trl) Scan pmorm wOO: Irq:;il~ "(II!!II?IID

(;Ail S1'-car-. ~rfOO'l1 ~ by SI.f!JlidII'9' YestNo

~lf.Ir)W'eEll)per1~~b)'~ •. frrg 'YesrFio

(iI;} ·SE-tail piH'lC1;M I'ml; lJ.y ~itI1J. yMltio

(>;)iH-ca1per1orrnwOO;hyh.erlrI!!tspeak.i~. "fe5lT'lD

(JI1RW.cafl;perflll'm'M!d;!Jy~.aOO'MiIIig. Y~D

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~t I\1Qmt:er ~

M~soa-Ij ~itaI,Bo.aro MBl:i::aJBoard

Coontefs9ledbfllie ""''''~1O!t<Q HO""" 1>"1>"~

Pub.loe A~mlni$la~lol'II t9 &. 'I(~tOr:Ii'i81'"~ $etcn~

Met:hi!lnil::al, En.Siil861i'illQ Z1 C~ ... i~ En.g:inraer'ing Zi!

Pspe r . II. (C'o-mpulmoryl : General aturnee ~SLIbJect Code.-23) ~j.laJf~n.E.O.B_Il;~~a'!l..(W&nfelj)..exaW~lJIIlo)j :Th. Wooton .,.mlnl,Uoo will ,o"'~\'" U1. follOW· ing, com.PIJ10f-y 8l'iil ocuerer scblects.tne syl~!j; whereof is menl!oned In A~]:ieodl;.:.·V of tnts acJIl'e1'6s:menL.T~ (;andldata-:s. h ..... e 10 Se]et:t a.n:,- two 5u'bjeCIS rlCNi'l the list of .o-,ptiOr't.a1 5ubjeeL.s. for main e;ll;,ami natiM. Ea~ optionsl eublect will ccnsfst or two papers.


SI<e : 25 em. x 38 om = 950 Sq. em, Page No.: 2

(An" I m a go Maker)

E._iU1...~ .. JJ Setavenenes and state formefjcn in Pellinstll'a. Sanlili31m texts and :sodet1.I'm:JOo-Greg:.k;:s.. sekaa. Perthlans,

lBu s:Fnl!l!l'!l; Omanl!laUD.n 'Manag-l!'menl. ,And S@cretarlal :Plllc-tlce~ DH'terent formlil ·o-f Bus:I'n e!!l'S: OrgsnlsaHD.n 51 Kushanea ; Kenlahka, Conracta with Ihe (]utside- world. Religion : Shaivi:!l m, Bhag-.a ... atlsm. Hin3Y8 na and : Tttei, main reennes. Sole proPflletol1ltll1) al'Kl Hlf\;du Uflc,il'lidecJ f81Ti1£y beetoese, PMIlej'$'ti~s..cl'18rac.erl:s- t.i>ahayana GIJQC!hism. JaifUiTI. C'!.Jlture;(!lnQ en, 8. The GuPlas a"ClI tnel- successors (10 e. ?50A.o),Ctl;(!lrt,ges 'IiC~. RegiMra:lion, Pai1M1!J~l'Iip Deed; !Ri~[.G., ,d'LIti&& ancll lidlbi~ti!es (II p:artner.&: Admrs.:sion, Reli..ameM.ar'KI in political organisaLiotl or &mpite. Eet!DOm)" .and .s.OoCiilllly_ Li1Bta1 use .& Sciene.e Ai'1.5..

Death Cli B partner; Drasotuucn 01 a P8rtnElrslh~p 'F,irm. joint Stock Company: Charctariaucs and Types. Se-r:Uon~B

Formation and il'KllJr,pClra1icn of Compenlee: Types or aecurtluea and meihode of 1heir issue. Dccufne 01 9_ Early Mediev.al India. Major dynasties; the Chela Empire. Agrsri.an and pofnlce! structures.The IMoor Mai"'l~.elTIefll, COIl:SlJ'uc.f'..e :N.otk.e .and UILra Vires, ccceeresves. ,Public ~n\el'l)rlses",1.helr terms 01 Ra!aputr;(!ls,Extent 0' aoorai rn~bl!iiLy, pceutcn or women, Ti'Je .Na.bs Sil'lQ aneJ III ll'Ie GI'I!W"!3vh:l'es. 10. CYIorgCkflis.ation. ,SuisilIllS!; combtnattcne : TYPM aflCiI im.,po.rtatlC&. Monopolies. atldi Restnc1ive Ir'adle 'P~adice. lure ItMIj, 750,.t2oo, Religioos, cl)nclliliotl: lmpcnance 0' t-empIM.aild mcnastlc In:s.tih.lEoM i Stinkatad'laray:

ModE!rnis.alion and Raueneuaatlon Df tnrslness end Industrial organi!!a'tion_ Social HE!apons:ibilil~ o-f buemess I!!!.am; Sufism_ therature and Bclence. Alberuni':s: 'jndia", Ar1 and archnecmre. 11.12. Thetaernh and focrIn a 1~l:II~·:r3IiS~ economy, fON;!Sln Tr03d1o-: Impor. and E.i!.PQrt. 'r-aoe. P".roeecFufe .f!~ Fiin-;al"(iln:g or !mport.& teentb cenrcnes : 'Gl'lorian illV.as~11S causes and consequences. Del"i eurtenete un,der me -sieve' R:ulel'"!! 'E;Ii;p!lIL Ir'Me.£:.:.p.ort-Plomcruon, ra-chtllques. aM "CM.WoeS. 'E;(iln Ban:k:, Insurance ; :F='1'ingei~es aflCil 'Ptae- AJautklifl Khi~: Conquest:s: .adminislr'.ati ... e > .agfiOirian aM etOi'll)mi~ measure. Mul"lammad Yughluq'S ir'liflO'V.a~ 1iC8S of Li1e. Fire, Martne.aM G.efleICii lr\SutaflCe_ lnsuranca business in .gl'llbal scenarso. Maflagemaill: Iro!\S. F"il'Cl-Z Tugl'lli.J"oCi and the d'-eclini9 ~ lhe [ta1J'i.j Sul!.anale. Growth cr e~m!91ce: atlct urbanlzatiOi"l. M)'SfjC ConIXlBPt, Scope end Functjons, p.!anning-<lbjecti ... as and slr.a;egiE!s. Organlsl:nQ: Organls.slion Sirudur-e, movemernln HlndLIism and lsfam. therature. Archilec!ure.lech.nDh:1!gi:ca11 cnan-g,es:. 113. The flfteanitl and early f,orrnal ano; !nfo,mal on-entseucn, Levels or .:AULl'borUy. U",e MO' S.aff crcanrseucne. Cel'!.,aIfSi3L1Qn, 16.11'! CE!JlLuty : maj::lr Pro ... lnclar d)'l1asi!ies: Vlja:/snagara.Eml)ire. T-"'e L.odis, FirS! phase or me ~ugh;(lll Ern~ DeC-1:lr'riJ,aJisaolil1n aM: D&lega1iOn,.o1 AJ..iIl'iOf~~. Sl.atl>-se!oection, :Placeml9OL and' 1t.aining. wage arl1:l salaty Ad- pil'1:!l~ BablJ1. HUiDa),lJ!I.fhe Sui ,empiM aflCladmD"lislt.ation.TI'ioe PMuguoeM.

millis.tratfoo_ Job speclneenon and Job Evaluaoon., Dlrecllng : Priniciples and s;1r.Btegies:. leadership: Com- MAJniheis.tic movement : Kabir, Guru Nanat and Sil<hi:!lm, Bhakti, Gmw'l h of regional literature, Aft and cutmWJlication 8I1dMo.fwtioll. Coordllfll3tloilll: COI'\CeP1~nI;I metnQOs. COr'lVol: Prll1icip1es sru::!'iPract!ee5:; Selling lUre, 14-1115. Tt.e Mu'ghal Em.pfr-e, 15.56·1707, AKbar, ecnquata, 3ICIm!nisl1aLi v e measure. Jag~r anc .. t,a.l'\.S,f:lb Pencrmance staOO8rCf.s .& eveueuon. corrective actlons. seen 01 ConUQI, Mal18:gemsflt tJ)' Objecti ... ee. Mail· sys te rns. p~le;t .of Sulh-I-K.I.II, Jall&n-glr, $hos hJaMI'I and AU';[!Il'1:g:zeb: expanalcn I" .M beecae rellgiolJls .agemertt tJ)' 'E;)I;e-ep'lKln, Management ru change and orisi:s Mart.ag:metlt, Officra Mi!I.naglllmraiit ~ Pl'iniflCiples poIiC:i.eG_StJi~a:ji. CulL'LIt'EI: Per'i!i~n.and r'egionalliLoet.alure-s.. Rl!lliglllu:s Lnought: Atrul Fa2:i; Maha.Iashlr.a dh.arma. and scope. svatems and Houlines, Handling, end MamtenallC9 of OFFice Recor-ds, Modem aida 10 offlca Palnting' Archneurure. Enonorny: conditions of peeaarne and erueene. growth., trade; oommarCi9 willl EuM;;ifla.gement·Offiee equlpmerus alld m;~tctJlf'les. A'I.!!O:rnsUof'l. a..nc! ccmoutertsauon Ri:Ulolla!lsaUon.Gf orfk.e fl);pe, scctar slfa,ffic.alion ~nc:J st('iWS -oJ ..... omen. 111), Oe<;lln:~ or Mugnru Empir.e', 1'70'7·Eil,Cau:ses behirll~' de:servi~.COinpan:r S4tr~r'ilt!il.ry; Qualiflc.alions, appoilWtlenL, role and ri,mdiooM-; RighM .. Duties and llabili1i'LeSi eliM. Maratha powet under '1l'Ii9 Peshwas, Roeg!iMai.$l.aCI!t.S.The Afgll.ans MajCIt eloemMIS or oCa-mposite: oClJ'lture.

or a oompany seaet.ary; Df.afling or Agenda .BOO MinUles_ SawBi Jai Singh. a:s1rOl'lDIDBr. ffisE! o! Urdu languag,e_

4. C HEMI STRY SE(;rnON-. c

~.I!"IOr'9anlc Ch-Oi'i"il:$ll)'~ (A) (t.1 Atomle St,,'c-lu''O: EJ.emelllarn;JMictes. :Boh·s ;(111113 Soromel'1l'erd models 01 17, er~is't1 expal'lslon:Tl'Je CarnaL!c Wars, ConQI.I,es! of e~gal. Mysore;(llnd 11s resetenee tc British expan!U'11!1: atom. w,a'_'IiI>-!parlida duality De-Brllgile 9CiuatDn. Ha.i:senbel'{l 'l..H'toC~rt.a"Ly ptiniCipla., ell!liMrt1.ary iCieas Cli s.iOn. TM LI'I~i9 Angle- MaIa'll'la Wa:rS. EaJly seructura (II B~iLish. ~aj. Regulating Pitt's 'India Acts, ·HI. EoCGI~ Schrooigner wave equaucn. etcmlc number, electronlc 'OOI'Ifigura.lbn or elements. Pauli's exctuslon prinicliJla. nornle impat::t of the Brttlah FlaJ_ Draln 01 Wealth {Tribute}: land re"'I!!IlUe, sernemerna (Zamindari, r~otwali. 'tiunci"'Sru!eofm;»:lmums,pinmulliP'cILy, al.1lbau I)r'uncil)!e, I,.QJlQ Iorrn orperiOoClicdas.sIl'lca.tlooor'eJemements. roaM~i.'Irl): ~!nd\.ls't~:slisatlon: R3ilw"a)'s and comm.erelallsatj,on Oof ao!1wlh.lre~ g,rOW1.tJ 0' 1'8.i"Jdless laixluJ. {II) Nucl~3r Chcmls;lry : Na1t1rl1!l .a~ anlrrocis' raoIoEadNiL'jI', runtElife p.eriocJ, nuclear reactlcns. neelon at)Q 1!l, Cullt.lTal encounter and eocial cili!lnSIll'; ~trod'ucl[on (]I western educetlon and modem joeas. lndian rosston readicJi'iS.us.es .01 r'actiO:aC!iv.e iSllCClpiM, (S) Parlcdic PJl;)j:lllti'"iiilli5 of thlli' ,chtmlilnts; A'lOmic. eeve- R.'EI£)CI[s;:saOC9, social and religious reform movements: {lroWLll in indian middle c~s:s: 1h19 press and i!s irrrtent. vender Wall and ionic. rBdil, ioniz.a1il;Hl pGlelllial, 'alE!c1ron afffinil~ amll 'E!IE!ctronoQali'lity. {C) SaJient pac1; rise of mooern liter:alu:re in I'.ndian langu~geg_ ScJcial reforms; me-agure.s: I>BIOIe 1'B57_ 20_ Re!!lstance l(] fO!:ilufOio of S,P,Q .anel' r·b!oeh; e!eme.n's, (D) C"'omle3i' SOnClii"ig: Ionic. co .... alenL (f)obf aM floll.polar}, Srltist. rul'O. Eari)' L!prts.ings: the 113.57 F!;evottcsuse:s, natufe,riXllJrse allcJ cOlls-equences. 21, 1'n.C!lF;:!ii'1l frvocCN'n:linal& b¢nds. s-anct p-H),dr'(lgl!ln bonding, OCttIca:p' 0' hybriditaliOn I)f a~Ct'Mie ort.ilaIS(Sp.sp"l". s,p~, SP~. dom struggle· fhoe li~L phase: Gr:'1:!w1ni I)r nauoMI CMScl.ou~rteSs: Formali:;ln. (If As.socialiOtl: E.s.Lablisl'lmet.lt s,p~t and apl.d~_ Predicli.oll of shall'8s of s.imple Dorganic IRCIleculE!s Odl the bais!! 01 VSEf'R theDf1J .Elemell1ry or the indiall National Congress and ills Mod'araie pha!!-a; Economic Nationaligml; SWadesh .... Ci~eme nl; the

~~:a ~~~ ~ao~:dI~~ :~;~~~=:~~:~:;,a!:~~~~:;e~u~I::C:~~~~' ~~ki~~~;tW;~~I~e~~tfi~ ~~;~~L.:!:'~~~:¢ ~9~e~2e2.1:~~J~li1!~ ~s'~!~~n~h;erj~~r~~~~~~!!l :~i=iI~-:~~~I~~:f~t

fides. G~ Rllldg.;t; Reattil;)os.,Q...::id.atiOl"J sla.Les. o;(i:lalion l'IumMr. 9tiui'tal&nl w&igl'lts Or .o);idising atld: ,edUCing aM NOi'I-coop.er'ation M(I,*,eml!lnt. Ciiti~ Oiisotllg-(;iienu and Quil IMia. mCov.eme~ : OEMr' slfaflCl'.s. in Ili& N.alional :j:IilBnls. balancing o-f redox: f83Ctions:. H- Coon:llnatliJon Chemll!ltry DoublE!" aalt-s:.and CCioridina1i1:m compounds. t.1I:J ... emellt - RE!'I(]MiDIl3ries. The I'ef!. Subha!! CtJ:;lndra Bose and Iha' Indian. National Army. 23,. Separatfl!lt WefFiar's tI'Ie;ory. Effecti ... e .atOfllic nl.lmber (lEAN), iElewo.nlc c()i1fI\'QIJi1a1.ion of comp:lexes, IUPAC system 01 TMncl~. ir'Ilndiafi ll;(llli01'la.ils' poIitics- Ole MI.ISlim L.eauge a:ncJ .... e I1lildu M.aheiss.,!)M,: The p;os. 194:5 C!levelop. nOMenelaturs. manlS; P<irlition aJlCf it'Ictel')endence. 2,4. Imfiil Indeplllni:lrallt 10 15164. A PattliamMlary, s.eculaJ. di9moo-al1c 1.E:tJviro,ineot PolI'util;)o; PoOI'llLil.aMs.a1'ld tl'ia" ir'llllunencs.on II!:Mil'tlnml!lnl. 2, Orgi!lnic 'C:hemis.tl)'; A,SOhdin!jl ri3".public 'lhe 195(1 Cons.'titulion)_ Jawahartar NE!hru's vi:;:icn of a di3'l/elolped, socia.'lisl social~_Pls,nning and 'Ill Carn,o-n Com pu n ds: sp" spt.& s:~ hy'bfidi"Za1HlI'I. :;I-and p-txmd s:. End udi ... e an.d e!ac1.romeric eFF&:ts. sla1-a-oon!rolae! .,dustrall:z.alio.n_ AgrBIian reforms. Fmeign. pooltcy of NOII-aiign-ement. Border conllici wiih China, tJ),PE!reoncjug,ation, Jeasonanc.e. e. Roacti on Moc:h::! i"i i sm: lio['i"'l~jI'Lic an(J lIerQlyLlc 1M ~e-a ... a:ge of bond!); 3n.d Cnirle:s e aog!(Je3:siOfl,

(r!'(le t.adi~l~ carboflium i01'l .and eatbon ion) Addition ai"id !;'LIb:::lilu'LiG:i"i r&.a~liM~ (E 1, lEi, SN1 .ar'Vd SN2. _!LG~O_G.B.AP-HY..

feaClion.:3} C. Hydrocl!libon!il ~ SlOOEe5 o-f alkanE!':3, aJkanE!'a, and a'll<~lli!!"5;.[). Pres,p!!Irtlon and Propl!!rtEes: af SII!CtICin.~A General PrlnldpleSl : I. PI'I~aical GE!ography, It Human Ge~r.aph~. III. EC'Onomic Gi3'Cigraphy_ t"o fOUwoli\g AlIpI'llU!l!C: Compoun.cis,: Halides. ,fIlcol'1.ols, etners • .aIClefr:l.Qes_ tk~.olles. flcfos. eSleTs.amines, I'll, evoMlon of Geographic Tl'loQught, v, EI'Io",I'I"Of'iMOfit, EcoICQ:,- an.::! C'ons-ef'l,l'a.1i::In, vi, Carl~ra"l1)' (Sc.aIe9;, amities aild I'lydwxyaclds (lacLi1c citric, mal'ele 3nC1 fUfeirc ach:ls) e, C"fto'hyd,.uos: Classirctlon an.>d .gen.. M.ap PrOjeclion, fOj)OSM81.5, Weather m<ips.. lhema1ic.maps.aoo cMgratn6),

er'.a~ t.eaeLiMS_ S1tuelul"El crl.glueosa., frue.l.Ose. and:s,o.cur:se. f.OrganlJ'mrati!lllil;;; ComjJunds.; G~n:ar'(l flBa{latlt:l; Sillocl.jon·a: World Graography : i,MajO~ lafld1orms., G[imCt1.e.s.. ·Soils. aM VegtltailOn ~OMS_ ii. MajOl' N.al.ural aoo lhaif !;I)'fithetic ap,pl~.atio,ns_G. Steraochlllmistry: OpticBl alid: gElDmEltiricl3l1 iaome.ri:!lm,OI}.nce-,pet or con- Regjllf"iS_ lii.:Popu]allon: DistribUilion and Growth, R.aces and TribE!s. Iv. Agrlcu.'ltrue (MajOl crop:!!; and agriformatl:,lll" EFi'l,i~ronmen~1 pollution an.a coNrol. 1):la["lls as 1~i::.at.o1 or ~O'lIu~n, H',Bonzol"lo!li al'll~ Its Slmp-liII c!.IllJJre fegions)~FQfesLf'l and FI:st.irlg,'Ir. fflii"iiU.H5 Ei"lotg)' :indl w'O!Itor i"4Isoutcos:' problems and p.rood)ects, Oa.nvatiml5; Ben:!.ene" 1.OIu&M. ;(),ileM, l'i'leM'IS. halides. nilr'O .anti .amino compound$_ :Bel'l2:0iC, :saliC)'liC. vi. Indu:stri.g5 (Ti8;di[oMo.fron &. SIMI. pelr'O(;Mmit.aIS.. Au1(1mobiJes. and Ship ,buildln.g: ... ii.Tl:iide' iimd TrailScinllamic. mandelic soo su'lphDnic acids. Aromal]c aldeh)'d-a!! and ke1.onil;ls_ Di~1;Ji and h~drBzo CXimpoooos_ P{]rt; ... 111. Regl'{]nal Geogr.aphy of DeYeloping' Wend wilh !!pecial rerare-.nce to SiJou!h .A!3ia_S.W, Asia.East

~~th:::I:~;~~~n;8Bnr:l=~~~~~·,~~~~:~~~~;rv~dl~~~t;s~~~!~1::c~~~i~t(~V,:~~~;~,~~p~:sie~ ;:~l~~~~:(~~i~:~~~~f,~~~~~t~LJ~~~~'~:I~,CO~~n::,IW,~~:.nt~s~~e:~~~I~~~t~~~:~~,

C:hrami:!itry ; A.. G.a5l11ous ,5tatil : Kinal;::' tIlatlry .01 gases and gas. Icrws. Mcuwall's!.aw' of .cIi5'ltibulion .01 valoQ. F.oroe:Sl~y and !is:liing: prob'llI.Hn.s. and pro.s.peCIS. iii, MiMra:lS. E nerg~ .al\d W.atl!l"l Roesourt:es. Ulilization aM tia!!, ... andBf Wa.ill!! equatjoo.Cri1ical be:haviour of gS.5.-8s.law or OOJTEIspocnding s1ata:'!"heBI c:;lpacitie.s: of gaaes:_ CQnSe"f'o':;IItiQn. iv_ Jndl.J~lries: :!lind ind'u:~Hri;gl1 deve'lopmenul. PQpl,l~lign .elnl;l. SetLl~men'!;I_ vi. Tran50[:l'oOJ! ~ng

:n:"~.=~~:~~,~~ ~~qdlu:O!~~~~'~~P~~SJ:~Y~OI~U~~~~V~:~I~.i)s.~~f~:rt::~6!~~a~=I~:s~~~~ T",fll",d",.:.., -----------;:-,._E=cg"''II''''O'''M''''''C~;:--------------

So'lutiotls ~ Haou1t's law, k1w.etiRg or v.apo.ur p~S~ul'e, .cl-ep.ra.~siOtJ or It'M2:ing pCtinL. e[.evali:m of booilirtog fABl:l.

IPDinl. osmo1ic p~:s.ure. DelermRalion or molecular weieht 01' !;Iolu,tes_ Ass:ocia.1ion al'ld dissociation of SilI- 1_MIt:: ro Econom'CoIil : Utili!y arlBly-sis: and Law of Dema.nd, Elaalirity and Demand, Indiffere-.nci9 CLINe amaly\ites ,E, no,m Od)rn.3 m!e-.s: TM IifSL ~ of. lhen:Jl:o!X!Yf1;(11rnlc:s, IsoLhermal aM 8(li8Da[lc eXP'ensio'l'is, J'wle- s Is, Con~timer-s EQuilibrilJ m,Prcw:hrcLioo !~nctlon an.d .ne I'a.w of reL'!.Irr'I, Cost and re ... eJ'lue {unc.~oo, Sl.LpPl:f ThOmson MI,g..c1, MLhaply. Mal ca;p.a~ilie$_ Entha.pies..ol roeacLiOtJ l'oomaliOii. combus'ion aM sOIu:1iCJo. 80M lunelillM, Equilitt'rium (II' Ihe lirm under diffl!HEtnl markal siL'LI~ron. PriCit'1{jl o! lacLl).rs 0' pJ(lctu~IE.on, ConCl!lpt energies:" Kkchoff's: eQua!ion. !;Iecond law of Il'\;ermod~ll.I!Imics:, ,ef'.ltro,p.y, free en-erg~_ Criteria of 8pClll:t.aneit~ of Econom[.c welfare_ P'aretian Opmnality.:2_ Ma-c:ro EC:Qn1:imlcs: VarU;ius: conCiElp1s of NationBl.lnooffie_ Me!h-

:: ~~~~~~~:~~~~~~h:~it;:~~~~c'ip~:~~~'r~ ,S':~C~1io~~ ,g~!~k!I~~~,~~I~a.Ll~~~r:~T~~~~~ ~:o~~~~r;:~~~tFrro~~~' ~ne:~,:!:~~:oJ~&C:la~~CQf\lm~:~se¢~tnm:.tM~::~!~~~lcJ o~J~I~I~

MOIec;ulafily.and or'(l&:r' or l'oeacliM, FirSl o~(j.er anti Meond OM&:r l&a~liOi\s, Delll!:rnYnaLiOl'l or ot.cler' or:a reac- moM)" suppL:,o (Ml', M2.a1'lCl M:3} Commertial Banl<itlgo. lunclj:(Ins or Cl!lntral BanM. Delll!lrminaliOi'l .aad rfl9a,~ tien. E.ffect or tempE!r.alure of l'i89CtiDn fBle.el1ergy of a.ctiva!il:m. CDIli!ljoo lhi3<iry of rear:tiDIl fBles_ theDiY 01 s ur-arnenl o~ 'IalLie of mcnay. price indices inflaloc.n its caU!;les a,ne! -affects. 4. P'ubll c PI nan-c&: ScUrcllg o~ ac.ivalM: eomptex.,H, Eloc.toroc:homlstry : Fa.·raaa:{s laws or el,ectfOI:lSI:s, c:ofldlJetl'l,i,w of ;Y'i electrolyte, PIJ'blic re\'"el'1ue, Type~ orTa;(es. CMs.sificatlon a1'l1:1 plinclple'S or Public expencl[t ... re. Pwbli:e Oeb. BWGget an,d e'luiv.alen' ~(lnduCLi ... il)".and i'I.s 'tasiaLiOd wilh dilutiOn, 1r'an:s.,pol't iI"IlJ"rnber. stIl,ybollity or S~ting'l:.' s.ol\.ll)]e salts.l. Iype:s. 01 budg.el d&fict15. 5, I'lllram;a,lioniil.l El::oDilomits ; TMCt'r), (If e.ompar'.aliv.e ctlsl atIdi HecksMr-Ohlin l[]onle Equlllbrl:!!I: Electr~~lic disS{]ciatiDn, IDIlic product of waler, Qs:lwaf-d d~lu1.jon !.aw, theory of alJOn!!] IhE!ory.Free' trade Bnd: protadion, Balanca of l)8),rnents and adju.:s.!ml!!f'lt-mechafliam. Foreign excll.ange rate e!E!ctroly1es. sD'luD.illiy p-roduel Acids .& Bases (Brons:ti3il cDncept Bnd Lewis conce-,pl). Bcid'S: and bases:. delennination. I.M.F. I.B.RD_, Bnd W.T.O.

l'IycI(Qysi s or salts, ")":Jrogen iofl COIlc:en LralrOQ. 1)11 •. buffer solutions, theOory of Inctlca'ors, J .Fhworsltl'ill fA8I=JI

Calls; Stal'ldar'ds hyCi!"(lg-en atJd' 00ICIi'nB1 elecLrodes;J:~;ll!I:ctfod&:s. aM reCl',(I;Ii; pCrlMLiaJ~, CCt'flcM't.atiOn Ce-lls. l6,c!:;'lJnlJ'mi-c Gi"'owlh and D&vralopmlllllt; M&an:ing and lDeasur.em&nt Cit GrowUi and da".,yI;;:f)ml!l1"lt, Hai'ltld and K .. 'F'hal!ll!! Rule: EJC:plaJls1ion of tenns irw.clvEid. Applicalioo t(] ona Bnd IWo componanl S~SIi3"ms.Di3Iributioo [I<imah groWlh model!!,. Soorc,.as of grQW1h: popura!io.n, producti-..i1y, h.uman resource!;: deYE!lcpmel1l !emool'law, l.. Collol(ls: General na~ufe or e"'IOICI~ SIOlutiorls,fli'\oO Ll'leir c~assfjcatOOn,Gener81 melhoos or I)rep;al'latio'n ogy McJ CEllpiLaI, Approca.'hes.o c:JevelopnleI'lL: Gig push theory. eriLica' rn!nffJll,lm ellM, e._...lal1ced; ancJ lJ.nool. and prop.erties ~r cOiIOOCIs_ Coagu.la.lion, pr0l1!lClive aetio-fl aM gOld number. MS'O.;p1lon,. p'h)"SiOWI'J'Mn aM an.e.edi gl'(lwlli. M&aSSur'M 01' economic ~&qu;alillf~S in .• ~I\a!il)fla.1 eo.mpariCIn -or CI'-e~,g,ICJ.'pm&fI'_

choemis(lr'p!iOl"l. Fte UndI6s.eh; al'N:! LangmUIr is.c-'lMr'ms_ M. Ciiti!l.lySis.; 'HomogeMIJ'G. Md, heteIClge-n,g,oUs. eal.aty- ~_!JJI

~; ~~t:~:b~:mole.~ and ~~i$Of1ing_ N .F'rob!e.m.~ ~ Simpl,e Dl,lmerice' endi con~p1,\lsJ p.rQ'bl'em~ b~~ed on ~e~~I:~r ~~t~;noa:~I~:=,d:~~gO:~~i~v~i;-~ifn(l,~~1:nbl=~,~~9:\J~~:-;~~ln~~b:~~d 6:~:~

~~ ;ar'l!;j ren'l8'(j~ • .exlenl and mea~un'l'L1!l~L o! ~o1tert~ ~~n-omlc plar\tl!tlg;.itI 1~.cII,a ~ItCi1Elg.es. goals. anlC .aChI8Vi!I~

1_ 'Mecha.nrc'S:: Urrit8.and dimans.iD.na SJ.UllllJ:j:. Na\l,i1<in's r.awa of motion. Gcns.e ...... atil1i:n ,o-f linar and angular manis, Agl'lCulll,lral and 'Industrral PiJolICY_ LlbE!rBl',isallon. and gfob.aiks..aIIQn, In ,Ind~n -econom~_ RE!;QE!nt chan-ges:

~~;~:'r~~,m:~:fyR:~1:::I..:~::(nS ~~~.E!~~tl~:.rts~e'I~:~FI~~: ~tk!n~s~~~~r;Tih~~r~~r:~:~ ~e!'~t, mon.e.ary ano tf;(lloe pooficle:s ai)Q '''err effects. Oe~elOpmel'l' of lJ~rrastrl.lc'ure, DroDlems and 'pros,.

ap:ptiealiOns.. Suiia-c:1!t tensiOli. E:xCI!IM p.lassUfe. Visc.oSity, Stooke's taw, :E;l:as!ie cOtlSMIS and IMit inLei'\r&- :w...e.C_L.IJJGA.L...~~~(;.1i'l;l.ll.:A.Ihilo.n'

laoon. Bending []of ibeam, TDrsion of cylindrical bodies. Elemel"ltal)' ideao-f sP'Bc~l: theGJ)' or r-elali'llity ana l.(a) Stale: Th'l!lm1111!1. of SO .... I!iI'"eI:gmy~ Mmliis.tic. PlurBli:!Itic_ (b} ThlEiorles: of I.he OrllJl'n of Slale- Social COil:s5m~e ;)ppka'iorIs. Mlcnclsol'l MOorl\ey eXI)er!I'i"iE!nL, lOfem: .ransformatiOf'l.M.3ss~ef'letogy te13Uo., 3i"Jd its eQUllJa· ',aeL, E.VOlutloMry ;(11M !\i'.at;(lan, ,(e) T"o-ot!u 01 Funellol'11 01' $l;.Uo~ lll:Per;IJ1 Soci8llSl ;(11M W.ejf~~e, 2.(;:!I) Il3'llcl3:; 2.Thlumill Ph),siGs; "rhel'mDma'ry. zeroelh, first and :SoScond law's o1lharmoo:;,l'\C!Imic:;. Hea' 'Elil'QiDB. COllc.gpl.5~ Ftigllt:;., Lib8rl~. E-guallt)' and Justi.l;;;e [b) Polili(;.i!ll'haoria.s. liberalism, Man:.ism i1nd Gandh;s.m. (I::) 'En1rol1Y, iharmod"yanamir;al potani"-I. IMa;;;w~rs le1alilJl"lS., Kinetic 11'teot":f of 'IiIase:;., idl3'al ga:5 eqUiltioo. Bl"OWTIian lhl!l'mll!lS (]J R-eprs:Mlnta1.ioll, Public Opinion. Pnl':;-:;url9 GKlUpo:s and Pll':!ilir;a1 parlias,

~ion. Ma:cwe.ll'!! ~e'looily di:!llfibulion. Equ::i:parlilion of e.nergy,me.an ffee :pal"_ Tr.ans.,port phencmaRl!l. 'o',allder- Se-ciion ~.B: GCivemmaol

walls equsUon:SOof sta'e, C:ri1icalcons'an's, ;Black bCi'Q)I' f!],dlation, W~n's 81113 Ra)i'lelg'l'i Jearis law, SIe.fan· 1. C'o!"i;Slltut!ofl 'H'Idi Con~nituHo!'l .. 1 Govommo:nt: Unil..ary ITIldi Feder;1l Governments: f'st!bmellli.lfY'& P~es!· IBo.It!mannlCiw. Plan~t:.s. I.aw,Spe~ific: 1'Ia:a1 01 Mlids, H&at coMudion ifI Mllds_ J, WavBl5 and 05GllliELtiGlIil; dentiai Go.vL. 2. INOlA; (a) Nal.iOn:al Liber.alio,n MO't&ment.&.and COMliLyMal Development, ~b' The Indiilon Simple harmonic lDIJt!on Wave motion T:rao'o'eliing Wi!i'o'e-, superpC!sll~.n of waves. slanding waves; BE!ats:, Com- COr1atltuUon:~ Balsc F-a31un~s" Fumiamant:al Right:!l_ DlrectNa Plln.ciple of Stale Policy. Lagi9laEure, E:;:ecrulive,

::it~c~i~ ~:!~~:,ic~!~~~rn~~~~~:uO:i~:O~:~~~~c~~s:J:U~ (1~~~~~;~~ l~:I~~~f~nl:ne:a:;I:: ~~::;;:.nn:i~nW~n~i~.~~Fi::~fr;,;',nlon ~aLe RelaUons ;(lind P3nCn8"jia.' PaJ (0) WJi&fl. fedefslism ~,M i~

5lril'lgS ar\od air C~ui'IWI$, DC!;pp'li!J~ -elret:1.. UIIt,as.onics. 'F.our~' an:atys:iS I)f Simple lPeriOdiC wa'i/e:s tr~aflgular 1:1. :SOC~OI.OGY'

:Bnd saw-too'th). 4c OpUC,SI : Nalule.Bnd :propoog,Blion of light, inteIT-aleflce, Oi ... i!!ion 01 wa ... e.-rrolJl'lt slld am,pLi- UNIT.I. Basic COTlcepts: Soci.al' Group- tyi>Ba: Prim;;llrj. Secondary.and ReferellOEl CommLmil~, .A!I:!I![]ctatioo. tude, Simple FrlLerferomeLers. Oirrraetkln. :Ff,a"IJi'1J'Io~rer aM FresFiel dffl'r&C1.iJn. Gra.lqgs. Zone IPls!e,OeLerm~n;:"l!lon Insti'utioll. Soe! ot)" ")"1 CI ~ts typos, : Tribal, A!II!rarlan. loouwi8i aM ·:F'osl :Incf-us'rial. Socia. SLruC!lJre arid ot wawl.-el'tgln o'rspe(:llcil 'In~. Po!an.:!:alion .01 lig'hI.BI'8WSt.e~'s law,pto<:iuCliM CIlId del9Clion ,c-1!,o'lari!ed So.c.:.ial System RaMS.and C.tlllUJ&.

~E!~~:I~~:.m~~:~~s afo~~:'c,:~~~r ;:~~~~~::::; ~r:~!:.l!!~in ~~~::~:~ka~~~: !3,v:~~t~~ ~1:1~~~~I::!il~:';::5:~~ =::f~ti ... e- ACCM'lmo.daLion, AAsirfl~lation aM co-o~r.aMn DissociaLi'te ~~~

~~~f1~~:l)f'_'~gL~;~,rf=~j=~~S~~~p~~~i ~;u=t!~ 5:CS~=';:lyL~~:CO::~~~~T:e~'h~I;~l~~ ~:~11~~I'~~:;!~\~n~ti:,i~~~~r~a~~~~~Tr~~t~:rf~~~g~G~~:~~~!~ss:~ra~,:~:~. ~'LIIM ~'f tasidence.

Ch.arge, fie-Id a.nd p[]o1-antional, E!'li3'Ctric d~pClle. Gauss"s law and its Bp~iea!ion. Die'lectircs, Cap.acitaflce. Descen, and in'herilance.

~:'L~~~~~'.~:;~~~IS;!~;~~a:~t~~:~lO~~1 ~~,c~.a:~~~,fI:li~~~~n~~:~!~~d:,~$::r~~ ~1~~~~~iat~.I~':L~:-~~~~ ~n~:-;~~e~~e: _~=ese7~~~ ~~ ~~~I\~~ S3ce.:~J $~~rm~~~I;~~wj,o;;~~

.electr'O-magetie inducliCt'fI. ta-nn ~. s.-elf and rnut1Ja.J ind'uc1.anc.g .and 1I'I@:ir' appiitalj(lns., Altel',naLing-Cutrenl. v.en.icaL

LeR c~rcujts. HE!aclance, Impedance, D~nanKi Mo-lors, Thelmoaleciricil~. seebeck. peltiE!I and Th.omson eF- UN~T~V-Socla~ ChangE!' And SDc!aj: CiJlllrol: Concept or Social ch:;llnBoS, lin.aar ami cyclical ch:.angs- fac:tors 01 fects and 'helrsJ)pllc:allo"" ~ec.(Omagf'lelic wa. .... e:s, : Maxweil's eQlUa'lion:s., hertz. experimen ••. Particle aC(;eI· soctaL -Change : Oemograpl1ic. eCOf'lomlc LeCl:'lf10lo;glC(!ll and -ClJltuf3!, Pl3nfli"g:,fine! socia! a.sfl~e. Soda1 con .. oe,.all)rs. CyeI01l"M Bat.a'IIOI. Mass SP'B~ll'Ometet.:;, Oia-pa:ta-aM 'etro-magnetism. 6, Moderm Ph:fs ioe:s ;. M.ea- 11'(11-- Concep.'l. meCli"ls a.M .agl!li'lCies_

suremenl of e:li3C'If()Oic chafge slld specific oharg-a E!lm. Me.agureme:nt 01 Pfaoo'k IS CDnstanl. HUlhariord alomic: UNIT ~ V I.Soc.lal OI'S:(] rg !!Illlsatl 0 Ilj Ca nfCl rmltv An d De'ljilan c-e, Co.ncp-E! l. Sym,p1{)ffiS sn d causes Dr

=~~~~rl~ ~ff:c~~~~vd~OJa~f:t~rm~~~!:V~ ;~~~~u~r:;. aO:~;~~:'s'~a~~~n::':~~~fn~f~~~ :~:=~:~~l~~,~omie crime. jL11lenile delinqualllC~, drugi s(jdic!ioo" aloollDligm, AIDS, cas1aism. regoinali:!l m

N.alura.l and CII'Iit~al r'dIdiCt a~liYity: Ci, f§ and g-etniSSion.:;Chain Cleea)" ~Elem8nta!j'-ICi.tias 01 nuclear s'tuOo 1JNIT~VII~ E~llomil;;;-, Polity And 5o(;.illity ; Ettlnomie s)".$Loem~ 01 sm.pl:.e anti ~I&:X: soOCielil!l6; r~etal and lure. NuclE!ar fis.!;.ion and Fu!!icn, el:emE!l"JtaI'Y parlji:::les .afld: :dle-ir cl.I!Isgmca.loc.n. '7_ Elec1ronlc.!I : Elemenls 01 ClIJnlrolJlled ecoll:Clm~, poli!ieal SyEte-ffi of Indi"a" pres:!iure gmupo. cs:!lle and piJi!ilica.

S~·C.oUllcJuc\or physlc.s, In111nslc a"" ex.fins-Ic seml·cOI'IQUetofs. fe~jsL1~i1y and Its 'emp.era'ure ..,arlatiOf'l, UNiT. 'V1H.Ui"id'Of ,P'lvlllog~CI $oelions: IOf Soclty: ConsUhJlJ0J\i31 pWllbiO'I'IS regaJd .... G!' the sche-QlJledi -casLel

P-N jUil~n.and~.:!i .app[M;:allOn:s P-N-P aMi ~~~=~nd their" app¥a'liOM. logic gatoes. s",<",hO",d",u",''''=lri",''",',-' .",,,,,,,,-,,O,,,th"'.''''''''''''''''''W'''''.'''''''''''''''''.~~;;-!..BIj=';;"iW1';;_:;:-'I2'''et!;;::;;y~------ _

1_ A~qeb ... a: Sets; and equEv.Bl:ence lelalbn:!l. Re.I!IU and oom,ple.:II: nL1.mtJ.ers, polynomials. Integr.al, rational. real Sac1lon-A:'Problll!m 0' phUo:!!'ophy: 1. Substan.ce: D!;Iscsrles. Splnozs lelb.nn.z. Locke, Critlcl!!m:!l Dy BEfkely and OOin~ex. roots 0' a POIYi"'Iol"I'ila1 'e(luairon, relatlol'll boetween l"O<Ils and ,coeffiolen's, repeatC>':! f(lots, 061,. al"l(! Hyffi-e: lNya.ya,.V~1s-esika, JainiSfD. Crllic~sm b:/ SlKIeJl'lism ;::,00(1;, SOyl a.,d tt'lO ~orlCi : Arl:slolte. $t em9n'lilry s:,omml3"ifiCo-lufll;;;lions. ~ll3"lTIlmLar:f Ihl!lory rn 'lilrou~s (e;(c!uding' qclil;;; and permuLaliongroupos}. l A.cq,uifldS, oes~al'l'eS. SpiM~a. Nyay.a-Vais.eSiM 8amUr'.a and Ramaouj:l. 21. Univan.als. ;Roea.li:smand N.omj.. iMatrll::e!il ~ Addilion.Boo mulii,plicalio.ns" 'E!lamemlary f~ am:i1 ccilLiinn opara,ion:s" inversE!" ·o-f a malfi:;:. fBflk 01 1'18.1ism (platD,Ari!!lotle-ear&;i;lIE!~_ N~a~;;I:-Vai8ekiJ,;.a, Bl..Fddh.iam)_ 4_ ;PrBma, Pr\alDan:s; and P,ramsnyavadl!l: a malrh:, soll.ition:s o-f s:/s!erns or ~il1eSf eQ'I.!alio.lls, Oetermli1an'lS. j., ~ : (::I' tFuQcti:;)ns ,o-f a sln:gl'e Cllarv,;llka, N~a,y.a -V:aisegils. Buddhigm .and: pu:rva Mi.mama_ ~_ T:ruth and Enor. Correspo.ndence theory • ..... a'lb3Ie. l.lmits, Co1'I'i:nulty, prop.ertles or cofltlflul)'!JS f:unctiQfI In a clOSed Interv;(lll, ,dlfre'rentia'l:ii'iity, Mean Cor-e,eflce tl'teor)l, Pragma.ie Lheory: KI'lY8ti .... 8t:l3Any,fithal(h)'~lLi, Mh:.-atl, s.a.r.:h-ji'sLi ancJ AnI'll;(llC;3,l'ijy.ak"'),ali value lheCtfatnS. fCi:fIO~ LhMJe:m. MiUlma and M~lma. appli~;aliOi'i 1.0 CUrvi!lS, 1..artgMt. norma.l pioper1ioeS. 16. M<:iUer iind M i ni:l; oes~arte.:s., Sp5I'1M.d. leibn[12 BerK&ley,

Cu ...... alure. as;ymlPto'e.s:, doubla pooln't~, paints: of infle:ron_ Par!ia'i diffe.re.nllatlon and ils :applic:albn (b) Oef.ini- SECTION~B~ E1HICS: 1_ Fact and .... alutt, 2_ R[ght Bnd GO![]>CI: Tele!o-gjl 8Jld D-eDntD!ogy_ 21. ,P!ilyc:hlJ'IDgrc.a1 Helin of eJe1ln ite Integra.'1 or ,fi cOIlLifluOUS runeL10;r'1 as LI'l~ limit ,0-1 a swm, rUf'ieJa.mel'!'3l .... e-ofem Oof calculus, i-Io(llofll:sln • .4. LJUUt!)t1;:!1i"1 ism: Bentl'lam, M11~, ~gwick, !S .. ~j'IIt's elM ies. 6. PfQtllD'm or f='rlD'o(lo 1'1'1 or wm. 7_ medio<:is 01 "legr'.aliOn, r9(:Lili~tion. quaclicillut.e. Volume al'ld s.l..IrFaces .01 Mllds .01 i'i!lv(ll'tlliM_ OClub[ti .and MeEilning!;!if Motal Judglll mellt.s.;Dl!I"SeriP:ti"'ism., EmolivJs.m, Ptas~tiFlli'tsm.,EI. c.thi~ got the Gi ta: Nis.l<amal<anna. Tripl-a inlegr.alocm. AppliC'.8llon to Brea, ... oluma cE!.nlre or m.I!ISS, and mome.nl of inlartla. ~C) Summation 01 S'_'.a.dM~m.a, Slnitapr'.ajna, 9, Jain~, ,cthiI::5, 10. 6u~dhist Ethi~5; E:ig.htrold paLh.ld.eas Clr A~Mt .aM series:_ T-ests of CQllllE!fg-ance Qf rnfinile serie-s of p<i!!itive lerms:_ 4_ OIff,l!ll'"entl!!l1 ,E:gu!!ltlons:: First mde-r Boonjsa"~a.11. Gandhlal'lo Elnl'cs:: Trulh; Non- ... iole.nce., End and Means:.

Qm-er-efiLlal eQusti01'ls.Si,.gular soMrons. Geome!lJlc Interprel.8.t(lns. linear differenLlal eQtiatlol1s, wllh con· SECTION -C: lOGIC :1.Trl,.i,h !:i~d 'I/;!IlIcU.y_ 2. CI3sslfl'ut!Ofl 01 PI"(II)Qs[tl'on:i :T";(IIcillf.ol').fJl' alld Modefn~:3. 5Lam eoefficden~_ !S •. GJi.:OJI!.t!iJ.or_; Two Ciiml!ll'ls,io.MI ar\aty'liCal geom&1ty Of s'lt.aight tifll!I:s..arl1:l con~ t&r,er'l~ Syllogis.m. ;figur·es al'ld Mood:s, Ryles or Sy'liogism (Gener'<il' and sp.e~ial) 4, Fiilllal;;;i,.gs.;F'orrn.ar,and inlGrmaL kI cartes!.an:Bnd pCllar eoo.rliinat-aa.Three dimel"lsional geometry Fm planea. 5traig;'hi linas:, aphere and IXines_ 5_ 'PrepQ!illtl1:in.1I1 Calculus: Symoolisation, Truih- Functions Bnd their inlerde:Finabililly. Truth.- Table, F;[]rmal -6. ~: VectOTaJgebf8. c:Jo' af)jj cross j:;IroCi'!JC'i.S 01 tW(l anC!! tl'lree vectors RlQment of 3 roree, 'eiQlJilib· pf(lOr,

rium Or ctIplaflat rorcM.Co.,mmM Ca1.ert:.ary, Mo.1£on.ol a, !pr'atierti in.a s.'lf.a,ight line. $mpJe hannOO'lie ~ion, ~~=-=-:==::-:-=~==-=~~~~~'~O~Gfy.gl'~AAT~.~l:-::::======-=::===

pOOjectil.es .and ~efl.t~al 1orce:!;. (E!i) ~:U~LG..~qlq:!iJy' ; SOlar' SyM~m .aM tM E..ai'lli Otigin, .ag& .aM ir.!'ernal ~Ol'l.5liLUIL.on I)f ~arth. 8.asiC

7" INOIAN HISTORY j SEC·J]QN-A oonce:pls or gE!osynclines :i;IInd i5.O:!ltBsy. Plale taetcmiC:!l- mcunla,ill buikling, sE!aFloor spreading, and Conli,-

~;J~:'~~~~:~~~.; ~i~~t~er2(;~~~~S~'~:~I=l'!oF~~~~~~~~~ ~:~~~r~:~:ed;S~~~~~~:1~h~~ nen'~ ctriq We;(llther~~, eJecLl~, trans,portation ~n.a de,posl!ion b:f ns1Ur~1 agefICles. e.sMQu;(IIKes·dasl1lbl.l)o lics: or pa:!lloral and ra:rminQ eommunitiBa outside 1I1e Indl.J~ fegicn, k{)ffi IhE! nE!olilhic l.o eBr'l~ iron phaae~_ 4_ ::~e;~~~~ ~,~~~~;~I~~e!fL~:~iiOC;U~~tt.~~~i:~~~~n:.nt~~~~~~i 1:~~~if!~~:&~ .B~:

Vedic sClcie'ty. Tihe VE!dic 1exta; change rrom rlgyedic 101 I.I!Ite-J Veclic p'hases_ Religio.n ; Upafli:!!lladic t'hough,t andl sea.(el structural Geologlw': Primary and! I;:econdary structurEls- LineatiDn, F(]lialion. rotd!!;!, Faults; 'POIitic81,fi!'K:I Social organisaliofl: e"'OoMioFi or moneroh)' sM Iiams. sysLem., 5. Slate forms.ion Bftd urbalU.ation• ~noiXlnforrni'ie:s and J03nts~ l1'ie;r .aescr Ip.i::In, dassfHcalk1n. a.nd recogfll.ioll, .Mechanics or folding anc faullll"bg. 11'0I'I'II 1M mah.ajanpadas II) the Nal'lCla.s.. Jainrs.m and 'BuddJ'liSM, 'F".ae1.ol'S io-r 11'1& SpJe-adi rl)r Buddhism, 6. ih1!l E~.ecl.s (II 101Cfs. aM Fault or l)ul-Cl'Op5. Nappes.and g&C!t;lgjt.a1 wii1dOWS_~d) E.i.!.ld..,..G..I.9l2g!.; Topogt.aphie aM Ma'Llryan Empire, ChandraglJpU3; Msgasthenes_ As:hI:J};.III .Bnd hi:3 [nscripIOCms.. his dh.Brma .adminis.tratiDn, gE!'Ologic.a1 map-:!!. RE!pren.:!l-antaiiDn of aElihKle. SID,pe,!;Ilrike 8"nd dip in lopC>Qra,phic a.nd ge<ilagical maps_ Cli>-

Lc:.:":.:I",:..",:...:.aod.;,;_;':.:":..' Tl:.:":.:e_A:.:":.:ha:.:,:.:",:.:,:.:,,:.:.,:.:l:.:. :.:"":.:':.:L.';..'.:.:";.:'I":.:':.:':.:I",,='o:.:, e:..c:.:~:..o:...:.:"O:..._;3:.:0il:.:,_;S'>=clce:.:':..,:.:: E;:.,:.:o:.:'"':.:'o:.."_;o:.:1 :.:"";,;;LI:.:,._;T:.:"':.:..:."",OIne=,.".,_,C",o:.:rn",o,::::,:::."oo_'.:.:"'", . .::",::::e;:.' .::Crf",te",""="",.eL",.,:.:m:::lo","","· :.:".:::0:.:[ o:::."':.:'::.'",of"":::",,,,=,",,=,':::Llo:::;".:::oI;:.bed=,:.:, .c"""rm.IiIP"d_,

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Page No. : 3 (Anu ImageM.kerl

E'lJcMioJ'L o:r P"ti~~ Mmillrslfa~f! as. ;(I dlsciPlll]e,

II. rh ... milll~ and. jI rinci"pfl!l.5 of -0 rg.imijgtion: SOier'liLifi~ t.1.:in..:ig ~mltni: BlJre8,lJ~~~'Ib MMe!: Clas~~I' In8CIry:

Human Rela1iol'l Theory: Behavi[]oural A.}ipro.ach: Systems Approach: 'Principles o-f Hier.archy, Uility of Commend. apen of Conlrol. Authority and Respcns.ibilil~. Eeortfinatirm, De-lega1ion;, Cenueuseucn end! Oeeel'llr;)li!1)llon. Su~rvislon, Une afld: Staff,

III. Adm I illlilt ... Uve ,a.ilha~1'&1lJ r: :iJ~ei5iO'tl·ma!dng: Theoi'i_1:!IS o.f CommuiliealiOti, 'MolivatJOiI and L.eti!lde-NihiP.

IV. Compa{'alhrB and D& ... etepmeru Admlnjstratlon: Meaning, neiure and scope 01 Comparett ... e PUblic Admln:lsLratiQf!, ccncent, scone aM slgnlllca;l'1ct of 'Oeveh::.pme.nt Mmil]isLraliol], Concept or Mm-ln.lstrall\ole lJe'\I'iIlt;.,pment,

v. P'Bf1i-ont181 Adm In I srratl on: Role or Civil Sel"Vite i.n devef.opiDg s,OoC:ieties.: Clas:siric.:itlon~ Racrunment: lr13inDg: Prcmotlon. Pay S'lrucllJring: NE!"utrali1y I3Ind An()nym'ity.

VI.Fln:l"cl.,l A~mlnlst':lllol"I~ CoQcep~ of e."lJ!j:g~ FOfI'I'II .. mnkln aflci Execution or eucr.ge~: Accovn.'I.S, 8oo~·

EAR~jll dit.

,Petro-'Iogy :(!!I) :JqnBous: ,Petrologv: Ma:;n;a·iLS: compos!tion end netare. cryst.al~selion of rnaqrna.. Ditteren- VII. conrrc! o-.rIEiTAdmlnl!illTal,lon: t.eqletenve. Executjve and Judicial CDn1rol: Ci.i:zen"s ccrnmlover edmin· 1]{!Ii;l0d'l and ;fIss;mlletlon.Bowe-n'~ eeeeen ~rincipie. Mode- ~f occunenee tenere, etroctcre, mlI1ef81Ogjl' and lstra1ion,

~.S~;:~~~~;itgh:rt~& al~~S~:i~!~rbf~~~!:'~~t~~1~~~' ~gt~~f~~::' ~r~~~n!i~~~~ ~a:Pt~~ ~!r~t:c~~~r:J,~~':t~I~~a~:r ~e~L1~Jii:~: ~~I~~a't~~,~~~f\it~I~i:'t ~~~:.~<:fa:~~~~:~!~i:jo~e;::

aedmentery sttucnrres , 8-edding,Cros.s bedding. qreded bl!!'dding. ripple marks. enc acle airucture. Texune nenclet Commission: Ocntrolle-r end Audltor General of Indr.a: MElijor forms: of PublK:: En •. erpnees.

;(III]" ela,sslflcaUo:n or scdimeotarv fcJoC1C.S: F!:e.~lcl'uii!l, ctesucaoc flon-clastlc: (siliceous and CalCS/e<:Iu3 ceoce- IX, C!vll $ci"\l'l'eo 11"11 li'idlia: :ReauIU'llen.t Lo ALI mete. cenuar cnc Slate Sel"'.'ices: Ufllon. ;)_j'Jd State P"~r:;.lic i'Is 'm chemical and organiclJf"igin) .. Oi1gin and characlaristics. m Ouartz arenuea. arkoses and -gr.i!l),:awar:kS's. Service Gl):i'tImi~SliOn~: T ta,nln~ in 11'119 Genu-e and SL.ale: G8ne.ralis~ and SpElCialliS~: RelaLiOr\So wilh. lhe Po(c. Metamorphic PelmloD)' : AgE!l'It and types of metamcrphlsm. Texmres. suucnne. zoosa qrades, Iscies nuce! E:(e(:l,Iti'le'.

and eaesaeeuon or metamorphlc reeks, ~Pe1l09raplllc. -01 QIJar1z1te. 5:~Le. ecnlet, anelss. marbre. am.p~looUe, x. State, OI:s.trlcl and Local Ad.mlnls.tratloll jn uuer Pr:ade-sh: GlJVemor, Chier Mlnisle:r. ChieF SEion:tary,

ld1onca~e aod !)OOOI'Le, $ecreU!lMlaI: Oireclorates; Role of OisLric1 t1agt-s.1fateJCOlled.oJ In, Fl:evel'"lue, Lawal"d Or-der ane oeveeseem

ee.~ AdMii'ii$1r.a1ion: Main r'l!IatutI!lS, stfUet-Llre and probll!m6 (II panchayaLi Raj an_d: Ui'ban Loca.l G.o",8in:n'll!ltlt,

(A) PalaBO[) nto l'O;gy : Foaa ils....co.nl:fi1icns. fur emcmbent. Modes: of prese Nation and uses. Broad mcrphDlogicsl 20.:ELEC!R~CAL E'NGINEERrNG

re["lll.l ree ene 'geof.oglcal -di_sLrlbuUon of bracnlccces. Iame]lIbranCilS. gasiIWOOS. c:ePMIoI)Od5:. Uilo-bi!es. .. ecnl- ~-11 E.M, Tnoory: Anajys[:s of eleo::lfo:SI_a1.ic and m;:l~nelOSIStiC f:te[ds, Upla,oe. ,POISSOB 8; Ma~\PfflII's equanlJ'id!!i and corals. A tui'8r :sludly CI~ gD'ndwa.na ([.ora. ~VCllu!icnary history of horse, e!S'phanl and man. (b} lions, EJec.rom:agi'le-tlcwav-e:S;fll1'l:(l wa ... e ecuescns. 'Poyn!rIl9'S Theorem, Wff .... escn II'l!Im-rnlsskl.1'! noes. "W"ffII~ 5mulgrapby ~ Punearnerrat laws: of Blreligraphy str.;liti9TI3I_phic ciessmceuen and nomenctesure . .An oumne guidM., Microwa",e r&:5.CJ.:nalOrS. [ii) Networks. & S~~l9m:s; Systems. aMI Sign;J]~. N.e~r'ks flheorems. atIlj ge.clD1lyof India aod a brtet slud~ or the venous ge-o[]k:igical systems: wi!" respect to thalr dfstrrbutlcn. Ihe" applicBliQlls. Tral}5.iel1! end :!I1e.ad~ state: enalyela of ayateme. Tranatcrm techntquee i.n circuit aml;iysi:!l

[i'ttICKI09Y· los;sil ccmern aoe economic ImponSf.lce, CQ~pted clrcuue. Fl:eSOflall! ~rcL!11s, :Baiaf'lcecl s-ee phase- elJoCwits nelWork rUflcllol"S, Two p<)rt networks.

.!!....I!~J!9YJ§.l Nel'w.:oJt: lParaml!lters. EIll!lml!:nls or 'dti~~9 ipl):int lil'lmitai'ic& synLhe30.iS pr'Ob\lem. Eleml!l-:nla:ry act! ... & netwO-/I<:!;,

1. Nature MethodSl and ApDroachelii : Ps~chologY as a science. Non-experimernat va. Exparimental meth- (1.I1} control Ellglneedng: Propertlee of reedbeck. Ma.11le-matic81 modellil19 of physical dynamtc eyaiema

:}.~7::;~G!:l~c;:.~~~~.e ~~~~~,:,I'1~~~,::~~I~!~~ a:;~~o~~dO~~:~I~~~S~~,~~~ ~3t:~ :1~~d=g;:n~r:r~y~iL~r:,~B:a~~~.e=:~~a~~;~~n~~:2..,!i:s~,~::: ~~~~d~~I~~~i:, $n~~~

voue S.ySI8rT1S, 'Eirain, structure ann funelfoon:l. & ~l1oocrinBglar1dS and PS;)'dilOiogiCiil rurcnone. J" ~iIIlQP.-! AnalySis of line-ar ,conl/'oJ $~Slems. ROIJoLh-HlJl'Wi1.2: and NyquiSL ctite-ri a. Rc.ol Locus ~~MiCjue. Has.ie coo .. me n-I, Clf Be flavl'aour ~ GroWlh. maturation and development. Rde or ErwirOllmBl'ltel factiJfS, Cognnive 8. Social cepta of compenatcr design. S'i:a!E!-'IariaD'le mlJdE!l~ng. el1alys:i!I & de:sig;n of lieaar d~namic aystams. Conand ffiOf31 devekJprnen .. .II. SClfjUUPtl i!in!t Pfl{C:'".iill.-o.n : Oer!nltlor'!s al')d d1:stlnetlofls, Visual an'l:! auditory cecr or conlrotat;.II!I)' .ana oc-sefV!JtJlI[ty 81')d :!.heir le:s.1lng methcds,ConLrol svsrem COfllponenls (Poteflt!om. PI'OCSSS8S. Tcp-ocwn and OOHom-up .ap,pk!aC:lie~. !Fig;u~ GM"lJOO and parCl!I:pbJaI.o/ganiLaLiOnSo eLel'~. :roQebnomot.8~~. S),nChro.& & SI!Ir~Oo.mo.10lS). ,[ ...... , EliII'l;:tr'ic;a.1 & E!l3citollic Mltiils_lJJilimlililt & In5!rumlllnt;a;. P,ercaptu:al con!l!ancil;ls 1;1I1d de,pth p.EiroBI1tion, Hole or moLiva1bn 8: sel afid; s:ocial fact[)f"S jJElrGEip.1ua,1 se!ec. ti (Jon: Bdisk: methods or measurem&-nL Error anal),sis. EJe~1rical siandatds, Measuremenl Ct1 voI1ag_-8. eul1enL, lion. 5. Learnl'ng and Memory ~ Cle~ical C"Ondi1icning, 1nsllument.a1 learning and observe.1icneJ leeming, power, 'E!ne-r91, resi:!lb;iI'l:CE. induclanCIB, c:;llp-dlicill3lnCe ami frequ.eI"\CY, rndicating tnslrumenla, Bridge me.a:3ure· "'ernOl)' IProce~ses. : EnCQal~, Sl,(Jr-ege and relIle .... al. StOJ~e fntXIei 'llefSI.IS !process aI)Pll):ach,_ :Fo~eLt;ng: meflts, eleclr<lflie measuflf'lg Inst:rU'~eI'lIS, Elec'Lt"Onlc ml.l'ltimeter. d~ital wltmeter. fJi;QUe-nCY eOlJnler,_ Q. !r'IIl'l!lr1er1!n"tl!l .and e-neMing va tia.'bil~y ap,pl'oOM:h1!lS. SBman.l.Ic memOi"y '_"1!I~lJS epiSc.die m1!lmory S COna.trutLi ... e m9IEtt', o:sc:iglJ<S.ClJoPe iEtC'hllique.s, SPEtGia.1 ptlr'po:i.e eROs. Transau CEtrs aoo 1.i18.ir cl~sirlC2liion. Temp. Ojs. ne.ure of ",e~ry Eye wilfless me.lT1Dry. 6. Motl .... ailonand Emotion: Nature or moLi ... eiicn, Class:ificatiDn or placemen •• slrafn. j1Ies.:suIe, velocity tran!lducef5:. Thermo-ooup-ia. lhoalmi:!llor. LVDT, S1r.ain gUillge:;:. PiElzo· motlyes, l"echniques or IDea31.1flng ~~ation. NaLuJe ¢ emotions oEIOO !_t.eoretical approsd'les, PhY'ioJoglcaJ elOO'lrt. crys tai elc. Tra:ns_QUC€f.s. A(.IplicetiorJ or Lransdw,ce1s 1n the measLJJem-enl -of OOf'I·elec:trE.cal oQuantl~ C(i ... etales. of -emolil)M -& RecogniliM of emolioM, 7. IIlli!_lI;_jjJ_g : Lal"lg"lJa'Cle I)f tl'Iinking, ~(lr'llCepL I~ai'ning: Ires I!~-e p:ressul'"e. LeJn.~era!u~, d1.sPlac:efJl-ent. '_'eIQcit~. acceleration. flow--rate, ete, Oala·aculsitlol'"l s:.-s. Al1if.::iaJ concepL.:;. .arK! natutal c·.aI@ogOM~. DecltI~~i\[e aM: DnC!uclfw t'e.asonrng .& Cr'fla1i\l'1!I- thinttng. 8, ! ttt~J II.:: I,g,~. [v) Ail E!I_1og & 0 i'lilitl!ll EII3~lf'O il in: SemicCJ.nd'UI:::~l)rS arK! 5.-BmiOondueLoOt biodes .& z-srteMiod'e. Bi .. pobr ~: U-s llaLur.e. GeJ1e-tic el1dl envimrunE!ntel r8ctrus & Mea!l'Uremenl of in!e-'lligE!nce. :9. Per:!Ktnalily : Its lunC:IMlI'I Ir.anais:lor ami Iheir p-.Br.amE!1ers:. Trarl5:ts.tm biasing. an.aIyBis of all 1~j1I;1S of amplifiE!"113 including' flalure, ,;aPPfoocl'1.eS:: trait. type aoo i:nteH!.60flisL, Oelermll')8n.$, of l)erSG:nalil~ &~ 'PerSOI'"l:flII:!), ,asses:srnellt lech· reetlbJ~ and 0,(;. i1mPIII'lers. O,per811oJl;fl1: a.mpl1riefs 3Ad Ll1elr 8.Ppl~llons., Analog cQomplJlers, :FeedbeC:k niquM- ai'l~ type!; or LIflt;'I.!i, 1 O . .E!-~I'_$Q.ij_p_"'~~i2tl.M : lm.pt~OI'!I fl)tmaliM, 5.oll pel'Cep4.ion & !;0I::81 ~gni. O:!;Cil~to~·eotpi'HS at'ld Hal'lley .L)'p8S. wa ... eftJl'm ge.neraL<:Jts. Mul1ivit.:i'i!lit(l~S, BOoOI&al'l alg:Bbra. L~ie ga.L-!!IS. lion. 11. GmuP;5ILru cture and Dynamics : F~m8:1·[flrormal -grOl.lps:, Co.mmLIIlicaLoo J1.i!ILLerns, Il'Ifluen.ce or Combiflation:al and sequE!ntial digilal circurla. Semi ronduc1pr mem::.ries., AI'O &. DIA COiWarterE. Ml:JIa(]proce:sslJl", groups on behs,~ur ano d:eclsionlll:"akloQ, &. group conftlcL and its resolUlion, 12. $oc:l!:!llnfh,lonc,c: ConfOl'· number !;:ysklms :Elnd c()l;les.. IliiIEiments of miCI'"QprQCe$$01 oS. 'J.heir important 1;I~j;ilice1ion~. C:ommL1nli::-atla-n!l m'rty ·eompr.jan-oe 81"1" O!)e(llen.oe. leadership and fOII'OWSlllp, ~ :),' Sod;)! Ex'(;b;t,Mi!i1 aM $ge lidc:om~ ~ $)'-sl-om5o: NnP'lIluce, frequeney aM pnase mt)ci'ulat!on. U'lelr gel'lerallol1 sM ,del'l'lOOulatlon, Noise. PUlSe, Resource and PO'n'Br, Equil)' ar'lld :R:'elatiYB oepre ... ation, NI!I-gotialiOns. .& MmOlity influellca, 14. ~QI]loi!l PCM and (J1Il"1I..J It'ICI(!uiaMn. LIM atld~ tCtdiO C(lmiDtll\lea.~n :!i)":&I:em!i. Satellite ctJmmutiiealion, TI!l:II}VlslOn and Hi!lhav:lour : CritE!/t.a of atlf"lDrmality, DVllamLcs of abno-.rmal be.h.l!lI.lOCiur wilh :!Ipecial emphasis on c(]Il~ict, Radar EnjJineeJing. 'Electrical Machlnelil: D.C, Mac:hinll;!s: comml,liBtiorl:aoo ermature ree.dicn, cher.aderis.· stress and maladap-U"e- bef'la ..... 10<l.!1'"S" P:s~cl'l.Ofle .. rosls, Psychoses F!'$yeoo~o.ma;1:Ic oC!isOofClers, CtJltJ ~au.o~ogy Iles.[l1ld perforjll:;fi~ of motOf and gen.er.aton, Aopllea:11on-s, stanll'lg ;(lind sp.eoo ,con"~I:, SynChronous Glefl.

8; Menial hy-greM, el";;i,l.(!"'-: Atm:J~utl9 r&:ldiOr'll, _ vOitagO !'Ogul:JiLioon, lI':"ralll!1l .op,ar.:iiion. ~nglQo and iIlJN·Ph:c'i!;,g indudil)O _ ml)lors;:

1~.IA:t!ri PMCi~le Q1' oper.alion and ParlOi'mante.cMr'aL:le-Mtic:s slClii"ting .ali(;] StJratlCI 'OOi'Itl"(ll~. S:rm:::tuootlUii ;Molo()FS:

Orig(n of Lire: Thecrie.s of llf"iQln of lire, IbiClch:emical' and bio.logical a5ipecls of .e"'Dluiicn endi :s.peciation Princ:iple of opar:ation. ~Perfi)Iman0E! :al"\8tys.is. Hunliog. S)'nc"hmnoos c:ondensers. fran !iifOrmBl"S~ Con,s.truc· PIM' AOiIlomy : 5locmer'!lary Ii;fIO~c1ge of sl!'\let"re, dlrreref!Llallorl aM, ri.rl'lCllons I)f '!ar1oU"S IISSIle:9. evolu· 1l0ll. Pnasor cJlagram. e.i:]u!'v08lent c:irc:uit, vOltage Jeg!J13tl~. pe:r(1)Jrnaf'lce, P,ulo 1J_3Psfo~me:rs. IflswmenL Ir8RS· tiOr'll 0' sl;l)ll3:5. ~I ilntJ!iW~: GSJ1i!l"ral ac:c.(Iu_nis 01 slr"Uc~ure, rEtprod'lJClior'll ami lire hism-lies 01 mair'll planl formers. TIm!U) phas.e Iran:;J\ormers. Powi!lr ElIt~troni,"s & OrivlIIs:: Valious. paWi!lr semi conduc.tor C!e ... icBs, Qroups a'igee, fun,gi, I~e.n:!l. bryopihyle.s:, Jl"1eridopAyLE!S, g~RLI1osJlerms, and angiospElrms., s:truclure, mFtfi· :!Iing'le and pc!lyph.ase :re:cti~eIS. con.rorled co-n ... e.rtora &. inver1'Cirs .. Ohop-pe-.r.::. AC. vofla-ge OOll!rollers. D.C. 1101'11 a:l'!d, repro-dIJC'~Oof! of !)f:Jcten8 a...a ~ruse:s, PfII'lCIp'les of plam Ia'«!~m-y, nOl'flenClalljre and: pI~m sys.tem· Je<JuloL1te(l ~wer suppty. EJeclfic o...we:s: fund;(!rnenta!:s, eie<:u1c bra'J.::1119 fatlng e-:s\irna60n, ~POWet ~eCl('04'!lc allcs . .d!SLln'!N~l1ln'iil reatures of "SQm6 Imp.orta"L fal11lll~, et::t.~bY.Jl~:!t : Water rel;J.Ilon of PI~n~.:s, m;n. COflUol or O',C, l'Ft01.Qf~. PO'oVor $~stOjftS~ TranSI'I'I!:s3iol'i of llf"le P"ara_rnelers, l'fI(I(]eJllllg and ~erfQlm.a.--ce, €o1011 nutrition.ancl :Jt.atlSIOCailiOn 01 'SOh~M. el\!ym~s. 'PMIMynLMsis. i"e:spir'CILiCl':n. nilrog-en mel,a.bl)'lism, planl In~ulatl)l'!i. Med"lanieal (Jesign o~ ,CM:!rh-eCid 1r.ansmiS.-siM liMS. CI)lOi'Ia. Uhdltllrground c.a~'Ie:s, Surge. P1'IMOM· grnwth re!lule~ol13, growth .aoo mO\l'Elmen1:s, physiolQgyoF Fli;WfE!rillg:and s.ee>d germination. iReprcdu-ctloll' en:a. Feull Bnelys,is:. Pmver Sys1em St.abilrty, EHV & HVOC ir.a~mi~!licn. Arc: eXlinctioo i.nc:ifc:uil i:J.le:Bkel13. V'etJe .. lli .... e, a.s.oe~"'_!3! .a...a s.ex'I.!a'! modes of reprOOUCIIOf'! In !3ng1o:sverms, rnltlo sf!Cl~ megaS$lofCNJeI'!e:s.ls. !pollI· Restr'ik:1119 PMl'l(Irnen8. Proleetlve feliJ!(S !Jj'!cJ scnemes rot proL-ec:lloll 0' po:.ver $yst~m egwipmenls.

ne.iOn, 'eiUIit,a1iOn ai'llj 'Seed de~IOpml!l-iit. £.Wl@ig~~x ~ 'UlLraslruetur'1!l and 1un~Lion5 .or e1!IEJ o-rg-anellM., ;nJl1J;,_~A_\.,J;HGl.H.~=_ftl.ti._G...i.

cel c~c'le, struclure of chrom.osome.s:. mitoSIS and IT.ll;lLosis. numer:ic:;l!1 .and stm-clurs'l Ohan,ges ~n chrome· ~

:!Iome.S:. Genl!!Uc : Mend:;!.I'!I lew of in'heri'lance. linkage soo g;en.e map,pD-g, nature 01 ge.netic m;;I!teriaJ, devel· 1. Statlc!il: SlInp.'Ie' applicslions of equilibrium eqlola.tiOOSl. FrClion trus:aes:. Princi,ple of 'o'Utual, WoIJrk. 2. Dy· oj;lrnenL of.gen.e e<l11Ce,Pt arld £Iel'letic code, muLatlon, MOfl!!!!:ld:u Biology": Etoemenlal')' IcJea o(tl'Ie :Ul1Jcture Mrn!e.1o~ SlfOOle dDg.'licaLlofl of eQlJaL;ocns of rnotio"" WOf!t. eMf"(J)' aM ~.uoer, fITIpulse iilrld, rnG,l'I'!eI'I~l"Im, 3. of e.arM'hyoClr.atEi:S, proleins .and' lat~. (lucle-i~ aCid.s.-:struC'tutu aM th-eil' ifl)le in piote-jn syntheSiS., g8nelk T'tIeoty ~f MaJ;;hines: Simp-Ie e?::<imple:s. M ~nematiC: etla:ins. aM 1I'I&lI' inve~iCli"l, BeIUi, 1tict~n wJ\.8&ls. gears enginering and' :p1'anl ~mpKWemenl. PJanl Palho!ogv: Prllc:~,ple or plent pll!!tholD9~. disea:!lEi types. pa'hogans:, I3Ind bearings, governors cen.rifug.al:Bnd spring loadE!d. FIyM.'he~s:. cams. balancing of rigid roto.rs. Simple palhOgef"lesis, symPlorna!ology, '~k!Ia.g)' aJ'!;:I: C(lllll(tl, .e_I""i!U!L[(l"Jiill_oO:n-.1~tJ!ll,."irL'W.-O.~jI!!:'.t.t: PI3f1tS as ~Qurce.s I.!ibr3110fl ,8f!al~si:s (Iof liars ana sMrts. 8,ra.ke:s 3l'1doynamometers. 4,~lD"e~.:!Ifllc:s -or Solids: Stress.SUa-ln or 10M, libr-.. t.imboB~, drugs. biopt!!sti6de!;, bioreltili:!ors. Gi'lEII'{;I)' ~entalion. ~1'i.U..amu;:~tLrn._~ : A"i· '::Ol'l.;>e~s. 5llre:.:;;-s1mlfj relo.1.ionstilp-, ttiechQl'licli!l pr.;:.~'t;';:s Ql'KllestinSl', shoeQr Elf'ld beMr~ l'I'Iome~J.s In tieli!m5, oLic atJlj biOCic ctJmpon.enL,s" 8to-:sy~Lem, 8~gical.aCldptdltions, c!lffimlJnit:f aM sUC(:9.$:;:iOfl. natural tesoutee-s simple boaMing .anti iIlItsiCIn CMCe-pIS, M&t:h.anical :spting:s. fhii'l walled CYEiMers.. ~:Ia.stic ~ta'bi1il)' ~ (;(II·

and li'Hlir con:!lerve!ion, elwironme.ntel polkltt:.n aoo CIJI"Itrcil, plents: as: indicaOCIr o-f polruJjon. umn.s. 5. Fluid Mechanics:: Hydroo".atic:!l con.inuily e-qua1i:on. Euler"s and BeBlRClullieQuatioo. F11JW 11lrough

1!}._Le.W plp-es. 600ndary layer tvVer rla-l ~laL or Lwbes.. Clmensiof"ls~ af'Jalljl'SIs,

1 .. :J..1lii.§.P'L~: ~. ~Cfll)(Ils of juri~:pf1J(.Ietlee. N.alutCIIllaw. anal~til:CiI.H:isll)j'jcal an!:] SOciolog~l, ;i!o SOU ftes E'8HI!J3:

of L...sw: Custom. Pie-s.idE!.n1 and Le9"islatioo. 3. Righ"ls emil Dlitie:s:. 4. te-gal PE!fsonaliiy. !S. Owne rI;:hip e.nd 6. :Mlln ufacturfn.g sc len(}B! Manu.faclu.riog pmc:e:s.se.S:, Mechanics: of Melal cuLti~. T 001 life' equation, cuUingi PooS'8:!1sicn. II. Ccns.lutltlnl!ll la.w of India ~ 1:. SaIIE!nt re.L'llure5: -Df the r_ndlan CDnstllLI1icn. 2. PrE!ami1!e'. 3. 1001 melerials. Me-c'h.anlab'ilill~. ec:onomic.::: of mach[nl·l1H., Besic types of macll[ne 1.ools el1d Ih,elr prooE!:!I!les" Flmd;)!mef1tR1 Rights, Dlrec1.i .... e ,Prlndp:ieS ar SLale P"oik::I. FunCiamenLal DUlles. 4. Parliament ·S. Plesldent ALltC!ms';c iTiachlne tools •. Numer'pcsi COf'Itrol. UrlOOl'!"'enlbnal ma.d'!lnlng j:lr!:!ce:s:ses. Me!al forming pJoce:sses and hiS !pOWI!l1~. 6, Ul\ion eM' SL.ai& JudiCiary .. 7. :Emergency Pro'ti:SiCIns. s. AmeMrii&fl~ I:1:J. rna. Cons.Liiu1iOn.. and madiil'les, types M' castirtg aMI welding m~'I.hCiod:!i. Powdet melallurg:f, Pro~eSosltlg o~ !,OI:fmerS. 7 .. Ma.llu, III. I'ntfl-mlltio-n:ll Law: 1. Nalure of rnternatiDnsillaw. 2. SouJ"CI:l!l : Treat\l', DU:3lom. GeTiE!"ra'l PrillC'ipJEia of fSlCiurifig Man:lilemQrLt: Loc!llion and leyou1 of p'i!!nts:. Matarial hBndlillR'. Joha !i:ho-p aoo mBs::! :pmdudion" l.aw fecognise<j bjl' cMbecJ nalk:Jns aJ'Id~ SUJ:i.sidlar)' means for me determl('li:llion, of :Law, :30, $1.8~e Fl:ec<t9nmon PfooucllOfi ~lanf!lng aflC, conlr.c,",~c:nedu~llg, cJlspatchlllg, fCioVUng a.w expedillfl!ih rnven.lOry CX!n.lIoi·j\'BC ana!)!'· and SJ:.a1e :Sutessic.n. 4. Unitv!Ol :NiltilOl'ns : P'LlrPI)S% iilrid Frindple&; PtinCip'le. organs inGiuding Il'ltematiMal sis. Eca-nomi(; ,1)(IIj08f qt.!i3Inlity, Material r-!!lquiremem plan.ning. S'alisiical; quality C(lr'IIlml-(;:oQl'lIroJ (;har1~. /JIb Court or Ju$lice. ~oQp1.<in.ea .s.ampling. Gost eMiin.ation <ir'lll:! ibf'f!!aK e\l'en .araaly.s.is, Linear piogrammin-g-gl.apltica.l aM :Si:mpkl); IV. Torts: 1. Na~ur,e e.nd defjn:.iliCln Df too. 2. U.abilil~ tias:ed []on f.aul. and 8lrk:t fla.bili.y, 3. Genp.ral -de. malOOcis. Wruk simpli!licatiDn. WorS.; S:pBOI!! de!li-gn. Product de'o'E!':ID,pme-.n'. Value anal~s:is. fl. rh&r.mO[j:~."ami rel'ltes. 4. 'Vlcariou-s r:iabll["1:y. 5. J031'11 T.cf'l.·'.easofS, Ic:s: :Ba.sic concepJ.s s~'Slems, and Jl)oocesses. heal ,aml ""Ort., Z_eroLh Law, IcJeill ancJ real gases",eQuatlon ~ V. &dm I'~~ : 1, Gene~a~ principles Oof crfmin.al II<1blti1.y, ::i!, Mensrea.. J, Goer'llerar IE)I;c.1!IptOOns. 4, Abl91ment state fOr id.eal gaseS. GompressibitrLy lacL.or~ Wit1der w.als. equatiOn, .01 :stale. 'B8ha'tiolJ~ or pq..!r'fl s.lJsb$l~nees· :;lind CDn!l,pir-acy. 5. Jrnnl and clJllstruc:tive ~ebii'ly. S. Criminal: anelTlpl. proj>Eirties e.nd j1roperly diegrams. Fifst l.aw BOO its: .a1lfi[1CB1icJns:. Second lew, il:!l OIJJ()lIariBs eoo epp!ica,· VI. L~'tf'_u~rul: G~ller;J1 'Pfll'\e'lpCeS or eo"LN)cl: orr~,. AocepJ.a...ce, Conskieratlol'l; Capacll), 101 Co:l'I· l]ol1s .. G.ss P"ower C:f'Cles·C8m01, Otw, Ole:sel', Owal aM IBra:,-lOnt:),cles, O,pen. .af!O elos~ cyCle gas ~!"I'.

Irn.;l: 'B,each I)f CQoI'lIf3.::I. Cluas)·';!I)l'\lI.li1OC'l (SeeU~il 1 10 7S of Ll'ie hdbl1 CO-TIII'"3';! /1..::1. 1 a.nt. blnes. V.a~f p.!) ..... er '::~'e1&.<: ·~r]kine feh%! and reg.J)~r~ll ... e, Ref~era~ e)"';!oe~Se:II·Co"el'f1f1. y'8:POlJr-c-o:m·

,U.~i.M.~U..§;glM_~tjO~I_!.IaB::LSCI~~ pression and 'o'a;pour ab:§oor~1Jl1 C.ytil9!o. 9, Enllrgy Con,version:: LayouL rn :i.h13"I1D:;:r1 pDWl!!r plan~. :sleam a.nd!

A'nlmal Husbandry ~ 1', ~ : CQllllibl,l!ion of liv-e:;:IC'ck in Im;f.il;l.n eConQlm~ ",nd ill)ma,n hei!Jl!h, mi:x-ed ~es_s oozz'Ie:s;·cil135Sificallon., enE!li;lY eejl.Ja.bn .I!Ind critlci3!1 presuIe, sleem gen.er:alol13-hl9h pres:!Iure boilers rarming. ~o--e~~mlc asvecLs of llvesto!X:k wil'" special refere:n~ 10 lf1dlan peas.!Jf'ltI'Y, :i::. ~_____ruut S1JC!l CIS l.t!Iw MonL, Velo.x ;(IIna FI:&d"anL ITIwnting.s. aM acc:essor"!.E!s. S~e8m lurb.iJ1es~jml)ulse .£!!')d re;acllon, !;Int_III1tin~: EI&m8ilL~ CJ.1 ,genetics al'lld bfeeding as appl[.Bd Ie. imp.!"cwl!n'lilent or an.imels., HrE!!!li:I:S of ~d'igenou" '_'oQlocily (Jiaglams. 8w1:acI!l! ~OM@-nsei':!i-~OnSllUCLiCl'fl aM WOr1;ing prfnc~ples. la.yoot 01 h)'"(J~aulie and .e;ll;l)1ic -came, bU'llaloes" goalS. SMep, pjg~ aM poultry ar'KI tl'lIrir p.otenMI or milk, ,gOO:!!. moat enJj: WOOl power p!ef'l1:S. hlydraurlC lL1rl1"ines: and PUmpS:-uJIllructio.n .I!Ind WClrting principlQ5;. SpE!cif.ic :!IpeEd, tay.cUI o-f prndUCllQn. C-BI~e IlI'"EI!!!i:ling pmb.lams, e)Cisti~ J1C!licies I3nd suggeS:lma ror fmPfovemen •• 3. Nutrltl Dn : Clas· hydreullc pow-er p-!ants, Hy{;I reullie Lurbines and pumpS:-CIH1:;:trucli.on ami worling ;prindiplE!:!I. sp!!'Cilie :!IpeecI, smcalien I}f 8!'1lrr'1al reeds, fee<dlfl!) s18ndm~5: .. COr'r!PuI8tiDf'l Gf f.a1k!n, aM ml:.:If'l1} 01 f,atiolls, Conse!'l.'allOl'l of Ia)'O_lJl .of nuclear pc ..... er plants.fll.lCle.<:1r fe3CtOI'"S, nuClear rlss'on, con.s'lJucUOO -details andl oflOrldng Pf'lnolple... IMCIIS. and 1odd&rS aoo umza1ion of agl'1:Kindlf~llia'IIb~I!}-produCIS. :~iI!t4!Id, additive and su.pplemen~, nub'itillnal 10, R1IIfriglli"E!I,1iOh & Air·condilionilllJ; Ui),l)lJL or va:j:lolJr.-.compt&:s<:;.iCl'.n aM ClJl.sorptiOfl t-all'iger.atiO-i"l systems, defic.~ncie-.5. alld lheir rectification. F-eecl proce:!;l.Sing aoo pre.s.elVation for Ii ... estocl and jXlu11ry. ,4. Manage. Refrigeranl!i: Bnd llleir propertiE!'.S. Qp;eration and RLilirnErtanc-a. Air..co.nditioDing ps:ycllmmetric chart, oomFort

= ~r~:~~n:I1~%~~7i~~~~~~~n~ ~:'~~c~~:;~ ~:~f'I~~ ~~lc'KII~::t-o:W'I~oC!s .. prir'I. ~f~:;,~gr:c!:~~t~ ~oc:es~es sef'$ll)le healing and eootlrlg, n\Jrn~ll1catiof'l and dellumldifleJ60n, Types

~13!"!.til@_CLS,"je.!!9!l : 1, Ma.jo~ ctJnlalgiCIus eiiS9aSeS .arre-e'ing c.atlfe, bulra'lo.es, Sheep ,alld~ goa.:s alld (Jraughl :22t.!ill!L1,.;~H@...t-l~E~EC.JlO~e.

animel. pciultl)' and pi9S. 2. Artili.ciel ins.eminatiD1"i. fertility end sterlil~. 3. Vei!3"Iinery hygiene 'llilh r.elerallce Engine-Bring M-echanicliI: Unils. and Oimen:3iio~. 'l,ll8c:!ora, equa!iona of :Eq.uifilirium, rl'"Ele body diagram. -wr1L1BI: 10 water. alr 300 h8ib[!atku'I, Anima.l heR1LtI. hal.'3r(]:s 8j'Jd: enIJlronmen_lal po'Jlutlon IhrGwgh animalS. 4. Prin. ~"'I01'k. Foroe dislrlblitioo :S:lSlem. Ve'lclc&Ly and ac.cel!emtioo in CafLe:sion;Boo CU'I"o'i1in_earcoorodll'!stes. EQwa. cJ.ples 0:1 iriimuniCa.iM and v.aCCma.tiM. !S. EiiOJog)'. :s~mt't(lms, CliagnoSis., pr-e"'MIiM and OOnlt.Qo! ar'KI Lreal· iion I)f trIOiion, Pfintiple M -sMrtI)", C...onserv.:ilion.l)f -enel'tl)" aM momantum rolatiCid or rigL'1:l bodies about m-eiDt Qf fa-llowing' d;:;:el;l_$e$ '!;If ~o!I} C IIltle : Arnhrex, IF" 1)01 S nd M(ll,l1.h .;;I~s.e-ase. He~mlJrh.;l!gjc sePtic-aemi(;, 1ixecJ: :;I!:C~ ·mS!~s: mc-merrt C'F m!erti;;l!, I:;:WQpic: :;.nd Homtlg:eniOlJ;: E11i1!;:tie m.eltElrial :We$$ ;elnt;! $t~in, le.mPfilI"il· Ride:rpE!:!lI, Bleet .quarter, Tympeniti8. Mas.t:itia. Milk te ... eI. re:!liclisis. Priople:!lmosis, T,rypnm:o.mias.is. Tube-I· iure stressas, prill:Ciple :!IlrE!"s.a and a~r8.in!i: MD'hr'S -cirde,i3"la;s;tic ,cDnst.anla l3.nd Ihe:ir rel'.alionship. Srtear C-!.IIQSiS, Jot\l'le's -dl:;j;e1;i::!!0!1 efld: oj~e.e:ses IQf ne ..... bo-rn calf. (b) POlJllt')' : C'Oc.cldlosls, F=t;f!lf"llJ;;hl)l, :F(Wfl POA, force ;end be1";c:Jlng ITIQmeflt .;r~d9rnms, Theory o:f SlffiJlle befldil19, c:Jlstr:ibl.lliOn or Sl1e~f ~tres .. .;Jeflee6Q,. o-f Alo'ian leul.Os~ ctlmple-)(. Matelo:.·" diseaM aM gumbooro (ji~e-a~s. (t:) 'Swinlll' : S.mne fe'o'sr, hOg ChOler.a. {d) beams and truSoS,I9$. MaCElulay"fi. m1!lt1'l0Cl: COfIjLlg.at& beam m.olhMr, columns and s'ruts Sla.bility and ctttltal OJlog ~ CenEne di!;l1emper, PBIVO, Rabies ill p;ela in r,ele1,jD"n 1.0 human heal.h. 6. PD'iSOIl:."5. use.r::l r()r killing Ioach;:. TDrl!l!on: TQI13t:m af circular sh.afts.. combined tiendil")J, torsion and exiel thrust, a1r.ain energ)" :!Ihear an1l'11als, i', Orugs u:s-eQ fQ, dmoPplng 'I)f race Mrses, aM the leChnlCl,LJes 'I)f (lelecl!{)fI. a. O'lugs 'lJsed 10 stress. ibending aM lorsl()n, T1loory .of strl.l et!.!rc: Ef"leJ9Y 1J'Jeorems" IIn~ ~8id rnelfloo a~d me1ho<l -of consis· Itanqui1iz~ wild animal:s • .as we-ll .as animal& [n cap_tiYity. 9 .. OIJo.atanl~Mi measures IPI'-evaIent [n IMia aM ien. dMom\a1iOM r~r e.a!e1Jlalion 01 CleS'lec.lu:.nbo rn Bllams .& i1tus-SM. .. MeLl'lods. ~ s.~lJlion.or t;nJjelerMina!9 abi'o.alj. imt'r'(I._,.emMI Uie-ri!i:in, Dairy i:kien-c;1Ii ~ 1. Slud), .01 mill': co.mposr1iMi',pl'ly,siea] pt'Op1!!i:'ties. aM rO(;l~ s'ltudul'Ellike Be-ams &. P.!dr\e frames, SICI'p.,....denedlon method andl tttClI'i18nl -cliSlribu'lJ::,n ml9tl'llloa. 'i='C1~ce and "'.Brus. 2. Quelity co.ntrol of mil, comrTl[},l"j ta!lla, le-g:;;il Bt.andards. ~. Uterteila and equlpmE!nt :and t'helr clean· displac:emen1 methods. of mi!ltrix: elld' methlXl r()r enalysl:!l or fr.arnE!~ end lIlu:!l!l E!"S. TtueB hlgned 8. two tllgner::l ~_n9. 4. Oa!ry pm.;essll'"!Q' (!In.;j df!3:L~blJtlo-n IQr m~lk. 5. ~8f"lu'acLur.e 'Or l!'JodlE;l,. ~ndigen.l)us ml!Jo:. pr-ooducto<:, 6, arches, f'lKJ'Y11'1t1 iI091:1 effe¢L {Iofi N"C:l'les So ~Be-flms ~{li"Ioer]:ee- ~e melhQCs., ~O:S~91" Ro-:ii'ifor"(:od' ¢o!"loe,ote $lfiI<:· Simp'l& dait:f operaLiCl':ns. 1, Micl'O (lr'-ga.n!$m roOund in milF!: allCl' dairy produciS. S. Disea~:s LraMmiH-ed tu r'liI'5; WOIli:ing slie~s aM limit s!a.Le MI9'lhoos 01 (Je~ign, ~S 001;1& 4.56. Design 011'.01'1& wa,y and 1\1'10 wa'f

Ihrough mHk to[] human. 9. OfJElr.E!tian Flood prosramm.e B.nd i1;!1. imgacl on deiry illdualry. alabs. Design of singl),. dm.lDI~ reinforcad beam:!! o-f re£:Lengu!.ar. r .& L aectiClM, D.esign o-f oomprea!i:ion

19-. SIATIS[.ICS nlJ rnbefS 'l.!n.aer axlallo;a(l a..nCl ufll;J..:(I(!I1 mo-menL b)" Ilml~ state- meLnotl. Oesigfl of ~atecJ an'l:l comblneQ

1, ~)!'~ (2:5%) : Sample af";J1 e"'ents, ClaSS~C8J and 8:(lomalie Oefin~ion.:s oIPiOb3111~. sifnvle roo.ings ~I1FtC, Struetvr;:.1 S\OOIOc3~gn: Design of rasLef!e:res, r:iKe- weKJe<J';' oonea Joams". Design of ~n· 'I1Iet!l'arfLS.on ptotJability, CoMitia.n Pr'OMbility. Ba),e<:;., 'rM.orem. Ind&,pendetltF} of ~E: ... e-nts, lRandom V.afiable sian a~d compt~.'SiOtI m,g,ml).ers. En mild ShOM, Cle;!;ign .of ~imple aM buill up co:nn.-ectbM. a lJ i Idil'log -con51f1 .. Ii:::~ and its: Di!lhiootioo fulldion, Disc:r-ete aoo COIllinuou-s: Random Varial:J.1es, 8i11eliat.e Di:!llriootiDn el'!d Associ· tl []on B. :PJann II:I,g: Physice) and mactumical p-lOperlieli: of orms.1rucLioo m:;t"l.eriels: like Brick, Cemenl. S1e~ and aLe(]l tJiarglmill aJ'ld~ C",nditlOi'lal Oi:sLr'~blJ'l1on, Inglll',J)efld-en.ce- of Random V.(iIr'ilS!bles, £lI;~Ia.1.ion, ~Qmef'll;;:. :Mo· E!me. Damp an.;J water Pmofin9 mE!lterl~ls. Fildors or sarel:.-, Ser ... lcEbll~y aOO ,dealing I)f slfYctural e!emenls ffio!!lm Gi anerati~ Function, CM'b:,'S!he'\I"S E;I;p.or.enLiaU, -Gamma. Bel:.a, Ca lJcrry aM Bivatia1e ;I"k!tmal Disltibu· and $Ialr C~~~. prci'tlSiOM for file pr,oofing and e--ar1l"lq;lJal.& r90s.islance in tnJilding coDMtueliOn. Corts.lrue·

I~n. lion scbeduling :PERT & CPM melhod,s.

~; ~~~::~c;~n~:'he~~~~2~~i~~~a;~:!v~~~~~~b~~~~I:.~~ii~t~~~~'~d ~::c~~~~~~~~~:1~ ~:;=- fhili1~nL~(; Pr~~rtie~ ~r Ilvlds. Fluid S~:l~.O~:~s~r~ ~n ~aoo ~nd c'lJr"VeQ ~\!rfacos. l;qJo1~f'lC)',

lion a[\(j Cootig:enty .. [jn~1' ~.egie~siM ancl COr'l'elaibn kif ~CI' 't<:iIiabies. ;~nk COIYeialiOn, li'ltr.a-daM Cllr. melaMnlriC: Migl'l._tM.l!.einat~Q.llILI~!}(_W ; SI'ea.tiY, u:niform, laminar aM tUIbulent Iklw. ;~qu.aikln 01' reletiD.n Radjo, CL1Ive Fitting, b)' Leasl Squares: Method. con1Inul.y, Pathlines: and :!Itre-.am Iineg, Veloclly pOL-antiel and $Ire-am functlDn, Flew net, s:e,p-aratians. !!y:.

~~~"':.jgrWm~4J-~~~~1t~y~~e~[~rn~~U~~:!I;E~~'a~'Oe:~:a~l~n'._~~d~~en.s:Me~~b~~~fnr%:m~~~ nam[es 01 FMC! now· Momen_!um eql,lalio", 8ernoulils lheorem. !pll)e now.a~ rree sur;f;(llce flow, free and M~tMd 'M Maximum lit:e~ood and "'ell'LO~ 01' Le.a~1 s(juates, InlelV.a1 Estimation, SimpJe at1d COi'I'IotJMiC& ~~t(~~~~;j:~:'~~TI~~w.~~.!~~tel~~m=~.~e~Cchu;~Dn~~:.,~ ~~~~i~r:i~~:q!a~~~

Hypotileses., Two kincls. o-f Er.rOII;I. CrilicallRegion. L,evel of Sig·Ilireeoce. Size and Power Funclion, Unbie:!lE!d ror unifllf"m flow, "Specific energy criljC:I3I'1 depth, Velocily dislIibu1ion, !low in conFracling transitioIla, weil13 , Te~t;;:. M050L 'P~rful and: :lJnl:fo_rrn~ Mo:sl F'Q~rful 'r~~. NeymaI1'-P;:;!!Irs.;;on lefflmel iill'lOI ~ ;f!WIt::;fi'fo.rlS.. liydl'tlll.!lie pl"lfllC) Sl"l,rioe profiles. PI OOO!l§,!0:1l"I1 ,A:;u:IY!Fl!!;; BuCJ.:;F-nG;118fP, Pili'IE!Q~fi'1-d!met"'l8Ionless pal'l!ll1'ieter, iV, .§Jatlltil;=i!tLARPI iRtj~ (25'lt): Concept 1)f P.ai<im8113r and St<ili:SIPc, Sa.mpling DistITbu~ (t, >;,'2 Z and slmplil'MLies 'LInakLC-rle-d a.M d islortM mM-aIG.. Bl)unaCity layet on a ~Ia L pla~u. Clrage and lill: 011 bodtes. F). Tests Dasecl 00 I. :;:2 Z elld F. lerge Sample TesLs:. Sempiin.g The-Ill"\". Sampling Units; eml Sampli.ng :Pumps. and Turbinee : Types. irrIfJu-lse and Re.aclion, afficf.eincy, !!:p-E!c:ific spe-ed. CharacteIi:!l'ic curves as·

r~:'F~~i~a~~I~ti;:~I~~n~~P~?L~:I.I~ORrEeJs~~~~;,\lSLr~~I1~'I~~~I~n~~C~~~~e~k~~,~~n(~5~;aC~=re~ ~;~~ra~~Pa~~I!!,~h~gW~EI'~~tg~ri~~tl,·ufll' n~4{~t=~~~~,~~P~s;lr~;~~~~'~~~,~~~~:::

Si~e Ga~e). :FtaIiO. ProduCI and :~egre.s.Sioorl meLho.r:ls M ~1.imaiiOn, Pi'il'ltjp'le:s 01 E.lI.j:Ie-/iM1!lnl<i1 DJ3:b.i~t.I. One- agemetlt. G/I)i.lOO .aDd sur1aoe waLi!lr l'90stJurC;-1!IS. 5utface flcms-single- and mull-",urpo~& lPi't!jetJ..s s.t1:iI'.age ca· wa~ aoo two-way fIInalysis. or Veriance with Equal flumher c.f ooSe-J'o'13tiDns per cell. Comp:le1.el~ Ra.ndomized pBcity. Rese.fVDir losses:. fesE!"Noir sining. Water II'"equlrement51 fDr cmps: Qualily of ~rigatjlJfl w.a.er. CDll·

Oe:sl?f'l. F!:sndomim BloCiI', Desire, !.RIin. Ssp.)I:IlIre Oesll]nl :22 8'/'Id :oP :F~.odllil £wertmE!f)'ls. ti[ssi",? ~ Technlg~, s'umpli""e use oi waler, waLer de]:llh &. frequency or Irrlg~'Iion: dU':r or walet Imgation- method's and ,eff!iclel'l~

19 puellc ADMINISTRATION eje:S. UnliMJj cMnnols. in .aDlJ'IIrum, critieali kac'IM:I s.tre.s.s. regime. theories, lined; -chaI'lMls. hy<:Ji.auliC oCIesign

i..!'!:..' '!2n!!;",,~d!!:"c::'t~;o~n,-' !!!M!; .. ~n~~~~_-J!,£,o~",,~'n!!'!..!':!l; ~n~~''''~"''''~<!.J1 PE!"~"'!!!;',-!M~m~;n!!;'~L'.!!!L;~""!!::l:p'-~;'O!.~lO..!'~"!!JPE!"~b~liC:,-!AcI~m~Ln!:i:;'l!;L"'!!!"""!2!!!::"':&~"'::":" .:n:.:!:I,..:::,is:::._.!:O~'.~"~Ib~":!::llo~n~,~y~.~'.~m::"'~=r ~"~n~.'::'~"~lg~.'~'o~n;_:'...:D::.:,":rm':::;:.':li.~on:':Df..:.r.:q!::,":ile-d:...:e:h=ann~~:=~,


{iii. ~5ti'HI'.ggU.Q.!],)'_: Cl)':!!tal~ CI"y:!lI,alline.a1l amorphous substances, Morp'hOlogia.:i cMracterislies and c!'U$.a:I auucjures. laws o-r crys!8illograp.hy.Symmetry elements and forms of IhE!! normal of all cry:!l'at syatems

~tl~I~~ '~81]:,~~ct~~~i~n2:i.,~d~:f:l:::~c:.tw~c~~~~~m:r:se~~1!Sb~n~:~~nO~:J~:~~ o'f~C:

p~.PIi~Si~1 Pr'CIp4i1.ie!;. cllemil::al C(Jr'n~itiOJi. o.ptiC.fII1 prop4r1ie.!; rand n'IOd'4 of ceeuerenee of Querl2:, Flitkj· apar. Ieldspe thold, Ofurine, ,p~'rDXEirLoll. amphibole, g.amet eJ1di mica grou:p 01 minerals end celcite. tourmeune. alreen scneae .. staurotue, K),anlle. ap.at.l!e andc:hlofile. {CI e'~o..mi.L~l(lJa:i : Eeonomlc ,~-eI)OS!LS· oretJep.oSils. and non ... met.allrl'.er' or'S d8,poSoiIS. Ore. eee mifll§:raJ al'ld ga"" .... e. PrJXoeSG.1!IS .or the 1or'M<llion aM eseaemcancn ct economic mineral depoens. ModB of occurrence. disTlibulion in lndia, genesis. and use ct gok:I. ores of iron, rnerqaneae. uranium, chromium, copper. all.Dl.inium read and ZUlC. mica, gyp:;:um, rneqneshe. k,Yafllte, disl'floncJ, ccet sl'ld~ petrcrecm.

Size: 25 em x 38 em = 950 Sq_ em.

Page No. : 4 (Anu Image MaKer)

C~ll'Q8tic eeenremerue ;:If1d curu-eucn of major flUiLs 08QilI '!egetac-1e erO~!i; 1D8Clo:age of crecuces am! LI1E1 5:cien'mc basfa for tl-ie :!lBI'DI!I_ 'Pre end p05.L harvssr physiology IJ..f Fruil5: 8iicJ v.eQelsible5:. 'Principi'e melhod of presarvatton (II ffuil-Go and \'"egBlableS, P'I'CIe~:S iog t~Cl'Ini!:JlLlj}S. anlj equlpmeru. LaM:;:cap1!J aM FlOti;:;ulture IRC'llJdiQ9 ra&SiflQ QI omalf'lef!tGlI P:1&111. ,OesAgf'l ;:!Ild layo\ilL 01 lawl'is aM aareens. tnseases aM' pests or veae101111:lss. fruits: and plantation crops o-f U.P. end maasuras to cml'tIiJI plant diseases, integrated meneqemenr 01 pests aM elseases. P~tiCide:S an(! Il\elr l;o.rr'ilLli<itiotlS. plant pI'(!-l8ClionaquipmenL, their care .ar'Kl mainte:.nanee. SloOf.age pest or cereals olli1'Cl ~UISe-s" l'I)'ole>ne or s!.Qra~e, -godowm.. ~ reservaucn and 'remedial

SEC'TION._C measures. Food prccucucn and ccnsumpucn trends In loota. Nalianal and In1ema1icn8Ifoodpolicies.PI[).

·~VJ;)'.ll'fQ.; G-enEl~ill pi'inCiple:s. chain surv .... ying, (:am~S tra ... ·i1:rS~9, betarings. loc.II.altracliorlS, fyp% 01 cur"ElrnQilt~, dislributoo. proc a &:&;~g and pt'oou..::tioo ccnstralnts .

T:ra'lersil'ig', Traverse comP\llallons" correction:s and m!issif'll) JeMings." ~ . .'O.nllIOJJ : Th.eo:ry or ~\I'ell1Pg, tem- :to..Q.kQ.~emJ

por:a1rY end permanarn .adjustments of le v els , automauc klv.s~, Iyp.ss. of le ... eUing. reeiprccal levell~ng. L- NOon Chords.'s, Chordata, EC(lI'ogy, Elhdogy, !Bb5.t.sti5:lil::S: SInd ~nomil::: Z.ookigy. SeetiOl'l and Cif~ S9ctil)ii_Rl!Ilt &. CIJNMt..Ira Cott&la:lion. ~_I(;I.mg..lI.dn" ; CI'IClJactM$liCs. uses and pIOltii'l(l 0' SE.ClICN A-N.ON-CHOROATAAND CH,O.ROATA

OOiIltlu~. ei..rut...Ia b~_DtlE\):; [nlroduCliion, Orienl..alion. 'PI'Olt.ing meL.hOtis, two- at'K:I :tIlre& point problems. 1, GtI'lira ral Su rv&~~ CIas.sifieatiM and ~nlelfe!a(]oMliip of._,Moo:5 PhYla, 2. ProtlJ';io,,; L.ooomolion, Nu1ri!ion, s~l"Itlo:n. Lel:tmaf'lil's rule, ~: MJU:Slmef'lts (Temp 8. :Perm) Mess'IJrement of ail:gtes. IrkI~ ReprOOuc:tF..on eoo tn ... rnen Paraslte, ;)., Porif'cirs: Ca.nal system; anereton and! :R;e.P'oduction, 4, C,I(I.jul$~ L'I!!vl!:Uiflg ~ MeLhods ard uaea. Tec.heometrJc Surye-y.' OiataP1Ol!ls and eIB ... a1ion" substance Bar, Au:I[)Jeductioo Polyrncr,phiEm: Coral reels Matsgenesis_ 5. Hefm! nthtaaea: Parasitje edaptatlon eno hoer-paraene relencnTacheometer. ~U(y.JI5 ; H!)Jiz(;lntal and, V.ertiCal CW"lI'e:!i. lhelr des'igl'll and layout Re'tQfse a~ ha.nsition c.tIi"'V8S_ ships. 6. AMra] ida; M~plive fadialion (.n Pclychaeta. 7. Al'thopl;llda; Larval fcrrna al'1dl p<Cir.aS[tis.m m OrustaIr:J.MIIgy'loill..9.n ~ Tl'1€1ory 8f1e!' 3POllcaliollS. ease line mess uremaru, OOH8C1H;tr..s, slrengu1 « flguroljl. intervisibility cea. A,ppcef'tCl;ages or prawll: IfISIorI 31M fi1tSplfaUoi1: In AfLt'IOpocIa. $Qcial lire ano neiencecnoers In ins €Ids" e. of Ell.Btioll'5-, S.s!e·lIitt3 and SupplemE!llt.sry :s.t8IiDn~_ Hydro.grsphlc !HJn'II!'I'lnq , Lccanon of :5(Juooin'9S: and Mollu;s.ca: FI-S8pil'1:llion, Peert rorrnauoe. a. Echfn~dBrmllt<l: Ganerat c:lfyeniaatil::m. 181 rv .81 terms and :;rffinities_

~:f,~,;;a~eg=t~:~~,~~~O:r~~ ~ro~::~~~~=CaS~d;YQ~~~itie~~\~~&~~::!t:~~!~:;': ~~I~~~~~~~:~e~~1~~~~!~~' ~f~~~~!~po:,~e~~:OS~~~~~t~r::!%,N1~.'a:!':~ J:~;~n~a!~~~;;&~:;

Ccrreleifve normalll;lQ;I,I:;11L~O:I'i:;: • .ed'jl,ls,ment (lr 'geode1ic quedrtaleterala. oenued PQlygi;JIn:;: and jeve! nets. & -em;]; migr-slion: Figh!le"5 bfrds. 14. Mamm!!l'II;I!I~ PrQtl;llheri:;ll end Mel:;ll1,l1e-ri:;ll.' Ski'n deri"'a'M;ls 1;11 Eumene,

tronomici!l 51Jrvwru;. ; C&lt:islr.al cooUlitla,1.es, :;o'h.M:m of Iiopli8l'iL;al lriablM . .a1!l:11!1rm:inaliCli'l ~ A.2.ir'nlJl1'I. lali· ~~~Y:..BiC-litatiCfia.ruL~~ ..

tude ibngi!uCle, sftd nee, f..h.o~Lo3I..m.rn..ttr.)'_;:!i.!L<l...f1!.o_~l:'it_9!~;j'ltlI)Jl~ Aeflal PnoLogrammetI"J. 'Basic .oefll1i· 1, feeIO'9)1: Ablotie .aJ'lc:J biotic racrers: Illter a~d, Intraspecific refeucoe. eC(Io'loglcal succession: OiffereN tkms or pl'ID1ollrammeiry. Radialfine picitin.9. stereophotoqrammeuy. Flighl planning', deterrmnencn 01 heights: types of tHomas:; Bicgeoch.emiG-Bli ·cyclea. Food web: Ozone Isyer and Bi.osphere; IPffilu:rnm of air, water end etc. Appf[csti:ln or iPoo!oinlelp-reLalion rn Oi ... iI Engg. FilemlJlle. Senlillng .' trnrcducucn, EMR enc ne spectrum. land. 2_ Eth{JjiJ'!J'~: Typss of a.nimal behaviour, :R{]1a of hormones eno jphaDDllKinB:!I in benevrour; Method:3 or

Intr'Oduclion to 't1s'LIal.ar'ld Cligital inlerprsl.:aiion of 1I':r& satellt1!l data ptMuct.s., Ba.sic tlel'iniliO~, Siudyiiig' a.nil'l'lal tll~·ha.vioo" IBroiOgiL:al 'h~thntS. J, Elig.:!itiitil!!til;:.l!;; Sampling melhOds. Ih!lquen.-cy cliSll'ibutiM

~~.ILQtU), 81"1d measures Qf Ce1"Itf'tll rendeAC)', S""~;!!ird ce ... i;l!l~o-:n. Stal1tl;;lfQ error coQrte-.liS1.'Ik!n 1lfl.:!; regreeercn cnt-sccere

Geotechl'llc.sIEnglileenng : Origin cla!>s:ilic:atilJl.n and ide:nli!icBtioo iJ'f acne. phase ,.elsli:lnshfp, indi!'.'!: proper- and r-test. ,4'_ Econ-amlc Zoology: Insect pests or crop-s (PBddy, Gram and Sugarcane) and stored grains:. 'liQ'!;, ':lbo:t:lloli' doterminati'on. C:i,pilary phenomenon.and l'Q,rme.ability, flow Lhrough plIl'(I ..... !; modj:l, so-ep:CI941 A{;rr:ieull'IJI'e. SQiiCullurO, Li:lecullure, ~&eieJLII1ute ::iInd O~!;te~ cullur'1t.

forces. ncener. :flow tl'1fO!Jgtr suauneu cJe~its aQd -e31'1h Clams. CQnsoiIlclallQr" Te~9l'1rs theory of one '-ME1!=J1

dtmenatcnet CDIl:5.Q!idarKin. ccmpecton: testa. apnncenone. Strasaas ~n sell. total and eFfsc'li ... e enessee. CeJI' Biology GSlletir::s, EVCirutoo ami Svstemerca. Bia-Chl!mistry, Phys:~I~Y;BrxI De .... elonmern Biology.

strear str&nglh, 1'0'/9 PleSSlJ'r~ coe1ttCi&nl.'!;. Motrl!l:r Cirt.le, Mo-trer-COuh:rmb IMOr'y, Labo~.aIOry tQs1.5. Eai'th SJ~.~lQ&A

IDl"EsstJre lheor(-es. anal>,llcel 3n;(llgraphlcai rne1hoos. R.etairring walls. sheet piles" Stablltty lOr silOpes, melh .. 1', C~'II 8i010'9:-': Cell memora-oe • .A.ell .... e lIan:s-pOI1 arid $(IcJi'L!rn ~otasslurn AT 'P;(IIse Pump, MI!OChOo:nc!rla, ocls: of 8IlatySI:!r. Tsyl[]or's sabIJtjI' n.'LImbel_ Founlatlon Englnearhlg : Sub-sl.Priaci!l investigatioos. brJrillg:and GlJIgibodies.; II!:noopla.s.mic r-aliculum: riOOEDme:!l and iysDSCImes:: cell di ... isirm mittl!ic s:pjl'lBl sndi chromos[)IDs s.am,pling, typeS 01 samples. S'laMa."rLl p'I!IMlration tes~ sl~ss ·dislribu'iCrn ibene.all'r. badQd CliQ.Ci_ uSe of in~lu- mO'll9mel'l'l.5 atrd maio.si~. ~hr'Ornos.tlrne l'Ikip.pil'lg G-ene C(lfrll::ept arrC! runction: W.alsoii-CriCK model 01 DNA, el")C-e CIUlfl:lo, ~Ileilow rOun.g~fl, boea.rif'l9 cl!!~lty Teri:agL $kemj)1QrII I!!I")QI H;(!In.:sen';z; me~l'Iods, deep f(ililln.~~· G ef1e1ic code ~1)'I061n syJ"iu:~sl':S, $;::.:. chromosome~ ;!!il"id ~e-,. ;;:!eLetlTJil'JlltPon, 2, OlD nl)tFcs~ MendeiiiYI Il'iIws 'Oi

tioil, als e«res.. Se1t101Yienl lrfla1ysls, illhel'l1.8n..::e, recombinaUon l1nkage and II.,KJge ma~, m.ullple D..Ileles. "'~iJ1at~ (f'liJl1.Jral and; Indl"loed', cnula·

;t.AschinE!· fDundaLion5:. found'.stion t:gOlilltiOOl, e.IIr1hquske Elfie;::!s:. liquifa;::tilJon_ tion :and evDluiiof\, dll"Clmosome IlILImbsr and' iorm :!I1ruchJrsi r8<ilrrsngBmen~.!I, pol~poIcid!l, rEiQulaliDIII ol.g,erMl

~_lIQ!i:....§ Q::.;p~-!!rss.ion In I'r'tIk.aty(llil!Go aMe;r.rka:I"'j'OI~S: Human cor'mOsomalaMoll'l\2llL.1.ir!rS. geM .and di~8:aS&.:;', iEugBI'iiCS.

~j:I~..'M.I.n.H..d..rui : ClassillCElltlon 01 ~;(IId:S., Geomettie desl;rn, fWxf!)le eoo rll1lQ p.avemenls T:ra.1. G erraicer.r!lineenQ9, JE!lXlmbil'lia"L ,OAA 1eCtinOIOQ),a.na: ge:ne cton:lng. J"E"·oliJU(lf! and! S)'Slvi'i"i j}He$~ Tn.eo· fic Engg. Road sagn!>. signals: and markings:, PEirmanellt way. Points arKI crossi':ni?S, ILIm OLI1.:3, Main.te.nance rias 01 elJsJuation; sour-ces and I'loature Df o!'Qani::: vSJiation; nalura'l sele-r::'tiDIl; I-lard~ WeintJ,arg PaW'; CfYl1tic 01 tl'Crlch:, yaMS. a.nCl' M:aliOn :!iigr\2lts atrCll inli3~loc.l(lng. ru_i'p~~:s.~d...$IJ..!!'t!.~y.s-,-~ m9n~...fuJ.:g.'Q : So aM (;Qmalic cOoJourCl'liCrnj mitl1iCr'y: iSOlallirg meChanis.ms anCl LhEM Kli:8, in:;'Lilai' f.auds, COr'ICBPI or SpeCies .ar'KI emenU!lry PriDCi~e of eeology, Envi'foOftmem ,fI1liJ its erfec~ on :tIumsf'I neal.h, Errg,irle>erlng .sC!Mtles 3.f'lQ' efl .... i· sutt-~pec:ies: prindpJeS o-f '.a.;((ll')Qmy: ZQlogicai oomenCIf!!ure ai1G rn.ernoer.lona.1 eoae: FossilS; Geological Bras: mnrnen!s.1 pDllutioo_ AI r Environment ~ .... ajor poEh .. r'lent:;: and- th.eir advelse effec't.s; .sir ciea.ning d.svicE!lS:_ PhylogellY of h(]Jse and elephant: []orig:in Blld e ... alu tion or roSIn; prim:;ipl.s!3 al'ld thSOli ss or ;::lJIlltrnental WaLi!I~ Quality: Parametet-3: .ad'o'l!rSe 'l!lfl6(:'[~. !puri'i'icaLion, (if :r;.ll"Bams_ ~S_~oil$l§~ ; t)'piGiflI: rl!atur"e:!i.or -di:!>Lributlon, 001 al'limals; ~qr.ap~icall6'.aIm& of il'M!! Wl)Jld.

""'.filer a'lslrlbutlon sy:Ue.1'I'IS &. Sew.efage sysLeIDS, Envim.nfflerrL31 Management, :$.~m~...=...Slo_eJ1ltrnlJJJ::l.,..en.:t~oJ~)'_o\m_UO..iqJ_oQ.'pJP'rrllLol~Y.'J

RULES ANO SYLLABUS fOR THE MAIN EXAMINATION 1. Blochl!lmlstry.: Structure of cs.rboh.yllrsles.lipid8 (including s:slur.a',ed and un!l:aIu:.rs1ed fal1y acids) amino

,. No. caMid.ata :G.h.alilba al1milte<:l 100:tIle 8-'.K<ir'nmatkll'l unl~s he hOlds a ~~r1ifliC:ata <0-1 Mrniss:iOn rrcm lhe acids.. p~oteini!j; il:M nucli&ic aeiCl'Qos, GI)'oCOIy,sis: K~&b':!i ~1ele. Oxidal,jon aM reduetiM. o;ll;idati'te C<rmmission·_ 1M ·deCi's.ion .01 'll're. CommiS~iOi"r as II) .M Qli~itl.y o~ OLIiQi'w~ .J)j' a, can-CIiclate '-Ot MmissiOt.r ptrM,P"!)JalaliOi'r. EMr'g'p' cons.et'ta1Jotr aM reIMS!}. A rpC~AMP: I..,pas ,M en~ym&::.. mecMniSiil of a-m.''p'me 10 '!tie examlnatjol"l SI'Ia:t1 be :linail, 2, CAN OIOATES ,AA:E WAR~:EO THAT Tf"I E:Y $H 0 U L.O NOT wA:ITE TH EIFt action; ImmunOO·hIOt:J.u!irrS .fri"lO !f1'Im"I1~Q,Y: '1r:.a:rYr"-s. 2. p htslOlogy (Wit .. 'spoc:;lal rof'iIl rCi"let to mammal s):

RO LUN UMBERS, ANYWH E:RE 'E:XCEPJ IN THE SPACE PROYIO'ED ON THE COVER 0 F' THEIR AN SWER CDmposilion or blood, blood group In marl, a!}llll.rtin~tilJln: D.:CYQel1l and c:arbr:Jn dioo:ir::le Irsll:SiJ'CIri. haem~lob'in. 600KJBOO.KS OTHI:RWlSc THay 'WIL.L. BI:P,=NAL.llSi:;~ 8''Y A DI:OUCTlON OF MARK:6. ALSOHfl: ·~H,OULD tltecr.hir\g.aM iLS ~a.gulatiotr FOrma'ron o.f ui'a-a aM ,ur'iM. ac~a.-t.a:!ie MlafrCa and hOi'I'rieoStas.is; l1hei'ml)NOT WRITE., TI-IEIr.: KA.MES ANY··WHERe OT:HE.RvvISE T·tlEY ~AY BE DISQUALIfiED. 3. If a Canotdale's r6lgl,jla~!on 1f1 Man: N'ef'lilll imPUlse cono'iJc.lo~ anCi ~f3nsrnission aeross S~!1PSI[l. flel.rr01fansmlltirs: ViS!lJrr. handwriting ilj; not eEl8i1)' legible, -ded'uc!ion. ma~ bs made fl"Clm lhe t{]lal mer'lrs:_ 4.. A CiIiIllIdidslfl may BI"k5.WeI he8'ring and olfaclion: Types of musdes: Digas!kin snd B~rplbn of protein, cerbchydr.sle, fa1 and rwcleic tjlJiislion !paperS in. English Rornafr SOr1,pt Or Hindi in Devnagri SeripiOf itr Urtlu iii iPsrSiBn SCi'i~ pro ... idl!ld add', CO-ntrol I)j' s.Q:.trelion Of Clige:s.ive juieElS. MlaflCB.a .aiel. of man, steroi.a.t-r'Ot8itr peptida aOO aminoaeid:!l, 1J'!:oL the laJ'lg:u[llg~ ~apers. ai a w",",r.e ft'IILIst be answered in. ~I:f)l' 0' t!'le ,8.1b~ :serip. lIn!ess I. Is """"eI\V;s.e <lfi....-ed tJO-mlOn.e,: MI.c .(Io.'f 1')~~!l'I.alai"l"lu:s., I)liliolt>:if'/ '''''yr(lid. t).E'Ira!t'lYM~d, i'~lI1et.e:9;S, .:!Idlem:::.;.1 9i~s ;i;iJ'ld: pineal indic:aL-ad in quesLioo IJIBlJI3r. 5_ The qUS:!l1ion. pa,pers: :!Ihall be in iEngli:!rh in Ho[)fMl'l Scrip' and Hindi i1l Devnagri {)Igan smJ !heir relalionatrip. ptr~8irJkJQY of human reproICh.K:'LiDIl. IHHmonal crmtro:i of de ... elDlJlfbllnL in man; Sctip.l. 6. TM :!itan.::lard of kMWIMga t8>Ciuli'trd of c .. ndL.:::l~8$ 'in (;OI'I'LJIu'ISOr')' a.nljetplional 5ubje~IS will be PMromones in m:llnmalS. J"OI3,vlllopmenl IBlI(;IJI(;I'IiIY; Gametogenes.iS. retlilisatiOil, types; or ag~, de ... age .a~ :s.ud'! as ;(II )"oun:g miMI I'1OIc:JinSi ;(II Bacnet:lr's Oegl~ or aUI'1tt.rel'Sl~y Is e;;:_peetec:J ~o Mv-e except wl'lere the -gaSll'lJlatlOfl IrI BJaChiot(lrna rr~ aM: cn!cl'l:: raLe m:aps of rro-g aM, 'CtrICK: meta1llOftlhOsls I" frog~ (ormallof'l

syllabus !ndica.tinq oLherwj5.s'. and rate'·r;rl exLrB -ambryDnic memDran,e.s, in cbiG'k: rormatiQI'l o-f sminlJl sllantoi!l: an.d types of placsnla i.n

.tll!..eNOl~~ltlI:MMINMIQ1i mammals. orgsfli:s.er ptleIlomelloo, reg:sneraliol'l g,eneric cl.'H'ltrol 01 dev-a!opmam Df"gSno-ge:nesJs of br':3iin, eye

GENERAL $TUPlE'S fAPE&J aMI lie.art.' a-ging_

1. Hls.ol)' 'Or tnrJia~Arrcf.enL, MeIJlae..,al. Modenl 2. fnrJl;_y'I ..... t:ltional Mo\femen~ twJ Indhm CulLure- :)., Fo~I;ij· =:..::::="""''''''--------.w:;-;:~=::;I'''~="· =. _"0&1=.;-----------lien, En'tirol'lme,nt and Urta.nizalioo in, Indisn ClJln!ext III, Wor.1d Georapt1~. GeoQraphy of [ndia end ils nstural Atomic: SI.ructurs : Bohr's mooe' arxl it!> limilatioo ds 8mgl1.s oIIqusHol'l, lHa~ell'beIlis suncl!flainty lXincipis.

rl9Ulur'Qa!;_ 5, ClJr~l\t a e-n1.6ol'na.ional:and ii"Il&ina.ion.a1 Imp¢f.ance. IS. Ind~nA.gneullu.-.a. 'ttade andiC-Orn- !:j"LIanluitl meehanieal (lplI~.atl)t!; and the Schi'OdiD:QiI}t w.a .... e equation, phy!;ical !:ignmeai\e.a cl wa",o rul'ltLion

merce., i. Sp.ecifl'C KnO Iea-ge or u.P, regarding edl.rCfrllorr. (:ulWre Agrlcl"iltiJIe-, Trade Commef4:1e, The meU"r" arrCl iLs ctrarac'L-eflslles (rrormali;re(J Oflh090nal~ • .-adia! disLr!buUorr and s"a_PE!3o-f 'S,.p,d, anCi f·ortiiLsl~, par.

ods: of li ... ing s.nd Social CuStDffiS:. ticl'e in a, ons-dimr3U5.iDIlSl'1 OO)L qusn1i5-Eliioll or el'ectronic ene-rgiea (qualillali\re lfealment of h)l'drogel'l .slom).

Hi:!:tCl/y of India .aoo rndian eullur'fr will eo ... e~ 1M bi'-r:r<ad hi:!itory of lhoe coun'lty 1i'Oin aboul :till!! middle of lhe Paul':!; ExelusiOtr IfJinciple_ HIJ.ncl'S rule 01 mcuimurn muHi.pliCity, .A.ufbcriu pnnCiplQ, Ele.::UMi~ e.onltgutal.ir:ttr 101 rrineteel'lln CenliJl')' errd ~Ol"l!oa 81IS0 rnc~!.rCl-e 'l:iuestiol'}s 01'1 G.andhi, T;(IIgQr-e 800 N eM,I. Tne part on curreN atoms. 1..On:g form or periooic table ~['Icliilding trafiSIollIr,iT-ellCll.r m elemenls. Pefiooic~ in ~rO>gel1ies ¢ tne ele·

eve.nis 'Or nsiional and inl-E!m811011al impcrrt.snoe will includ-a quesii0ll8 also on SPlJlrts and games_ menls auch ss alomic and ionic radionizatioo IJCItentisl slsclicin Bffiniry. els~r,ooega'ivity :;lind hydraiion. el"1-

~E;u_t;E_A1JLIJQI;;~'y~ afg:,'.

1. ~r»d16rr 'PQU,y, 2, 1001811'1 E-conom:f ;, Genel'tll Science (Fi;Qle lOr Sd-eil'Ce ;IDe!: tectmOo:tQ9)1' In IDe ·de ... eloprne.n. l-IjI_II;:U. ... LiID.Ii;I....8. .. ~1;r1l.gn_Clllilj])l_g-:::r,: SrUlcLl"lfe or JluCicus (Shell JIK1del), fllJCle;:;Ir rQr-ce:ll, ;rru.clear $.obE'll~y·NP 01 India inc1udin-g scie.n~ in Eiyery da~ liFe) 4. GeI111!':faJ MoIIntl!r1 abiliLy. 5_ Stsli5.'tical Analysi::r, Gra,phs: and ratioo. nuclear biooiJ19 ansfg), :Kinelics. detec![ol'l BOO mes5ur,emenl or radiDBctivily, Artificial Irsnsmui:ation CNeaI'13rlDS of elemenls snd l'Iu.c'leaI resGliDn!l, nlJclear fESsicn & fusiQn. radi.oaclivE! i~O!IJo,pe5 :and Lh.s~r ap~ii.'.':"alions_ TM pai't relaling iI.O it.r& ItrdlCil'l .... I)my Will Indudl3 Cjua-s'lir:rn:;. .on lhe pO:htrGal s.ySl&m ~I'l Jr'KIia and Indian consti· Ra..diO cartoon Clalitrg, iElemMt.aty iod,g.;2!s (II i'.adi.a1ir:rn cMm·~tl")', .. cr.-aiOI:iS~ or wcr.le~ and aqu8(;lU:b solutiMl. uni~ t"too. The- l.rril'.ian -econorn~ will cover broa-a rl9'~ll.rr&s o-f eCOf'Iomh: ootIc~ ~I'! looi;:rl, 'TM PaiL 'ela.trl'l~ Lo r~Ei' of mdlatkln. chernlC'03I' :/1e1d (G·V~I\!e), '!=',nck;e-'s oosimetry. _C:ru..miuLe.-o:rutIn9 : 'Valence tlond U'loo~ (tlei6er. :and' im,paci of sci-anc-a snd technlJllog.y in ~:tre dsvsll.'l-p mell' or India. queslio-n:s wi II be B:!Iked 10 l.sa' the Lol'1l.'.'lon :Bnd iPauling-SIa'I-ar theories), hyb,ridizSltion. VSEP'H thel1J'}' and molecular ortilal energy level dis.ealrd"ujeleS awarenesS in Ihi!>1iet! t::mphaSis will M Mr 1M .at-Plied aSpErCiS. 1M pert I1!rlatirig 1.0 s111tislictll .grams, 1o~ hOmo a.M l'i.eLJO (roclMr .ai"a1omit; moIeculss, l)Cri'ld ordei', Mnd Il!rnglh a.M bond S1fei'Jg1t.r. :Sigtra,· Malysls. 'Q!'3pi'1S alld QiagJams will. [r"rck.!c:Je e.:<erdse Lo tesl Ihe cartclid8'Les .abllill~ to Clr~r ..... etlm4'Mn sens,e ;Jf'ICJ I)moonas. IrycfOO,Jel'! bOf!e!, cMracleJiSllos, 01 CO'Ii.a!en! bof'rd, .RhID_mb:.!Ot....:.~u-_otil!...~~e..k_fjoJC.!ftMI~ : cooclusion:!l from informslloll'll lJlesented in sLs'isi:ic81 gf~phical or dia.grammatic:al form aMi to pDini otrL d8'f~ GE!1ll!ll'sl plDfle.rti~ or s..and p.tJloc:k ele.mant-s, -chemical: resciivily of ele.msnLs smf flH)ul1lrel'ld:!!. Chemie.al

eietrCieS limitation or incoosiStelK;.il!lS therE! m. treha'i'j;)u~ with r'espect or I1lEl'M h1t!ri:JS;, halidas. .aOO 'O'.r;.id'l!ls_ .~lul'lnW:Q'JlLtr..!ID.iilliJl'!L~IijjJ1..:!; ; Ounelcll

lI;_s..W C"'~r3cterlslies ...... [jllaDle o:;.;.hlatlon sLas e-s" COm:Dl'eK 1ormatlon, cololJ r, f1Ia.gnelio aQC!: calalytlc p'rO!:l.eJlles:.

The.re will bs lh.ri3>B o:ectiona in the qUi?3,iDn :pSl,JJer Df E!I:B.ilY. Csodi:lsle.5. 'Will h.i!l ... e ',0 '5.eiE!cl DI'Ie oopic From Compa.rative stud), [].f 4d and !5<1 trsnsiliDn elemenLS: 'Wilh 3d an.elcgus!l wi1h re.5:psct 10 Ihl;lir ion.ic f'S-dil, each sl!I(;tion and lhe~ are required 10 wril-!ll3SS.ay in 7{10 Wl.'.'Irds on 'l3'aGh lopic. [n the U1rel3' s9ClilJ'n:s. 1.opii;.s. ox.id'ation :;tasir;. <100 magnl3lil; lJ'lopl3'lliElS_ phl8mi:s!g~aolh~~tiJ!rn.es ; lanthanide l;;.CIn1rac-

or essay will be bss,ei;l' on f~IOWJng sDl'lere : Lion, Q.'(ICli5IIJoIl :s.tasis, ~{Ij'lClples·of :separation 0:1' 1.j:m1tral'!lde3 a..ndi a"i:itlnfdes" Magnetic alld :5;Dee1ral orC'.l:ier-

'f;tji.tLo.n..A: (1) l.lteraU;rea~ CW~lJre, (2) Sodsl sp.trere, (:3, Po[lncal :s.ptleIe, Lies- of U'lelr compourrl1S, (:_~(I .. r~JWj,iO.Jl_:C.l!.~I.rY. : Werner's Tlneoty of cOCkl'Qll'1ation ooffl:po'Uncls, IUPAC

Sec:tllJln B: (1) Scienc:e, ErwironlTll;int snd Tecl1oology. ·[l) :Economic Sphere (3) Agriculture. rndu:5<lfY and system ·[]of oomenclatuJe, effective s10mic numbsr (EAN) t5.Cmari5.m incoordination OOIJI,plJlunds. 'Vslanc;e bend Trade_ Iheory aoo its. M1italions_ Cryslal held 'ihl!tClry, Cr:;,:slal h!lld :sp!JI.tin!iJ of -d-CIll:t.ilals in oc:lahe-dral, tetrahedral ~ (1) N~I~nal and Intema60nal ·Evel1lS. (2) NaU..!1"a1 CaJru:nlLle3, L.:rnd s.lide, IEMhQuiiike. ;Oeh,l(le. af'lcJ :s.ClL,i~re plaller eomp!e:<es. Eq 811C1 (actors. a1lecLl~ Its ma:Ql'liltJde, calculaUon of Crys.liiil he:lc: statiili'satlof'r

DrlJougtl, elc. (3) N~lianal. DevelQlJIIIBnt pr~r.8mme~d RE!tlS.· ~~;~l~~J~eS~~ :;r:n~i~fo~9m~~ke:~I:~:,~t:: :::;~~~i~~~~~~~,S:=~~8:::) 1~~r,::~~~

~11.~ ~ 1')"il~. 'a>:I ~ ~ ~I ~:i!~"'~1 ~3-}~ ~ ~ ~~, 'ffil~, ~ ~ Lrartaltkil'ls:. S~';!foO$co"lc g!"O~l'id 5:'aL-e!ll tor d1 Lo d10 :s~;o:tem!3:. ei(l-I~(lfg.:!l"h: ¢"oI}i'i'Il!J'.!"'J~ E:i'S-er!tI:E!l1 :i!!nd ~., ~ .4) tt ~ r;ra; 'lidtrt !3Il ~ t# ~ m. Hr) iimm m-, ~~n ~ m::tim ~ {~~ a-M\ ~ trace' el:emenls in ~jolrJgir::allJ101lCE1sse!3. MetBibporphYlfm with :!Ij.'.'I1!!.'cial reference to h.semoglOOin.soo myoglD-

CUQ'Q'rtf![:5H;:Jraittm m- PI bin, BiOiogicalr.ol.e I)j' all;;ali aM: .alkal'£n& e-arth mlStal iOns. ""iln speCial ~~Qt~nCe too- C-.a2+,&:eP.i!{'aL~p~

AGRICULTURe; • P3C!tr-1 ($ECTtON. A). .tt:ti.'U!'l~1 . .Q.U.hJ...1o-~a1Oru.9~~..m~~: He!J'ry wale!'. rx.ric: adtj, odibor;(llne. tr)'c:Jraii:lne.,

ECCllog~ And it~ Rele"'l;IInes, ttl ms.n.nslur:al reSIJlUrCeE_ their manBQsrn-ant :;Ind cDll:se ....... alion. Environmenl hydroxylsmine, polassium dicrQmsts, lJCI~ss.jum permsnganate·, Ce {IV) aulph.ate.s1'1l.'.'l titBl'lium {Ill} aUlflhal..s. f.aclOrS (II C;ro-pdirllr'ii:tutiOil .and proeh.JCliOn, .clil'l'kl!ie -el.ement:r; .as (:ar~tl)t crl ~rCtj:l growth, impad 01 thanging ,1:Qly.IJi~: MMeeular ""Q.ig1'r1 M p.:jlymtrr.G. by .ser:lim!rnlaliOtr ILghl Seaneting 'i'~Ly aoo osml)tiC ~r'fr:!is.ur'G_ en ... ifonrne.nl on cJoppjn~ pan~rn, 15f1\'''ironrnen.Ud p(llluHon aQe!1 a:s.soclaleo h:.flz.a r(Js 10 erop:i: .e~ifllats and Nu:mtJ.er a,~~ag Q. .and weight a'_'el"a1ile moI9culat 'Wli:rzigl'rt:!i. -elastiCity aM eryot.alinit)' rulPl)l:,-mei"S, Dorilti ClI8 iii ; ihumsl'lS.c:r-oppinr;, ~ttem.s. in -differem Br;,ro.dimatic zoneg (Ii U.P.impl;lc.l 01 high yfeldin!:larll:J: sherrt duratio.n Sillicolls oiiIrKI ~o<spt1iQliitrllli.c 11;l!1~o PO~ITI.:trs. ~Mm..L~Jl1~:trum1I~;· Thefrnoo~niii!llk f",n/C1ions. L.~s '18Jieties on shtfls. in C({]Pl1ing psII.ems_ ConCeJil:!l or mul1iplos omppinll,.multistOl'-aY.lelay and interc:mpping {]f IhBrmooynamics: and their applEalior18 tD variou5. phy5.K:o-chemieal pn:ic.ssa_ CO'ncept of chern'ice.' po1:en ... .and ihail itI'I,pO-IIa:nc;a. in rElla1iCn 1.0 slJ!;:L.aina.b~ r!ttt{J prOduction. j:l<aCk.ag-e or P'1.aelj(;M, fl)l' 1P~d'u~'ion 01 im- [lQ.'I. GlibM. lJuheiil !!IGu-.tItiO.n. CIa:C;:!;iLI:!i-CI.3ipEiyron eq;us,ljOn, th&rmodyna..mil! Ite;;.1m"nL Dr !::Ollb".i .... e pl"t),pe"les_ !)ottarr.L Cereails. DIJ'lses. olls.ee~s, rll)re. slUgeJ 3~ cast! ClOP ~r(I.Wn ·0 wring :Kmrl{ alld ~R;abl :s-easoM!n _C1tQm.[_-e~l ... ~lM.1J..~: OJller and il1ole(i'l..llar'i1y of ::I r~ctt.n Rale i,~;r ..... s, melJ'rO:Cl's- r~J .cetermiiil'ig Ll'le ·OfoCler o:f a di.ffelel"lt regirlns. or LJ_P. Emporlanl Feature:!!, :!IcopBs and lJfolJfla~ation (JI ",sJiClu:!l l~iPe of forestry plan:18 with reacli(Jn_ Ensrg~ of sc1i ... alion, Colis.ion, Ih8<i1)' or re.sc'lj()n ra!e. Sle:;r;dy s:ta.Le a,ppr())cimatiol'lS:_ Tr.all'1~tLion teftr~tlnce 1.0 agro, rc.res,Lfy .at\od M~i·.al rl)f8G.lty. weed'!;, Il\eir ctrara.c:IMstics . .ai:!;:.:S(lminaliCrn aM associ.atiOtr state. IMOI)'.J)j' r9del.~01'1 i'aies. COn.&l!rcutlve .and side l\8aCtiOM_ e.tJ.iIs.~".f';q.'LIilib-..!ia ; Phases. COrnpcHilitrilS, wltn, varliJ.l.!S fielc:J (;".,I'o-ps. lBeit l'flu'ltlplH;:allol"!, 'CulLural bkIbglcal and chemical conlrol of weeas.. oCIeg-re.es or lreee!'orn. ptra.s e dla:gram, or Ol'\e aile!: 1Il10 component syst~ms, N,earesL lCIisUibullon. ;aw, AQpllc&o Proc.esa'll:!l and factors o-f soil rlJlrmalion, ciassi'licslilm of tndian soils including modem concerpt'5.. M~neral tioo:!l of dislrlootioo !.Bw. Electroc'hemlsr'rv : Th.eGIy of strong I!ledmI1ts:!!. lJetJ.y.s-Huclk-a1 IhsOl)' of s.efivity and ·ottraniC eMs.tituanl·1)1' :sMs. and thoerr "l)le in m.ainlainir\g soil produet.ill'i1y, PrOblems. soil, eXLent aM coa1"k;ient 1aw:s·1JIf eleo;;;lro~~lic cooduclioo. Iran'5-,Porl number dslerminalicn ()r 1ran:sporl numbsr (Hittorb. and lIJi:st4'E'DI.rUo~ II'! 1!')diE! .and ll'ielr fecIaITl:i1tiOf'i. Essential pl.;;iflL n'l.l~r1en.s aM O!n.eJ O;ef1;efllCl[II!I elements Ir'r soiis moving ibol.lf'ldary me'~)' ,A1l'Pllca~ions...;.f OOf'I.:!J.lctan~ {or oI;Ietoermi .... II"I!iII Ule $QI",bf]iLy {!~ S,,"lu'bllity pr'~lIjlJc':j;. :aOO plsnts:, ~"i!'ir [)Ccurrenc:e'. rsctlli.5; s.ffec:ting their dislributioo. function snd ey.cling on :5()iI. Symooffic:arxl !{)oic equLl.iliria, Ionic produci of water, pH. aci~-D.ss!!l [nd'.lcators, common bn effec:'L, buffe.r s~ubilfl~ buffe.r non :a.ymbioiie njtrogen Ih;aliOI'l, P;tiiiCi,p~i!i .0{ :MIll ferl.iIRy aM i~ evaluation t.o~ judieial FQttili!;8r u,!;1!I. SOo'il inde:..:. buffer CIiI.p8City '5.o-!u'bjlil~ [lloouc1 a:nd. ap-plicalioos in anal~sis_ Sol[d Slate Chemls'l;ry ~ CI~5.iflc.atiiJ;n QOfIseN;(lltion pl3'nQlng on waler Shed oosjs. erosion flltfogen 8!A(l: rtrll 01{ fI1;(!Il1a!iJernem In hn~feeL 11111s;a1'}d -01' :socids, S.8¥l!rn cty.G.lal sys tam:;.,. ,element:s D-1 s.ymm.elr')l' in ctyGolals, space laltiee and unit. eQI. ·cla~si'fica,", ..... .s!te'y laFld9:~ "rocesses ;!IIl'1d (;EI!!'ors: arreclill:iJ '''em, Dry'18 nd &gdcullure and Its :problems. T.ect'll'\l)kw,;ty r(!ll' Lion of erys~als 01"1 Ihe basis 0' bond L:,oDes Ionic: :solias, melalic solr.Qs. cO'l/aJenl 5:oliCl:S, aod molectJlar

s.t.sbiliain~ s,griculture p.roouctioo in rail'lsd a.griculture ares lOr U_P. SlJIlid:!!. fhe clo!le packing, or s,pheres, h-alCago-.nal Close iDnlc sclld'!>. mslalk: soUd's:, co ... a!snl solid's:, an-d

, E.CIION- B moll)t.'ula~ solK:ls_ tM dose pa,eking 01 ~,pMJM, M;II;.agtlnal elos& paCkin.g. cuDie .c.]l)Se paCkrng aM boCly

Waler use efficie~y i~ rer.aUon to ClOt) prod'UcUon, erit-erhl; fOt scheauliQg irri9i::!lion:s., ways and m.eans 01 celltereCi C-1JbiC paCking" ciOOrcrtnaliOf'l nUfOOef ;ana raClius falio erf~ ·Saroo':s. law of X~ray dilrrac.ioo. PQ'dtJe'r rer;l!,tCin~ :run ·off Ir;r.s!i~ of irriiPtii;f;n we',er. ,D~irJElge o-r w'Sowr-ll)gge"d sl;l-3l:;1_ Form nLIiIn.r;rge~nl :;ICQpeI impor- pattern method. crystsl slrucluJs or NaCI and KCI. Surf.ace r:::;hem.l'5.try~ SI.aDllil~ or end 'Di~in of charge DIl :Lanoe .al'ld char.acteli:&.1iC:s, farm plan.f1ing' aIld: tn.rd'g8Lin~. EI;;.(Ioo~ of dilrQrent ')'plI'!; 01' farmil1.fjl s.ySI.I!I:rn&.. colloid'!;. ,EE-ee'r'Okinetic: p!I'l6nlial. PI'I),sieal i!Ii'Ilj ch.emieal abs>orp • .ton, ... aliOus Lypes .or a,d!;Oi-PliOtl i8.OoU':tI!I~ms. M~rl«!lf.n;ll ~rrd prfcil'lg 0' agrh;:~llutc In;pu~ 3fldl OWlPI..rIS, prloe- ffoe~u;(IItiOons 81'1d l!'\el' ~'I. tOok: 01 ~ela,~ HOfi'i"ICig6fKIVS al'!CI Mtel6'r~eAEIOtJS ealal~sis -enzyme cala~fsls (Mi:trels,...:Menwl1) oEICL'I,mAion. :b'~_SJt~ 'Ii"'I!S illl a.gricultural, Eioonom),. 1),lPe.s sm:lisys1.em of tarming. :end factlJis BfI'edling them. Agric:ul!ural elCten.- ~ Rot.slitJnal Spsctra- Rigfd an.:! nCln-~gbd mtalm modeo.hL OeterrniflB!ion of blJlnd disl.3lnOEl of diatomic mlJl's.iOn. E1S i'iipCt.f1a."nclCII and ,ole, miCI:lfiod 01 -e._,aluatiOtr .o1.e);!9lision pr'tlgramme:&., -difftrSion., cCHnmunicaliCtn.ar'ld ecull!r:b, Mear 'lsi.al.cmic i'nCrJecu'les isotoPK: SuMlilution.. !\(jb@IMill.~B.l(;ltll!ip!lal§'p~ ; Hoitl\OtrK: and adopUon Gf InncwatloosL ;people"!3: per1to'1patloo and Pfotl'ucLiGl'I and rnGtiIJallon, !Farm mecll.81'1lzaLloo 3ftd' its iJflthOr.rnClln!clJi:'brtUbns. "'lbr~UronoDl en~Jgies .of diat.omic I1\OIec1.!les. zem &:1011'11 el1e{~y. ·evaluatlon or force fOle in agriculluralwoduction and rursl: e.mp1GYmBnt TrainintJ j.'.'IroQramme fm elC.':en:!lioo wori;ers I3IndfsrmeJ5:. ,cons!31'1!. Fundamem31 ff&QU{Jl')C:les, Qvertones, Uo-l banCls, ct&gIEleS or rreMm or PCI~atomlc molecules,. COil"

'E;t;I&'iiSiOiri systems atrdl ptogrammes.. Ii'.atning, &Vis.its., KVK, XGK, NAif!'.a~ IVLP, cepl of gn:iUp rrequenciss. ,R!lmall Spectra: Ra.man effec:t SI()K-aa .eroo an'i:!lbKSS finss and Il'lEiir in'len5ity

~[§"~CJlQ.U!A,) diFrer.er'rlM'. Rule ,M mutuel i!r;t;(;]uSilj.tI. J:.llc~~p ... '!t'!!:lt..!1 ; !ElectrOniC: It.airlS.itiOiiS. F'tan:K e<r-trcr-om ,ptinCiiple"

lierecJit">, anei \,r8r1ation, Mef1.oder:j; law ollrrherilance, Qnromosomal L!leor:t or Inher'MIWe. C)'1.oplasmlc ~heriL- I='rrOSDRDre-soCel1e.aoo fiuOfeseerrce, 3noe. S-s...: IHlkei.'.'l. Sex inllul!;["ici!t.'l smll :!Ie...: limi!i!d chBrectelS. Sp0nla:nlKlus and irli.'.'luced nwta.,icns. 'R{]1!!i of eMmicals in, mula'lion, Ol'igiJ'l .an.r:l (lom~ lica:tron .ar'ld fiakl ero.p. Ml)t~hOlogieal !pa.lterns M 'tene'lion:; in '_'arl~ e!ie:J, ;l)ng rel;l)~ed ;;;pedes 10' 1m..PO~8n. ftel(J ef(lp, C&l..Ise aJ'lQl u1.i~;:alion of 'Y'8fi@li~ In croQp!3: lm,pf-QJVoemen •• Apptication of the IPrinc.jples or pian.! breeding 10 "'e improlJl!msnt of mBpr fiE!l'kicrcp:s;, methods of breading 1.0 ,!;ell andl t:.rOM.o;p6I1mhN:t erOpS" liittoduttiM. s8!~tiM, ... :,'tlridiMiiOl'l. Mal~ :;tQrtil)' ~nd :;ell Ine-ompMibii~:f' I"Ibll':t:at01 of l'i'iutatlon [IIn.(J ~yPlQkJ:f ~n breedin:g, Seed ted1notogy ancJ 11:j; ~portance f)rocJ'uc1ion. proc8':5Sing, :!;I1oralle :BOO tesicng of sesds. Rore of llaOOnal a.ndi :!Ilate seed ,[}Jgall1zs.1ir.'m tn produC.lion, PlDceSSing and mai'ke1r.ng' .01 ilfrpro-ved '!;-el9>ds_ :Ph:;,sj;:,IO{IY and its Sj~:nirlcanCEI ilt a,griL:ullut'1!l. ptr),:!iiCal piopMi~:!i ar'ICI etrem!cal c:oo:si.lt.L.rllon, of proloohnm. 1nhlbi:tion, 'Surface lens!Qn, e!lrfusi::m al')d osmos[s., .et.ls-o rption and Lrans· IlJGiIItil::Nl or wal-sr, 1r'.ilrl5\piralion and wFller eC:lJonom)'_

SE'CTION. B IEn~ymM and plant. pigm&l'ltt., PhMOs),nLhe&i!;-iilOoden, con.;;..e~!; ar'td fac!~ eFr-l!leling. 11m pr'OtofloSS.. aambic a~ aJ:r8iefQblc resp;lratloi"!, G/owLll s.rrC!1 dev-e~p.meriil, PhotoJ)eflodlsms allO "ernatiii:;;rliol'1" PiaN 9r(ll;'$ regl,lla,.. ilcJrs snd theM mschani:3m or sc:rion & imlXir181108 in crop praduc!ioo_


~1iIJ:!1j!.al..:Ql:g"!JlI;!..,C'h1J~~~~; t=:feclroi\ie disPIa-cBri'M!H'L1 iMueti ... e, eledJ'(lmeric.antl tru!lsmoeric e1J&Ct.s.. Cor.-J~3llJon sl'd' 11Y-Pe100flJIJ91'i.ion, :R.eS0I'I8.noe :anti ~s sppl'k,atioo to cI"QsQ1c 1IXifIlPOli'l'ids.., Eledroplilies, Buclephlles. carbocatimls. carbal1ions a.nd rr.se ladrea'!. Qrw;rnic. scids and ltia5.l3:!1 .. Effecl8 of :!!'liuc1ure on 1tre :!Il!ell9'lh or -otg.an.:iC addS! i!Ii'IcJ bases_ H.,.l1rl)gl!ll'l !)OM .an.d lis 1!llrett 01'1 the !jJf'(Iptli'\ieS Of organiC eomp.ound~_ ~p~ ~oimk: R,actlon M9:Ch M1im : Mecflafllsm or ada'i1ir:lA, s!JDstitl.rlicln, eliminatio.n, rea-ctiCIRS ~fril, moJecula r raarrsfLBgemBn.ls, M!&ihani5.m ,of Electropl1ilic snd! nlmleophilic sut{)fDl3lic::: sub:!!lilutilJln_ Mschani!rrn of ~"e f{]1- 1000000ng t&aC!iOI':rS .' AJI10I (:otrdenSatiM, C~lms conMnSation IB8t:li.marrn i'9a.rr.angemen •• :F'8il<iiI fa-:aCLiCIi"r. 'R.eine~· riemanri i'M~io.n. can:ni2:aro"~ ta-acUon, Fi'iede~ Cr.an's, fa-acliOll, R-et'trntra'tiSkY"$ t·eacliOO.aM w.agnef· .. Mearwein I"eElff'8f1gelTJefIIL. AiI.~j:I~: Chernlstry.of sii'f1fJ1e OrgOlJlI.: eornpouf'ds belOf'l9in:g .ofot1Oo;fflg cl!!;Ss,.e;;; wi • ., spscisl rererence to the mec:hanisms []of tbe fe.8clions !rwolvsd ~heJein. Blkian.ea. alKsnes, slkyns:!l slkyl. h.ailtde:!;, aIO'lh.aI, ",IMrs, 1hiols .aLdO!:.'h),c:iAS. ~,~~Me!;. ~ bu:s:.na.III1.J~Lad c..amonyl t'.tJmp~.,H'Kt~, :I.old',1 and IMk deliv~.1i\l'es, 3mlnes, iJ.mll')O!1dCl:S, hyorox~ acills, ul'!salu~rated ac[.cs and ~lat)3'Slc acidS. Syn""etic uS.e-s. or

ch~nneJ ceeee, ABgnrrreN of c"armels, water ~g:glng-c.'3 uses aQQ eol1lIol; lCIeslg.n or dr-aif'lage svatems: soil sslini,y, C.eos) 5:lflJCluIe.5:-clE!:5ig1'l of reg.'IJla,icn work, crcaa drainagl! 'Work5., ~Ik:, squeduete. mel:ering :Flumes: etc_ canal .ou\ll!l!s_ .lli..~I;II.n..t1.ea rf~ck:s. : PrirrClples olde:!iign, Qj din-eMn'l parts on mp-er'l'l'Hra'b!e and permeatae fou neeucre, I<hosla's IIle<ify: sedhrem exeeeon. ererrents or elver Lrallllng stoJage worl!;s, wcee 01 dams (incl'iJdin,g earth dam) characteristic pnnclples of -design, criteria for stsbility, Peundenon treatment jO-int:r;. and gaLlQti-es control' ,001 SMpClig.e, S:pilla:.'s-dH1e~;:rnl typ.a:!: and trrei' suitaDllil)", QMr"g)' ·djS'!;ipalio-n: :s.pUlW8)i'S eree: gates.

Size: Z5 em Jl 38 em ~ 950 Sq. em.

Pogo No.' ~ (An" Image Maker)

malOnic: easier aceloacelle1:la:;.i&i. Gridnand·.s. rol!JCli.ge.nl. eal'tlMoI!J. diaLOmslli.ane aM phO::.ptlCJolallMo. ~"o.Jno::: or Hos.yslalil. SlruClur'e .. 1i.d ructic.nillg C.r Ee:osysL-em, Types -or EcosysL-em. MajOr 8iOmes Man's lmpact on

~o..s_ : ~la5:s!f1caLion, conflgufaUOd'I eeo general: reaction lOr almpre mcnoseccrereee. Ozooo I'or,f'na tioft. ue ecosys Lem ancl, grob-al, -ecolog~1 Issues. .

mutal'"OlatloIl.jJyr.anOs.e and rman,?8e euuctures. Chain lengli'Hlning, and chain s'hortening ill ejdeees and SECTION ~ e,., HUMAN, GEOGRAPrN

K&LIiSi9S. [n!:e~nvi!l'Slon .Q.f,QluCO"S.I3' ana rruclo.s;a" §lew.£l:i...'illll&I_OrJl...!JJl...£g.1lI.9.!J1l:i!1(I9...IlI; EUimenls (II S)'IJI:.> 1. C;YolLition of G9C1gtaptly ThoLiShl ; (:_oO~tibt.ltIOn:s 01 G-Brmetl.Frtll'ICh, BritiSh, ·SO'i'ieL a.M moran Geogr.a,~ me1.r)', -Oo,PUcaJ artc geometical Isomerism In Simple O'rga.nle compounds. Abs:olute ,coFlflg uf.j:nJon (&;: .& S,; sners: CtJangln9 Pa.ra;d~giTI5: or Mall eYlvi'ronmen' Relati:mSl'lfJ) Im~ac. of P'osltl.,..lsm eno CluafiLita'ive re v ~u;o CrnlrtJgalions .oF gaome1~iC"al _is_omars:. E & _ Z ncteucne. conrcrmeuon of 10000 and dlstnbuted c:yciohoexfl8:as:_ uon: models and eyeteme in Q-aography, Recent trend.s: in qeoqrsphlc ttun.lQh1 wilh speciel rererence 10 ~o.al a.n~1 chalr 1orme. ,~Gmlii!_h£_C~Qmp_,.g..l,.In'!:l_s. ; Modem s.1tuCUJt-e M b8nUilM: C-.oCIl'lcept of alXlmaLicily. Hucl<le rMiCal. Ml'lavioui'a1 phe~omerlOlog~I.aM -eCOlogie.a1 paraCl:igtRS. 2., Human Glltogli3 .. ph), .. ; Human haibi1at il'l ,,,Ie aml.l.s simple- appli~3Lion.o f'on.be~e-Z;611OId arommlc (:ompcWnQS" Ae\iirat!r..g' and CleacLi'l/aUng erred or JRajpr n:atl"lIal regions: ernefge~ of Marl 3~ R:a¢:ls of tJal1kioo: CulLural &V(I[ytlon. and S'3ges· M;a,jor cuI,. SlJbslll"leI1:19I'"(1up!;:.d_'recLl v e Infrueflce, Stuc:J)" of the .::om~lJ"l'I(Js W1'It:ilJ,,~ fQi~~n.9 9{wPS -3t,ta.;t,~ 1.<>,~11-e l~r:E!!1 'iNlr.sfll,G~Q/WLI-' -3~.;! DI,.:lrlbuUQ;fI orrJ'OPUf,(;ltiOJ'l~ ,lnt-erm:s!I1Q"""t miQlf:!!luon pof)U1a!i~I1'. Demol'"9l'l!1~h;c 'rraoelaE~~ and benzene nn'!;l ~aIQ9E!.n, h~fO:O:~, llitr~ an.d amino g~up--g.. S.UlphD~1C eclds. tJ_ertZaldelyde. SB_loc:v ~ron.and C>lJnlampcr.ar), pClpul~i.on ~roble.ms:_ 3. Settreme nt Geo1;lraplly : Concept 01 Senlament Gl!!(]graph>,; .a&:h:f.ae, aceLI),phenone. Ek!H1Z(U.C. $ah~liC, :phlrha:'lic, cannarruc ar'ltl mandelic atids. Nilp.Jill!iI[ran9 8; Pif-!.i.: RLlI'.a1 si9tLl&m&nt: N-alure: Origin, T':fP&.G. a'M pauern. c:one.t.ept of UtD.an Si9ttl&_m&nt Patterns. i=Jro(:&::;'Ms ~i.M. :. $yn.thes~, SUI"ICI.U~ ~M Em,portan. eeaucns. ~~~ :, Oefleml metll?Cf3 _ or strucurre ·e!u~atlon _of ;(!InQ ecnaequences 01 Ulool'1:isati::li"l: Central place .neor;: cl8ssWcalj:J1'1I of tOWfl; i-llef-i3t{:h-jI' or urban centres. ~Ikaloid:!!-. chemts.1IY. 'Or nII::otme~ Or'!l_ilin_'-C Pol~~erl ~Mac.ham:!I~ ~f pol>,m~r1Z8IK1n, ~oJ~mers ';l'f Indusln3.1 f.'kJrpoo_kiQiY oIlr Town: Rural Urnsn nexus: Uniand and Urb81'1 fjngl!l:!!-. ,,;I,. :Et:oD.I'HI·ml·t: Geography = Fundamental Imp<Jr1.;}r\I;tI. synlMlic fiberS, .G.IiIil.-!IU~!IY~!l5J"':'C~ ~ A BI'1eI inlr'OdLictiOn, oCMm~1 (;:O(Istllual'lli..s., cell C1:II'ICI9i'IS_ C(lncept.s. o.f Re:!oOur't-tls: ClaSSiricatiOn, C(lnsetvaLiOn.and Managem&fll N.alu;r&.and "f:fpes (II" Ag,ri~ membralfle-:s, acld base ~al(llnce. Diffusion a_.n~ ;(I1I::[h .. e 1Ians~L. Oonf'lan memb'HH'I~ eQlJlribfla, tn;':tm9J:_;zII_n~ cuftu re: Ag~11ural land use jeeatlen i.he-ories.: WOIld .3g~llJual: ,~lO:ns: Major ao;ps: MlI'!e1;(11I.antl Pow,ef .Coenz'fmes: _: NDmanclalu~ and cheractenstlce. raCOCIf5: whch enect enzy~ ac'tr'iil~. NMR SDectrast::apy: Reaeurces Occurrence. ~e.sa ..... e. ultlizatiCln and procoactlcn penems. World EllE!rg~ crtsia and search fOJ Pi1n,ojpJe (lr ~MR. Chemica.:l shill. spin .. spin coupling, ~1a:.rPJi9L.a'i:ln (lr PMR s.peCli'dl or :';;imple organic mol- .. I~emati ... es. In~'usLri-es~ Tliee-lies (lS·ll'IdusLri.a1 lota'liClt.l. M.ajO( iMus'llial' reg~Ms: MajCIt :IMus.tie:s~ Iron .& ec.ule~. iEv:.llj3tian. of :tn:Uvtle.::u O,1':a : EHOfS. eecorecv af'Id preclslQ", J:i:elaLive- aM staMaf(i cevlatlcn Steel, Papef, 'renuee. PelJo·Chemi-(:&IS, AuLomoblles, Ship Duildln~: .nelr location patterns, :lnte_fniUiof'lal feJection Df doutJ.~ul~ o'b.se~lioo;;l. t-taat, Q-'l.eEI_ S~lvenl Exl'rat:tlflon ~ Dis.t.rlbull.on law, Or,aigs; concept 0' Trade; Trade Blm:~_s, Trade roetea. Porll!l and Global trace cenues. World Economic: De ... eopmera peuems. e01.lr-..er~tu~rent (M_'lflbuIJon. Impoi'tal'lL sol ... a-nl .e;o;LratLI01'I systems. ~~i!Jg_glPpm.; CIaa.sifl;;::atiOt.J of Chto- C.oncepba. o-r ai'ld appl'oOaehes [(I Su~;(;ainabl8 De ... It.lOpm~n'_ 5. P(JolitiGal Geograph)' ; _C:.on.capL G·r Nation and ma.lc.g~a~h~ toecnnqU&l; • .gM1!Iral. prii'lCipl1!l$ 01. abSCJotpLiM, S'artilion e.xeMnge. papa .. aM' lhirr E.ay&f cnrcrna- e L:ala~ Fr'(Inti8ts. Boui'lCfaries aM au ffer ~OMS: Goncepl_S or H:oearl[.aL'K! and Riiijand FltdelciJli-mi, Contempotography. £n.~,o!lm~oJ1.LCJlo.mls_tc:t: AA IPGl_lu~n.s afJC~ u')el, toxlc eti'ects,dePlellon of czene layer effects Jar)' ..... ortd g:eopoliticellssue.

or OXldE!!! of mlroge-n. llurCJclllD-IDc.Brooll:3 andl Ih-alr ·effe-.r:t on mone layer. Greellh:ciUs.a efti3':;;!_ Acid rain. PAPER. [I G EOG RAPHY Of=" INDIA

~51~ ... J~Ae.I;~...baDk~..Ih.I!1mt_i!.lEhY.,$iG$_al1_~M~>jlialiJ;il.ru. 1. P":f:siJ;iiiJ Peaurras ; G&OlOgft:a1: ",ys.ems .and sllulc'Lul'1:l~ Reier .alld dtaitlag&, so.!ls anl:l nalut'al veg&i.:aliM;

t. ~_n,Ml.'U. ~ CClonseru-.fitkofJla ...... ~I&loos. impscl parasmer. '3:C:[IILLer'l"IgJ crcee-aecuon centre or mass eoe s-ofide.;1raC!;(!It,ion ;(!Inddef-o~sl8Lioo. Or;gfl'la'tti mecnanlamct inciial'i MonsOOfl:ClfIDllltlc 'E!SI!onailsatlon: pn:l~I· lab systems wilh uenerormetlon 01 p-h~sic;al quannnea. Ru'lheford Scalti3Jing_ MOIlicin or a roc>1ei under con- ogfaphjc reqlcnneenen 2_ Haman Fe,l!ItLPIe : Diamburon and growth. of pcputeuon; structural characteristics :;.Lant r-otta 'i'iek:l. Rotaling 1t.ames (II rl!lfel"8nC1!l.Corio[iG. f1:ItU, MMion -0-1 rigid tJOodE1:is. Oynami~ 01 tCJo1.aLing or popu'laik;Jn~t&mpo.ral-t&gional v.ana1iOl'II:!o. RoegiCt"lal rurat s-eUI&ment-Go pat1A!lms.and villagi9 m.orpMOIogy, UrtJodies, 'MOIillEInt or lnertla, Theorem of oarall8l ann oemenetccrer ada. Mom.enL of Inenh~I' of sreere. Jlng ban sememeou C!a_ssrlcatlo" {If 'Indian cnes-eceton. furctlcnal, hlcr.af(:h;c:.aF:ity reglons Urban morOPI'lOIOQ:/. cylinder, disc. Afl9'uI;;iJr momenmm. ooDqLJB and precessjcn of a 1J),p_ Gyrosc:CJpil_ Central forces. Motion UI"l- urbaniaasfton .and' urban pD!ic,y.l_ AgJicuUure : lnfrasmrctura: irTig.allon, power. fe.rtilizar us.e, mec:haniz8~ .aer in.v-BISe squar-e law, K&plerS Law:,;;. M(liion CJo1 Sarelli1M {inC[w:Jing (jIg.os,tatiOllaty), Ga'il8.atl Halalivit:f_ Mn: R-egi~al cMr.aeleriSties or agl'icuILLlr.aI.IaM uS&, pf(lbl&.n; o.f woesleland'S. anclll'l8'ir l'i)lClamalioli. CI01'ping Specla! T:tIe<if"jI' 101 Rela'M~)I'. Micheslon;.Morle), Exp.erimefl'. l.oref'[z nansro:rmaUoos~dJji1ion Llle-G1effl 'Oof ... e- pa1!.erQ:J arl;!;i Intensl!y; A!1fiwllural efficiency ,afld: PJorjl"l,ct.ivll)"lmpacL -or Green revtl'll..Ili:.O!l: ~rI~!.I.ural Je,. 1I:~cities.. Variation of rnas:!! wilh ... elocit~_ Mass-Energy 'E!-qui'i'alem:-e_ Fluid d:.'Damic8. stre8mlines. Reyoold gions with. special relerence tD .agroE!cologic.at C>lJndillcins.. Land reforms:!lloo agrariaJl proD !em!! Crop Combi~ nu.mbti~ ViSCCIosil)', POi:!illl:ulli95 rOrr'r'lula I'or 1l'I9 flOw n1liqLlid IhrougM lial10W lubes. lurbu,lente, Bennoulli's, 1'181icns: aoo:!llgJicullural re,gionalisa.1icn_ Mod'emis.ation. or AQ.ric:uDlur-13 and ag.Iicur.ural planniJlg. 4,_ MI'neral eQlJalJonwiln_sfUlple 8PPilcaUOI1"S,. _ _ _ and Powrar Rra:5C1UrGI3:&;; Loe:alil1r1al patL-ems, Roesel'Ve::..and Pl"Od~~Mn Ir'endS; Com~BiDI!In_'_arily -01 mi.n8ra;lS. :2. ~lEby_sie..t ~ ,Laws of Lllermoc:JYI1;(11rnfC3, Erilropy. Camo"~ -(:).-dle. Isolhermal a.nCl Miooalk c.l'Ianges, Power resou!'Qes: Cool, petrolelJ~, hyCiro power, MlJFi~purpw;.e rl ... er valle)' projects: EfieJgy crisis .anC, searCh ~rmod)'Dami!J, P(]!-8nlials, He.lmboltz and Gibbs; fumltions;. M8JC'WI;lI~ ~Ia.lions:_ The CI8us:iu:s--clap8~ll:In eqL.Ja1ian. ~or slll!!l"nslNBS_ S_ Indu"5:tllll!51 ' IndLI:5:triaIOevelopmenl, Major irtdL!5.triBs-non ,& sleal_. Tex1iles:~. papElr Ci3"fevats.ibla. ea1l. Jool~,Kel'i'rn er1ee •• SteFan B¢IU:mann L.tw'. Kinetic TlhMi'y of Gass1!Is. M.a;(wsll"s. Dis.l'ibutiOn meni.s., FMi:1~&fS SlIg~r, P-eII'O--ehemicals. Intlu:slfial Gompl1!l.;(19:S and Regions. G, Trallisport ami Trad.9; MI!IL~ Law or ..... ~Ft.les.E,qI.l1;part,.IOI'"l1)f energ)", s~ecltlc llea'Ls of gase-s-, mea" free lPaLin, Borwn&8n MoUori. IBI;(IIc"k wofKs or raitwa.ys a.nCl roMS: PfotJlel'f'ls ;fI~ prospeclS of Civil a.vla.t~n 8'lld lifatef trall:SP'OfL: Irlier-reglol'lal BOody f3d~tioo spe>ciric heat of solid's, .Eins.le.ir1 soo Deboye U,E!CIria:!!. Wein':s Law, Planc"k'S Law. sO'lar con.- ~mmodity Ilows; In.l~malionill _Irsee, _ policy .and _ ~I'I ~aUems:_ Major ports. aoo Irs~.a cenlres. 7_ 'Reglona. stant. Sha.h's theory of Illarma ioniz.alion and SL-aliar spe:-cl!e ProductiDn 01 low temparalura-s using! adiabEtic [lBv-alopmenf and PI ilniiing ; Prl)'ble-m::' !)f regiooa I de .... eklpmant .aild spa1ial ~ann"'g' Slra1.egi-es: Geogl'a.phiC: .aermag I'IMlzatio" al'lo 'dillJUon rer~g,eratlon, ConceDt or neg:allve 'e.f'f'lp.eil'l!lture, 3 .. W:i .... (ts of Osem:)tlons : ;(!Ind PI;(IIllfll~ regiolls: _ Plail1_n-lnQ for meLfo,Polrtsn, InOOI, 1'l111)" oCIJ-oughL-lJIon.e re.gf.(;ins a.l'ld \'j,'a'erstlea manageOs.c:illali:Jns, simple harmonic motlon. Examplas or 8imple hanoonic molian mass, 8pring 8:1ld LC CtrCUi!B. ma~. Ra,g_lcinal dfs-,ps,rllleS In de'fe:lopmenl and policies In Ji..,e year Plan:!!-: PlannlnQ tor EiJo-De'i'elapment. 8_ SIa.1.inary and tlciJvellittg wa't~. D~JIl(j I'ICirmO'tlic motiOtl. rorcM os.t:illation and R&Mnatica.. SM~pl'las~ or Palil i-Cilll E.t(l nomy ; HiMOI'ie.a1 Pen;.pettiv& on U niLy .. nd diwt.&ily. Sl:.atJ9G. 'atJi'{IanisatiM: Region<ll eonfe!KtflaJ'!ce, Wave ec!ua'Lion, tlarmonlc SOI.\Jl.ioP!;:, P1G!ne aoo $Pl'!erlcal wa~es, SUPell)Osition o.f waves. Two s-cIOlJsness anCi n;(llL~nsl II'ILeg.ratiof' .geograpohiC.fJ11 b!J.s.is Oil cenLre ·state relati::Jns, i'l'Iterootiona! Doo\mClafles prepanliic:u'lar s!m~E!' harmonic moliort5:. L.iss:ajD1J8 figures:. F(]uriar alla'ly8~ of p.eriiJdic waVEiS -sq'usre and of IMla and relateCii geO·MI!t!Ci31 Issue:s.,loo~ and me ge<i~iucs o! 1IIldiian oces". 'ioola aM !he SM_P.C.

tliangu_1at W"'o'9:;'. PMsa aliCii oGle-UP _ ... ·elc.c:iMS. Be-a!s. Huyga-t'i's I'~ineip!e:, Oi ... isiM of amplituCie _.and wa,_,·e. _ _. 7. ECON~~[CS ,t PAPER,.1~ ECQNO M Ie TH 1::0 RY {SECrrO,N~ 11.1

1(oot. F~e~nel Biprism. Ne ..... lon"s rin!ilS" MiochlJl:lson. inter1er'Ome19~, Fatrry~Pvlf'(lt iilLe~ reroml9:'Loer. Oilrr!:lc.li(ln~ 1.Con!&oumlili" IiJ'lIImand ;aJld COllsumer SI;]o· ... er!3igflt~ ; Law o.f Demand, Na.ur·e a-ndl!)'pes M lftlaSl1-ciry.or d&-FresnElI 8M F"a1Jhoe's. Diffraotlo'l1 as a :Foufle, Tra"sforma.lon. :Fresnei and IFrsunlloler dirtr.aetion bjl' rnaoo,lndil'ierertQe curve ;(IIrJ.aI)'sls and OOQSlJiTle('s eQ1.I"brlum, .2_ T'nooty or P,och,Jello~: PfOOU'l::I.!OfJ FlJllc .. feeCll,lngLJ!er:li!l~ cir-culer oEIf)el'1ures. Ci'iffrliletico Iw ~1fliligh~ ed'.ge, Sin91e arld mulliple $'its:_ R~l;IIving power lioDn,. Laws of Re!ulTIS, Eq'uiibrium of a ProouOElr, Nature of Cos.L .and Reval'lu-8 curves, PricilO9 of !aciQI13 of 01 gran.i:n9 a!ld opLical ~nslrum-Bnl.s. Rayll3"igh gitl3f;;'n. PoIl!lrizClJLio-n. produc.ion and OalecLion 01 polarised prodwtion. 3. PriGiiI ilnd' output de1errn i n ilti on ; Um'ar dirferenL mark.Ii!IL co.m:JiLioos. Cosl pllJ"S p:ril;.ilig. !!iI,. IlghL lL.k1e.ar, clfoCutar al'lI:1 el1lpUeal) erews.er"s. law, Hl.!YgMn's 1tJeory ,0-{ Qouble rerracllol'l, op.IC,fII fot.a.IOI'I, EQii.dlbrlYM: Genefllil .aQi;;! P3r1I3I. Stabtoi; ;(lind Ufis'able. 5. ConevP's or e.eo...-oml(: Wolraro : Old 8I'Idi New Jlol8lime_lars:. Laser SOUrce8 (Helium-~i3on. Huby sOO semi conduc::1or -dioda). COllCElpt or slJ'.Btial amll tampo- W-E!Iiare- BCQoomiics. PsreloOpiimali,~ an~ eom~nsalion principle":!l-, Consumer's sur.prug_ EcOODmie:!l welfare

fal coherenC1:!l HCJolography. IheOl:f and appiliCaLiM. _ .. M Competllion, 6.National, IncoiT'IIII' ; C:Ol'LOept. Compo.nen'l.S atlCII method:S of aocounting, ClassPcal and

PAPEE _II' El"eltielly anel MMMIlsrn Madflm p.hws,les!Vic! EI!letr~mles Keyrll~-3I::If'l TheOfles 0' Ernplo.'!"-IDei"lL aM InC(lflloe, PiglOlJ eff-eci a'lC! l=i:eal oo!al'lce efrecl: Il'Itene.ci.lOl'l o~ Ml.!lli'~

1. Eleclrlcity and MagneiJs.m : Coulomb's Caw. Elec!ric Field Gaus8·s Law, Bed_fie Potel'llial, PO:!I-!lioo soo plier:!lnd Acceler.aIQr .Theory of Trada Cycles_ (Mooetsrysndl H[do;sisnlr.ada cycles)_7_ T:hll!;[lry ot ... ·one>':

Laplace· o!I'lua,liOrls. ro.r I'IOMOg-eilOU5 dieladl~, unCl'lai'{lM COMuding s.pl'iatl!lo in a uniform i'ield, poin. c.halg1!l M-ea::'ul'ament -01' diangas in priea Ie'_"el, ill8(l1'y -01 money suP-,pIY,MoM), Mull~lier. OuanLity theo.ry or Money. aM i~l1J'1fte conoJUcllf'lg p.lane, _CuffenL e!ecLr'ici.y, J(~rchOffs loam arlCi I.s apPllc3L!onS.: W!leaI..9:LQi'e midge. 'tri&ol'ies. or Damand ror mOi'l8y.lnta_I'es.L dl91A!1rmlnatiotl. IS-LM cu",-e atli3:lysis. Thl!l(l~ (II In_l1atiOi'l. Ma.asu~ iKel ... il'l·s double bfiiige, Csrey fosLef's tJ..ridge. Bici-Sav.aft law IiInd applicarions;. Ampars's circuitBl!8w and: its. or il'"lfL.':ili.on. cO<fItrot, 6. ""OoJ"Lot.,ry ~i'tdl Bal1loi;""9 SY$tClm; BanKs fll'K:llheir rQ'I~ in th.e ecol1.olTl:i. C<;rJIIr;f!,1 a.e"", .ep,l;lbt~ns. M~Qne1.ic trid'l,Icllon Sind fleh;l ~trenglh. MaQnellc ihen Megnetic fie'ld Qf'I ~l'Ie Siili:&:;i of olrcUlar coli :pnd the money m;illrf,;et. Te.:;hniql,le5 o-f mon-e!ary M;jjJn~e.mel'lt.

Hetmb03t!: ..::oil, EIec.tromagli.13tic li'JC:ILI:!:liOn, Farada:(s and' l-en~'s law. &ell' aM M'I..ILual iMuoCL.aI'lCa;:L .AlLemaL~ ~1t';;.IIQH..=...:a.

InS! curfent:5 L,C,R,clfeYiU:., series anCl peral~1 fe-son:al1ce elrOLJi.s, QIJEI[([y factor. Ma:o:-well."s ~uatlo_l1s o3l'K! (fj '1'",1:111(: F!na~c:iO :Tn_eorles or Tal(ali:maflCl Public E)lp.e~I'ure, Incldeflce or laxatloo, ev.asron ;(In.;:! shllting eri;ldJ[}~a,gDBIK:: waves_ Transverse natufe Df .eleeiromagnE!1ic w.aves, Poyn1iDIJ V-actOf ... .agnelic fields in ,?I Ts); DUf~-Ein, Effects: o~ TaJCsli:on, Ei5.c:al' Polic~ .and eDDnomic d'av-alcprnanL .. e-oonomic cl8:!1-.sficaliDJl 01 MaOIBr _ Ol;}. ~a.ra.. '~.arl"t'J. An.Lit'en'o and FI!t"ItimagMlism (Qualil1a.lille ap,proau·;h M'ty) _ H:!:t1!l1'4!l~i5_ Bu.dgetary RSMpi.S a.M Hp.etldiLuI'El. 1vp es of budget d&t.eits .and IMir ell,g,c-IS (In Ihl9 eCMo.ilW. (ii) Intliir~ :2. M9d:orn P,h''lslc:s: BOhr'S .• heO!')' ofl'l)'cJfo-gen atom Etec,uOflsp;n, OJ)lica! anC!,X.raySp.ectfo3l:$lem-Gel'1adl fiatio!'l;:i1 feonoO'l!.(:S :Theories of IntematiOf'la' Tm.'I:Ie, t!ec-':_sl1er-Oh~n .... eor)'. Ol'er Tefms or Tfs'.ae,'Traae e:ICperiment a.nd spatial qua !llkali.cn. Ve-c'tD-! mooel or ihE! 81.om spactrar telms, fi:ne 8lruc!ure or s,pectfa'i and DevehJpme"I1t BaLanG-B of P.aymel'lts:. Diseq-uiibrium in Balance of Paymants: and policies ~iJf cOrTe-cting it_ 'i'ines._ J-J.and L~S coupling l-eema.n -alred., Pauli's e;t;~lusion, PI'iI'lCip·Ia., spec.ll'ar lettns ,CJOf twCJo 8qui'_'al&ni ancl fi;(ad and IlucLuaLing I!I-xt:Mng& raL1!IS. Fta-.e Tradi9 vs_ PrOl-ecIK;in, ":oteign Dabt aM Datlt man . .a{lem&nl. In.ier~ non.-eQuivo3ren. el'ectrOIlS, GfOSS 1JJ'lCi fine stn.,lctu re lOr eleclfOfilc ibanCI Sp.eCtf~. Ra'l'i"'ls.f.! effecL, P1'Ioloe~c.r1c nalkil1:al MCii"'let-ary aGc Tra(f-e I ns.FtuLiOfJ!;:.IIIl) G,o~tn anC! .O'OVOIOPrilCi !'III.: Measu res or eCon_orn~ c:Jevelop.. efi'ecl., Camp-ton ·effect o.a.JBlOglie '1;';1311-88_ Wava· Par1ic:le dLJaIL1y,unc.ertainty princi,p!e. postulale:!!- of qLf.Emlum IDEInt5;. Ti'Hlor1eS or Economic Growth: CI,;llssic:a~. t.tar:o:ian snd' Hafrod-Domar Medi3l, SUrpfus Labour and maCfJafli~" St:h/MiAger wa'lle equation, willti app:licauOI'i (i) p-.<iItWie in a·IM:x, (iI} ~jon acrCtSS a.GoI.IIl:'p !pl)lerl-- eapitsl formatilJfl. Elage:5: of growth.Pro~8m o~ Humsn Cspila'i !lJfmaloirl.

tiaL One Qlmens50f'a~ Mrmonk: ·osclrlator el~n "'a.lues a.ndl el(;lefl ru:ncllolls, 'RaCiiooc.lviLy, Alpha, Beta al'\(! . . ~_&_IUltDw~_gliQ.M:.'i

gamrna fadl;(ll'liof'!;:. :EI~meflL.a"l LIleOf)' or ~he al'S)ila oeca., ~1J:e'Ie-.3r blnd~ng efierg.y. MilSS S!)eclrOSCOoD)'. semi 1. IbJte~..tl.lrn_Q_U_ru(I.m:.....E~MnlY..,: T·,end:s. in NalM:Jfla! Income ana per capita Il1come. cn:mges I" empirical me:!!!! fonnula. Nu-clear fls.s.ion al1li fusion" Elementary Reaclru Ph>,sK:e, Bemantary p-a1t1cIE!S BOO C;(]m;psrison or Na!ional Income_ Pocpulatlon Gmw'lh and ECDnomic o.a ... elo,pmenl, Cilsracterislics. of I.fldia's 'lhair cl;a:ss.ii'i;;;atPcI1, sIron!} and waal;. £leJ;;lrnmagneLic. inLsra.:;:Liol1!:!i_ ParLicle .ao;;.Bf.ara1offi, .;;.yclotrol, Linear pOp1Jf3Lion. CMn!JeS in I)tcupatlClna I paUarn_ Dewrtlpmen1 .& I nl'r.a:S1fuC:lurEI lor Agricu.ul'1:i .aM Il'L(juMr)'_ a.;eef.efS\QI"S, EI-emel'llary Ide-a,.: (>f sIJPerco-.l"I.;Iu';l!'vtty. 3-, !&li~,U"(I~: Band theory -o-f '3:0Ikl'3:. col'lc:Jl"I.::lOrs Sooroe of Energy: CcnIJef'ltlonal lind n.on.convel'ltlooal.Energy CrI'3:&s. ErvWOfme.nta'l poilJ.dlon 3.nc:llts cG_n!ml. inaulEitor!i: and s-amioDnductors_ rnlrinsic and a:o:lrinsie sE!miconductors. P.N juno1ion, TIl-alTTI15.·OCIr Ze-ner -di- 2Jndl8n AgricuUure : ;lmpartance- of agricul!ruE! in .Indian eamrnn\l'.Source of growth., aglicullure. ,In~ti!u~ Mes. FM'i'&l"Se ai'le!1.ol'Wa,j'.t:l Ms.M P,N, .Junt:LiOl'l, solar cell. Us.e M .aiodes and lransisLCtts roOt l'1!Ic.iiliea~iOfl. UOI'ICII r'erorms ~ .Ind~n .agriCull'1..11·e with speCial ra1er'ence 10 I'an.d r-e'oims and el'ElCfit suppl)" AgricullutaJ cost .amplillC8tlon osc~!at!oi"'l. mOOJl.!laUon and ,detectiO(l rJ. wa ... es. Tf.(lnsl:s.Wf, rece;",e-J'. T'elevlskiJl, l..Qg._lc Gates ;(111'10 Drod'uc, pricl~. 3 •• nel!.lS,tr!~1 '9rowtl'!l;)!"i(j' $ttuel'I.JN 11I"I1j'IItlla: Pub!l_c ~ctor. PrlitaLe Cor~orate, Sec-toOf

aoo 1heir :t:rulh lable, some aep1ica~ic:m:s:. J(]EnL Saelor. Sman Sea!e and CottagB IncLIS1ry in India; ImJuslrial P(]lir:y re:5(]I1.i!ion!,; OIJmpB1iticn aoo indus~

_S,cBIIllHEMMiCS;~B~ ltia] gl'(lw1n, ~1lI'&igti Capitilll.ed'lntJll)g)' altd g-JowLh I)"F ~Indian I'MusiI'y: Inooslrial :!:lc;kl'l1:l:ss in 'India_ Labour

LJ~~g!.b.u! : Ve.ct01' space. bases, dlmerlslon~ or a f[nitely ge-ner.ale1:l SP;(IIC.e .. lineaf UansrorIDaLlol1: DOlle)' r-erorms· In Iltdia • .(, ai,jia90~a~ T-rOi'LC!iS ;an,C!i F'I'se;l!1 PoUey In Inc,tia,: Trends or maJor "SQurc.es ofWbic Rank and null~y or a lina,;llr 1f.f3l'1!dormatioo. CaylB>, H.amililon Ih-aorem_. Eigen .... sluas.and Eigell vec10rs. 'Malril( fe-venue al'"l_d e):_pef1:(lllure 01 Un;o.n Go\'eHtf'l'le.nL,03fIc:J ltP. Go .... efn me 1'1' , NOf'l·;Plilfi expenditure of Uillori or linaar IranM(ltma'lion, Row CIi1d C(liumn t-eCluc'liCIn. E,chil!lt;.n Ic.rrn. Equ:i'taJane&, Congruence and SEmil.at1)'. G.o ... elmenl ~ti3rll.8t anrl external deb! of Ihe UnlOO Go'Il-EirmenL, Fi8cal: and Reyenua, deFici_Ii!I in UIlion 8LId~at. 'R;,EIdIl.!ctio" to ·canOl'llocal fe;.rm, OJ1b:og!)J"'l<3:I, s.yrnm6tri::al" :!1c:o€Jw-s)'-mmfi.~eaJ, unitary, :H'eni'lian aM s!IC:6'fl-,Hertni. ~ajor recomm!3fldalioos of the Tanth Financ9 Commi<ss.!oo_ 5. MID n Illy ilnd Hanki nil ; The MIJIiB'lill)' institu;.. tien malnoE!:!!- :!heir ei!}en lJa'h..re!l:. ,ortheogonal and unitl!lry feilur:tioo Df quadratic and Harmilian Fmm_ PosilN"e lioos. or IrIdlill: CQmmerC~81, Banks, Ftes-ef"'e Ban k; or 'I ndl'a. S;pecl;(!l~ F'lllo3nclaJ Il1s'iLutltHl:9- ( 8,::mtilng, a.nd de1inilie quadr.alic form_ Sffi"lulianeous: f"eCiur:tion_ C.2Ilcutus: Re8) n_lIlmbi;lrs, limits, COnliflufiy, differen1iabjlii~. ~~D.anl;in.gl .• ~u_rce.s: qf Res:_e_Ne .miJ;ney, mooney muliplier~, (]~jec1ille- and le.ch~iQues of monetary_ polic,), in MeCU'l 't.alu& Iheor'EII'I'I..s., l'aylOt's. incieLermiraLoI!J kJiYiU, M.ar..ima ane! minim:.. CUNa. 'tt~jng A.!i:,'mpLoL-aS.Func:'iOi'is. 11'IId.a anellMit liMJraM.ns. 6,FONliign Tr .... 1It .. nd Bali!I'GIII 0[11 Pa),fne .... ; Forl!l:igl'l ir.ad'-e 01 Ind~~V(lLLlme. oom-- 01 se¥ef.(!1 variableS, partial -aeriv::Hives, mMiFfia anCi rnln:lma, ,Jaco~la_n Oe_finite allCi InClefll"!ite lI1te9rals. OoutJle ~~itlon al'l:O diJec.IQIl, Tr;(IICf.e POllcy-lmporL sub:stjLullo~I1, expCttL promOlt.on anCi se:1r rel18rtOe. Impol1 lIb-ernrlzil;o and trippla. inlegr.als (tachniqua:!! on1>'l, applicatbn 10 Bela and: Gamma Function8, Areas, Volumes. Ge"Iltre ~OCin and ils erfe~1 on Ira~e Dalanee, EJClem8l b[)frowlng and Iha' trurde-n of iorelg:n d'ebt. ,EJCchsn.gll!· rale of 01 grav'ity. AnaJytical Ge-o.m9lry I)f Iwo ani:l thrae dimlilr;.:!iioili; ; F"its.L ane! :SIll:OOi'ldi d.egra--e .equaLioos ~n two rupelll'. oe._,aluClltIM aM ItS M1ect (In balatlc& 01 paymMt.&-OCIlWettiblilil)' o~ fu,pee. Iml!l"gr.aMn (I' IMian, JI}C:(I~ lIjimef)S.i(tf'ls In c:.erte~l:lIIn :[IInl!J polar CDOoTl!Ji~'es. ~8M. s~h~re. par.aOOr~d. EDIi~9>O:k:I, h>"Pefbolo-id: or ol1e.:;.~ J)Ciffitc wlLh ll"Ie ~~!d ec_oll~mr' I~dlall _MCI_ tile WQ,IC Tm~e Org~n!:s.a.l.ol']. i. Economic ,~I!2ini'll'1'i911"i li'idl~. twD shaets aDd' thelf elementary propi3 r1res_ Cu Nes in spaC8. Cu Nature and lors.ion_ Ffe.net's FDrmulze. ~ole of -8conomlc ptallnlng In Indla_ O~~ecllves or EooncmlC P,lannIIl9, Pmblems: of unE!mpIOY~e"I1I, EcooolJllC Dlffl!lnmliilll' Eq'l..laUDn:s ; Ot-der.and Deglee 01 a dilrel'.al'llliall31:juatiOli. dirFerenLial oB'l"ua'IJoti or Fh"S. order ancl pov-erty.and r-!lgiOl'lel im~noes_A tJrr-B1 re ... iew Of planning in Indi..a:;.iii.CEI t'951_ Str'.<jl@(jl)' 001' planning in. Indm first Cleg-ee, .... ari8b1es se~a.rablol). I-IOO"lOogefJe<Jus, j'[ne.3', and' exael Clltterefltl;]1 e'QUoi)!IOI'S, (llf'erenlWl e<jiU;),. and rscBnl chan!iPBs th.'lln:lln. Financiill rBSDuroas For Ih8" Plans Obj.8'[:"li'i'ies and! ilJ:tii9Y'8mE1n'ls 01 the E~hlll 1icn with. OOflstanl cOE!fticien1s. Tile comp1Eimenlary runciion and ihB particular inLagral or 08-, cosal(, sinal(, F Ive "fea~ plan a nCi Ll-.e PJOPo:s.ed -Strate!;rjl', {or .ne I'IIlrUn. Pta",

~~~i:;6 ~~~e~L~~~~~~:en~:G!~~ ~;'!:S~~jie~:~r c.=~;aJ ~~ttde~~~~~~: ~o'_';~f~~~Y~~~n:r~ :;y;~~:~ 1. ~MiI.m~nta,_~~~i~~~~r~~~~~~:~~:~L;O~r!!!;~!O~~ s!tOIOQY, i~ natu~ and

InWpreL.allon., iH !gher o.rcer deJi"';illles. vector fdenlities al1d veclO.r. eQu.e.loos. GalJSs a~ slo'~s 'Th eOfElms. s-cope, fJ'e!h.O~3 or S'~1.: ~'fO~!l1 or -objeeLlvlt:,- ;(IIn_d l~sJl.!e-s ~ measlJreme.:n' in Sccla! Scie;l"Ice; S8 Jnpllng :

TBl1!1.01" AnalYIiII!! : Definioon of lien:!!ar" Tra_.flsro.rmaticm of coord.ales., con'IIBvafi8l"Jt arK:! ooou3'lariaJll 'en.- REiseBrch De:!IIQl"J: De5.CrlpllVe, EJCptoratiJl"'fand E_JC~~alltal,.: T_a-chnjqus:!!- ~r d'~_!.a OIJllacliorr. Ob8e-Ivatioo. 51)1'5. AodditiM and mulLipl;ealiM oI Lens.Ot&. oCc.nlr.actiM -01 l-ensCJors. InMr prMuc:L. 1ur'III:!:aMMI.aI '1Il'LeI"YiI!l:wScM(!ul'8atK:l:~MliMn.air&.::i!" Ib.V'i;lJ::91ic~~p~~_Eu.i:!iliQflilli!ilD; HMdil'J'e BrOWfi. M3linOM-1Ii ten!;:ors,Chri:sL(lffel Syrubols.,conL!'";fI .... ~uI8n1 dlffeJeflllo3tioll,Gmdianl. curl anC! dl\te1g'ence In 1e,,!;:or n_oO'a1.l011. ;(!1M, Merton, ConWet Tnoocy l<a~I' M:irx. ft;L!.fr O~:hro~(lorf a~c! Lo~1~eo"j;or, S)'"iYloolle li'ltv~;:i(;l!onl:'3:m :

St_.otJC5 ~ 1Eq,t.li,fbrium of B sysl.em -[]of partic~s:, W{]rk and pclential Eil'Hlrgy. Frio!~n. Common tlat-aD8ry_ Prin- C.B.Coo~ey, G.H.Mea.d 8nd H_eJ~rl BluT"!"!~r_. Str~cllOll:!lli8m -L-aVl: ~BLJSS .. S.F_ Nadel. P.al'5.(]n.and M-ar1on. 3_

t:i~e Of Wlual; wrul< . Slability.Q.f 1!cCj;LJwbi'iu:m_ EoCjyjlitlrit.lm Clf klIMS. in Ihr@-i!l .ail'l\le:nsiOl'Is.. Oyni!in Ics; [legIM el2.J!IIII!1JJI._.J ~-IJ..9>'. ; A. comL-e~P05ll1'o'ls.m aM HI"-'!Ia r(;tiy or S(;len.ees_ H Spc!ltlMr· 0 rganlc .<Il'IalOg,y anti

01 rreec:Jom aM 'COf'istr.alnLs. ~cl.illne<H motiOfl SimDle Mrmoolc mol;JorJ In, 8 ~i:il'le. Pv-ojec.ll!es. Consl1S_lned ,he- _Cf(lc.one 0' ~·~ol'1.1tl on , KMaf):L O~leet~~ mate:rraslis rn al"lCi ;(!Ilre~;iUIOfi. e. Outk,l'I.o Im-Ol ... js Ion -or l8Jt}CIIJf. moIion, wo.rk and energy. MD1ion und-ar impul8we fmos$, Kepler's mYs. OIrnts: unde:r oE!ntrsl Fmce.5;. Motion SDcmlog.y of reJ~9Icm. M8:>: ~eb~.r~SoClal.acllCn .and M:iea Lype. 4_ Social Stratification And DIHerentll!ltlon :

Cli '_'_arying masSo. Motion und&r t-e:S.isting. medium. Hydr'05I;ali~s ; PI'EISS.Llt-e (l1'Ma'o'), Fluids. Equi1itrium or Co~apt, T~eDIles 0: Slrslrfi.~tlon: Ma~, WetJ;ar,Oa~ .and Moore. ~:.'pes-Cas;ti3 ~nd Clas.s. Sta!us .andl R-IlIB, flu'=is und'er given s!ts.em of rorces, eef'lre o:r pressure, TluusL on QUJ:Ved surf~s, EoQulQ)rlum or flOOLIJ1og Sogal M(lblltp'- Lyi'&-s. Dt~upaLjotlal M(lbih~)' ~ln1t.a-G-enal.abOl'lai aM ~tar G ener.aMnal.

booie.s:, sl8Jbi~ty of equilibrium and pre:!lS'l..lrEI and fI<IIse-s:, pfDblems r-at.Bting 10 a.!mDgp.here_ . ~

eAf.e&...=J1 5_ Marriage F:amllv And J{-Inlilhlp : T>,pe-.and fO!ms (]r maJriag8", imp-.acI or .5.OCt.a[ I~islalion. F8mily; Sln.m-

AIQ'et!t<I; Gl'(lups. S'I..It:lgl'(lll,PS, nGrmal subgrou~. hOtnomCJoJphism (II' grouP$. qLiotienL gfOOp$ Baisc is.omot~ lure a.M runt:Lions; C!'IatJging panems or ~aMilyi Famify deeanl a.nd I<ins~p: Manage a.nd S&)ll'(lres in mot:lMl Phlsm 1f'1eorems .• SylOW, .heo1ems.P"ermulJUC!n Groups .• C8J:f'ley's Theorem, Ain9S 0300 kieaJs, Pi1l'1cilPal ideal soclet:t.I), h~n..C~i"ig~~jI.¥-~~t: C~eD'.Tn.eortes ai'id Fa-cLQJ3 O! Soc~1 Cti;}1'10e, Soc-lal modo.ma,in!il, unique facL(lfIZaLion domain!;l and Euciid-an. domains:, Field E1Ctens;ion8, Fin..ite fields. Re8J Analysl"!l; IDEInl anc;l chs.nge_ SIBLE! Irlti;jl'o'lI!n1.mn. Soc:!::,.1 pCi~H;:~ .arn:l d-E!ver.cpmenl, ~lfB Legl.e8 (]f rursl !rsns'ormalion; ; Melrle spaMs, Ull!t"n- toPO'IOQ)' ...... Ith, :6-'p!&Ciail I'1:Ifl9:'rErfiCe 10 ·R' MlquenG:e i.n metriC space cauc.h)' :6.1!Jquence coml'l'lur\iLy (jev&l~i'I'ienl p'I~rem:m8J_R_D_P •• TRYS EM ::.nc'J J8w.ahar RtIj{Iar "((lJana_ 1. E~_Q.!1o~_.ilruI__._E._o--= COOlpletenes s. Compl~, conlinuou:s rundlons, Unlrorm conLI"UIII)', 'Pfo~erLies ofcOJ'IIIf'llJol.Is ruf'lc!tJn or ~ I tle:!!i L _$¥jltl m : Con ~ep. 01 pfoper~:,', Socl;(!ll Cilmens 10f'lS or dlvlsr on of l;(!Ibovr,. T)"pes -0 r . e);'Cl'iafige. Ocmp8£11 8eL"5:_ RiElmanfi Sleltjes: 11l1eg:rBI. Impro,per inleg;TB.l and ~l1eir OOI"Iditioo'!! of e_l(i8tence. Differenliation Industnaflsall~.Il, Urba,:"~tl~ .a_nd SOC:I~. De ... elopmen~, ~alure 'iJ_r P~r. Pe~DIl8l, Coml!1uni1y Elite. Class_ (II rU'nclion 01 se'vetal 'i'arial)les_ Impl~t lu.nclion. tIll9:Ol'EIm. l'I\.a;(ima and minima_ M(lJ;1es c.f pOlltlca,1 partl~(JallOn-[lemoc:raLiC .ant:! Au1IiCJoII'CII'lan., EI. B.1PJi!ill_Q.D,,~L~n-dLT..~.I2gy- ; Gon~ Ab!KliuLe ;(lind eol"'dililoMI Convefge:l1ce or sefies- of rea. ComDlex 'e:rms, Rearra~emel'lL of ~efies, Unlform- C{!pL, P.:oIe ;(IIrld f.e'I!g1(JI.lS o.el!ef 11'1 If.adltlonal an~ moder·f'i socle.les, Ethos or scie.ce, Social responSlblllLy COO"'e"IgenCE!. infini1e :prod'uc!s_ Con_lrnu~y. diffalelltiahLrlly and jnlegrabill~y or safies:. MuEliple i-.tegrsls. ;fino conllot Or SCJien.e-e: SctcLaI corl:5.eQl"lences of sciell'Ce .anc; tedioo~oy, 9. e..QP_j,.tlMLo..a...M...(!_S.9-c:l~h,: POPI.l)o Complra.:( Anillr~si:&;; Malytlc functiMS, Caud'iy"5 :[t]&Ol'EIm, CauChy"So inL-eglciJ'l kllmuJa. ()OwEir sMas, Ta)'1Or"'.s. 181100 SIZe, Trend5:. CI:ImJ:lo!;.lllon, M:lgr.aIL(ln ,GrDW1l1, pci~UI_.at.l~nf'rOblamslll ;lnd[.a, ~poutetiorJ. edu-callon_

sefies, Sll'1gula~tles!CSd'lle)t's 'R-esidde :[l'ie;orem,flnd ContQur IriIe;gra\Cin, 'FI'arU;t1 OI~foI'G-I'IIUi!ll EQualiol"is : ... Mf.j:~~~____J<j_~)'~L~_lII.Qjrm=--A)

FQrmSotio-n of p.arti:;l) diffefef"ltiSiI ei;Justio-n_ Type'S: of integroi!lls 'o-f iRSim,EJ1 differen"t:i:;l] e-Q1J,eltions: of lirs. on:!er. 1. 83"", o:r !f!dIM $oehHV' T''M!!_tlonal 'ndli!li'J Soei",t Org30i'!;i.S.3l!qi'i : O~fi1"la" O~tril'le. 0' KaJma, Ash-ram Charph!! me1hod. P:;iJrtial dijfaf-E!.fl!ial ElQuaLion wilh ,ccm3lanl coelkien'_s,. 'Mech8,nf5l: G08nafs!isee con~fsm!5;, V>'8VElSLha Puru!lhaJths and Sam!J.ker8: Soclo-Cullur.;IIl DynamiC!! Impw II Buddhl3m, Islam and thEi wes:L cetflsticlin1.s., hO~nomie and no:n4iolOt'lClmic sysle:ms. :O',A·lembatL.s.' 'P~ilicl,pJe afICIlLangrange's equatiOns, MCi>- FaclOrs r&s.p-onsiLlie lor (;(ll'ltiSil'uL1.:.' aM CI'Ia.ng:e. 2, .5~ii.L~.tr:!L!l1L~_Iiru:L: Casta- systlll:m~Olig:in, Struclural menL lOr intertls, Molion o:r ligid DOtJieS "" two almef'l!;:i::mS, HyCl'o~yJ\" roles: cQua_oon of oontiJ'luity,;rnomen'IUm Oul L-ur~1 v_lews •. Ohan9i~ ~aLte.ms -or .C8S L~: C~":le :a,i'id .;_~ss: Issues -or -eqlJal~ ,al"!g, "!l:o-cl:illl jU":lioe: Ci:a:s.s aoo 'E!lle:rg,y. invis.cid ilow lheory _Two dimengjooal motion, s1feaming motion sourca!;! and Hints. Nurn Brie.al s LrucLur-a· ., 'Inc:ha-Ag.rsHan and Indu:!!!mIJ:, Emergence_ of middla cia:!! s:. Clas.s.'e'S: 8JTIDI'IQ Ihe t~es: Emergence Analysis; ir.:in:Sce1ld.-enLaI.ant:! plQ.)'.nClmial ECjualion,s...M.ethMS cl'la'bu'laiLion, bi:!iJ8otlion, ta-au]a.tal~-e secants or [lalits CMSi(lu~~ess. 3. Marriag,1iI 'Famll':,' .. nd Kinship: Marriagi9.among d'itrerel'llt elilie g,rCiIl.lp::;,. il.5 chang~ aild NeWloll.Rel1t!!KI81'1O OrQe-r of I.s: COfWelagence. Interpola.!iofl and Numerlca. c:Jlrrefemia.lon f(lJml"llae with Ing !fends ;fIn,c fuL\.ir~ Famlly-Jts strJl.!cLl"I.ral aQO {ul'1d~n81 ;(IIspects Ch.a ... ging pa,.ern. Irnpac. or IegislalJoo:s erfOlf tarms_ 'N·uml!lrc>lal'lntefirall.cm Df Ord"ln8.ry dlffereIlt!1!I1 Equ2ltlons: ELJIE!f'S me:lhoo. mulistE!p.pen:lictms and s()Cio-Eicono~i_c ci"t,anges _o.! m~Jria_gE! snd Fs.miy,. ReBioo.al, "'8riatioos in kill.shfp system.and its c.hang:ing COlreetor mltUlo.ds. Adam's and 'Milnlt·$ MoI!IlhOd eon.VB-lg.ellee, alld: :;Iabilit~. ,Rung J!J KuU;a t./1'luh.oOd. Oplil ril~ asp:et::;l. 4.Ec::aonogmlc a nlj P.ohh-cal S)' slem :_ Jalmanl Syslem. I.a;nCl te-CIure· 5)'slem_ SOcial conseQtll9-C1Ce!. 01 tlon~1 Ros00rein : MathematiCal Plogramm1fig, Def!nilllol'll aild some Mernef'ltafjl' properties of conve): :sets- land reforms .al'ld liiberalisatn)n. Sodal DeL13l'1f1iana.Ls. or ec:onDMi~ develOpmenL, Greel'l fe'_'(lluaMn, Fu.n~tiOn~

simp18'lC melhods:. reclangutar gamElg and li'Hlrr i!loh..l'oons.. ' Ing of c-ernorcfa-lttc potiiLiclal system, Poll1ical P8l1~S and .nell e-ompootloll, SIiIJ_C!.ur.a1 -Change- and o;rien.atlon

Si,_G.~Gi.ABeI:iY. PApER LjL S=-C.ll.Q.ti~~AL....G_E_O_G._~ among polil,Ec.a1 ~i!i.es._. Deoan!ra.i,li:!!.ali~ __ oF P?"'er8Jld iJ'CIr~Itc.a! parti~ipalioll, P~iliac:.al impli.c.s1iom: 1:ci d~V-E!!-

1.Go-omopi1 0109Y : Origl" s_nc: sLrocLijr.e of 1tJe ea:rth, :I5Mh movefnen,s IPlaLe ~eClomlcs SflC!' Mountaln IBullQ- opment. 5, Educatl g,n ilDili S.OGl t)l' ; [liRic!lns.IM (lr litdut:.al~n ii'I IJMlllonal a:.nel modem SOCllls!.. ~duc..aIIMa;l in,g: ISCI!!I:;t5.V: Vulcan:s!m: Weathering' BOO ErO'!licn: C'yde or 'ErGSMln, :E'toh..r'lic:ln of landfonns: ilu ... rsl" g!Bciel. eCl'uallly. ana change: eoCluc;a't(ln.,'3nt;1 S.Qci.al! mooll!lly, Pf-oblel'rlS of ec:Jl"lca.lon ;(IImong tile weakef se-etions or .acolion., marine aoo Kars.! ~ejuvena1iOn aM POIyeyCriC Land 10rm rea1.ul'Els. 2 Climatology; COO'I,PO:;'itioti Ihe- -s.DGlety.

ant:! slrutture (II a1m.os~pl'ieta, InS(lICliLiM atldi Heat 8wj'.geL: A'lmOS:Phetic prass uta, and wincls. Moislurl9 ancl .,... . ., ., .• ~~CIJ£,~' ,. , , .

!F'feclS)I!:81.iofl: A.if.f'l'la:s:s.es.af'lcJ 'Fran.s: C)'C!OlI'I~ Oi1g1,,: Move-meNs aM, associaLeCI we;(ll'iJ!leJ. Clas~incaUori oOf 6. ~'I~!:!iI".R:u~1 ;)fid· tJrba:n $o(:!.,1 O~;3n,~;j,!!hon ,_Oj~t,~cLNe-le~L'lJr-es ~I'(-'Dal e-omffluMIe5 a~Cli th~lf ~lStrl)o "'.'.cJr'Id: t::1im_ales: Koopen and Thomthwaite_ 3,.Oll}BanDgraphy : Configuration 01 Ocean floor. Salinil>, OC€81n ~Ul~ll, ~ntJ.e snd C.!IJ.sta', ~DOEIS!! ~cufu.lratloo_ Ass.mlla~n 8nd ~tag~tIDn_ P.roble~g of ~jt,_~Is: social idenCutl'8nls,TiClM: Oce-an ClapCISU aflcJ C01CI1 t-eers.. 4, Soil and VIII"IJllltation ; Soils. .(jII!I:fII!riS-iS: el<luill~Mil ancl IIl~. SOCIO-Cul~ra..l d"lmetlSIOJi.S o.f Village oCCImtnunll)t. IraLlILlonal p.ower.Glluetul'&, Damo~t.ahs.allO_n.aM IeCHler~ wqrlt;l ~i5t~~dlQlJ Soli Vea.ettlilor! $vm~i!j;; 'BiQ'llc Oomml)l'Iiti~ find SI,JI:;t.:e55~1l. $. eclQ~ltq ..... ~ Cooc;e t s hij), CommIJM:.' de-"'elO"menL Plo-gr.emme !ea.defshlg, Communi'), a1eveloPQlef!L ~fogramme anCi Panchaytl


Size: ,Z5 em~, 38 em ~ 950 Sq. em.

Page No.: 6 IAnulmage Maker)

:Fta]. tJe ...... sLralegies rOc! nrrat 15ansl'onnaLlol'lo, oIXIIDmunitr anc Ciha'lQe or Iradi1Pofl!3!1 ceveecmem In un>-;:;!f1 Ethic.8llssues; In .... e1a;py. 10. En....-'ir(li"irl"nZli"iUill P:i)"(:~OIO'9Y : F!:_o'Ie- O~ envlrcnment in betm.'Y1iJi.1', personal areas {Kinship. casta. ccoupencn etc.) Class suueiure and IRCIDilrty in urban commnuity; Elhinic diversit'j :spacE! -sHec! or ooise poll'u1ion. -sHeet or Human behaviour on en'l,llromenl and crowd_

.BOO communi)' rnteJ-gIBlion. Urban: neighbourhood. Rural urban differences:. o.emogra,phic and socie-cuharel J1"J3~Ol~~

pracucs. 7. Fhtligi1Jn arid SI;)~i9ty ; Siz-e Gt.owtli and Regional dis.Ln':bu:l.ion ~ ,diffa:iM1.t'eligoiu5 group:;.: mre-l ~1-efOb!Ology. PaU"lOlogy, :PI.~nt, or,..or:s;ty. ~o:m'hogC-l'I,o:sI:1 ~icrOl)rol'ogy: Milctobft!ll cri v e.rslll)'" ererrentew fellgkius !rI1&8CLiOoI'! al'}d its man'teestalten- ~oblems or ccnverskin. Commnl.y 1enslOl'ls. Seculafism, Mll')Qr· Ides of microbiol'og.y of aft, wa!er aM soil, a geflE!'lal·acc:olJnL of mlcro'bI'aJ Inrectlon ancllmmtJrVity. appilcat!on it~ atatus and religioos tundementeuem, It Pop'U!a.tlon Dynamics = Socio-cultruel aspects of sex. Age, or microbiol'Qg.y' wi;th reference to agricullure. induslr~ medic"'E!' and environment. Plllnl ,P!!Ith.ology : tmpcrMarital SIa.'L'I.lS. i="8ri1iULy an-ci ff.lottariLy, rl'l& prCbE.em !:t1 popylatioo -e;<plOSiOtl. Sotio-pos.~Cl'tOklgic:al,wl'ulcJl arld taru plant di.S:1:lClS&::;' caused by vir'USIQ:S, D.a~I&ri:a. algae. rungi aM nematod'.es willi .$pe~tal r'al&r'en~ to tOoOI IEiconomic, PoPLJlation poli:y.ai1d raiTIily welrsllj ~rogIa1Dm&: O.etermiR3ms. alld ccnseqeences of pOj)u'~tioll blot o~ erceaers. teeeeee. mosai;e leaf C-I..!,I of DLij)Llya. elruua. eeoeer. leaf 1:11191'1' Oof padd)" ,ru:st or tea. rust QroW1h. 9. WDmen ami SDclo!y : [leIT'lDl!l!rap'hic profile 01 W{]ffiEln Changes in I~air stems: Special prcbema- or whesL, Ernul (]f barley, lale Dligh.L of potato red ml of Bug:.ar-cane and wilt of erher. Plant Olyers.lly : (ii)'Wi)', a1J'(1eJi.Y. >CIisctiRiinaLion: welrar& pl'O~ail'lrn% len 'Women t child're-f1.1.0. 0 lmens!c na g1 t::ha n 9 e' an d Cla,s.sjri~aLion, structure. repi'(ldudiOn., lira cycles aM 8:1XII'IOtI'iic imporla.nce 1)'1' viruses. tt.acIM::.. <i1gae. rungi. OC\l'.oIQl=lmO'l'iI~ Social eMn:ge and f»O<JemisaLi04'l.llld'CleS, ConslrainsaJ'ldl resPeQMLy; Source ,~ social 0I'I8:nge brvccnvtes. PLerlCl:opnytes anClI .gymrliOsperms if'lCfud!ng rceeus. 'TM)rPMlogy .oS root, stem, lear r~wer and El'KIogeniou:3 and EK.gencius.,. Procesaea of Social Ch.al"l..ge Sanskritisaibn ". Wes.tBmI:!!atilJ.1l and Moo.eInis.alion, eeeo BIEn:::or1dBr)' '9nJM~; tlmbryok:i!;l,y, mk:rosP'I;IrCl9tlllBsis end male qarnetcphyra. meg8lS.poro~1l435~ ~mJ!eAgents of ehange. Mus m~i .. , EoCIut.alioil and (:;tlmmutlicaliClI'i, prObiBm OJ mool!n'nis:cilil);n and piaM!}(j Cl'iClnga~ mal:e gemeloph.y1..e. terlili2:aliM, e:mliryo .. 00 eMQ;S,perm., d'i3~elo,pm.lI}nI pl'ineipti3S of L:a;ll;Mom:,-. moda-m :;.:,-s~ S.rate!Q)' and i:leol09:'- or f;it!Jnf'ling, fiv.e year crere. Poverty alle'll~llon: ~fO!jllramme: :Enviroru'I'Ient, 'l.Jnemp3~ 'ems 01 cessneeuon or ;(IIn:groSl)efmS, rules 01 ootal'lical 1')0men~a'_ur06, tIoio:sys.ernatlcs ,elis\lngulsttll'1:9 rea .. mef'l' ;ond programme ror (J(ban ce v elopment; social reform movement with Sl)ec!al -eterrece '0 peasant lures 01 !amilies.-ReDum:ula.CC8c." MaQooliace-ae" Breaslceoeae. Ma1 ... aceae. Febeceae, Roaeceae. Api:!!ceae.

mcveme:nt Biilckward classes mCMlmenl_ wrnnen and B.allit InOYemE!Ol. Cucubtaceae. Sclanac-eae. As.c.I-e,piada~eae. l/&rbentl1::&aa-, Lami.ac&a&. Aste~ac.e.ae. AplX:yanaeeae.

KfH1LQSPPBi j MPER?1 HI:story ana prg.Siem& Of Ph,i1Js,IJ'F!!rl...d[@QlfN Eupl'i.l!rl:l~al!l', M!Jcaceae. Pcsceae anti Or.chidaceae. Mo[Ii",pho!jJlltlle.tii:S ; CClr~.eI,atiM. POIaril),. Syl'l'Wnell"y.

1.PI~loO :Theo:ry 'Or jeeas. ;2", ArlstOollo : Form, matter &id Caus;(II.lol'I, ,3. Oos.e"rtos. : McU'!o-a. seut, Goa, .oti:poteflc)', .aitre-rentallon eoo re-genera.iorJ 01 ueeuee al'l(J or!ll.aI1~~ mof~hog;el'letlc ractera, meU1oCl:s. and Millld~O'dy duanam. 4, SplnO-,l:I:!:S1Jll$l,.eInQe" Altribu~es :;IIniJ MQd'-es. Pantheism. !It. l"elb.nltz : ,Moneds ,GIXI, apclleatlona of celltlseue, DIgiin ami prot.cpl8:!lt. cunurea. somackmal vanettona, somatic hybrid and c~Drids:.

6. Locka: fl\oel)lj' of ~nl)Wleclge, R&jee'liOn, (lllnnaL.e jdeas. Substance aOO OualilU!is. 1. Be,ke!ay ; Rerula· ;a_~...J;..&JJ

:t.io ... 0.1' MaltE!l. r.:Je.alls;rn, a.,HiJn'iO : neory or k;no.wJedge, Seel)tic5sm, Self, Casw~ll1y.5I.K~i'11: A,prlO{I .an.d ~191~1'Ogy' 9o"Cltlelllj; Ph·:tstol~y_:j!I..ndJli~.tI:i~'I$!-:)'_

epostencrt '"=l'Iowl-Eidge. an . .j:IIyt3c and S~lllhBlM:: judg!ame.nl., p<la:!l-ibili1y of svn1hic 8,priori jud'.gemen1, space, EOQI iJ'9"~ and Feono mfc Sol !!Iny Cell: IB 1'{]lo.gy = Cel B!! a euct urBI an-d fuM1ionaI unil or He. Ultra etrucune of 1.jme~ CaLegc-ri es, Ideas .~ Beason, Gti1.lcism o'r 1M pJM1s for the e;<i:s.1enc& God, 1 O. HiI!ilal ; [ljall!lel.!cal .eu.ear:)l'(ll~ a:nCl Pl'1:!(;dlr')'oOli(; cltlls. structu re a.nCl hlne~ons. o~ pjasma I'I\oeml:lr'iElru!l. -endop[.asmiC: r.eltrulum crsc-

!~i:,~ ~~.f~~~r=~~~n:!~~E!~:~~~~~i~ ~!~~~O;:l~;'~~a~e:~~I~~a~~~~:'o!.~ti~~~.,~~: ~:!~.~~~~=;~~ !i~~s~~'n~~irt;;:II~~a~U~~I~~~'~n;~! ~c~~r~:~e~n~n~~t!tS~;~:a,=

AI.omiw (Wittg.en$Lein) llieoty 01 Meaning. bi:s~n.etiO(J 01 sayiitJg Md sJ·tOwil\g. 13, L01jl i I::al Pest tivism ; :aM gen~iC:al effe~ls. Genlittic:li : Matt~r5 law -01 inMti!a:n~.e. inte-laetion -01 gl9:ne~, link.ag--e .ar1ld (!rO~sing Verification Til'tetli'y. ~eje(;Lion of Metaptt~sics. p<Jsitivism Uttguislie fMOry 101 NeL:e:ssaty pj"'(lp-osi'tlon~. 1-4, OoJel SlefieUe 'ecornbinatiOf't 1ft !Wft;:i, evaoeeaeterc. blaelerie! Ol:rtd v ltvs es. gene ma~!:Ii"'9. sex lI~ge, ceter'PM"Oft'lllil"i'lOoIOogy ; f-iussetl 1$, ExJ:SI,onll.(UIs;m: I<.krt:.eg.aard. sertree. Hi. Q'l,ilj'io : Flad~B! Tf!H'tslatlon, H', mlretlcn (tr sex. C)'IC'P"lesmic lnhentence ot ple~'id$; development cr qeneuce and gene ccrcept, jNne1ic

Sifraw!;on: Theo.ry 01 Person. C(]da; m~aculr qeneuce- DNA as genetic matertel. Suuct ure and re-,plic.alion of DNA., role or nuclajc acjda 11'1

aCJjgJi .. !.Ji pl'Ote.-r s:,'i'ltMSiS (tranu:tipliOn a-nCI Ita.n:s[.aLlOtt) and ~.egulation I)j' geM e;.;presSiM, mui..ali'on aM 9'V(I[utiM,

1. CI't."r"'~: Theel')' 01 MOWIe-clgl;i. ~leri(!ilism. 2, J",I'i'lIs,i'I'j; Theo-ry 0' Re,ali':f. S<y&lh'ad"3 and ~~abh:anglna)'a. DNA (I;(IIma,ge ancl repel,. ge~ amplillcatlc-\ gel'te rearra"gemeftl. oncogene. G1ef1e.l;e ~girtee1In.g ... estucucn bondage and libera1it:in. 3. Buddhl:!l m ~ p.rR1ityas:amtttpada, K~ni;.;;tkyada, Nairia1my'1ada, .Sch.cioo of Budhi:;:m. enzyme, cloning ..... e:ctors; (pBR :122" PTi lamb.da ph.ag,e}, gane1ransfer. recombin:.ant [INA, g,encmic :mlI::lIies:, ...... 5a.ilkhya; Ptaloit~il, pt.tt"Usa, theory 01 Ca.usatiM. Libela1ion 5. "yaYiI ·Vajs,ltt.&ik .. ; PlClfr'ta.na:;.. selt, Lib- applr.eatiM 001 g-eMtiC &:ng)Ml9tii\g in.l'iumatn walta.r&, Phyiiig,lo!jJy ani;) llig&hlltini5'I)I'; Weiler t.eratioo!. 01 p!ant.G. enn.io:n, :NI;f!ILu re or GOods nc:I ~roors rOor existence of God, CaLe-gone.s. Theory or C'8iJ.s8tiol"l, AtOoff'lisIQ, 6, ;(IICSOrp Lion, conductioi'"! or water sfid 'f;(lln~plfatlon: mlnefal 111.11 r&tioQ a.n.c lOll tr;}n:sp-ort, Lral'tsloca.tioJl 01 MI:manSil : Theory 'Df kl'Klwll;!dge, IPrBffi.I!I. Pla.rrnmas., svat.ahprBmanyavad'a. 7. Veda.nl,'S; = SanE.;sr<I. R:am.atuje ph.YO!iJo:!I.,!(1l1hales:, e!!!!ential micro·and ma~oelamenlB alld tlleir function. chemis.tl)' a.nd clas.sitication.of car-

at'ld Madl't~a { B.ral'tma .. !:;"vara, Alrna Jlva..Jag.aI •. Malta, A'liidya, ~l'll".aS':'. MOI<Sha}, Mtt),(JraL.e:!i: pl'KllM),lil1ie!.is-:rned"tCllni&m and iiD,pOrlance. lactors. a.f(.ecting pl'LOl~yl'ill'tes i:!i, C.;3 and Col ~ar~

fAftB.-1J .$O:elo P9litle:!i1 PhoiisqptPj o')f)d pnli-o.sOol)h), o( RCllIcwi'o,o bon fbc,aLlofl cycie. phQ!oresplfatlon.; planL 'esp-irstkin a.nd, ielmenLatlon. t(reb·s C"':-,cl.e: enzymes anc:l

SECnoN. A coen~yme~,meu;hl;l.ni~ Cl'f -enz~me ilCtiQn: ~econdl;lfY mel:;llbQ'lit~ (:erIUoit;!s, SL-e~t(ls, lerpef"i~~. ~pid'.'~l, ni-

1.PoHtlcalldsals. = EqLJ8fity. JU5.tice., Liberty 2_ Sovereignty 3. In.di'llidual and State 4_ DemQcl"acy= Cooce.pt Il'Ctgen lixatiOl"t a1'lI::I I't'iItDgl9:n meta'l:tOllG.m. :sh"ut:'iur'EI or pmlein ;aM lis syr'll'lhl!lS'is: P,lant g-iDwtl't·gl'1:t'Nih mo-ve-anod fmm:s 5. Socli!tli:sm and Marxism '6. Human:i:sm 7. Ser:ulari:sm 8, "rh8{]ri~ 01 P,uni:;hmanL 9. Violen.a!l, ments anc! Sel'lescence, g.rOW"Lh I'IOfiTiones ;(lind g,rowtl1 reguLalors tl'1elr structufe, role,fi~ lmPQrumce lin. agrJ. f'lon-v~efice, Sarvod8)'81 10. Gend'er ·e:'CiuarJt,y 11.SoD1enLi~c Temoef ancP P"f0llJr€SS 12., ~IIOSoD.Dhy I}f iECOI~:I culture ~I'\od hortlcul.I,i.f&~ physiolog)' Ckf 'lowe:ri~. ,s,.exlJal:lncOOlptfbiIlLy, seec:l gsrmlna"ton aI'Idl CI):)rmanc>" Eeoloogy

~ : Scopa (]f E!i::Dlogy, !!'OOlogical f.actors, plan.1 co-mmul'li11a:!l- and plant suc>ca:!l-a[{]n; oD.noapl 01 bioaphere;

, .Rel igion • TIiaO!og:,' and :phiIO!50P.'I'i)' 01 R&ligiCtn ,2. R&li!;iM a~ Moraliil~ 3,'NttliOns .01 GtK:I: :Pe:rSolialrs.'IiC:. eC:Mysblti'iHlweL'LtrEI .and Il.tnt:LiCln~. aDiCt!.ic:. and llioLie c:.-ompOttlltttts. i'I'.ow -of ener{JY in lJ'ie !}(;(Isy'.a.tlltm, a,ppiie.:l

Imp.ers.on:alislic. N3~U3rl!1lisbc,4. F'mors tor the e-m,&:nce of Goo. $. ,mfD:)r3tll[l), 0:1' $.olJl 6. i.lIOOratlo:n i. as"e-ets 01 ecology tlal'l.:lml re~ou'eesal'l.(I LMit cOl'lse ..... atlol1, end'ai'tgetM, .tlreaLefied af'ldi efid'ernle '3X;(ll~

RafiQious !trtowleilge: R~aons, Revela'OOn and M~s1icism 8.. :Raligion wi1tJoul God '9. Problem or E"il 1:0. poIlUlion. a.nd il:!l c.onlrol. E conom I'e B iJotany : Origin 01 cullNatad planll:S Btud~ or plants: a!t SOUlCE!:!;! or fooo.

'Re!i8i;:.us c.11!l1.ance, (lbr'e limber. d'iugS. rubbe~. MvII!Ir<lge. spices, rll!lsin and gums. dyes. essentialCt.i!S.. pes,LiCide!. a:MI biOl'erili!&iS,

lQ •. Ji.t.QJ.OJrr..:_P...A~E8d. O~"'~'~1n~e~O",~'~P~IO~""~.~".~fgy~P~.I'~N~""i.Q~"~'~".~F"'"",'",~'~r""[#'.'4E~~r-====:-::-==:-=:-====

General Geolo.gy, Geology, G,eomorpbololn'. Silruc:utraU'3eolo-gy, Palaonlo'iogy and Strl!lilEJraph~. . 13. L.AW~ PAPE:R.1i

{il General Geology ;EMI'g:;' in, telaliOn to goedyn.ami::. acti'o'ilie.s,. Ol"igltt alrid inl-et'(lt of 1M Eartl't. Oaliflg 01 1. Con5'lihtlionill LaiN of India; ,. Natuie 0' IMiatt co-n:smutiCtn. S:all-enl le-atut!}.6., 2. Natull9' 01 F"undamenlal fO(:I;; ibp' "'arlQ..,s melhOds (lOO ;fIge 'Oi I[he Wlrtl'J, ;R;adio"(letiVil), (lpQ It!) {lp~e>3Uo:n 1.0 ge-JloglC>3'1 ~roblem!;; RJ",.,~ ~th :;;peI;l;[!jI ~eference tOo Ftl'g~ to- el;l\Ja:11~, FUg"L to- Fr-ced'Offi fA Speech ;(InQ E~pres~IQo"J"'t. FUgrtL to- LJfe Volcaooas ·causea a:lld pfDdu-c1S, 'IIo,!canic ba.B. Earthquakes -caus.a!!. el1e018, dislriDutiD.n ~nd its: relation and Pel'So.nal liberty and Relig'ious:. CulttJrai: and Educa1ion.a1 Rights:. 3.. Dif1;jc!ive Plr~cipl~ of State Policy 1.0 'foleanic ib&It.$. Gl9(Is)"n~M1!Is aOO 1i't&jr cla:!isi1ita1iOn, iSlctl'idl .;)r't:S. (iMP se.a, ltend't&.~ arid mid- OC8'an'i~ .and FuftCla.mlltnlal DulHts 4, Con..s:tituMnal Position I)f !M Pr&.G.i.aenl'.aM !:'a[.aliOttSl'lip will'i !M Co-uncil 01 ridg.es,sea .. iloor s.preMing .and !plaLe L-ec.toni~s, iSML:a:by. Mounl.aiM-I),:Pi9S arid Origin. Origin ,1)1 OM.ttinan1.s Ministers, $, Cons.f1\.iI,lONI DOS,!;OQ or GOoJernors a.nd their I)ower, Ei.S'u"reme Cour. anti High Courts, .nel, al'Kl O<:eans"An. ou,I'ine or c.orIL!ne.rrtal Qrit1. powels .and! juris:diction. 7 Principles. 01 Nalural Jus, ica .It Di:!!'ribu'liD.n 01 l-egi:!!lalilie- powers belween Lhe {II) Ge()mOrphQ]Dj)~ = Baaic concepl:;t af"ldi :!Iignificance, Geomorphic pf{]CElsa as: and par.ameters, Geomor- U.nion alld Stales, Ad'minis.lIati'le Bnd Financial relalltol"lS Da!we-t;tn 111e Union: Bnd Sta.les.. :;1-. Dalegatad Legi!t.lB· I'l'tiiC c.yclelS al'ld iMe" inL.etprel.alion, R&lia1' r&allJre~. toOpClgr'<lptt)' and iL.:;. telaLiM 10 $ir'Uctur&':;' an-ci IifhOlog:,'. l[On; il.s COM.liLt.tliOn<till1.:,- aIt(J judiCial and legi5Ie.1r,rg c:on1t01'G..11J. I=tMd'om I)t Trsde.and ~Omm!}lc:.e in IfId~, Major IatKIrorms, :Oralnagolil system. 'Q'.eIo:rnol'J)llic reaMes 01 rllc:l!afl subconL.!MI1'. (HI) Stru:etur .... O'DlOIOog,),": 11'. Eme'gel"!c.y Provisi:)nS, 12. Coru.til~~1'\a1 ,s;l}1eg"u;(Jfd.'s'0 eMI Sel"V;(llnLs, 1'3. P;J111arnew,,!)' prMleges anCi Stf"e"S.S and sHain. el~p:soid and roc£,; darDlTTl8lion, tJechBn~ of rakliD9 and faufiiing linaar and p'lanar Burur:ture!l :jjImmenilir-es. 14,_ Amendment (tr Ine' C(l~tiMion.

arlCl Ihati .gi!lr'L1!tM Sig.nificanC1!t. Petrof.obrit anaty~is" i'IS {j(aphiC ,'e,pti3:S1!ln.1aLiM and epplicaLiM '1.0 geological II. Inlema.Uatti!t1 law ; 1, Natu/i!to 001 ,11'It1!tma.'IiOt:tal Law. 2. SDUf(;S'; Tr&atlt. Cus.!Otn, GI!l:M1a.1 prii'lCiplM I)[ la ..... IProb:leJllS, Tee!iOllh:. farrne WOlf( or .~i!8, (I'v) P .... aCCli"!tology: Micro- arld fn;)ao·'o:s.sllS, Modes of j)tesel'l/a· re-co-gi"'lrs.eCII by () ... ill~ed l'la'iOoJ'ts. SU1)slc:llar:t l'r!e.i:!nS foO' .tIe (leterm!naUoJ1 01 law, 3. ReisliOoJ"tslllp beLween ,iDTI and ulilily of ros:~ila. Genefal idea sbool cIa:9siflCa,icn and nDmE!ndalure. Org.anic Elvo!ulion a.nd the inte-lIlslOCinal Law an.d Munic~pal law. 4. SlstEl Recognition and Stale SUC:C>8:!1sioo. 5. Temtor)' iJof Statut: iieann:lil or p:aIaMfI!coogica.l slU1li1!ls on it. MotpMlogy, CUissit.ea1iOn, ,ar'Ki .gatllogiCal' ttistory iMIu(ling 1!I'i'1)'1U'· mo(l!~ -01 a«juisruon .and, ~ss -01 t&IriL-Oty. G, Sea; Inlal'td watets: ierrilOi'i-a1 S1:Ia; Cc-nltguous Zttna; Coi'rliMn- 1.Io1"!i:lfy lIel'las or Dfac:nlo'po(Is, .oivat'ites, ga~mopO<ls. ammol1Otds. UiIOtJIites, eCfirOCitd:SS:rreJ c:orals.p(rnCipal 'al Shell: ExClusive Economic Z-ofle- an.d Oc:e.eo b6":iOI1c:1 ootio:nal jWfls"lclrOIl. '1. A!' $ p".~C'C ;II i'lCI 01110 r!;l!il i'I=;!ivl g;!i. groups of vertebrBtes ,and their mam morphological characlers. Vel1.e'brata lire lhi(]u.gh ages. Dioosaurs.Det.aile-4:1 tlon. eL 0 u ter :!t.pace : Exploration and us.e- of ouler s.pace. 9_ Ind Ividua.l!it : N'.aIKJllBlily, Slatele:!lSllas.s, 'Study of e~D:Iu1icn or hers.a:!l, elep"ants: and man GoodwSD8 flcr.a and ila imlXlrtal1CEL T~pE!' or microfoasil5 H't.tman Rigl'it!. aM is .en1o~cemMt. 1"1). J'LJri:sdiG110n of Sti!tlllt:!i; baS!!. I)f jlJriS:ditlion.and imrm..u\iLy Irom jurisand their signmeant:e wilJ't s;pecial ,ere("gr'K:1:t to p1!ItrOll!t:wm e.xpIOl'aUon, t .... } 3t~illi'9rilli'hy; Prin(;ip!as of stralig:· dlctI0fl.11. E:(t~3(1ltioi'1l and! As·:-,Ium. 12. OiptOoi'i'i.l!ll(;;!Ii·n;i COi'l:su!u Ag(ii'll'.s.13. T'r(i.1t1(i'.~~ Formatiof'l, ;(IIpglicara.:p":.-. Slfa.tl;raphlc. elasstf.lcation, nomel1claLure stal'lc:Jsfij, s~ratlgl'lH;'Jtrcel scale, Delsil~ S!\.tc:Jy or oJarioos .rQI"i.a..a term~1'taUon 14 SlaLe i=i:esM~ibt!11y 11::1 OnltCl(l' N:itlo"s· PlJrp;oses arJo prindpJes: I)rinc!j)a'i w!ltfi1l3

geilbgical Syale:"'~Ef~~.i~flo.c:!l~b".~".~!r:hd.vU~i~',~!~og.~c, :1~::I~:va~~::~:~.,!!.~.,I~.~~~clions. ~n.d theif powers en'd fi;nctiona. 16. :PlI!acefui m~a~!t f()r !iteltli!m~nt of In!lII'm~t[onar dlspuie!t. 17. Lawful

L..oOL ~L:I _, J.<Il!.. ...... ~ .... ....u~.~~.i"" :T . ..L~"'....aJ.I.'I.L~.o=o"""""_"'" "l'"L'"'" .• u. i"e!::oursllt Iq foi"t:'I!I : aggres:;.iOi't. seit·derenca- a:nCl inler'o'en.1ions., 1:1!I. L.9:(3ality IJ'r th'Ei use of nucrlitar wlltiilp·

(I) Cryst!)I!Oogra,p",y ~ Cry:stal~l1e aJ'tc:J f)O('I·CrystaUine- s'!Jt)'SLanc~s, s:Da~ 9roul)!;;.l.attlce symrneLI)', Classifi, Ofis"

calion rn cry8ta'ls Fnto 32 claas8:!1 ,I]( s.~mmelry.Ill!e-nliDn.i!tt s~:!Ilem of crya1.albgfaphic: notali:ln Use of sle- .PAPER. II

ra.ograpbic jJrttiec;lioM too ,.ePr&:;'8riI, crY'S!al SltlM'lelry,lwir'lln-.g eiltdl Lw., taws, etySla:! irr.egulariLie.s" Applica, 1.A-LAW OF CRIMES; (.a) COiic&,pi o~ Ct.-nes, 6Iem.el'iUi, Prep.a~ations, :and aU.empllO- c:.ommit erime-. fbJ (1) tlo'ns 1)( X~ra)'s rO,r CfyS taj studIes, (,II) O,p Ue:i I Mln1),.,,'I'Oogy ~ Gener,sl Pli ndp:les of o,p.ks, ktI10'p~m ;(IIn.<l Indrt!ln Pellall Cod:e, 1 El130 I. GEN ERAL. exce~on:s U. J(lfrit an.o Cons,ruclive lIa'blllii~y In, .ADelrnen, I .... Crimi .. anisotro,pis.m,Q[)D(:e~~ 'Df optical indiC'.i!ttri:ll:,piaodhroism. Birerringe:nc:e and intarielE!:Ilce coloors aIld extinc- l'Ia1 c(]f\'S,piracy. V. Olfence:s. a-gain!!lthEi :!I1~te' v'I. Offences again:!!1 Pu.blic Tranqui:lily. v'll. Offel1:C8::t Bgaim;t 'liOn, Op'lital ttl'il9:n'aLiMt ~ Cl";'stals. Dispef:;~n optical atCe.S,Sol"it!ls. {III) Mineralogy ; B&m8l'lts or ctyslal I-h.Jman. 13M)' Viii. Off8n;;';.8~ ~!la!iM:L PI'~:p8rt.)' ix Olr~II'to~~ R~~ti ... g, to M~rti~,.ge ;1; .. D~fa:m~lion.

cnemistry, Lypes of OoI)MII'i!&iS, Ionic r,aoil, eoor.ijillailon numbe~, !nOi"'!'!OflP'l'!lsm, pOI:.-mOfDt.lism 311-d 2, PToLection of CMI R.igl'lL:s ,.L\e1, 19653. 00161)' PfOn;~n A.eL. 1961 ..... p~e'llen.IQt'I of Fooel, ,L'lI,CMlef3tlon Act, Se\JClOUIDOi'])l1lsm. s1fud'IJl'l!Il ela:s:siIlC(tltiQ.;n of sl[jcates. Oe1.aI~e<! SL·u"~ or rod:, formlng mlnet"als. Lheir pf'!:.-sl· 19f1~.

caJ chE!mical and Op1icaJ prCIP'8rtia~ and usa:!!, ir af"l~. $tudy Df lhe slleIaliDn products: of these nrine~Is:. {Iv} B, LAW O'F TOFtfs : i. N.aiure- 001 lottious Mbiltty i.i. Liaili]il:,- b.asM upon !aull a;ncF $!ric:1. liabiliLy.iii. StatUi" ,peIIOloIJY; Magma it.s. gen&l.aIfOI1, na1'Lt~al a.nd' compooSitiM, $imple p'l'iase. diagrams -binary .ar'K:I1..em~i')' :!iys· tor), liability. iv "Iic;ariOus liability v" Joir.. fCtrl f.ea::'()r:s. yj. N!!tgligel'lCI} -.;ii. Oceupiel"':s. li·.aDilit~ anti liabiliLy In terns ;etlod .lter, srgn.ll'1c3I1ce, Bowel'l's :Re3c.loo pr"lIf"iclple, Magma~c c:lirrerenLiaiion. atlod 3ss~mIl3Uon, Te;;.;.t\iir-e 'especL of sLrIJ(:LI,j~s, '11111, O~en1ton ant:! conversion, lx, OetamaLioo. )I, Nui::Hiince, .xl. False Impr'r:sonmertt :etnd $1;n.J ctl,tle 1;111.;1 thll;lir p-e!1'tc;Ig;enelic signifiC:;IInCEI. CII;I$$ili~.ion '01 19DeO'I,t;!1 rocks. PEitrQg~ph~ ;t;tn~ pellQ- and maltticus: prOs.eculion.

geMs:iS err impMClln1 roct lyiJMo ert IMia. graniles, alMliM tl)C;l<s., Cl'Ja.rnocl<itl9:!i aMi'LM:s.,qt& aM O-ec.ean 2. L;iw IJ'I Conli"<iGts. il.il,d MOH:an:lilllt Law; i. FOrmatiCIn I)r 1XIntrat:t ii, Faet-on;. 'o'iiilialirlg COn.MInL. iii. VOid. bas.afts, ~lO(:,e:s:s or ro.rm;(ll'lion or sec:Jimenlsry ,ocK, Diagenesis at'ld liLI1'f;!caUon., Textures, afiCll !J;Ir\,:tctures f:t~ Volc:lab~, iIEeg-.a1 aM uf'lel'ltorceable C1:Intr.acw. I .... , ~e~romaoce of oon"acLs v. DissQIu-Llon -of eo.rt'racIU:B~ their pelrogal'lec'lic. s:igniftcs:I'1ce. Clas.'Silieatio:n of sedimentary roc,"=s, das1ic :!lind nCln·clas:tic.. Hea'll~ minarals olJhg.allOn.s., Iru!llr.allCn of oonlr.act!l Yi QUa-S.1 contrac:t8 vii Reme-dll!ls for bleach CIt contlact vIII Sales. and Il'Ktu :;igni11ea!\(:-B, Bama-ttl<t:ty concept OI.(i8:pO~iliOn.a1 MvirMrn.en.1.s., SMimantl'y, 1 .. ci6i~ aM: IPUly-enanea, o! good's Ad. 1~O. i;ll;. Indian Par'm3f~h.ip kL. 1932. ;1;. i"f'!W1i:abfa 1n.s1rumllHtl.5 Ac:!.

PelrO!llfE!~h)' of oCOffifOOI1 rocl( ~yi)e3, MetaJPOI'])I'l!(; Pf(lce:sses and ':'-P"es o~ fne)l'i3rnorp:hism, MeMffiOrpl1Pc gra.d~. .M:.Ar:.t.lM.sLJ:ly"Ui..MOABYA~O~~aB'~$!dem:_f'....f.B,ft&1

zones. and racies ACF, A'Kf and AFM diagr.am!;i:. Tex1Ures, s.truclure:!l and nomenclature of melamo.rph.lc SECDON. A

mo'k., PI!iLf'l>:;jlr .. ~y and pl!t'!rog.l!lne:;.i:s 01 important rod:.l:,-pes. (v) Ec:ong..mic. Gl3oJogy: Ore, mii:ll!lr<lllaoo gang~I3', A, Animi!tl Nutritign,; 1. I:IlIiH~:IY nutrilio:ll, EItEI~ IBnerg~ metc:tbolian. R.Mjuireme:m:s or iIll1erg.y!OI tM-or oQ.f oreS. P/I)C&t.b.i3"S. c-1 rorm':'Lio~ of miner.al deFl'OS~s. OCtii'li'l'LOn roOtms and slru~tur.e~ or 01& (il!t:pOSllS, mal'fileoonce and proouCtlCfl or mil"'. IDe>3L eggs;flno work enef9~f 6'!a'w;(IItlo" oi'fOO<ls. Z, ptQtClln nut,itloi'lS: :

ClassificaLion 001 ore ge,po:s.il;S, ConLJo:! or. O(e- c:lel)OSi1Jo.:n. Melaliogene'Llc eDodl~. $11.1,(1), ~r iffi.pO:l1an. me.liIIllif. SI;tol,Jrces i)f PrQ!ein d'igestion .end ml;ll~bQli:!;im i;rl PrQ!e1n e'I/.pll,llillDt;m, Re-quiremenl (tr PrQt~n ml;linlens nee :jjIn(l el'"CiLIS 8nd' nD.n Iru:It~lIifeKi u:;: dapooit.s. 011 :and 1Il8'lurai ga::t :fialds:, .end cll3l liekls o-f Indlll!t. Mmefal weallh 01 producliOn, EMI'(ji:,' p:ro.11!1in r'<Itio in oil r<itiOii. J,M i il9riEt I nultiti,o[I il, ; SOuICes, runcLiCtn. d.el'iCien.ey sym:p!oms, India, "'Dlonal econ~. NatioiU'l miftl!n'al poficlt· COn:seI"'i'CiliOn.aMuUis.atiM or ....... erals. {v} Applilitd Cetl'ltI'liIY 'e-qlJirmel'l:1.S ior anlmaJs an1;l tllelr relaUDn.3hlD wi1n vit!Jmins,,4. 'IIltaml"s, b.Oo'i'I'iOoi'tlIOS Md fo.o(l !:!i(l(litl'l,lo:s : : IEss~Il'fal$' or pros:p~ctl"9aI'lCl: e:O:PIOH!.~n L-e~i']I~iJes., '~t"lnr;:i~31 me~hoos· 01 mirtlrtg. S8rnPl~I"!:Q. ore elJess ing SOl.lrees.iui'1Cl~l"i, e:fellclene)"s),IDP'orns, re-quirerneflts a nC1 !rilerrel;(lltionsh ip, wfm mlnefalS, S. APp!lCld: t'iII,,!llri. :B~ mmeral tJ.eneficatmo. G,E!CIiglcal OOIlSlaerattcms: In. En.gt.n~enng worts,; ~ams, Tunnels. BridgeB a~d ~~s. tlon: EVBh.ta:lron or ieE!ding e:o:perimE!flts. digesl~ililly Bnd balance Bludies. Feecing 'Standards ~nd me.a'E:11!Imettt$ QI 5(lil and gmun.;1W~.e~ geoJog:;- aOO .gl!t:1:ll:;hel'i'll$tl"'j. Usa. ot ael"Ia1 pI't01.o!)ra._pM ar'K:I :t>:<i1&lhl& Im.ag~ sut.as oOt reM &Mrg:y. Nt.tlrient tequir'ement tor gt'(lW111 maiftL1!Inttnce aM piOCl'uCMn. Balance[!: r.aMn. 6. Ru~

elies Fq geologic.et in ..... es1igaLiom. ",I!'II81'!1l fi I,JtriUOfi : Nulfienl;(llnd Lheir maabol~m wiLI1 r.e{erefiC6 tOo mllK p,odi£liOJ'l a.nd its- crunposillOI"]., Null1~

1:1 'PSYCHOLOGY=PAP,ER,1 BASIC PSYCHOLOGICAL P,ROCESSES en.t r-equirement8 :(lind feed fmmulaiLon far c.afilss. heirel"8, .dry .and milkil'lQl cow:!; and bLFffaloes:. 7. :Non~

,. !Pi5Yl::hol'o!illY; TnUodul;;tion ; • Ove:rview 01 .M ~ut.je-eL maLL-ert Tll'ie,or~IiC.a1 appro.a~nai:i S-R. Cog·nilivE ruminanl nutriti1Jn~ Nubiant <lind Ihl!l" IDB~OOIi:;.m. wi1h '5fJ'Bl;;ial nrlerenGello meaL a.nd -egg poroou.dion. NulIi'Informatlofl ~rooe'S sl"9 ana hu·mafilsi.lc piece or p:sycl'loI09Y '" sclertee ,. $(Il,jIrces or IIDO,WleQ~e, ;2, Mo-tf'io(ls en' reQulfernen[S. .3pd, feed rorrnulatlon 'ot ra;p'et brolr-cr ;(IIn;Q pig.

: EmpiriCl!tI meloods. .• Melhod's or dala CClI1e~~n ODsel'o'Soon. r.nlelmw. Questionnaifes. Testa aoo scales, B. A'nl:mal Phy!tlology : 1. GroWlh !!Ind animal producl:lon. : Parenlal 8nd PD:!I-' nalal r;r.rowtll. m8lura!ioo, &<!tst!t study. J,6ioI0!jJil::al ba:&l!5 of beh;ayi1Jwr ~ t OulliJl8 01 oanLIaI. peripohe:cral i:lnd aulonami;;. nervoo:s gl'(lwlI't Ot.Jt't.es. maasul'oBs (If gtCowln, rac::L-oi'!. aUli:Cli:ng gtl)wln, bod'ycompMilion and m.eat quality. 2: Mll~ s,ys"erns I..Ocaliz.3Uofi or rul'1clio!'ls III LI'I.e brain, i'ffi!llsl)heflc 5:p.ecjrlci~:/ ne-r-...e ~mp.!..Ilse- anel I.s, conel !..!ctlOI1. P'Ood!ueUoi"i: ttormona! control o~ mamm;(lll')l dellelO~menL. Mill secfeti(lfl 3nd rnLik eleetlot'l, composl.lon o~ 'e-c~oor sySlem.· Endoc:f!ne s)':stem. Its ,ote In ~Il,ys!cal grow~h, emoUo~sl activt.ies aftCl: !DerSOnaliil), mne milF.; of cows..and llulf.aIoE!:!I-. 3. Anl:mal Reproduction = ... ~I'e a.nd female reproductiye 'Organ!!, their ccrnpDup.4.P'erceptual Proc-l!l:!t.!Ie!t = Tha pmblem or pE!-lcept'Ltr.a. thfe-$hold clS5s:ical p'Sy<:hophysics snd.s:ignal fIetttS and lui"ICtion:s. 4" lli'QitI:MivfIi phy:sjO]09~ ; ot.g:ans. (II digMLiCttt.and ~eir tundiCIn., Digil}.s.tiott 'Ill carJ)O.. (i8tat:tiM LMOry. Atte:nUonal proe1!lSsMo, s.el-ec.liv9 att.antion a.M sustainM aU-el'ttion,. P-etce-,ptiCttt 01 10tm, l'i~d'raL-es. p/Mein an.a ral, in nwmittattt:s attdl MiHutnin<in1.S.5. Envimmil lit III Phys.ioIO!iJ:f; PI't~SiCIloogy r<ilaliCll'I!; e-olOo'!..If 3n.a oepLtl. f'ercepwal wnta.ney: tol'!e s.abl[i~~mlpS1.abl!it)' I)aradox ... IPercep!ual ,:sem:ltlviL:/ a 1'1c:1 de- 300 l1'!elr regltl.a.iorI mech-S'llsm of 8dap1.8L1Of't, environmental f.aCtGTS and regYlalory mechanism !n"'o!~eD in fel1CB: ThE! een1lal derermina.nts. 5. ll!l:a.rnlng Pmcei!le!it: .;. ConditioninglOla:5Sical and ins.L.rumef"ltal, ODsE!f'l/.a- :arumal b;;tlhaviour ...... elhl;td or conlroOling climalic sl!e:s.:s. G. SlI!men quailly, prll!s:e-:rvatfon and artmcr:al in~ fiOnal iaamil"lQ • Verba! on. l1iscrimina,'tioon aM genet.a!i~alion 6, .MemlJ'ry : • EncMing; SIr'Ucturctil.l'hoonot;.gj.. !;litminatilJ'n:&; Cornponl!H"tts -01 semen, comFl'OSitlon -01 Sl'ermalOZo.:a, pn.YSiCal arM ctlem.ica.1 prol'&rliM o~

~~~:;a~I;i:;n~~~~~~~~Bc:J~s~i:=~n=~ry;B~!~ili~T~ ~~~1'1~~~~'CI~~~~~G~red~~~~f~~: :~~~.t~~:~r!~;i~:~:~~t::.a[jon, composl!lon. or dilw.en.s. sperm, C(I~ce"tratloo, lians~t of diJuLed

Rea:S.oft ift!jJ E!t!ld Tili Ilk.itt'lil; • Pu!c.1!ISS al'td CI~l.eminan1.S 01 PICttI&m SOlio'iI'Ig • rndwe1ill't!t. aftCii deductive t&a.s.on, !S:5CD.o...H:=..,El

Ing nyl)Olf!esls test1Qg • I..anguage 3nc:l 'l'loO~nL: WllOrilan. oJ!el'lolJ)oJI'l\ alld 1i..S cfiLlque, e., emoUOoi!$: • Na.1'IJr-e e. I:..rvESTOCK pft:OOIJCT~ON ANO M'AI'IIAG!EMEN,T: "Ii, CO'i'l'ji'l'io,el:t.I. O!!:!!I')I' F~rml"9: CompatisOIl or CI:::J!ry BOO dE!velo:pmBn1 • Theilries of elDCilions: ph~Biolog~.aI. cogrU1iva srxl op,ponen.hproc:ess .. .;. IndEcatlJIs or e.mo- farming in ,India. with ad ... anc~ oCDun.lrie:s., DB"~il'lll' und'e-r mi:o:e-d tarming' and 8'S :5.poeci.ali:!!.ad farm ing economic !liCtnGo. leoogni'liOl'lt ,0-1 emCt1ictns.. 9, M1Jtiviillioll ; • CriL1!Iria or rnCrihraled 8.eIi..a ... iou,. Gonc:.ep'l.S 001 need. Cll'ivll!l, dairy '.annil\tl. statth\g 'Ill dairy r'a/m captal and 1c.-n(J ~.equirl!t.menL . (ll'gal\iSalion of O'.airy fanns,. procu remet.tt al'Ou.s.ai and inc:.en6ve, .• MeasursmenL 01 moti~aliOtl •• I::xLiilt:siC:: ~ers.us inLIin:sic mctlil,laLiM .• lI!tamM il'tOtive~ or 9(100'5. OP;POrluni!~s !I'i ds.iry ral'1nln:g. factors .;Jetermlng me errleleJ'tc)'" of .rJalr)' animals:, I'tefd: recorcrJI'l9, tiel" HI, O,lgln :tfid de .... o-loj)l'I'IoQnt of ,I:iClI'l3v'lour : • Oefle:1k: Iba~s, ... E!Ilvil'"O-,met"'ttal faclols:chilc:J reariog, budg-e!in.g, CDSI or ml!k production. Pricing policy pefsorll"i8l managamantL 2". General M.llnaglltmenl : Mande,pr:iY81ion, cullLHal fact«5:. s:en!!ory ae.priya1icn.~ Motm aoo skilll developmenl. 11. Individua.l di~e-r!!incs'!i agemenl of ktve8tock (pr-egnanl and mllJ.:mg cows: newly born ca.lves) h'le:!llock records priCiplas or clean 'In p:!iy~hoI1J'9.'lcill nm~tlon:E;.;t Generat mel'i1al ability, na'lural.aoolheotel.iCa'l approaclles~ SpeCili'tfJdn,. TIiurstoOM Milk produ~.ictft. Elconomi~s (If Il'o'esloc!o; !artl'iln!iil. MUSlr'Ii'g tor 11V1lt-s.tlX:l( ;aM poullry. G&.ner.al prOtil!3ii'1:S 01

Gul(orCl, Jensen al'lo :prageL· Creallvit,y !Jf'lCI, ereab'l.re lnh~lng. tt-erUa.bllty or In"e1IIg~nce', sheep, goat, Digs all{! pouilly m31'lagement :5 .. Fo(t-d!Ii'l.g Man:igcfiLClf\t : Oevelopt.ng practical aoo eeofiooic

PAPER-II ra1io.n ror dairy caUla :!lUPPIy or green fodder throo9hout !h.e year Land.and rodde, reqUiremen1 of dSlry

l!i-Y~yJ'1.lhi:..~p-R.!iIit::lUJ:!.U!r!!jJ 'arms, Fe&odU'rg regime!. fO~ dry. yoCIung MOot:l;., bullS. l'ieilers aM b~.eedin~ ;an.m.a[-G., 4. Miinagem ant of iltt i·

~. P$yeh 0109)' :i.S ... " "PIP I i'Cd $c:IO'i'IIco ~ AP'Vlie<l Vel!;;uS bssic :selence: rlelds Oof p:s.yCl'1Olog)', ~~ 'c:ommu' mars ... ,,(100' Clt'OIJ9'U eoOi"i(! 1110-': Feeolng: and! managemelll -or aJ'Ilmals w1't~€r drough' llood: aM -DIller fialura.1 ni'ty, indua1ry acttool, heallh 8:1ld, environme-nl. 2_lndl .... ldual Difference'!!; and M-I!55tU;e:ment = N81'IJre BM clima1ics.

~~~~~Qr~,i~d~~~~r~~~~r~~~I:li:~,~g!I~~~~~:~t:~·l~~ie;~I~~~%:~O:M!~~' ~~~~:$~~:I~~tt: :~e:~~i~~ ~I=~~~:~~ ~~~kn:~~~~I,~~e~!~~oJ::rt~, ~~s~::. :~hgnr~~!I ~r ~~~:a~~:'~~;(II~i~:~~~lra~~g~~~~~::~~ ~::~~:~~ ~~~~~~e~I1~:e~;;:~ac~:~~~~ !:~I~~~P~;~h~~~~~~'~:~~~e~~~ ::~~~~;;illihh.i~~:S~~ ::llk d:n;,:;:~i:ilk a nd ue-a~~~~e:~ ~,g"r.:;o~:~;';%~~~'p~i;tl::;-::: ~:~;:~:~;~=/:U::irt:ef1~

fitali::in 0-1 psyChologic.a1 (iis.ol'dlltirS (DSM-IV}; sym.pLom:!i .andl-e1iOlogy Of ps;'yCl'lt:tfla1.Jl'Olic', iJsy.el'iOlit slei1!!zeo.l'!ofnogenizeo, recOf'lstitui.ed .. recomtlW:'ied. aM f!8"\fOufeCli IT'll);. CUJi!JfC aN Lneit managemenl. Y~l'K.!nr a~ ps.yehosomalk dl:sorde'rs: COoViQQ' s.ress a~ ments! tleal.h, ~, Attlt!.ldl~ ,'U'Id $ocl",1 C Oogl"tltio", : NaU!ire ,o-f ~h:I. lils,sl', ste:til'iii'.ed, ttomogenlzed. reco:nslMe(I 'eOC!fQbf1'le:J 8 J'lc:I II8I"'CMJred mill<:, Culture ;(IIn;ei Anilud8; lheo.ries: of At~tuda; aLtractiDIl and: he:lping . Nalu.re or Social cognition; Sociali and CUI!Uf.a1 factor!;: IhE!ir manafle.ment, YDug.'hUr1. Dahi, La:5Si. Srikh.and .Ie-gal s.tal'Jd'.ards, s:a ni1a1ion, Requirement for cle-.an and in. pet«tpliO/t pl"8judie-e SLet.eol~poes and .grolJp c.on1ict':;'.6 Sg,l;:ial Ihfh.illtnl;;e ; Ir'IIflUett~9. conlrol a.M powl!t:r, s.ale mille: and 101' 1M mil~-:plan.t 19>CluiprnGn15. 2. Mi~k p'rodl.J~t 1"eGh['mlog]l' ; ser.e~liOn or ~aw materials. dS. :Basls I)j' Influence: Sodsl raCl'1lta.ion" Leder!;;hlp 1ft oQIOOP: GrO."Up factors ~ performance, i. :Psyc.n.ology It'! s.embting. I)fOc:lUcLilo.1'I processing', 'Stotll'lg, distributing 8I'Ic:Ii m;(llrt:.e,1ng mil~ prOOiJc:t5: ~Ud't .as butter, gl'l.ee, Industry a.nd OrganlyUan = Personnel &81E1clion ioh attitudes alld jot bE!ha'lliOJ. Motivation:;tll p.~lle.ms: in J.:hoa, che.nna" cheese., condal'lse-d. eya,llor;;rted, dr~ milk. ba.by rood, iCE!cream end kulii., Tel;:tingl gr.ading, organiuliOOs Ol'gani:saLiOl'lal.IMCI.eI's., o/ganistiMCiI communitalwn, -ctI.g.aniSliCtttal efi'e~tn,.-et'»eSS, 13-. PtiYl::hlj..I- jud'giDg M mill( pi'(lCl!u~.s. als.and Ag~i'k :s.pe~il'ieatiM. Ieg.al.s1an(l.al'ds. ct1..ta.lity 1XIn'ilol.and n.wtr'i1iv.e pJ.opl9feli'.es. 009)1' II"i $eMol S(ittli'lg : $cttoOl as 3 sodsl !;;ys.em, SCOOOI ss an agen! to sociallz8lion; leamFn:g~ fIlOt:hJa· PaciCJng, prooce:s;sln,9;(11t')1j operaLlonal eo ... trol cost :)., r..llk by.:p-rOocltJiet:i Ta-e"i'loIOo!llY: Wl'ley products. bul!er

'Iion.I!I[ 8.nd! E!malronal problems. Df sclHJol childrell. r8ctcirs influencin.g ac.a.demic :achievement; in,erven- milk, laclosa Bnd' ca.S8ilL

tiOns I'or imJt«t-vi.ng sc:.h-ool pei'IO-J'm~n~e. '9. 'P.s.)I"I::,holo'lilY In tha Cliiltl::iil s,I!IUing ; Natur1!l and go-.al$ 01 P-A..e,!m~S.rulO ~ ~

IPsyehoLhera_plly, IPsyeho8fli51~l.lc cJlel'lt·centerea. group and! be.haviout' U'iell"aples. CQffimwftlt)l' mental M;(II1lh, A. Ca-~CI;rj)I' Mod Ai'lrm..,1 Bi'C10C!lri"l;g: 1 • .A,n!iTi.,1 GO,j'lolles: M[lCkSls ,}"l'Id meiosis .. Mendelian Inl'!eJi.ance, (Je-vLa ...

L- --------OM~~,.

Siu : .Z5 em.K 38 em ~ 950 Sq. em . . Page ·No. : 7

(Anu Image Maker)

ilion to Me.rid-elisl'f'i qenetlcs, E-l<.pr-eo<:sI~ '01' geMO<:. LJn!ka~-e 8f1dl-or~I"':9 ever. "S-e:.:-de'errnln:tloUoI"I,:&e:': ~f1 .... regio-nal!:srn: rlse 01 eLMo ":i!lio.naliO<:ffi, ~O-Of'!5I_o;rern:f!lblllty an.::l!,pOlitl';811I'l-sre.b"t)'. CQ(rI,.!,P.Jon rn--Lile ..... .[If!O'""5: enced I!lOO se:ll: jimited characters. Brood groLJJl and pofymcrphlsm. chromosomal aberrencne, Gene and its: walks []of Ns.ti(]nal rire overpopuletlone ano ethnic mi.grati[]on a-cross the borders rising Du1 rJl.Fs'ral-ad :fi.Lr...C.holr'8,ONA as 9&"ne!iG. rnat-e~i<lll, (jerwtic code .and p~o-t>ein :ti.ymhi!l:Si:!l. "i!lccr~binant DNA ti!lcr..oo~g)', -exP18:c ... nons 01 t=ri!IOpJe.a1 iheo root o1lfOS.et:Llrit)r: I!lOOlo,jl!Ca1 imtralallcMo and econcmtc prollr-effr6, (.b) Low MuialJcjn:s. Lype~ I)j rnula~r'Ibo, methods. root (le.et:1.ing Mutali:;.ns and mlJ1aLiOii tols. 2, Pcputetton G·lllnriil::5 IflleMily Gol'rflil;;.ls (UG) in tndr.a with :speCial re!l)r'(lnt:elO .Jammu &. Kasl'lllilr.t a.nCl M()i1I'I~ ,Ea-G.L l'EI!}iOi'll, (I::) "'pp·liO-" to A.nlfJ'll3' e rood!n g: : Quamil.a.lve "IS. Qt!il~tlye uans. H;(!I!'"(J:t weil'100ery raw, poP'!Jla~OfIii: ve. IflOj· ioemueauen of me crceerne ·or mtemat Se-cUfity MeJ condtuons tOoJ uie use or mllit~.ry: eros ana cone. vidual !JellB and geMt~pa frequency. Forces changing qenen frequency. Random dfift alldi small populeucn. {d) imparalives Q"fclllmprellan:3iye National "SecuriW-SifS1egy_

Int;.reedi.ng meLhM of IIl-Stil'l'laltiRg il'ib~eu:ling (;(j·-sHiCi1!ln-L, sy-Ue'M Df il'ltus-eding, ;EI·.8C.i'l"e pcpulatlcn $i~e. 1L....Id_.;magJ"m.m1

:Eireeall'lg vaile ~tim~tiOfi 01 bree.aing vatce, ooemeree eeo e(JiSla'lc .oe-lI'kniol'"!, pal10niilQ of ... afl:"iLi:Jn • .geo.yp;e The csndll(ja tea are eeeected 1.0 be acqca'otee ..u!ith pJa.rlOouS aspects or Ma Fi8gefl\eflt. They st'lould be a'ble enelronment correlation and g.emo"ly,pe environment il'ltarac!~n_3. Brll!l!dlng S~s:tem = He'lia'bl~y, fe;pealabi- to sPl1ly Ih&iry tc practice in Ihe· co.nle:d or world business. in general. and business: fuemicn in rn.dia, ity aM: ,genetic ~tIdi plienm)'pie M.rMI~liOr'II~_ lhll!lir melhrld f'ilMolinaLiMI ~nd pi~siOn 1I1 ~matM Aids to In. p-.atLi~I~I'. :1="0<1 Uii&. 11Ia.y are -axpM:t-ad 10 !:lao weu convarsant ..... ilh 11'Ie- enVironrnenl, in wilh bu!tine:t.& seecuen all.::ll .hei, feb'~e men's, IMiY~U31 t)edigree, ramlty ..... I.tlln ram!l:t serectcn, ~rogeny 'e.sting. ene.h. f1.ll'lctiQn~ In India. They:shollleJ also tie able 1(1 c:Jlspl·ay Io:.nowleo0ge and liI-.PallcaUo11 o-f mananartat tools IIlr od5; 01 E:elee1icns.. iba5;iE: of :!!electoo_ Res,ponse to setecucn and its maa5;ure, selection differen'lisl su-inde:t analysl:3 end dec!5;lan-maldng In ... artous runcnonel araea.

58!-ec.ion- iMax, recurrtiflt aM i'ElCi;PMc:a1 reeueeru &l!Ir-e;;;Mn-, eS1.<ib.li$hmel'.lt or new bl"tla-d. inbtaedil\(j. Oul E._.<lp__§L=1

breeding, 'I.!~ff:!(JI~, "')"bi"ICII;;::~t;OfI. wcss breedl'-9, QI.!L <:ro!io<:~g, B. t-IE;Al.TH ANO ttYGlIEi1E : 1, hJa'lOlTJ) 1. !IoIII.anO)gvn'liCint COi'll(:op.ts OIiME'\I'otull·o" : CQnce;p, anc sigl'lificance or ManagemE!:,nt: M;(IInagemen, 3:1: or me and (1)\,;'1. Histological technques. rree-zin!l] p-araffiin embE!dding ere. Pri3p8f.8liion and :!Ilaining or blood science of an as a, peoteselon and diatinction ibe.ween meneqemern and: adrntnistratlcrt. Roles and film. 2. common hislotlgieal atatn snd'E!mbryDlogy ot caw. 3. P'hysj(]kJgy of blood and ue: cimu!s!ion, Ut.!;POI'I$~bilities Or rnanapement: PrinCiples Df ma.nagemenL ~E\/Olu!Ct.n of ma.nageriien.L~C!l<iS:;'ic.al: schcct. neW"~ (ligas.iOn, raspiraLiOt1, e..«:i8liOrl: endoc:rii'le-glan-c:l in hea!ll'l.and odisea:se.s. 4, Ge.Mt.all<llOwle.ag-B (If I'CIiliICI.eOtogr ctessicer scnoci. modern rnenaaerreor :sel'\'o(ll: C<on'll,butlo!"'l of management eseena. ~. F".:!Inl'1olng -3i"id

;ana .he,apeHcs o-:r drug9:. $. Vete~af)' itt),gei:ne wi'}!. respect of watef, sir artCillabiLs.lQr, ·6. Mi~ ti),geine'. OClelsloi"l r.t!!l'kh,'Ss : PIMning.f'laLufe, ~:fp.e, :slgnitloence and lim~atiofl3: oejeeuves cr OrganlzaliOin, MBO:

S EC'nO N~ :B Plans (]bjel':t~ v es; oouctee: prooedcras: planning pr . .=:!.mi!lol3s and Icrecaatlnq, T eohrnq U!!l5: nf forec.-asIl:iA9_

c, ANIMAL.'OLSfASE!S; 1:, Unmunlty a.ildi 'I/<I(;.~lnaUaii.; Pl'il'K;i,p~s.and m8ltrods .olimmuniSat1On 01 atlima.ls Oeeisiof.!- m.atir\9I~ Iypes, ;prOe~Go5: F:atictl.al (lEtCisiCtn- mCl~ii'lg-iLs- limi1.aLiO-M_ 3. OfQ<l:Iii:&ation ilnd aaatnst :!I.:pedlle diseases. herd InwnlJniL~. nlsease tree Zone. aerc eeease concept, enemerccnvraxle. 2_ Or-g;)i"itut.IO-":D.1 e-Ci-I1:2i-~I(I!,,!r: Organls:llltlon...::on~~ .. Fac\oQffi arre<::Ling, O e ~artm-e!'"!l~HO-f") 81'1Q as.9:~ntTlenL ocr OIOlQllse:!l: of certte. tJ;uffl!l:iD-, shai!lp and float!il : Etillllag\l, symp4oon!i:, diagno5;is. prevennon end control eod acli-.ri!,i-BS:. Span of meneqemem: Authorit~ and r-as,pGns;ibilily_ Aulh(Jri'y-maanin'!l, types. aourcaa. di,;:::~a.s.-a. lr-e.alrnen1 .01 the fulbwing~ AflthtCl);., naamol'l'h3giC. sapticaam'ia. E3.aloek ~ua..rtal', masLiti!;. tubarcu- Acceptallce 1il1.cl101lhoaJily; lJelti'ij-CILiCIn 01 aldholily tilEllallill9 P/illCiplu:s .and obstacles to d09leg:iiti0I1; teals. ,Jonnes eeeese. fOOQ, and mol.lth rnseaee, sunoer pest, reoies. f'flf-O:PIa~mo-s.ls, rrvcencscmesle. cerurejseucn sn.a cecerureusaucn -o-r aIJthorUy: Of~8ni~a'0f131 eenavlcur-concept ane sl-gnifi-ca'1ee:

Fecjcfiaia, Milk fever and T),mp8nilis... Dise85-'E13 of new born calf. 3. DIB-e:as:eSl of pau[ll)': Eoobgy;symp- jru::lividl1al and qroup benevrcur. oqanraancnet Challge. ,~. OIrec:llng : .Diri3CTing mea.nmg' prtnelptes and toms, di.agtiOS-is, !'r'1:I,_,en-tiOil, eQn1l~ aM Lrga1metits 0' l1:anil!:h1!lt diseas-e. fOI'lI,POX, Aviam teuaccfs eem- t1!lChni.ques~ MoLi'tatj.::1l1-r1'I9Cln9S.: COll'ltitlu.ron C11 Mas-low, :HetZbel"(j. M~ Gl'egot, McLelaM,.and Ml'il9t IM.ding ~Iel(, Mare!<.'s ctseese aJ'I(J gl.!mtlOro cneese. 4. 01:S-03S0 0' Swlno : sv.'ii1e rever. !tf'OgCllorera, s, OISO.:!lS:-O ot ali~oofities: leadership meaning f-unctlon.s ,antj L-)tpe:s.~ l:!ualirPe:9 or euccessrutjeaoer. vartccs '\J'Ieorles ~r Oog : Canil'le Cli5:temper. P"-arvo ctseeee. Ft~b[es In pets 11'1 ,etaLion KIo i'lumsf'l neejn. lead~rshlp; Ccrmmmlcetlcn-meentnq. functioo:3 and i ... pes: qualities of s succeeafuljeeder. venous theories o 'l/cTERIN'ARY PUBLIC HEAL Tlhl • 1 ZO[]OIlIll:!lI!l'9' Classiflc.a'loo deftm.bn. rula of afllmals and birds m (lIlea{\1!ItSl'liP; au1.hI'CIolie:s; ll!t.ader'5l'1ip-:lile~nlng. ~unctiOfls and L~l'e:s: !:ju.dilies 01 ,a 5ucGI!lssiul ledid'-er. !pf'e ... a.lenca..aoo 'r'.anli-misskin. Of 1lI0noLit dis.ease. 2, Vlilter·inu~ Jui'i&prt.n:lenc;.e ; Ru!e and I'EIgul.ations lOot Vaoous Ihl!l~~iB:S. M leadM-G.'hip: CommlJ.n~liorIn'Mean.in(ji. typ~ ~ ... d 'leC,hl'iique!:;: b<alrtiEtr~ il':o c~.mmunjca.LiI)i'i· im~rO\lemen. of al1lmals QlJf;llily ana !prevention or anlmal I!:!ls.eases, Mateflals ;31'1.::1; ITleU'lods ror collection or Measures fo-r effcli"'e9: OJmITlunlcaton, $. Co-nvol1lng: a .. tI CO-Ot"(llnal!ng- : CO"Lrolling·meaning :P'oOCess: :5.8m.plo!"~ for vet.=:!C"oI8g<'1l investigallon_ 3_ Dutieos. 8nd- role of ve.temian in !;:l3Iughler tlDU5:e~ 10 [Kffilide me.al IPra-re~uis:ite::: fill.r effciive::: OIJntrollin,g. MEithods: of ocmlrollinQ'. budgel~ry ,8.nd non budgl;!'ary, Co-o~i~atiCJ-.n. UJat is ptOoClueelil ur\(\er !deal t'ty!}ienie ooooilioM, 4. By-pra.duct-Go 1rom :s!augtrt-BII' hOuSeS arK:! LMit 8COi'l!)-mie iPr'inap!~, fl9>ChttiCJ.ua..G..arK! tt.arriers to C-(I-<H'dinatiOr'll. '6. BU5inlll:r>s Eilvli'onmenls.; Goneept and 5ignificaneg 'I.Itlba60!'"!, S, ~olhocl 'Of c-oll-oc\!on. p.re-s-efVa1ion, 8nd fHQOe!iO<:Cn~ ~I i"J,,"'i'1'1oQl'}.';il .gIi!MS (or fIl'ecf'<df181!"!SAll.. 'Of BI.!:5lneO<:$ en ... lrOAmcAt. intetf)ieY beLween bl"lsll1eo<:s 'I.Inll IiII1I1l e--f'J1,I"!'OI"lIl'ie"l1t O<:Q;;lal, r·e-spoo-no<:;bllll1es lOr 'E. EXTENSION ~ Bssic philcisophy, olljectivEs, clllnci3pl and. principle:3 or e:!C'enS:Dcn,d'iffE!ren1 meth.cids. tlUSl.neES, Busines!i: ethics; Illdu:3.r!al ;Palic~: M(]netBry Polj.c~. Fisc.i!l1 :Policy: Foreign c8pit8.1 .and- rorEiig-n .aOOpteCl: 10 ErdlJ1C:a1.8 farme,s, .... OOur I(i.JfaJ eoodi1iOl"I6. Geller.aiiOl"l .o11:eChnolOgy., hs Ir.arrs11!n".al'ld feed t:r.ack. OOJlaL'ioOtaLoOl'I; MulliMtiOn.a1S in India; Cau'S.~ 0·1 eontMlIation or eCOI'lCo:mi;;:. poow-er. eQn-LiOllIl mo.nopooly,

IPfOt;ilerrrs aild conSll'8111ts 1['1 Lrarr.;;fer oheei'1.nOI09:r'. A~!ma_' hu:stl8Mry proQHimrnes for furaICle ... e1opIl'lMt. P.M',ER. U· SECTION. 1 -MARKETING MANAGEM.OO

G RO U P~A. PRci:A~ ~~T~~~~::~E~!;::r:b;:~i ;~:~;e~~:. ~I~~:~~I~~P-!~:::a~i~ :De1ini.io~ 1I1 ~:~~~t ~·~~il:~jn[)~~:rp:~~~til~f~'_C~~:.e~s~~;~~~:t~~ a~~~ma~n~a~i:~a=i~~'~O!~!n:f~~~:~~:::::

f'rOOO~II.>,. PWDer1les of ProDflblll,)' Mea.s'LIre. COl1o!jl.ional P1ooabl~1y, If'iaepe~ence o.f Evertt:s. B.a)'es: Tlleo· Sales promO-llol'l: Mi.feI'Usll1g: S;(IIlesmsnsll!p 81M 11l8f!s,gelTIell~ o~ sales rorce. Role anCi .ecl'lnh:~iJe--s I)r rem :Bnd its: ,Applir:::a.oon5:_ Random Variable 8nd- ila [listfibuli;o;:m Func'tkln_ Elem8n't.ary IPmp,Elrties of Distrf.bu- malke1ing 18ses.reh_ t.1·srkE!lirg 8_uclit 8nd OIJutmL D;Eici5.ion idea!> in Inle.m81i1:m81 :M8Jketing_ Rurst'MBr:1::eting

iilm FuncLion. [)is.crete and ConLirwD1J:3 Random VRlia'b!e!3. VibariaLE! [li$"I,.ibuiiCln and ~"5.ocialed in Indi.a_

Mal'tlii'i~1 aJ"ld, Conditional OiS.tiDLlliO-fIS~ E:t;pl)(:'la1iOn, M~menl~, t.1omen~ Generating and Ch:ar".acl~Hi&1ie Fun(;- :Si!£JI.Ql:t:JL:...f.a2R~~~ iiME'!.iI

lions. Marlii.O"" ar)lj Chebt!i hev rneQ",a1itie.s, Corweroence Ir,I pr.gbabillt.y. Week L.aw of UIIJge Numbers a~ Me-.anll'lg B I'iCi na1ufe of p-:r'Odue'Lion- M8nagement. Type oOof ProdiJcUOt"'I :systems-. :productlQI'l plan.ning afld Cent~1 ,l"ini1 TheOIo:m for ind~~nd'entl)' ~nd !-d~t~lty Oi~!.fil;oyle.d R:;m~m Wri.§!lble-~. SQm~ ~~~r(i Oi~- wnlro-1. :Rl;lnkin:J. IOO;lQing' ;;IIni:! !Sche-d!.lI'n:J:I(!r differ~nt 1yp"i!!:;: (If p'rlXllI,.I~~it;t.n ~y~lem. PI~nt !i;lO;:,elI~n :;lint;! !Si1,e creLa and Gon'i.nlfllJu:; Distribulions, viz_. Biooomal. P[)i~slJon, Hypergeoml!l'ric, Geomatrit:; N'i3!iJi!llive BilJmmial. 5ala-.c"L(ln_ PfanllayouL and m<ltFJ"ri<l1 handling', Proo'Uction design_ Value amll~sis au"lj[~ OIJntml, In'te:lltor~

MUllinomlal. lInlfOf-m. NOHn;[!il, Exp(lllenlial, ·G~mma. BeLa aM Ca!"!cny. B,,,a'la1e NQrmm Ois~r1l)u60n, Coonu.ol: ABC Att:a.I:tii:ls .. Oel,ermlf'lat!oo or E 00. Fl:e3oiJer poim ~na 9:iiMy stoc!o;, Was.e 'Ma rt8g;emem.

G:ROU~- B.STAT!lSf[CAL APPLICATIONS: linE!ar Ragre5;"5.ioo sOO C€Jrr-a!8tion, Prooud Moment corrals.lion, SECTION· In. FINA·NCIAl. MAiNAGEfIIEN.T

H~llk COrrela'Lwr'll, Ink.a...(;lass COrrela.iM aM COtri!llaticm Ratio-, ...... ulLipl1!l and P.ar1i~1 COfretalicmal alld; Re- M~anil'lg. and SotoOpe, Es.imaLing tM Irrm's. finaneial requiremenls; Capital S'tueLule d&"LetminaLiotr; Cost .or greSS!Ofi for Th'ee Var!.ables. Princl~Je:s 01' 5):~e:rlmel'l\a1 Oes~n, O"e·Wa.), all(j T;.-.oo·Wa!l N"i8;h,sls Ill! I/arf. C1!£liLal: tn.e Size oOof WOfklng Caf)ltal: Manage-.rialdlrrrerrslon:s or WorldFlQ Ca~tal. MaQi:I--gement -of ~OJIIg· SnoB wi:ih EqLJBI numbE!r or Ohse.l"'o'slioo8 per Ci:!1I. CODlflle1,ely Randcr~ed Oasigl'l. Randomized Bl:ock De- T8Im 'Fund!3; C3Il1ilal m:;u1:.-aI, in5;ilution,;ll1 rnecllani!3m ror fund's. LeasinQl ;!!rnd: sub-oeon1ractiflg. Imr~stme.nl ~ign .. Latin Slju~ re DA~i:on. 211 a.nd 2' FCllCt~_MI t;::.xpeririien.L1;, M's~i.ng Pll':ot f sel\niqul!lo. _ Sliu ttoe!; -M' OehJllo- dAei:sioM. Critoel'ia ior Etivoe~fiIiIeli'll app~is.al: Ri~k AMlI)'~iS ~i'i ~n ... e~1:me-:nl ·Cl.edsioll_ Fin-tlncial Man.aga,m9i'i1 gf;1!lPI1k: Oats" Sh1b'e arroil SLaUoniif'/ IPo,PulaLiorrs. Mea9:ures of Fert~lIy ane! MOftallt:.o. l.lre T::l tites , S1m.Ple ~n P"ubl;c ErMe~fls.es, with refer-ence tOo In:dia.

~QP"'l.3tIOJ'ls. Me.3sure9: of Fel1ility :SIJ'lQ' M0I18iU,:/. ;L.lfe T8b!e!l:, Simpie PoQ~uI3t~ GrooWlh Mo.::l:el,z; 3n.Q P"QpuI8l· SeCTION. N - HUMAN BE'SOuRCE MANAGE.., Era

\ion Proie~li(]n Techniques. ~ndi3'X Numbers. and 1lle.ir Uses, IJldE!x Numbars dUel 10 Lsspeyra,. Paa;sche. Na1ufi3 &cot>B and sigllifics.nce of Human Re-soufce:!l 'Ra-cll.JI"tmeni a_nd Trsining Da'llalo.,pffi-em1; Pro.mDtioo :Mar-lihall-Et:lgl8wor1h Clfld ~j:5hBr, iB'ti.1.a lor 11lQ6:o!; Number:>. GOIl:5trul[;!lion [Dr Pli~ 1008'1: fo.Iumbar -aIUJ C~L or and: ir-an:5f8r; P-arrormaCIIGi30 ilp'pr.ai;:;CIII; J'lJb 'iII'taiuCllioll CIInd M8'ri1 riiIIling'. WCIIg8 .and fia:ICllry ildm'irIi;:;tr.afion_ li",,-;nog rnode~ NumbeJ. T!mes Ser1-es- anCl ItS Com~ne:n's-.Oete-:rfflln;J.lIOin 01 Trenal an.a Season.lll IncUces. IEm,Plo:.-ee Q)O~at;antj tMo.lv!11ion, tneJ!"!s-!Jlal OefflOClacy snCl worikefS ~ai11CI\D;[Hion In M03n3gement. Co!lective

:Periodogrsm and Gorlekrgrsm_ Analysis. V_eria.le [toifferEi~ Me1hod. 'Bargaining. [lescipline and Griavance hBndling. Conci:liation: alld adjudk:a!ir:m. Trade Unionism i"n India·.

Rap~LL:l'J8lJS.:oJiM-JIl[<llE!l&~ILMA~GEl!!<Jjl '13,J>OLIIlCAL",CIENCE.ANDJtlIERNAno)f~UlElAIlQN,"_'~I'A~EB,j_".EClJQNc"A

~~Y:n~·!~'~:·~~cl:: ~C~~::;~~ao ~::~~ M~~i:~~:~~~~~~;~' ,~~f~~T:;e·:'o~:;~~:';~i '~~I~~: 1~!1e_~!:_01731~jj~~~~~~~ec:n'::=:aery~~te~t~~~.r~~i~~t~!~!r:r;dl'"!~~:is~_8~~e~a\~.r~h!f :~~r~

l~l'r9OJem, E:MirilaLiM PI"O;;:.edures, MelhCKj of MCIom&n.s .arlld Melliod 0' Ma;(lmurii liMrkhood, Ploper1iBs 01 S.ate, irl8(lM-s. (l1·So ... ereignty. ;PCtwef, AUU'JCtIity and L-agitimaey, (:3) Th-eon&.S or Rig'h'S, LibMy',_ :E~IJi!rm,. iEslima!ors. Interval Estimation. Slml)Se- and Compooite :H:fPOlh9!ie.S. Two Kinds fa Error5:. C,lIlCl!lI 'Reglon_ ~nc:! JiJstlCiil. (,4) The,,"rie-s o~ OernOi::r.G!CY. (5) Uber.:ill;g.f1'I, Soei~ll5:rn 81'1..Q Mar .. dsrn. (Q) 'Poli1.le<llIIPIlIIO~hY: leval or SigIliflCBnDl3, Size am:! Pow!!'I Function. Unbaseci Te:!ll!;!, t.i08"t- ~e.r1ul amI Uniforml,. t.iosl PDWBr- :Kau1i1~81 :3.nd M81m; Pl:::llo alld Aria'olliS; Sl. T:homas Acquinas and Mal":!liglit:J.of Padu8l; Machiav-aili. Hol1bes. 1'1..11 ie:s!!;. Nayman-F'tt:a~r'I L1!Imma ai'l~ ~_!; Appka1iCons, lik:1!J~l'IOo.d Ra.tkJ le~I!;. 1'-a!;1S ib3&8..::1 Oi'i t; :it'.!.:! and locki!l .and: Rouss@Clu: Mon.'l-esquiuu, BErnlha.m and J.$, Mm, HO!l:g.al, f.H, Gre-ell. Herold, J_ la"!o:ij Ma~l!.

:F-CfiSlribuNotts. L..ar'gl!lo Sample i&:st:!i:, VMal'rca. -Stabir;~ng ~rar'll$rormaMr't:s.. Oisltibouloos of ~~'-er 9~,.i$1it& L.enin ;!lind Mao- "se T'I.mg, SECTION. B

~~O~~~~~ ~~~t~;..~ce:x_~ ~~5:~~~M~r~ T~~'~~I~~~~~!~~~c~i~~~~~~;~~sr p':Jrar:~if'IQ 1_ GovQrnme nt s.n d Polill-cs wlltr S;Pi3 clal Refol!!r-en Col!! Clf Ind 1'2[ : (1l Porm!il of GG\'emm~nt : Unitary and 'p~t)lem .ar'IICI 1M Gr'dIphiC<lI SOIutiOon il'l :!i:1I'I'Ij:I18 Ci!rS1!lS. Simpl&x Me11'1M, ·[)ual·M "Line.ar p'r"Ogtamrnir'IQ PrOI][-em, IF'-Mer.al, p~jliaml!rntary aM P,res.ia&nli.al, (2) Pa.liii 1; .. 11 n iiti lu! il)ns. ; L1!IgiSiatul"El Exaeuli't8 .aM Ju-r:liCi:ai)'. Alkic8ILiOfi al'la, TJanSPQflMiol'l P"'oblerns. Zero S!.rl'fl" two-poersOf) 'g.ame-, 'Pure 8nd Mixe~ S.r;Jtegles. Val:tle ,of;j1i 'Pol'Lle;)1 Parties al'l.ol:l Pressure GrouP'S: ;EleclloaJ SysL-am: B!Jfet!ll..!er;(ll~'s Ro!e En MoCle:rn Go'!'emmt::f1'. (3) Game, FuooamMtaIThE!ore.m. Solu'lioo of 2;0:2 Gam~. Nature and Sr;:ope or Sample Surve~, Sampling ... s_ PCI"IItlcs.1 Proce!il:!l;, Poli!ic:.al Culture and :Polrtical SDCializ,s.ion. Mooemization and ~olitjcal devalDpmant. OCil'l'l;PleL-e 'i:num8r'atiOo'n, Siriiple 'R.al'lClom sam;pling rrom Finite PopulatiMs wiLli .ar'IICI Wi'ltrou' Fi:eplacamerrt 4.1NOIAN POLITICAL SYSrEM (a} Ri:&III' af Indiaii Nation.illi:&m ; Slidal a_M p~]iI1ot..a! Idea.5~· G_.lJl:_h.a!~. Slratilled ${!Imal1n:g and Alioca'LJon Pr1m:IJ)les. Olu:s-1.er Sampling ""lth E(lIJ.f!I: Cluster Size. Ftatio. P"footicL.31'1iO Tllil);., MaMtma, Ga~llf, JawaMr la1 Nehru, Jlnna afl.a 6.R. Amt>ed~ar (tI) li'id~M Cel"l~nl'uHo·n ~ B.as!c:

R8gro!!.s.:!Ilon 1t.t81imds (]r Esilmati[}Jl and Double Sampling, TWD SIa.ge Sampling wilh Equal Firs.1 ~Is.ge Unils. featu:res:. Fu ndsm8l1t8J R iQlhla 8ml Direciive Principles: The UllHJn GoJJv-8r1lment; P,residen'l, Prima-Min~5;ter S)'stema1iC: Sarnp1inQ. StJtislio::;al- Oualil)!' C<rnlr'Ol, Con.l~OI GMrts root Var'ia.blor!l5 aM, Allfibuta:s (H',(-s) p,ll.p and Councif Of Minisll!I:r.:s., P.al'liamenL.and Supr'l!rme Court: Sta.e G00v9mm-an-t. iPOl'le~ a.nCl !,OSiliOIl (II Lhi!! .fi!~ C C:h:Elll'l~. Go'!"erno~, Cert.re- S:ta;Le "el.il'roos. :l.OCIi!i Ooovefl1tnen\ ..... 1." :Jpe~!!'1 referen;;e -of P",";i"Chily.(!l~1 ~1iI1. ~;;) In.::llan AcCl6Pta"C8·s.am:P~lng. OC, ASN 3f1cJ A.TI Curves. IProduc:e~s flsli: ani;! Consl.rme'r'·s risloi, ConceD' or AQL., Poli.i:c.s PrOOB~s : Caste in. Politic:!l, Regiooa.lism, Linguism and Communali:!rm, IPolilical Parties arw:l Pre:!lsura AOQl and LTPO, Single and 'O(]u'ble Sam,pIDg Plans. Scaling 'Procedures. Scaling oi Ti3s1 tie-ms;, TE!!!' Scare:3. Groups. Vio.ll'lnte In l:ndian po'liU-ec.'S. fo.I.aIPcnal imeograti~n.

Q.ua'liltrli'_'·or!I J'LII:Jgil"tltent:&. fl'lleOo!): (II 'test~. Par';;!rllel f-e:st.s:, ,rue SC(l~. i1elability and V.ali:lit;,: or Te-st-$. PAPEiR~ JJ rSE:CIIO-l!:.e.J

1!....Q.ru.N~TUPI.ES·PAp.ER.IEP(ot!:!lI:9.n._a~!lkJh.._QjJ9M't.(S..QS1Lo~ ~. In,on'laHoi"J.tI1 ~1Il1~tloj"ll ~i"I-dlli'ilorl'latiOi'!ial Politlet.: Oel'lnl!io". NahJfe I3nCl Scope. 2. T"c-o,ies of

1. Concpet and thi3{ine!i Clf Conflict ~a) Origin, percapticins, PfDCBSSB:!I. e-s.c:3lslion, go-al sc.trivement, e"l-C,or I'n!ematlonal Politic"!!; : Tile Realis!. SYS1a~D!i:. :r;md: [I;Eicisian m.slo;_jng Hreories:. 3_ Facto!!:: -dalermilli_ngs CCti'rIIiC:ts 'n h'LIrtl<in- social t~l~i[jon aM IU. I'EIle ... a.ne& to in'MiatiM.al elIn.fliet -[b) Conl1i~l as Wa.- ; Sta'l-r:r ~oteig.ii POliCY: N.ali(ti'i<tl Il'It&ts&l. id'&olo.gy, Elem&ni.s. M National Power. 4, Naliona~jsm aM imperialism: beh:;:llyiour, C:;:IIUS.ei. oomll;J.L.es_ domestlc SOUfCI9il::, 9109311 i'flJclt.l!'"3l -soor'oCeS, oC(IIJIIIIl8nCemEl'J'lt 3:!'ICI Le,mif'l'ill. :OEiOO4oi'li:z,3Uon; 'FHsol!l ·o-f N.ew·ColOntijJlsm. !S. 8311::\i'iU or pl)W'Ccr ~s for.efgfl ~olicy cl'W;lke, i~s ~le"':3nee ~n ,icrn, neglCltia1icrn, 'i3CC1loQY rn warfsre e!c_ {c} Concepls af wsr snd. It:"!!: .-elallon wllh polltlc!il : Cla!>s;ic:al pr-ss-Eint Lunes. 5. TheCold War: Da!e.nte; New Co.la War and Curre-n. World Order_ 7_ Tha nE!W rnlemaLiooal :thOough! and lro}nds. from Moecl\ia,veli t-o Nud-aar Ag-e, ~2) [a~ :Ka-LIti!y:~n~; !Jh"ilO6~'pIi.)" .oj ,".ar ;!II"-1Cl: Ihi~ :t.L'l'aL1!Jgle 'E!(:Oo.Mmk Drdfll' aM H-& i&ign.i1icarttl!l .& :Role 01 fn.Lalna Liol'lla I 'La ...... in I nl_el'n alioa! oRa-latioOns_ 51, R 00·100 .of COQlrlb~Lion. (b) Suntz.\!'s tI101.r.g"'s on Waf, (e) Tl'lo!.Jgl1lS o-f Jominl and Clausewi'z on S1f"8L~~. T.sc.6cs. 'Olplo!'1'1ac:,oln INematiol'l'a1 'Politics. 10, rn1em.alJonat Orgal'lli:aLlon9: LM U,N. aJ'Id ~L9: ageM:le$: Inte;r,,81iOiI'l81 !"Qo!iIi:s1i~, Prinocip!-e~ ;:Jof W~r 1;11'1;;1: N,eltl,lr,;;i of W~r 3 .. W,ii!lr.elnd inQI,I~lri~·1 ~lXoiely ..... ith refero:no;:~ to' the .... ie~ 'Or CQl,JI"I; of Ju~tiG-e', Rool"i!! of U.N_ inteml;l"l'100nilll R~I~tiQn~_ 1 t_ ~egEonlill Organlz{IItfcn!ll ; OA$, OAU. The Mat~ Englll)S, 4. Co~pLS..and iM-ories 0' Rl!W(lrUliMary War .aJidI Guer'l'iUa. W.ar1ara will'l I"EIr&tl91rCe to II'Hr Al.a'b~agu-e, SAARC, iM AS'EAN. ne 'E~C ~.nClIMjr 1'([1& ill l.ii.ertra.tiol'l<tl ~.eI.a~iCtns. 12, Arms r .. ell ; vlews 01 Lenl". Mao to. lur.g, Cne GueoJ8ra, Regis OeflDfay af1Cl Gi;(llp, 5, e;cono i"i'I i e B.;,sCl s or 'l'jIiHt" ry EHO-I1S a1 con"'ef'ltl,Ol'1al a rrCJ IOUClear ·di3B1mamef'lt and! arms con.r·OI, .mpaeL ocf 1\I1J'C,lear ~el on inlefl'Wllional POWt"l.- = {al Economics of war_ (b) unkages bEitwe-en c[]ommelc~l. Financia.l. irrd'us1ria.l. ecooomic and pilfitic; Politics. 1 3_ Nonalignme:n.: Ofig[n, r.ole a_nd itB cum~ n. relevs.nce in inte-mat1onaJ ral:3 Li[]on.

milil:;llry :!Illeng1h;: a!ld WEla'knesse-!i: of a n:;lllJon-sI8lti3. ~cl Arm!i: llaca and 'lhi:!(]ryof donor- reci,plero1 bal".iavk:rLJr_. _ ... SECTION ~ B

{d} PlISI.o.w.aJ ~nomy .and t-eoons.1IuetiCitl. 6, Theon9:5 of l.and. Sill" and Ai(wi!li1ai"e; {a) T:1i81:ltil!lS·01!an.t:l 1. :F"ru~iglt PCllici1!ls M U.S.A.. Huss.~ .and CI'IIIIl~, 2_, tMia·s FOr'1:lign ;POIiC:y and ~Go t-ela'lio.ns with 'U,S.A. warlare wltll relerefice to fl'iObileoeref'lce, use-of .ank al1:'O ma{hine, warf.are al'\oiJ ~rop;ouf'ld'ed 1:1)' :~ldde]1 Has' :Russ~a aM ChIM, :)." In(\r.a anc:J lts JIIel~rhb(io!.Jfs. 4. Zo:ne!ii ·of ~egloQa·1 conlllcl .and, cQo:per.3lion; West Mf.(!, :end J_f_C FullE!f_ ~tJ.) View!;: of A_ T_ Ma'ha.n on ~hE!o el·emenl!': ofse.a POWE'f and naval :!I!rs!e,gy_ {Col CIlUlLinen'lal So::JLiI.h ~131 Eina South E.II!>I Ao;:i:l!L 5_ Thtrd W(]fld 8ml iL!i:fDle EnloernaLiQllal relations:. NmLh-SnuLh D~k::Jgu8. dottJine· of ~e--.a ~O'Wet,{d) 'HeMI.an.ICI LMil"(l.g~ 1I1 H.alrcm:l 'Pd~ctiMet, {lit) HeafLiand Iheories Ms.ecI 101'11 N.alional .souLh~Sollth C~Op:eI'.a'jOfL '6. IMian Oc.tt::.n: P,rottlems ai'l(j PI'(ISPACIS,

PO'Wef,(f, "I:'I"Ieorie.o: or Ak pzywe, .35: propounlj·ed by 0, OO!JMt Miteh.-ell 03!'l;jj A£.e:W::JncJe, -de Seveffit.;,y, .1.9..J::!.1!..1:.Q.BY~e:.~c.!.l.Git.m01i.=...a)

~ 1_ Souroe;rs s nd app.roache!i: .() s:!udy or esrly Iflclls.n His:tory. 2_ Esrty j:Jas;tDfsl snd s9ricullural communilies._

1. Glilnni!.~ Con,!;lII,p[ of lutill w.nwith nrhlnm'!;li!· to th;1tI 'tiIll'WE;; of L. ... idv.ildtvffj G'8rmcu""J S!ratUQy l"J!he 'lhe <In:;halKll'Dgicalevidem:;9. 3. The [ndus CivilizaLion: -n.s origins. n"'ul'B alld dl!t'Clfne_ 4. PaUam& (Jf M;:!,CiIlif1e- A-ge. e.. Mililal) -s.1nHegy 01 Allrea:Powers (Jurlrr~ '~e WortJ War II 9, So- ... Ie.[ ml~ry s'l'l!Ite9~ wilJl -seU!emellt, eco.nom)l'. socIal o-rganlz.s11ol'l af'l~ feligiol'll In If'ldl.a (c. 200(1(1 Lo 500 8.C,): .e!fcl't,fJeol-ogle;31 feli;lrenoa ro Ih8 .... iews of lEIni.n TrOSKY. Stalin !:lInd V.D Sok-olo-vsky. 10_ Cancsp! ana theone"5. of dl!!t&r- pers:11801i ..... es. 5. EvDlulion:s. or IN'ru1h l.ndian slllcie1y an-d cullure:evidence [}f Vedic Tex.;!! {S8mll.itas: or IlIII"lGe!l; {-il} COoncepts atrCl :tli1!li:!i'iM; lIr eM~enlion.a1 dgtM'Ernc~. (b) Or:t-i'icepL and 11'Ieetlles (II nucla-at 'd.r!rler· Su!r'ast ·S. ieaCl'tinijS (If Mah.a ... ita AIi:-d Bud'-dt.ia. Con'li:II'n:porary So~ii!lt)'. E.arly pMse or MatI) .-ormation fenee i'o'i1h fererenee to the_ II'lews or llCiaetl tt.flfL. Al'Klre ~aurr'e. Y. Hetkalll ;(lind :H"ertry KI9:slf'lge'r. 11. anCl uIC-srrl.l.a.io". 7. R'se or Ma.gMha.: .he- M;(IIUr)'"811 :l5mpire, Mhor.:.a·s il'\scrlption:s: his, dtr.arma, NaLure 01 Co.nce[)ls 1Il( O~'lS rmam-en~. 12, Con-ceDt andi Lheor1es, Oof Alms- Corr.Lrol and Disarmament. 13, Coonoe~L aM :the M.IIUry8ii SI3Ite_ 8.-9 ;Posi-Mauryan pE! rim:l1 i ... :toI_rn1hem and Peninsular India: P,olilical sndi Adminsr8 tive the 1heori!!'s: er·Pe.i3CE1 -lE!eping' and P!!'-BCE!' t:r.uil~ing,: 14_ Theor,ies: or COIlFlict HE!"5.[]oluticn, Me.hod'!i: or 'Hist~l1'. Soci<r.'I. Economy, C'LIlLute and t8ltgiOl'I. i.amilal'lam aM its SOCiMy~ aM -sal"tgam tex.s, 10-11.

C~.nnict ;ResoluliM. Ga.ntll'li.an LeaChniq,-ues~' Co.nflitt Ri!l~ollJliM_ IMi-3 cJ"Jan-9~ il'l 'he Gup!a aM opo:t.&t- Gupla pl!ttf.M (to 1;;. 7-50): politiear hiit.LlIi)' -o-f t'IOi"lhoem .al'ldII'Al'i.ino&ulat

_e~e:.E:B-=..lus..e.(:J~' II'IOla; $a.mal'l!a $:tste1f.l 3nl!:! C'l'i8llges In 1)0011'i!eSI S.fuct'l.lfe: e(lOf'lom~: SoocJal Stn.rc.ure.: cofJrtu,e: rellgio:l'l.

1- Concep-1uatl frameWoCJrk or N81ionel Security in the contE!mpc-rary 61r8t8gic thinkillg. 2_ Evolut~fl of 12. Theme!! in >Barry Illdian cuf1i.Jrel hi!i'lu.-y; 18ngLl.8~E!'5 .i3nd texts;; m8jor sta-ges in ihe evoil.Jli:m of 8111 and 'N'a'l.iM.a1 Seeurily_ 'l'IinkIng aM i'l'CIbl'omaLiotS. 3. T'hMtieS I)f NatiM.a1 :Power: ~.a} llo!:lfini1.; ... e rr':am~w'(irk 01 archilec'ura; majc:u pt.rikl5(]pl:iica.1 Ihinkers <100 :s.choo_ls; tdea.& in ;r;..ciaflC9 and malhma'icri_

Na'[i"n;f!ll PQ\"fer, (b) The IlTJpres;siofi of Po-we-.r S.:5 ~'concept. (C) P"ower p-rOrll;; oOof naLlol1 !3;tase~. (dI) NOrt~ ~E~J_t~_

Pm'{er inF.lu-Eince. {e) Eleme.n'!1 of Natiort.al Power {I} Ta.n[Jlble eramellt:g; ~ GE!09r:i11p-'hy. Po,p~lEllti[}n. Extanl 13_ :india, 7Scr-1200 = ~lily Sociat~ and eoo-nomy, iMBjor d~l1as,jes and j:Jolilical SlIuc1ules In North (Ii ToetrilOry. Natural :Re-E.ources. Im:lus.trial CrJ.mp.ctCity. Finandal capabilit~. SdenOfk and TeChl1OIogicai ltid'iEr .. Agr.ari<t_n situclut'es ·h'ldi.aI'lF-e1Jd!alt:&.m~ Ris.e of'Rajpu'l!;; J1J'te lm,pertarCh04.aS and lheircon-L-empCttaJies Cei)<)b-lldy, "'llila'Y Caj:l;IJbmty, (II:) Int~i'i9IbIO olomCii1oU ~ l..ead-e'Shl~. 6ure;Jwaalie 81'1.a O'gaf'lizBtlon81 jn:Penli1Sular rnd~, Village communltoes ~n Ine Soutll" Co-nCl!I(l.ons for women, Commefce ffioerean.llegrouPs EfflCienc~. T~fie of Governme:n', Soci.sl and Bhnic cohasivene!ls,r..fational, Ch.eracte-.r sl1d Requta1.j~n • .and guilds; tDoWn. Pmblem of cOlnage_ Ar.aibs conque:!l! []of S'ioo; the Ghana\l"ide Empif~. 14 lru::li8l, 750- Natio-.ii<ll, M(lt.ale" PubliC Su:PPCtf't 4. coneepl.!lM n"Iod-els ttf In •• mMior1.a1 Sl!i'[:ul'ity. ,ij COl'rce..8tual 'rame 12~D~ CuUuttlo, Url!l:ratut'9. K~ll"I:ina,. hiM~jial'll" St~l~s 0·' lemple ~l"t;hit!U:LUl'e; sCJUt,P1u~oI!J Re-liglbu~ LMug'ht WDIk Of IfilemaLic-nal Se~unt:.' (lUrlr'llg Ihe Cold War a.n;;1 Post Cold War IPMo.cIs. (:ii) Balance 0' P~er (,iiij aj'lCi lrr9:!ftul.io" $8Irr.~ara-ch:arYi:rs vec:JaI'\La, Rama.nu.ja., O'omh or 6t11a'k;ti', .slam 8~ 1'lS arrlva! In If'lClI.e, Co.lloeetlve S.eC1.lri'~ 0 .... 1 CorJectlve Oefence ( .... ) ,N.oo.Alignmol)Al. (5). Cof'Icept ,find '''&i,les of oonven1.k'1'I81 Sufism_ Indian. Science. AlbE!runi' 8.ncl his SIU~ of lrn:li8.n aoiencl3" ,end civilization. Hi:_ Ths 1311 cen1ul)': snd nuclear daterrenca. 6.. ~I) Arm!i: prOILFE!Iation as cconslra.in"l 10 IoIaLioll.a!. Ragionel aod Irr.emalionaITheGhori::lIIliml.:lsian8.FactDrs.bE!hind GOr1an !;:ucc-i3ss:. iEcon[]omic', Social .ando CUHUIBI cons:equences. S(!(;.'L..Itily. Iii j Pros pa;;;l& for Arms c::oMfol, 7. I nte rnati() n;] I T1iiI rr.g.r·~l5:fn; Co.ncapl aM dim6lI'llsi(J.ns. 8. 'Fo LllldClLioll uf :til", Suil:-anill'i!l_ Th:!!IO ·:r;;lcrve· OrCIn:!:!!),. EHu!mis.h: B.altNrn. ·rl'la- Kh<lliji R_oIu1i::m~ Earl)' Su!lLimaf6 1]'I:n.'90i"i(:)' O!i_i"i<;l CO'!.!i"itOr'-l]'lsl,ugei"lCY: COl'\Cep.S;IDt;! d~fls!on~. s. CQ·:N'I~Uo:n botwcog,!'II Forolgn,. Oere~ afctlllLecture. 1.6 T,h.c- 14'h eontu~ ~ Alauc)din K.haIUi's conCl,ues\:s, ~grSflafi ancl economle fll~;(!!S"fes. and Domestic policies_ 10_ i-1i6'!orH::al LE!ogac)" Gao· pofilic;al, 8_nd Gao Str.ategical Gcmsid"-ar8oon of Indi8.'s: Muhammad Tugl.aq·s ma;:'r ~-proiect~s FEruz Tughlu-q·s com:e.5;sions and pub:lic: wiJ,fka. Decline of the SLiJlanati3_

S.ecuri1y·, Foregir'i ClIn!aets: Ibn 'B.a!tuta.. 1:7. IEUlI'IOm:( sl)C:iaty aM culture anoCl LM ,~ a-nd 141~ Centuties. Casl

~$.e&n~£;i! aM sljJoJef)' under Sult81'"!a1'6, TeCImOloglc"-.11 C'h3"g'es, $ultafll3te. 3renl'ecture. :Pe'slo-n liler3hJ~. Amlr

iL~a.:::I~Z~~~ g~~~!~:~.a~~-e~~'~(~r"~:i:~gu~Ns~~:r~~Zu~i~/~:as...~sC~aR~i~~~ M,t~~~~);~~~~7:;·~ ~~~~~J;~~~~;~~~~a=in~~:. ;~r:~·j5:~~~I~;rl~\~l~PC:::u~:I:p:·il:Tc~~~:5~t:~}~~j~:d~i ~~~~~~!i

oonverrtlon.s. nlJclear afl-CI l'I'iissl~ p.rogramme:J; aM theIr Im.D;(!Ic' no IJllcJ:la c:JeFen-ce, IfllcJ:la's oPLlon5:. (e, O~-M.stlOS: Seng-a!, il(eshrn[r (Zainul A'bedln). Gw,ls/:3.L. Mal"i.-a_ :B8!hrn:f!lnld";s. T110i0' Vijaysnagra 'Em.PIr€, India-China boullda.ry di:!l,pute; Pos:iliOIl:!l and Polamics: eFlorIs ror Ihe saUtemanl or iI::r(]Ulu::lary dispU1-a; ladle_ Mughal Empire. Fi:r1;:1 Ph.a:!le: BSD1Jr, 'Huml;l,ysn_ The SUfe Empife: Sh-ar Shah's administr.aIPorL The flsmewori: or C(){},peralf .... B, Securi1y hetwee-n India Bnd Chin80_ {d) India's mutuality af :5.trsiegic an~ olher IPI'O'ugUlM;oS eolotJi:a1 etlio}.rpri6Et, t!il, Tho 15'11 arl1:l aoarl~ 1iJi!!' Caonlul')'" (:&1:Ieiaty, economy 3M eultLl~e}. :Ragional interests. wi.,. H.angla-d1!lstr. Nep.CI!. IBtrutazn, Ma),an-mar, Sti!atrt..a·, Maldi ... es and A1ganisun. ·[e} Ro-Je 01 culture.s ana IILeaLures, PJo'!'lficlal .ucIlILe-ctl.lra~ s'yle9:. $oc~e.y. CtrU1Jfe. U1erature- and ~he {jUS In e)!\f:a- regloool ww-er In U'le iPos:t·Coad War SOl.llJ'l.AsIa-1'I !j;tr'E!~~lc fIi1f:!ieI"ll8n'l:i rndl,::fo<: Se¢!..!r,it:,o coQns.l~ef~UM!3;. VIja)";BII'I.(!Ig.f'~ EfIIlplf-e. Monothels.k: mo-vemenl:s: 1\;;I_bif f!i"KI Guru :NSr.l1illoi. :l!Ihlilkll Movemenls: Chaj~nr!i!., SufISm {f) Nee-.r::l []of Conlidence and Securit~ Building Maa:!lura's' ror Irw::lia. an-d i'a Soulh Asla neigh'bcmrs_ 12_ in its PEinlheis.Lic pl1a:5;E! . .20_ Akba.r = Hi!! oonquest8 and OIJl'Is(]!idai[{]n of empire. -E:!I • .abli5;hmeot of JagiI SCU:.NC·i:. fi:CHNOl.OGY A.ND INOlA'S SECURITY; (<I) India·s s~ienlii'i(;. and 1.l!IdinOIClgica'IIbClS@furNal:ional .aM Man.:s.a'tl 5rstem::s._ HiS 'Ra.tpul pO-1iey. E. ... OlutiOi'i Of rel.:igiCtuS aM soclal OulIOOk_ TI'IMry or SuLh-i-klJl Oeref1(:e. (tI) !Need ro, Inella·s InLe~r;(llte.o scien-ce po.I Icy, (-e) If'loCia's dereil"lce Inc:!uslriallz.fi[i-o.n aM .Elflc:!1 rellglous I)ollcy, AboO'I,Il FLl~:I, .nlflKe'r .and: f'trstorraf1. Court pstrona-ge "fall "nd' .lIIchno!Og1. 2'. MY:9~al schieYemE!nis_ {d) Indian's: ;Rese.arch snd Del'eb,pmem (R&O) 13.. INDIA'S NUCLEAR POLICY AND OPTIONS I!Impl:re:ln the 17" Cenlury. MBnjor p[}licir;!s {sdmini:!l.f:3ti'o'e snd ri3ligious) ,[]of Jah.angir, Sll-.ajahan and

(i!I) IMla.:!; M-e;;1 FO-r Nuclear ~O\'o'er {b) II'IIdJa s NI..I(;I&.at ttIM'KLlirougr.r:s. (I::) India S l'Iueleat Op'llM~ In-.a Aur'.aI'l!)U'b. tM E:,mpif'EI and 1M l:amLnda.rS. Nalur'EI or Lh.i!! :Mugl'la:1 slaLe_ LaL-e 11 'PI Century (;l'iS.i~~ 'F::l9V(llts_ f'luclear&seClv.OI!od. ~14, I~OIAN OCEAt.I AND INO.A'S $E;CU~m CONSIOEAATlON$ (:r, StraLeglc.lJljle'iJ Tile Anon kll19dorn. Sn.IY;(IIJlsnd Itle e-3fl)' rnaratha .KlngCl"oOffl, 2:2. ECOfiO-i"i'I:-" !:i.i"idl $oelot)". IISP' al'lCl17 Bin alld around tha Indian Oce'Em region (b) India:!l Bi3CUrrl.,. problems in ra-lalfCIl'I 1(] tlla Indian OCi3aIl Canlur~es:_ Po,pulation_ AgriOJILufB'l and cr.aft production_ Towns, OIJmmerae wi.th Europe through [lllict..

~~~:o~~l~:::~: :::~~~ol) ~~~~~~d:~:~::- ~:.el~sT~~~_!~T~~~~~~~~i~s6; ~1~~~~'(J~~~~~I~~~!i: ~~I~~y:~~~~c:1j =~~~!~~~~:.d:8~i~:,ti~~~~~.7:~~f ~=~~I:~~~~t~~~ '~~~I~~gM~n:~;~~pf~~

~rt'-e;(!lts ~M ·coollenQe.!;I;·dlmln~lJon of socrat ;(!Incl e'hnlc rIXIl'teslve ne:5-:!j;. cQmm!Jf'llI:lf:<j;m Ilnwfslic dlllerencE!$· Cootlr.rUl!d.,_

Size; 25 em)lt 38 tm ;;;; 950 Sq. em.

Page .No.; 8 (Anu .Irnage Make')

PiI!I~ian m1!lr.ab.u·e {inCluding l'Iis.ioiical worts). 'Hindi .and r.eligious lil8r.alufe:;,. MugMI CI_FCtJiLee1.uM. Mughail Priest. s.aman. mMiciM men, coe sOrCel'tll"S. -SymMlism i.n fsligic..n <1M I'iLu.afS. Ethtlom&-CIioiM,. MylM <1M oalnting'. :Pf!)\linclal schools or erchltecture and rJ:Ialotlnc'. Classical music. Science and Lec!lMlo.gy Sawal fl.u.als: deflnilktns and eocroecrea LoO tl1efr .stiJQ:.'· structuJal, tunctonal eno nrocesauat rel'a.[I@wl.llecol'lmnic J.ai Sin!l . estrcnemer. "'y~I[-C elecnsrn. [lar.a Shilooh, valabnev Bhakti, Mabarasrra Dharma. Ev-oILJtilJJ1 or and pDlilicBi strucnnes.

thll!l S ikl'l c~mmuilit:r' (Kl'lalu). 2A. j::i ri;;t ha'lf of 113" CenUJ-Fy. F:IU,:klt-, h-Bl'lind' d9clins ~ t-h9 Mughal E;,mpiM. .5.1 Msanin(l. -'~!I'p~ ;'flt'J r~I.""al'll!(l. ptinc ip[~s. 9(1v~r ning p,a.d uctM. d.stribu tl!l n .aflc'J co,-.sump-ttM in lh e r81liM!!1 prin~ipam.ies (Ni:!.a rfI's Decca n. Bengal. A.....aO:h,) ~is1!l lIf Mal'ath.l! ase&M.an Cy uM ar the coIYI'Runi'ies suM-is.ing !In l'iunting-..gath!ll."in.g. fi~l"Iing. pastCN"alisM. hMIc:LJllLJI'O- and oLher eeoMD'Ik purs uits. IPestro,..-a!3:. The ~af,iil1.h81 I'1scal.(;!n(I r.I'1;:sIfI.;181 system E;I'i"'Ie-rgeno:.y .or Af-gll:Jn P-ow-e~. P-.::;I"I~at. 1761. 1",lemal F-orm:i!~l ene i:u'b!8ntl .... ~t d"-fI!e>-O:pI~n" KG!rI;·~Q03y~l'In~':pnQ miO: 8Pr;lO<f!lCf-! end. t.a~ e';QnQml.; A_nli'"!rooPO'I09Y.

weeknese. Prrlltical cullul1lll~ and econcmla. on E!1I-a of the B~tish conquest. Exchange. Gi:'fL.s.. barter. ueoe. caramonial eechenqe 8 nd market economy !S.:2 Thecrencel tcuodancns.

E!l_p..!!'r.:..=..JDi~li~ Typli'_~ (II p(;Ititi(;.S1 oryani:;s..ah:mbtllld. lIib8, dli'.lfdOril. Sti!ll-ti. concept I;)f pcwur. 6LJ1hOril), arid l'.lgitirii,ucy.

t. EstaI)Ust'll''i''iCi'1t orSrlti!3:j, rl.J;!olflll"lcU;a: Factors behlM Britlst'l ecccese 3g'filnst Indian powefs·Mysore. sccer Control, Lew end Ju~tleoe In trlba! ana peasant secieues.

Ma,rath8 confederacy and the Punjab aa III:.Bjcl powers In reatstence: F"-D.lI-cy of sl1bsldlar~ .Allianc:e and 6.1 concepts D1' devejopmeru Anlhropologic:al perapecuve. Mooefs or oeveropmem. crtnqaee of classical 'Do.cLriM .01 Lapse. 2. Colonial EI;;.()nom~ ; WiblFle:s. Systoem. Ota-iil or waalth .and ·(jei.nduG.lrialis;aiion··. devDdOpll'iMtal 'Moties. concepts 01 pl<lnniill!!p .elM pl.annM C:O'i"ClioprnoonL. Conc(tpl lIr !P-iUli~ip.all1ly F'ls(;a1 :pfes.sures and revenue seuerreus (ZamlnQa,l. R)"otwarla no Mahalwa~ eemerrens). sucetere 01 c!e.vel~'pm_enl. Cultu re eQOlO>IJY al'ld! aua [,Sin8ble (le\le!Of;l"men,. OblJ"!aeemen! ;(IIn-d feha!:J.lllla.ft;m.

the IBrilish Raj up to 18-51; (indudi'ng the Acts o-f '1773 and 1784 anc sdmini:slrEii ... a Drg.an~s:a'tionl. 3. 7.1 Concepte (]f research in .anlhropiJlogy, s:ubjeclivaty and reflaxivily ill terms of cender ctaaa idaoloQ';' R!3si stance 10 ~"donic!'1 rule: E=arty lLIP.tiS:ing:~; Cau:;..es. ~luJi9 and inpac.t or lha R&vOlL of 1BS7 Reor.ganiSaiion aM athlcs. Dis-lineti-o-n Mtw~ un. mOlhMoloOgy, m-o • .Mds. 21 nd •. eelln-iqu8S. Na'u m <1M e);_planalion in ai the :RsJ. 16513. 8M aner. 4. SoOeioO·· (:ultuMallmIP3c.1 0' (:oO'IO-1'I,.J rul(il : Official social reform measures anl11roP'Oroolc81 reeeercn. P'Os[1ivISlic.and n.on.pos;U ... I:s-lic aeoroacnea. Compart!lllte me!hOd9:: nature IlLJIp;I)Se {162.B·1857}; OIPanla~s'·AngliciBI Controversy; ooming ol Enlllish educalioo and IhE!" prees. Chris.li8Il iilnd! methode Df comparaon in social iilmll CLJI[UF.81 amhropotoqv. Beale rechnquee of date collecaion. mtss . .ion.ary .aGlivilias; Bengal Renaiasance; SDI;lial end raligioLJs rerenn movements in Bengal and ether truer -e lew. pariicipani and 01 her forms of ob.servaton, :scliei:FLJlas., qLJe9' lonna ire. c..asac-stud'p- rrtethods., areas: W(lM9n aG. tllooS Or S-CiCialref.otrfl. 5-. E.~1Jllgmy 18!58~1914 ; Rajlwi!l,Y~ Comm,1!Ir"(:!.ali2:a'LiM ~ Indian exlen.dect ease ShJCI:.- mlllltl'llods. lilu hist(lri~s aM S-(lC-1:Inct<l:l), sources. Ora,l hiSlOry. g~norai'ogieal m.etnO<:i. aorkullu~. r;;!r){)"'I-h cl tanctess laOOYr6IS: and 'IJ,;!;!I indebtoedl1>flss; 'FeIQlnCt.S; India as miHk;",1 fo, British f);artlcipator)', Inrllll'l'!J end essesament (PLA). P;arLlcl,p.atory rapid essesemere {PF!:A} , Ana-I)'~ls, Ifldustry; conetcms removal'. exchanqe end conn-a ..... ;ailin!} excise; Limited grow the of modem [ndlJ:5.~ry, 'c. interpreetaticn and preaentetcn or d'-a.a.

ea,ly III J;lian n eu onausm ; Social backgrou-nd; !Forma.Lion. o~ national aeeocrauone Peaeent anlj IritJal 8.1 Co.nOOPL. -Soope -<lmll mc1;oJ erenenee 01' human ogeMlies. 11.'.:1 r~alionstlip wiLh etner crane nos 01 sclence IIJPri!3:ll1g Ciurlng 1M eMy n3tion:slisl eta: FM.!"c8.I-on or tne rndtan ~a.!.om!l COf)gfes~. Tbe (nOc:Jef3le phase and medicine.

of ihe oonpre'ss: Growth of E:;:lIemls.m; The Indian councu .AcL (if 1909; HOlme Rule Movem!!nl. the 8.2 Ma.hOil: for sludy of genelrc pnnclplee in man·f.amlly :Sll1d~ (ped'Elgrea- anal~s(s: Iwln s'\Jd~ l{]slE1r chuu, Go""e~mm.-ent ollnd'ia A.et.m 1'919. 1. Iidliir·Wili" iI(;onoiTIy Qr India : IndlJMrj~ and !pI'CI-'bl-em I)'f Pmt1!leMn: Co.· twin, mClI'IIMs. e'ftogentic motl"lOd, cnrornoscma! aM Ka,y-o-typo -ilnal~'.$is). bfochemtca! maLMCI, A.gl1culh;rt~1 dlsueas, Tne Gr,e-a~ OeP"H!'.:!;sio-tl; Ottawa esreemente and Oi:s-;;riminatory ;Pro1.ecUol'l: the grow." Immlf.nol09~C8:'1 methOl;lSo. D.N.A.. Leci"lnotQgy and recomblBant leehno1ogles:. 13-,3 Twin 'S~ud)l methol;lCl·z,y~sity, (If trade u niG1l~; ThE'l Ki~n M(lVEim~nt Tha .ec-onomic PJI)gI:;Lmm.e of Ihe. C(llngrE'$~ !K:Cllr.flchi Rescfution. heIrif:;lbiltty II;Islim~~s. pres..,.nl.';;t:;l~us or the twtn :;:1 u 1;1.\1 method. and it", I;IppliC<lif.Qrl-$_ B._ole t.1~nd'E!lil;ln g"",nE!fiC"; 1931. 8. Na~ionali:sm uM&r GaMI'lli"s !-eadeJ':G.hip: Gandhi's eereer :tl"Io.LJgh and melhod:s. of mas:s mctJilizatiOi1. in man·(a.mlly ti ~u(jy. S iiigte. factor. mul uraeter. 11I!I.l"Ial. s ub·I{JIlna~. and :pOI),genic RQlJtla Lt $itYi.9rahi. Khailf!fa'L N~I'I C~f)e'1a-tiO<l'1 Mo',reme('ll, C~II OI!3:ob,eg-Ie-'nt;e MOoJemerlt, 194(1 Salr.agraha Ir]nen~r!ce In m~!'I. EI.S C'Q~~l o! ~el'leUc polymor~'hl!im Sln~ :s.-e~cUQI'l, M~ndlIISlI'l P'OP'ul':i!-tQn.. Hilrdy·Weln~r9 .a"d QuiL I"dla mo"'ernenl_, SIa'e Petl"le\; Mo-"'ernenl. 9. OHlcr $tan'l.1~ or HII) thtEotl .. !II :r.UiI'lt(lI"i"iOi"it: ("J law. caus-es ;p~ eh.ang:es wi'" bring dQ ...... -n Jfe;oClue'ncy·mut.atlon, 1.:9.oI~\!~Il. migration ~elecUoll. I"bree.dlng Re'W(]luliDn_.ar~ movemeflls; 5im:e t90S; ~b) ConstituliDrtsl pooli.·iG_s; Swarajis15. Lib~HIIB. lReBp.Dnsi'lle and genetLc drin. C(in.san-gLJinaou:s and non-c:on:sal"l'Quina(]u:s ma,tin:;. Gene'Lic IDa1:l. genef~c -sf·Feci D~ CcJ.-.opara.LiOii: conSan:Gui MooS anti ~ou.s-Inu. iiia~rid,gM (Slatislk<ll .aM prott.<l'tlilltji' moUiOCIs. for s.ud'y or Il'Iuliki n geM1ics). {el lae;as or Jaw8Il1a'1!Ii Nei'lN. ~'~j The !l.ert (Socia~lsts anoa CommuniSIS); ~O} Subhasb Cnano!j,a 6o-:se 8n.e 3.6 Chromo.som,e~ aI"I(j r$lr.omQsomsl' s:oerralions Inma.n melhodology (al l:\Iumeflcal.anci ~Iroc~ur;[lll aberratktns lhe Illdian Natiofl.81 Army, (1) Communal strsnds: MLJslim LeaQue a.nd Hi.ndLJ: "'ahasabha; {g) Women and (dis-orders) ~b) Sex -chromersOomala-b-Eirrs[i(]l'\s.· KillEllel[er (XXY). Tumer ()(O) .s.u,per 'fama18 (XXX)l'n!er.s.e:.J:

Na'liOtlal MO'l"8-fflen.t. 10. Literary and cu'llural mOovamenl: T<i!)M&.lPremCMM. Su'llramCl.na~am I3hMi. [ctMI and oLM, syl'lldomle oCIisl)taots. ~c;) AYtosom~1 <iD&t'tl1ia-ns.--- Sown, S:,"ndtOm, patau Ectwat(j as exa.rnl)les -only: New tren.as ~n art: film IQCWS11)", Writer:; Orga.l1!!3:a.tiO:Fls anCI. TI:'Iea16J Msocia11on. 1~. ;pn-ci ~d·"u·Qh;PL 'S-:lnO:romes. (d) Genetic Iml)r'ln!:J In r.lJma.n dls.ease, gene.1e 'S-Cfeenlng.. ge.netlc QOu!!~elllng. T oward-s: fr-ee dom: ThE! Act (ir 1'1135; Co.ngress M[nis.t~~s:. 1937·1939. The Pa,'kis'an mo'teme.nl Pos.t·194:5 human DNA pmli!inlli g,ane mappjng allil gEinome stLJdy. S.7 CDncap[ (]f r8ca ill hisLrol(igical end biologicsl UpSl1r'gti (Rim i .... utiny. T.aI~.ngClMl upriSi.ng At~.l~ C-.r..nSlitLJtiM.a1 M9I"l1~jil'1I1S and tl'ill!l "fr'au'bG.iAr oM pbWl!tr. 1'5 porspe~livo. R,al!~:ind t~(:ism. DiOklgi:ca~ baSe 0' ma.rphOlogi~;}1 va~I:alilln ~f Mn·mtttrte ~at':-I'I in, l'Iistrl)lo-gbl Al!gu.s. 19~7. 1:2. First J)hue of itldltl'iElndo-'I'lCoe (19.47". 64) Faelr11J!he conseQuence-s (Jf partition; G-imdl'llirs 3fH:i bioto.glcal persp.eC1i ... e. R.a'OO 31'K1 rac'sm, blOio-giC8l: oosis or moJDI'1Qt)~Ca.1 ~rI3.rOf'! of rt'!lfl.melfle ana mLJ rda r. ecol'llornic dislocatlJJ1; Intsograi1cn of Sta La; The democ:r.alic: cOn5.i[tLJ~icn. 1950.; Agrarian re!Dnn5.. ma'lie ch.ar.act-arE;. R.acia] cri,eri.a. I"8cial .reits in rets.ion '0 l-tarS>CIitp- 8"nd .sn ... ironme-nl: bi(]!og:ical b.asis 01 :Bulk:li.ng .and rMust~ial Wella~ slaL~: plan.ning an,(i IMuS1/ialisaLl!ln: F"oOlcg·in P"CtJiq 0" Non·allgn:mM': ,ecial el<luitioallon. r~t1<l1 Clilt~rM~tial Ciltdl t(!a.c· eo,osG-in!;ll in. man e..a. ELl'linic group (I( .man(l;ind~

'R:eICl'lioos ...... i1l1 neighbo..,~. d1i31r'(;ta--.(istl(t~ aM di:slribIJLion- in 'i\lor1d. ["'(Icial d<lssifica~i!lll or t"iuman '9~O-up:!;. Plincip-al livillg- p~oples 01

~ W(lrld. Thel r Cfl~.,ibutlon ;e.~ (Jl.ara(ite,l:stlc~. e.'9 Age, Sex and ~I)UI8tlon. ve'rlaUon In. .genl1.e m~'ker- ASO.

13. E nl1ghle n m!!lIlt s n d M Ddem. Ideas . 1. Rena is.:;:snce ;Backgrm,md. 2 .. M[]ojDr id-aa:;: of EJnlig1'nenmE!llI: R H blood II'roLJps. HLA. HP Lran_srarril1. -Gim. blDiJd e-nzymes-p-hysiobgic81 char.acfE!"ristics· Hb lavel. bo[J:y !KanL. Rl)usse-.au. 3. SpreClc'J 'M 'E:nli:glite.nmo£ll'llt oLJ1.5icJa EUI"1:l;j:la.. 4. R.ise 01 Sociaiisl idea.:;. (10 mar;(). (al. py[se raL~. ~spira.o'--:f rLJtlC1.ions and sensory pereupLions in dil'100ro-n1 eulh.Jrtl'l aM sOclo''I!Iconomic ~ 4. origins 001 MocJeJn POli.1cs - 1. EurODeafi S.mes S:,os'el'l'1. 2. AAlerlCE!lI Re- ... oluLion. 81'ld ll'1e COI'Is,jlulil).l1. ~rolJp.. Im,pact or s:m.oi(lflg air llolluUons:. ;e.ICCllh.oli~rn, cJriJg ;e.n,g occup;a.ionel ha:zs reb on tt.e;Plth.9.1 Concepts 3. freMe H!vIllLJ'on a.nd after ml;lth. ne9-181S. 4. Bri.is.h Demacr,81Jc. Politics. H~15·18S0. Pa.rtiami3Jllry aoo MefhiJ,d9 or EC(]~ical AnlhorolMll~ ... Ad8illtaiton social:a1"L-d cul[ural D!!Leminisiics til-Bor,jas B critiQLJe. 'Ra1orml!l;t:s: Fr,g.e rrades; CtJaJitists. R.9:S!lurc&s·l)iOi'''giC<Jl. non biol(lgical ~n:d SLJs.<I,inabl& Ch)~I';tI(lpmQnL. Bi,!llogic::!I1 ad.a;P1<lLi!ln~ elima~ic. ~ 5i.lnC1u,strl!!i,iJz;:!tloOn : 1. E;nglhl'l, Indus"ial Reitolution: Cause_!3: and' Impect o.n SlQdeL~. 2:.loous11i,aliza!.0f! eml'lfo-nmel'ltal. nLJ!flUol'lal and genelle.

In otllaf CClunlrieB: USA. G afman~. Russia. J.apan. :l. Soci.aliS:1 indLJslria.lizall(ln: So ... iel and ChinE!SS:. 1 (1-.1 Relevanca in LJmJaIElad'ing' (]f con lemporary sociely-Dynarnic:s of I2'Lhincitiy al rUJal. [ribiill:, urlla n 8'nd 16. Na"ig.ri~St:;ihl S:,' 51'em ~ 1 Rt:s.~ o-:f NatiOl'la.li:!;M ion 1 g#I c-a-nlury 2 .. NatiOnalsm: Stal'e-lbuilding in Galm..anp- in~£arnatioli3ll~V'OI!-. E Lh~i..:: e.o,,'iliets :ar\d pl)li1ir::a I de"'lfl!lopI"i"iM1!t.. CO-l"loepts or .othnie boun.-dar"'ius;. EU'Inidt'y

flf'lCl Italy. 3. Of'Sl~tegri3,1(aA ar iEmDlre!3: tholJ.g11 .M ,eme-roency ar f'latio-nalitle!3:. ;pru;! concept 01 nation: :9W!e.

17. Imp'fIri,!flll:!}m a.nd C;(i'Ii[}nl:irJI!ilm • j. CO'lonl:;kl S),Sl.-em (expIQil~ii-oll"l of New WQr'l.:;I. Tf;;ln·:;r.tl:;r.ntil;: SI9Vof;! 11. t C(l.nc:;;rj;l't i;:'~ human Q!r'lQw.h of da ... -r;rIQpom-r;rn1-i;;t.a'!lof;lS g.r growlh~pr~n8l1~1. n':;rtal. ;jril~nl. chil-r;lh(lo.j Trade. Trlbut!!,flOm A8i.an CDnqLJoI;is,s. 2.. TYPE!'S.dEmpire-: of:settlemen'tsnd llon,.Beulemenl: Lain Amariea. aoolascElncl!I. malurit~. S8rta:5-Cance. Faclors :alrecling growth snd de,*,ElI'ol1ment !l.anetic. environmen~al, South Arrica. Im:loo8:si2!. Ausl.alia. 3. fmplIllialis-m and Flee- ·(".radil. TtlI'} New i.mperialism. biochorn~1 nIJLlriliona,. (:ultlJral ;;:md .soc:lo·ocon-ctmic <tQ,olng alld senSO:!icunO(l, Thoorics arlfJ obsr.::r",,;al.!oos· 11).,. lil:o'-vo.'-!tlo I"1,S ;:i_nd: CoO I,J" tqr· ~ovo-I aJ~loO'" • 1. ~ goa. Century EUf-opean revoll..!tloos.2. The RusslaB 1~-.-oJwUon blolo.gr'ClilI;pn.d chlonQlog5ce1 !ongoe ... liy. H:um>l;lIlIPh.ys:f(lue :;Inc! :soma'l)'lypes:. MethQdol'og.fEis ror !;If"OW1h $tudles-, or 1911·1 "9:21. 3,. Fasci~1 CiJ.unt-ef·Re'I,IIDILJtliJ.n. Italy snd G elmany. 4. Tha Chines.e' Hi3'WlILJlfon of 1 'Q49. 12 .. 1 Rellroduc'i tvi.y biDIcgf'. demDllraphy .and P'DPLJIa.ion study. Reprod'LJCli1lEl phy:si<iI09Y (]r male and ramale. 19. World Wan;.· 1. 1sl.and 2f"'I W(lrld Wars.as loL:.a1 WarS: Soa:ialall~lica.LiOI\S., 2. WlIrld war~ 1; Caus1!l eiologica~ aSj)&eLS oOfl'llJiiian, fo,Wili:,', R&le".Iance oOf rftoOtlaJcM. mono-p<ltlS6 ana::! otMI ~iOll~nt!!; LoO r()rLi~t~. a,,1;1 Co-Ilsequenoees. 3-. WOfld WSf·11 : P".olitlc.af 'COFiseQuoence. Fer1;lly p,attems- ;pn!l;l tflfferen,~r3-. 1 ~.~ DelD:)9f::J phlc thoel;Wles: blol~ical", s--o<:lEal, and {;u[11,;1r,el. 1i~.:3 OemogfE!phlC 20. 'L old War· 1 Eme-.rge-.nC'lEi rn lWei B 10IC5:. 2._ Int!! rgr:alion of wes:f Europe snd Us. Strsgegy; Gnmmun.is:t majhoos.c.-Ernsus. regis.l retial'll s~si.erm. sainpiEr melhods.. duel reporiin[J ;Sp-s1.erm_ 12_4 Pcrp'LJlations: sirLJc.!lJre::s. lEast Eumpi9. J. ;Emal"{lMe or third W.orld a_.nct Non~A'ligl\m&n ... 4. UN.and OiS~IjLa ~es(lMiCJn. aM popul'atL-:an d:o'il8mlcs. 12.5 Oomograptlfe t-atr:Js ~nd ta.ills. 1110 LabI6-sLiuetu~C=.elM utilit:;- '12.6 Biolo.gicaJ :21. ¢oOl'Oi"IIl.a1 Ub-o,.at!-o,., • 1. L..{ltin A.merh::.e· 80-1;"'3r. 2. N:f!Itf. Wo-rh:ll ~ ~y~!. 3. Afr'k!!· AIiI",l.rrln-eid or :CIInr;I !KJ;CI.Q • .r;!~t,r;igl,~1 F~ctor!J Il'IIflr.r-eI'l';~ fecr,mdHy. fll;lnllll.y f'li-I.:EIII;~y :pn.or;! mOllfllity. U.7 Ml!i!'thQd!O: Qi ~t\ld)lln~

DE! mooracy. 4. SOLJl h-E.asl A:sia-Vietl'W!lm. pDpulation growth. 12.S BiDIOIJical CIifIseqLJBnCeE. (]f popLJ!.iilion conLrol allil family welfare.

22. 0130[;011J ni ;CaU1J n. ir,n d und !lroenlojJ in IBn t ~ De-e-oon.i:!:aLOfl: i3 ts:ak up oolOtliC<!lI empifeS: BriLi:!-h. Ffenr::Ml. 1 ::3-.1 A.n~hr""OpOlog)" 01 :s-p-otts 13.2. Nutriliorlal AfrlhropolOog)'. 13.3 AnLhfo-pokt-gy in (j-03;g:ningr cr.f dc1-onee ;!l rid :Ow1cl'!. 2. 'F"ocLon: ConSl..rainlng' 'Oevelopment: La Lin AAteflca, Mfiaca. other eQulprnents. 13.4 F" On;ln~lc .enIhrO:PQlogy. 13.5 Methods ;;111" plindple~ of piiirS:Qrt-a1 Identliic~ lion and 2:). uniflca.tlon -of EU'-O-De .. 1. P'O:Sl War foul'i(JaLlo.ns,: NA,TO ;J.:nd :Eur:pea.n ClQmml.rnlL-:/. 1::. CofJslQ~IMLIon 8floiJ feWl"ls~ructlon. 13.6 Appllea:;l hl,Jmen genE!!res, ·paternit:l (lIEtgnos~_'S .gel'l:e,ic Ci;M,Jns:ellln-g 81'1d eugenics. 1:3.7 e:ICp8fl:3!Oo.n ,[]of -EurDpean CommLJnilV ELJfO,peSll Union. DN.A iechDnlg:J'-pr'eYl!lntion and a:;ure of disa:s.as. 13.B AnIID,Po·'Ilenel[cs in m!!tlicilie. 13.9 Ser'olla[ics. 8.nd 24. Savill! t C is-inhl8iratio Ii and I.he' Uli i pc-I'a r World:· 1. FaL:lorS in, Lh,e (;Ollapes. c-.f staviet t:~mmunism !irtd cyLogEifielies in reCl,ooIJJCIi'l"Ct biolOog~ 1~, 1 ti' Mpliea.ka" 01 S3tiMlcal princ~,pICS In Ihuman gMotics ~OO Ph),S ical me So·vlet U!'i~. ,985·19-91.2. Po-IiUca. Changes h, East ELJfo-:ce 1s-.a9-1992. 3. Sna or.ne ~a War an.a AnthroPQIo9'f.

lJIS As.cendancy F.n the world. 4. Glol:Nlliza LOon. . Papllil r' _Il

2-D SOC.la_L,.1I£O.B.~r· , Soy;a~PJtLCIM~Q_1n~ 1. !"yolutirr-n 01 th& Indi.a Cunure .a!ld civlli~;3,tiM·Prohislo6t (iP.allH:olilJ1it.. M!l-S!llilhic :rnd NeOlithic.)

Socral wO~: Mean~ OE-Jectiiles, Scope, ta,SS!.JIJI;P'kins -& Values: lilstory ~r Soci.a! ...... or~ In 1.1.11<. 'U.S.A. PrQ'on.lstoiic (IMus Clvllj.zation). Vec:Jlc t!1'hC post·ve.aic be.ginnil'l~!3:. Con.LrltalJ'tio,ns,(lf.rae .,iMI c.wltl.rres. 2 • .and looia. philos[},phyof Social Worl. Democ:rl'ltic. (E-qu:;r.lity. Juaiica- Libert,. &. Frr;rlemITj} and HumaniL.r;rria.n ~DKlgr.aphic: poroFiles. of I nd!a._ E~hi~iC" ~rKI lingLJSl ic: elemenl:!l in ~h,s 'Ind.i8.n PCpLJ Is Llon:and Lh~ir d is.tribLJ'ion. {Hum.an R[_.ghts) ~a'IJi.-.:.. SoCial WOIU as a :pm1essiOi'll. ,Indian popt.lIa:[jOii. r.aclors. InfTuenCing i!s SlrLJe.lure andl gl'(lw'\li, J. Tha b.asiC: .:;.tn.ra:.urea:rM tId.ure (II t~.ad"itionCtI

Maun.0JE$...M~.9.!~.!,,~lfId~;fII :3:lQc:I;l!Il S)'s~effl·;f!I cri~~ue: ViHrH!~thaH!IYI, p'-'~!.ISra~~fi. K;f!Ir~~. Rln~.artd Fi:e~irLI"i. T~e:Q{les (In lhe Social Case work = MBBnin!l'. SC<lpB Principle:!!. 'Pr-DGBsse-s: (P's.ych;[]social s'~d~. A::!I8-I3I!1smen'ls. tre8itmen.t· orgm 0' ca_st-a soyslem. JaJmam systE!"m. S'rLJ£:trLJa~ bSSI::! 1no8qLJ.flIJty 18 Lrsdltlonslln.dlall Soclet';'. Imp-.aci 01 goallonnLJIa1ron and 1e;;;t,niqua:s). 'EvaILJatioo. iF~low~LJfl a.nd Roi!Ihabilitaalic-n. Soa:;ial GmulJ<&- work: MeClillintjl. Bl.Kidllism. Jarini:sm. 1&.lam and! Ghrl&.Liilnily (If Imfiarn sor::iet:J'. !II. Emsrg.ana:;e. g.rowlll aMI de ... elopmanl 01 Objec,fve, Prinelp.1es. St:':I~, 'Pfoeesse:s (Stu>dy, :OiagllO-S-ls. 'fe;(ll~men\ and e~aJl!alion,~, Programme, P"iann;ng antroplol!lg), In India·eon.tribuLions 1I1 Uli9 191• C&rltur)r :rtld -e.a~ly 20" CenLLJry s~IiOI'ar-M:-min~slrato~!. snd Oa'Wef;[]pmE!lll, Role of Socia'i IIroLJP worker. Leadershil1 nSVElI(]pm!!lll. CofitliD-IJ.kl!U or Il'KIjan a.1'j!taI""OP~lOgls lS '0 !ribal aM cas-Ie :s.LyCltes,. Con Lemporary rla'ur-e .of al"lllnrOP~Oogica I

C omm un'l~ o-rgs nlntl o~ Me--<'Ining. Obj;;!C,i..-e-. ,PrinciplE'S. Approor;:h;;r$. :RQI;;r$ of OommLJ ni1y Of{l:iflrL~::riliQln s1 LJdies in .Il1dii!ll. 5. ApPJoache:!l to Ihe sl ud.,. (If Il"bdial ;S.[)Ci81y 8 nd -CLJltLJre· tradi!ilJ.nal and cont!! mlJ(lrary.

Wotket. 5.1 A.:sp8cL Df .India.n 'WiJlags- Social orgaaniza1io.n Df a[jIi,c:u:ItLJr8. impad 01 markel ea:;onomy (]f In.dian .... iLlags:::;..

So-(:!~l ...... lr:li~O AC!I~~r.ai's-lr3UoOi'I: Meanlfl9 S;::o-~e-. A'Y:s~IC!l!s·~r; ... s~e .::;1M ~Wb-I!C, Pflrr-cr~I-eS. Bs'Si.; S.i L.[nOLJ~tlc ~l'n1i fellgl~LJs~fnori!le.s-SlQc.i~l,. f)olil!cal a-:ad e-cooom~ !l_'t!lu!I:. . .,.

Adminis.tratill-a Proce-s:ses snd; Prac.icedecis_ion maKinll' commLJllicalion. p-'annin!l, organisatiO-Jl. bLJdge1il')!l 6. Tnl:t.al s!tLJall'On 01 Indl.8-b-HJgenetle ... anarnlily. Img.LJ~l)C: snd ;s'[)clCI-8conomlc ~h8.raclerstlec.s 01 .l1e Irlbsl .an(J fin acial cont~ol. ri!rpo~tiflg. So..:'1 ill 'W'fJ rk R8:&!I iI r..:h: lVIeaning (Ib~e"::Li'l&S-. types. s~-a-pr!r. sci..:.n Ufic population!:::IM tttair, di!llribLJliOn_ P~ot.l-Bms.!lf th..a Iri~1 -t:trmmu niiias. .a~d! ::irli!lna.i-o .... prove rty indr!rbtedMSS.. me'U'lo(l:. Selecllon .and formulation al the problem Fi:,esearel'l :Oe-s.ign Sampling', Sources .-:Ina Me.l1oos, of low litracy. poor e:CllJe;[!lt!~n:a1 13cillties, unernplo:/ment, ul'loer e~pl;oymel'lL, MaUl'! McJ al1d f!,1.!Lrl.l?n. Data Collaciocm. IPI"DGEIS s:ing (if D:;I1.a. 8_nalys:in-g a.nd iruerprel.aIDcn. IR!!pol1 wrili:ng. Soci:al AClionc: tfleanjng. O-eve!opment.r:rl p'rolec:ls ·Irrtaal dls.plaG8mer1t am:! pl-ll'blem:!l of reha blli.'i"afr.can. Oe ... elopomen. of fur!!s:c pDILGY

Set!P&. ap,prOaCM:s. (SaI'\lOday-'. AnLI'"O(ja~a .e.e.) ane! St~ategi&:S. artd.ltiMI~. ImpacL 01' urbanil:rtiCln :rnd illa:tu:stri~lt!aLion on LriMI an_t'J rur.al POO!,ul.ati:OM. 7. Pfob-Iems 01

~ , e:'::I;IloltaLiOln ~Q(J~ewh .. ;;a1iof! or, $C'hedul,eQ Ca5Le~' Scllea:1l,1!erJ, Tribr~, tma:J olher eaCi!.wElr~ crl:!'S!ie:s.

Socls] :Pr,dblems s.n II Fle'ldl!l of So-clal WCI rk In IndJa Pro b rem pertaining to Marriage, Fam Ily Sf1(j -ca8te: C(]nsl[tLJ'io-.n:al sare!lLJards fur SchedLJled T flbes aoo SchedLJ Ie-d Casles. S-!Jci8l1 -chanlle and Q[)fllempDrary :[)owry~ ctJlld Marriage. Oiv(ll"(!&. Famiies wiII'I W'Cirl<ing couPIM. Discug.arnM.;1 FamiliM. I~ClmiliQ:.~ with Emigtan. Irib~1 socielies: ImpaC:1 of modern de-moc:ra.ic ins:ti.utions:. del'eloll'me:n' progaJmm8S .and! wells.re me.a:9-\.lres. 'ti&.llds o~ Ihe Ho-u:s.etaolds, Gen.-Clor IneQLJaliLy, Authofl'aflan Family ~LrLJeLwffil< Major C'hange:s In Caste on lribi31l:s and weak.a, :ser;lio-.ns. Emerg8nr;a 01 Blhnicitv. Lrrba~ mDVements end q,uS':st klr idenllitv. PS'Bud1l-:sys~em:s !J nd S)fQtalQffl lOr C;(!ls1oe[sm. P",ro~e-rras Pertaining or lIWeaJ::ef $e(:tlons. IProolems -of Children, Wo-men 'f~b8Ii~m. e. S.Q~lal. ctaang e ,fifQOfI(_:I ttae t~boes du rrll~ ~O-I'I_;aJ. an(! POs L.-[Flde pen.a~rat loola. $." Imf)ac L. 01 Aged. I-l.amiieapped and Backward CI.aS.Se-Sl (SCa. ST s. and other B8.ckw.ald CI.a:s..s.e-s •. 'F' rob I e m 8 of I-lm.dLn~m," Cbrt'S.118nr.~. Islam and olh~ religiOUS on trrbaI8£lCfi3Ir..er:3. &_2 TrrhB Sl'ld' nslHH'1 s;tsl,B· :a comp.ar:atr ... e 0.1B ... i<li ii !::tII· I" ~\,Iant:~ v:rgta ney .aM JtJ .... el'llil& Del~nquM.cy Crime White Coll..a Crima O~g.a"'i:te(l Cl'ime stydy c.' !riMI oommUl'Litioes itl I MI.a .aM !llher wuntl'ie-S. ~. Histo-{)' lIf a.dmin_~Lr :rtic-.n I)t !riMI .ar&as; (jiMI Co-liective' V1Ci!1e'noee. Ter'!"o,i:5n"1, Prootltu\lol"11 ill n(J Sc:.: R~I;!I!te.j C,IMes. Sodiill Vke~: AICQhlllsr:n,.Oru,Q pOItc-i.-es. plano<: prog r3lmm-es: 01 I{ibal' <;I1f3I ... elo~l'f'IenL :and I"elf iI"l'lPI&mIf;lIlLior],. R:ol,oijI 01 N-.C. Os:. iiI.1 F!.ole 01 AddC1icn. Beg!l.ary. OcrrUp-lDn and commLJl'1atism. Pro:tJ'lemsof Social, Siruclme: iPDVEirly. Unemploym.enl. anLhrop~loj}'y in Iribsl :aM rural De ... elol1m!!:nl.g.:2 C.ontri_oLJ'ilJJ1!1 (]f .8nthroP'Cioj}'y 10 Ille I1nders.and'in-g (]I' eondedll,abtJur. ChilCf Laoour. Fi!l'll::I:s 01 :5m;:Ii!llworklna;lia ; Child Devg,lo,pmam. Dl'}velop-mg,m -of 'Youth. ragL-ol'laJI:!im -oopl'nmutli!rl~n'I and I9'ilinic ar'KI pOiilte.a1 mO''o'l!Im!!lllts.

Wo-;men's :Empo-wcrment, We~fare or a.geo, Wel{aare of iPlwsilcSlly. Mel'llEilly aM s.ocia.l Haf!C!"icaPllea, WelfarE! ,n:JI..."d'lJL.JE1i~Hi.Ee:81~MUB-=lJ~A8.:r~,6.:

of b.aekward CI;ilSSE!5. {S~. STs: sOO Olher Backw-srd CI.8s:s.es) HLJral DeveIWlmi3.nl Urban Commu;nit~ (:a.) t:he()J)' Df StructurE'S: : Pr,incipoles (]f sLJperp(isIUcn: lecell'mesl l.h-aCll'!!m; un:!l-~mmEilric81 bending:

DavelopmErnt. Medical AM 'psyCli,ia.~iC SOC;jai W'Ork. ~iidu:s.lri.al SOejal, WOrk. soesl sa~1..IrlLy O'Ifendar R&karms. D-e •• rmil\.a.& aM ind&Loermitla-L-i!I SLr~ LLJI'(j; simple:rnd S,paCe fra.mM: d'-egl'Ele (I.- !'r'eM[lm; virtu!! I ..... 'ort; tll'l-i!li"{ly

~~~p..H..=1 .... e Ofel"": aefl~cl~ ~ff UIJsse!3:: Ill'IleterfrainaLc tae_i:ilJlS &. rr8mes lnaree mool~S: e.Quation.: s10{)e (!efj'ec!i04"l

1. t Mermi.ng snd s-cop.a anl hr([pDlogy ~.2 RelatiD.nahip with (lth~r disaipollna: HisfDry. Eccaru::rmic:s. :SoGicikig~. :aoo momenl: dr_'5.lntH.r11Ci1'll meLhods:; co"mll analogy. EP1I!!g~ men1hcd'!l; spfl'ru.rflt.2lfe and I'IILJmE!ncal meLhcrM 'PsyCh1:ilogy. Pc.li.i1::al SCia-neoe, tile Si;iet'L{:e, M-edieal Sei1!l",ci9. '1.J Main tar!!nChe.s of Anln~.(J.poIO!)y. rM Mtl'~1\{1 Loads. &h~Mng, f(Jree.aM berKl"~ mom1!lr'laL cFiaglams. intlLJente lines lor' Simple ana:J ~OIil.lnLJOIJS sC,(Ipe an.a re!oevan-ce ~.a) $ocjal'cul'l""r,fll f:!fllhrOIlO~Y (b} P"hys!.r;::0;1I ;on,Q bio-IQ9iC;f!~ f.i,j1It.fo!J'olo!J)". (c) b&am&. Ana1y!:is. ,oj -r:Ielermil'll!!t1!r .aMI id,llL.atmin.ale a.rehe~. Ma.Lri;< riiell'md~ 01 .:ii\al:f!li&. s1irtnea~s :rndl and Ar-ch-.8eIQ9ic;a1 Allthrop<lr-ll9~. 1.4 Hum:an E ... oILJ11D.n snd emel"gence o-f Msn. Organlc E'volutlon,· The CIIles: f)e;.:lbility mal,lce (ta) ,Ste.ei Oesl0i'1: Factor.s ~f safely and. I~a-;j rae'l.(lr~: o.e:sl~n 'en9-ion; eo:n'D"C3~iOI"l aM ~f eU"CIl1JtDIl in tlrstmic8ilp-EIrsp-eclive. P08r-D.8rwiniall. Darwini.an' .and Pcasl·Da:rwinian Peliod. :I'dcidsm Sf'nthetic flaxul'al mi3mbel"i!l; bLrrll LJP beams .amI pl_3tflgrrd'flrs oS.!!m!-rrgrr.:t cc.nne.:::llCn D-a:s!g,n Df StaJ1.:::llron:!l. slabs and Theo.ry ore-,.olu.kan ~iie( lIutlin& 0-1 Lerms. and eonc:e~s lIr -e .... oluUona:ry b-ioklg:," (Do.'II"S Wis. Cop(l's rul-e. guSS~LI3d b<is-es.: gentry" ~ird.l':S: roM .r~:!;S&s;: iMLJsL~IM:rM mul.islo~-eyed bLJil.;jings. pl.astic. erasign. 01 G8aJse's- flJle, Paral~Flsm, eo.v~rgeflce, a(lap1ille ,adiation, mosai-e elJolutlofl}: Pr'ln:eipal oOf !3:),:SL-ematic 8nd ~rarne3 afla:J pOrl81s (':J F: .. C. Onlgri: WO!f!i;Fng 3trees ,3110 limit Slste meLn,?alS .of cJe!3:lgll: Design of '!j:la~. ta:!cof"ll[}m~ major pri mats talCa. tertiary and quaterni3ry f{l-S5.[:i prima'es, Svstema.ic8 of I-lominojdea an.d Simple and conllru.KI'S: D,8a ms ree-tsnllie T &. l s ecIJon~. colLJ mnB. Foool ng~;!j I ngle and comol n:a.e ra ft :Hl),m~nid:re. OI'iQin ar\d 8'i"011JtiOns Or Ma.n~r,HlImo are~h.ls aM HlImta :!;apiel\$·, 1.!5 IPl'lyjogen.[(; s.Latu'. founaaLiOM, El'e-..atl!l:-d w .. t&~ Unl<s, e~sed be.am:s. aM el1ILJmn:s. Matl"lods,.aM syslems of pres.rMsing:

Ch.eracteflslle:-s anCl ![Ji:slriDuloon ar Ihe fOl1O-nlng (3-1 PreplestoClCel'lc.e rou£! p;rima.1es:.OreOplthet::U!3:. (b) SaLI1.t1 anch.Ofa:ges. losses in Ilr-es I re5:s.

snd Eai!lt Af~an Hominids-Plea_sianlhr-llpLJ:s:IALJ!llralopith-aC'l..ls Afr&ilus:. :P8Iranthrop'LJ:3. AUI!l1fB.lDpithecus:.(c) . _ . PSTh _.8

ipar.al'llth.r'Op-LJs-h1:i1YL(l .Mclu!l~l"Iomo e~~CLuSjav~.nir::u&. H':"mO e-1Mtu<& P&:kin!l<s.i~ {d) Homo 1t-t:~id.alb&r9e-ntiS;. (a' Fluid M'Erchan.ks ; [}yr\.aniie ~r Illrid fkIw ~ Equ.ali~.ns a.r etantinLJity. en.gery :and! mr:am~ntLJm, B&mOLJlli'~ {oj ~eanderl"sl M3n.la.Chapelle.a...e.S.s!llt!J {Classlea1 ')'Ile) Mr. C8rmell!es types (!PfQlgfe-'SSJ..-e ty,pe) .(f) 'I'IeQfem; ca ... I-a!loI;In. 'Velocrty ,l)Otef1tf31 a:Fli3 s.eam liJnc'Lkan, roLaLi(lll'lai t!1'I:(!~rQI;(IIti'onal JIo-w. rree an"=, lorced RhCldi;jBiaf'l man_ ('Ii) I-loma s;apiar:r:;:~ c[,(]DKl9DC1n. G~maldi. Chanc:eled'Ei. Rece.n. ,r;rd ... ance!j: in undel"i!ltandin.g "'.ert~'C'e~ flr;rw n~~ Oim""n~'ll)nill, :iIIn.r;rIY'!O-i$ iil"nd i'$; .e~p'If.cir,fi(iI'll!,-r;r, P~Ii!'Cfi~l.pr.r;r.~rlf;!m$. Vi~;;:ol,l~ ~ . .'k.l'-':' betw~.r;rn t11e 'Bvolu'i;;.n. di~Lrioolkan and multidisciplillary ap-proaa::h Lo< und91'l>l<mdi a flJ'.5.&i] L~l1a in reiatio<n or oLher:;. SlEllC ar.d rm ... rng psrallal plales-flow IhmuQ-h Circular luoas; !11m ILJ.bIICillion. VeloCily dlsrlliutloo In lamlrNlf 1.6 E,wh .. 60_a"_" Irena; a I'KI elassiflc8Llon or Lne oroer prirnaL-es,.Relalfonsl'llp- wlm 01Mf m!!li'llfQal:3-. ITlOleoC!.!!.a, .and! 'lLJrbLJI£ln.l rlow: critL(;.d1 ... elcr.(:ily; l~o.:rn-, Stampton diagr.am HydraLJliC ar'ld -energ), .grade fines.. :siphOM: e'fOlullQI'! of Prlrn;(lltes. Comparative an.a!o-m:t or man anal aDe'S .. P-,rfl'f'la'e locomotion. teJresul.a! 81'lQ arboreal pipe fletwork· Foree:!; .on pipe beoas. COmPfe!3:slble flow, Adlab.atic t!M ;serl-LI""O~It; (low, .9:wbsOJ"lic -i:lfld .ea;tept:;llion. $ke-let~1 Chi;l-nll"ElS ~ue to Elrfl~'ct iXI:;;llIf"e end iI$ impli.:;:.elion.~. 1.1 CI,JIt.f,J~1 E..-oh"llion·tartaad ou'Jine~ supefsonlc ... eloclly; Mactl nLJ mber shoc:k wsva. w.aIEir h~ mmEir. (b) HydrsLJ II c Englntaerlng : OpEn ehannel 0" ptshiSiolic eul'lure tal Pall!l:Cllithjc ~b) MeS(lIMi.e [e) Nertli.l'lic (d) ChCllooliLhic: {e) GlIpp_et.!Bl"(Jtl2:i9 aga: UI now· uni1o,m :rfld Mn·t.lnllnYI!. !row'. M:a. l'IIyClr:rLJ.le ~rO:SS--Mc'iM: SP8WiC &n1!lrg:,' .a:lld ei1iliCal (j1J!l~lh, lion age. gracJl.I.all~ -.-ariM.PIoDw: cf.a:s:siftCatiorr of s,'I.I"ace pfo~le:s: WfI'foOt se.cli~: s!-8ndil'\'g' w.a~ 11_'U!I\6~ ~ii.J~oijle$ ana:l 2.1 ,Family. Definition and typo!-cgy Family hoU!;eoold a_nd dllme-.5:tic: '!lroLJ,IIS_ B.a!lk s:tnJctLJre and runc:lt{]nB: w.ave-s:. Hy.dr:;III..F11C pump. De:!Llgn Df cansls: = Unlined charmE!1 In !lIIIJ ..... tLJm. Ihe (::rlllC-8llr3cll ... -a Sires'!!:. S.ab-ility a.nd .ch<inges in family. T:fpc.'logieal a ... d iJrtI(;.8S.!:IJ":a1 approaa:htls- Lo. the Slutly ,M ram~:.-. Inp.i!lct lIi p~inCiph9:!; (11 :sedi_men1 Lrdns,po~l. regii'llll lh-eoMs linac'J -thall'llel:s; I"":fd~.aulic d"e:s.igl'l aMI cool'n::' :rllaly.sis.; 'l.il"b:!!ln!z_alon. II'tdUS-tr~I!.I.:s!1on. ed\:lca11on anQ reml""sl rnOliemenL.9:. uni'lefiJ8lily or f:(lit'fl!1y. ctril«lu-e. :2.2 Co:nce~, c:Jmin~,ge behioo Ilning. Canal :Slfdehrro:, Designs 01 re~iJl.aUO"!3: ",o~; eros.:!l- cka.lnel.ge ISII~, ape;r::hJCL~, or kins:hip: [I E!finition of kin. illoast prohibitio-.n .and ex.ogam)' a.nd end(]ga.m~ !Principlas 'of dE!scenl ·IYiIles: me •. enng !lumes Elt-c. Can.i31 (]u~lets, 01".,111 r Headwo rk:!l.= PnllClp-!e- (]f d8S1!l1l 01 diffelenl pa,rI C)n Imparmeabte .and fLJnctiolI:!;;. PoliLical .and iur.al aspect ot kin:&'l'Iip. Ul'llil~nearl. bilaler'.al arM dOLJble d.:r.:ocErnl. Oes,cflili. :ar'"L1:l p&rtrnlabla rt.uM.aliOM-; Kho!lla·s. Lheo.ry: EMrgy dE-t.ipa.tio.n. SMlimjj-n. -i!I ... ~IIJ!:ior."l. Oam:!; : De!li-gn 0' flllaLiof'! an..:! co-ms:alemera'i3JY ri1iatil).l'1. 11(lfl.StJlp termln'o-!ogy tjl':cOl'ogy aM aDP~oac~H~:S to- the stuay .() floglcJ darns. e~f.h (I~m!i. rOfces actl_fl!iI .oJI odaros stability a.!li3I~.9:!:S,_ -spiliwa)"s'Cli[fefel"llt t-:,"pes a.ntl !Mif IlEInniru::rl~y AI[iBooa .800 descant. 1:.3 t.'I::lIrfiage· DeFinitiDJl. lypeS 8fld,'I,Isrialicn (if marriage sys:taffiS. Oabales: ~.'I.Ift;;;bilIIY. Oe$~r!I (if splllwf:lY!l. (If;;) W!l'fl:s O!.n~ T\J bo W'oOli~: SQil Mectr~nl'$ ;f!I~ 101.1 r]aaLions En:gin;;.er1ng. 01'1 'the Uni .... ts.al d&1inition. of Marriage. 'R.egulatiM or Marrlidg9 prefef"1:lnli.al. pJ&$criplive. PI'EI:scriplive a.M SDit Me.:::ha.nic.s. Origin and cla!l.:s.iflCtllian (]f SCiilB: Auerburg timit., ... oid ratio; mDiElure cOlllents; I1Brm!!ability; lIpa-n systa:m. T:,"P&S aM 101'1'11 I)f ll"iaIt'iil!.a,ge DO'M)". ill"tld8·pri~. peM.atilln and man'i.age s.ali-il:ily. labora~ory a.nd listd .easls. se~ p<lg a aM Ilow nels. flOw LJnder hydr.a.ufic :&tr LJc.t'l.US$. Uplifl and qu Ik .&CiJ1a:J 3. ~ Slu~:t or C'IJilure. :I:I.eHern'S !Jl1d p.r-o-eesses. ICon ceo. or c"ILure . .:aaUems (If CI,II'\ife. felsUonsl'll"s COfIoiLiol'l. ul'lcollfln.e.;l ~n-c! Cflrec\ shear 'e:s-Ls: ~tla);.lal tesl~ earth pr~!3:~ii.m~ lnOlre:s. s.abili.y or slopes. fe.lsLionsl"ii,p o.elween cutiure and civi[izaijoJl and 5Dciet~. 3.2 C!Jnc:epl of Social Change alld cLJIiLJr.a1 cl'tBn!le Theort-a;s or so,1 c:on_'S.DI[d8:tio~ rEileo 01 s.i3111E!menl Total and eHect, :s.tr-a:!ls snal~sLs:. pressLJIe- dislribLFtion in :3_3 Sodal stru~.lJt9 an-d so..::ial ~i'g.ani:!.alion. Ral~artlalp-si.& .and sot:i.al fl1!Itwork. instilutians. g~oups s.oilSi B(luSSi'l~que:rna:! wesler'guard .Ii~is:;,. SOil slatJ.i2:ati(ln i.n !~LJ,Ma1iLl-n Engineering. Bae-adr'llgl eapaCLL-y communlt)', SocI81 S1r:Batlficallo-:n= Ilrlnclple5 :Band rorm. stailu~" c:li;as:s ~nd p(lONef. g-end~f. n:;!1ure and 'ype9: or Foott:l'l9~ pill!3: 8n-ci welfs. a:r~slgn of ret8'i"lng wall':S: stleeL pile!3: eal'lid ci31ssol'!9:. M3Cnl.f1e fo ... nr,Mtlon!3:.

of mobili.y. 3.4 Coneapl of 8{]-cietp- 3.15 Appro:ilchel> 10 the :::.udy (If CIIJI'LJle Blild 8(]-cie!'1-elaasieal . P'APER· It (PART· A)

oOvol-LItioni smr·~n QO~oevo.lytiOr'lism eultu roO 9C.oIO~)", his. "l"ie.al pM.ieul.a,i:!:m .elM Clif("'Sionai.S;Itl, s..,uc Luta I~ (<I ~ S uilditlH COli :s:trucLion ; BlJlldil\g MateMls :ii'lld oc-nStfUWon- Ilmb-ef. SIOM. brie'k.. ~8liiM', Me-i!ll &a nd. fun(;t;I)I1;;r_lI~m, ;;.ylture ;f;in~ pe~oni!!llty. tr;:rn~f:lctFon • .eil~fT1, :r-yrnoboll::!-m CIQ91'1.ea!l .... -e ~~~rQ~'Ch ;:;In.;! new mo,tar',con-crete, p.:;!!rr~ 8r'l-t:! \lamlshe!3:. pl::!~tlc!3. W'~'!r.p'~l!n9 .afl.d ~>J.mp p'iXI.fing m~le.fl;(!ll:s-. ~et:a!ling 01 elhf1:(]graplly. post s'lUc[uraliEm aJld p<ls~-mod.arnjsm. wall'!l .• loors. roofs, .s.taJrcss.E!S doofs and WIOOOWS. Flru!!-IiII')!I of ~lJIldlnll' p'la!;_~emllJ. pOinting. palntlnll'. ~L-C. 4. 1 'D~1ill_ilion:s. and ru nctio-ns or W'lt,gioll. Ar1iLhrl)'_POIOQlieal approaollO~ 10 the; ~tud:p or mlL,giOg.evolutionary. U:s.a- 0.1 builditlg . e.odle.a-. _ Ventilation. :iiI GOndi LiOnit"rg. Builditl9 eSlimatM ar'KI ::s.p.eeHiea Lion:a.. C-on:!iItLJ Clrtrn p:9y(:hologlcaal an~ run'CU(l ... ~:I, tis.gk:. wltchClaf~ .fIlld' sa;;.rcery. deflnll!ons a.nlj rUl'I:ctlori an'l.1 funcUaJ-fl;(llrles: s.cI'tEad'LJling PERi ANI) CPM melhOd~. MSe eMrs. !~l.Railwa:,-"5 a.ii,d Hig.hw<Ii]l':!i Engineering; Railways-

C-Q,l1rJr.!~ ••

Size: Z5 em x 38 em = 950 Sq. em.

P'geNo. : 9

(A nu Image Makerl

$.ECTION ,A: Poots

I .1 ..... ~ __ , ... ,.s:~_,-~

Permanent 'way ibailblO;l. s.lraaper. cMir and .as~eni~gs.: _'oinl and CMS:Sings,_ Clilferlenl .:,ope:s. o'r lum cuts. Eeumetlons of tractive effe~ and eI'"tBlQiY requirement Traoooo morora and their cherectenatlea. ~ti) :PQwer cress-ever 5:e'LLln9 OLl', of pclnre. "'a,n'enances: of wack; sceer eeveucn. Cr8i1lP- of rahs. fu!lf'lg gfa,d1ef.!ts, SY!item:s and Prctectlcn ; 1. type:s of Power S1-ali on ; SelaeLion 01 .si'e_ Ge-.ner til laYOoul 01 thermal hydj"O lIack tes,i:s.l:ance reactive eFro.rl ClIi'Ve j8$isLancoB. Sl:.aliOn yar'(!s aMI maCl'liile.&, ateucn t!uildings.; p:laL10rm ~rrd mrcleer etaucns. Eccncmics 001 difter~n:~ typea. eeee Io.a(j end pe-e!o;. IQed ;51.;1I1Qne_ PumlJei;l strcreqe sidiI'l9S;. tum tables. Sign8J::: and intellocking;!evel croaetnqa, I)l'a"ls, 2. In!'lli)!'I''Ils!ojl !:!I"~ Olsl~lbl,Jllo!"l : /J"C. apo O,C. Tra.nsrnlssicm systems. Transmtssfon tine 'Ro:lld3i'11Ci R:'I.!I'IIW3yS ~ CI;(!Iss,iflcal!ofi of roads PI8I"'n'n.g .geQme1ric Qesi~I'·1. O-esJgn o! fle:dble an1j ,Ig!-.a pa/amel'ltJS CIII(t .c..atrul'aLiOl1&. Performance 01 short. MMium and IDtlgI u.al\s,mis.s.iotl '!'ina A.B.C.D. par.ameIEII'~.

~~~S~:i~1'~~I:u:~;:~~;l~g~ath8ring, eunacee. TIB.m engineering and Ir.affie: su~ey, irrt~rsecti_Ons roads t~i~:'~t~,:~e:~~r_~~~e~,~~~~ o~~D~~t~a~~~i~~i~~;~~'~~~~:~~~~ Cc~~U!.~~~~re:~~r~g;ecPs~~,::t:~l~i

{~) SIJi"VIIt),i Ill) ; Plan LaNe Surv-eyil'lg E(julpment oS: m-elhM:S, solutlcn 0' J &. "2 pOii'lt ~mbli!ln\S.. Brr'clI'S and plJWel !3)'s tem. Symmalrical and unsymmemcat Iauh :illn;81y.s.is. S),mmalric-al components and their app-!ica1Cln preoeurfons. Tr!Bngu'latID.n_ Grades B85.e".lIna and na measurement. Statelne steuon. ln1.ef'l'lsibi'llly of st8llocJs: '0 racn afl3!ysls. L.oac fi~ afl31)fs,!S lJ_slng g3IJss.selc:la.1 and NewLQn.RapJ'lson, I1'I&LnocJs;. FasL c'e.cou,P~eCl Ol'&a\ TrigOonOM&LriCal SIJI"V1!I)".CJof IMia. ErlOrs. an(! le-as1 iSClu.a1'8<S, meU'l(IC! general melhOds, 01 leas! (jua.r'eS IIl;Bd new. S.e.ady state and uensfern "5.t8bllily. Equ.al area criler,ion EccnomM:; operenon erd power eyetern mi3.hod wilh in,erdisciplinary epproech. Adj.uslmen, of level nets and 1riangular nets. MalrDc notation aofutiort. me-ern ental fuel costs aocJ fuel. HI te. P'eJ'ialt)' ractes. .AL..'F,C and A V.R ~Iltrol: lor real' LI~e opeflltiO<J'l 0' L.a),ou L 0' evrves: Simple. c_omiPoul')d. reverse transttion 8nQ ... e_I'Ucal cur' ... es. Prolecta SI,trVey:s. and .ayOow, inlel' COMeCUl(t pOW"Br :syslem, J, Protectlcn ; Principa.l 01 are e;ll;l'nCLiM, GlassiriealLion (If ctrcun bl'a.vke. 01 CiVil En!)iMerir't:g w~.rk:s ~u;tl'l as lbuikHngs. btidg,e~. tu.nn~l~ .tind hydi'O~'l!t-ttrie Pr'Ojf!lc.t [ntfMl:Idiru'l te R-e$"iking phenc-moe-n'On. C .... tcu l:;IItiQn. c-F res ~rrlt;ing ilru;! roe-;;:o"'-ery vQ,!t:;l-goe:;l_ Int-erl""\lptiQn '01 ~mell ind\Jo!;: tiv~

l)-.otogromr11,etry.1M 'R;emote :seflSb'lg,_ aM cap.CI(;il), N& currents. Te'SlLng 01 CiJcull Br.eCllfu!l~. 4. R81i1ylh'ijl' P'r[i1&lpI195 ; p,imal':,o .and b.aek-Up

ealU,:...iB relaying; over currem. dilferen1ial fmpedance and direction re!8yin!J principles. Conanucrjonal details.

{a) 'Waie..- Re scurcee Engillsertng = Hydrology-Hydro![)Qic cycl8: prectpnatlon: eYS,pClr.alioIl- transpiration PrQ'ecliofi schemes lor Lr;(lln.slYl~ssol'"l nne transrormerj genera._or anCli bus peiecucn. Cwttefl';(II1O p.o\e~tiel and il'1lfll"alion h~'ogr3P"'s: 'Un:iLs nyCl'rograph: \,I"I.s ihyClf'OoIJf~flh: FloOCI esurnauon ann f,-eQiJeflcy, 'Plaflning li.afls.'on-nill' aM their appliealion:s, in rela:,oing L'f"Cliyalin!JI wa._.-e:s. P~18ction. .against :sul'.g.e:s, Surga, imptldatJce_

for water Resources Gmund and !;:U rtace water resources; eu rface fll:vws:. Smgle and ffi"utfipurCIpose projects (On

:SLQfiil-ge Ci!1P8c_ity, reser ... olr losses: reservofr :sIWng ueoo (o!J\:in..g, Elef'lefit cost raue. Gel181a.1 Prfnc1P]es or. §_E,C~~L.~gI1LCyU'.j_IlI)

Clptlmi:ta.LiM. Bem_1!In1~ 01 w.a1.er Resources management. Wat&-t raqu Ir'(!Imen~ rcr CJ'OpS-!:i:uCllity (I. i.rr'iga1iM (7} C'iJ mmunlcauon Syatlll rna = Amplilud.a,_ FreqLrellCY and phase modLIlaticn and 1Ileir eompartaonSerereuon W81,er,I;:Dn.:!l.Umplive use.cr weter.weter depth and Frequency oll_lTlg8.tlDn; dUly of weter: ~rilgElltf,cn methode 3n.d eeteeucn ct arnplcute frecl;ueney, phase aM PI.IIM rnooul;a'ed: S[9f1als !.Isjng esematcrs Moctu'~1OfS arid e'fflcE1!lncies._ DisLiibulic-n s)"s-tam fO~ cane! il'ri:gatiafls d81ennina'LiOl"J (I. i'-eQulri!lCl ch;:IIn;i'le-1 capacity channel end demcdufetore. Nolee problems Charmer efficiency. Sam~ing theorem. SiJund' and ... isicn broadcast Ioeaes. Alignmen~ of main and -di:!llriDUt.ary chennela. W.fl1i;iII(]gginl} its causes and Q[}I1Irol, deeiqn or 'fi3r'1smittinoal'loCl 'eeeivln~'!fjls':erFI:S, Mlef'll'lasa"Cllfeeider:s. Transmlsslcn nees ar au>db, raC!lo_.iiil'lcJ w~ttal'1!:g!'l g,-a'l1sge s)'stem: sen :S~llnl~y, FU v er Lra~nl:ng pnllClples aM mell'loos storage W(lfKt)l)_eS of Oams (1n.-chuO'in.g Iroe(juenCie.s.. Fiber OPliC;;S. a-M op.iCM commlJnit:ali(lfi systems., mgu.al eom.l'Ilunicati.on:; pulSIIJ: eMe earth Cla.ms} aM l.h1!lir ctIar'-t11!lI'is.il'cs. pr'in~iple~ ,c.f c:lMi~i'I, ,cl'ile/ia 'or stability. :FouMatl-oti tr'4!latm-elitj modulation. Data oommancenon state-fide ecmmuruceuon. Computer communlcatlcn system- lANlSDN

~'~:i:~g~~'~:r~~ira.~:~ a~~~_~~~i%~I'~:I~~~~ ~~~n~~~~r~~~:Z<1~~~i~~ti~~t~·~:t!r~d~ ~~~~~icl ~eC:~~~~~:::~~ ~~~~=::'!J~!_s:~~~:!:~~ :1'~t.'::n~~!nO~~~~~n~~1:~~~~!eWd~:c~~~f~r;!~~~

waste dleposal aenttery sppli~ces;. latrines & urinals. (t::j Envlronment.al Engln&lIIrlng : IEIe-melary ;(!ImpHilels. tilicfOoWave feeet"elS MierO'l'l-a-ve rliLers 1;I1'IcJ: l1'Ie.as,-urefllel'lts,. ~lcrowave ;(!II'"ILeI')I'l;(!lS.

PflnciJ)Jes, or echOloogy a"c.il eca systems anQ .helr fnter-ectlcn wlUl, enveoomenr. En~ine-el.ln!l aelMtly a~Q ~JJl!iJJ.j!ib....,W.tIllJLi!l_b'[IIjI~I}I3..L.=.1

envlronmenr pollulion_ Erwltcnmern and ne effeci on human he_alIt! and BelivL1y - Air eOYIIOnm8nt: major DNail SLuoCY of IMHI r)' aCie (19'h eeTllury): lne Q8pel ..... 111 cover .... e sWd:/ 01 En,glisn Llterature from 1798 ~,?Itu1.a"ls a~d .~ei' aa'~ers~ .err~LS, L)'Pe-s or ere C:.le.snEl'lg de-ees. ~3te' Qua;'lty:pa~me.ers. aavera 10 1900 wilh. .s.p.eCial rM-erM.ee 1.0 11'119 w'OrK!; 01 Willian WIl-I(t ..... odh" COleridge" Shelty, K~.ats, Lamb, Ha:i!:lin. oB.'~cts. I'I'K!M:OMir\O. ~all "ul"i'lea,~M (lr s.Lr'l!lam~. ~o..h~ w~~L~:s.; COld8-CIEng, sy~!e-.m aM _dl~;posai MeLMds, Thackeray. DicK811:!l. Te"nn),:!I(]n, RoEKlrt Browning', A_C. Swinelmme', D.G. RDssetti', C.arlyl.ani:l Ru.s;kin. ltie.lr s8!eclOCln .andop-EIrallon. Typ-x::81 Feal'~ri3 of waLer dl::s-t.nbutU:}l"i ~ystems; D8man~, 8I'IaJlabkinaeil n81work 'the canClicHltes wlil' be reQlJlred to eY;nce firs. !'Ia.no reaclQgl, fihe pa.per 'Wi!! ~ deslgoeg.o !e:st candida.es analysis, MoO-Iage. c.orrosllon, Typical rei!l.tuNls of :S,!lwefi!Qra sy:s!em:s.; 'Permi:s:S.ib:19 ~&IOciti&:&. 'Par1ral rIOw Ihrough und'er:s;ta,nclingl of1he main: liter8ry Irend's during the parilXlwith relereoc8 1.0 the eulh[){!;: PJescribed_ in c-irC"Ulel BElr ... ers, non-ctrcu ler :!I eclic:m, ,cormp--s.i(]n in 8 i3 rvers, conslrucl ion and m8 in ten,8ne:e s:eweI Qoestions 00 Lile soDa.1 and: eu:l,ur;(lll: back;g~out"ld: to ttle pedoo wi:!! be alSo set.

apR!.Iflefl8nces" IPumplng of seW8g>e, pu mbl!'b9 sltllrl(lams MC sys.ern:s, e"oJlfl)nmef'lta.1 manaqemen.. e_i!I_jli!It.=_J..l

:u.1d_~L,~1'L~~E;BI1iG.L...Mf._l;:ll=jJeARI=-A.). 1 hEi p-aper will D8' d'8$igne-d to le:!l' c.andidste,s: firsl hand! re8ding .[if !hs te:(1 alDmgwith Iheir abili1y 1.0

1_ Theory of Machlne51 ~ Kil')8m.aI~8S and -dynamic an_.alys:is or pl8n_er mecl"ianism, !Bell and chain driYes:, e;t;amine lil&rac)" PMbl.em:s. er'iLi~ally_ 1. William 5hilk"'5pear.g ; Twa-un Ni~hl Henry IIV Pt, J. H.amlet. 11M Ge~1"!i- .and; g.aa~ It.airu:. Cams_ FlywhNI. G.ov~(mo.rS. B.alafleing .of roO.atiort& and, reC~p.1.oc:aling m<1IS_:r;o:s._ Tempesl. 2_ Joll.n Milton: PSl";1Idise LDst Bc.o!O;-1 .& H J. J8.ne Au::::len: Plide anrd Prejudioe_ 4. W_ single and muW c)'llnder II;Ingines. Flee, filicoed and d.alDJled vitJ.Islill.n!l (-S:Lngle degree or fieedD.m) Crilica'i WOtC!:!owo,.t\: ·lil'IrTl_Ort.8liL'jI Od'e- ·Tfn!,ern Ab'be{ $, Olc1<oi'u: : GreaL E,)(p.e!c'ations. I). Gf;zlna.m 0"0001l : :S,peec!:s Mell Whlfllng or shafts. Auta.m:all~ CQfllrolS. 11he p.ower:antl the G!a.ry, 7. Williilm Goldinl) ; Ur'd (IS the Flie-s., 8. W.O. 'feal_5 ; "'"fhe Srti:cOI'Idi coming; Z. Mal;hanil;:5 'IJor Sotidii; Str,g..:;;:;. slrain l'el~iOnlitlip a~ analy~iS (in IWO diMen.siOns}, Sl..rain energy OCItIC8pls. ·BiZ;(llI1I1~m", ·Sa_iliflg.o eizal1!lwn~, ~A Pr;(ll),er for Injl O.augh.er". ·,L.eaa ;j!1'Ic1l1'1e SM!lI1~. g., T,S. eliot: The

~~::~6~:,~~~~r~::,lf~!h!~~SI~6~~~nC!d~~~al~e~:;~;~:V~~i~.;~a~i~~~~~~i~ibTu~i~~a~~~~!~6!i ~W~"~L.~ .. ~n2!'"C_. '~·tc· !!_D.o!:Htc, ~~w~ ... !!n~o~.,c;s",o,.."',,~,,~:,,:lju;i:LR;;;~"'~;';I~;"A'"."'ER" .• '-:-:_:"'F.'A .. R"T;- •• A-----------

~~as~~~~r~~~I~:;~~8is ~hk~Lr:~~~~:i~~ ~:II::~:~:~~~~~:~~'I~~ ~~~~~efB:a~~I~I~~~~~~:~109~~.E-s.N~S ~~r~:~:il,O(~~ ~~~S~%-!~i~:'ieg~::!!, i~L~~ L:~] D;~~,' ~~~:'~~Ir~~~ ~:~~~Aif~ll~~' ~~j (~~i~~~~

Bod bi:nary phase djEL>gr8.m-SlruClures and l1Iopell1ie.s or commoo eJlgine8ring' m8larials 8ml spp-lications_ !heo~les .or.tJ..e origin or Ur.ou lan!(rL.!;(IIge. (2) (a) OevelODment of UroClu L.ILera'ure I" Deccan. (b) Two Ctasslela-'I

Hea' "ea'ment of steels. P"olymels, Ce.ram[cs. COf'liPOS~ ffl;fI'er1s.ls. ScJ'IM.lS (11 Urdu poetry- Delhi &. luCk.,o. ...... (c) Oev&lo.pmenl (11 Urdu pl'~se uptOo Gh.alltJ f3-,1 (a) Aligarh

~. . . mcvemen1. Romantic trends (]f I1TOg .. esl!lille mc ... emen L an.d their impacl 00 Urdu ljti;lr8 [ue. (b j Uldu literslure

4_ Manuract~Jrlng ~clenc& : ~.anUr3ct~ring, PKlCElS~ ti~~is ~nce-Jl1.a _ mechanics;_ ?f. :Me1.I!II,1 cuFfing;.- Merch.ant's: art~r indel)enCIenoe.

1(;11'(:18 a.nal%-Is. lOYJI?r':S 1.0001 [I.e .aqu.aLIOr'II, Maehal'lllatNlity, EconomK:~ 0' ma~hl:i"ll.n~. AId'(lm:J_dlM,NC aM ~

CNC.ReOEind mach.lnlng method-EDt.1. ECt.1. EMB. Lt.1B, PAM a_nd USM_ An.aIy:5:~ nf f[}JTmng p-IOceseo.s;_ (1:_1lmp-orta,._t gon(t:sh Qf ~(lo)tr)'. Ghl!!;i,~!._ Qa~ldI~, Mar3IYf1.M~sI'l8 ... 1 RI.!b;!l:1. Qu"l~ r4~!iim, Ellflillk Vei''ic. ttl?h er'le~yfaLe folm.il'lg. Ji~saJ'id rudures.C\!Uing .ools GalJ~-es, rJ'iSl)ectiofl._of_I~Il!I'~S angles .ana:_Sl.lrface F-f'M Ver.!;i8 [2llmpoilanoe 01' proSe ~ OeSlal'll, No'ya! Sh(I,L SLM~. D.arma, li!eraey Criti,eisM, BiOgr.aplly, fIn~h', !S. Mam.ifal;;tunng Man .. gemenl; P'IIO,auct ,deyelopmenL. Value atlal),SIS. IBr.aeak. svel\ .anal:fstS:. F(ll'e~ E:!;ISBy. (3) RDle (]f Urdu lileraEure in keed'om movement.

casting lecM5QUe3 Oper;f!'~f.ls ScheC!wlil"'9, Cap.aciL"y pjal'lniQg', MSembljl :F'lne ba'l;}'n~ilQ, CP"M ana, PERT ~

IMenlO-ir oonlr'CIl. ABC a.nalysiS, EOO mo.ciel, MCllter~1 jsquirement Planfl~ng J!l1:i Cle-s.ign" Job s.Landia/M. This: j:)I3p8r will rE!quire fir:!lt haoo reading 01!1te te_:(t::: pre:!;l.cril:J.Bd .and will be d'8signed! to rest the e;and:id'aleos

:!~~~i~;.11~~t:u;I!~ ~:;:~~~~~~,j 'O~~~~ro=~:~::r:~~' 1~~~f~r:~~:':~ifl~~~:lp~':' a~~~~:;~~ ai tieai aoi!it)'. fAW.Ji.!A__[ffLQSf)

~c~:u~er:~~~~l~i:t~o~~~F i;~~C::tl~9mr=~~~e;[~i?~~~~ q~::~~~~~W:g:~~F~~L~::.f:8:a~:.u~~p:s~ ~~q~~:~~~e~~~:,:L~~.1~~[~iB~~:~a(~) u~r~~ bja~I~~~(~tp~:!lig'h ;~~ ~r p~~I~hi~~lf~ ~J,:af~~~

1-,2-4. c. EJementalfy prog.r'al'l'lJnj~_ ',. Ar::;::,mey, Ed. Pml_ Qamar Rais. (6) A_bul Kalam A.zad = Ghubar~&-Kll.alir. (7j-lmtlaz An TaJ : AnaJkal'i ~8)

PAP,E:R - II !'PART ~ Aj_. .. _ Qura' ""I Aln I-Iydlo r : ,L\jc hit. e.SMb 10:18 t-Ia_JPi-Uf3r.

,. t:her_modynami~5; Ba:;i~ C:(ln~pt.& Firsl Eaw :and. it:; ap'p_li(;:~Li_'On. S~;;:;Clnd 1':I~_it:S_VQroltariB:; and I?ARi,_B_{POET,RYl

~~~~:!~~!lh e~i~e~'s ~~~S T ~d:e e:.~~t~ ~~!e~~~n~1u;:~~~:~·~~~~'~~~I~:~:~?1~~~I!~~.;1 '~r~~s~~~.nr~~~ g~ )Mij :~I; br~ta~i:b;r?~_~~:[~:.e~~~l ~:~~~~U~~~~:L-~~~J.b~~r:a;),-~-g:~~~:n~~,~~, (;~!~~hc:JI~~I~:J~~~~'~ ~~t:~~: ,~~n~~nS~~a~~~~~~~~I~~~~&na:~,s.~::ja~~anl !~nS~~~~~ r:~t:~:n~~~~e~:~::;~:~~~~~he~~ !.~~~~'i~~:~!~' ~=~~ :lrl~~~~~~~~I.-:;.~~.~~~~ ~1,~1~~~s~ ~~~(~~::s~I~:r!Nk~~;~:i~~~~~a~;!.

Iblaek ar'ldi non·:b!aek sui'faeM_ NeLwo~k. an.aIYSIS. 3, Fi:efen'QrarililloIl. and An- I;;oni;llbgnlng, vapooul o~

ccmp-resBiDn, ab8orb;li(m. ste.am jet snd 8jr I~Fri~'er'8tion sysL8m. pm,pertje"S: or ref,igersntB. ccmp-Iessors:_ ~~==-=-===::_:=_:JZ~l~A~R~A~B~IC~.~p~A;ep~~~-c:::-:==:-::::-:::==-=-::::

COM~n~efS. E:o:pans,on ..... a.ue ;H1Il.a evaw_ra~~r$, ,P_sy-cllmm.e'llc p'QlCes.s:es. C~mp.ofL zones, Coo1fng loaa 1. ~<i} Origin aM crll!l~eIOp'm&ll1 (If 11'1& rat1guago ir'l l)uUin&. (b) Sitll'lilieatlL FeatureS Of 1M goramm.ar (l.f LM

calcul:illtICHtS;_ All the Y8ar lDUIld air OIJnddPIJ ..... lni;J ~H Iangu;ag;8 a,nd Rhet-crie:b The' followFrrg loa'plcs_ ..... 1L.~1 .... 1N_.... ......... iI 1I..a ...... ~, .. ........,~

4. Intra rni!l I C'l:l'mbu:i;lion Engiiiill& ; SI an,(! CI etlgiMS_ :f'oQ;ur' s.LMM a.nd .WO str,OoU engines. Val .... e liming ""''''liII~'''~.''' ~~ ~j

d~grams. CDmtJ.1J!llicn phenc-meml in SI :and CI. engrnes.. DetOll8ition .and k,nacking_ Choice_ of 8Ilgin.e rU8IB. .. ....... ii~ ... ~ • ..,. ... ~ ..... ' ic-J~

O-etane andl eMan~ 11tItitigs. ComtJ.ustiM (l11ueis, 'E:lI'Igines.emi~Sion aM contl'OI's Engii"l& Ll'ial. $. ~,~~1 ... ~pJl"'~I~'

~:~~.[iO~;~I~.~i~I~~s:~~!:~il~ni~·~~I~~r~Oa~~~,:p:~:f~t~n~~:r:~:~ FI! e~~~:Sfsq~~t~~~L~~;~~~:~~~ ~~;~~~~~r~~!O~:e~~ t;~~~:_rbri~~~ ~ i~V~Ic~:~rtY of m~::~~~"a!~i~~~~~~~1 i~~"~i~~~n!~!rs,:~~~

aM oomol'e:S.G.ors._ Di8maflsiG.na1 analySiS and mMe'lil'lg" P.erlonnanc1!I 0' pumps. comprMisOors and turti.nes. !S1oQ'-~. a:t:(!lm;t!l & eSS-3Y,

-Ei. Pow~, p!,:IIi"I t:s : S,e'lection: or site ro' _ :S'eam, h)'d'O, ,nlic~ear al10 gas power pi a"ts •. Mooem :s.eam EAE._~

~rz~;:~I'~~~F~I:~B_du:st r"I!Il'I'1(I"aletjUiprna-nls, jtue-I aM CM'ing waL-e1' system. rMlm(ld~namic al'lal~S;S "thi:; paper will relquiroa First.h .. nd reading 'Of the L-ext prl!t~c:rilJad: and will b8 d'es!g-ned!13 'e:sl Lh.9 (;:iIndid'ate GO'Wiorrdl"j.g .or tilllr.l)llIIO$ : The-rmM)'namlc !Jnal)'"SI:s 01 g~s, 'urb~es power :plants. Non.oon"'er'l60f'a,1 po-wer Cff!lcal abllj!~_

plants slaar thermal Bnd wind generatDr. Economic pllW81 CJeIlefstion.

2!.....E.L£CTBICAL ENGIN!: ERING' PAPS;R.1 . 1. Im,aut Q.asFs : ti Is MullaQaI'I: lComp1e.e)

{i} ,c.M:" tho ry. Ar'taly.sis. Qi t=:lecLl"(Istalie a.n;:) mageto.:;.Latic M1C1's_ Lapaita Poiss CIon &. Ma:xw!l!oll's. a-quaLion. ·O'.lr_a, Nabkl min Zakrtl H'.abiOOin wa~ Ma:t'l:i!:ili"

i:l~~=:~:~~;':~:s arl1) w~::we~~~~ti&nS;~~~~i~~iS:s~~~~~- ,~:':fg~~ 1~~~e~:~~~n,.rhIl=&~:V: n~u~~~~ ~_ Z~hail Din. Abi Sul~ : H i!i:' Mullaqah (c~~'lBle)

:ap~liC8licn_ TranS;[8nl and !31.eady S!8iS;i3I 8nalysis or aY'5tems. Tr.anarorm tl?£:hlllqUEIS 8Ild circt.lit :analyeiB. -A min Umml Aura Dlmms:l1.Imlam lakallaffll

CIJ!.II)Pleo _cllclJolts. _Fl:esonEH!I' clrei,!lts B_al8l1Oed UlJe--e lP~as~ c:Jrewlt:s, .. Ne'W?ik rlJ nC'llOoI1S, T_,,!? :p;(llrt n.e_,wofk. J. A.I. Kn.O'i_i"i,sa : T!'Ie 1orlOl'.iFI'lg Lwo elegfes, fNm het O~Wi:!1'I

~1':~~:;.!~a~a!l~:~~:~j!E~:~~~~~r~~~~~~~:~ S:y~~~s~:I~e~~S-e~:a~e:2~~~:::_w~~o~r ~.~I4-s~~~~~I~~t~c~ ~1 Ta', ~~3r~ Ella!'613jd (CQmplete) , ~ ~ :;!?:::-.!'1

Standards. Measunmm' 0' ,_,'Olti3.g-9. C'I..Ilrent, p'lJowi3r 13"n;9rg,~, !power Fac:Lor. re:SJ5tan(;'8. Induot:t.m(;:9. II) ~:!aEck:lrunl tC(lmprf!lte) -- _ .-~ -

capacil . .ance. flequancy and kl~s 81n,gI8!;1-. IndicaLin9 iIl"S.LrumenLs:_ DC and AC Bridges:, E:lectronic mea!;:uring 4. Hi! i5i1n bin Th .. bit ; lila followill{l Oa:;a.idl rm m hi:; Oiwa.n; Oas.id'a N'O. I t{l IV

~r\~:~~:Qg~~~!I~~:~:~u~!:~a.'la:t~~\:r~~:~rf:~~o~uf~~P a~~~::~'~:;~l~s;I~~~n ~~:~:I~~~Sv=~~~~ ~ .. ~ ,,~~Ir' • ~",M:"'." Iq

~~JS:~L~;:' !h~~~~~;~Uf~etl\~1~~~.~;~~~~T~rs~i;~er~~~~i :~~Zn~~!~~f~~ c;ri!lSi:~~l~'t~~~S:a~~~~ .s .... .-L.J' .. Ww.,U.,J:'1 ~,IIJ~.~~ f"

dis:placElmen!, YEilocily_ 8CCIBler8liiDn, flow-r.ati3' elc_ [l8t8,-.acquis:itiml systems. (:iv) A.'Ila!Dg' &: Degi!81 5. Umiii.r bin Abi Rabiy<ill : ihe lOllOwing, lour Gh:a2:als "110m hi~ Oi ..... an,:

IE.ecuonlcs: semiconductors, ar]Q semIOOJ'lducLo' Qkioes .& :lefler·clIMel iBI· p.o11;!f jUf'lC.kifi "an-s,ISI,or an(l i) ~aj.a1TliRd iawaqa1ana [GOmplelll}}

~~,~,I~:~~mo~:~:i~~:ln:~~lffi:~s~~~. ~~~!~:'I~!L~~,t~:;~~;f c~~~~~:::, ~:~~~~'k r~~I~~~r:.'~:I:lt~s ii} L8li,s Hind'ao ~cDm~18Is)

aM HariJ9"y typi8s.. wavafol'm geMl'aLt!/S_ Mulli",Lb/Clit(lI'S;. soorean alga'bl'a. L(lgic. g.a.es_ Combin.aliOnal aM III) A/f1;(11n. Aa.I Nlarn (COfQ,p~te) sequen.liBL digitsl eirc.uita. Sernicoodue:lor II1II;Imori8:!1 . .AlD'& DIA ccmver1ers:. MicroproceBsor. Number sYB1,em iv), Kita.b (comptete)

.tiM ~d';';s, 9temQ.nl~ 01' MiCOIlOpI(l(;'H-i-INS ~ Lh.eir im,po~n_t ap~ie.atiOI'iS. 'vj ET!IIctr'il;:<i1 Miilchine5 ; D_C. 16. AI-'Filriilz(fa-q ; The rcJ1ICwi%l ~ O:asaid I'rom. his dlw.ani

~;;;r~~~n~~~:~II~~o~'nadn~:~~dat~~~,~:~.c~;h~~:~I~~!I,:=.~~: P~~~~C:e:~:::1:0~o~~~e~:~~~~~i~n ~~ In prai_S& 01 U~t bi~ A~ at~_A~iZ (,COl'llp!ete)

I'.al:al!azl 0iPoBt<iti(l:i'l. -Hingle .a n d th I'e e ph a se ir'tCI'LlWcon mOotol's _ Pri nei pia. .01 (I,poBl<iti(l(l, IP ~rfo.rm.a nee II) In prsl"5.e 01 Zaln al-Ahldlll All bin HaS:8ri (complele) cMmcLe risUc-s. s li!1r1n.gi3 M speet:l conLfol. Sjla.nchronOLJS Motors. P"rlnel;ple -of operaUo,n performance (i[~ W.a Atlas-a A.:s:5.alin W8I Ka na Sshil);8 {Comple1e}

~~~~j~~S~O~I:~1!n~~g~~1~~~r;~~{}~:~~e~~toT~:;nc5:r:r~~~,; i~~~:~;~~::1 ~~a:~~c~m~~B~~~~e~q~~:~&:~ til) WA ~!.I~n. T;(!II').3~h>a_I! Ad.~)'al A_lnan(C~mp~ete,.

transrormefs, (V) ~Uerh,! .. 1 Sel~n-ec: Theo-'y of SemiconducLors. C{IoOlijuctors 3f1Cf IfIS(JI,1Hors. 7. Ab'LI Tammam ; 'I'M lolr(lwlng lwo!r'Oin hl:S, D"iwilln. Suparcorrduc1ivit)'. V8lious ins:ulill!ors u5ed [or Elec.ri.c8.1 ami Elecimllic applicBlion.s:_ Differ,enl ma-gneti i) Y.afu.aahu Aba:-Ms.an ((;(lmplete)

matEillals, properties ancJ ap:plica;lions, HaU 6rfe,t. iil At WB'2 W8: al Zuhd (CDm~e1e}

1_ 'C:;ontlo'IEoglnel!!rin-g' : Malhem8ticsl M~~II~~fJYll8miC s)'sLemB_ Bleck diagr8.m 8.nd ain,ogle 8_ Aha~ad!!ll Sh~wq:1 : The rolk:rwing rOUJ Q8.5.aid rmm his DOOn {AI-shawClia4}: fJow .gfapoh. r,an5fe, runetiM. Tima ,es.poniSi9 a.nd rri!lClU1!lncy tMp.t:InSe CJo1 Ein,oear s.r:Slem:s.. ~li'Or' &"ValuLiOofi I) MasJiQ A;ja S,,'I:,;ah (VO'I. :11) (cOl'l'1l)lete)

Blcde- Plot. 'POI.a1 'Plcl 8_nd INlic1lor':!I chars. ga.in :M8rgin 8nd phsse t.1.arg:in St:l!liEily 0' tinBBr feedD.aQk Ii} GhCliM Buluni:J (vo.l.lI) (COmplet.a-}

COf'll'QI s:r5:terns, Fl:oIJLh.~urwl'z. 8.lld tU~)'~uln crl.,e!i~, Fl:ouLe rOC'US LeoCMIQue,. peslgf}, O~ c-,?mpe~:satofS. iii} Salamun Mit! S<lM (VOII. II) (c:ompl'.eIi9)

~~·:I~ei::~E~ag~~e~~~I~~~ ~r:~::e~::~~~'u!rr'la~~;~t:~f~~~~n,re~~;r:~~a~~~,:,l'Is~y~t~~~:~~I~ea:L~ iY) AI.- Heffl4:ieh ~I- N~tf9wiyeh (VQIJ~ ((:Qmpl'ele)

{PotentiOm-l!lt-l!lI:S, ta-chlJomeLsrs. Sync:hors &. Servomotors} ,Z. Industr'iill Ellllctrl)lIIil;:,s ; Various ;power SECI1ON"~,B:,A\Jthm<;;:

semicom:lud_or de'llces:. Tilyris:lor & iLs pro1eclion and BeriB:!I- p-.srsllBl, o,perstion. Sing[e pI"l_8P:S8 and pclypha:!le 1. Iban :III Maqaft.ill = 'Kalla w;a Dimna,· Chapter (CcilT\Ple1e) (e1Ccludi1g Muqaddamah) C .......... ,,. ~,'I .

fe-c.mefS. SmooLhlng. filters, :O,C. regU"laLeci P'Dwe~ SI.!PI)It-es, CofI.rolle-d COl'WeIter:s .ancJ IflVentl)TS, chOpp.efS:. -Al-As.ad Wa AI:-Thau"- , ~,_ . ~ -110 l.

C'ye:b-conve"Tters A_C_ 'l,ll[]lt8,ge regulators_ Ap~lieall{]n 10 'l'8.rl8blBs s,pee.d, dIlves inductiarr :Bnd dle.lectric . . _ , ~. •

MaUng. TfmersanC! welCilng, eil(:ults" 2. Ib'!.l I'<.h<llalch.un : MUQ8(J;(!Im<.'Jh, 39 Pages. p.i5Itt $1):. r,~J'I'i'!'Ie rls' ehapter: Fwrn AI fas. ar.-SMiS Lo w.iii min

§_l;£l!9jj' - ~_(UEIDt~~D Fa'wln! ;(!I1j8b1- ws • &1 MW:oCIab;laf'I~,

{3) Elect..-I cal Mach in 13 51 : 1_ F u n-damenl~ of elec1 romee.h 8 n iC81 energy 01] nVEIISmn. An.a lysiB or 3. A!.m a i'I raWt~ : N. N.iiizar.a' VOl 11 EQYPi 195'0

~~~~;agt::~t~r~~[:~~ ~~~~~~n\f:1:1~~~~sr~8l~a:S;~~~~~~~~h::~a~~o~ia~;.:~~e ~~~~~~~t~~~~i~~ The ~oll'o~g 5totles:

Performance eoJaJLI'_L'ilion. Co·neI3!iona.f 1ric:JlJcLiotl rnalor aperaUon wtll1 b:a:sJc IOrQlJ-f! leJa.LiOf'ls. TOf-que'Sl)eetl i) AI.sjd'~1 w.a .al - ki1:b. ehdlr.acleri~'liC:s. Cil'.e;[e -diag/CIm 'slartirlgat'lCl s.p8ad eontr'Ol methods.. 3. Syn(;.hronuos M<I(;.hi nra E; ; Generation ii) Al-B.au..z w.a all:nsan.

~!:c~~'!::~~~t~:::;.I~~~~_~ :.r]:Z~~~t ~~I~tv:~~I~~~.u~:;:~e~~:~oa~.Q~~~:~~~~~~~~I~,a~~:Sr:n~ iii} ~,i :saM At - IMan

:and :!Iubtr.a:nsien1 ri3>8c'iellCe"5: an.-d time conBlants_ Syn.chronDus molor_ Pb8_"5.ordiagram a.nd equi'l,l'.a!8nl iv) AI:--g1'lani w.a 011· F"a.qil'

~~;~~:I~~~~~:ie~;ccUi:~~I' !.~pe~~:;::n~~n~~'~Il:~ ~~r:~ '~:1~h~~_~ :/'~=~~:l~D~ ,T~~V~~~';~f[:;;: 4. Ah .. ~~ Amin : _Hay~!~ (AYlo~~gra~y 00rtl~I'et8)

:Hal, s!,epop!ng. R:eluc';(IInoe Lype stepl)or moto,r, f'flnclp.les an.d worKing of 'I.JQlvef5:81 mOotOoI. Single pllase 5. TaLJfi.q, <II - Hakim; Drama: SMhr ZM (com,plel&~

a,e. oompoel'Sa'Lad SeriM I'I'L1:I10r. Pril'lCi,pJe anoCl wru'king or Cliatga i'tICJoMI'_ ~l.£lli!:!1-=.....e;

{4) :E:lec.lr-k Drive'51 ~ Fundaffien!sls: af electric dri ... e Rating e:!llimation. EleclJic tMBlking_ Electmm8Gh8.nical Tf"anal'atlon from Urdu, to Ar.abfc_

~t~~~~~:U::s:I~~~~I~~~ :~~k~~~.~~:u~.n!:~~~~c:~lt~~~~~:F~~~J~:::~!~{5)s:tl!'!I~:t~r;~~~~~ 'NOlie: Candidl;lti3S will: D8 required 10 .answer :!lome que:!llicn!l cariying nolless !n8n 10 per celli milrks: in

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