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The Great Gatsby

Reading Schedule

Due Date Chapters Due I read it!

April 7 Ch. 1

April 11 Ch. 2

April 13 Ch.3

April 15 Ch. 4

April 19 Ch. 5

April 26 Ch. 6

April 29 Ch. 7

May 2 Ch. 8

May 6 Ch. 9

As you read, you will be engaging in what is called active reading. For each grouping of
chapters, you will do the following:
• Read the chapters
• Tab important passages with sticky notes, writing notes about why they are
• Type summaries of each chapter using your notes as a basis, bulleting and
spacing the text so that it is easy to read
• Participate in class discussion of the reading
• Create a graphic organizer
• Analyze and state the purposes of each chapter in relationship to the novel as a

You will be graded on the following at each due date:

• TABBED PAGES: 180 total points [20 points each]

• You should tab the following:
 Irony
 Characterization
 Imagery/Color usage
 Symbolism
 Tone
 Mood
 Conflict
 Suspense

• SUMMARIES: 270 total points [30 points each]

 Typed
 Easy-to-read-layout
 Detailed

• ORGANIZERS: 360 total points [50 points each]

 Spatial layout
 Relevant information
 Analysis

• PARTICIPATION: 180 total points [20 points each]

 Class discussion
 Group work

• ANALYSIS: 110 total points

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