Relative Pronouns

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Relative pronouns (Relativne zamenice) - who, which, whom, whose, that

Who (koji) – odnosi se samo na lica

This is the boy. He speaks English.  This is the boy who speaks English.

Whom (koga) – odnosi se samo na lica

This is the man. I gave him the letter.  This is the man to whom I gave the letter.

Ili  This is the man who I gave the letter to.

• Danas se zamenica “who” sve cesce koristi umesto zamenice “whom”. Razlika je
u tome sto u kombinaciji sa “whom”predlog uvek ide ispred te zamenice (to
whom), dok u kombinaciji sa zamenicom “who” taj predlog stoji na kraju recenice
(who … to).

Whose (ciji) – odnosi se in a lica in a stvari

I have a cat. Its name is Penny.  I have a cat whose name is Penny.

This is the boy. You met his father yesterday.  This is the boy whose father you met

Which (koji) – odnosi se samo na stvari

He works in the room. The room is on the second floor.  The room in which he works is on
the second floor.

Ili  The room which he works in

is on the second floor.

• Danas se predlog u ovakvim konstrukcijama sve vise stavlja iza zamenice


That (koji) – odnosi se in a lica in a stvari, koristi se umesto zamenica “who” i “which”

Take the plate that is on the table.  Take the plate which is on the table.

He was one of the greatest men that ever lived.  He was one of the greatest men who ever

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