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Section III: Planning, Activating and Building Background Knowledge


Planning, Activation and Building Background Knowledge
Date: 3/8/11
Objective: Student will sort 6 out of 8 examples of literacy element correctly in their defined
Assessment: 6 out of 8 correctly identified
Materials: informational book, narrative book, examples of metaphors, similes, foreshadowing,
and personification, poster board

1. Show student two different books: one informational and one narrative.
a. What is the difference between these books?

Presentation/Guided Practice
2. For time being, we are just going to focus on the narrative genre.
3. Create a concept map with “Narrative” in the middle on a poster.
4. What do author do or use to make their book more interesting?
5. Sometimes authors write in fun ways.
6. Jake was as fast as a cheetah.
a. What does this mean?
b. Do you know what this is called?
c. Branch simile to concept map
7. Jenny is a pig.
a. What does this mean?
b. Do you know what this is called?
c. Branch metaphor to the concept map
8. The phone awakened with a mighty ring.
a. What does this mean?
b. Do you know what this is called?
c. Branch Personification to concept map
9. Tuck Everlasting example, “
a. What does this mean?
b. Do you know what this is called?
c. Branch Foreshadowing to concept map

Independent Practice – We do
10. Practice sorting examples of these literary elements
Section III: Planning, Activating and Building Background Knowledge

Examples of Literary Devices

The blizzard swallowed the town.

The waffle jumped up out of the toaster.

The flowers waltzed in the gentle breeze.

She has a heart of a lion.

For me time is money.

A blanket of snow covered the streets.

She has lips as red as roses

Lydia moves like a turtle in the morning

The thunder was as loud has a train

All of a sudden the T.V. and the lights turned off.

As the sunset I had this strange feeling that I would never see it again.

A man dressed in all black walked into the bank. I watched him go up to a bank
teller and her expression suddenly turned blank.

Nothing could go wrong on such a perfect day. Or so I, in my childlike innocence


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