All Codes and Thinking

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= Questioning
What is it? The ? code means you have a question about something you just read.

Why use it? Successful reading is not just saying the words on the page, you have to ask questions to
help you better understand the book by clarifying confusing parts and to spark curiosity
about what may happen next.

When? While you read, if you come across something confusing or sparks your curiosity put a post-
it note with a ? by the section you have a question about.

What do you do Discuss the questions you have about what you read.
after you read?
1. If you read something confusing, ask yourself a question to help you understand.
 I can’t decide if…
 I don’t understand why…

2. If you read something interesting, ask yourself why this might be important.
 Why is _______ important?
 I wonder why…

3. If you read something that foreshadows an event to happen, ask yourself what this
might be.
 I wonder if…
 Why did the author….
C = Connection
The C code means you have a connection about something you just read.

You can make 3 types of connections between what you already know and what you are
What is it? reading.
Text-to-self – connect ideas you are reading about to events in your life.
Text-to-text – connect ideas you are reading to another book, movie, or T.V. show
Text-to-world – connect ideas you are reading to events that happened or are happening
in the world.

Why use it? Making connections helps you better understand what you are reading because you relate it
to something you already know.

When? While reading, if you come across something that you can connect to yourself, another
book/movie/TV show, or the world put a C on a post-it note and stick it by this section.

What do you do Describe the type of connection you made and how it relates to what you read.
after reading?
+ = New Word
What is it? The + code means you came across a word you do not know and the word is important to
understanding what you read.

Why use it? It is important to mark unknown words and figure out what they mean because their
definition will help you better understand what you are reading. Also, you will build your

When? While reading, if you come to a word you are not sure about and cannot figure out what it
means after skipping it, stick a post-it note with a + and the word written on it by the word.

What do you do Figure out what the word means by looking it up in a dictionary or asking someone.
after you read?
! = Wow
What is it? The ! code means you just read something really interesting and important to the plot or
understanding of the book.

Why use it? It is important to mark fascinating parts you read so you can talk about them and predict
what will happen next. You will better understand what you are reading and become more
interested in the book.

When? While reading, if you come across something that is really interesting or important stick a
post-it note with a ! on it by the passage you read.

What do you do After you finish reading, explain why you think the passage you marked is really important.
after reading?
Comprehending Tuck Everlasting

+ = New Word ? = Questions ! = Wow C = Connection

Chapter/ Code Your Thinking

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