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Katie Rohn


Date: 2/14/11
Objective: Students will draw a picture that represents the setting in chapter 5 and write a
caption describing their picture.
Assessment: Students will include at least 5 details mention in the chapter in their picture.
Materials: Tuck Everlasting and worksheet

1. Review chapter 4
a. What character were we introduced to?
i. What does he look like?
ii. Why was he there or who was he looking for?
b. How did Winnie’s grandmother treat the stranger?
i. Why do you think she treated him this way?
c. What happened while these people were talking?
i. Where do you think the music is coming from and who is playing it?

Presentation – I Do
2. Introduce worksheet
3. Read chapter. 5

Guided Practice – We do
4. On the board, write descriptive adjectives and phrases the students find in the
chapter about:
a. Describe the wood
b. Describe Jessie

Independent Practice – You do

5. Students draw picture that summarizes what chapter 5 looked like.
6. Write a caption for your picture

7. Students share their pictures with groups and whole class

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