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William Penn University College for Working Adults

Learning Team Log

Cohort: BABD111
Team Name: FAB 5

Team Members: Zak Braswell, Rochelle Carter, Andrew Hennessy, Shay Kenworthy
& Kristina Nicolino

Course Name: Cont Business Leadership Course: LDRS 3901

Please provide written documentation for each week of the course. Who was present? Where did you meet? What were the
workshop objectives? How were the objectives met? What was the timeline of your learning team meeting?

Week One
All team members were in attendance for our meeting at the residence of Kristina Nicolino from 5-9 on
01/15/11 where we: reviewed the Workshop 5 Team assignment, Discussed the marketable strengths of each
of our team members for class discussion. Brainstormed on ideas for the business for final project.

Week Two
All team members were in attendance for our meeting at the Des Moines Public Library on Saturday
01/22/11 from 1-5 p.m. Where we continued working and creating a draft of our final business plan.

Week Three
All team members were in attendance for our meeting at the Des Moines Public Library on Saturday
01/29/11 from 12-4 p.m. We worked on our final presentation and paper. Made appropriate changes to the
outline to fit with our presentation.

Week Four
All team members met online on Sunday 02/06/11 from 2-6 p.m. and worked more on our final team
presentation and paper.

Week Five
All tem members met online on Saturday 02/13/11 from 4-8 p.m. and completed our final team presentation
and paper. Determined presentation order and placed graphics on the PowerPoint.

Week Six

Meeting sites were appropriate and conducive to learning. Yes or No

Faculty Name (print) Faculty Signature Date

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