Chapter 7 Genre

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Katie Rohn


Date: 2/22/11
Objective: After reviewing characteristics of a fantasy, students will identify at least 3 reasons why Tuck
Everlasting is considered a fantasy.
Assessment: Students will write at least three reasons why Tuck Everlasting is a fantasy.
Materials: Visualization pictures, Tuck Everlasting, and notebook paper

1. What are the three different categories of literature?
a. Narratives/stories, Non-fiction/informational books, Poetry
2. What category would Tuck Everlasting be under?
3. Under the narrative category there are different types of genres.
a. What genre do you think Tuck Everlasting is?
4. Why do you think this is important to know?
a. You need to know:
i. What to expect from the book
ii. How to approach it
iii. What you should take away from it.
b. This all helps us better understand and comprehend the book
Presentation – I Do
5. Review Fantasy – What are some aspects or features of the fantasy genre?
a. Have students discuss this with person sitting next to them for a minute
6. Fantasies are…
a. Imaginative story
b. Must be based in reality so the readers can believe they exist, but may need to stretch their
i. Why is this important?
ii. The events may be unusual and could not happen in today’s world
iii. Setting is realistic
c. Theme often deals with the conflict between good and evil
7. Why do you think people enjoy reading fantasy even though they realize it isn't actually true?
Guided Practice – We do
8. Have students look at their visualization pictures and summarize what happened in this chapter.
9. As we read chapter 7 today, I want you to think what makes this book a fantasy.
a. As we read think about specific details that make this book a fantasy. When you read/hear
something that tells you this book is a fantasy raise your hand.
10. Begin reading chapter 7 aloud together.
Independent Practice – You do
11. After reading the chapter, have students discuss aspect of the chapter that fit into a fantasy.
12. On half sheet of notebook paper, students write three aspects of fantasy they observed within chapter 7.
13. Discuss/review what students wrote.

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