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? p Preview Vocabulary for Ch ?

a p rate ʹ When somethin makes      
i p Her finernails rated aainst the chalkboard
ii p Have you ever not like the noise of two thins rubbin aainst each
PPP p  

b p eril ʹ x 
i p omethin danerous could haen
ii p  lot of reorters have been talkin about the eril the Jaanese
nuclear lant workers are facin every day
iii p Have you ever seen a sin that said, ͞No lifeuard is on duty: swim at
your own eril͟?
P p P  P
c p teem ʹ To have many eole or animals movin around in an area
i p The teemin streets were filled with eole
ii p y mind is teemin with ideas
PPP p P 


d p sear ʹ If somethin is searin it is extremely hot
i p The tree was seared by lihtin
ii p It would be another searin day
PPP p P  P
P  PP  

? p Preview Vocabulary for Ch 22
ap exertion ʹ hysical or mental work
i p The exertion of runnin a mile or takin a lon test will make you really
ii p  sort that requires little hysical exertion is͙?
bp ersiration ʹ sweat
i p ou need to drink a lot of water to relace liquid you lose from
ii p When do you ersire?
cp inerly ʹ do somethin very carefully
i p If you move inerly, you move very slow and careful
ii p When would you move inerly?
dp archedʹ very dry because of hot weather
i p omethin is arched if it is very dry because of hot weather and no rain
ii p When have you been or seen somethin arched?

? p Preview Vocabulary for Ch 23
ap onderous ʹ borin or dull
i p If class is onderous, you would be very bored and it would robably be
hard to stay awake
ii p The un was a onderous circle without edes
bp remorseless ʹ very mean, never stoin
i p emorse = to feel sorry for someone
ii p  remorseless erson does not care about anyone else but themselves
iii p How could the sun be remorseless?
cp laintive ʹ showin sufferin or sadness
i p What would a laintive sih sound like?
ii p What would it look like to sit laintive?
dp entility ʹ olite manner, hih social status
i p If you are a model of entility you are very roer and abide by all rules
ii p What family in the book is a model of entility?

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