Chapter 10 11

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Katie Rohn


Date: 03/07/11
Objective: Students will write of at least one ! code and two ? codes to help their
comprehension of chapter 11.
Assessment: one ! code and two ? codes
Materials: Tuck Everlasting, post-it notes, “Your Thinking” sheets (collect)

1. What is the difference between what we did before - Mrs. Wert and I reading the
chapters and what you just did with your partner?

Presentation – I Do
2. Lets talk about chapter 10
a. Lets start in the beginning of the chapter…
i. How is Winnie’s home different from the Tuck’s home?
ii. What do you think Winnie thought of the Tuck’s house?
iii. How do you think the Tucks feel about keeping their house tidy? Why?
iv. Any codes used here???
b. What do Mae and Tuck do for a living?
i. They sell things (p. 52, “We make things to sell”)
ii. What do they make?
1. (bottom of p.51) Quilts, rugs, (top of p. 52) dolls, wooden
soldiers, ship models, wooden bowls,
iii. Any codes used here???
c. What do the boys do when they are not home?
i. P.53 “they go different places…”
ii. What happens every 10 years?
1. Boys meet at spring and come home
iii. Any codes used here???
d. Why can’t they stay in one place too long?
e. How does Mae feel about living forever?
i. Read passage
3. Does anyone have any codes they made that they would like to share?

Guided Practice – We do
4. We are going to read chapter together, but before we do, lets go over some
a. Luxurious – comfortable
b. Elation – very happy
5. As Mrs. Wert read, I would like you to pay attention to the ! and ? codes this
6. Read chapter 11

Independent Practice – You do

7. Discuss codes with partner

8. Ask questions and discuss codes

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