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PD 957 • Variance- slight deviation from standards


• For 1 hectare or more
70% saleable
30% open space- roads, alleys, pathway, parks, playgrounds &
other circulation • Economic & Socialized Housing
affordability of average low income earners w/c 30% of gross family
• Party wall- wall separation for duplex income as determined by NEDA
- also in row houses (max of 20 units- not exceed 100 m)
• Human Settlement
• Road intersection authority to establish different levels & standards & requirements for
20 m minimum, right angle development of economic & socialized housing project in rural & urban
Concrete - 0.15 thk areas
Asphalt - 0.508 thk
corner curb - 6m radius • Saleable lots for single detached
culdesac & T - 4.5 radius 72 sqm min lot (40% of maximum selling price)
road grade (slope) - 1.5%
curb & Gutters - 7-9% • Fire Block
4” thk, from lowest portion of wall to just blow the roof covering of
• Water tank capacity purlins, minimum fire resistive rating of 1 hr
20% of average daily demand
plus fire reserves • Fire wall
extends vertically from lowest portion of wall up to a minimum of
• Fire hydrants 0.30m above the highest portion of roof.
250 m spacing
Extends 0.30m beyond edge of units
• Space Standards
• Party wal
-Condominium Unit- 18 sqm minimum area (exclusive of mezzanine) wall used jointly by 2 parties
-Parking- maybe off site but not more than 100m away from condo • Footpath/ Pathwalk
- maximum of 50m length
-Parks- for projects of gross saleable area of 1,000 sqm - maximum block bounded by footpath 100m
- when park is more than 800 m away • Underdeveloped Area
- absence of utility system, water, road & power
- mini area of 50sqm plus 3sqm for every for condo in excess of 10 unit
Developed Area
- Access Road- min of 8m- 6m for carriage & 2m for sidewalk -presence of utilities
- for 100m block provide 1.20 min for pathwalk
• Basic Needs of Human Settlement:
• Basic Facilities Movement & Circulation
Service area (laundry area) - 3 sqm min Storm Drainage
Collector Road - 12.50 Solid & Liquid Waste disposal
Parks & Playgrounds

• Parameters in Design Standards

Protection of safety of public welfare
Basic needs
Affordability Level

Maximum distance of street lights 50m

Maximum height for single det dwelling- 2 storeys

• Minimum floor area

-single family dwelling (economic) 22 sqm

-single family dwelling (socialized) 18 sqm

head clearance for habitable room 2.00

mezzanine 1.80 h
50% of floor space

• Doors
less than 10 1.00 m
greater than 10 2.00 m
min height 2.00 m
mezzanine 1.80 m

• Clear width
Main 0.80 m
bedroom/ service 0.70 m
bathroom 0.60 m

• Stairs
width- min clear 0.60 m
riser 0.25 max
run 0.20 min
landings 3.60
handrails 0.80 - 1.20
clear to wall 0.038
ladders- max distance between landings- 1.80

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