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March 24, 2011

The Topic: Why do animals become endangered in the world?

Animal is one of things which the Creator gave for human, It become one of part
important in the life of person in the world. The creature which is close friend, and help
people to find more information about the formation of human in the past. However, The
animal to become endangered in nowadays by the hand of people. The reason of this
trouble to spark the life and thinking of the human.

People build many company and factory about industry and technology to give the
environment polluted gas. Moreover, the gas from the car to give more carbonic to made
traumatic in the ozone. So, the surrounding in around the animals is polluted and
destructible the area to live of animals. The effect of this action is countless died and
don’t reproduce including in precious animals. The creature couldn’t live in the polluted
environment and climate change in today.

Besides that, people cut down the tree in the forest to get the wood to influence animals
which live in the tree. Animal can’t live if it doesn’t have the area to live and the food to
exist. Someone hurting the animal to get some meat such as lamp, boar…, some leather
collection as ferret, leopard… and special parts as tusks of an elephant, stag’s horns …
The quantity of animal diminish every year such as in the 1975-2005 the animal in the
forest is decrease twenty five percent ( the information of WWF)

In the Ocean, fishes are decrease because people get excess by fishermen to earn money
but they don’t know that it’s tremendous for saving the animal. Occasionally, the spread
of oil in the sea killed many animals live near here. Farther, the exploitation of gas and
oil in the ocean affect to the living in animal. The number of fish special valuable fish is
strong abatement.

Animal is very important in our life, so people had to save and protect animals in the
extinction. We should participate in many programs to help animals of the WWF or other
organization in your school and your country. The protection of animals have purpose to
save our life in the earth planet. Let’s to help animal to live together with us!

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