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Posted: Friday, May 6th, 2011

To be completed by 9:00 a.m., Monday, May 9th, 2011

Name Job Title

Avila Vacuum & dust 2, 3, 4
Carlton None
Conedera BR: 3S
Gray Vacuum & dust B,1; 1N TV rooms
Hamilton None
Held BR: B, 1, 2
Hlabse Stove
Kieras None
Konzman BR: 4N
LaLonde N. stairwell
McLaughlin None
Paternostro BR: 4S a-d
Peck Reading room (incl. BR); 1S parlor
Rallanka None
Sand BR: 4S e-h
Shea Rec room (except kitchen)
Tanner None
Wagner S. Stairwell
Wegenka Rec room kitchen
Welle None
Wood BR: 3N

A few reminders…

1. Please cross off your name upon completion of your manualia.

2. If you are spending less than 60-90 minutes on your manualia, it’s likely that what is
supposed to be “clean” is not so.
3. If you do not envision completing your manualia before 9:00 a.m. on Monday, please let
J.T. know beforehand.

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