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ClJllhf 11!f.·~ to II' L,l~ s<;

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. 1. What is.cerebral palsy?

2. What is- meant by the "non-progressive" nature of cerebral palsy?

3. \ Cerebral palsy can be caused byevents before, during and after birth. List 2
. possible causative incidents for each time period.

4. Which, if any, assessments of a 6 month child would cause suspicion of cerebral

palsy and require additional follow-up?

• Difficulty taking food from a spoon

• Has not mastered the pincer grasp
• Has head control when pulled to a sitting position from a supine position
• Unable to independently get into a sitting position
• Drools formula when bottle feeding

5. How does spastic cerebral palsy present?

.' .
6 .. How does athetoid I dyskinetic cerebral palsy present?
7. What is the long-term goal of treatment for cerebral palsy children?

8. Who are members of the health care treatment team for children with cerebral palsy
and what role does each person serve?

9. V:Jhydo children develop contractures? What nursing interventions can prevent this

10. State 3 nursing problems and 3 interventions for each for caring for children with
cerebral palsy and their families.

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