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The project title is ³RECRUITMENT PROCESSPROCESS´´ has
involved the design and development for Planman HR
consulting pvt limited, Recruitment forms first stage in the
process, which continues with selection and ceases with the
placement of the candidate.
candidate. It is the next step in the
procurement function, the first being the manpower planning.
Recruitment makes it possible to acquire the number and types
of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the
organization.. Recruiting is the discovering of potential
applicants for actual or anticipated organization vacancies.
vacancies. In
other words, it is a µlinking activity¶ bringing together those
with jobs and those seeking jobs.
Recruitment is a process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulating them to apply
for jobs in an organization.
organization. It is often termed positive
in that it stimulates people to apply for jobs to increase
the selection ratio.
ratio. Selection on the other hand tends to
be negative because it rejects a good number of those,
who apply, leaving only the best to be hired. hired.´ -
Companies are now looking out for new ways of
giving themselves a competitive advantage.
advantage. New
product, new image& new marketing idea are some of
the ways this can be achieved but enlightened and
successful companies look towards their people to
provide the leading edge.
c c  

ë lanning,
ëStrategy development
ëvaluation and control
The nature of a firm's recruiting activities should be
matched to its strategy and values as well as to other
important features such as the state of the external
labor market and the firm's ability to pay or otherwise
induce new employees to join.
à à 

 To study about the recruitment process in Planman HR
consulting pvt limited, Egmore.

ë To study the basis of recruitment process.
 To study the sources of recruitment candidate, which
level of step used in Planman HR consulting pvt
limited, Egmore.
 To identify the sources of recruitment preferred by the
 To develop and maintain procedures which will assist in
ensuring the appointment of most suitable candidate.
 To identify the source through which candidates are
successfully recruited.

The study backed by a structured questionnaire, initially

the study required relying more on secondary data. data. The study
also covers the tools to improve the recruitment strategy.
The aims of the recruitment and selection process should
be to:-
1. Recruit high quality staff with the right skills on the appropriate
contracts to deliver the key objectives of the position and
2. nsure that equality of opportunity is considered as an integral
part of recruitment practice, thus encouraging diversity;
3. nsure that recruitment is effective as a key public relations
exercise for all involved;
4. nsure that recruitment is fair, efficient and cost-
 The study is restricted to Planman HR
consulting pvt limited Egmore. Only
limited.. Egmore. Only..
 The data collected from the responded through
questionnaire during(DC 20th20th to A RIL 10th
2010 to 2011)
2011). Due to lake of adequate time.
Since the project is of qualitative nature there
was the participant¶s bias in some cases.
 Some information cannot be accessed due to
its confidential nature.
 lanman HR Consulting since its inception in 1996 has
evolved into India¶s largest multi interest consulting company.
lanman HR Consulting which was founded by Management
Guru and noted conomist rof rof.. Arindam Chaudhuri in 1996
in very a short of time has redefined the consulting business in
 lanman HR Consulting is offshoot of The Indian
Institute of Planning and Management which is the premier
institute of management in India spread across seven centers in
India covering whooping more than 2,00, 00,000 sq meters
The services which lanman HR Consulting provides
cut across various sectors like Management Consulting, HR
Consulting, Marketing Consulting, IT Services, Media, Film
and entertainment, Social Sector Consulting and Financial
Services tells about the multi-
multi-faceted area of services the
lanman HR Consulting is dealing in
 Prof. Arindam Chaudhari, Chairman - Planman Group


Management Guru Arindam Chaudhari dons many hats and

has got many credits to his name.
name. From Management Guru
to Filmmaker, his charismatic persona has taken the world by
storm.. His accomplishments and achievements in the areas of
management, consulting and social sector have become
benchmarks for others to follow.
rofessor Arindam Chaudhari has got multifaceted
character when it comes to scale his achievements.
achievements. He has got
impressive track record as an achiever in possibly all aspects
of life
life.. rof Arindam Chaudhari is the honorary dean, Centre
for conomic Research & Advanced Studies at the Indian
Institute of lanning & Management, an institute known for its
world class facilities and one of the most respected and largest
B Schools in India.
rofessor Arindam Chaudhari also has got to his credit
lanman HR Consulting, India¶s largest multi- multi-interest
consulting firm with more than ten subsidiaries, Branching
from management consulting to social sector consulting.
consulting. In a
short period of eight years, lanman HR Consulting under the
stewardship of rof Arindam Chaudhari has touched
touched.. skies and
has emerged as one of the most respected and most sought
after consulting .
 With branches situated in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore,
Kolkata, Chennai and Toronto, lanman HR Consulting
provides consulting solutions to leading corporate houses like
G.., Citibank, ICICI, Standard Chartered, HSBC, WC,
Hewitt Associates, rnst & Young, McKinsey & Co. Co., Amway,
Ranbaxy, lectrolux, Sony, Samsung, epsiCo, Coke, Hewlett
ackard, Nestle etc

Experienced professional who provides expert knowledge

(often packaged under a catchy name) for a fee
fee.. He or she
works in an advisory capacity only and is usually not
accountable for the outcome of a consulting exercise
exercise.. Some
consultants (like Peter Ducker and W. Edward Deming)
have brought dramatic shifts in management thinking and
improvements in the performance of organizations

Job Consulting is one of the popular and competitive career

options today.
today. Basically there are two types of consulting
positions the generalist and the specialist.
specialist. Specialists offer
process or functional knowledge to clients.
clients. Most aspiring
consultants are interested in the generalist firms such as Bain,
McKinsey and BCG.BCG. These firms offer advice to corporate
clients on to operating more efficiently, or opening new
markets, etc.
Management Consulting Jobs provide you with:-
 Opportunity to understand wide variety of business issues.

 Learning and networking with some of the brightest minds.

 xcellent pay and perks provide prospective consultants with

a brief background on the Consulting Industry in India.

List of Strategy Consulting Firms in India and their brief

We have compiled a list of consulting firms in India over here,
however, in this section we would focus on Strategy
Consulting Firms in the Indian consulting area, these are
 McKinsey & Company
 Bain & Company
 Boston Consulting Group
 AT Kearney
[. McKinsey & Company :-
McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm that
focuses on solving issues of concern to senior management.
management. McKinsey
serves as an advisor to the world¶s leading businesses, governments, and
institutions.. It is widely recognized as a leader and one of the most
prestigious firms in the management consulting industry.
industry. It has been ranked
No..1 for 6 consecutive years in the Vault.
No list of top consulting firms,
and has been the first or second most desired employer for recent MBA
graduates since at least 1996.
2. Bain & Company :-
Bain & Company is a management consulting firm headquartered in
Boston, Massachusetts.
Bain & Company was established in 1973 by seven former partners
from the Boston Consulting Group headed by Bill Bain.
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global
management consulting firm, founded by Bruce Henderson in
1963.. It has 66 offices in 38 countries, and its current CO is
Hans-- aul Buckner.
Hans Buckner. The Company was formed when
Henderson, a Harvard Business School alumnus, left Arthur D.
Little to become head of a new management consulting
division of the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company.
In 1973 Bill Bain and others left BCG to form Bain &
Company, and two years later Henderson arranged an
employee stock ownership plan (SO ), so that the employees
could take the company independent from The Boston Safe
Deposit and Trust Company.
Company. The buyout of all shares was
completed in 1979.
The firm prides itself on its employee focused culture, and
over the last 4 years has been the only top-
top-tier consulting firm
to appear in Fortune magazine¶s µBest companies to work for¶
report.. In the 2009 list, BCG is listed as the 3rd best company
to work at, and is the only top-
top-tier consulting firm to appear in
the top 100.
·. A.T. Kearney
A.T. Kearney is a global management consulting firm, focusing
on strategic and operational CO- CO-agenda concerns.
concerns. The stated
mission of A.T. Kearney is to help the world¶s leading corporations
gain and sustain competitive advantage, and achieve profound,
tangible results.
results. Its slogan is
is:: Ideas that last.
last. Kearney was ranked in
top 10 ³best place to work for´ in consulting magazines 2008
The firm operated within the United States until 1964 when it
opened its first international office in Düsseldorf.
Düsseldorf. A.T. Kearney now
has 51 offices in 34 countries
A T Kearney lost its 56-56-yearlong autonomy in 1995 when it
became a subsidiary loop on DS¶ giant belt. belt. The prominent Texas-
rooted IT company came into A T Kearney µs life at a crucial point,
and vice versa;
versa; both businesses needed the fusion, whether for
securing a brawny empire (DS) or gaining access to the world¶s
foremost movers and shakers ( A T Kearney ). But despite how the
saying goes, these opposites did not attract for long
long.. After long years
of troubled partnership, both firms decided to part ways, and finally
in January 2006,
2006, A T Kearney became a 100 percent privately
owned management consultancy firm
aàa  a

According to dwin B. Flippo, recruitment is the process of

searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to
apply for jobs in the organization´.
organization´. a   is the activity that
links the employers and the job seekers.
seekers. A few definitions of
recruitment are:

According to Jane Clarke ³Recruitment is very important of the work of

community and voluntary organizations.
organizations. It is the responsibility of
management to recruit and select the best candidate for the position.position. The
staff are one of the key resources in a community group and having the
right staff is vital to achieving your aims and objectives.
objectives. Selecting the right
person for the job is not easy to do.
do. It is essential to put time, care, planning
and preparation into the recruitment process.
process. Fair and effective recruitment
procedures help:

 Build an effective staff team

 Reduce staff turnover
 romote high standards and trust.
 Achieve the aims of the organization.
 Research Design:-
A research design is the specification of measures and
procedure for the information needed to structure to solve
problems it the overall operational pattern of framework of the
project that stipulates what information is to be collected from
which sources, and by what procedure.
ÖResearch¶ means a scientific and systematic search for
pertinent information on a specific topic.
topic. Research is a careful
investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts
in any branch of knowledge.
knowledge. Research comprises defining and
redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested
solution;; collecting,
Statistical Technique:-
The chi-
chi- square test among the several tests of
significance developed by statisticians.
statisticians. Chi-
Chi- square
symbolically written, as Ȥ2 is a statistical measure used in the
contest of sampling analysis for comparing variance to
theoretical values.
As a non
non-- parametric test, ³it can be used to determine
whether categorical data shows dependency or the two
classification are independent.
independent. It can also be used to make
comparisons between theoretical population and actual data
when categories are used. used.´ The formula used to computing
chi--square test is
chi is::
Observed value ± xpected Value
Ȥ2 =Ȉ
xpected Value
Degree of freedom = (r-
Where R = No. of rows
C = No. of columns = 19.26 < 21.06
If the calculate value < tabulated value, null hypothesis will be accepted.
Weighted Average Method:-
Weighted average method is used to give rank for different
factors by having the collections of data from the respondent.
Total score is calculated from the data and it is divided by no.
no. of
respondent and finally the weighted average is found.
 The company needs to recruit high quality of candidates with
the right skills on the appropriate contracts to deliver the key
objectives of the position and organization.
 It needs to ensure that the equality of opportunity is considered
as an integral part of the recruitment practices, thus
encouraging diversity.
 The major issue due to which the candidates are skeptical
joining the company is the bond problem.
 The company has to ensure that recruitment is fair, efficient
and cost effective. Facilitate and encourage best practice by
training those involved to follow a structured and systematic
process of selection.
 Continuously monitor, review and improve the recruitment
process in the light of experience and information obtained
from those involved in the process.
 The study has concentrated on the recruitment
process of In Planman HR consulting Pvt. Ltd., -
 The study has been conducted on the recruitment of
candidates and is confirmed only to Planman HR
consulting Pvt. Ltd., -Egmore
 The company seems to be moving in right lines as far
as its recruitment strategy is concerned. However a
few drawbacks were found and remedies are

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