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Spanish Presentation Assessment Sheet

Ernesto Estay. – Instructor
TOPIC = Work

Presenter Frederico

5 Minutes

Your grade will be assessed based on the following criteria.

Grade  Criteria Notes
A Speaks in Spanish at all times
Uses excellent pronunciation
The presentation is fluid and natural
Uses excellent grammar and sentence structure
The presentation is engaging
Shows signs of an exceptional level of preparation
Shows originality and creativity in the presentation

B Speaks in Spanish at all times

Uses good pronunciation
The presentation is moderately fluid, sometimes
Uses good grammar and sentence structure
The presentation is interesting
Shows signs of a good level of preparation

C Occasionally inserts English words or phrases

Uses average pronunciation
The presentation is choppy and forced
Makes numerous grammar and sentence structure
The presentation is adequate
Shows signs of an average level of preparation

D Often inserts English or English word order

Uses English pronunciation with Spanish words
The presentation is difficult to follow and understand
The presentation is inadequate
Shows signs of a lack of preparation

F The presentation is not made

The presentation is impossible to understand
Shows signs of a profound lack of preparation

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