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I N VA S I V E 6th Annual Congress

Robotic Surgery Marathon:

Clinical Practice, Education &

The Simulation Olympics

Participation from The Clinical Robotic Surgery Association (CRSA),
The Society of Robotic Surgery (SRS) &
The Hellenic Scientific Society of Robotic Surgery MIRA ABSTRACT
Athens Hilton, Greece
M ay 1 1 - 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 Febru ar y 1 1 , 2011

MIRA President : Jacques Hubert, MD

Congress President : Konstantinos M. Konstantinidis, MD, PhD, FACS
Program Chair : Ivo A.M.J. Broeders, MD
Program Co-Chair : Savas Hiridis, MD

Meeting Highlights
5 Po st G ra d u ate Co u r s e s
· Urolology
· Gynecology
· Colorectal Surgery
· Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery

MIR A Bu s i n e s s Cl a s s
The MIRA business class is designed for board members, top level managers of health care institutes, and for medical specialists involved in the
business aspect of health care. They also may be professionals who want to start a robotic program, or who want to strengthen their market position.

Ro b oti c O l ym p ic Co nte s t
Throughout the congress a competition will take place allowing all registered attendees to participate in an evalution of their robotic skills
using the dv-trainer exercises on the Mimic Simulator and Si Console. Gold, Silver & Bronze medals will be given to the top three finalists.

Live S urg e r y
Live Surgery will take place throughout congress, based on case availability.

S cienti fi c S e s s io n Le c t u re s to inclu d e:
· Advances in Clinical Robotics
· Robotics in Space
· A Single Incision Robotic Surgery Symposium
· Concurrent Sessions including oral papers and videos on urology, gynecology, general surgery,
thoracic, cardiac, colorectal and ENT surgery

Please visit for more information or call the MIRA office at +1-310-424-3353 ext 125

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