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Weighted Fair Queuing For Congestion Control

Existing System:Fair Queuing

It is an algorithm that maintains separate queues for each flow

currently being handled by a router in a network.This scheduling
method is inspired by the “most fair” of methods:

• It transmits one bit from each queue in cyclic order (bit-by-

bit round robin) and skips those queues which becomes
• To approximate the bit by bit processing behavior for each
packet we calculate upon its arrival “finish time under bit by
bit round robin”, assuming all other queues are continuously
busy and we transmit by FIFO within each queue.We treat all
the finish time as timestamps and the next packet to transmit
is always the packet that has the lowest timestamp.

• Priority is given to short packets and equal bandwidth is

allocated to all queues that are continuously busy.

Disadvantages of Fair Queuing

Fair Queuing cannot be used to implement bandwidth and soft

priorities. Fair Queuing gives each queue a weight of 1, which
means that logically only one bit is transmitted from each queue
each time around.

Proposed System: Weighted Fair Queuing

Weighted Fair Queuing is a variation that corrects the deficiency of
Fair Queuing by allowing a Weight to be assigned to each flow
The Weight is logically how many bits to transmit each time the
router services the queue, which efficiently controls the percentage
of the links bandwidth that that flow will get.
 Let Wk be the weight of the k’th queue.
 Think of round-robin with queue ‘k’ transmitting Wk bits
upon its turn.
 If all queues have always something to send, the k’th queue
receives bandwidth equal to a fraction Wk/ ∑i Wi of the total

Innovative element in the project

We are practically creating congestion in network and controlling

it by implementing weighted Fair Queuing in our lab using ‘C’ and
‘Networking Language’.

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