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TYPES OF FILTERS Nearly ali vecuum filters use the seme generei principles and component. parts in their function, namely: 1. 2. A container to hold the filter feed. This is called the filter tank A material vhich allows pessage of the liguid or filtrate but stops the pessege of the solids or ceke This is called the filter nediun. A means of support for the filter medium vhich is usually called the cover support or decking to denote ‘the complete structure, its com ponent parts being subdivided when named specifically A passage for the filirete to p: out of the fT: ch is usuali called piping. pheric pressure 4 to cause the filurate to pess through the filter and be separated from the cake.---This is usually celled vacuum system. The complete function perfor tinvous 4 te pletion of seperation is celled the "rilter cycle". There are four basic forme of vacuum filters: (2) The rotary drum extersor type, (2) the rotary drum interior type, (3) the rotary aise type, and (ik) the rotary horizontal type. ROTARY DRUM EXTERIOR FILTER today. Its basic design incorporates a compertmented drum or cylinger vaick re- volves in s shallow tank co: to be filtered. ining At the start of the cycle, the dram is submerged in the filter tank. Vecuun drews the slurry again the medium, allowing the filtrate to through, while cake is deposited on filter medium. the medium or cover, lected in the cor through pipes filuraie is co’ wartrients and Ted te a filter velve. sited on the £3) some of the finer ‘through. \) clear as might be desired. But, as the cake builds up, it itself becomes a fil- ter medium. Tt compacts tighter and tighter, and the filtrate begins to clear up. Just before the section leaves the slurry in the tank, the cake reaches its maximun thickness. All of the ebove takes place with the section submerged. As soon as the section hes emerged from the slurry it is in the open and further work can de done on the cake from the outside of the drum. ‘The use of a solvent wash helps to further dissolve any parti- cles which may still be included in the cake, and which must be removed from the cake. The vacuum Graws the solvent vash Liquid through until it has transversed the entire thickness of the cake. The section then moves on to a position where clear water may be used to further wash the cake, After the vashing cycle, there is usually @ certain part of the cycle allowed for merély pulling air through the case in order to dry it out es mich as possible, This portion of the eyele is sometimes equipped vith 2 hot air hood over the filter drua vhich sllovs hot air to be dreva through the cake, ond vhich ac- celerates the drying. Following the drying pert of the cycle, the section is now ready for the final stage which is discharging the cake. CROSS SECTION ROTARY DRUM FILTER Tue scraper blade renoves the solids (cake) from the medium during each rev- olution, This presents @ clean cloth for each Yass through the slurry. Rech of the drum filtérs can be varied in a number of different ways. For instance, filter tanks can be equipped with agitators of various types to prevent segregation of feed solids, submergence of ‘the drum can be varied in an effort to affect ceke moisture, and types and methods of filter medium support can be altered, Vapor tight or vapor retaining hoods can be provided. on vacuum filters for noxious gases and sterile conditions. Another wide variation in drum filters is the method of cake discharge, whe it be scraper, wire, roll, or string. Pertaps the widest possible veriations exist in materials of construction which have run the gamut from wood to plastic, mild steel to various alloy steels, as well as rubber covered metal. ROTARY DRUM INTERIOR FILTER (oseraRoe) ¢, rrovns 11 SE Romie The internal type of rotary drum filter shown in Figure II is also known as the Dorreo filter. This filter was brought out originally by the Dorr Company. Each section goes through a cycle similar to the exterior drum type which ve just discussed. The filter, of course, as the nane implies has the cake formed on the inside of the drum shell. The cake formation is more by gravity than it is by vacuum, although the vacuum does help to form the cake. The slurry is poured in the bottom of the drum. The drum rotates and the cake which is formed then leaves the level of the slurry, and spproaches the wash section. Here, the same thing happens as in the case of the external type drum. At the top of the center position, the cake is discharged by means of filter is CY prinerily uce: slurries vhich will not form e good filtrable cake on the exterior type drun filter. It is used quite succecefully on slurries of magnetite or iron ore, and other granular heavier types of cake which are quite porous end vould be difficult to hold on an exterior type drum filter. Ametek filters using Nash vacuum pumps in a metal works, Sala drum filters in a Swedish ore processing plant use Nash vacuum pumps, age treatment plant using e Nash puap for its vaci source. Eimeo dise filters in a Svedish Taconite plant.

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