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15 20 30 40 50
Log book is present but contains Has more than 5 entries. Entries Has more than 5 entries. Entries Has more than 5 - 10 entries. Has more than 10 entries. Entries
fewer than 5 entries. No detail contain some detail about contain detailed information Entries contain detailed contain detailed information
on decision process evident. decision-making process. about decision-making. information about decision- about decision-making process
making process and some and research into scientific fact
research. or principle.

Investigation has risen from a question but Self Evaluation
1 does not have an hypothesis. May have
5 simple hypothesis, experiment but no
conclusions are drawn.
Project arises from a question and has an
2 hypothesis. An experiment is designed to
5 test it. Attempt is made to establish a Fair
Test. Simple conclusions drawn.
Project arises from a question and has a
hypothesis. An experiment is designed to
test it and some conclusions are drawn.
0 Begins to display understanding of Fair Teacher comment
testing ideas
Project arises from a question and has an
4 hypothesis. An experiment is designed to
0 test it fairly and logical conclusions are
drawn. Use of variables shown.
Project arises from a question and has an
hypothesis. An experiment is designed to
test it (in keeping with Fair Test) and
5 logical conclusions are drawn. Use of
0 variables shown. Project is neatly
presented in a logical, scientific manner
and eye-catching.
Overall Score and Achievement Grade: /100 Not Achieved Achieved Achieved with Merit Achieved with Excellence

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