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First Step

And so it is that the ages in this realm of Earth come and they pass in endless cycles within
cycles within cycles of birth, death, regeneration, and transformation. And so it is that within
these ages I walk alone throughout a myriad of lifetimes not only in this dimension but in those
dimensions beyond. Even when surrounded by others, still I have walked alone. It seems that I
have lived some sort of twisted and demented destiny in my many lives, always separated from
true joy and fulfillment and with some deranged and psychotic force guiding my steps for its
own bitter pleasure. It is a lonely road I have trod in utter isolation and anguish as I have walked
this ascension journey. And now at the end of that overwhelmingly tiring and isolated road I
stand on the precipice of a deep canyon, halted at a place from which I can not return. For as I
turn my head to gaze behind me I see that my path has disappeared and in its place is nothing.
My past is gone as the dream that is was, with only the tattered remains fluttering in my mind to
remind me. There is no going back from this point, there is no where to go back to. I peer over
the edge of the canyon casting my vision downward to the unreachable lands below. And so with
the realization there is no going back, I see that there is only a chance step into a future I can’t
seem to remember, yet there are glimmers of memory lighting my way as tiny lightning bugs
flash in the darkness around me. I take a deep breath, infusing my body with the energies
surrounding me. I hear the call of the lands below and of the future within. With another deep
breath and a whisper in my Heart I take my first step…into my future.

The air itself seems to support me as I walk through the emptiness above the canyon. Below and
what seems to be many miles away a tiny thread of silver sparkles as it flows. The lush green of
the canyon floor sends its aromas up to greet me. By my side the Eagle flies. As we soar
together out Hearts beat in the ancient rhythm of creation, the clouds engulf us and we breathe.
With the deep breath we glide through the thick white and gray of the clouds and hidden within
this forest of fog we float in the pure joy of being in this timeless space. We are free to soar
unfettered, free to scream in joy and hear our voices echo through the vastness…….. There is
one voice, the voice of my heart resounding with the echoes of a time unlived, of experiences yet
to be, and of joy beyond the veil of duality that has so long obscured the sound of my heart and
the true sight of my inner vision. The echo carries throughout the dimensions, bouncing off the
canyon walls, spiraling in every direction into….the future of humanity…..

How can it be put in words, this future of which I dream? Indeed it can not for it is an
incomprehensible concept, at least to the human mind. The human mind cannot conceive of its
own future, for it is beyond anything in human memory or in the programming of the mind.
There is nothing in any record anywhere among all the dimensions that would begin to hint at
this future I carry within my flesh. For it is only within that we discover these treasures, it is
only when we go within that we discover these potentials we placed long ago in our own future.
Now we are here incarnate and carrying the future of ourselves. We are our own future, I am my
own potential. My first step into my future is to go within and to seek my own guidance – as
within so without – as I discover my future within it expresses without. As I discover myself
within I express myself without and therein is my experience.

I am A nah Rah – Grand Master and Transformation Facilitator Extraordinaire! I come from the
Order of An Ti Rah, which would be my Oversoul to put it in linear terms. I am my future. I
carry the seed of potential that awakens and blossoms to bring forth the new human upon this
planet. The mind may pause to wonder, how can this be, that I carry my own future, even the
future of humanity. But how can it be any other way, for I am the Creator. If I came into this
place with no potential, if I carried no future there would be no expansion of consciousness. I
am my future, unknown and unexperienced until now when that lonely road I once trod in
isolation transforms with each step I take into a road of complete realization of Self. Yet I take a
breath and remember that this lonely road I walked for eons has given me ‘time’ and space to
remember who I am and what I carry. Within this density of flesh I carry the future of humanity,
just now beginning to awaken and to peek from behind its own veil, as an innocent child peers
from behind the protection of it’s mothers shielding form. The future of humanity is awakening,
and it is a potential as yet unexperiencd in any realm. The future awakens and takes the deep
breath of the unknown, breathing deeply of the chaos that is her own transformation. Divine it
is, the future and this transformation, for without the transformation there would be no future.
Only through the transformation from old to new does the future come forth. And let it be
known that if this current global experience of awakening and transformation did not happen
here on this beautiful Earth the experience would have continued elsewhere and the human
experience as we all have known it would have ceased and become a haunting and pleasant
memory buried within the immense libraries of the dimensions. Of course the human experience
as we have known it is ending, but this ending we are experiencing is but a beginning, the
beginning of the future. For there truly are no ends, there is no death, there is no ceasing to be –
there is only expansion of Consciousness, there only remains the evolution of Spirit through

At a cross road of sorts we all stand, a sort of undetermined and vaguely seen conglomeration of
various paths. This would be the time to breathe and feel into the grand potentials surrounding
you. There are roads of anger, roads of bliss, roads of joy, of struggle, of ease, roads of
nurturing, roads of companionship, roads of doubt and shame. There are roads of sunshine, of
moonglow, and soft ocean breezes. There are rocky roads and roads paved with softest grass,
water roads, cloud roads, and roads winding unseen through mountainous terrain. There are
roads that disappear, and that go deeply within the stony caverns of the sacred Earth, and roads
that are many blends of many different roads.

So it is that we all stand at a juncture in ‘time’ in this dimension, a space of choice and we would
be well advised to slow down, breathe and explore the many roads around us. For the paths are
potentials, and they are ours. For we choose our future, it is not handed down by some Being
greater than you. You are the greatest Being, as am I also. Breathe that in. You are your own
future, you carry the seeds of your own potential within you.

As I soar above the canyon I feel a new breeze blowing, bringing a wonderful refreshing to my
being. There is a new rain falling and sprinkling the atmosphere with brand new potentials. I
breathe a new breath, and the new golden sun rises tingeing the violet sky with threads of
crimson. The future has dawned within and is expressing without. Now are you ready to
continue within this future you have created? For you can not sit idly by the roadsides of this
juncture in time. This future will expand with or without your participation. Spirit will evolve
and express. From your heart, from your Soul are you ready to continue in choice within your
Future? If you are truly ready take a deep breath and take that first step into the reality of the
future of humanity that you have created. This is your dream, your overarching dream. This is
the future of humanity – welcome home!

Within your expression lies the experience of the evolution of Spirit, and know that you are truly
never alone.
I am Spirit in motion…… within the motion of expansion I express….
I am Spirit in expression…..through my expression…I am
Spirit in experience….

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