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Morphology of Premolars

Dental Anatomy & Occlusion

Dent 202
 Posterior (cheek) teeth
 Premolars

Eruption 10 – 12 years
 Premolars/bicuspids

Although some have
more than 2 cusps
 Class traits

At least 2 cusps

Single buccal cusp
with one or more lingual cusps

Molars must have at least
2 buccal cusps
Landmarks related to posterior teeth

 Cusp ridge
 Triangular ridge
 Transverse ridge
 Oblique ridge
 Pit
 Developmental groove
 Supplemental groove
 Triangular fossa
 Central fossa
Maxillary premolars
 Arch traits

1st & 2nd are much more a like while
they are different in mandibular

Have 2 major cusps approximately
equal in size & prominence

Wider BL than MD
while in mandibular BL = MD
Maxillary premolars
 Arch traits (cont’d)

Slight lingual inclination of the
crown while mandibular have
strongly lingually inclined crowns

In maxillary, lingual Height Of
Contour (HOC) is in the middle 1/3,
while it is in the occlusal 1/3 in
Maxillary 1st premolar
 Buccal aspect

Similar to that of max. canine
• slightly smaller

Similar to that of 2nd premolar
• slightly larger

Tip of buccal cusp is distal
to the MD midline

Sloping cusp ridges
• M is long & straight
• D is short & convex
Maxillary 1st premolar
 Buccal aspect

Proximal outlines and HOCs
• M is slightly concave with HOC
just occlusal to the halfway point
• D is straight, HOC is more
occlusally located than in M

Overhanging MO & DO angles
(type traits)

A small part of the M margin of
the L cusp can occasionally be
Maxillary 1st premolar
 Buccal aspect

3 lobes

MB & DB depressions
and labial ridge

CL has a slight convexity
toward root apex

Root is conical similar to
that of canine but smaller
Maxillary 1st premolar
 Lingual aspect

Entire buccal outline is
visible (type trait)

L cusp tip is mesial to the
midline of the crown

No protuberances, ridges or

• 2 apices are visible
• Interradicular groove is visible
Maxillary 1st premolar
 Mesial aspect

Buccal cusp is higher than lingual

Triangular ridges incline at 45 degrees

Mesial Marginal ridge
• Prominent
• Mesial marginal groove just lingual to the

Buccal HOC within cervical 1/3 from
which a slight lingual inclination toward
cusp apex

Lingual outline is convex with HOC within
middle 1/3

Cervical line CL is convex toward occlusal
Maxillary 1st premolar
 Mesial aspect

Mesial interradicular groove
• From the cervical 1/3 down to root
• In line with mesial marginal groove

Occlusal table is centered over root
(arch trait)

• Commonly 2 roots
• bifurcate at the junction between
middle & apical 1/3s
Maxillary 1st premolar

 Distal aspect

Similar to mesial aspect except
• More of the occlusal surface may
be seen
• No marginal groove
• No concavity in the cervical 1/3
• Distal interradicular is shallower
Maxillary 1st premolar
 Occlusal aspect

Hexagonal (type trait)

Buccal profile is inverted V

Sharp MB & DB (type trait)

Slightly convergent M & D profile
(type trait)

L profile is strongly convex

Buccal ridge & depressions are visible

Occlusal table formed by cusp &
marginal ridges

Apex of lingual cusp is mesial to the
Maxillary 1st premolar
 Occlusal aspect

Triangular ridges
• B & L are separated by the central groove
• Buccal flanked by supplemental grooves on
either sides

Central groove terminates M & D in

Triangular fossae
• Bounded by MR & B/L Triangular ridges
• M is larger & deeper
• Each fossa contains
– A pit
– B & L grooves (MB, ML, DB & DL)

Mesial MR is shorter & interrupterd
by marginal groove
Maxillary 1st premolar
 Pulp

In X-section at cervix
• Kidney shaped
• Wide BL & narrow MD

In BL section
• 2 pulp horns
• Buccal is larger

In MD section
• Similar to that of canine
Maxillary 2 premolar
nd 14

 Buccal aspect

Similar to maxillary 1st premolar

Type traits
• Smaller in breadth & height
• MO & DO angles are less prominent
15 14
• Buccal ridge & depressions are
seldom seen
 Lingual aspect

Buccal profile is seldom seen
because B & L cusps are identical
in dimensions
Maxillary 2nd premolar
15 14
 Mesial aspect

B & L cusps are equal in height

No mesial marginal groove

No concavity in the crown
of the mesial surface
15 14

A single root
 Distal aspect

B & L cusps are equal in height

A singe root
Maxillary 2nd premolar
 Occlusal aspect

Ovoid rather than hexagonal

Less convergence of M & D outlines

Because B cusp very nearly = L in MD

More rounded MB & DB corners

Apex of L cusp is in the midline

Shorter occlusal groove

More numerous supplemental groove

No mesial marginal grooves
Maxillary 2nd premolar

 Pulp

Cigar shaped X-section at cervix

Pulp horns of almost equal height

Usually a single pulp canal
Mandibular 1st premolar
 Buccal aspect

Long pointed buccal cusp in the
occlusal profile

Mesial cusp ridge is shorter than distal

Cusp tip is a little mesial to the tooth

HOCs are at the same level just
occlusal to the halfway of the crown

M & D outlines are markedly converging

CL is flat MD compared to that of canine

Buccal ridge & depressions

Root is conical with pointed apex
Mandibular 1st premolar
 Lingual aspect

Entire buccal profile and occlusal surface
are visible (type trait)

Occlusal surface, buccal triangular ridge
and marginal ridges tilt lingually & cervically
in relation to the long axis of the tooth

Buccal triangular ridge crosses midportion of the
occlusal surface

Lingual cusp is a minor elevation in height &
pointed cone in shape
• It may be centric or eccentric in relation with buccal

Root is narrower from lingual aspect & has a
blunt apex
Mandibular 1st premolar

 Mesial aspect

Occlusal plane tilted lingually
& cervically

Transverse ridge that may or may
not be separated by central groove

ML groove: MR with ML cusp ridge
(type trait)

Buccal profile shows highly lingual

Lingual profile is straight & then
convex up to the cusp tip
Mandibular 1st premolar
 Mesial aspect

Tip of lingual cusp is in line with
L outline of the root

Lingual HOC within occlusal 1/3

M contact area is in line with apex
of B cusp

Root is broad BL
 Distal aspect

D MR is more prominent & less L & C

No DL groove

Contact area is more extensive
Mandibular 1st premolar

 Occlusal aspect

Diamond in shape

Inverted V shaped B profile

M & D profiles converge

D profile is more convex

L profile is ½ MD length of B

2/3 of buccal surface with ridge
& depressions are visible
Mandibular 1st premolar
 Occlusal aspect

Occlusal table is triangular

Tip of B cusp is near the midline
of the crown

ML cusp ridge with MR is straight

DL cusp ridge with MR is convex

M MR is shorter & less prominent
with ML groove

M & D fossae, each contains
• A pit
• A groove extending BL parallel to MR
• M contains ML groove running in a
ML direction from M pit
Mandibular 1st premolar
 Pulp

ML section
• Similar to that of canine

BL section
• A large B horn &
a small L horn

X section
• Ovoid
Mandibular 2nd premolar 45 44

 Buccal aspect

Similar to Mandibular 1st premolar
 Lingual aspect

MD diameter = that from B aspect (type

Occlusal surface cannot be seen (type

Occlusal plane is perpendicular to tooth 45 44

2 lingual cusps (most commonly)
• ML – major, 2/3 MD diameter, same height
as B
• DL – minor

Lingual groove
Mandibular 2 premolar
nd 45 44

 Mesial aspect

Triangular ridges of B & ML
cusps don’t form a
continuous crest 45 44

 Distal aspect

Both lingual cusps are seen
Mandibular 2nd premolar
 Occlusal aspect

Square profile (type trait)

M & L profiles are parallel

> ½ B surface is visible

B ridge is less prominent than
that of mandibular 1st premolar
(type trait)

M & D MRs are equal in length
Mandibular 2nd premolar
 Occlusal view

Grooves (Y-shape meet at the
central pit)
• M separates B & ML triangular ridges
– runs obliquely
• L separates lingual cusps
• D separates B & DL triangular ridges

M & D triangular fossae
each contains
• A pit
• MB & DB grooves
Mandibular 2nd premolar

 Pulp

BL section
• Pulp chamber is
• Pulp horns are of
equal height

X – section
Premolars – size & eruption
Crown MD crown BL crown Tooth Age at
height diameter diameter length eruption
8.5 mm 7.0 mm 9.0 mm 23.5 mm 9 yrs
8.5 mm 7.0 mm 9.0 mm 22.5 mm 10 yrs
8.5 mm 7.0 mm 7.5 mm 22.5 mm 9 yrs
8.0 mm 7.0 mm 8.0 mm 22.5 mm 10 yrs
Curves of occlusion
 Curve of Spee
 Curve of Wilson
 Sphere of Monson
Molar Occlusal relationship

 Angle’s Class I
 Angle’s Class II
 Angle’s Class III

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