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A word’s denotation is its dictionary definition, the idea the word represents.
A word’s connotation involves the emotional associations that the word brings to
mind. It’s important to consider both denotation and connotation as you

A Identify Negative Connotations: The words in each of these pairs have

similar denotations; they could refer to the same thing. In each pair circle the
word that has a negative connotation, that brings less favorable associations to
your mind.

1. slim scrawny 4. new unproven

2. cheap inexpensive 5. thrifty miserly
3. invest gamble 6. trailer mobile home

Fill in the blank with the word that has a positive connotation.

7. The teacher ______________ me to work hard. Told Encouraged

8. He was _______________ from school. Absent Truant

9. She was ________________. Tardy Delayed

10. There was a(n) ____________________ in the hall. Uproar Noise

Identify which sentence has a positive connotation and which has a negative

11. You sure are nosy when it comes to your friend’s lives. _________________

12. You sure are curious when it comes to your friend’s lives. ________________

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