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Questioning the respondent

vs Observation

INTERNAL & PROPRIETORY DATA: Internal data from finance ,

sales & marketing and other departments of the organisation.

EXTERNAL SOURCES ( partial list):

- Books & periodicals
- Internet
- Media sources ( newspapers and magazines of the concerned
- Data released by various Govt Depts ( Census , RBI , Planning
- Stock Exchange
- concerned industry bodies (FICCI etc)
- Specific conferences, seminars
Comparison between Questioning &
Observation to Collect primary data
- Very versatile in types of data - Data collection is constrained only
collection what can be observed or heard.
- This method provides opportunity Any kind of attitude/ feelings
to the respondents for seeking survey is not possible
clarifications - The observation can be done
- The the response to the questions mechanically ( video tapes ) or
can be sought though Personal through human interface
interviews , Ordinary Mail or - This method is best for
Electronic communication conducting surveys on infants /
- Time and cooperation is required children who cannot speak
from the respondent - In this technique no extra effort is
needed from the respondent
- Not affected by the presence of
the interviewer

NATURAL VS CONTRIVED OBSERVATION :In natural observation , the customer

reactions are observed as they occur naturally in real life situations. In contrived
observation , an environment is artificially set up set up by the researcher ( audience
are shown an advertisement about a product and then taken to a mall where they are
free to choose any brand without any suggestion by the researcher. It is assumed
that effectiveness of the advertisement can be assessed by this way)

DISGUISED vs NONDISGUISED OBSERVATION: In disguised observation , the

respondents are unaware that they are being observed. Mystery shopping in the
malls is a good example of disguised observation (observers enter the mall, shop
and interact like an ordinary customer).

HUMAN vs MECHANICAL OBSERVATION: Human observation involves people taking

observations. Mechanical observation involves machines and devices taking

WEB BASED OBSERVATIONS: Web based tracking of the consumers. This is an

emerging field but is limited only to those consumers who use internet

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