Final Letter

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Not much has changed since my Midterm Reflective Letter.

I still feel that I have become more

analytical. I feel more analytical now than I did in the middle of the semester. I break papers apart one
by one. I enjoy the process that I go through now to produce a good paper.

I still think that the peer reviews were really helpful. Now that I was able to experience the
Whole class workshop I think that was the best revision method. When we did the whole class
workshops we were all able to hear different perspectives on our paper, this helped me tremendously.

My biggest challenge in this class was the analysis paper. I had a difficult time with this paper
because I wasn’t sure how to analyze an article in order to write a paper. This was one of my most
challenging topics I encountered in English 1102.

There were many positive and negative literacy techniques we used in this class. The whole
class workshops were beneficial and helped everyone get a different outlook. One of the negative
things that we faced in this class was the tedious amount of time we spent on one paper. I did not enjoy
having to spend weeks and weeks on one paper.

I still stand by my previous statement in my Midterm letter, REVISE REVISE REVISE! Revision is a
key concept that was in our class. We spent a long time on getting acquainted with revision. Revising
papers is something I never really took seriously but now I plan on using this skill for every paper I write.

I want to say thank you for introducing new ideas in helping me write my papers. There were
many new skills that were brought to my attention and are helping me become a better writer.

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